How to use let_it_be method of Stoplist Package

Best Test-prof_ruby code snippet using Stoplist.let_it_be


Source:let_it_be.rb Github


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...5 # Just like `let`, but persist the result for the whole group.6 # NOTE: Experimental and magical, for more control use `before_all`.7 module LetItBe8 class Configuration9 # Define an alias for `let_it_be` with the predefined options:10 #11 # TestProf::LetItBe.configure do |config|12 # config.alias_to :let_it_be_reloaded, reload: true13 # end14 def alias_to(name, **default_args)15 LetItBe.define_let_it_be_alias(name, **default_args)16 end17 def register_modifier(key, &block)18 raise ArgumentError, "Modifier #{key} is already defined for let_it_be" if LetItBe.modifiers.key?(key)19 LetItBe.modifiers[key] = block20 end21 def default_modifiers22 @default_modifiers ||= {}23 end24 end25 class << self26 def config27 @config ||= Configuration.new28 end29 def configure30 yield config31 end32 def modifiers33 @modifiers ||= {}34 end35 def wrap_with_modifiers(mods, &block)36 return block if mods.empty?37 validate_modifiers! mods38 -> {39 record = instance_eval(&block)40 mods.inject(record) do |rec, (k, v)|41 LetItBe.modifiers.fetch(k).call(rec, v)42 end43 }44 end45 def module_for(group)46 modules[group] ||= begin47 { |mod| group.prepend(mod) }48 end49 end50 private51 def modules52 @modules ||= {}53 end54 def validate_modifiers!(mods)55 unknown = mods.keys - modifiers.keys56 return if unknown.empty?57 raise ArgumentError, "Unknown let_it_be modifiers were used: #{unknown.join(", ")}. " \58 "Available modifiers are: #{modifiers.keys.join(", ")}"59 end60 end61 # Use uniq prefix for instance variables to avoid collisions62 # We want to use the power of Ruby's unicode support)63 # And we love cats!)64 PREFIX = RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" ? "@__jruby_is_not_cat_friendly__" : "@😸"65 FROZEN_ERROR_HINT = "\nIf you are using `let_it_be`, you may want to pass `reload: true` or `refind: true` modifier to it."66 def self.define_let_it_be_alias(name, **default_args)67 define_method(name) do |identifier, **options, &blk|68 let_it_be(identifier, **default_args.merge(options), &blk)69 end70 end71 def let_it_be(identifier, **options, &block)72 initializer = proc do73 instance_variable_set(:"#{TestProf::LetItBe::PREFIX}#{identifier}", instance_exec(&block))74 rescue FrozenError => e75 e.message << TestProf::LetItBe::FROZEN_ERROR_HINT76 raise77 end78 default_options = LetItBe.config.default_modifiers.dup79 default_options.merge!(metadata[:let_it_be_modifiers]) if metadata[:let_it_be_modifiers]80 options = default_options.merge(options)81 before_all(&initializer)82 let_accessor = LetItBe.wrap_with_modifiers(options) do83 instance_variable_get(:"#{PREFIX}#{identifier}")84 end85 LetItBe.module_for(self).module_eval do86 define_method(identifier) do87 # Trying to detect the context (couldn't find other way so far)88 if /\(:context\)/.match?(@__inspect_output)89 instance_variable_get(:"#{PREFIX}#{identifier}")90 else91 # Fallback to let definition92 super()93 end94 end95 end96 let(identifier, &let_accessor)97 end98 module Freezer99 # Stoplist to prevent freezing objects and theirs associations that are defined100 # with `let_it_be`'s `freeze: false` options during deep freezing.101 #102 # To only keep track of objects that are available in current example group,103 # `begin` adds a new layer, and `rollback` removes a layer of unrelated objects104 # along with rolling back the transaction where they were created.105 #106 # Stoplist holds records declared with `freeze: false` (so we do not freeze them even if they're used as107 # associated records for frozen objects)108 module Stoplist109 class << self110 def stop?(record)111 @stoplist.any? { |layer| layer.include?(record) }112 end113 def stop!(record)114 @stoplist.last.push(record)115 end116 def begin117 @stoplist.push([])118 end119 def rollback120 @stoplist.pop121 end122 end123 # Stack of example group-related variable definitions124 @stoplist = []125 end126 class << self127 # Rerucsively freezes the object to detect modifications128 def deep_freeze(record)129 return if record.frozen?130 return if Stoplist.stop?(record)131 record.freeze132 # Support `let_it_be` with `create_list`133 return record.each { |rec| deep_freeze(rec) } if record.respond_to?(:each)134 # Freeze associations as well.135 return unless defined?(::ActiveRecord::Base)136 return unless record.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Base)137 record.class.reflections.keys.each do |reflection|138 # But only if they are already loaded. If not yet loaded, they weren't139 # created by factories, and it's ok to mutate them.140 next unless record.association(reflection.to_sym).loaded?141 target = record.association(reflection.to_sym).target142 deep_freeze(target) if target.is_a?(::ActiveRecord::Base) || target.respond_to?(:each)143 end144 end145 end146 end...

