How to use caller method of Assertions Package

Best Minitest_ruby code snippet using Assertions.caller


Source:reasonerJobHelper.rb Github


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1require 'brl/​genboree/​tools/​workbenchJobHelper'2require 'brl/​genboree/​rest/​helpers/​kbApiUriHelper'3require 'brl/​genboree/​kb/​propSelector'4require 'brl/​genboree/​kb/​helpers/​modelsHelper'5require 'brl/​genboree/​kb/​transformers/​transformedDocHelper'6module BRL; module Genboree; module Tools7 class ReasonerJobHelper < WorkbenchJobHelper8 TOOL_ID = "reasoner"9 TRANSFORM_PARAM = "transform"10 FORMAT_PARAM = "format"11 FORMAT_VALUE = "json"12 13 R_MODULE_NAME = "R"14 R_VERSION = "3.1"15 MODULE_NAME = "Reasoner"16 MODULE_VERSION = "1.0"17 CONCLUDER_NAME = "Reasoner"18 CMD_NAME = "Reasoner.R"19 # Extract information from stdout/​stderr20 # @todo this is unique to reasoner121 # Providing this information as a set of variables that should be easily modified if the 22 # script changes its output style; pattern must have $1 match group as the information23 # to be retrieved and used by the wrapper24 # Assertions are presented e.g.25 # Assertion => LikelyPathogenic , Pathogenic , LikelyPathogenic , Benign , LikelyBenign26 # ReasonForAssertion => Pathogenic.Moderate >=3 , Pathogenic.Strong >=2 , Pathogenic.Moderate 27 # >=1 & Pathogenic.Supporting >=4 , Benign.Strong >=2 , Benign.Supporting >=228 # Warning messages are presented e.g.29 # "Warning Name => Guidelines Parse Warning."30 # "Warning Message => The last column is not named Inference"31 # Error messages are presented e.g.32 # "Error: Error Name => Evidence Parse Error."33 # "Error Message => One or More of evidence tags that you supplied are not known to provided Guidelines! They are listed here: \"Pathogenic.Very Not Strong\"."34 ASSERTION_DELIM = REASON_DELIM = WARNING_DELIM = ERROR_DELIM = "\\s*=>\\s*"35 ASSERTION_ITEM_DELIM = ","36 ASSERTION_PREFIX = "Assertion"37 ASSERTION_PATTERN = %r{#{ASSERTION_PREFIX}#{ASSERTION_DELIM}(.*)$}38 REASON_ITEM_DELIM = ","39 REASON_PREFIX = "ReasonForAssertion"40 REASON_PATTERN = %r{#{REASON_PREFIX}#{REASON_DELIM}(.*)$}41 WARNING_NAME_PREFIX = "Warning Name"42 WARNING_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "Warning Message"43 WARNING_NAME_PATTERN = %r{#{WARNING_NAME_PREFIX}#{WARNING_DELIM}(.*)$}44 WARNING_MESSAGE_PATTERN = %r{#{WARNING_MESSAGE_PREFIX}#{WARNING_DELIM}(.*)$}45 ERROR_NAME_PREFIX = "Error Name"46 ERROR_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "Error Message"47 ERROR_NAME_PATTERN = %r{#{ERROR_NAME_PREFIX}#{ERROR_DELIM}(.*)$}48 ERROR_MESSAGE_PATTERN = %r{#{ERROR_MESSAGE_PREFIX}#{ERROR_DELIM}(.*)$}49 def initialize(toolIdStr, genbConf=nil, dbu=nil, *args)50 super(toolIdStr, genbConf, dbu, args)51 @kbApiUriHelper =, genbConf)52 cmds = [53 "module load #{MODULE_NAME}/​#{self.class::MODULE_VERSION}",54 "unset R_HOME"55 ]56 @reasonerCmdPrefix = "#{cmds.join(" ; ")} ; #{CMD_NAME}"57 @adminMsg = "Please contact the administator at #{@genbConf.send(:gbAdminEmail)}." rescue nil58 end59 # Override parent runInProcess() so that we can run on the web server60 # @return [Boolean] whether or not job succeeded61 # @set @workbenchJobObj.results with a Conclusion document62 # @set @workbenchJobObj.context['wbErrorMsg'] if error occurs63 # @todo @workbenchJobObj.settings['updateDoc']64 # @todo would like to put @apiCaller setup in initialize but user authentication hasnt happened at that stage:65 # it happens with executionCallback is called from the toolJob resource, which in turn executes this function66 def runInProcess()67 success = false68 @apiCaller ="", "", @userId) 69 begin70 # fill in conclusion doc as we go71 # @todo conclusionDoc only needed for reasoner172 conclusionDoc = getConclusionTemplate() # @todo use generic doc template from model73 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.Concluder", CONCLUDER_NAME)74 rulesDocUrl = @workbenchJobObj.settings["rulesDoc"]75 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.Guidelines", rulesDocUrl)76 rulesDoc = getRulesDoc(rulesDocUrl, @apiCaller)77 # construct transformation URL based on inputs78 # use first input of each type (if there are multiple inputs of the same type)79 type2Input = classifyInputs(@workbenchJobObj.inputs)80 81 # kbDoc is available, get the latest version for timestamp82 # @todo perhaps once GET on kbDocProp is finished we can get JUST the timestamp83 timeObj = getInputDocTimestamp(type2Input[:kbDoc], @apiCaller)84 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.TimeStampOfDocument", timeObj)85 86 # then no errors, apply kb transform to kb doc 87 transformDoc = transformDocument(type2Input[:kbDoc], type2Input[:kbTransform], @apiCaller)88 89 # with the transform and rules docs, extract the data necessary for Reasoner90 # build guildlines tsv string91 # @todo reasoner2 needs evidence and meta from guidelines92 guidelines = parseGuidelines(rulesDoc)93 guidelinesTsv = self.class.hashToCsv(guidelines, "\t")94 95 evidence = parseEvidence(guidelines, transformDoc)96 evidenceCsv = formatEvidence(evidence)97 98 # run Reasoner99 # @todo what if module load part fails? pray100 guidelinesTsv.gsub!("\t", "\\t")101 guidelinesTsv.gsub!("\n", "\\n")102 cmd = @reasonerCmdPrefix + " \"#{guidelinesTsv}\" " + " \"#{evidenceCsv}\" "103 cmdStatus, stdout, stderr = BRL::Util::popen4Wrapper(cmd)104 assertions = warningName = warningMsg = errorName = errorMsg = nil105 if(cmdStatus.exitstatus == 0)106 success = true107 # check for warnings108 # @todo reasoner2 has no warnings or assertions to parse109 warningName, warningMsg = checkWarning(stderr)110 assertions = parseAssertions(stdout)111 if(assertions.empty?)112 # success and no assertions is a bug113 raise"Could not parse assertions from #{CMD_NAME}. #{@adminMsg}", :"Internal Server Error")114 end115 conclusionAssertions = []116 assertions.each_index { |ii|117 assertionDoc = assertionDoc.setPropVal("Assertion", "Assertion-#{ii}")119 assertionDoc.setPropProperties("Assertion", assertions[ii])120 conclusionAssertions.push(assertionDoc)121 }122 conclusionDoc.setPropItems("Conclusion.Assertions", conclusionAssertions)123 else124 success = false125 # check for warning, error126 warningName, warningMsg = checkWarning(stderr)127 errorName, errorMsg = checkError(stderr)128 end129 # fill in Conclusion document with cmd information130 status = name = message = nil131 if(!errorName.nil? or !errorMsg.nil?)132 status = "error"133 name = errorName134 message = errorMsg135 elsif(!warningName.nil? or !warningMsg.nil?)136 status = "warning"137 name = warningName138 message = warningMsg139 else140 status = "ok"141 name = "ok"142 message = "ok"143 end144 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.Status", status)145 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.Status.Name", name)146 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.Status.Message", message)147 # finally, the timestamp when we are done148 conclusionDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion.TimeStampOfConclusion", @workbenchJobObj.results = conclusionDoc150 # @todo re upload document on success151 rescue => err152 logAndPrepareError(err)153 success = false154 end155 156 return success157 end158 # @note if @rackEnv is set @genbConf must be set159 def getRulesDoc(rulesDocUrl, apiCaller=@apiCaller)160 # retrieve rules doc, validated by rulesHelper161 uriObj = URI.parse(rulesDocUrl)162 apiCaller.setHost( apiCaller.setRsrcPath("#{uriObj.path}?