How to use sort_by_runtime method of ParallelTests.Test Package

Best Parallel_tests_ruby code snippet using ParallelTests.Test.sort_by_runtime


Source:runner.rb Github


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...39! { |t| [t, 1] }40 when :filesize41 sort_by_filesize(tests)42 when :runtime43 sort_by_runtime(tests, runtimes(tests, options), options.merge(allowed_missing: (options[:allowed_missing_percent] || 50) / 100.0))44 when nil45 # use recorded test runtime if we got enough data46 runtimes = runtimes(tests, options) rescue []47 if runtimes.size * 1.5 > tests.size48 puts "Using recorded test runtime"49 sort_by_runtime(tests, runtimes)50 else51 sort_by_filesize(tests)52 end53 else54 raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported option #{options[:group_by]}"55 end56 tests57 end58 def execute_command(cmd, process_number, num_processes, options)59 env = (options[:env] || {}).merge(60 "TEST_ENV_NUMBER" => test_env_number(process_number, options).to_s,61 "PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS" => num_processes.to_s,62 "PARALLEL_PID_FILE" => ParallelTests.pid_file_path,63 )64 cmd = "nice #{cmd}" if options[:nice]65 cmd = "#{cmd} 2>&1" if options[:combine_stderr]66 puts cmd if options[:verbose] && !options[:serialize_stdout]67 execute_command_and_capture_output(env, cmd, options)68 end69 def execute_command_and_capture_output(env, cmd, options)70 pid = nil71 output = IO.popen(env, cmd) do |io|72 pid = io.pid73 ParallelTests.pids.add(pid)74 capture_output(io, env, options)75 end76 ParallelTests.pids.delete(pid) if pid77 exitstatus = $?.exitstatus78 seed = output[/seed (\d+)/,1]79 output = [cmd, output].join("\n") if options[:verbose] && options[:serialize_stdout]80 {:stdout => output, :exit_status => exitstatus, :command => cmd, :seed => seed}81 end82 def find_results(test_output)83 do |line|84 line.chomp!85 line.gsub!(/\e\[\d+m/, '') # remove color coding86 next unless line_is_result?(line)87 line88 end.compact89 end90 def test_env_number(process_number, options={})91 if process_number == 0 && !options[:first_is_1]92 ''93 else94 process_number + 195 end96 end97 def summarize_results(results)98 sums = sum_up_results(results)99{|word, number| "#{number} #{word}#{'s' if number != 1}" }.join(', ')100 end101 # remove old seed and add new seed102 def command_with_seed(cmd, seed)103 clean = cmd.sub(/\s--seed\s+\d+\b/, '')104 "#{clean} --seed #{seed}"105 end106 protected107 def executable108 ENV['PARALLEL_TESTS_EXECUTABLE'] || determine_executable109 end110 def determine_executable111 "ruby"112 end113 def sum_up_results(results)114 results = results.join(' ').gsub(/s\b/,'') # combine and singularize results115 counts = results.scan(/(\d+) (\w+)/)116 counts.inject( do |sum, (number, word)|117 sum[word] += number.to_i118 sum119 end120 end121 # read output of the process and print it in chunks122 def capture_output(out, env, options={})123 result = ""124 loop do125 begin126 read = out.readpartial(1000000) # read whatever chunk we can get127 if Encoding.default_internal128 read = read.force_encoding(Encoding.default_internal)129 end130 result << read131 unless options[:serialize_stdout]132 message = read133 message = "[TEST GROUP #{env['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}] #{message}" if options[:prefix_output_with_test_env_number]134 $stdout.print message135 $stdout.flush136 end137 end138 end rescue EOFError139 result140 end141 def sort_by_runtime(tests, runtimes, options={})142 allowed_missing = options[:allowed_missing] || 1.0143 allowed_missing = tests.size * allowed_missing144 # set know runtime for each test145 tests.sort!146! do |test|147 allowed_missing -= 1 unless time = runtimes[test]148 if allowed_missing < 0149 log = options[:runtime_log] || runtime_log150 raise "Runtime log file '#{log}' does not contain sufficient data to sort #{tests.size} test files, please update it."151 end152 [test, time]153 end154 if options[:verbose]155 puts "Runtime found for #{tests.count(&:last)} of #{tests.size} tests"...

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