How to use writable method of FilePermissionsSelector Package

Best Inspec_ruby code snippet using FilePermissionsSelector.writable


Source:file.rb Github


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...23 describe file('path') do24 it { should exist }25 it { should be_file }26 it { should be_readable }27 it { should be_writable }28 it { should be_executable.by_user('root') }29 it { should be_owned_by 'root' }30 its('mode') { should cmp '0644' }31 end32 "33 attr_reader :file, :mount_options34 def initialize(path)35 # select permissions style36 @perms_provider = select_file_perms_style(inspec.os)37 @file = inspec.backend.file(path)38 end39 %w{40 type exist? file? block_device? character_device? socket? directory?41 symlink? pipe? mode mode? owner owned_by? group grouped_into?42 link_path linked_to? mtime size selinux_label immutable?43 product_version file_version version? md5sum sha256sum44 path basename source source_path uid gid45 }.each do |m|46 define_method m.to_sym do |*args|47 file.method(m.to_sym).call(*args)48 end49 end50 def content51 res = file.content52 return nil if res.nil?53 res.force_encoding('utf-8')54 end55 def contain(*_)56 raise 'Contain is not supported. Please use standard RSpec matchers.'57 end58 def readable?(by_usergroup, by_specific_user)59 return false unless exist?60 return skip_resource '`readable?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil?61 file_permission_granted?('read', by_usergroup, by_specific_user)62 end63 def writable?(by_usergroup, by_specific_user)64 return false unless exist?65 return skip_resource '`writable?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil?66 file_permission_granted?('write', by_usergroup, by_specific_user)67 end68 def executable?(by_usergroup, by_specific_user)69 return false unless exist?70 return skip_resource '`executable?` is not supported on your OS yet.' if @perms_provider.nil?71 file_permission_granted?('execute', by_usergroup, by_specific_user)72 end73 def mounted?(expected_options = nil, identical = false)74 mounted = file.mounted75 # return if no additional parameters have been provided76 return file.mounted? if expected_options.nil?77 # deprecation warning, this functionality will be removed in future version78 warn "[DEPRECATION] `be_mounted.with and be_mounted.only_with` are deprecated. Please use `mount('#{source_path}')` instead."79 # we cannot read mount data on non-Linux systems...

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1 def initialize(path)2 ='/etc/passwd')4 def initialize(path)5 File.writable?(@path)6p ='/etc/passwd')7 def initialize(path)8 def initialize(path)10 File.writable?(@path)

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1print "Enter the permissions to set (e.g. 755): " "Enter the permissions to set (e.g. 755): " def initialize(filename)6 def writable(permissions)7 File.chmod(permissions, @filename)8 def readable(permissions)9 File.chmod(permissions, @filename)10Enter the permissions to set (e.g. 755): 75511Enter the permissions to set (e.g. 755): 644

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Full Screen'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }2writable('test.txt', true)3rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }5readable('test.txt', true)6rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }8executable('test.txt', true)9rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }11readable('test.txt', true)12puts readable?('test.txt')13rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }15writable('test.txt', true)

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Using AI Code Generation


Full Screen'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }2writable('test.txt', true)3rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }5readable('test.txt', true)6rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }8executable('test.txt', true)9rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }11readable('test.txt', true)12puts readable?('test.txt')13rm('test.txt')'test.txt', 'w') { |f| f.write('Hello World') }15writable('test.txt', true)

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