How to use _switch_to_window method of Capybara Package

Best Capybara code snippet using Capybara._switch_to_window


Source:session.rb Github


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...466 elsif !scopes.last.nil?467 raise Capybara::ScopeError, "`switch_to_window` is not supposed to be invoked from "\468 "`within` or `within_frame` blocks."469 end470 _switch_to_window(window, options, &window_locator)471 end472 ##473 # This method does the following:474 #475 # 1. Switches to the given window (it can be located by window instance/lambda/string).476 # 2. Executes the given block (within window located at previous step).477 # 3. Switches back (this step will be invoked even if exception will happen at second step)478 #479 # @overload within_window(window) { do_something }480 # @param window [Capybara::Window] instance of `Capybara::Window` class481 # that will be switched to482 # @raise [driver#no_such_window_error] if nonexistent (e.g. closed) window was passed483 # @overload within_window(proc_or_lambda) { do_something }484 # @param lambda [Proc] lambda. First window for which lambda485 # returns a value other than false or nil will be switched to.486 # @example487 # within_window(->{ page.title == 'Page title' }) { click_button 'Submit' }488 # @raise [Capybara::WindowError] if no window matching lambda was found489 # @overload within_window(string) { do_something }490 # @deprecated Pass window or lambda instead491 # @param [String] handle, name, url or title of the window492 #493 # @raise [Capybara::ScopeError] if this method is invoked inside `within_frame` method494 # @return value returned by the block495 #496 def within_window(window_or_handle)497 if window_or_handle.instance_of?(Capybara::Window)498 original = current_window499 scopes << nil500 begin501 _switch_to_window(window_or_handle) unless original == window_or_handle502 begin503 yield504 ensure505 _switch_to_window(original) unless original == window_or_handle506 end507 ensure508 scopes.pop509 end510 elsif window_or_handle.is_a?(Proc)511 original = current_window512 scopes << nil513 begin514 _switch_to_window { }515 begin516 yield517 ensure518 _switch_to_window(original)519 end520 ensure521 scopes.pop522 end523 else524 offending_line = caller.first525 file_line = offending_line.match(/^(.+?):(\d+)/)[0]526 warn "DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing string argument to #within_window is deprecated. "\527 "Pass window object or lambda. (called from #{file_line})"528 begin529 scopes << nil530 driver.within_window(window_or_handle) { yield }531 ensure532 scopes.pop533 end534 end535 end536 ##537 # Get the window that has been opened by the passed block.538 # It will wait for it to be opened (in the same way as other Capybara methods wait).539 # It's better to use this method than `windows.last`540 # { as order of windows isn't defined in some drivers}541 #542 # @param options [Hash]543 # @option options [Numeric] :wait (Capybara.default_max_wait_time) maximum wait time544 # @return [Capybara::Window] the window that has been opened within a block545 # @raise [Capybara::WindowError] if block passed to window hasn't opened window546 # or opened more than one window547 #548 def window_opened_by(options = {}, &block)549 old_handles = driver.window_handles550 block.call551 wait_time = Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(options, config.default_max_wait_time)552 document.synchronize(wait_time, errors: [Capybara::WindowError]) do553 opened_handles = (driver.window_handles - old_handles)554 if opened_handles.size != 1555 raise Capybara::WindowError, "block passed to #window_opened_by "\556 "opened #{opened_handles.size} windows instead of 1"557 end558, opened_handles.first)559 end560 end561 ##562 #563 # Execute the given script, not returning a result. This is useful for scripts that return564 # complex objects, such as jQuery statements. +execute_script+ should be used over565 # +evaluate_script+ whenever possible.566 #567 # @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to execute568 # @param args Optional arguments that will be passed to the script. Driver support for this is optional and types of objects supported may differ between drivers569 #570 def execute_script(script, *args)571 @touched = true572 if args.empty?573 driver.execute_script(script)574 else575 raise Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError, "The current driver does not support execute_script arguments" if driver.method(:execute_script).arity == 1576 driver.execute_script(script, * { |arg| arg.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) ? arg.base : arg} )577 end578 end579 ##580 #581 # Evaluate the given JavaScript and return the result. Be careful when using this with582 # scripts that return complex objects, such as jQuery statements. +execute_script+ might583 # be a better alternative.584 #585 # @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to evaluate586 # @return [Object] The result of the evaluated JavaScript (may be driver specific)587 #588 def evaluate_script(script, *args)589 @touched = true590 result = if args.empty?591 driver.evaluate_script(script)592 else593 raise Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError, "The current driver does not support evaluate_script arguments" if driver.method(:evaluate_script).arity == 1594 driver.evaluate_script(script, * { |arg| arg.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) ? arg.base : arg} )595 end596 element_script_result(result)597 end598 ##599 #600 # Evaluate the given JavaScript and obtain the result from a callback function which will be passed as the last argument to the script.601 #602 # @param [String] script A string of JavaScript to evaluate603 # @return [Object] The result of the evaluated JavaScript (may be driver specific)604 #605 def evaluate_async_script(script, *args)606 @touched = true607 result = if args.empty?608 driver.evaluate_async_script(script)609 else610 raise Capybara::NotSupportedByDriverError, "The current driver does not support evaluate_async_script arguments" if driver.method(:evaluate_async_script).arity == 1611 driver.evaluate_async_script(script, * { |arg| arg.is_a?