Best MockBukkit code snippet using be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMock
...70import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;71import org.bukkit.util.CachedServerIcon;72import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;73import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.BossBarMock;74import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMock;75import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.command.CommandResult;76import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSenderMock;77import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.command.MessageTarget;78import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.command.MockCommandMap;79import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentsMock;80import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.EntityMock;81import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMock;82import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMockFactory;83import;84import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.BarrelInventoryMock;85import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.ChestInventoryMock;86import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.DispenserInventoryMock;87import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.DropperInventoryMock;88import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.EnderChestInventoryMock;89import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.HopperInventoryMock;90import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.InventoryMock;91import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.ItemFactoryMock;92import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.LecternInventoryMock;93import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.PlayerInventoryMock;94import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventoryMock;95import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMetaMock;96import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.plugin.PluginManagerMock;97import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.potion.MockPotionEffectType;98import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.scheduler.BukkitSchedulerMock;99import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.scoreboard.ScoreboardManagerMock;100import;101import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.tags.TagRegistry;102import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.tags.TagWrapperMock;103import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.tags.TagsMock;104import;105@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")106public class ServerMock extends Server.Spigot implements Server107{108 private static final String BUKKIT_VERSION = "1.16.5";109 private static final String JOIN_MESSAGE = "%s has joined the server.";110 private static final String MOTD = "A Minecraft Server";111 private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("ServerMock");112 private final Thread mainThread = Thread.currentThread();113 private final MockUnsafeValues unsafe = new MockUnsafeValues();114 private final Map<String, TagRegistry> materialTags = new HashMap<>();115 private final Set<EntityMock> entities = new HashSet<>();116 private final List<World> worlds = new ArrayList<>();117 private final List<Recipe> recipes = new LinkedList<>();118 private final Map<NamespacedKey, KeyedBossBarMock> bossBars = new HashMap<>();119 private final ItemFactory factory = new ItemFactoryMock();120 private final PlayerMockFactory playerFactory = new PlayerMockFactory(this);121 private final PluginManagerMock pluginManager = new PluginManagerMock(this);122 private final ScoreboardManagerMock scoreboardManager = new ScoreboardManagerMock();123 private final BukkitSchedulerMock scheduler = new BukkitSchedulerMock();124 private final ServicesManagerMock servicesManager = new ServicesManagerMock();125 private final MockPlayerList playerList = new MockPlayerList();126 private final MockCommandMap commandMap = new MockCommandMap(this);127 private final HelpMapMock helpMap = new HelpMapMock();128 private GameMode defaultGameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;129 private ConsoleCommandSender consoleSender;130 public ServerMock()131 {132 ServerMock.registerSerializables();133 // Register default Minecraft Potion Effect Types134 createPotionEffectTypes();135 TagsMock.loadDefaultTags(this, true);136 EnchantmentsMock.registerDefaultEnchantments();137 try138 {139 InputStream stream = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("");140 LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(stream);141 }142 catch (IOException e)143 {144 logger.warning("Could not load file");145 }146 logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);147 }148 /**149 * Checks if we are on the main thread. The main thread is the thread used to create this instance of the mock150 * server.151 *152 * @return {@code true} if we are on the main thread, {@code false} if we are running on a different thread.153 */154 public boolean isOnMainThread()155 {156 return mainThread.equals(Thread.currentThread());157 }158 /**159 * Checks if we are running a method on the main thread. If not, a `ThreadAccessException` is thrown.160 */161 public void assertMainThread()162 {163 if (!isOnMainThread())164 {165 throw new ThreadAccessException("The Bukkit API was accessed from asynchronous code.");166 }167 }168 /**169 * Registers an entity so that the server can track it more easily. Should only be used internally.170 *171 * @param entity The entity to register172 */173 public void registerEntity(@NotNull EntityMock entity)174 {175 assertMainThread();176 entities.add(entity);177 }178 /**179 * Returns a set of entities that exist on the server instance.180 *181 * @return A set of entities that exist on this server instance.182 */183 @NotNull184 public Set<EntityMock> getEntities()185 {186 return Collections.unmodifiableSet(entities);187 }188 /**189 * Add a specific player to the set.190 *191 * @param player The player to add.192 */193 public void addPlayer(PlayerMock player)194 {195 assertMainThread();196 playerList.addPlayer(player);197 PlayerJoinEvent playerJoinEvent = new PlayerJoinEvent(player,198 String.format(JOIN_MESSAGE, player.getDisplayName()));199 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerJoinEvent);200 player.setLastPlayed(getCurrentServerTime());201 registerEntity(player);202 }203 /**204 * Creates a random player and adds it.205 *206 * @return The player that was added.207 */208 public PlayerMock addPlayer()209 {210 assertMainThread();211 PlayerMock player = playerFactory.createRandomPlayer();212 addPlayer(player);213 return player;214 }215 /**216 * Creates a player with a given name and adds it.217 *218 * @param name The name to give to the player.219 * @return The added player.220 */221 public PlayerMock addPlayer(String name)222 {223 assertMainThread();224 PlayerMock player = new PlayerMock(this, name);225 addPlayer(player);226 return player;227 }228 /**229 * Set the numbers of mock players that are on this server. Note that it will remove all players that are already on230 * this server.231 *232 * @param num The number of players that are on this server.233 */234 public void setPlayers(int num)235 {236 assertMainThread();237 playerList.clearOnlinePlayers();238 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)239 addPlayer();240 }241 /**242 * Set the numbers of mock offline players that are on this server. Note that even players that are online are also243 * considered offline player because an {@link OfflinePlayer} really just refers to anyone that has at some point in244 * time played on the server.245 *246 * @param num The number of players that are on this server.247 */248 public void setOfflinePlayers(int num)249 {250 assertMainThread();251 playerList.clearOfflinePlayers();252 for (PlayerMock player : getOnlinePlayers())253 {254 playerList.addPlayer(player);255 }256 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)257 {258 OfflinePlayer player = playerFactory.createRandomOfflinePlayer();259 playerList.addOfflinePlayer(player);260 }261 }262 /**263 * Get a specific mock player. A player's number will never change between invocations of {@link #setPlayers(int)}.264 *265 * @param num The number of the player to retrieve.266 * @return The chosen player.267 */268 public PlayerMock getPlayer(int num)269 {270 return playerList.getPlayer(num);271 }272 /**273 * Adds a very simple super flat world with a given name.274 *275 * @param name The name to give to the world.276 * @return The {@link WorldMock} that has been created.277 */278 public WorldMock addSimpleWorld(String name)279 {280 assertMainThread();281 WorldMock world = new WorldMock();282 world.setName(name);283 worlds.add(world);284 return world;285 }286 /**287 * Adds the given mocked world to this server.288 *289 * @param world The world to add.290 */291 public void addWorld(WorldMock world)292 {293 assertMainThread();294 worlds.add(world);295 }296 /**297 * Executes a command as the console.298 *299 * @param command The command to execute.300 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.301 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.302 */303 public CommandResult executeConsole(Command command, String... args)304 {305 assertMainThread();306 return execute(command, getConsoleSender(), args);307 }308 /**309 * Executes a command as the console.310 *311 * @param command The command to execute.312 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.313 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.314 */315 public CommandResult executeConsole(String command, String... args)316 {317 assertMainThread();318 return executeConsole(getCommandMap().getCommand(command), args);319 }320 /**321 * Executes a command as a player.322 *323 * @param command The command to execute.324 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.325 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.326 */327 public CommandResult executePlayer(Command command, String... args)328 {329 assertMainThread();330 if (playerList.isSomeoneOnline())331 return execute(command, getPlayer(0), args);332 else333 throw new IllegalStateException("Need at least one player to run the command");334 }335 /**336 * Executes a command as a player.337 *338 * @param command The command to execute.339 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.340 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.341 */342 public CommandResult executePlayer(String command, String... args)343 {344 assertMainThread();345 return executePlayer(getCommandMap().getCommand(command), args);346 }347 /**348 * Executes a command.349 *350 * @param command The command to execute.351 * @param sender The person that executed the command.352 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.353 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.354 */355 public CommandResult execute(Command command, CommandSender sender, String... args)356 {357 assertMainThread();358 if (!