Best Inspec_ruby code snippet using InspecPlugins.Habitat.build_hart
Source: profile.rb
...25 'or does not exist.')26 end27 duplicated_profile = duplicate_profile(@path, working_dir)28 prepare_profile!(duplicated_profile)29 hart_file = build_hart(working_dir, habitat_config)30 logger.debug("Copying artifact to #{output_dir}...")31 destination = File.join(output_dir, File.basename(hart_file))32 FileUtils.cp(hart_file, destination)33"Habitat artifact '#{@destination}' created.")34 destination35 rescue => e36 logger.debug(e.backtrace.join("\n"))37 exit_with_error('Unable to create Habitat artifact.')38 ensure39 if Dir.exist?(working_dir)40 logger.debug("Deleting working directory #{working_dir}")41 FileUtils.rm_rf(working_dir)42 end43 end44 def setup(profile = profile_from_path(@path))45 path = profile.root_path46 logger.debug("Setting up #{path} for Habitat...")47 plan_file = File.join(path, 'habitat', '')48"Generating Habitat plan at #{plan_file}...")49 vars = {50 profile: profile,51 habitat_origin: read_habitat_config['origin'],52 }53 create_file_from_template(plan_file, '', vars)54 run_hook_file = File.join(path, 'habitat', 'hooks', 'run')55"Generating a Habitat run hook at #{run_hook_file}...")56 create_file_from_template(run_hook_file, 'hooks/run.erb')57 default_toml = File.join(path, 'habitat', 'default.toml')58"Generating a Habitat default.toml at #{default_toml}...")59 create_file_from_template(default_toml, 'default.toml.erb')60 config = File.join(path, 'habitat', 'config', 'inspec_exec_config.json')61"Generating #{config} for `inspec exec`...")62 create_file_from_template(config, 'config/inspec_exec_config.json.erb')63 end64 def upload65 habitat_config = read_habitat_config66 if habitat_config['auth_token'].nil?67 exit_with_error(68 'Unable to determine Habitat auth token for uploading.',69 'Run `hab setup` or set the HAB_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.',70 )71 end72 # Run create command to create habitat artifact73 hart = create74"Uploading Habitat artifact #{hart}...")75 upload_hart(hart, habitat_config)76"Habitat artifact #{hart} uploaded.")77 rescue => e78 logger.debug(e.backtrace.join("\n"))79 exit_with_error('Unable to upload Habitat artifact.')80 end81 private82 def create_working_dir83 working_dir = Dir.mktmpdir84 logger.debug("Generated working directory #{working_dir}")85 working_dir86 end87 def duplicate_profile(path, working_dir)88 profile = profile_from_path(path)89 copy_profile_to_working_dir(profile, working_dir)90 profile_from_path(working_dir)91 end92 def prepare_profile!(profile)93 vendored_profile = vendor_profile_dependencies!(profile)94 verify_profile(vendored_profile)95 setup(vendored_profile)96 end97 def profile_from_path(path)98 Inspec::Profile.for_target(99 path,100 backend: Inspec::Backend.create(Inspec::Config.mock),101 )102 end103 def copy_profile_to_working_dir(profile, working_dir)104 logger.debug('Copying profile contents to the working directory...')105 profile.files.each do |profile_file|106 next if File.extname(profile_file) == '.hart'107 src = File.join(profile.root_path, profile_file)108 dst = File.join(working_dir, profile_file)109 if logger.debug("Creating directory #{dst}")111 FileUtils.mkdir_p(dst)112 else113 logger.debug("Copying file #{src} to #{dst}")114 FileUtils.cp_r(src, dst)115 end116 end117 end118 def verify_profile(profile)119 logger.debug('Checking to see if the profile is valid...')120 unless profile.check[:summary][:valid]121 exit_with_error('Profile check failed. Please fix the profile ' \122 'before creating a Habitat artifact.')123 end124 logger.debug('Profile is valid.')125 end126 def vendor_profile_dependencies!(profile)127 profile_vendor = if profile_vendor.lockfile.exist? && profile_vendor.cache_path.exist?129 logger.debug("Profile's dependencies are already vendored, skipping " \130 'vendor process.')131 else132 logger.debug("Vendoring the profile's dependencies...")133 profile_vendor.vendor!134 logger.debug('Ensuring all vendored content has read permissions...')135 profile_vendor.make_readable136 end137 # Return new profile since it has changed138 Inspec::Profile.for_target(139 profile.root_path,140 backend: Inspec::Backend.create(Inspec::Config.mock),141 )142 end143 def verify_habitat_setup(habitat_config)144 logger.debug('Checking to see if Habitat is installed...')145 cmd ='hab --version')146 cmd.run_command147 if cmd.error?148 exit_with_error('Unable to run Habitat commands.', cmd.stderr)149 end150 if habitat_config['origin'].nil?151 exit_with_error(152 'Unable to determine Habitat origin name.',153 'Run `hab setup` or set the HAB_ORIGIN environment variable.',154 )155 end156 end157 def create_file_from_template(file, template, vars = {})158 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file))159 template_path = File.join(__dir__, '../../templates/habitat', template)160 contents = .result( { binding })162 File.write(file, contents)163 end164 def build_hart(working_dir, habitat_config)165 logger.debug('Building our Habitat artifact...')166 env = {167 'TERM' => 'vt100',168 'HAB_ORIGIN' => habitat_config['origin'],169 'HAB_NONINTERACTIVE' => 'true',170 }171 env['RUST_LOG'] = 'debug' if logger.level == :debug172 # TODO: Would love to use Mixlib::ShellOut here, but it doesn't173 # seem to preserve the STDIN tty, and docker gets angry.174 Dir.chdir(working_dir) do175 unless system(env, 'hab pkg build .')176 exit_with_error('Unable to build the Habitat artifact.')177 end178 end...
