How to use SpecBuilderInside class of package

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...129 Edge closestBottomEdge = rayCastBottom(pin, new Edge(pin, points[3], points[2]), edges.getBottomEdges());130 Edge closestTopEdge = rayCastTop(pin, new Edge(pin, points[0], points[1]), edges.getTopEdges());131 CompositeSpecBuilder compositeSpecBuilder = new CompositeSpecBuilder();132 allSpecBuilders.put(pin.getPageItem().getName(), compositeSpecBuilder);133 SpecBuilderInside sbInside = new SpecBuilderInside(pin, pin.getParent());134 compositeSpecBuilder.add(sbInside);135 if (closestRightEdge != null) {136 if (closestRightEdge.itemNode == pin.getParent()) {137 closestRightEdge.itemNode.updateMinimalPaddingRight(closestRightEdge.p1.getLeft() - points[1].getLeft());138 sbInside.addRightEdge();139 } else {140 compositeSpecBuilder.add(new SpecBuilderLeftOf(pin.getPageItem(), closestRightEdge));141 }142 }143 if (closestLeftEdge != null) {144 if (closestLeftEdge.itemNode == pin.getParent()) {145 closestLeftEdge.itemNode.updateMinimalPaddingLeft(points[0].getLeft() - closestLeftEdge.p1.getLeft());146 sbInside.addLeftEdge();147 } else {...

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...122 public SBIEdgeResult build(PageItemNode parent, Point[] points, SpecGeneratorOptions options) {123 return this.distanceFunc.apply(parent, points, options);124 }125}126public class SpecBuilderInside implements SpecBuilder {127 public static final String S_INSIDE = "s_inside";128 private final Point[] points;129 private final PageItemNode parent;130 private final PageItemNode itemNode;131 private List<SBIEdge> sbiEdges = new LinkedList<>();132 public SpecBuilderInside(PageItemNode itemNode, PageItemNode parent) {133 this.itemNode = itemNode;134 this.points = itemNode.getPageItem().getArea().getPoints();135 this.parent = parent;136 }137 @Override138 public String getName() {139 return S_INSIDE;140 }141 @Override142 public String[] getArgs() {143 return new String[] {itemNode.getPageItem().getName(), parent.getPageItem().getName()};144 }145 @Override146 public List<SpecStatement> buildSpecs(List<SpecFilter> excludedFilters, SpecGeneratorOptions options) {147 List<SpecAssertion> assertions = new LinkedList<>();148 boolean isPartly = false;149 for (Point p: points) {150 int offset = parent.getPageItem().getArea().calculatePointOffsetDistance(p);151 if (offset > 0) {152 isPartly = true;153 }154 }155 StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("inside ");156 if (isPartly) {157 s.append("partly ");158 }159 s.append(parent.getPageItem().getName());160 if (!sbiEdges.isEmpty()) {161 s.append(" ");162 final boolean[] isFirst = {true};163 Collections.sort(sbiEdges, (a, b) -> a.order > b.order? 1: -1);164 Stream<SBIEdgeResult> resultStream = .map(se ->, points, options));166 if (!isPartly) {167 resultStream = resultStream.filter(r -> !r.isRedundant);168 }169 List<Pair<String, List<SBIEdgeResult>>> groupedResults = resultStream170 .collect(groupingBy(r -> r.validation, toList()))171 .entrySet().stream()172 .map(e -> new ImmutablePair<>(e.getKey(), e.getValue())).collect(toList());173 Collections.sort(groupedResults, (a, b) -> a.getKey().startsWith(">") ? 1: -1);174 groupedResults.forEach(pair -> {175 if (!isFirst[0]) {176 s.append(", ");177 }178 s.append(pair.getKey());179 for (SBIEdgeResult result: pair.getValue()) {180 s.append(' ').append(result.edgeName);181 assertions.add(new SpecAssertion(new AssertionEdge(itemNode.getPageItem().getName(), result.assertionEdge.getEdgeType()), result.assertionEdge));182 }183 isFirst[0] = false;184 });185 }186 return singletonList(new SpecStatement(s.toString().trim(), assertions));187 }188 public SpecBuilderInside addRightEdge() {189 sbiEdges.add(RIGHT);190 return this;191 }192 public SpecBuilderInside addLeftEdge() {193 sbiEdges.add(LEFT);194 return this;195 }196 public SpecBuilderInside addBottomEdge() {197 sbiEdges.add(BOTTOM);198 return this;199 }200 public SpecBuilderInside addTopEdge() {201 sbiEdges.add(TOP);202 return this;203 }204}...

