How to use TestData class of com.testsigma.model package

Best Testsigma code snippet using com.testsigma.model.TestData


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1package com.testsigma.step.processors;2import com.testsigma.automator.entity.TestDataPropertiesEntity;3import com.testsigma.dto.TestCaseEntityDTO;4import com.testsigma.dto.TestCaseStepEntityDTO;5import com.testsigma.exception.ResourceNotFoundException;6import com.testsigma.model.TestData;7import com.testsigma.model.TestDataSet;8import com.testsigma.model.TestStep;9import com.testsigma.model.TestStepDataMap;10import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;11import org.json.JSONException;12import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;13import java.util.List;14import java.util.Map;15@Log4j216public class ParameterTestDataProcessor extends TestDataProcessor{17 protected com.testsigma.model.TestDataSet testDataSet;18 protected Integer index;19 protected Long stepId;20 protected TestData testData;21 protected Map<Long, Integer> stepGroupParentForLoopStepIdIndexes;22 public static final Long OVERRIDE_STEP_GROUP_STEP_WITH_TEST_CASE_PROFILE_ID = -2l;23 String TEST_DATA_NOT_FOUND = "Test Step is not Executed Because TestData parameter is not found %s with in selected step id Test data profile.";24 private final String TEST_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE = "selected test data profile %s size %s is less than in index %s";25 private final String TEST_DATA_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "Unknown error occurred while processing test data profile %s with index %s and name %s";26 private final String STEP_GROUP_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The TestData parameter is overridden with the StepGroup TestData parameter But TestData profile is not selected";27 private final String TEST_CASE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The TestData parameter is overridden with the TestCase TestData parameter But TestData profile is not selected";28 private final String PARENT_STEP_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The TestData parameter is overridden with the parent data parameter profile but it is not available";29 private final String STEP_GROUP_OVERRIDDEN_STALE_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The TestData parameter is overridden. but it is not available";30 private final String PARENT_STEP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The TestData parameter is overridden. but it is not available";31 public ParameterTestDataProcessor(TestCaseEntityDTO testCaseEntityDTO,32 TestCaseStepEntityDTO testCaseStepEntityDTO,33 Map<Long, Integer> stepGroupParentForLoopStepIdIndexes,34 com.testsigma.model.TestDataSet testDataSet, String parameter,35 TestDataPropertiesEntity testDataPropertiesEntity,36 WebApplicationContext context) {37 super(testCaseStepEntityDTO, testCaseEntityDTO, testDataPropertiesEntity, context);38 this.testCaseEntityDTO = testCaseEntityDTO;39 this.testCaseStepEntityDTO = testCaseStepEntityDTO;40 this.stepGroupParentForLoopStepIdIndexes = stepGroupParentForLoopStepIdIndexes;41 this.testDataSet = testDataSet;42 this.parameter = parameter;43 }44 public void processTestData() {45 if(!isValueSet){46 Long testDataProfileStepId = testCaseStepEntityDTO.getTestDataProfileStepId();47 Boolean isTestCaseTestDataProfileSelected = testDataProfileStepId!= null && testDataProfileStepId == -1;48 Boolean isParentForLoopSelected = testDataProfileStepId!= null && testDataProfileStepId > 0;49 if(isTestCaseTestDataProfileSelected){50 processTestCaseParameter(testCaseEntityDTO.getId(), testCaseEntityDTO.getTestDataIndex());51 } else if(isParentForLoopSelected){52 stepId = testDataProfileStepId;53 processOverRiddenParentStepParameter();54 } else {55 processTestData(testDataSet, parameter);56 }57 }58 if(!this.isValueSet){59 setDefaultMessage();60 }61 }62 private void processOverRiddenParentStepParameter(){63 try {64 TestStep testStep = testStepService.find(stepId);65 TestData testData = testDataService.find(testStep.getForLoopTestDataId());66 processLoopParameter(testData, parameter,67 this.stepGroupParentForLoopStepIdIndexes.get(stepId));68 }catch (ResourceNotFoundException exception){69 this.exception = exception;70 log.error(exception, exception);71 setParentStepErrorMessage();72 }73 }74 public void processTestCaseParameter(Long testCaseId, Integer index) {75 try {76 TestData testData = testDataService.find(testCaseService.find(testCaseId).getTestDataId());77 processLoopParameter(testData, parameter, index);78 }catch (ResourceNotFoundException exception){79 this.exception = exception;80 log.error(exception, exception);81 setTestCaseErrorMessage();82 }83 }84 public void processLoopParameter(TestData testData, String parameter, Integer index) {85 try {86 this.index = index;87 this.parameter = parameter;88 this.testData = testData;89 processTestData(testData.getData().get(index), parameter);90 } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException indexOutOfBoundsException) {91 exception = indexOutOfBoundsException;92 setForLoopErrorMessage();93 } catch (Exception e) {94 exception = e;95 log.error(exception, exception);96 setForLoopErrorMessage();97 }98 }99 protected void processTestData(TestDataSet testDataSet, String parameter) {100 try {101 this.parameter = parameter;102 value = testDataSet.getData().getString(parameter);103 this.isValueSet = true;104 } catch (JSONException jsonException) {105 log.error(jsonException, jsonException);106 setErrorMessage();107 }108 }109 protected void setErrorMessage() {110 super.setErrorMessage();111 testCaseStepEntityDTO.setFailureMessage(String.format(TEST_DATA_NOT_FOUND, parameter));112 }113 protected void setForLoopErrorMessage() {114 super.setErrorMessage();115 if (exception instanceof IndexOutOfBoundsException)116 testCaseStepEntityDTO.setFailureMessage(String.format(TEST_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE,117 testData.getTestDataName(), testData.getData().size(), index));118 else {119 testCaseStepEntityDTO.setFailureMessage(String.format(TEST_DATA_UNKNOWN_ERROR,120 testData.getTestDataName(), index, parameter));121 }122 }123 protected void setParentStepErrorMessage() {124 super.setErrorMessage();125 testCaseStepEntityDTO.setFailureMessage(PARENT_STEP_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_MESSAGE);126 }127 protected void setStepGroupErrorMessage() {128 super.setErrorMessage();129 testCaseStepEntityDTO.setFailureMessage(STEP_GROUP_OVERRIDDEN_STALE_ERROR_MESSAGE);130 }131 protected void setTestCaseErrorMessage() {132 super.setErrorMessage();133 if(stepId == -1 && testCaseEntityDTO.getIsStepGroup())134 testCaseStepEntityDTO.setFailureMessage(STEP_GROUP_ERROR_MESSAGE);...