#{uriObj.query}")164 apiCaller.initInternalRequest(@rackEnv, @genbConf.machineNameAlias) if(@rackEnv)165 resp = apiCaller.get()166 unless(apiCaller.succeeded?)167 parsedBody = apiCaller.parseRespBody() rescue nil168 msg = parsedBody.respond_to?(:getNestedAttr) ? parsedBody.getNestedAttr("status.msg") : nil169 code = parsedBody.respond_to?(:getNestedAttr) ? parsedBody.getNestedAttr("status.statusCode") : nil170 code = (code.nil? ? :"Internal Server Error" : code.to_sym)171 raise"Unable to retrieve rulesDoc #{rulesDocUrl.inspect} ; Status message: #{msg.inspect}", code)172 end173 rulesDoc = apiCaller.parseRespBody()['data']174 return rulesDoc175 end176 # @note @kbApiUriHelper must be set177 def classifyInputs(inputs)178 type2Input = {}179 inputs.each{ |input|180 type = @kbApiUriHelper.classifyUri(input)181 if(!type.nil? and !type2Input.key?(type))182 type2Input[type] = input183 end184 }185 unless(type2Input[:kbDoc] and type2Input[:kbTransform])186 # this is redundant with workbench.rules.json and reasonerRulesHelper187 missingType = (type2Input.key?(:kbDoc) ? :kbDoc : :kbTransform)188 raise"Missing an input of type #{missingType}; this tool requires a kbDoc and a kbTransform", :"Bad Request")189 end190 return type2Input191 end192 # @todo perhaps once GET on kbDocProp is finished we can get JUST the timestamp193 def getInputDocTimestamp(kbDocUrl, apiCaller=@apiCaller)194 uriObj = URI.parse(kbDocUrl)195 kbDocVersionPath = "#{uriObj.path.chomp("/​")}/​ver/​HEAD"196 apiCaller.setHost( apiCaller.setRsrcPath(kbDocVersionPath)198 apiCaller.initInternalRequest(@rackEnv, @genbConf.machineNameAlias) if(@rackEnv)199 resp = apiCaller.get()200 unless(apiCaller.succeeded?)201 parsedBody = apiCaller.parseRespBody() rescue nil202 msg = parsedBody.respond_to?(:getNestedAttr) ? parsedBody.getNestedAttr("status.msg") : nil203 code = parsedBody.respond_to?(:getNestedAttr) ? parsedBody.getNestedAttr("status.statusCode") : nil204 code = (code.nil? ? :"Internal Server Error" : code.to_sym)205 raise"Could not retrieve head version of #{kbDocUrl} for its timestamp ; Status message: #{msg.inspect}", code)206 end207 respBody = apiCaller.parseRespBody()['data']208 timestamp = respBody['versionNum']['properties']['timestamp']['value']209 timeObj = Time.rfc2822(timestamp) rescue nil210 if(timeObj.nil?)211 $stderr.debugPuts(__FILE__, __method__, "ERROR", "Timestamp from version document not parsable according to rfc2822: #{timestamp.inspect}")212 raise"Could not retrieve valid timestamp from version document #{apiCaller.fillApiUriTemplate.inspect}", :"Internal Server Error")213 end214 return timeObj215 end216 # Transform a KB document through the HTTP API217 # @param [String] kbDocUrl the document to transform218 # @param [String] transformDocUrl URL to document describing to transform it219 # @param [BRL::Genboree::REST::ApiCaller] apiCaller the object used to make the HTTP request220 # @return [Hash] the transformed document221 def transformDocument(kbDocUrl, transformDocUrl, apiCaller=@apiCaller)222 escapedTransform = CGI.escape(transformDocUrl)223 uriObj = URI.parse(kbDocUrl)224 url = "#{uriObj.scheme}:/​/​#{}#{uriObj.path}?#{TRANSFORM_PARAM}=#{escapedTransform}&#{FORMAT_PARAM}=#{FORMAT_VALUE}"225 uriObj = URI.parse(url)226 apiCaller.setHost( apiCaller.setRsrcPath("#{uriObj.path}?#{uriObj.query}")228 apiCaller.initInternalRequest(@rackEnv, @genbConf.machineNameAlias) if(@rackEnv)229 resp = apiCaller.get()230 unless(apiCaller.succeeded?)231 parsedBody = apiCaller.parseRespBody() rescue nil232 msg = parsedBody.respond_to?(:getNestedAttr) ? parsedBody.getNestedAttr("status.msg") : nil233 code = parsedBody.respond_to?