How to use fetch method of Fetchers Package

Best Inspec_ruby code snippet using Fetchers.fetch


Source: feeds.rake Github


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2 namespace :feeds do3 def remove_pending_tasks_with_tag(tag)4 Bj.table.job.find(:all, :conditions => {:tag => tag, :state => "pending"}).each { |j| j.destroy }5 end6# desc "DEPRECATED: Auto fetch all (auto-fetchable) feeds!"7# task(:autofetch_all => :environment) do8# puts "Fetching all feeds"9#10# require 'lib/​feed_fetcher'11# fetch_log = FeedFetcher.autofetch_feeds12# Mailer.deliver_feed_fetch_log(fetch_log)13# end14#15# desc "DEPRECATED: Fetch all feeds, and submit this task to Bj so that the feed fetcher runs periodically!"16# task(:fetch_and_submit => :environment) do17# if RAILS_ENV != 'production'18# puts "No auto feed fetching in non-production environments!"19# return20# end21#22# ## Record next submission time before we start anything23# new_time = + SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["task_periods"]["feed_fetcher"].minutes24# approx_task_time = SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["approx_execution_times"]["feed_fetcher"].minutes25# expected_finish = new_time + approx_task_time26#27# ## Check when the next newsletter is scheduled -- don't schedule a feed fetcher too close to that task28# too_close = false29# Bj.table.job.find(:all, :conditions => {:tag => ["newsletter_daily", "newsletter_weekly"], :state => "pending"}).each { |j|30# too_close = true if (new_time <= j.submitted_at) && (expected_finish >= j.submitted_at)31# }32#33# # Push back the scheduling if too_close34# new_time = expected_finish + approx_task_time if too_close35#36# ## Destroy pending feed fetcher jobs -- ensure that there is exactly one pending feed fetcher job at all times!37# remove_pending_tasks_with_tag("feed_fetcher")38#39# ## Run the feed fetcher code now -- but trap exceptions!40# begin41# Rake::Task["socialnews:feeds:autofetch_all"].invoke42# rescue Exception => e43# msg = "Feed Fetcher -- got exception '#{e}'. It has been resubmitted to run again at #{new_time}. Backtrace follows:\n\n#{e.backtrace.inspect}"44# RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Feed Fetcher: Got exception #{e}; #{e.backtrace.inspect}"45# Mailer.deliver_generic_email({:recipients => SocialNewsConfig["rake_errors_alert_recipient"], :subject => "Feed Fetcher Exception", :body => msg})46# end47#48# ## Re-submit this task for execution (at a future time)49# Bj.submit "rake RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV} socialnews:feeds:fetch_and_submit", :submitted_at => new_time, :tag => "feed_fetcher", :priority => SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["priorities"]["feed_fetcher"]50# end51 desc "DEPRECATED: Stop feed fetching!"52 task(:stop_fetching => :environment) do53 remove_pending_tasks_with_tag("feed_fetcher")54 end55 desc "Fetch a specific feed"56 task(:fetch_feed => :environment) do57 unless ENV.include?("feed_id")58 raise "usage: rake [RAILS_ENV=env_here] fetch_feed feed_id=FEED_ID [submitter_id=YOUR_MEMBER_ID] ## The arguments in [ ] are optional"59 end60 # Parse parameters61 feed_id = ENV["feed_id"]62 submitter_id = ENV["submitter_id"]63 if submitter_id64 begin65 submitter = Member.find(submitter_id)66 rescue Exception => e67 RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Exception fetching feed fetch requesting member; id is #{submitter_id}; #{e}"68 end69 end70 begin71 ## Fetch feed72 f = Feed.find(feed_id)73 f.fetch74 ## I wish I didn't have to