How to use to_ruby method of NoCriteriaProvided Package

Best Inspec_ruby code snippet using NoCriteriaProvided.to_ruby


Source:filter.rb Github


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...52 res = Trace.new53 @chain.push([args, res])54 res55 end56 def self.to_ruby(trace)57 chain = trace.instance_variable_get(:@chain)58 return "" if chain.empty?59 " " + do |el|60 m = el[0][0]61 args = el[0].drop(1)62 nxt = to_ruby(el[1])63 next m.to_s + nxt if args.empty?64 next m.to_s + " " + args[0].inspect + nxt if args.length == 165 m.to_s + "(" +", ") + ")" + nxt66 end.join(" ")67 end68 end69 class Table70 attr_reader :raw_data, :resource_instance, :criteria_string71 def initialize(resource_instance, raw_data, criteria_string)72 @resource_instance = resource_instance73 @raw_data = raw_data74 @raw_data = [] if @raw_data.nil?75 @criteria_string = criteria_string76 @populated_lazy_columns = {}77 end78 # Filter the raw data based on criteria (as method params) or by evaling a79 # block; then construct a new Table of the same class as ourselves,80 # wrapping the filtered data, and return it.81 def where(conditions = {}, &block)82 return self unless conditions.is_a?(Hash)83 return self if conditions.empty? && !block_given?84 # Initialize the details of the new Table.85 new_criteria_string = criteria_string86 filtered_raw_data = raw_data87 # If we were provided params, interpret them as criteria to be evaluated88 # against the raw data. Criteria are assumed to be hash keys.89 conditions.each do |raw_field_name, desired_value|90 raise(ArgumentError, "'#{decorate_symbols(raw_field_name)}' is not a recognized criterion - expected one of #{decorate_symbols(list_fields).join(", ")}'") unless field?(raw_field_name)91 populate_lazy_field(raw_field_name, desired_value) if is_field_lazy?(raw_field_name)92 new_criteria_string += " #{raw_field_name} == #{desired_value.inspect}"93 filtered_raw_data = filter_raw_data(filtered_raw_data, raw_field_name, desired_value)94 end95 # If we were given a block, make a special Struct for each row, that has an accessor96 # for each field declared using `register_custom_property`, then instance-eval the block97 # against the struct.98 if block_given?99 # Perform the filtering.100 filtered_raw_data = filtered_raw_data.find_all { |row_as_hash| create_eval_context_for_row(row_as_hash, "").instance_eval(&block) }101 # Try to interpret the block for updating the stringification.102 src = Trace.new103 # Swallow any exceptions raised here.104 # See begin106 src.instance_eval(&block)107 rescue # rubocop: disable Lint/HandleExceptions108 # Yes, robocop, ignoring all exceptions is normally109 # a bad idea. Here, an exception just means we don't110 # understand what was in a `where` block, so we can't111 # meaningfully sytringify it. We still have a decent112 # default stringification.113 end114 new_criteria_string += Trace.to_ruby(src)115 end116, filtered_raw_data, new_criteria_string)117 end118 def create_eval_context_for_row(*_)119 raise "#{self.class} must not be used on its own. It must be inherited "\120 "and the #create_eval_context_for_row method must be implemented. This is an internal "\121 "error and should not happen."122 end123 def resource124 resource_instance125 end126 def params127 # TODO: consider deprecating128 raw_data...

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1Mongoid.load!("mongoid.yml")2 bson (4.4.0)3 bson_ext (1.12.0)4 i18n (1.1.1)5 concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)6 minitest (5.11.3)7 mongo (2.8.0)8 bson (>= 4.0.0)9 bson_ext (>= 1.0.0)10 moped (~> 2.0.0)11 mongoid (6.4.1)12 activemodel (>= 4.0.0)13 mongo (>= 2.5.0, < 3.0.0)14 moped (2.0.7)15 bson (>= 4.0.0)16 connection_pool (~> 2.2)17 mongo (>= 1.11.0, < 3.0.0)18 tzinfo (1.2.5)19 thread_safe (~> 0.1)20 mongoid (~> 6.0)21> db.nocriteriaprovided.find()22{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b2c2b8c8b0e8c1f0

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Using AI Code Generation


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1class NoCriteriaProvided < StandardError; end2 end.join(" AND ")4 scope :active, where(:active => true)5 scope :inactive, where(:active => false)6User.where(:name => 'John').to_ruby7User.where(:name => 'John').active.to_ruby8User.where(:name => 'John').inactive.to_ruby9User.where(:name => 'John').where(:active => true).to_ruby10User.where(:name => 'John').where(:active => false).to_ruby11User.where(:name => 'John').where(:active => true).where(:id => 1).to_ruby12User.where(:name => 'John').where(:active => true).where(:id => 1).inactive.to_ruby13User.where(:name => 'John').where(:active => true).where(:id => 1).active.to_ruby

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 bson (4.4.0)2 bson_ext (1.12.0)3 i18n (1.1.1)4 concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)5 minitest (5.11.3)6 mongo (2.8.0)7 bson (>= 4.0.0)8 bson_ext (>= 1.0.0)9 moped (~> 2.0.0)10 mongoid (6.4.1)11 activemodel (>= 4.0.0)12 mongo (>= 2.5.0, < 3.0.0)13 moped (2.0.7)14 bson (>= 4.0.0)15 connection_pool (~> 2.2)16 mongo (>= 1.11.0, < 3.0.0)17 tzinfo (1.2.5)18 thread_safe (~> 0.1)19 mongoid (~> 6.0)20> db.nocriteriaprovided.find()21{ "_id" : ObjectId("5b2c2b8c8b0e8c1f0

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