How to use run method of Spork Package

Best Spork_ruby code snippet using


Source:spork.rb Github


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...5 LIBDIR = autoload :Server, (LIBDIR + 'spork/server').to_s7 autoload :TestFramework, (LIBDIR + 'spork/test_framework').to_s8 autoload :AppFramework, (LIBDIR + 'spork/app_framework').to_s9 autoload :RunStrategy, (LIBDIR + 'spork/run_strategy').to_s10 autoload :Runner, (LIBDIR + 'spork/runner').to_s11 autoload :Forker, (LIBDIR + 'spork/forker').to_s12 autoload :Diagnoser, (LIBDIR + 'spork/diagnoser').to_s13 autoload :GemHelpers, (LIBDIR + 'spork/gem_helpers').to_s14 class << self15 # Run a block, during prefork mode. By default, if prefork is called twice in the same file and line number, the supplied block will only be ran once.16 #17 # == Parameters18 #19 # * +prevent_double_run+ - Pass false to disable double run prevention20 def prefork(prevent_double_run = true, &block)21 return if prevent_double_run && already_ran?(caller.first)22 yield23 end24 25 # Run a block AFTER the fork occurs. By default, if prefork is called twice in the same file and line number, the supplied block will only be ran once.26 #27 # == Parameters28 #29 # * +prevent_double_run+ - Pass false to disable double run prevention30 def each_run(prevent_double_run = true, &block)31 return if prevent_double_run && already_ran?(caller.first)32 if state == :prefork33 each_run_procs << block34 else35 yield36 end37 end38 39 # Run a block after specs are run.40 #41 # == Parameters42 #43 # * +prevent_double_run+ - Pass false to disable double run prevention44 def after_each_run(prevent_double_run = true, &block)45 return if prevent_double_run && already_ran?(caller.first)46 after_each_run_procs << block47 end48 def using_spork?49 state != :not_using_spork50 end51 def state52 @state ||= :not_using_spork53 end54 55 # Used by the server. Called when loading the prefork blocks of the code.56 def exec_prefork(&block)57 @state = :prefork58 yield59 end60 61 # Used by the server. Called to run all of the prefork blocks.62 def exec_each_run(&block)63 @state = :run64 activate_after_each_run_at_exit_hook65 each_run_procs.each { |p| }66 each_run_procs.clear67 yield if block_given?68 end69 70 # Used by the server. Called to run all of the after_each_run blocks.71 def exec_after_each_run72 # processes in reverse order similar to at_exit73 while p = after_each_run_procs.pop;; end74 true75 end76 # Traps an instance method of a class (or module) so any calls to it don't actually run until Spork.exec_each_run77 def trap_method(klass, method_name)78 method_name_without_spork, method_name_with_spork = alias_method_names(method_name, :spork)79 80 klass.class_eval <<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 181 alias :#{method_name_without_spork} :#{method_name} unless method_defined?(:#{method_name_without_spork}) 82 def #{method_name}(*args, &block)83 Spork.each_run(false) do84 #{method_name_without_spork}(*args, &block)85 end86 end87 EOF88 end89 90 # Same as trap_method, but for class methods instead91 def trap_class_method(klass, method_name)92 trap_method((class << klass; self; end), method_name)93 end94 95 def detect_and_require(subfolder)96 ([LIBDIR.to_s] + other_spork_gem_load_paths).uniq.each do |gem_path|97 Dir.glob(File.join(gem_path, subfolder)).each { |file| require file }98 end99 end100 # This method is used to auto-discover peer plugins such as spork-testunit.101 def other_spork_gem_load_paths102 @other_spork_gem_load_paths ||= Spork::GemHelpers.latest_load_paths.grep(/spork/).select do |g|103 not g.match(%r{/spork-[0-9\-.]+/lib}) # don't include other versions of spork104 end105 end106 private107 def activate_after_each_run_at_exit_hook108 Kernel.module_eval do109 def at_exit(&block)110 Spork.after_each_run(false, &block)111 end112 end113 end114 def alias_method_names(method_name, feature)115 /^(.+?)([\?\!]{0,1})$/.match(method_name.to_s)116 ["#{$1}_without_spork#{$2}", "#{$1}_with_spork#{$2}"]117 end118 119 def already_ran120 @already_ran ||= []121 end122 123 def expanded_caller(caller_line)124 file, line = caller_line.split(/:(\d+)/)125 line.gsub(/:.+/, '')126 expanded = File.expand_path(file, Dir.pwd) + ":" + line127 if ENV['OS'] == 'Windows_NT' # windows128 expanded = expanded[2..-1]129 end130 expanded131 end132 133 def already_ran?(caller_script_and_line)134 return true if already_ran.include?(expanded_caller(caller_script_and_line))135 already_ran << expanded_caller(caller_script_and_line)136 false137 end138 139 def each_run_procs140 @each_run_procs ||= []141 end142 def after_each_run_procs143 @after_each_run_procs ||= []144 end145 end146end...