(sender instanceof MessageTarget))359 {360 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only a MessageTarget can be the sender of the command");361 }362 boolean status = command.execute(sender, command.getName(), args);363 return new CommandResult(status, (MessageTarget) sender);364 }365 /**366 * Executes a command.367 *368 * @param command The command to execute.369 * @param sender The person that executed the command.370 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.371 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.372 */373 public CommandResult execute(String command, CommandSender sender, String... args)374 {375 assertMainThread();376 return execute(getCommandMap().getCommand(command), sender, args);377 }378 @Override379 public String getName()380 {381 return "ServerMock";382 }383 @Override384 public String getVersion()385 {386 return String.format("MockBukkit (MC: %s)", BUKKIT_VERSION);387 }388 @Override389 public String getBukkitVersion()390 {391 return BUKKIT_VERSION;392 }393 @Override394 public Collection<? extends PlayerMock> getOnlinePlayers()395 {396 return playerList.getOnlinePlayers();397 }398 @Override399 public OfflinePlayer[] getOfflinePlayers()400 {401 return playerList.getOfflinePlayers();402 }403 @Override404 public Player getPlayer(String name)405 {406 return playerList.getPlayer(name);407 }408 @Override409 public Player getPlayerExact(String name)410 {411 return playerList.getPlayerExact(name);412 }413 @Override414 public List<Player> matchPlayer(String name)415 {416 return playerList.matchPlayer(name);417 }418 @Override419 public Player getPlayer(UUID id)420 {421 return playerList.getPlayer(id);422 }423 @Override424 public PluginManagerMock getPluginManager()425 {426 return pluginManager;427 }428 @NotNull429 public MockCommandMap getCommandMap()430 {431 return commandMap;432 }433 @Override434 public PluginCommand getPluginCommand(String name)435 {436 assertMainThread();437 Command command = getCommandMap().getCommand(name);438 return command instanceof PluginCommand ? (PluginCommand) command : null;439 }440 @Override441 public Logger getLogger()442 {443 return logger;444 }445 @Override446 public ConsoleCommandSender getConsoleSender()447 {448 if (consoleSender == null)449 {450 consoleSender = new ConsoleCommandSenderMock();451 }452 return consoleSender;453 }454 @NotNull455 public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type, String title, int size)456 {457 assertMainThread();458 if (!type.isCreatable())459 {460 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inventory Type is not creatable!");461 }462 switch (type)463 {464 case CHEST:465 return new ChestInventoryMock(owner, size > 0 ? size : 9 * 3);466 case DISPENSER:467 return new DispenserInventoryMock(owner);468 case DROPPER:469 return new DropperInventoryMock(owner);470 case PLAYER:471 if (owner instanceof HumanEntity)472 {473 return new PlayerInventoryMock((HumanEntity) owner);474 }475 else476 {477 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a Player Inventory for: " + owner);478 }479 case ENDER_CHEST:480 return new EnderChestInventoryMock(owner);481 case HOPPER:482 return new HopperInventoryMock(owner);483 case SHULKER_BOX:484 return new ShulkerBoxInventoryMock(owner);485 case BARREL:486 return new BarrelInventoryMock(owner);487 case LECTERN:488 return new LecternInventoryMock(owner);489 case GRINDSTONE:490 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented491 case STONECUTTER:492 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented493 case CARTOGRAPHY:494 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented495 case SMOKER:496 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented497 case LOOM:498 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented499 case BLAST_FURNACE:500 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented501 case ANVIL:502 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented503 case SMITHING:504 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented505 case BEACON:506 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented507 case FURNACE:508 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented509 case WORKBENCH:510 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented511 case ENCHANTING:512 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented513 case BREWING:514 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented515 case CRAFTING:516 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented517 case CREATIVE:518 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented519 case MERCHANT:520 // TODO: This Inventory Type needs to be implemented521 default:522 throw new UnimplementedOperationException("Inventory type not yet supported");523 }524 }525 @Override526 public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type)527 {528 return createInventory(owner, type, "Inventory");529 }530 @Override531 public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, InventoryType type, String title)532 {533 return createInventory(owner, type, title, -1);534 }535 @Override536 public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size)537 {538 return createInventory(owner, size, "Inventory");539 }540 @Override541 public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size, String title)542 {543 return createInventory(owner, InventoryType.CHEST, title, size);544 }545 @Override546 public ItemFactory getItemFactory()547 {548 return factory;549 }550 @Override551 public List<World> getWorlds()552 {553 return new ArrayList<>(worlds);554 }555 @Override556 public World getWorld(String name)557 {558 return -> world.getName().equals(name)).findAny().orElse(null);559 }560 @Override561 public World getWorld(UUID uid)562 {563 return -> world.getUID().equals(uid)).findAny().orElse(null);564 }565 @Override566 public BukkitSchedulerMock getScheduler()567 {568 return scheduler;569 }570 @Override571 public int getMaxPlayers()572 {573 return playerList.getMaxPlayers();574 }575 @Override576 public Set<String> getIPBans()577 {578 return this.playerList.getIPBans().getBanEntries().stream().map(BanEntry::getTarget)579 .collect(Collectors.toSet());580 }581 @Override582 public void banIP(String address)583 {584 assertMainThread();585 this.playerList.getIPBans().addBan(address, null, null, null);586 }587 @Override588 public void unbanIP(String address)589 {590 assertMainThread();591 this.playerList.getIPBans().pardon(address);592 }593 @Override594 public BanList getBanList(Type type)595 {596 switch (type)597 {598 case IP:599 return playerList.getIPBans();600 case NAME:601 default:602 return playerList.getProfileBans();603 }604 }605 @Override606 public Set<OfflinePlayer> getOperators()607 {608 return playerList.getOperators();609 }610 @Override611 public GameMode getDefaultGameMode()612 {613 return this.defaultGameMode;614 }615 @Override616 public void setDefaultGameMode(GameMode mode)617 {618 assertMainThread();619 this.defaultGameMode = mode;620 }621 @Override622 public int broadcastMessage(String message)623 {624 Collection<? extends PlayerMock> players = getOnlinePlayers();625 for (Player player : players)626 {627 player.sendMessage(message);628 }629 return players.size();630 }631 @Override632 public int broadcast(String message, String permission)633 {634 Collection<? extends PlayerMock> players = getOnlinePlayers();635 int count = 0;636 for (Player player : players)637 {638 if (player.hasPermission(permission))639 {640 player.sendMessage(message);641 count++;642 }643 }644 return count;645 }646 /**647 * Registers any classes that are serializable with the ConfigurationSerializable system of Bukkit.648 */649 public static void registerSerializables()650 {651 ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(ItemMetaMock.class);652 }653 @Override654 public boolean addRecipe(Recipe recipe)655 {656 assertMainThread();657 recipes.add(recipe);658 return true;659 }660 @Override661 public List<Recipe> getRecipesFor(@NotNull ItemStack item)662 {663 assertMainThread();664 return ->665 {666 ItemStack result = recipe.getResult();667 // Amount is explicitly ignored here668 return result.getType() == item.getType() && result.getItemMeta().equals(item.getItemMeta());669 }).collect(Collectors.toList());670 }671 @Override672 public Recipe getRecipe(NamespacedKey key)673 {674 assertMainThread();675 for (Recipe recipe : recipes)676 {677 // Seriously why can't the Recipe interface itself just extend Keyed...678 if (recipe instanceof Keyed && ((Keyed) recipe).getKey().equals(key))679 {680 return recipe;681 }682 }683 return null;684 }685 @Override686 public boolean removeRecipe(NamespacedKey key)687 {688 assertMainThread();689 Iterator<Recipe> iterator = recipeIterator();690 while (iterator.hasNext())691 {692 Recipe recipe =;693 // Seriously why can't the Recipe interface itself just extend Keyed...694 if (recipe instanceof Keyed && ((Keyed) recipe).getKey().equals(key))695 {696 iterator.remove();697 return true;698 }699 }700 return false;701 }702 @Override703 public Iterator<Recipe> recipeIterator()704 {705 assertMainThread();706 return recipes.iterator();707 }708 @Override709 public void clearRecipes()710 {711 assertMainThread();712 recipes.clear();713 }714 @Override715 public boolean dispatchCommand(CommandSender sender, String commandLine)716 {717 assertMainThread();718 String[] commands = commandLine.split(" ");719 String commandLabel = commands[0];720 String[] args = Arrays.copyOfRange(commands, 1, commands.length);721 Command command = getCommandMap().getCommand(commandLabel);722 if (command != null)723 {724 return command.execute(sender, commandLabel, args);725 }726 else727 {728 return false;729 }730 }731 @Override732 public HelpMapMock getHelpMap()733 {734 return helpMap;735 }736 @Override737 public void sendPluginMessage(Plugin source, String channel, byte[] message)738 {739 // TODO Auto-generated method stub740 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();741 }742 @Override743 public Set<String> getListeningPluginChannels()744 {745 // TODO Auto-generated method stub746 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();747 }748 @Override749 public int getPort()750 {751 // TODO Auto-generated