Best Karate code snippet using
...29import;30import;31import;32import;33import;34import;35import;36import;37import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;38import java.lang.reflect.Method;39import java.text.DecimalFormat;40import java.text.NumberFormat;41import java.util.ArrayList;42import java.util.Collections;43import java.util.Iterator;44import java.util.List;45import java.util.Locale;46import java.util.Map;47import org.w3c.dom.Document;48import org.w3c.dom.Element;49import;50import;51import java.util.Collection;52import java.util.HashMap;53/**54 *55 * @author pthomas356 */57public class Engine {58 private Engine() {59 // only static methods60 }61 private static final Collection<MethodPattern> PATTERNS;62 static {63 Map<String, MethodPattern> temp = new HashMap();64 List<MethodPattern> overwrite = new ArrayList();65 for (Method method : StepActions.class.getMethods()) {66 When when = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(When.class);67 if (when != null) {68 String regex = when.value();69 temp.put(regex, new MethodPattern(method, regex));70 } else {71 Action action = method.getDeclaredAnnotation(Action.class);72 if (action != null) {73 String regex = action.value();74 overwrite.add(new MethodPattern(method, regex));75 }76 }77 }78 for (MethodPattern mp : overwrite) {79 temp.put(mp.regex, mp);80 }81 PATTERNS = temp.values();82 }83 private static final double MILLION = 1000000;84 private static final double BILLION = 1000000000;85 public static double nanosToSeconds(long nanos) {86 return (double) nanos / BILLION;87 }88 public static double nanosToMillis(long nanos) {89 return (double) nanos / MILLION;90 }91 public static FeatureResult executeFeatureSync(String env, Feature feature, String tagSelector, CallContext callContext) {92 FeatureContext featureContext = new FeatureContext(env, feature, tagSelector);93 if (callContext == null) {94 callContext = new CallContext(null, true);95 }96 ExecutionContext exec = new ExecutionContext(null, System.currentTimeMillis(), featureContext, callContext, null, null, null);97 FeatureExecutionUnit unit = new FeatureExecutionUnit(exec);98;99 return exec.result;100 }101 private static final String UNKNOWN = "-unknown-";102 public static String getFeatureName(Step step) {103 if (step.getScenario() == null) {104 return UNKNOWN;105 }106 return step.getScenario().getFeature().getPath().getFileName().toString();107 }108 public static final ThreadLocal<ScenarioContext> THREAD_CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal();109 public static Result executeStep(Step step, Actions actions) {110 String text = step.getText();111 List<MethodMatch> matches = findMethodsMatching(text);112 if (matches.isEmpty()) {113 KarateException e = new KarateException("no step-definition method match found for: " + text);114 return Result.failed(0, e, step);115 } else if (matches.size() > 1) {116 KarateException e = new KarateException("more than one step-definition method matched: " + text + " - " + matches);117 return Result.failed(0, e, step);118 }119 MethodMatch match = matches.get(0);120 Object last;121 if (step.getDocString() != null) {122 last = step.getDocString();123 } else if (step.getTable() != null) {124 last = step.getTable().getRowsAsMaps();125 } else {126 last = null;127 }128 Object[] args;129 try {130 args = match.convertArgs(last);131 } catch (Exception ee) { // edge case where user error causes [request =] to match [request docstring]132 KarateException e = new KarateException("no step-definition method match found for: " + text);133 return Result.failed(0, e, step);134 }135 long startTime = System.nanoTime();136 try { 137 match.method.invoke(actions, args);138 return Result.passed(getElapsedTime(startTime));139 } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // target will be KarateException140 if (e.getTargetException() instanceof KarateAbortException) {141 return Result.aborted(getElapsedTime(startTime));142 } else {143 return Result.failed(getElapsedTime(startTime), e.getTargetException(), step);144 }145 } catch (Exception e) {146 return Result.failed(getElapsedTime(startTime), e, step);147 }148 }149 public static File saveResultJson(String targetDir, FeatureResult result, String fileName) {150 List<Map> single = Collections.singletonList(result.toMap());151 String json = JsonUtils.toJson(single);152 if (fileName == null) {153 fileName = result.getPackageQualifiedName() + ".json";...