(:getNestedAttr) ? parsedBody.getNestedAttr("status.statusCode") : nil234 code = (code.nil? ? :"Internal Server Error" : code.to_sym)235 raise"Could not retrieve transformation via #{url.inspect} ; Status message: #{msg.inspect}", code)236 end237 transformDoc = apiCaller.parseRespBody()['data'] # the actual response is wrapped238 return transformDoc239 end240 # Represent evidence as comma-separated A=V pairs for strictly positive evidences241 # @param [Hash] evidence @see parseEvidence with at least one strictly positive value242 # @return [String] formatted evidence for use by the Reasoner243 def formatEvidence(evidence)244 evidenceCopy = evidence.deep_clone()245 evidenceCopy = evidenceCopy.delete_if { |kk, vv| vv <= 0 }246 if(evidenceCopy.empty?)247 # should have already errored in parse stage248 raise"Could not format evidence #{evidence.inspect} for #{CMD_NAME} because no evidence value is strictly positive", :"Internal Server Error")249 end250 evidenceArray = evidenceCopy.collect { |kk, vv| "#{kk}=#{vv}" }251 return evidenceArray.join(",")252 end253 # @param [Hash] guidelines @see parseGuidelines254 # @param [Hash] transformDoc the results of applying the transform to the data document255 # @return [Hash] association of PartitionPath paths with some metric applied by the256 # transform (sum, count, etc.)257 def parseEvidence(guidelines, transformDoc, aggregationRule=nil)258 partitionPaths = guidelines[:header].deep_clone()259 partitionPaths.delete("Guidelines")260 partitionPaths.delete("Inference")261 if(partitionPaths.empty?)262 raise"No partition paths to count evidence for! Verify the guidelines document.", :"Bad Request")263 end264 pathToCount = {}265 partitionPaths.each{ |partitionPath|266 count = BRL::Genboree::KB::Transformers::TransformedDocHelper.getCountForPath(transformDoc, partitionPath, :op => "sum") # override count to sum267 if(count == :no_path)268 count = 0269 pathToCount[partitionPath] = count270 elsif(count == :no_count)271 raise"Could not determine the evidence belonging to #{partitionPath.inspect}. #{@adminMsg}", :"Internal Server Error")272 else273 pathToCount[partitionPath] = count274 end275 }276 anyEvidence = false277 pathToCount.each_key { |kk| 278 vv = pathToCount[kk]279 anyEvidence = (anyEvidence || (vv > 0)) 280 }281 unless(anyEvidence)282 raise"Could not parse any evidence from the transformation document with the given guidelines. Please verify that the transformation document and the resulting transformed data document match your guidelines.", :"Bad Request")283 end284 return pathToCount285 end286 # The Reasoner's first argument is a tsv file as a string describing conditions on properties287 # required to make an assertion, construct this file from the rulesDoc288 # @note rulesDoc refers to a single KB document with ALL the rules for the Reasoner289 # ruleDocs refer to individual sub documents rooted at a particular rule of the rulesDoc290 # @todo "Guidelines" "Inference", other strings291 # @todo how does the property selector communicate errors? handle those292 # @param [Hash] rulesDoc a previously validated rules document (@see getRulesModel())293 # @return [Hash] with keys294 # [Array<String>] :header fields that can be used in order for a TSV file295 # [Hash<String, Hash>>] :data association of a guideline to the relevant data for the Reasoner:296 # a sub-hash mapping a partitionPath to a condition and an associated inference if297 # the combined condition is met298 def parseGuidelines(rulesDoc)299 guidelines = { :header => [], :data => {} }300 # documents are assumed to have a single root301 docId = rulesDoc.keys.first302 # extract header data for tsv file303 header = {}304 rulesPropSelector = path = "<>.Rules.[].Rule.Conditions.