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1 let_it_be(:stoplist) { }2 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)3 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)4 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)5 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)6 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)7 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)8 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)9 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)10 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)11 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)12 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)13 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)14 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)15 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)16 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)17 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1sl.let_it_be('word')2sl.let_it_be('another word')3sl.let_it_be('word')4sl.let_it_be('another word')5sl.let_it_be('word')6sl.let_it_be('another word')7sl.let_it_be('word')8sl.let_it_be('another word')9sl.let_it_be('word')10sl.let_it_be('another word')11sl.let_it_be('word')12sl.let_it_be('another word')13sl.let_it_be('word')14sl.let_it_be('another word')15sl.let_it_be('word')16sl.let_it_be('another word')17sl.let_it_be('word')18sl.let_it_be('another word')19sl.let_it_be('word')20sl.let_it_be('another word')21sl.let_it_be('word

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Using AI Code Generation


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1pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")2pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")3pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")4pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")5pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")6pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")7pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")8pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")9pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")10pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")11pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")12pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")13pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")14pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")15pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")16pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")17pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 tliflt_lf.t_be('doe(na'), &blck)2 deflf.(na, &blck)3 deself.le__be(name,&blok)4 tliflt_lf.t_be('did(na), &blck)5 ff.l(na,&bok)6=dfsef.l(na, &blck)7 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1si.lst'('wr')2s.let__be('nother word')3 let_it_be(:stoplist) { }4sl.l_it_be('wrd')5.l('anoer wr')6sl.l_it_be('wrd')7.l('anoerwrd')8s.l('word')9sl.l_it_be('anoter wr')10s.l('word')11sl.l_it_be('anoter wr')12sp.llist('wr')13s.let__be('nother word')14sl.lh _it_be('wsrd')'anoerwrd')16sl.l_it_be('wrd')17.l('anoerwrd')18 def se9f.let_it_be(name, &block)19sl.l_it_be('wrd')20.l('anoerwrd')21 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)22sl.l_it_be('wrd')23.l('anoerwrd')24sl.plist('wr

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1pp..plit.("ellwrld")2pps.e("hllo world again")3 def se2f.let_it_be(name, &block)4ppstoplist.("ellwrld")5ppst.let_i_be("helloword agin")6ppsplit.e("hllo world")7 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)8ppstoplist.("ellwrld")9ppst.let_i_be("helloword agin")10ppsplit.e("hllo world")11ppostoplist.plist("ellwrld")12ppst.let_i_be("helloword agin")13pp.s..plit.e("hllo world")14 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)15ppstoplist.("ellwrld")16ppst.let_i_be("helloword agin")17ppsplit.e("hllo world")18 def se6.let_it_be(name, &block)19ppstopit.let_it_be("hellowrl")20ppsplit.e("hllowrlagain")21ppst.let_i_be("helloword")22 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)23 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)24 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)25 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)26 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)27 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)28 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)29 def self.let_it_be(name, &block)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")2pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")3pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")4pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")5pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")6pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")7pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")8pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")9pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")10pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")11pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")12pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")13pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")14pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")15pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")16pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")17pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")2pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")3pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")4pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")5pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")6pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")7pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")8pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")9pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")10pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")11pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")12pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")13pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")14pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")15pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")16pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world again")17pp stoplist.let_it_be("hello world")

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