method stub752 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();753 }754 @Override755 public int getViewDistance()756 {757 // TODO Auto-generated method stub758 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();759 }760 @Override761 public String getIp()762 {763 // TODO Auto-generated method stub764 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();765 }766 @Override767 public String getWorldType()768 {769 // TODO Auto-generated method stub770 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();771 }772 @Override773 public boolean getGenerateStructures()774 {775 // TODO Auto-generated method stub776 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();777 }778 @Override779 public boolean getAllowEnd()780 {781 // TODO Auto-generated method stub782 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();783 }784 @Override785 public boolean getAllowNether()786 {787 // TODO Auto-generated method stub788 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();789 }790 @Override791 public boolean hasWhitelist()792 {793 // TODO Auto-generated method stub794 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();795 }796 @Override797 public void setWhitelist(boolean value)798 {799 // TODO Auto-generated method stub800 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();801 }802 @Override803 public Set<OfflinePlayer> getWhitelistedPlayers()804 {805 // TODO Auto-generated method stub806 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();807 }808 @Override809 public void reloadWhitelist()810 {811 // TODO Auto-generated method stub812 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();813 }814 @Override815 public String getUpdateFolder()816 {817 // TODO Auto-generated method stub818 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();819 }820 @Override821 public File getUpdateFolderFile()822 {823 // TODO Auto-generated method stub824 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();825 }826 @Override827 public long getConnectionThrottle()828 {829 // TODO Auto-generated method stub830 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();831 }832 @Override833 public int getTicksPerAnimalSpawns()834 {835 // TODO Auto-generated method stub836 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();837 }838 @Override839 public int getTicksPerMonsterSpawns()840 {841 // TODO Auto-generated method stub842 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();843 }844 @Override845 public ServicesManagerMock getServicesManager()846 {847 return servicesManager;848 }849 @Override850 public World createWorld(WorldCreator creator)851 {852 // TODO Auto-generated method stub853 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();854 }855 @Override856 public boolean unloadWorld(String name, boolean save)857 {858 // TODO Auto-generated method stub859 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();860 }861 @Override862 public boolean unloadWorld(World world, boolean save)863 {864 // TODO Auto-generated method stub865 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();866 }867 @Override868 public MapView createMap(World world)869 {870 // TODO Auto-generated method stub871 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();872 }873 @Override874 public void reload()875 {876 // TODO Auto-generated method stub877 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();878 }879 @Override880 public void reloadData()881 {882 // TODO Auto-generated method stub883 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();884 }885 @Override886 public void savePlayers()887 {888 // TODO Auto-generated method stub889 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();890 }891 @Override892 public void resetRecipes()893 {894 // TODO Auto-generated method stub895 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();896 }897 @Override898 public Map<String, String[]> getCommandAliases()899 {900 // TODO Auto-generated method stub901 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();902 }903 @Override904 public int getSpawnRadius()905 {906 // TODO Auto-generated method stub907 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();908 }909 @Override910 public void setSpawnRadius(int value)911 {912 // TODO Auto-generated method stub913 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();914 }915 @Override916 public boolean getOnlineMode()917 {918 // TODO Auto-generated method stub919 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();920 }921 @Override922 public boolean getAllowFlight()923 {924 // TODO Auto-generated method stub925 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();926 }927 @Override928 public boolean isHardcore()929 {930 // TODO Auto-generated method stub931 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();932 }933 @Override934 public void shutdown()935 {936 // TODO Auto-generated method stub937 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();938 }939 @Override940 public OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(String name)941 {942 return playerList.getOfflinePlayer(name);943 }944 @Override945 public OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(UUID id)946 {947 OfflinePlayer player = playerList.getOfflinePlayer(id);948 if (player != null)949 {950 return player;951 }952 else953 {954 return playerFactory.createRandomOfflinePlayer();955 }956 }957 @Override958 public Set<OfflinePlayer> getBannedPlayers()959 {960 // TODO Auto-generated method stub961 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();962 }963 @Override964 public File getWorldContainer()965 {966 // TODO Auto-generated method stub967 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();968 }969 @Override970 public Messenger getMessenger()971 {972 // TODO Auto-generated method stub973 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();974 }975 @Override976 public Merchant createMerchant(String title)977 {978 // TODO Auto-generated method stub979 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();980 }981 @Override982 public int getMonsterSpawnLimit()983 {984 // TODO Auto-generated method stub985 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();986 }987 @Override988 public int getAnimalSpawnLimit()989 {990 // TODO Auto-generated method stub991 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();992 }993 @Override994 public int getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit()995 {996 // TODO Auto-generated method stub997 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();998 }999 @Override1000 public int getAmbientSpawnLimit()1001 {1002 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1003 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1004 }1005 @Override1006 public boolean isPrimaryThread()1007 {1008 return this.isOnMainThread();1009 }1010 @Override1011 public String getMotd()1012 {1013 return MOTD;1014 }1015 @Override1016 public String getShutdownMessage()1017 {1018 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1019 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1020 }1021 @Override1022 public WarningState getWarningState()1023 {1024 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1025 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1026 }1027 @Override1028 public ScoreboardManagerMock getScoreboardManager()1029 {1030 return scoreboardManager;1031 }1032 @Override1033 public CachedServerIcon getServerIcon()1034 {1035 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1036 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1037 }1038 @Override1039 public CachedServerIcon loadServerIcon(File file)1040 {1041 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1042 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1043 }1044 @Override1045 public CachedServerIcon loadServerIcon(BufferedImage image)1046 {1047 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1048 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1049 }1050 @Override1051 public void setIdleTimeout(int threshold)1052 {1053 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1054 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1055 }1056 @Override1057 public int getIdleTimeout()1058 {1059 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1060 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1061 }1062 @Override1063 public ChunkData createChunkData(World world)1064 {1065 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1066 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1067 }1068 @Override1069 public BossBar createBossBar(String title, BarColor color, BarStyle style, BarFlag... flags)1070 {1071 return new BossBarMock(title, color, style, flags);1072 }1073 @Override1074 public Entity getEntity(UUID uuid)1075 {1076 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1077 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1078 }1079 @Override1080 public Advancement getAdvancement(NamespacedKey key)1081 {1082 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1083 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1084 }1085 @Override1086 public Iterator<Advancement> advancementIterator()1087 {1088 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1089 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1090 }1091 @Override1092 @Deprecated1093 public UnsafeValues getUnsafe()1094 {1095 return unsafe;1096 }1097 @Override1098 public BlockData createBlockData(Material material)1099 {1100 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1101 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1102 }1103 @Override1104 public BlockData createBlockData(Material material, Consumer<BlockData> consumer)1105 {1106 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1107 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1108 }1109 @Override1110 public BlockData createBlockData(String data)1111 {1112 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1113 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1114 }1115 @Override1116 public BlockData createBlockData(Material material, String data)1117 {1118 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1119 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1120 }1121 /**1122 * This creates a new Mock {@link Tag} for the {@link Material} class.