...25import;26import;27import;28import;29import;30import java.util.ArrayList;31import java.util.Collections;32import java.util.HashMap;33import java.util.Iterator;34import java.util.List;35import java.util.Map;36/**37 *38 * @author pthomas339 */40public class FeatureResult {41 private final Feature feature;42 private final String displayName;43 private final List<ScenarioResult> scenarioResults = new ArrayList();44 private int scenarioCount;45 private int failedCount;46 private List<Throwable> errors;47 private double durationMillis;48 private ScriptValueMap resultVars;49 private Map<String, Object> callArg;50 private int loopIndex;51 public void printStats(String reportPath) {52 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();53 sb.append("---------------------------------------------------------\n");54 sb.append("feature: ").append(feature.getRelativePath()).append('\n');55 if (reportPath != null) {56 sb.append("report: ").append(reportPath).append('\n');57 }58 sb.append(String.format("scenarios: %2d | passed: %2d | failed: %2d | time: %.4f\n", scenarioCount, scenarioCount - failedCount, failedCount, durationMillis / 1000));59 sb.append("---------------------------------------------------------");60 System.out.println(sb);61 }62 public Map<String, Object> toMap() {63 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap(8);64 List<Map> list = new ArrayList(scenarioResults.size());65 map.put("elements", list);66 for (ScenarioResult re : scenarioResults) {67 if (re.getScenario().getFeature().isBackgroundPresent()) {68 list.add(re.backgroundToMap());69 }70 list.add(re.toMap());71 }72 map.put("keyword", Feature.KEYWORD);73 map.put("line", feature.getLine());74 map.put("uri", displayName);75 map.put("name", displayName);76 map.put("id", StringUtils.toIdString(feature.getName()));77 String temp = feature.getName() == null ? "" : feature.getName();78 if (feature.getDescription() != null) {79 temp = temp + "\n" + feature.getDescription();80 }81 map.put("description", temp.trim());82 if (feature.getTags() != null) {83 map.put("tags", Tags.toResultList(feature.getTags()));84 }85 return map;86 }87 // this "flattens" all steps from all scenarios88 public List<StepResult> getStepResults() {89 List<StepResult> list = new ArrayList();90 for (ScenarioResult sr : scenarioResults) {91 list.addAll(sr.getStepResults());92 }93 return list;94 }95 public FeatureResult(Feature feature) {96 this.feature = feature;97 displayName = FileUtils.removePrefix(feature.getRelativePath());98 }99 public Feature getFeature() {100 return feature;101 }102 public String getPackageQualifiedName() {103 return feature.getResource().getPackageQualifiedName();104 }105 public String getDisplayUri() {106 return displayName;107 }108 public KarateException getErrorsCombined() {109 if (errors == null) {110 return null;111 }112 if (errors.size() == 1) {113 Throwable error = errors.get(0);114 if (error instanceof KarateException) {115 return (KarateException) error;116 } else {117 return new KarateException("call failed", error);118 }119 }120 return new KarateException(getErrorMessages());121 }122 public String getErrorMessages() {123 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();124 Iterator<Throwable> iterator = errors.iterator();125 while (iterator.hasNext()) {126 Throwable error =;127 sb.append(error.getMessage());128 if (iterator.hasNext()) {129 sb.append('\n');130 }131 }132 return sb.toString();133 }134 public String getCallName() {135 String append = loopIndex == -1 ? "" : "[" + loopIndex + "] ";136 return append + displayName;137 }138 public String getCallArgPretty() {139 if (callArg == null) {140 return null;141 }142 Map temp = JsonUtils.removeCyclicReferences(callArg);143 return JsonUtils.toPrettyJsonString(JsonUtils.toJsonDoc(temp));144 }145 public Map<String, Object> getCallArg() {146 return callArg;147 }148 public void setCallArg(Map<String, Object> callArg) {149 this.callArg = callArg;150 }151 public int getLoopIndex() {152 return loopIndex;153 }154 public void setLoopIndex(int loopIndex) {155 this.loopIndex = loopIndex;156 }157 public double getDurationMillis() {158 return durationMillis;159 }160 public int getFailedCount() {161 return failedCount;162 }163 public int getScenarioCount() {164 return scenarioCount;165 }166 public boolean isFailed() {167 return errors != null && !errors.isEmpty();168 }169 public List<Throwable> getErrors() {170 return errors;171 }172 public Map<String, Object> getResultAsPrimitiveMap() {173 if (resultVars == null) {174 return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;175 }176 return resultVars.toPrimitiveMap();177 }178 public void setResultVars(ScriptValueMap resultVars) {179 this.resultVars = resultVars;180 }181 private void addError(Throwable error) {182 failedCount++;183 if (errors == null) {184 errors = new ArrayList();185 }186 errors.add(error);187 }188 public void addResult(ScenarioResult result) {189 scenarioResults.add(result);190 durationMillis += Engine.nanosToMillis(result.getDurationNanos());191 scenarioCount++;192 if (result.isFailed()) {193 Scenario scenario = result.getScenario();194 if (scenario.isOutline()) {195 Throwable error = result.getError();196 Throwable copy = new KarateException(scenario.getDisplayMeta() + " " + error.getMessage());197 copy.setStackTrace(error.getStackTrace());198 addError(copy);199 } else {200 addError(result.getError());201 } 202 }203 }204 public List<ScenarioResult> getScenarioResults() {205 return scenarioResults;206 }207}...
