How to use name method of Spinach.Generators Package

Best Spinach_ruby code snippet using


Source:full-stack.rb Github


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1require 'ostruct'2application_name = `pwd`.split('/​').last.strip3run "echo > Gemfile"4choices = OpenStruct.new5choices.i18n = yes?("Will this application use I18n?")6choices.json = yes?("Will you output json?")7choices.heroku = yes?("Will you use heroku?")8if choices.devise = yes?("Will you use devise?")9 choices.devise_user_model = ask("What would you like the user model to be called? [User]")10 choices.devise_user_model = 'User' if choices.devise_user_model.blank?11end12if choices.active_admin = yes?("Will you use active_admin?")13 choices.active_admin_user_model = ask("What would you like the Admin user model to be called? [AdminUser]")14 choices.active_admin_user_model = 'AdminUser' if choices.active_admin_user_model.blank?15end16if choices.uploads = yes?("Will this app have file uploads?")17 choices.s3 = yes?("Will they be over S3?")18end19choices.assets = yes?("Do you want to optimize this app's assets for performance?")20add_source :rubygems21gem 'rails'22gem "slim-rails"23gem "simple_form"24gem 'draper'25gem 'button_form'26gem 'flash_messages_helper'27gem 'rails-i18n' if choices.i18n28gem 'jbuilder' if choices.json29gem 'carrierwave' if choices.uploads30gem 'devise' if choices.devise31gem 'unicorn' if choices.heroku32if choices.active_admin33 gem 'meta_search', version: '>= 1.1.0.pre'34 gem 'activeadmin'35end36gem_group :development do37 gem 'sqlite3'38 gem 'smusher' if choices.assets39 gem 'heroku' if choices.heroku40 gem 'foreman' if choices.heroku41end42gem_group :development, :test do43 gem "minitest-rails", git: 'https:/​/​​blowmage/​minitest-rails.git'44 gem 'minitest-reporters'45 gem "spinach-rails", group: 'test'46 gem 'guard-spinach'47 gem 'guard-minitest'48 gem 'machinist', version: '>= 2.0.0.beta.2'49end50gem_group :test do51 gem 'database_cleaner'52end53gem_group :assets do54 gem 'sass-rails'55 gem 'compass-rails'56 gem 'uglifier'57end58gem 'jquery-rails'59gem_group :production do60 gem 'rack-cache'61 gem 'pg'62 gem 'fog' if choices.s363end64run "bundle install"65# Add minitest66generate 'mini_test:install'67application <<-eos68config.generators do |g|69 g.test_framework :mini_test, spec: true70end71eos72# Add draper73generate "draper:install"74# Fix the rake'Rakefile', 'a') do |f|76 f.puts 'task :default => [:test, :spinach]''test/​minitest_helper.rb', 'a') do |f|79 f.puts "require 'minitest/​reporters'"80 f.puts "MiniTest::Unit.runner ="81 f.puts "MiniTest::Unit.runner.reporters <<"'Guardfile', 'w') do |f|84 f.write <<-eos85guard 'minitest' do86 watch(%r|^test/​(.*)_test\.rb|)87 watch(%r|^test/​minitest_helper\.rb|) { "test" }88 watch(%r|^lib/​(.*)([^/​]+)\.rb|) { |m| "test/​lib/​\#{m[1]}\#{m[2]}_test.rb" }89 watch(%r|^app/​(.*)/​(.*)\\.rb|) { |m| "test/​\#{m[1]}/​\#{m[2]}_test.rb" }90end91 eos92end93# Initialize spinach94generate 'spinach'95# Add machinist96generate 'machinist:install'97application <<-eos98config.generators do |g|99 g.fixture_replacement'test/​minitest_helper.rb', 'a') do |f|103 f.puts "require 'blueprints'"104end105# Add'test/​minitest_helper.rb', 'a') do |f|107 f.write <<-eos108require 'database_cleaner'109DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation110class MiniTest::Spec111 before :each do112 DatabaseCleaner.clean113 end114end115 eos116end117# Install devise118if choices.devise119 generate "devise:install"120 generate "devise", choices.devise_user_model121end122run "guard init spinach"123# Install active_admin124if choices.active_admin125 generate "active_admin:install", choices.active_admin_user_model126end127# If using heroku128if choices.heroku129 application 'config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false'130'Procfile', 'w') do |f|131 f.write <<-eof132web: bundle exec unicorn_rails -p $PORT -c ./​unicorn.rb133 eof134 end135'unicorn.rb', 'w') do |f|136 f.write <<-eof137worker_processes 3 # amount of unicorn workers to spin up138timeout 120 # restarts workers that hang for 30 seconds139 eof140 end141end142# Use carrierwave with s3143if choices.s3144 initializer 'carrierwave.rb', <<-eos145CarrierWave.configure do |config|146 config.permissions = 0666147 if Rails.env.test?148 config.enable_processing = false149 end150 if Rails.env.production?151 = :fog152 config.fog_credentials = {153 provider: 'AWS',154 aws_access_key_id: ENV['S3_KEY'],155 aws_secret_access_key: ENV['S3_SECRET'],156 region: ENV['S3_REGION']157 }158 config.fog_directory = ENV['S3_BUCKET']159 config.fog_attributes = {'Cache-Control'=>'max-age=315576000'}160 config.fog_public = true161 else162 = :file163 end164end165 eos166end167# Optimize asset performance168if choices.assets169 application 'config.serve_static_assets = true', env: :production170 application 'config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=864000"', env: :production171 application "config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect'", env: :production172 application "config.middleware.use Rack::Cache, verbose: false", env: :production173 application "config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Cache, Rack::Deflater", env: :production174end175# Init compass stylesheets176run "bundle exec compass init rails --using blueprint/​basic --syntax sass"177run "rm app/​assets/​stylesheets/​ie.css.sass"178run "rm app/​assets/​stylesheets/​print.css.sass"179# Init a proper application layout180run "rm app/​views/​layouts/​application.html.erb"'app/​views/​layouts/​application.html.slim', 'w') do |f|182 f.write <<-eos183doctype html184html185 head186 title #{application_name.camelize}187 = stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all'188 = javascript_include_tag 'application'189 = csrf_meta_tags190 /​*link rel="shortcut icon" href=image_path('favicon.png')*/​191 body192 =yield193 eos194end195# Cleanup196run "rm app/​assets/​images/​rails.png"197run "rm public/​index.html"198run "rm public/​favicon.ico"199run "rm README.rdoc"'', 'w') do |file|201 file.write <<-eos202# {application_name}203Write something here204 eos205end206run 'rake db:migrate''.gitignore', 'a') do |f|208 f.puts ".DS_Store"209 f.puts ".sassc"".rvmrc", 'w') do |f|212 f.puts "rvm --create use 1.9.3@#{application_name}"213end214# set up git215git :init216git :add => '.'217git :commit => "-a -m 'Initial commit'"...

