Best Karate code snippet using
...48import asura.ui.karate.KarateRunner;49/**50 * @author pthomas351 */52public class Chrome extends DevToolsDriver {53 private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Chrome.class);54 public static final String DEFAULT_PATH_MAC = "/Applications/Google Chrome";55 public static final String DEFAULT_PATH_WIN = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe";56 public static final String DEFAULT_PATH_LINUX = "/usr/bin/google-chrome";57 public Driver parent; // used in 'DriverPoolActor'58 public ScenarioEngine engine;59 public Boolean inject;60 public Consumer<Map<String, Object>> filter;61 public Chrome(DriverOptions options, Command command, String webSocketUrl) {62 super(options, command, webSocketUrl);63 }64 // èªå®ä¹65 public Chrome(DriverOptions options, Command command, String webSocketUrl,66 ScenarioEngine engine, Boolean inject, Consumer<Map<String, Object>> filter67 ) {68 super(options, command, webSocketUrl);69 this.engine = engine;70 this.inject = inject;71 this.filter = filter;72 if (this.inject && this.engine != null) {73 this.engine.setDriver(this);74 }75 client.setTextHandler(text -> {76 Map<String, Object> map = Json.of(text).value();77 DevToolsMessage dtm = new DevToolsMessage(this, map);78 if (this.filter != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(dtm.getMethod())) {79 this.filter.accept(map);80 }81 receive(dtm);82 return false; // no async signalling, for normal use, e.g. chrome developer tools83 });84 }85 public void closeClient() {86 client.close();87 }88 public void enableLog() {89 method("Log.enable").send();90 }91 public void enableDom() {92 method("DOM.enable").send();93 }94 public void setDiscoverTargets() {95 method("Target.setDiscoverTargets").param("discover", true).send();96 }97 public String screenshotAsBase64() {98 Variable result = method("Page.captureScreenshot").send().getResult("data");99 if (result != null) {100 return result.getAsString();101 } else {102 return null;103 }104 }105 public DevToolsMessage openNewPage(String url) {106 return method("Target.createTarget")107 .param("url", url)108 .param("newWindow", false)109 .param("background", true)110 .send();111 }112 public List<Map<String, Object>> getJsonPageTargets() {113 Http http = options.getHttp();114 Command.waitForHttp(http.urlBase + "/json");115 Response res = http.path("json").get();116 List<Map<String, Object>> targets = res.json().asList();117 return targets;118 }119 public void goToTop(Integer idx) {120 List<Map<String, Object>> targets = getJsonPageTargets();121 if (targets.size() > idx) {122 Map<String, Object> target = targets.get(idx);123 reconnect((String) target.get("webSocketDebuggerUrl"));124 } else {125 throw new RuntimeException("only " + targets.size() + " pages.");126 }127 }128 public void switchPage2(String urlOrTitle) {129 if (urlOrTitle.matches("-?(0|[1-9]\\d*)")) { // nums130 goToTop(Integer.parseInt(urlOrTitle));131 } else {132 List<Map<String, Object>> targets = getJsonPageTargets();133 for (Map target : targets) {134 String targetUrl = (String) target.get("url");135 String targetTitle = (String) target.get("title");136 if (targetUrl.contains(urlOrTitle) || targetTitle.contains(urlOrTitle)) {137 reconnect((String) target.get("webSocketDebuggerUrl"));138 break;139 }140 }141 }142 }143 public void closeOthers() {144 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Target.getTargets").send();145 List<Map> targets = dtm.getResult("targetInfos").getValue();146 if (targets != null) {147 targets.forEach(target -> {148 if ("page".equals(target.get("type"))) {149 String targetId = target.getOrDefault("targetId", "").toString();150 if (!rootFrameId.equals(targetId)) {151 method("Target.closeTarget").param("targetId", targetId).sendWithoutWaiting();152 }153 }154 });155 }156 }157 public void sendKey(char c, int modifiers, String type, Integer keyCode) {158 DevToolsMessage dtm = method("Input.dispatchKeyEvent")159 .param("modifiers", modifiers)160 .param("type", type);161 if (keyCode == null) {162 dtm.param("text", c + "");163 } else {164 switch (keyCode) {165 case 13:166 dtm.param("text", "\r"); // important ! \n does NOT work for chrome167 break;168 case 9: // TAB169 if ("char".equals(type)) {170 return; // special case171 }172 dtm.param("text", "");173 break;174 case 46: // DOT175 if ("rawKeyDown".equals(type)) {176 dtm.param("type", "keyDown"); // special case177 }178 dtm.param("text", ".");179 break;180 default:181 dtm.param("text", c + "");182 }183 dtm.param("windowsVirtualKeyCode", keyCode);184 }185 dtm.send();186 }187 public void input(String value) {188 Input input = new Input(value);189 while (input.hasNext()) {190 char c =;191 int modifiers = input.getModifierFlags();192 Integer keyCode = Keys.code(c);193 if (keyCode != null) {194 sendKey(c, modifiers, "rawKeyDown", keyCode);195 sendKey(c, modifiers, "char", keyCode);196 sendKey(c, modifiers, "keyUp", keyCode);197 } else {198 sendKey(c, modifiers, "char", -1);199 }200 }201 }202 public static void loadOverride() {203"use override chrome");204 }205 @Override206 public void quit() {207 DriverProvider provider = DriverOptions.getDriverProvider();208 if (provider != null) {209 provider.release(this);210 } else {211 super.quit();212 }213 }214 public void quit(Boolean force) {215 if (force) {216 super.quit();217 }218 }219 public static Chrome start(Map<String, Object> map, ScenarioRuntime sr) {220 DriverOptions options = new DriverOptions(map, sr, 9222,221 FileUtils.isOsWindows() ? DEFAULT_PATH_WIN : FileUtils.isOsMacOsX() ? DEFAULT_PATH_MAC : DEFAULT_PATH_LINUX);222 options.arg("--remote-debugging-port=" + options.port);223 options.arg("--no-first-run");224 options.arg("--disable-translate");225 options.arg("--disable-notifications");226 options.arg("--disable-infobars");227 options.arg("--disable-gpu");228 options.arg("--dbus-stub");229 options.arg("--disable-dev-shm-usage");230 if (options.userDataDir != null) {231 options.arg("--user-data-dir=" + options.userDataDir);232 }233 options.arg("--disable-popup-blocking");234 if (options.headless) {235 options.arg("--headless");236 }237 Command command = options.startProcess();238 String webSocketUrl = null;239 if (map.containsKey("debuggerUrl")) {240 webSocketUrl = (String) map.get("debuggerUrl");241 } else {242 Object targetId = map.get("targetId");243 Object startUrl = map.get("startUrl");244 Object top = map.get("top");245 Http http = options.getHttp();246 Command.waitForHttp(http.urlBase + "/json");247 Response res = http.path("json").get();248 if (res.json().asList().isEmpty()) {249 if (command != null) {250 command.close(true);251 }252 throw new RuntimeException("chrome server returned empty list from " + http.urlBase);253 }254 List<Map<String, Object>> targets = res.json().asList();255 for (Map<String, Object> target : targets) {256 String targetUrl = (String) target.get("url");257 if (targetUrl == null || targetUrl.startsWith("chrome-")) {258 continue;259 }260 if (top != null && top.equals(true)) {261 webSocketUrl = (String) target.get("webSocketDebuggerUrl");262 break;263 } else if (targetId != null) {264 if (targetId.equals(target.get("id"))) {265 webSocketUrl = (String) target.get("webSocketDebuggerUrl");266 break;267 }268 } else if (startUrl != null) {269 String targetTitle = (String) target.get("title");270 if (targetUrl.contains(startUrl.toString()) || targetTitle.contains(startUrl.toString())) {271 webSocketUrl = (String) target.get("webSocketDebuggerUrl");272 break;273 }274 } else {275 String targetType = (String) target.get("type");276 if (!"page".equals(targetType)) {277 continue;278 }279 webSocketUrl = (String) target.get("webSocketDebuggerUrl");280 if (options.attach == null) { // take the first281 break;282 }283 if (targetUrl.contains(options.attach)) {284 break;285 }286 }287 }288 }289 if (webSocketUrl == null) {290 throw new RuntimeException("failed to attach to chrome debug server");291 }292 Boolean inject = (Boolean) map.getOrDefault("_inject", false);293 Consumer<Map<String, Object>> filter = (Consumer<Map<String, Object>>) map.getOrDefault("_filter", null);294 Chrome chrome = new Chrome(options, command, webSocketUrl, sr.engine, inject, filter);295 chrome.activate();296 chrome.enablePageEvents();297 chrome.enableRuntimeEvents();298 chrome.enableTargetEvents();299 chrome.enableLog();300 chrome.setDiscoverTargets();301 if (!options.headless) {302 chrome.initWindowIdAndState();303 }304 return chrome;305 }306 public static Chrome start(Boolean start, Consumer<Map<String, Object>> filter, Boolean inject) {307 Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap();308 options.put("start", start);309 options.put("_inject", inject);310 options.put("_filter", filter);311 return Chrome.start(options, KarateRunner.buildScenarioEngine().runtime);312 }313 public static Chrome start(Map<String, Object> options, Consumer<Map<String, Object>> filter, Boolean inject) {314 options.put("_inject", inject);315 options.put("_filter", filter);316 return Chrome.start(options, KarateRunner.buildScenarioEngine().runtime);317 }318 public static Chrome start(Map<String, Object> options, ScenarioEngine engine, Consumer<Map<String, Object>> filter,319 Boolean inject) {320 options.put("_inject", inject);321 options.put("_filter", filter);322 return Chrome.start(options, engine.runtime);323 }324 public static Chrome start(String chromeExecutablePath, boolean headless) {325 Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap();326 options.put("executable", chromeExecutablePath);327 options.put("headless", headless);328 return Chrome.start(options, null);329 }330 public static Chrome start(Map<String, Object> options) {331 if (options == null) {332 options = new HashMap();333 }334 return Chrome.start(options, null);335 }336 public static Chrome start() {337 return start(null);338 }339 public static Chrome startHeadless() {340 return start(Collections.singletonMap("headless", true));341 }342}...
