How to use LocatingListHandler class of package

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...36import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;37import;38import;39import;40import;41import com.qaprosoft.carina.core.gui.AbstractUIObject;42public class ExtendedFieldDecorator implements FieldDecorator {43 private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());44 protected ElementLocatorFactory factory;45 private WebDriver webDriver;46 47 public ExtendedFieldDecorator(ElementLocatorFactory factory, WebDriver webDriver) {48 this.factory = factory;49 this.webDriver = webDriver;50 }51 public Object decorate(ClassLoader loader, Field field) {52 if ((!field.isAnnotationPresent(FindBy.class) && !field.isAnnotationPresent(ExtendedFindBy.class))53 /*54 * Enable field decorator logic only in case of55 * presence the FindBy/FindByCarina/FindByAI annotation in the56 * field57 */ ||58 !(ExtendedWebElement.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()) || AbstractUIObject.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())59 || isDecoratableList(field)) /*60 * also verify that it is ExtendedWebElement or derived from AbstractUIObject or DecoratableList61 */) {62 // returning null is ok in this method.63 return null;64 }65 ElementLocator locator;66 try {67 locator = factory.createLocator(field);68 } catch (Exception e) {69 LOGGER.error("Error while creating locator!", e);70 return null;71 }72 if (locator == null) {73 return null;74 }75 if (ExtendedWebElement.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {76 return proxyForLocator(loader, field, locator);77 }78 if (AbstractUIObject.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {79 return proxyForAbstractUIObject(loader, field, locator);80 } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {81 Type listType = getListType(field);82 if (ExtendedWebElement.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) listType)) {83 return proxyForListLocator(loader, field, locator);84 } else if (AbstractUIObject.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) listType)) {85 return proxyForListUIObjects(loader, field, locator);86 } else {87 return null;88 }89 } else {90 return null;91 }92 }93 private boolean isDecoratableList(Field field) {94 if (!List.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {95 return false;96 }97 Type listType = getListType(field);98 if (listType == null) {99 return false;100 }101 try {102 if (!(ExtendedWebElement.class.equals(listType) || AbstractUIObject.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) listType))) {103 return false;104 }105 } catch (ClassCastException e) {106 return false;107 }108 return true;109 }110 protected ExtendedWebElement proxyForLocator(ClassLoader loader, Field field, ElementLocator locator) {111 InvocationHandler handler = new LocatingElementHandler(locator);112 WebElement proxy = (WebElement) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, new Class[] { WebElement.class, WrapsElement.class, Locatable.class },113 handler);114 /**115 * Questionable place - called ExtendedWebElement constructor with no initializing searchContext116 */117 return new ExtendedWebElement(proxy, field.getName(),118 field.isAnnotationPresent(FindBy.class) || field.isAnnotationPresent(ExtendedFindBy.class)? new LocalizedAnnotations(field).buildBy() : null);119 }120 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")121 protected <T extends AbstractUIObject> T proxyForAbstractUIObject(ClassLoader loader, Field field,122 ElementLocator locator) {123 InvocationHandler handler = new LocatingElementHandler(locator);124 WebElement proxy = (WebElement) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, new Class[] { WebElement.class, WrapsElement.class, Locatable.class },125 handler);126 Class<? extends AbstractUIObject> clazz = (Class<? extends AbstractUIObject>) field.getType();127 T uiObject;128 try {129 uiObject = (T) clazz.getConstructor(WebDriver.class, SearchContext.class).newInstance(130 webDriver, proxy);131 } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {132 throw new RuntimeException(133 "Implement appropriate AbstractUIObject constructor for auto-initialization!", e);134 } catch (Exception e) {135 throw new RuntimeException("Error creating UIObject!", e);136 }137 uiObject.setName(field.getName());138 uiObject.setRootElement(proxy);139 uiObject.setRootBy(getLocatorBy(locator));140 return uiObject;141 }142 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")143 protected List<ExtendedWebElement> proxyForListLocator(ClassLoader loader, Field field, ElementLocator locator) {144 InvocationHandler handler = new LocatingListHandler(loader, locator, field);145 List<ExtendedWebElement> proxies = (List<ExtendedWebElement>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, new Class[] { List.class }, handler);146 return proxies;147 }148 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")149 protected <T extends AbstractUIObject> List<T> proxyForListUIObjects(ClassLoader loader, Field field,150 ElementLocator locator) {151 InvocationHandler handler = new AbstractUIObjectListHandler<T>((Class<?>) getListType(field), webDriver,152 locator, field.getName());153 List<T> proxies = (List<T>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, new Class[] { List.class }, handler);154 return proxies;155 }156 private Type getListType(Field field) {157 // Type erasure in Java isn't complete. Attempt to discover the generic158 // type of the list....