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Source:feature_generator_test.rb Github


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...18 Given I haz a happy19 When I get some lulz20 Then I am OMG ROFLMAO""").parse21 end22 describe "#name" do23 it "returns the feature name" do24 'Cheezburger can I has'25 end26 end27 describe "#steps" do28 it "returns a correct number different steps for this data" do29 subject.steps.length.must_equal 530 end31 end32 describe "#generate" do33 it "generates an entire feature_steps class definition" do34 result = subject.generate35 result.must_match(/​step 'I haz a sad' do/​)36 result.must_match(/​pending 'step not implemented'/​)37 end38 it 'scopes the generated class to prevent conflicts' do39 result = subject.generate40 result.must_match(/​class Spinach::Features::CheezburgerCanIHas < Spinach::FeatureSteps/​)41 end42 end43 describe "#filename" do44 it "returns a valid filename for the feature" do45 subject.filename.must_equal "cheezburger_can_i_has.rb"46 end47 end48 describe "#path" do49 it "should return a valid path" do50 subject.path.must_include 'features/​steps'51 end52 end53 describe "#filename_with_path" do54 it "should the filename prepended with the path" do55 subject.filename_with_path.56 must_include 'features/​steps/​cheezburger_can_i_has.rb'57 end58 end59 describe "#store" do60 it "stores the generated feature into a file" do61 in_current_dir do62 subject.store63"features/​steps/​").must_equal true64 File.exists?("features/​steps/​cheezburger_can_i_has.rb").must_equal true65"features/​steps/​cheezburger_can_i_has.rb").strip.must_equal(66 subject.generate.strip67 )68 FileUtils.rm_rf("features/​steps")69 end...

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Source:feature_generator.rb Github


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...10 def initialize(feature)11 @feature = feature12 end13 # @return [Array<Hash>]14 # an array of unique steps found in this feature, avoiding name15 # repetition16 def steps17 scenario_steps = background_steps = @feature.background_steps19 (scenario_steps + background_steps).uniq(&:name)20 end21 # @return [String]22 # this feature's name23 def name24 @feature.name25 end26 # @return [String]27 # an example feature steps definition28 def generate29 result = StringIO.new30 result.puts "class #{Spinach::Support.scoped_camelize name} < Spinach::FeatureSteps"31 generated_steps = do |step|32 step_generator = step_generator.generate.split("\n").map do |line|34 " #{line}"35 end.join("\n")36 end37 result.puts generated_steps.join("\n\n")38 result.puts "end"39 result.string40 end41 # @return [String]42 # an example filename for this feature steps43 def filename44 Spinach::Support.underscore(45 Spinach::Support.camelize name46 ) + ".rb"47 end48 # @return [String]49 # the path where this feature steps may be saved50 def path51 Spinach.config[:step_definitions_path]52 end53 # @return [String]54 # the expanded path where this feature steps may be saved55 def filename_with_path56 File.expand_path File.join(path, filename)57 end58 # Stores the example feature steps definition into an expected path59 #60 def store61 if file_exists?(filename)62 raise"File #{filename} already exists at #{file_path(filename)}.")63 else64 FileUtils.mkdir_p path65, 'w') do |file|66 file.write(generate)67 puts "Generating #{File.basename(filename_with_path)}"68 end69 end70 end71 private72 73 def file_exists?(filename)74 !!file_path(filename)75 end76 def file_path(filename)77 Dir.glob("#{path}/​**/​#{filename}").first78 end79 end80 class FeatureGeneratorException < Exception; end;81 end82end...

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Using AI Code Generation


Full Screen'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')

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Using AI Code Generation


Full Screen"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject").name

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Using AI Code Generation


Full Screen'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')'new_feature', 'new_feature_file')

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Using AI Code Generation


Full Screen"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject").name

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Using AI Code Generation


Full Screen"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject")"myproject").name

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