[].Condition.PartitionPath"306 partitionPaths = nil307 begin308 partitionPaths = rulesPropSelector.getMultiPropValues(path)309 rescue RuntimeError, ArgumentError => err310 # document is assumed to be valid, error of this type is a bug311 raise"Could not retrieve conditions from the rules document. #{@adminMsg}")312 end313 partitionPaths.each{ |partitionPath|314 header[partitionPath] = nil315 }316 header["Guidelines"] = nil317 header["Inference"] = nil318 # order is not required except for inference last but this is a nice layout319 columnOrder = ["Guidelines"]320 keys = header.keys321 keys.delete("Guidelines")322 keys.delete("Inference")323 keys.sort!()324 columnOrder += keys325 columnOrder.push("Inference")326 guidelines[:header] = columnOrder327 # extract row data for tsv file328 path = "<>.Rules.[].Rule"329 ruleDocs = nil330 begin331 ruleDocs = rulesPropSelector.getMultiObj(path)332 rescue ArgumentError, RuntimeError => err333 raise"Could not retrieve rules from the rules document. #{@adminMsg}")334 end335 partitionPathSubPath = "Rule.Conditions.[].Condition.PartitionPath"336 conditionSubPath = "Rule.Conditions.[].Condition.Condition"337 # @todo aggregation is provided in the model but should be handled already by338 # the transformation document and finished already once we obtain the transformed339 # result; why is it in this model? it belongs in the transform instead. is this an override?340 aggregationSubPath = "Rule.Conditions.[].Condition.AggregationOperation"341 inferenceSubPath = "Rule.Inference"342 ruleDocs.each_index { |ii|343 ruleDoc = ruleDocs[ii]344 ruleValue = ruleDoc["Rule"]["value"]345 datum = header.deep_clone()346 datum["Guidelines"] = ruleValue347 rulePropSelector = # retrieve parallel arrays349 columns = values = nil350 begin351 columns = rulePropSelector.getMultiPropValues(partitionPathSubPath)352 values = rulePropSelector.getMultiPropValues(conditionSubPath)353 rescue ArgumentError, RuntimeError => err354 raise"Could not retrieve condition values from the rules document. #{@adminMsg}")355 end356 unless(columns.size == values.size)357 raise"Could not associate partition path with a condition. #{@adminMsg}")358 end359 columns.each_index { |ii| datum[columns[ii]] = values[ii] }360 datum["Inference"] = rulePropSelector.getMultiPropValues(inferenceSubPath).first361 guidelines[:data][datum["Guidelines"]] = datum362 }363 # @note we assume that since the partitionPathSubPath and path for the header specify the364 # same elements so that our tsv with at least one row will be a valid one for the Reasoner365 if(guidelines[:data].empty?)366 raise"Could not retrieve any rules from the rules document. Please verify that rules are present", :"Bad Request")367 end368 return guidelines369 end370 # Parse stdout for assertions371 # @param [String] stdout the stdout from the Reasoner, a pair of padded csv strings,372 # @see ASSERTION_DELIM373 # @return [Array<Hash>] list of assertion objects374 def parseAssertions(stdout)375 retVal = []376 assertions = reasons = nil377 matchData = REASON_PATTERN.match(stdout)378 unless(matchData.nil?)379 reasons = matchData[1].split(",")380!{|xx| xx.strip()}381 end382 matchData = ASSERTION_PATTERN.match(stdout)383 unless(matchData.nil?)384 assertions = matchData[1].split(",")385!{|xx| xx.strip()}386 end387 if(assertions.size == reasons.size)388 assertions.each_index { |ii|389 assertion = assertions[ii]390 reason = reasons[ii]391 retVal.push( { "Assertion" => { "value" => assertion }, 392 "ReasonForAssertion" => { "value" => reason } } )393 }394 else395 raise"Could not associate assertions with reasons for those assertions. #{@adminMsg}")396 end397 return retVal398 end399 # Parse stderr for warning messages400 # @param [String] stderr the stderr from the Reasoner401 # @return [Array<String>] 2-tuple warning name, warning message402 def checkWarning(stderr)403 retVal = [nil, nil]404 