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...28import org.openqa.selenium.internal.WrapsElement;29import;30import;31import;32public class LocatingListHandler implements InvocationHandler {33 private final ElementLocator locator;34 private String name;35 private By by;36 private final ClassLoader loader;37 public LocatingListHandler(ClassLoader loader, ElementLocator locator, Field field){38 this.loader = loader;39 this.locator = locator;40 = field.getName();41 = new LocalizedAnnotations(field).buildBy();42 }43 public Object invoke(Object object, Method method, Object[] objects) throws Throwable {44 // Hotfix for huge and expected regression in carina: we lost managed45 // time delays with lists manipulations46 // Temporary we are going to restore explicit waiter here with hardcoded47 // timeout before we find better solution48 // Pros: super fast regression issue which block UI execution49 // Cons: there is no way to manage timeouts in this places50// if (!waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.or(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by),51// ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(by)))) {...

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1import;2import;3import org.openqa.selenium.By;4import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;5import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;6import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;7import java.util.List;8public class LocatingListHandlerExample {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 WebDriver driver = null;11 By by = null;12 List<WebElement> elements = (List<WebElement>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(13 WebElement.class.getClassLoader(),14 new Class[] {List.class},15 new LocatingListHandler(driver, by));16 }17}18import;19import org.openqa.selenium.By;20import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;21import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;22import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;23import java.util.List;24public class LocatingListHandlerExample {25 public static void main(String[] args) {26 WebDriver driver = null;27 By by = null;28 List<WebElement> elements = (List<WebElement>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(29 WebElement.class.getClassLoader(),30 new Class[] {List.class},31 new LocatingListHandler(driver, by));32 }33}34import;35import org.openqa.selenium.By;36import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;37import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;38import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;39import java.util.List;40public class LocatingListHandlerExample {41 public static void main(String[] args) {42 WebDriver driver = null;43 By by = null;44 List<WebElement> elements = (List<WebElement>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(45 WebElement.class.getClassLoader(),46 new Class[] {List.class},47 new LocatingListHandler(driver, by));48 }49}50import;51import org.openqa.selenium.By;52import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;53import

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1package;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import org.openqa.selenium.By;5import org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext;6import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;7import;8public class ExtendedBy extends By {9 private final By by;10 private final String description;11 public ExtendedBy(By by, String description) {12 = by;13 this.description = description;14 }15 public By getBy() {16 return by;17 }18 public String getDescription() {19 return description;20 }21 public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) {22 return (List<WebElement>) new LocatingListHandler(by, description).invoke(context, null);23 }24 public String toString() {25 return description;26 }27 public static ExtendedBy extendedBy(By by, String description) {28 return new ExtendedBy(by, description);29 }30 public static List<ExtendedBy> extendedBy(List<By> byList, String description) {31 List<ExtendedBy> extendedByList = new ArrayList<ExtendedBy>();32 for (By by : byList) {33 extendedByList.add(new ExtendedBy(by, description));34 }35 return extendedByList;36 }37}38package;39import java.util.List;40import org.openqa.selenium.By;41import org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext;42import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;43public class ExtendedBy extends By {44 private final By by;45 private final String description;46 public ExtendedBy(By by, String description) {47 = by;48 this.description = description;49 }50 public By getBy() {51 return by;52 }53 public String getDescription() {54 return description;55 }56 public List<WebElement> findElements(SearchContext context) {57 return by.findElements(context);58 }59 public String toString() {60 return description;61 }62 public static ExtendedBy extendedBy(By by, String description) {63 return new ExtendedBy(by, description);64 }65 public static List<ExtendedBy> extendedBy(List<By> byList, String description) {