set up the conditions like this, but if I pass in value-pairs in an array, AR doesn't like the % chars!75 bj_job = Bj.table.job.find(:first, :conditions => "state = 'running' AND command like '%fetch_feed feed_id=#{feed_id}" + (submitter.nil? ? "" : " submitter_id=#{}") + "%'", :order => "bj_job_id desc")76 ## Update feed information77 f.last_fetched_at = Time.now78 f.last_fetched_by = submitter.nil? ? : submitter.id79!80 ## Send out fetch confirmation email if a member requested a fetch81 if submitter82 if f.is_fb_user_newsfeed?83 Mailer.deliver_fb_newsfeed_fetch_success_email(feed_id, submitter)84 elsif f.is_twitter_user_newsfeed?85 Mailer.deliver_twitter_newsfeed_fetch_success_email(feed_id, submitter)86 else 87 Mailer.deliver_feed_fetch_success_email(feed_id, bj_job, 88 end89 end90 rescue Exception => e91 msg = "Got exception #{e} fetching feed with id #{feed_id}; Backtrace follows:\n#{e.backtrace.inspect}"92 RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Exception fetching feed #{feed_id}; #{e}; #{e.backtrace.inspect}"93 Mailer.deliver_generic_email({:recipients => SocialNewsConfig["rake_errors_alert_recipient"], :subject => "FEED Fetch Exception", :body => msg})94 if submitter95 if f.is_fb_user_newsfeed?96 msg = "We are sorry! There was an error fetching your facebook newsfeed. The error has been logged and we are looking into it."97 subj = "Facebook Feed Fetch Results"98 else99 msg = "There was an error fetching the feed you requested. An email has been sent to #{SocialNewsConfig["rake_errors_alert_recipient"]}."100 subj = "FEED Fetch Error!"101 end102 Mailer.deliver_generic_email({:recipients =>, :subject => subj, :body => msg})103 end104 end105 end106 def emit_db_initialization_code(fh)107 server = APP_DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS[:host]108 port = APP_DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS[:port]109 server += ":#{port}" if !port.blank?110 dbconf =[RAILS_ENV]111 buf = <<-eof112require 'rubygems'113require 'lib/​feed_parser'114fp ={:rails_env => '#{RAILS_ENV}', :server_url => 'http:/​/​#{server}', :mysql_server => '#{dbconf["host"]}', :mysql_user => '#{dbconf["username"]}', :mysql_password => '#{dbconf["password"]}', :mysql_db => '#{dbconf["database"]}'})115 eof116 fh.write(buf)117 end118 def start_new_script(i, spawner)119 outdir = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/​lib/​tasks"120 script = "#{outdir}/​fetch_feeds.#{i}.rb"121 puts "Generating script #{script}"122 fh =, "w")123 emit_db_initialization_code(fh)124 spawner.write("ruby #{script} > #{outdir}/​fetch.#{i}.out 2> #{outdir}/​fetch.#{i}.err &\n")125 return fh126 end127 # Generate the feed fetcher scripts and the spawner task128 desc "Generate fetcher scripts"129 task(:gen_fetchers => :environment) do130 unless ENV.include?("num_fetchers")131 raise "usage: rake [RAILS_ENV=env_here] socialnews:feeds:gen_fetchers num_fetchers=INTEGER_HERE # number of parallel fetchers you want"132 end133 spawner_script_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/​lib/​tasks/​"134 spawner =, "w")135 spawner.write("#!/​bin/​sh\n\n")136 feeds = Feed.find(:all, :select => "id", :conditions => "auto_fetch = true").sort { |a,b| n = rand(10); n == 5 ? 