Best Parallel_tests_ruby code snippet using ParallelTests.first_is_1
Source: cli.rb
...9 options = parse_options!(argv)10 ENV['DISABLE_SPRING'] ||= '1'11 num_processes = ParallelTests.determine_number_of_processes(options[:count])12 num_processes = num_processes * (options[:multiply] || 1)13 options[:first_is_1] ||= first_is_1?14 if options[:execute]15 execute_shell_command_in_parallel(options[:execute], num_processes, options)16 else17 run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options)18 end19 end20 private21 def handle_interrupt22 @graceful_shutdown_attempted ||= false23 Kernel.exit if @graceful_shutdown_attempted24 # The Pid class's synchronize method can't be called directly from a trap25 # Using Thread workaround { ParallelTests.stop_all_processes }27 @graceful_shutdown_attempted = true28 end29 def execute_in_parallel(items, num_processes, options)30 'parallel_tests-lock' do |lock|31 ParallelTests.with_pid_file do32 progress_indicator = simulate_output_for_ci if options[:serialize_stdout]33, :in_threads => num_processes) do |item|34 result = yield(item)35 if progress_indicator && progress_indicator.alive?36 progress_indicator.exit37 puts38 end39 reprint_output(result, lock.path) if options[:serialize_stdout]40 result41 end42 end43 end44 end45 def run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options)46 test_results = nil47 run_tests_proc = -> {48 groups = @runner.tests_in_groups(options[:files], num_processes, options)49 groups.reject! &:empty?50 test_results = if options[:only_group]51 groups_to_run = options[:only_group].collect{|i| groups[i - 1]}.compact52 report_number_of_tests(groups_to_run) unless options[:quiet]53 execute_in_parallel(groups_to_run, groups_to_run.size, options) do |group|54 run_tests(group, groups_to_run.index(group), 1, options)55 end56 else57 report_number_of_tests(groups) unless options[:quiet]58 execute_in_parallel(groups, groups.size, options) do |group|59 run_tests(group, groups.index(group), num_processes, options)60 end61 end62 report_results(test_results, options) unless options[:quiet]63 }64 if options[:quiet]65 run_tests_proc.call66 else67 report_time_taken(&run_tests_proc)68 end69 abort final_fail_message if any_test_failed?(test_results)70 end71 def run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options)72 if group.empty?73 {:stdout => '', :exit_status => 0, :command => '', :seed => nil}74 else75 @runner.run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options)76 end77 end78 def reprint_output(result, lockfile)79 lock(lockfile) do80 $stdout.puts result[:stdout]81 $stdout.flush82 end83 end84 def lock(lockfile)85 do |lock|86 begin87 lock.flock File::LOCK_EX88 yield89 ensure90 # This shouldn't be necessary, but appears to be91 lock.flock File::LOCK_UN92 end93 end94 end95 def report_results(test_results, options)96 results = @runner.find_results( { |result| result[:stdout] }*"")97 puts ""98 puts @runner.summarize_results(results)99 report_failure_rerun_commmand(test_results, options)100 end101 def report_failure_rerun_commmand(test_results, options)102 failing_sets = test_results.reject { |r| r[:exit_status] == 0 }103 return if failing_sets.none?104 if options[:verbose]105 puts "\n\nTests have failed for a parallel_test group. Use the following command to run the group again:\n\n"106 failing_sets.each do |failing_set|107 command = failing_set[:command]108 command = command.gsub(/;export [A-Z_]+;/, ' ') # remove ugly export statements109 command = @runner.command_with_seed(command, failing_set[:seed]) if failing_set[:seed]110 puts command111 end112 end113 end114 def report_number_of_tests(groups)115 name = @runner.test_file_name116 num_processes = groups.size117 num_tests =, :+)118 tests_per_process = (num_processes == 0 ? 0 : num_tests / num_processes)119 puts "#{num_processes} processes for #{num_tests} #{name}s, ~ #{tests_per_process} #{name}s per process"120 end121 #exit with correct status code so rake parallel:test && echo 123 works122 def any_test_failed?(test_results)123 test_results.any? { |result| result[:exit_status] != 0 }124 end125 def parse_options!(argv)126 options = {}127 do |opts|128 opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /, '')129 Run all tests in parallel, giving each process ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] ('', '2', '3', ...)130 [optional] Only selected files & folders:131 parallel_test test/bar test/baz/xxx_text.rb132 [optional] Pass test-options and files via `--`:133 parallel_test -- -t acceptance -f progress -- spec/foo_spec.rb spec/acceptance134 Options are:135 BANNER136 opts.on("-n [PROCESSES]", Integer, "How many processes to use, default: available CPUs") { |n| options[:count] = n }137 opts.on("-p", "--pattern [PATTERN]", "run tests matching this regex pattern") { |pattern| options[:pattern] = /#{pattern}/ }138 opts.on("--group-by [TYPE]", <<-TEXT.gsub(/^ /, '')139 group tests by:140 found - order of finding files141 steps - number of cucumber/spinach steps142 scenarios - individual cucumber scenarios143 filesize - by size of the file144 runtime - info from runtime log145 default - runtime when runtime log is filled otherwise filesize146 TEXT147 ) { |type| options[:group_by] = type.to_sym }148 opts.on("-m [FLOAT]", "--multiply-processes [FLOAT]", Float, "use given number as a multiplier of processes to run") { |multiply| options[:multiply] = multiply }149 opts.on("-s [PATTERN]", "--single [PATTERN]",150 "Run all matching files in the same process") do |pattern|151 options[:single_process] ||= []152 options[:single_process] << /#{pattern}/153 end154 opts.on("-i", "--isolate",155 "Do not run any other tests in the group used by --single(-s)") do |pattern|156 options[:isolate] = true157 end158 opts.on("--only-group INT[, INT]", Array) { |groups| options[:only_group] = }159 opts.on("-e", "--exec [COMMAND]", "execute this code parallel and with ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']") { |path| options[:execute] = path }160 opts.on("-o", "--test-options '[OPTIONS]'", "execute test commands with those options") { |arg| options[:test_options] = arg.lstrip }161 opts.on("-t", "--type [TYPE]", "test(default) / rspec / cucumber / spinach") do |type|162 begin163 @runner = load_runner(type)164 rescue NameError, LoadError => e165 puts "Runner for `#{type}` type has not been found! (#{e})"166 abort167 end168 end169 opts.on("--suffix [PATTERN]", <<-TEXT.gsub(/^ /, '')170 override built in test file pattern (should match suffix):171 '_spec\.rb$' - matches rspec files172 '_(test|spec).rb$' - matches test or spec files173 TEXT174 ) { |pattern| options[:suffix] = /#{pattern}/ }175 opts.on("--serialize-stdout", "Serialize stdout output, nothing will be written until everything is done") { options[:serialize_stdout] = true }176 opts.on("--prefix-output-with-test-env-number", "Prefixes test env number to the output when not using --serialize-stdout") { options[:prefix_output_with_test_env_number] = true }177 opts.on("--combine-stderr", "Combine stderr into stdout, useful in conjunction with --serialize-stdout") { options[:combine_stderr] = true }178 opts.on("--non-parallel", "execute same commands but do not in parallel, needs --exec") { options[:non_parallel] = true }179 opts.on("--no-symlinks", "Do not traverse symbolic links to find test files") { options[:symlinks] = false }180 opts.on('--ignore-tags [PATTERN]', 'When counting steps ignore scenarios with tags that match this pattern') { |arg| options[:ignore_tag_pattern] = arg }181 opts.on("--nice", "execute test commands with low priority.") { options[:nice] = true }182 opts.on("--runtime-log [PATH]", "Location of previously recorded test runtimes") { |path| options[:runtime_log] = path }183 opts.on("--allowed-missing [INT]", Integer, "Allowed percentage of missing runtimes (default = 50)") { |percent| options[:allowed_missing_percent] = percent }184 opts.on("--unknown-runtime [FLOAT]", Float, "Use given number as unknown runtime (otherwise use average time)") { |time| options[:unknown_runtime] = time }185 opts.on("--first-is-1", "Use \"1\" as TEST_ENV_NUMBER to not reuse the default test environment") { options[:first_is_1] = true }186 opts.on("--verbose", "Print more output (mutually exclusive with quiet)") { options[:verbose] = true }187 opts.on("--quiet", "Print tests output only (mutually exclusive with verbose)") { options[:quiet] = true }188 opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show Version") { puts ParallelTests::VERSION; exit }189 opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") { puts opts; exit }190 end.parse!(argv)191 if options[:verbose] && options[:quiet]192 raise "Both options are mutually exclusive: verbose & quiet"193 end194 if options[:count] == 0195 options.delete(:count)196 options[:non_parallel] = true197 end198 files, remaining = extract_file_paths(argv)199 unless options[:execute]200 abort "Pass files or folders to run" unless files.any?201 options[:files] = files202 end203 append_test_options(options, remaining)204 options[:group_by] ||= :filesize if options[:only_group]205 raise "--group-by found and --single-process are not supported" if options[:group_by] == :found and options[:single_process]206 allowed = [:filesize, :runtime, :found]207 if !allowed.include?(options[:group_by]) && options[:only_group]208 raise "--group-by #{allowed.join(" or ")} is required for --only-group"209 end210 options211 end212 def extract_file_paths(argv)213 dash_index = argv.rindex("--")214 file_args_at = (dash_index || -1) + 1215 [argv[file_args_at..-1], argv[0...(dash_index || 0)]]216 end217 def extract_test_options(argv)218 dash_index = argv.index("--") || -1219 argv[dash_index+1..