Source: profile_test.rb
...47 def test_create48 file_count = Dir.glob(File.join(@test_profile_path, "**/*")).count49 @hab_profile.stub :read_habitat_config, @mock_hab_config do50 @hab_profile.stub :verify_habitat_setup, nil do51 @hab_profile.stub :build_hart, @fake_hart_file do52 @hab_profile.create53 end54 end55 end56 # It should not modify target profile57 new_file_count = Dir.glob(File.join(@test_profile_path, "**/*")).count58 assert_equal new_file_count, file_count59 # It should create 1 Habitat artifact60 output_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@output_dir, "**/*"))61 assert_equal 1, output_files.count62 assert_equal "fake-hart.hart", File.basename(output_files.first)63 end64 def test_create_rasies_if_habitat_is_not_installed65 cmd = Minitest::Mock.new66 cmd.expect(:error?, true)67 cmd.expect(:run_command, nil)68 Mixlib::ShellOut.stub :new, cmd, "hab --version" do69 assert_raises(SystemExit) { @hab_profile.create }70 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`71 end72 cmd.verify73 end74 def test_upload75 @hab_profile.stub :read_habitat_config, @mock_hab_config do76 @hab_profile.stub :create, @fake_hart_file do77 @hab_profile.stub :upload_hart, nil do78 @hab_profile.upload79 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`80 end81 end82 end83 end84 def test_upload_raises_if_no_habitat_auth_token_is_found85 @hab_profile.stub :read_habitat_config, {} do86 assert_raises(SystemExit) { @hab_profile.upload }87 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`88 end89 end90 def test_create_working_dir91 Dir.stub :mktmpdir, "/tmp/fakedir" do92 assert_equal "/tmp/fakedir", @hab_profile.send(:create_working_dir)93 end94 end95 def test_duplicate_profile96 current_profile = @test_profile97 duplicated_profile = @hab_profile.send(:duplicate_profile,98 @test_profile_path,99 @tmpdir)100 assert duplicated_profile.is_a?(Inspec::Profile)101 assert duplicated_profile.sha256 == current_profile.sha256.to_s102 refute_same duplicated_profile.root_path, current_profile.root_path103 end104 def test_profile_from_path105 profile = @hab_profile.send(:profile_from_path, @test_profile_path)106 assert profile.is_a?(Inspec::Profile)107 end108 def test_copy_profile_to_working_dir109 duplicated_profile = @hab_profile.send(:duplicate_profile,110 @test_profile_path,111 @tmpdir)112 dst = File.join(@tmpdir, "working_dir")113 FileUtils.mkdir_p(dst)114 @hab_profile.send(:copy_profile_to_working_dir, duplicated_profile, dst)115 expected_files = %w{116 README.md117 inspec.yml118 example.rb119 }120 actual_files = Dir.glob(File.join(dst, "**/*")).map do |path|121 next unless File.file?(path)122 File.basename(path)123 end.compact124 assert(actual_files.sort == expected_files.sort)125 end126 def test_verify_profile_raises_if_profile_is_not_valid127 bad_profile_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "bad_profile")128 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(bad_profile_path))129 FileUtils.touch(File.join(bad_profile_path, "inspec.yml"))130 bad_profile = Inspec::Profile.for_target(131 bad_profile_path,132 backend: Inspec::Backend.create(Inspec::Config.mock)133 )134 assert_raises(SystemExit) { @hab_profile.send(:verify_profile, bad_profile) }135 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`136 end137 def test_vendor_profile_dependencies_does_not_vendor_if_already_vendored138 mock_lock_file = Minitest::Mock.new139 mock_lock_file.expect(:exist?, true)140 mock_cache_path = Minitest::Mock.new141 mock_cache_path.expect(:exist?, true)142 mock = Minitest::Mock.new143 mock.expect(:lockfile, mock_lock_file)144 mock.expect(:cache_path, mock_cache_path)145 Inspec::ProfileVendor.stub :new, mock do146 new_profile = @hab_profile.send(:vendor_profile_dependencies!,147 @test_profile)148 assert new_profile.is_a?(Inspec::Profile)149 end150 end151 def test_vendor_profile_dependencies152 mock_lock_file = Minitest::Mock.new153 mock_lock_file.expect(:exist?, false)154 mock = Minitest::Mock.new155 mock.expect(:lockfile, mock_lock_file)156 mock.expect(:vendor!, nil)157 mock.expect(:make_readable, nil)158 Inspec::ProfileVendor.stub :new, mock do159 new_profile = @hab_profile.send(:vendor_profile_dependencies!,160 @test_profile)161 assert new_profile.is_a?