0 : (n < 5 ? -1 : 1) }.map(&:id)137 num_feeds = feeds.length138 num_fetchers = ENV["num_fetchers"].to_i139 n_per_script = num_feeds /​ num_fetchers140 diff = num_feeds - num_fetchers * n_per_script141 script_index = 0142 fh = start_new_script(script_index, spawner)143 i = 0144 num_ignored = 0145 feeds.each { |f_id|146 f = Feed.find(f_id)147 next if f.is_fb_user_newsfeed?148# FB feed fetcher code is old and needs upgrading.149#150# # Check if fb permissions have expired151# if f.is_fb_user_newsfeed?152# m = Member.find(f.member_profile_id)153# if m.follows_fb_newsfeed? && !m.can_follow_fb_newsfeed?154# puts "Ignoring #{}'s facebook feed #{f_id} since permissions have expired!"155# num_ignored += 1156# next157# end158# end159 fh.write "fp.fetch_and_parse({:id => #{}, :url => '#{f.url}'})\n"160 i += 1161 if (i > n_per_script) || (i == n_per_script && script_index >= diff) # lets you let some scripts fetch 1 more feed than others 162 # Close the previous script and open a new one163 script_index += 1164 fh.write "fp.shutdown\n"165 if (script_index < num_fetchers)166 fh.close167 fh = start_new_script(script_index, spawner) 168 i = 0169 end170 end171 }172 fh.write "fp.shutdown\n"173 fh.close174 # After the spawner spawns all the feed fetchers, ask it to sleep for 5 minutes right away.175 # Then, block till all feeds are fetched, and once done, run the rake task to process the fetched stories.176 # But, only block for 60 minutes at the most -- in case some feed fetcher update posted to the server got lost!177 server = APP_DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS[:host]178 port = APP_DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS[:port]179 server += ":#{port}" if !port.blank?180 poller = "require 'lib/​feed_parser'; fp ={:server_url => 'http:/​/​#{server}', :no_dbc => true}); m = 0; while (fp.num_completed_feeds < #{num_feeds - num_ignored}) && (m < 60) do; sleep(60); m += 1; end; fp.shutdown"181 newbuf = <<-eof182sleep 300183ruby -e "#{poller}"184rake RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV} socialnews:feeds:process_auto_fetched_stories185 eof186 spawner.write(newbuf)187 spawner.close188 end189 # Generate the feed fetcher scripts and the spawner task190 desc "Start parallel fetch"191 task(:start_parallel_fetch => :environment) do192 if RAILS_ENV != 'production'193 puts "No auto feed fetching in non-production environments!"194 else195 # 1. Record next feed fetcher time before we start anything196 new_time = + SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["task_periods"]["feed_fetcher"].minutes197 approx_task_time = SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["approx_execution_times"]["feed_fetcher"].minutes198 expected_finish = new_time + approx_task_time199 # 2. Check when the next newsletter is scheduled -- don't schedule a feed fetcher too close to that task200 too_close = false201 nl_tags = (Newsletter::VALID_NEWSLETTER_TYPES - [Newsletter::MYNEWS]).collect { |t| "newsletter_#{t}" }202 Bj.table.job.find(:all, :conditions => {:tag => nl_tags, :state => "pending"}).each { |j|203 too_close = true if (new_time <= j.submitted_at) && (expected_finish >= j.submitted_at)204 }205 # 3. Push back the scheduling if too_close206 new_time = expected_finish + approx_task_time if too_close207 # 4. Run the spawner208 begin209 ENV["num_fetchers"] = SocialNewsConfig["feed_fetcher"]["num_fetchers"].to_s210 Rake::Task["socialnews:feeds:gen_fetchers"].invoke211 # Delete any pending spawner tasks (no multiple active spawners)212 remove_pending_tasks_with_tag("ff_spawner")213 # Rather than executing the spawner in this rake task, submit the shell script as a new bj job!214 # This ensures that the current rake tasks that loads the entire rails environment completes quickly215 # and frees up all that memory! The spawner and all associated fetcher scripts run