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1import;2import;3import;4import org.openqa.selenium.By;5import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;6import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;7import;8import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;9import java.lang.reflect.Method;10import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;11import java.util.List;12public class ListHandler implements InvocationHandler {13 private final RemoteWebDriver driver;14 private final ElementLocator locator;15 public ListHandler(RemoteWebDriver driver, ElementLocator locator) {16 this.driver = driver;17 this.locator = locator;18 }19 public static List<WebElement> createList(RemoteWebDriver driver, ElementLocator locator) {20 InvocationHandler handler = new ListHandler(driver, locator);21 List<WebElement> elements = (List<WebElement>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(22 LocatingListHandler.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { List.class },23 handler);24 return elements;25 }26 public Object invoke(Object object, Method method, Object[] objects) throws Throwable {27 List<WebElement> elements = locator.findElements();28 try {29 return method.invoke(elements, objects);30 } catch (Exception e) {31 throw e.getCause();32 }33 }34}35import;36import org.openqa.selenium.By;37import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;38import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;39import;40import java.util.List;41public class LocatingListHandler implements ElementLocator {42 private final RemoteWebDriver driver;43 private final By by;44 public LocatingListHandler(RemoteWebDriver driver, By by) {45 this.driver = driver;46 = by;47 }48 public List<WebElement> findElements() {49 return ListHandler.createList(driver, this);50 }51 public WebElement findElement() {52 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(53 "Cannot locate a single element using a list locator");54 }55 public boolean isStale() {56 return false;57 }58 public By getBy() {

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1List<WebElement> elements = handler.getWrappedList();2List<WebElement> elements = handler.getWrappedList();3public class LocatingListHandler implements InvocationHandler {4 private final WebDriver driver;5 private final By locator;6 private List<WebElement> elements;7 public LocatingListHandler(WebDriver driver, By locator) {8 this.driver = driver;9 this.locator = locator;10 }11 public List<WebElement> getWrappedList() {12 return (List<WebElement>) Proxy.newProxyInstance(LocatingListHandler.class.getClassLoader(),13 new Class[]{List.class}, this);14 }15 public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {16 if ("get".equals(method.getName())) {17 if (elements == null) {18 elements = driver.findElements(locator);19 }20 return elements.get((Integer) args[0]);21 } else if ("size".equals(method.getName())) {22 if (elements == null) {23 elements = driver.findElements(locator);24 }25 return elements.size();26 } else if ("clear".equals(method.getName())) {27 if (elements == null) {28 elements = driver.findElements(locator);29 }30 elements.clear();31 return null;32 } else if ("addAll".equals(method.getName())) {33 if (elements == null) {34 elements = driver.findElements(locator);35 }36 return elements.addAll((Collection<? extends WebElement>) args[0]);37 } else if ("removeAll".equals(method.getName())) {38 if (elements == null) {39 elements = driver.findElements(locator);40 }41 return elements.removeAll((Collection<?>) args[0]);42 } else if ("containsAll".equals(method.getName())) {43 if (elements == null) {44 elements = driver.findElements(locator);45 }46 return elements.containsAll((Collection<?>) args[0]);47 } else if ("retainAll".equals(method.getName())) {48 if (elements == null) {49 elements = driver.findElements(locator);50 }

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