...22 * THE SOFTWARE.23 */24package;25import;26import;27import java.util.function.BiConsumer;28/**29 *30 * @author pthomas331 */32public class AsyncResult implements BiConsumer<ScriptValueMap, KarateException> {33 public ScriptValueMap vars;34 public KarateException error;35 36 @Override37 public void accept(ScriptValueMap vars, KarateException error) {38 this.vars = vars;39 this.error = error;40 }41 42}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import;3import;4import org.junit.runner.RunWith;5@RunWith(Karate.class)6@KarateOptions(tags = {"~@ignore"})7public class TestRunner {8}9[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ karate-demo ---10[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ karate-demo ---11[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ karate-demo ---12[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ karate-demo ---13[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ karate-demo ---
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import;3public class KarateExceptionDemo {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 try {6 throw new KarateException("KarateExceptionDemo");7 } catch (KarateException e) {8 System.out.println(e.getMessage());9 }10 }11}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {3 public KarateException(String message) {4 super(message);5 }6 public KarateException(String message, Throwable cause) {7 super(message, cause);8 }9}10package;11public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {12 public KarateException(String message) {13 super(message);14 }15 public KarateException(String message, Throwable cause) {16 super(message, cause);17 }18}19package;20public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {21 public KarateException(String message) {22 super(message);23 }24 public KarateException(String message, Throwable cause) {25 super(message, cause);26 }27}28package;29public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {30 public KarateException(String message) {31 super(message);32 }33 public KarateException(String message, Throwable cause) {34 super(message, cause);35 }36}37package;38public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {39 public KarateException(String message) {40 super(message);41 }42 public KarateException(String message, Throwable cause) {43 super(message, cause);44 }45}46package;47public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {48 public KarateException(String message) {49 super(message);50 }51 public KarateException(String message, Throwable cause) {52 super(message, cause);53 }54}55package;56public class KarateException extends RuntimeException {57 public KarateException(String message) {58 super(message);59 }
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class 4 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 KarateException ke = new KarateException("KarateException");5 System.out.println(ke.getMessage());6 }7}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class 4{3 public static void main(String[] args){4 try{5 throw new KarateException("karate exception");6 }catch(KarateException e){7 System.out.println("message is: "+e.getMessage());8 }9 }10}11import;12public class 5{13 public static void main(String[] args){14 try{15 throw new KarateException("karate exception", new NullPointerException("null pointer exception"));16 }catch(KarateException e){17 System.out.println("message is: "+e.getMessage());18 System.out.println("cause is: "+e.getCause());19 }20 }21}22import;23public class 6{24 public static void main(String[] args){25 try{26 throw new KarateException("karate exception", new NullPointerException("null pointer exception"), true, true);27 }catch(KarateException e){28 System.out.println("message is: "+e.getMessage());29 System.out.println("cause is: "+e.getCause());30 System.out.println("suppressed is: "+e.getSuppressed());31 System.out.println("stacktrace is: "+e.getStackTrace());32 }33 }34}35import;36public class 7{37 public static void main(String[] args){38 try{39 throw new KarateException("karate exception", new NullPointerException("null pointer exception"), true, true);40 }catch(KarateException e){41 System.out.println("message is: "+e.getMessage());42 System.out.println("cause is: "+e.getCause());
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import;3import;4import;5import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;6import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag;7import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tags;8import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;9import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle;10@KarateOptions(tags = "@demo")11@Tags({@Tag("demo"), @Tag("demo1")})12@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)13public class KarateRunner {14 public void before() {15 System.setProperty("karate.env", "mock");16 }17 public Karate testUsers() {18 return"classpath:com/karate/demo/feature/demo.feature")19 .tags("@demo")20 .relativeTo(getClass());21 }22 public void testException() {23 throw new KarateException("Test Exception");24 }25}26import;27import;28import;29import;30import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;31import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag;32import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tags;33import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance;34import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance.Lifecycle;35@KarateOptions(tags = "@demo")36@Tags({@Tag("demo"), @Tag("demo1")})37@TestInstance(Lifecycle.PER_CLASS)38public class KarateRunner {39 public void before() {40 System.setProperty("karate.env", "mock");41 }42 public Karate testUsers() {43 return"classpath:com/karate/demo/feature/demo.feature")44 .tags("@demo")45 .relativeTo(getClass());46 }47 public void testException() {48 throw new KarateException("Test Exception");49 }50}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import org.junit.Test;3public class 4 {4 public void test() {5 try {6 throw new KarateException("karate exception");7 } catch (KarateException e) {8 System.out.println("exception: " + e);9 }10 }11}12import;13import org.junit.Test;14public class 5 {15 public void test() {16 try {17 throw new KarateException("karate exception", new RuntimeException("runtime exception"));18 } catch (KarateException e) {19 System.out.println("exception: " + e);20 System.out.println("message: " + e.getMessage());21 System.out.println("cause: " + e.getCause());22 }23 }24}25import;26import org.junit.Test;27public class 6 {28 public void test() {29 try {30 throw new KarateException("karate exception", new RuntimeException("runtime exception"));31 } catch (KarateException e) {32 System.out.println("exception: " + e);33 System.out.println("message: " + e.getMessage());34 System.out.println("cause: " + e.getCause());35 System.out.println("cause message: " + e.getCause().getMessage());36 }37 }38}39import;40import org.junit.Test;41public class 7 {42 public void test() {43 try {44 throw new KarateException("karate exception", new RuntimeException("runtime exception"));45 } catch (KarateException e) {46 System.out.println("exception: " + e);
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2public class 4 {3public static void main(String[] args) {4KarateException ke = new KarateException("KarateException");5System.out.println(ke.getMessage());6}7}
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