as ordinary216 # shell /​ ruby scripts and consume far less memory.217 spawner_script_path = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/​lib/​tasks/​"218 Bj.submit "/​bin/​sh #{spawner_script_path}", :submitted_at =>, :tag => "ff_spawner", :priority => SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["priorities"]["feed_fetcher"]219 rescue Exception => e220 msg = "Feed Fetcher -- got exception '#{e}'. It has been resubmitted to run again at #{new_time}. Backtrace follows:\n\n#{e.backtrace.inspect}"221 RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Feed Fetcher: Got exception #{e}; #{e.backtrace.inspect}"222 Mailer.deliver_generic_email({:recipients => SocialNewsConfig["rake_errors_alert_recipient"], :subject => "Feed Fetcher Exception", :body => msg})223 end224 # 5. Submit the next round of autofetch rake tasks to the BJ processor225 # Delete any pending spawner tasks (no multiple active spawners)226 remove_pending_tasks_with_tag("parallel_fetch")227 Bj.submit "rake RAILS_ENV=#{RAILS_ENV} socialnews:feeds:start_parallel_fetch", :submitted_at => new_time, :tag => "parallel_fetch", :priority => SocialNewsConfig["bj"]["priorities"]["feed_fetcher"]228 end229 end230 # NOTE: We are still tightly controlling how the feed fetcher runs. While we could let the231 # feed fetchers and story processors run independently on their own schedules, for now,232 # we are still waiting till all feeds are done fetching and then run the story processors233 # serially. Only after all that is done, do we queue the next round of fetching! This is just234 # so we have a tight leash on resource usage -- so that at any point of time, at most one copy235 # of the fetchers or the processors are running.236 desc "Processed auto-fetched stories"237 task(:process_auto_fetched_stories => :environment) do238 # 1. Get all the feed fetch status from the db and extract fetch errors239 failed_fetches = []240 fetch_status = PersistentKeyValuePair.find(:all, :conditions => ["persistent_key_value_pairs.key like ?", "feed.%.status"])241 num_feeds = fetch_status.length242 fetch_status.each { |pk|243 begin244 if !pk.value.blank?245 feed_id = $1 if pk.key =~ /​feed.(\d+).status/​246 f = Feed.find(feed_id)247 feed_name = f.name248 failed_fetches << [feed_id, feed_name, pk.value]249 if f.is_fb_user_newsfeed? && !f.can_read_fb_newsfeed? 250 f.mark_fb_newsfeed_unreadable # Turn off fetch for fb user news feed!251 elsif f.is_twitter_user_newsfeed? && pk.value =~ /​Unauthorized/​252 f.update_attribute(:auto_fetch, false) # Turn off auto-fetch253 end254 end255 rescue Exception => e256 puts "Error generating feed log: #{e}"257 ensure258 # Get rid of the feed fetch status entry from the db so that next round of fetches start with a clean slate259 pk.destroy260 end261 }262 begin263 # 2. Process all fetched stories and compute autolist scores264 queued_stories = FeedFetcher.process_fetched_stories265 # 3. Deliver the fetch log266 Mailer.deliver_feed_fetch_log({ :num_feeds => num_feeds, :failed_fetches => failed_fetches, :queued_stories => queued_stories })267 rescue Exception => e268 msg = "Process Auto Fetched Stories -- got exception '#{e}'. Backtrace follows:\n\n#{e.backtrace.inspect}"269 RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "Process Auto Fetched Stories: Got exception #{e}; #{e.backtrace.inspect}"270 Mailer.deliver_generic_email({:recipients => SocialNewsConfig["rake_errors_alert_recipient"], :subject => "Process Auto Fetched Stories Exception", :body => msg})271 end272 end273 end274end...