<br>1123 * Call this in advance before you are gonna access {@link #getTag(String, NamespacedKey, Class)} or any of the1124 * constants defined in {@link Tag}.1125 *1126 * @param key The {@link NamespacedKey} for this {@link Tag}1127 * @param registryKey The name of the {@link TagRegistry}.1128 * @param materials {@link Material Materials} which should be covered by this {@link Tag}1129 *1130 * @return The newly created {@link Tag}1131 */1132 @NotNull1133 public Tag<Material> createMaterialTag(@NotNull NamespacedKey key, @NotNull String registryKey, @NotNull Material... materials)1134 {1135 Validate.notNull(key, "A NamespacedKey must never be null");1136 TagRegistry registry = materialTags.get(registryKey);1137 TagWrapperMock tag = new TagWrapperMock(registry, key);1138 registry.getTags().put(key, tag);1139 return tag;1140 }1141 public void addTagRegistry(@NotNull TagRegistry registry)1142 {1143 materialTags.put(registry.getRegistry(), registry);1144 }1145 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")1146 @Override1147 public <T extends Keyed> Tag<T> getTag(String registryKey, NamespacedKey key, Class<T> clazz)1148 {1149 if (clazz == Material.class)1150 {1151 TagRegistry registry = materialTags.get(registryKey);1152 if (registry != null)1153 {1154 Tag<Material> tag = registry.getTags().get(key);1155 if (tag != null)1156 {1157 return (Tag<T>) tag;1158 }1159 }1160 }1161 // Per definition this method should return null if the given tag does not exist.1162 return null;1163 }1164 /**1165 * This registers Minecrafts default {@link PotionEffectType PotionEffectTypes}. It also prevents any new effects to1166 * be created afterwards.1167 */1168 private void createPotionEffectTypes()1169 {1170 for (PotionEffectType type : PotionEffectType.values())1171 {1172 // We probably already registered all Potion Effects1173 // otherwise this would be null1174 if (type != null)1175 {1176 // This is not perfect, but it works.1177 return;1178 }1179 }1180 registerPotionEffectType(1, "SPEED", false, 8171462);1181 registerPotionEffectType(2, "SLOWNESS", false, 5926017);1182 registerPotionEffectType(3, "HASTE", false, 14270531);1183 registerPotionEffectType(4, "MINING_FATIGUE", false, 4866583);1184 registerPotionEffectType(5, "STRENGTH", false, 9643043);1185 registerPotionEffectType(6, "INSTANT_HEALTH", true, 16262179);1186 registerPotionEffectType(7, "INSTANT_DAMAGE", true, 4393481);1187 registerPotionEffectType(8, "JUMP_BOOST", false, 2293580);1188 registerPotionEffectType(9, "NAUSEA", false, 5578058);1189 registerPotionEffectType(10, "REGENERATION", false, 13458603);1190 registerPotionEffectType(11, "RESISTANCE", false, 10044730);1191 registerPotionEffectType(12, "FIRE_RESISTANCE", false, 14981690);1192 registerPotionEffectType(13, "WATER_BREATHING", false, 3035801);1193 registerPotionEffectType(14, "INVISIBILITY", false, 8356754);1194 registerPotionEffectType(15, "BLINDNESS", false, 2039587);1195 registerPotionEffectType(16, "NIGHT_VISION", false, 2039713);1196 registerPotionEffectType(17, "HUNGER", false, 5797459);1197 registerPotionEffectType(18, "WEAKNESS", false, 4738376);1198 registerPotionEffectType(19, "POISON", false, 5149489);1199 registerPotionEffectType(20, "WITHER", false, 3484199);1200 registerPotionEffectType(21, "HEALTH_BOOST", false, 16284963);1201 registerPotionEffectType(22, "ABSORPTION", false, 2445989);1202 registerPotionEffectType(23, "SATURATION", true, 16262179);1203 registerPotionEffectType(24, "GLOWING", false, 9740385);1204 registerPotionEffectType(25, "LEVITATION", false, 13565951);1205 registerPotionEffectType(26, "LUCK", false, 3381504);1206 registerPotionEffectType(27, "UNLUCK", false, 12624973);1207 registerPotionEffectType(28, "SLOW_FALLING", false, 16773073);1208 registerPotionEffectType(29, "CONDUIT_POWER", false, 1950417);1209 registerPotionEffectType(30, "DOLPHINS_GRACE", false, 8954814);1210 registerPotionEffectType(31, "BAD_OMEN", false, 745784);1211 registerPotionEffectType(32, "HERO_OF_THE_VILLAGE", false, 45217);1212 PotionEffectType.stopAcceptingRegistrations();1213 }1214 private void registerPotionEffectType(int id, @NotNull String name, boolean instant, int rgb)1215 {1216 PotionEffectType type = new MockPotionEffectType(id, name, instant, Color.fromRGB(rgb));1217 PotionEffectType.registerPotionEffectType(type);1218 }1219 @Override1220 public LootTable getLootTable(NamespacedKey key)1221 {1222 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1223 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1224 }1225 @Override1226 public ItemStack createExplorerMap(World world, Location location, StructureType structureType)1227 {1228 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1229 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1230 }1231 @Override1232 public ItemStack createExplorerMap(World world, Location location, StructureType structureType, int radius,1233 boolean findUnexplored)1234 {1235 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1236 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1237 }1238 @Override1239 public KeyedBossBar createBossBar(NamespacedKey key, String title, BarColor color, BarStyle style, BarFlag... flags)1240 {1241 Validate.notNull(key, "A NamespacedKey must never be null");1242 KeyedBossBarMock bar = new KeyedBossBarMock(key, title, color, style, flags);1243 bossBars.put(key, bar);1244 return bar;1245 }1246 @Override1247 public Iterator<KeyedBossBar> getBossBars()1248 {1249 return bossBars.values().stream().map(bossbar -> (KeyedBossBar) bossbar).iterator();1250 }1251 @Override1252 public KeyedBossBar getBossBar(NamespacedKey key)1253 {1254 Validate.notNull(key, "A NamespacedKey must never be null");1255 return bossBars.get(key);1256 }...