-1]220 end221 def append_test_options(options, argv)222 new_opts = extract_test_options(argv)223 return if new_opts.empty?224 prev_and_new = [options[:test_options], new_opts.shelljoin]225 options[:test_options] = prev_and_new.compact.join(' ')226 end227 def load_runner(type)228 require "parallel_tests/#{type}/runner"229 runner_classname = type.split("_").map(&:capitalize).join.sub("Rspec", "RSpec")230 klass_name = "ParallelTests::#{runner_classname}::Runner"231 klass_name.split('::').inject(Object) { |x, y| x.const_get(y) }232 end233 def execute_shell_command_in_parallel(command, num_processes, options)234 runs = if options[:only_group]235 options[:only_group].map{|g| g - 1}236 else237 (0...num_processes).to_a238 end239 results = if options[:non_parallel]240 ParallelTests.with_pid_file do241 do |i|242 ParallelTests::Test::Runner.execute_command(command, i, num_processes, options)243 end244 end245 else246 execute_in_parallel(runs, runs.size, options) do |i|247 ParallelTests::Test::Runner.execute_command(command, i, num_processes, options)248 end249 end.flatten250 abort if results.any? { |r| r[:exit_status] != 0 }251 end252 def report_time_taken253 seconds = { yield }.to_i254 puts "\nTook #{seconds} seconds#{detailed_duration(seconds)}"255 end256 def detailed_duration(seconds)257 parts = [ seconds / 3600, seconds % 3600 / 60, seconds % 60 ].drop_while(&:zero?)258 return if parts.size < 2259 parts = { |i| "%02d" % i }.join(':').sub(/^0/, '')260 " (#{parts})"261 end262 def final_fail_message263 fail_message = "#{}s Failed"264 fail_message = "\e[31m#{fail_message}\e[0m" if use_colors?265 fail_message266 end267 def use_colors?268 $stdout.tty?269 end270 def first_is_1?271 val = ENV["PARALLEL_TEST_FIRST_IS_1"]272 ['1', 'true'].include?(val)273 end274 # CI systems often fail when there is no output for a long time, so simulate some output275 def simulate_output_for_ci276 do277 interval = ENV.fetch('PARALLEL_TEST_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL', 60).to_f278 loop do279 sleep interval280 print '.'281 end282 end283 end284 end...
Source: parallel_tests@3.0.0.rbi
...26 def execute_shell_command_in_parallel(command, num_processes, options); end27 def extract_file_paths(argv); end28 def extract_test_options(argv); end29 def final_fail_message; end30 def first_is_1?; end31 def handle_interrupt; end32 def load_runner(type); end33 def lock(lockfile); end34 def parse_options!(argv); end35 def report_failure_rerun_commmand(test_results, options); end36 def report_number_of_tests(groups); end37 def report_results(test_results, options); end38 def report_time_taken; end39 def reprint_output(result, lockfile); end40 def run_tests(group, process_number, num_processes, options); end41 def run_tests_in_parallel(num_processes, options); end42 def simulate_output_for_ci(simulate); end43 def use_colors?; end44end...
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1/home/username/1.rb:3:in `require': cannot load such file -- parallel_tests (LoadError)2ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)3ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)4ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)5ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EACCES)6ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)7ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
Using AI Code Generation
Check out the latest blogs from LambdaTest on this topic:
As part of one of my consulting efforts, I worked with a mid-sized company that was looking to move toward a more agile manner of developing software. As with any shift in work style, there is some bewilderment and, for some, considerable anxiety. People are being challenged to leave their comfort zones and embrace a continuously changing, dynamic working environment. And, dare I say it, testing may be the most ‘disturbed’ of the software roles in agile development.
So, now that the first installment of this two fold article has been published (hence you might have an idea of what Agile Testing is not in my opinion), I’ve started feeling the pressure to explain what Agile Testing actually means to me.
One of the essential parts when performing automated UI testing, whether using Selenium or another framework, is identifying the correct web elements the tests will interact with. However, if the web elements are not located correctly, you might get NoSuchElementException in Selenium. This would cause a false negative result because we won’t get to the actual functionality check. Instead, our test will fail simply because it failed to interact with the correct element.
In addition to the four values, the Agile Manifesto contains twelve principles that are used as guides for all methodologies included under the Agile movement, such as XP, Scrum, and Kanban.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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