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Source: fetch.rb Github


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1# frozen_string_literal: true2require 'nokogiri'3require 'open-uri'4require 'benchmark'5require 'ossert/​fetch/​utils/​keys_storage'6require 'ossert/​fetch/​github'7require 'ossert/​fetch/​rubygems'8require 'ossert/​fetch/​bestgems'9require 'ossert/​fetch/​stackoverflow'10require 'ossert/​fetch/​twitter'11module Ossert12 # Public: Various classes and methods for fetching data from different sources.13 # Such as GitHub, Rubygems, Bestgems, StackOverflow. Also provides simple14 # functionality for fetching HTTP API.15 # TODO: Add logging16 module Fetch17 def all_fetchers18 @all_fetchers ||= ::Settings['all_fetchers'].map do |fetcher_name|19 Kernel.const_get("Ossert::Fetch::#{fetcher_name}")20 end21 end22 module_function :all_fetchers23 # Public: Fetch data for project using all fetchers by default process method24 #25 # project - The Ossert::Project instance to fill using fetchers26 #27 # Examples28 #29 # project ='ramaze')30 # Ossert::Fetch.all(project)31 # project.dump32 #33 # Returns nothing.34 def all(project)35 all_fetchers.each do |fetcher|36 puts "======> with #{fetcher}..."37 retry_count = 338 begin39 time = Benchmark.realtime do40 end42 rescue StandardError => e43 retry_count -= 144 raise e if puts "Attempt #{3 - retry_count} Failed for '#{name}' with error: #{e.inspect}"46 puts 'Wait...'47 sleep(15 * retry_count)48 puts 'Retrying...'49 retry50 end51 puts "<====== Finished in #{time.round(3)} sec."52 sleep(1)53 end54 nil55 rescue StandardError => e56 puts "Fetching Failed for '#{name}' with error: #{e.inspect}"57 puts e.backtrace58 end59 module_function :all60 # Public: Fetch data for project using given fetchers by process method61 #62 # fetchers - The Array or one of Ossert::Fetch::GitHub, Ossert::Fetch::Bestgems,63 # Ossert::Fetch::Rubygems, Ossert::Fetch::StackOverflow to64 # use for processing65 # project - The Ossert::Project instance to fill using fetchers66 # process - The Symbol method name used for processing by fetchers (default: :process)67 #68 # Examples69 #70 # project ='ramaze')71 # Ossert::Fetch.only(Ossert::Fetch::Rubygems, project, :process_meta)72 # project.dump_attribute :meta_data73 #74 # Returns nothing.75 def only(fetchers, project, process = :process)76 fetchers = Array.wrap(fetchers)77 puts "Fetching project '#{}'..."78 (all_fetchers & fetchers).each do |fetcher|79 puts "======> with #{fetcher}..."80 time = Benchmark.realtime do81 end83 puts "<====== Finished in #{time.round(3)} sec."84 sleep(1)85 end86 end87 module_function :only88 # Public: Simple client for fetching HTTP API89 #90 # Examples91 #92 # client ="http:/​/​​api/​v1/​")93 # client.get("gems/​#{project.rubygems_alias}/​total_downloads.json")94 # # => Some JSON from api95 class SimpleClient96 attr_reader :api_endpoint, :type97 # Public: Instantiate client for fetching API for given api_endpoint and response type98 #99 # path - The String describes path of endpoint to access the data100 # type - The String describes type of response data, e.g. 'json'101 #102 # Examples103 #104 # client ="http:/​/​​api/​v1/​")105 # client.get("gems/​#{project.rubygems_alias}/​total_downloads.json")106 # # => Some JSON from api107 #108 # Returns nothing.109 def initialize(api_endpoint, type = nil)110 raise ArgumentError if !api_endpoint.start_with?('http') || !api_endpoint.end_with?('/​')111 @api_endpoint = api_endpoint...

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Source: data_controller.rb Github


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2 def index3 @metrics = Metric.all4 @metrics_distinct = Metric.all.distinct.pluck(:metric_name, :data_type, :namespace).map { |m| {metric_name: m[0], data_type: m[1], namespace: m[2] } }5 end6 def launch_data_fetcher7 df = DataFetcher.create(start_min_ago: params[:start_min_ago].to_i, end_min_ago: params[:end_min_ago].to_i, repeat_frequency_sec: params[:repeat_frequency_sec].to_i)8 df.delay.fetch_cloudwatch_data9 render text: ''10 return false11 end12 def launch_beanstalk_fetcher13 bf = BeanstalkFetcher.create(repeat_frequency_sec: params[:repeat_frequency_sec].to_i)14 bf.delay.fetch_running_beanstalks15 render text: ''16 return false17 end18 def get_fetchers19 current_time =[:time_format_seconds])20 data_fetchers = DataFetcher.all.order('started_fetch_at DESC')21 data_fetchers_stats = get_fetcher_stats(data_fetchers, true)22 beanstalk_fetchers = BeanstalkFetcher.all.order('started_fetch_at DESC')23 beanstalk_fetchers_stats = get_fetcher_stats(beanstalk_fetchers, false)24 render json: {data_fetchers: data_fetchers_stats, beanstalk_fetchers: beanstalk_fetchers_stats, current_time: current_time}25 end26 private27 def get_fetcher_stats(fetchers, include_time_range)28 do |fetcher|29 status = 'Done'30 status += ' (sleeping for ' + fetcher.repeat_frequency_sec.to_s + ' sec until next fetch)' unless fetcher.repeat_frequency_sec == 031 status = 'Running...' if fetcher.completed_fetch_at.nil?32 status = 'Initializing...' if fetcher.started_fetch_at.nil?33 fetch_timestamp = (fetcher.started_fetch_at.nil?)? 'Not started' : fetcher.started_fetch_at.strftime(Settings[:time_format_seconds])34 repeat_frequency = (fetcher.repeat_frequency_sec == 0)? 'Once' : fetcher.repeat_frequency_sec.to_s + ' sec'35 fetcher_stats =36 {37 fetch_timestamp: fetch_timestamp,38 repeat_frequency: repeat_frequency,39 status: status,40 id:,41 fetch_count: fetcher.fetch_count42 }43 fetcher_stats[:time_range] = 'Past ' + fetcher.start_min_ago.to_s + ' min' if include_time_range44 fetcher_stats45 end46 end47end