Using AI Code Generation
1Chrome chrome = Chrome.start()2Firefox firefox = Firefox.start()3Safari safari = Safari.start()4Edge edge = Edge.start()5PhantomJS phantomJS = PhantomJS.start()6IEDriver ieDriver = IEDriver.start()7OperaDriver operaDriver = OperaDriver.start()8AndroidDriver androidDriver = AndroidDriver.start()9IOSDriver iosDriver = IOSDriver.start()10HtmlUnitDriver htmlUnitDriver = HtmlUnitDriver.start()11RemoteWebDriver remoteWebDriver = RemoteWebDriver.start()12WebKitDriver webKitDriver = WebKitDriver.start()13WebDriver webDriver = WebDriver.start()14ChromeOptions chromeOptions = ChromeOptions.start()15FirefoxOptions firefoxOptions = FirefoxOptions.start()16SafariOptions safariOptions = SafariOptions.start()17EdgeOptions edgeOptions = EdgeOptions.start()18PhantomJSOptions phantomJSOptions = PhantomJSOptions.start()
Using AI Code Generation
1* def driver =* driver.findElement('name', 'q').sendKeys('karate')3* driver.findElement('name', 'q').sendKeys('\n')4* driver.findElement('linkText', 'Karate - API Testing for the Enterprise').click()5* driver.findElement('linkText', 'docs').click()6* driver.findElement('linkText', 'Quickstart').click()7* driver.getTitle() == 'Quickstart - Karate'8* driver.quit()
Using AI Code Generation
1def chrome = firefox = edge = safari = chrome = firefox = edge = safari = chrome = firefox =
Using AI Code Generation
1* def driver = new* def title = driver.getTitle()3* driver.quit()4var driver = new title = driver.getTitle()6print(title)7driver.quit()8WebDriver driver = new Chrome();9String title = driver.getTitle();10System.out.println(title);11driver.quit();
Using AI Code Generation
1Chrome chrome = Chrome.start()2chrome.type('#lst-ib', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')4chrome.waitForVisible('h3.r a')'h3.r a')6chrome.waitForVisible('h1')7chrome.close()8Firefox firefox = Firefox.start()9firefox.type('#lst-ib', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')11firefox.waitForVisible('h3.r a')'h3.r a')13firefox.waitForVisible('h1')14firefox.close()15InternetExplorer ie = InternetExplorer.start()16ie.type('#lst-ib', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')18ie.waitForVisible('h3.r a')'h3.r a')20ie.waitForVisible('h1')21ie.close()22Safari safari = Safari.start()23safari.type('#lst-ib', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')25safari.waitForVisible('h3.r a')'h3.r a')27safari.waitForVisible('h1')28safari.close()29PhantomJS phantom = PhantomJS.start()30phantom.type('#lst-ib', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')32phantom.waitForVisible('h3.r a')'h3.r a')34phantom.waitForVisible('h1')35phantom.close()36HtmlUnit htmlUnit = HtmlUnit.start()37htmlUnit.type('#lst-ib', 'karate')'input[value="Google Search"]')39htmlUnit.waitForVisible('h3.r a')'h3.r a')41htmlUnit.waitForVisible('h1')
Using AI Code Generation
1def chrome = firefox = safari = edge = phantomjs = opera = android = ios = remote = htmlunit =
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