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...14* limitations under the License.15******************************************************************************/​16package;17import com.galenframework.generator.*;18import;19import;20import;21import org.testng.annotations.Test;22import java.util.List;23import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;24import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;25import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder;26import static;27public class SpecBuilderInsideTest {28 private static final PageItemNode HEADER_ITEM_NODE = new PageItemNode(new PageItem("header", new Rect(10, 10, 980, 100)));29 public static final PageItemNode SCREEN_ITEM_NODE = new PageItemNode(new PageItem("screen", new Rect(0, 0, 1000, 500)));30 @Test31 public void should_build_spec_inside_without_any_edges() {32 SpecBuilderInside sbi = new SpecBuilderInside(HEADER_ITEM_NODE, SCREEN_ITEM_NODE);33 List<SpecStatement> specStatements = sbi.buildSpecs(emptyList(), new SpecGeneratorOptions());34 assertThat(specStatements.size(), is(1));35 SpecStatement statement = specStatements.get(0);36 assertThat(statement.getStatement(), is("inside screen"));37 assertThat(statement.getAssertions().size(), is(0));38 }39 @Test40 public void should_build_spec_inside_with_single_edge() {41 SpecBuilderInside sbi = new SpecBuilderInside(HEADER_ITEM_NODE, SCREEN_ITEM_NODE);42 List<SpecStatement> specStatements = sbi.addLeftEdge().buildSpecs(emptyList(), new SpecGeneratorOptions());43 assertThat(specStatements.size(), is(1));44 SpecStatement statement = specStatements.get(0);45 assertThat(statement.getStatement(), is("inside screen 10px left"));46 assertThat(statement.getAssertions().size(), is(1));47 assertThat(statement.getAssertions().get(0), is(new SpecAssertion(48 new AssertionEdge("header", AssertionEdge.EdgeType.left),49 new AssertionEdge("screen", AssertionEdge.EdgeType.left))));50 }51 @Test52 public void should_build_spec_inside_with_multiple_edges() {53 SpecBuilderInside sbi = new SpecBuilderInside(HEADER_ITEM_NODE, SCREEN_ITEM_NODE);54 List<SpecStatement> specStatements = sbi55 .addLeftEdge()56 .addTopEdge()57 .addRightEdge()58 .addBottomEdge()59 .buildSpecs(emptyList(), new SpecGeneratorOptions());60 assertThat(specStatements.size(), is(1));61 SpecStatement statement = specStatements.get(0);62 assertThat(statement.getStatement(), is("inside screen 10px top left right"));63 assertThat(statement.getAssertions().size(), is(3));64 assertThat(statement.getAssertions(), containsInAnyOrder(65 new SpecAssertion(66 new AssertionEdge("header", AssertionEdge.EdgeType.left),67 new AssertionEdge("screen", AssertionEdge.EdgeType.left)...

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1import;2import;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import;8import;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import;16import;17import;18import;19import;20import;21import;22import;23import;24import;25import com.galenframework.specs.Spec;26import java.awt.*;27import java.util.ArrayList;28import java.util.List;29public class SpecBuilder {30 public static final String SPEC_INSIDE = "inside";31 public static final String SPEC_OUTSIDE = "outside";32 public static final String SPEC_WITHIN = "within";33 public static final String SPEC_WITHOUT = "without";34 public static final String SPEC_TEXT = "text";35 public static final String SPEC_TEXT_INSIDE = "text-inside";36 public static final String SPEC_TEXT_OUTSIDE = "text-outside";37 public static final String SPEC_VERTICAL = "vertical";38 public static final String SPEC_VERTICAL_INSIDE = "vertical-inside";39 public static final String SPEC_VERTICAL_OUTSIDE = "vertical-outside";40 public static final String SPEC_HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";41 public static final String SPEC_HORIZONTAL_INSIDE = "horizontal-inside";42 public static final String SPEC_HORIZONTAL_OUTSIDE = "horizontal-outside";43 public static final String SPEC_HEIGHT = "height";