warningName, warningMsg = nil405 matchData = WARNING_NAME_PATTERN.match(stderr)406 warningName = matchData[1] unless(matchData.nil?)407 matchData = WARNING_MESSAGE_PATTERN.match(stderr)408 warningMsg = matchData[1] unless(matchData.nil?)409 retVal = [warningName, warningMsg]410 return retVal411 end412 # Parse stderr for error messages413 # @param [String] stderr the stderr from the Reasoner414 # @return [Array<String>] 2-tuple error name, error message415 def checkError(stderr)416 retVal = [nil, nil]417 errorName, errorMsg = nil418 matchData = ERROR_NAME_PATTERN.match(stderr)419 errorName = matchData[1] unless(matchData.nil?)420 matchData = ERROR_MESSAGE_PATTERN.match(stderr)421 errorMsg = matchData[1] unless(matchData.nil?)422 retVal = [errorName, errorMsg]423 return retVal424 end425 # Return a conditions path that can be used for selecting conditions426 # from the rulesDoc427 # @param [String] docId the document id as provided by the workbench job inputs428 # @todo can prop selector path use {} or <> at root level property? if so, dont 429 # need this function and can just use "<>" in place of docId430 def getRulePath(docId)431 return "#{docId}.Rules.[].Rule"432 end433 # Return a path that can be used for selecting PartitionPath elements434 # from a rulesDoc435 # @see getRulePath436 def getPartitionPathPath(docId)437 return "#{docId}.Rules.[].Rule.Conditions.[].Condition.PartitionPath"438 end439 # @todo this is a generic need for kb modelsHelper440 # @note assumes a certain model for a Conclusion document, @see getConclusionModel441 def getConclusionTemplate()442 kbDoc = kbDoc.setPropVal("Conclusion", "")444 valueHash = { "value" => "" }445 # flat properties446 properties = {447 "TimeStampOfDocument" => valueHash.deep_clone(),448 "TimeStampOfConclusion" => valueHash.deep_clone(),449 "Concluder" => valueHash.deep_clone(),450 "Guidelines" => valueHash.deep_clone(),451 }452 kbDoc.setPropProperties("Conclusion", properties)453 # assertions454 assertion = { "ReasonForAssertion" => valueHash.deep_clone() , "Assertion" => valueHash.deep_clone() }455 kbDoc.setPropItems("Conclusion.Assertions", [assertion])456 # status457 status = { "Name" => valueHash.deep_clone(), "Message" => valueHash.deep_clone() }458 kbDoc.setPropProperties("Conclusion.Status", status)459 return kbDoc460 end461 462 def getConclusionModel()463 model = <<EOS464{465 "name": "Conclusion",466 "domain": "regexp(Conclusion-[A-Z0-9]{20})",467 "required": true,468 "identifier": true,469 "unique": true,470 "properties": [471 {472 "name": "TimeStampOfDocument",473 "domain": "timestamp",474 "required": true475 },476 {477 "name": "TimeStampOfConclusion",478 "domain": "timestamp",479 "required": true480 },481 {482 "name": "Assertions",483 "domain": "[valueless]",484 "fixed": true,485 "items": [486 {487 "name": "Assertion",488 "domain": "regexp(Assertion-[A-Z0-9]{20})",489 "identifier": true,490 "properties": [491 {492 "name": "Assertion",493 "domain": "string",494 "required": true495 },496 {497 "name": "ReasonForAssertion",498 "domain": "string",499 "required": true500 }501 ]502 }503 ]504 },505 {506 "name": "Concluder",507 "domain": "string",508 "required": true509 },510 {511 "name": "Guidelines",512 "domain": "url",513 "required": true514 },515 {516 "name": "Status",517 "domain": "enum(ok, error, warning)",518 "required": true,519 "properties": [520 {521 "name": "Name",522 "domain": "string"523 },524 {525 "name": "Message",526 "domain": "string"527 }528 ]529 }530 ]531}532EOS533 end534 ######################################################################535 # Utility methods #536 ######################################################################537 # Utility function to transform a hash to a tsv string538 # @param [Hash] hash