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...6 * ****************************************************************************7 *8 */9package com.testsigma.mapper;10import com.testsigma.dto.TestDataProfileDTO;11import com.testsigma.dto.TestDataSetDTO;12import com.testsigma.dto.export.TestDataSetXMLDTO;13import com.testsigma.dto.export.TestDataXMLDTO;14import com.testsigma.model.TestData;15import com.testsigma.model.TestDataSet;16import com.testsigma.web.request.TestDataProfileRequest;17import com.testsigma.web.request.TestDataSetRequest;18import org.json.JSONObject;19import org.mapstruct.Mapper;20import org.mapstruct.NullValueCheckStrategy;21import org.mapstruct.NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy;22import org.mapstruct.ReportingPolicy;23import java.util.ArrayList;24import java.util.HashMap;25import java.util.List;26import java.util.Map;27@Mapper(componentModel = "spring", unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.IGNORE,28 nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE,29 nullValueCheckStrategy = NullValueCheckStrategy.ALWAYS)30public interface TestDataProfileMapper {31 List<TestDataXMLDTO> mapTestData(List<TestData> test);32 List<TestDataSetXMLDTO> mapTestDataSet(List<TestDataSet> test);33 TestDataProfileDTO mapToDTO(TestData testData);34 List<TestDataProfileDTO> mapToDTO(List<TestData> testData);35 TestData map(TestDataProfileRequest request);36 default Map<String, TestDataSet> map(TestData testData) {37 Map<String, TestDataSet> testDataSetMap = new HashMap<>();38 if (testData != null) {39 for (TestDataSet testDataSet : testData.getData()) {40 testDataSetMap.put(testDataSet.getName(), testDataSet);41 }42 }43 return testDataSetMap;44 }45 default TestDataSetDTO map(TestDataSet testDataSet) {46 if (testDataSet == null) {47 return null;48 }49 TestDataSetDTO testDataSetDTO = new TestDataSetDTO();50 if (testDataSet.getName() != null) {51 testDataSetDTO.setName(testDataSet.getName());52 }53 if (testDataSet.getDescription() != null) {54 testDataSetDTO.setDescription(testDataSet.getDescription());55 }56 if (testDataSet.getExpectedToFail() != null) {57 testDataSetDTO.setExpectedToFail(testDataSet.getExpectedToFail());58 }59 if (testDataSet.getData() != null) {60 JSONObject object = testDataSet.getData();61 testDataSetDTO.setData(object);62 }63 return testDataSetDTO;64 }65 default void merge(TestDataProfileRequest testDataProfileRequest, TestData testData) {66 if (testDataProfileRequest == null) {67 return;68 }69 if (testDataProfileRequest.getTestDataName() != null) {70 testData.setTestDataName(testDataProfileRequest.getTestDataName());71 }72 List<TestDataSet> sets = new ArrayList<>();73 if (testDataProfileRequest.getData() != null) {74 sets = mapDataSet(testDataProfileRequest.getData());75 }76 testData.setData(sets);77 testData.setRenamedColumns(testDataProfileRequest.getRenamedColumns());78 }79 List<TestDataSet> mapDataSet(List<TestDataSetRequest> data);80}...