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Source:spec_helper.rb Github


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...31 if spork?32 # Load all railties files33 Rails.application.railties.all { |r| r.eager_load! }34 end35 # Don't make pry a requirement to run the test suite36 begin37 require 'pry'38 require 'pry-doc'39 rescue LoadError; end40 require 'rspec/rails'41 require 'active_attr/rspec'42 require 'mocha/setup'43 require 'timecop'44 require 'webmock'45 require 'webmock/rspec'46 require 'vcr'47 require 'capybara/rspec'48 # require 'capybara/mechanize'49 # require 'sidekiq/testing/inline'51 Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers!52 require 'database_cleaner'53 RSpec.configure do |config|54 config.mock_with :rspec55 config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true56 config.filter_run :focus => true57 #config.filter_run :js => true if ENV['JS'] == 'true'58 #config.filter_run :js => nil if ENV['JS'] == 'false'59 config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true60 end61end62def each_run63 if spork?64 # Start simplecov unless skip env variable set65 # Solution from start_simplecov unless ENV["SKIP_COV"]67 Rails.cache.clear68 ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear69 # When specifying a class for a factory, using a class constant70 # will cause the model to be preloaded in prefork preventing71 # reloading, whereas using a string will not72 #73 # Factory.define :user, class: 'MyUserClass' do |f|74 # ...75 # end76 #FactoryGirl.reload77 ActionDispatch::Callbacks.after do78 unless FactoryGirl.factories.blank?79 FactoryGirl.definition_file_paths = [80 "#{Rails.root}/factories",81 "#{Rails.root}/spec/factories"82 ]83 FactoryGirl.factories.clear84 FactoryGirl.find_definitions85 end86 end87 end88 # Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,89 # in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.90 Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].each {|f| require f}91 # Clean the log file before each run92"#{Rails.root}/log/test.log", 'w') { |file| file.truncate(0) }93end94# If spork is available in the Gemfile it'll be used but we don't force it.95unless (begin; require 'spork'; rescue LoadError; nil end).nil?96 Spork.prefork do97 # Loading more in this block will cause your tests to run faster. However,98 # if you change any configuration or code from libraries loaded here, you'll99 # need to restart spork for it take effect.100 setup_environment101 end102 Spork.each_run do103 # This code will be run each time you run your specs.104 each_run105 end106else107 setup_environment108 each_run109end...

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Source:spork_spec.rb Github


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...3 def self.reset!4 @state = nil5 @using_spork = false6 @already_ran = nil7 @each_run_procs = nil8 end9end10describe Spork do11 before(:each) do12 Spork.reset!13 @ran = []14 end15 16 def spec_helper_simulator17 Spork.prefork do18 @ran << :prefork19 end20 21 Spork.each_run do22 @ran << :each_run23 end24 @ran25 end26 27 it "only runs the preload block when preforking" do28 Spork.exec_prefork { spec_helper_simulator }29 @ran.should == [:prefork]30 end31 32 it "only runs the each_run block when running" do33 Spork.exec_prefork { spec_helper_simulator }34 @ran.should == [:prefork]35 36 Spork.exec_each_run37 @ran.should == [:prefork, :each_run]38 end39 40 it "runs both blocks when Spork not activated" do41 spec_helper_simulator.should == [:prefork, :each_run]42 end43 44 it "prevents blocks from being ran twice" do45 Spork.exec_prefork { spec_helper_simulator }46 Spork.exec_each_run47 @ran.clear48 Spork.exec_prefork { spec_helper_simulator }49 Spork.exec_each_run50 @ran.should == []51 end52 53 it "runs multiple prefork and each_run blocks at different locations" do54 Spork.prefork { }55 Spork.each_run { }56 spec_helper_simulator.should == [:prefork, :each_run]57 end58 59 it "expands a caller line, preserving the line number" do60 Spork.send(:expanded_caller, "/boo/../yah.rb:31").should == "/yah.rb:31"61 end62 63 describe "#using_spork?" do64 it "returns true if Spork is being used" do65 Spork.using_spork?.should be_false66 Spork.exec_prefork { }67 Spork.using_spork?.should be_true68 end69 end70 describe "#trap_method" do71 before(:each) do72 Spork.exec_prefork { }73 74 Object.class_eval do75 class TrapTest76 def self.output77 @output ||= []78 end79 80 def hello81 TrapTest.output << 'hello'82 end83 84 def goodbye85 TrapTest.output << 'goodbye'86 end87 88 def say_something!89 TrapTest.output << 'something'90 end91 end92 end93 @trap_test = TrapTest.new94 end95 96 after(:each) do97 Object.send(:remove_const, :TrapTest)98 end99 100 it "delays execution of a method until after Spork.exec_each_run is called" do101 Spork.exec_prefork { }102 Spork.trap_method(TrapTest, :hello)103 @trap_test.hello104 @trap_test.goodbye105 Spork.exec_each_run106 TrapTest.output.should == ['goodbye', 'hello']107 end108 109 it "works with methods that have punctuation" do110 Spork.trap_method(TrapTest, :say_something!)111 @trap_test.say_something!112 TrapTest.output.should == []113 Spork.exec_each_run114 TrapTest.output.should == ['something']115 end116 end117 118 describe "#trap_class_method" do119 before(:each) do120 Object.class_eval do121 class TrapTest122 def self.output123 @output ||= []124 end125 126 def self.hello127 output << 'hello'128 end129 130 def self.goodbye131 output << 'goodbye'132 end133 end134 end135 end136 137 after(:each) do138 Object.send(:remove_const, :TrapTest)139 end140 141 it "delays execution of a method until after Spork.exec_each_run is called" do142 Spork.exec_prefork { }143 Spork.trap_class_method(TrapTest, :hello)144 TrapTest.hello145 TrapTest.goodbye146 Spork.exec_each_run147 TrapTest.output.should == ['goodbye', 'hello']148 end149 end150end...

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