containing csv data539 # :header [Array] array with field names in a specified order540 # :data [Array<Hash>] array of header-like hashes with a row name key mapped to 541 # column keys mapped to values542 # @param [String] delimiter to use to separate fields/​columns543 # @todo associated file version? adding pieces to file chunk by chunk?544 # @todo put this somewhere?545 def self.hashToCsv(hh, delim=",")546 retVal = ""547 retVal << hh[:header].join(delim) << "\n"548 data = hh[:data].collect { |kk, vv| vv }549 data.each { |datum|550 values = hh[:header].map{ |column| datum[column] }551 retVal << values.join(delim) << "\n"552 }553 return retVal554 end555 end556 class ReasonerJobError < WorkbenchJobError557 end558end; end; end...

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Source:singleton_class.rb Github


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1# coding: us-ascii2# frozen_string_literal: true3module Declare4 ScopeSummary =, :caller_entry, :nesting_level, keyword_init: true)5 @failures = {}6 @scope_summaries = []7 @pass_counter = 08 @declare_counter = 09 class << self10 attr_reader :failures11 def describe(&block)12 end14 def auto_run15 at_exit do16 $! || report17 end18 end19 # @return [AssertionsScope]20 def new_scope(target, &block)21, &block)22 end23 def declared!24 @declare_counter += 125 end26 def scope!(target, caller_entry)27 @scope_summaries << target, caller_entry: caller_entry, nesting_level: caller_entry.block_level)28 end29 def pass!30 @pass_counter += 131 end32 def failure!(report)33 @failures[@scope_summaries.last] ||= []34 @failures[@scope_summaries.last] << report35 end36 def failure_count37 @failures.values.flatten.size38 end39 def report40 unless @failures.empty?41 report_detail42 puts '-' * 7843 end44 failure_count = failure_count()45 puts "#{@scope_summaries.length} scopes, #{@declare_counter} assertions, #{failure_count} failures"46 exit(failure_count)47 end48 private49 def report_detail50 top_header = 'Detail testing report'51 puts top_header52 puts '=' * top_header.length, nil53 @failures.each_pair do |scope, lines|54 header = (55 case scope.nesting_level56 when 057 obj_header = "#{} [#{scope.caller_entry.file_name}:#{scope.caller_entry.line_number}]"58 "#{obj_header}\n#{'-' * obj_header.length}"59 else60 "###{'#' * scope.nesting_level} #{} ###{'#' * scope.nesting_level} [#{scope.caller_entry.file_name}:#{scope.caller_entry.line_number}]"61 end62 )63 puts header, nil64 puts( { |l| "* #{l}" })65 end66 end67 end68end...

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Source:scope.rb Github


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...10 end11 # @param [Integer] level12 # @return [CallerEntry]13 def _declare_called_from(level=0)14 CallerEntry.parse(caller[1 + level])15 end16 end17 class AssertionsScope < BasicScope18 include Assertions19 attr_reader :it20 def initialize(target)21 super()22 @it = target23 end24 end25end...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 assert(1 == 2, "1 is not equal to 2")21.rb:16:in `c': 1 is not equal to 2 (RuntimeError)3 assert { 1 == 2 }42.rb:16:in `c': Failed assertion (RuntimeError)5 assert { 1 == 1 }6 assert("1 is not equal to 5") { 1 == 2 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)2 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)3 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)4 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)5 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)2 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)3 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)4 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)5 def self.assert_equals(expected, actual)

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