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1import;2import com.galenframework.specs.Spec;3import com.galenframework.specs.SpecInside;4import;5import java.util.List;6import java.util.Map;7public class SpecBuilderInside extends SpecBuilder {8 public String getCommand() {9 return "inside";10 }11 public Spec build(String locator, String params, Map<String, Locator> pageLocators) {12 List<String> parts = split(params, 2);13 return new SpecInside(locator, parts.get(0), parts.get(1));14 }15}16import;17import com.galenframework.specs.Spec;18import com.galenframework.specs.SpecInside;19import;20import java.util.List;21import java.util.Map;22public class SpecBuilderInside extends SpecBuilder {23 public String getCommand() {24 return "inside";25 }26 public Spec build(String locator, String params, Map<String, Locator> pageLocators) {27 List<String> parts = split(params, 2);28 return new SpecInside(locator, parts.get(0), parts.get(1));29 }30}31import;32import com.galenframework.specs.Spec;33import com.galenframework.specs.SpecInside;34import;35import java.util.List;36import java.util.Map;37public class SpecBuilderInside extends SpecBuilder {38 public String getCommand() {39 return "inside";40 }41 public Spec build(String locator, String params, Map<String, Locator> pageLocators) {42 List<String> parts = split(params, 2);43 return new SpecInside(locator, parts.get(0), parts.get

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1import;2public class 1 {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 SpecBuilderInside specBuilderInside = new SpecBuilderInside();5 specBuilderInside.buildSpec("objectName", "tagName", "tagName", "tagName");6 }7}8import;9public class 2 {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 SpecBuilderOutside specBuilderOutside = new SpecBuilderOutside();12 specBuilderOutside.buildSpec("objectName", "tagName", "tagName", "tagName");13 }14}15import;16public class 3 {17 public static void main(String[] args) {18 SpecBuilderNear specBuilderNear = new SpecBuilderNear();19 specBuilderNear.buildSpec("objectName", "tagName", "tagName", "tagName");20 }21}22import;23public class 4 {24 public static void main(String[] args) {25 SpecBuilderBelow specBuilderBelow = new SpecBuilderBelow();26 specBuilderBelow.buildSpec("objectName", "tagName", "tagName", "tagName");27 }28}29import;30public class 5 {31 public static void main(String[] args) {32 SpecBuilderAbove specBuilderAbove = new SpecBuilderAbove();33 specBuilderAbove.buildSpec("objectName", "tagName", "tagName", "tagName");34 }35}36import;37public class 6 {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 SpecBuilderLeft specBuilderLeft = new SpecBuilderLeft();40 specBuilderLeft.buildSpec("objectName", "tagName", "tagName", "tagName");41 }42}

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1SpecBuilderInside specBuilder = new SpecBuilderInside();2String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));3System.out.println(spec);4SpecBuilderOutside specBuilder = new SpecBuilderOutside();5String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));6System.out.println(spec);7SpecBuilderNear specBuilder = new SpecBuilderNear();8String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));9System.out.println(spec);10SpecBuilderFar specBuilder = new SpecBuilderFar();11String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));12System.out.println(spec);13SpecBuilderAbove specBuilder = new SpecBuilderAbove();14String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));15System.out.println(spec);16SpecBuilderBelow specBuilder = new SpecBuilderBelow();17String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));18System.out.println(spec);19SpecBuilderLeftOf specBuilder = new SpecBuilderLeftOf();20String spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("button", new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20), new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 20));21System.out.println(spec);

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1SpecBuilderInside sb = new SpecBuilderInside();2sb.setPageName("Google");3sb.setPageTitle("Google");4sb.setPageWidth(1200);5sb.setPageHeight(800);6sb.setPageWidth(1200);7sb.setPageHeight(800);8sb.setPageTopOffset(0);9sb.setPageLeftOffset(0);10sb.setPageBottomOffset(0);11sb.setPageRightOffset(0);12sb.setPageOrientation("landscape");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1SpecBuilderInside specBuilder = new SpecBuilderInside();2Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");3SpecBuilderOutside specBuilder = new SpecBuilderOutside();4Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");5SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();6Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");7SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();8Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");9SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();10Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");11SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();12Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");13SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();14Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");15SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();16Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");17SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();18Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "my.object", "", "my.value");19SpecBuilder specBuilder = new SpecBuilder();20Spec spec = specBuilder.buildSpec("my.spec", "", "

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