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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2import com.testsigma.model.TestData;3public class 2 {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 TestData td = new TestData();6 td.setName("Test Data");7 System.out.println(td.getName());8 td.setName("Test Data 1");9 System.out.println(td.getName());10 }11}

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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2import java.util.List;3import java.util.Map;4import java.util.Set;5import java.util.ArrayList;6import java.util.HashMap;7import java.util.HashSet;8public class TestSigmaTest {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 TestData data = new TestData();11 Map<String, Object> map = data.createMap();12 List<String> list = data.createList();13 Set<String> set = data.createSet();14 System.out.println(map);15 System.out.println(list);16 System.out.println(set);17 }18}19{a=1, b=2, c=3}

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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2public class Test{3 public static void main(String[] args){4 TestData data = new TestData();5 data.setTestData("Sample data");6 System.out.println(data.getTestData());7 }8}9package com.testsigma.model;10public class TestData{11 private String testData;12 public void setTestData(String testData){13 this.testData = testData;14 }15 public String getTestData(){16 return testData;17 }18}19public class Test{20 public static void main(String[] args){21 String str = "Hello";22 System.out.println(str);23 }24}25import java.util.*;26public class Test{27 public static void main(String[] args){28 String str = "Hello";29 System.out.println(str);30 }31}32import java.util.Date;33public class Test{34 public static void main(String[] args){35 Date date = new Date();36 System.out.println(date);37 }38}

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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2public class Test{3 public static void main(String args[]){4 TestData data = new TestData();5 data.setFirstName("John");6 data.setLastName("Doe");7 data.setAge(21);8 data.setSalary(10000);9 System.out.println("First Name: " + data.getFirstName());10 System.out.println("Last Name: " + data.getLastName());11 System.out.println("Age: " + data.getAge());12 System.out.println("Salary: " + data.getSalary());13 }14}

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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2public class Test{3 public static void main(String args[]){4 TestData td = new TestData();5 td.setTestData("Test Data");6 System.out.println("Test Data : "+td.getTestData());7 }8}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2public class TestSigmaJava {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 TestData testData = new TestData();5 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());6 }7}8import com.testsigma.model.TestData;9public class TestSigmaJava {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 TestData testData = new TestData();12 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());13 }14}15import com.testsigma.model.TestData;16public class TestSigmaJava {17 public static void main(String[] args) {18 TestData testData = new TestData();19 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());20 }21}22import com.testsigma.model.TestData;23public class TestSigmaJava {24 public static void main(String[] args) {25 TestData testData = new TestData();26 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());27 }28}29import com.testsigma.model.TestData;30public class TestSigmaJava {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 TestData testData = new TestData();33 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());34 }35}36import com.testsigma.model.TestData;37public class TestSigmaJava {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 TestData testData = new TestData();40 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());41 }42}43import com.testsigma.model.TestData;44public class TestSigmaJava {45 public static void main(String[] args) {46 TestData testData = new TestData();47 System.out.println(testData.getUrl());48 }49}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import com.testsigma.model.TestData;2import com.testsigma.model.TestData1;3class Test1{4 public static void main(String[] args){5 TestData td = new TestData();6 td.setTestData("test1");7 System.out.println(td.getTestData());8 TestData1 td1 = new TestData1();9 td1.setTestData1("test2");10 System.out.println(td1.getTestData1());11 }12}

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