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Using AI Code Generation


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1puts fetcher.fetch(1)2puts fetcher.fetch(2)3puts fetcher.fetch(3)4puts fetcher.fetch(4)5puts fetcher.fetch(5)6puts fetcher.fetch(6)7puts fetcher.fetch(7)8puts fetcher.fetch(8)9puts fetcher.fetch(9)10puts fetcher.fetch(10)11puts fetcher.fetch(11)12puts fetcher.fetch(12)13puts fetcher.fetch(13)14puts fetcher.fetch(14)15puts fetcher.fetch(15)16puts fetcher.fetch(16)17puts fetcher.fetch(17)18puts fetcher.fetch(18)19puts fetcher.fetch(19)20puts fetcher.fetch(20)21puts fetcher.fetch(21)22puts fetcher.fetch(22)23puts fetcher.fetch(23)24puts fetcher.fetch(24)25puts fetcher.fetch(25)26puts fetcher.fetch(26)27puts fetcher.fetch(27)28puts fetcher.fetch(28)29puts fetcher.fetch(29)30puts fetcher.fetch(30)31puts fetcher.fetch(31)32puts fetcher.fetch(32)33puts fetcher.fetch(33)34puts fetcher.fetch(34)35puts fetcher.fetch(35)36puts fetcher.fetch(36)37puts fetcher.fetch(37)38puts fetcher.fetch(38)39puts fetcher.fetch(39)40puts fetcher.fetch(40)41puts fetcher.fetch(41)42puts fetcher.fetch(42)43puts fetcher.fetch(43)44puts fetcher.fetch(44)45puts fetcher.fetch(45)46puts fetcher.fetch(46)47puts fetcher.fetch(47)48puts fetcher.fetch(48)49puts fetcher.fetch(49)50puts fetcher.fetch(50)51puts fetcher.fetch(51)52puts fetcher.fetch(52)53puts fetcher.fetch(53)54puts fetcher.fetch(54)55puts fetcher.fetch(55)56puts fetcher.fetch(56)57puts fetcher.fetch(57)58puts fetcher.fetch(58)59puts fetcher.fetch(59)60puts fetcher.fetch(60)61puts fetcher.fetch(61)62puts fetcher.fetch(62)63puts fetcher.fetch(63)64puts fetcher.fetch(64)65puts fetcher.fetch(65)66puts fetcher.fetch(66)67puts fetcher.fetch(67)68puts fetcher.fetch(68)69puts fetcher.fetch(69)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1puts Fetchers.fetch('http:/​/​')2 def self.fetch(url)3 Net::HTTP.get(URI(url))4puts'http:/​/​')5 def fetch(url)6 Net::HTTP.get(URI(url))

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1puts Fetchers.fetch(1)2puts Fetchers.fetch(2)3puts Fetchers.fetch(3)4puts Fetchers.fetch(4)5 def self.fetch(num)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')2 def fetch(url)3 open(url) do |f|4 f.each_line {|line| p line}5fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')6 def fetch(url)7 open(url) do |f|8 f.each_line {|line| p line}9$LOAD_PATH.push('/​path/​to/​lib')10$LOAD_PATH.unshift('/​path/​to/​lib')11$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('/​path/​to/​lib'))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1my_fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')2 def fetch(url)3 def fetch(url)4my_fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')5 def fetch(url)6 def fetch(url)7my_fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')8 def fetch(url)9 def fetch(url)10my_fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')11 def fetch(url)12 def fetch(url)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1fetcher.fetch('http:/​/​')2 def fetch(url)3 doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))4 puts'title').text5irb(main):001:0> $:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1fetcher = def initialize(url)3 open(@url) do |f|4fetcher = def initialize(url)6 open(@url) do |f|7fetcher = def initialize(url)9 open(@url) do |f|10fetcher = def initialize(url

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