...3import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;4import org.bukkit.boss.BarFlag;5import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;6import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;7public class KeyedBossBarMock extends BossBarMock implements KeyedBossBar8{9 private final NamespacedKey key;10 public KeyedBossBarMock(NamespacedKey key, String title, BarColor color, BarStyle style, BarFlag... flags)11 {12 super(title, color, style, flags);13 this.key = key;14 }15 @Override16 public NamespacedKey getKey()17 {18 return key;19 }20}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMock;2import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMockFactory;3import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMock;4import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.mock.MockServer;5import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.plugin.MockPlugin;6import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;7import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;8import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar;9import org.bukkit.entity.Player;10import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;11import java.util.UUID;12import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;13public class KeyedBossBarMockTest {14 private final MockServer server = MockServer.create();15 private final MockPlugin plugin = new MockPlugin(server, "testPlugin");16 private final KeyedBossBarMockFactory factory = new KeyedBossBarMockFactory(plugin);17 public void testConstructor() {18 KeyedBossBarMock bossBar = new KeyedBossBarMock(plugin, UUID.randomUUID(), "test", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SOLID, 1.0f);19 assertEquals("test", bossBar.getTitle());20 assertEquals(BarColor.BLUE, bossBar.getColor());21 assertEquals(BarStyle.SOLID, bossBar.getStyle());22 assertEquals(1.0f, bossBar.getProgress());23 }24 public void testGettersAndSetters() {25 KeyedBossBarMock bossBar = factory.create("test", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SOLID, 1.0f);26 assertEquals("test", bossBar.getTitle());27 assertEquals(BarColor.BLUE, bossBar.getColor());28 assertEquals(BarStyle.SOLID, bossBar.getStyle());29 assertEquals(1.0f, bossBar.getProgress());30 bossBar.setTitle("test2");31 assertEquals("test2", bossBar.getTitle());32 bossBar.setColor(BarColor.GREEN);33 assertEquals(BarColor.GREEN, bossBar.getColor());34 bossBar.setStyle(BarStyle.SEGMENTED_6);35 assertEquals(BarStyle.SEGMENTED_6, bossBar.getStyle());36 bossBar.setProgress(0.5f);37 assertEquals(0.5f, bossBar.getProgress());38 }39 public void testAddPlayer() {40 KeyedBossBarMock bossBar = factory.create("test", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SOLID
Using AI Code Generation
1import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMock;2import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;3import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;4import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;5import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;6import org.bukkit.entity.Player;7{8 public static void main(String[] args)9 {10 KeyedBossBar bar = new KeyedBossBarMock(new NamespacedKey("foo", "bar"), "Title", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SEGMENTED_12);11 bar.addPlayer(null);12 bar.addPlayer(null)
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.example;2import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;3import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;4import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;5import;6public class Main extends JavaPlugin {7 public void onEnable() {8 KeyedBossBarMock bossBar = new KeyedBossBarMock("my_boss_bar", "My Boss Bar", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SOLID);9 bossBar.setProgress(0.5);10 bossBar.addPlayer(getServer().getOnlinePlayers().iterator().next());11 }12}13package com.example;14import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;15import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;16import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;17import;18public class Main extends JavaPlugin {19 public void onEnable() {20 KeyedBossBar bossBar = getServer().getBossBar("my_boss_bar");21 bossBar.setProgress(0.5);22 bossBar.addPlayer(getServer().getOnlinePlayers().iterator().next());23 }24}25package com.example;26import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;27import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;28import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;29import;30public class Main extends JavaPlugin {31 public void onEnable() {32 KeyedBossBar bossBar = getServer().getBossBars().iterator().next();33 bossBar.setProgress(0.5);34 bossBar.addPlayer(getServer().getOnlinePlayers().iterator().next());35 }36}37package com.example;38import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;39import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;40import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;41import;42public class Main extends JavaPlugin {43 public void onEnable() {44 KeyedBossBar bossBar = getServer().createBossBar("My Boss Bar", BarColor.BLUE,
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 private BossBar bar;3 public void setUp()4 {5 bar = new KeyedBossBarMock("test", "Test", BarColor.RED, BarStyle.SOLID);6 }7 public void test()8 {9 bar.addPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("Seeseemelk"));10 }11}12{13 private BossBar bar;14 public void setUp()15 {16 bar = new KeyedBossBarMock("test", "Test", BarColor.RED, BarStyle.SOLID);17 }18 public void test()19 {20 bar.addPlayer(Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("Seeseemelk"));21 }22}
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.example;2import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;3import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;4import org.bukkit.boss.BossBar;5import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMock;6public class 2 {7 public static void main(String[] args) {8 BossBar bar = new KeyedBossBarMock("test", "Test", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SOLID);9 bar.setVisible(true);10 bar.setProgress(0.5);11 }12}
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.boss.KeyedBossBarMock;3import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor;4import org.bukkit.boss.BarStyle;5import org.bukkit.boss.BarFlag;6import org.bukkit.boss.KeyedBossBar;7public class Main {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 KeyedBossBar bossBar = new KeyedBossBarMock("bossbar", "BossBar", BarColor.BLUE, BarStyle.SEGMENTED_10, BarFlag.DARKEN_SKY);10 bossBar.setVisible(true);11 bossBar.setProgress(0.8);12 }13}
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