(Inspec::Profile)162 end163 mock.verify164 end165 def test_verify_habitat_setup_raises_if_hab_version_errors166 mock = Minitest::Mock.new167 mock.expect(:run_command, nil)168 mock.expect(:error?, true)169 mock.expect(:stderr, "This would be an error message")170 Mixlib::ShellOut.stub(:new, mock) do171 assert_raises(SystemExit) { @hab_profile.send(:verify_habitat_setup, {}) }172 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`173 end174 mock.verify175 end176 def test_verify_habitat_setup_raises_if_not_habitat_origin177 mock = Minitest::Mock.new178 mock.expect(:run_command, nil)179 mock.expect(:error?, false)180 Mixlib::ShellOut.stub(:new, mock) do181 assert_raises(SystemExit) { @hab_profile.send(:verify_habitat_setup, {}) }182 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`183 end184 mock.verify185 end186 # TODO: Figure out how to stub system()187 # def test_build_hart188 # end189 def test_upload_hart_raises_if_hab_pkg_upload_fails190 mock = Minitest::Mock.new191 mock.expect(:run_command, nil)192 mock.expect(:error?, true)193 mock.expect(:stdout, "This would contain output from `hab`")194 mock.expect(:stderr, "This would be an error message")195 Mixlib::ShellOut.stub(:new, mock) do196 assert_raises(SystemExit) { @hab_profile.send(:upload_hart, @fake_hart_file, {}) }197 # TODO: Figure out how to capture and validate `Inspec::Log.error`198 end199 end200end...
Using AI Code Generation
1 class Habitat < Inspec.plugin(2)2 def build_hart(path, options)3 def build_hart(path, options)4 def build_hart(path, options = {})5 def build_hart(path, options = {})6 def build_hart(path, options = {})7 def build_hart(path, options = {})8 def build_hart(path, options = {})
Using AI Code Generation
1describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do2 it { should exist }3describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do4 it { should exist }5describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do6 it { should exist }7describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do8 it { should exist }9describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do10 it { should exist }11describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do12 it { should exist }13describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do14 it { should exist }15describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do16 it { should exist }17describe habitat.build_hart('my_app', '0.1.0', 'x86_64-linux') do18 it { should exist }
Using AI Code Generation
1describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage') do2 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }3describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage', '1.0.0') do4 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }5describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage', '1.0.0', 'somedir') do6 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }7describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage', '1.0.0', 'somedir', 'somechannel') do8 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }9describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage', '1.0.0', 'somedir', 'somechannel', 'sometarget') do10 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }11describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage', '1.0.0', 'somedir', 'somechannel', 'sometarget', 'somesup') do12 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }13describe habitat.build_hart('someorigin/somepackage', '1.0.0', 'somedir', 'somechannel', 'sometarget', 'somesup', 'somepath') do14 its('version') { should eq '1.0.0' }
Using AI Code Generation
1InspecPlugins::Habitat::build_hart('/hab/pkgs/core/redis/3.2.1/20170514150850', '/tmp/redis_hart')2InspecPlugins::Habitat::build_hart('/hab/pkgs/core/redis/3.2.1/20170514150850', '/tmp/redis_hart')3InspecPlugins::Habitat::build_hart('/hab/pkgs/core/redis/3.2.1/20170514150850', '/tmp/redis_hart')4InspecPlugins::Habitat::build_hart('/hab/pkgs/core/redis/3.2.1/20170514150850', '/tmp/redis_hart')5InspecPlugins::Habitat::build_hart('/hab/pkgs/core/redis/3.2.1/20170514150850', '/tmp/redis_hart')6InspecPlugins::Habitat::build_hart('/hab/pkgs/core/redis/3.2.1/20170514150850', '/tmp/redis_hart')
Using AI Code Generation
1plugin_lib_path = File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib' ) )2$LOAD_PATH.unshift(plugin_lib_path)3Traceback (most recent call last):
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