(Capybara::Node::Element) ? arg.base : arg} )612 end613 element_script_result(result)614 end615 ##616 #617 # Execute the block, accepting a alert.618 #619 # @!macro modal_params620 # Expects a block whose actions will trigger the display modal to appear621 # @example622 # $0 do623 # click_link('link that triggers appearance of system modal')624 # end625 # @overload $0(text, options = {}, &blk)626 # @param text [String, Regexp] Text or regex to match against the text in the modal. If not provided any modal is matched627 # @option options [Numeric] :wait (Capybara.default_max_wait_time) Maximum time to wait for the modal to appear after executing the block.628 # @yield Block whose actions will trigger the system modal629 # @overload $0(options = {}, &blk)630 # @option options [Numeric] :wait (Capybara.default_max_wait_time) Maximum time to wait for the modal to appear after executing the block.631 # @yield Block whose actions will trigger the system modal632 # @return [String] the message shown in the modal633 # @raise [Capybara::ModalNotFound] if modal dialog hasn't been found634 #635 #636 def accept_alert(text_or_options=nil, options={}, &blk)637 accept_modal(:alert, text_or_options, options, &blk)638 end639 ##640 #641 # Execute the block, accepting a confirm.642 #643 # @macro modal_params644 #645 def accept_confirm(text_or_options=nil, options={}, &blk)646 accept_modal(:confirm, text_or_options, options, &blk)647 end648 ##649 #650 # Execute the block, dismissing a confirm.651 #652 # @macro modal_params653 #654 def dismiss_confirm(text_or_options=nil, options={}, &blk)655 dismiss_modal(:confirm, text_or_options, options, &blk)656 end657 ##658 #659 # Execute the block, accepting a prompt, optionally responding to the prompt.660 #661 # @macro modal_params662 # @option options [String] :with Response to provide to the prompt663 #664 def accept_prompt(text_or_options=nil, options={}, &blk)665 accept_modal(:prompt, text_or_options, options, &blk)666 end667 ##668 #669 # Execute the block, dismissing a prompt.670 #671 # @macro modal_params672 #673 def dismiss_prompt(text_or_options=nil, options={}, &blk)674 dismiss_modal(:prompt, text_or_options, options, &blk)675 end676 ##677 #678 # Save a snapshot of the page. If `Capybara.asset_host` is set it will inject `base` tag679 # pointing to `asset_host`.680 #681 # If invoked without arguments it will save file to `Capybara.save_path`682 # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path683 # the path will be relative to `Capybara.save_path`, which is different from684 # the previous behavior with `Capybara.save_and_open_page_path` where the relative path was685 # relative to Dir.pwd686 #687 # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved688 # @return [String] the path to which the file was saved689 #690 def save_page(path = nil)691 path = prepare_path(path, 'html')692 File.write(path, Capybara::Helpers.inject_asset_host(body, config.asset_host), mode: 'wb')693 path694 end695 ##696 #697 # Save a snapshot of the page and open it in a browser for inspection.698 #699 # If invoked without arguments it will save file to `Capybara.save_path`700 # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path701 # the path will be relative to `Capybara.save_path`, which is different from702 # the previous behavior with `Capybara.save_and_open_page_path` where the relative path was703 # relative to Dir.pwd704 #705 # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved706 #707 def save_and_open_page(path = nil)708 path = save_page(path)709 open_file(path)710 end711 ##712 #713 # Save a screenshot of page.714 #715 # If invoked without arguments it will save file to `Capybara.save_path`716 # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path717 # the path will be relative to `Capybara.save_path`, which is different from718 # the previous behavior with `Capybara.save_and_open_page_path` where the relative path was719 # relative to Dir.pwd720 #721 # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved722 # @param [Hash] options a customizable set of options723 # @return [String] the path to which the file was saved724 def save_screenshot(path = nil, options = {})725 path = prepare_path(path, 'png')726 driver.save_screenshot(path, options)727 path728 end729 ##730 #731 # Save a screenshot of the page and open it for inspection.732 #733 # If invoked without arguments it will save file to `Capybara.save_path`734 # and file will be given randomly generated filename. If invoked with a relative path735 # the path will be relative to `Capybara.save_path`, which is different from736 # the previous behavior with `Capybara.save_and_open_page_path` where the relative path was737 # relative to Dir.pwd738 #739 # @param [String] path the path to where it should be saved740 # @param [Hash] options a customizable set of options741 #742 def save_and_open_screenshot(path = nil, options = {})743 path = save_screenshot(path, options)744 open_file(path)745 end746 def document747 @document ||=, driver)748 end749 NODE_METHODS.each do |method|750 define_method method do |*args, &block|751 @touched = true752 current_scope.send(method, *args, &block)753 end754 end755 DOCUMENT_METHODS.each do |method|756 define_method method do |*args, &block|757 document.send(method, *args, &block)758 end759 end760 def inspect761 %(#<Capybara::Session>)762 end763 def current_scope764 scope = scopes.last765 scope = document if [nil, :frame].include? scope766 scope767 end768 ##769 #770 # Yield a block using a specific wait time771 #772 def using_wait_time(seconds)773 if Capybara.threadsafe774 begin775 previous_wait_time = config.default_max_wait_time776 config.default_max_wait_time = seconds777 yield778 ensure779 config.default_max_wait_time = previous_wait_time780 end781 else782 Capybara.using_wait_time(seconds) { yield }783 end784 end785 ##786 #787 # Accepts a block to set the configuration options if Capybara.threadsafe == true. Note that some options only have an effect788 # if set at initialization time, so look at the configuration block that can be passed to the initializer too789 #790 def configure791 raise "Session configuration is only supported when Capybara.threadsafe == true" unless Capybara.threadsafe792 yield config793 end794 def self.instance_created?795 @@instance_created796 end797 def config798 @config ||= if Capybara.threadsafe799 Capybara.session_options.dup800 else801 end803 end804 private805 @@instance_created = false806 def accept_modal(type, text_or_options, options, &blk)807 driver.accept_modal(type, modal_options(text_or_options, options), &blk)808 end809 def dismiss_modal(type, text_or_options, options, &blk)810 driver.dismiss_modal(type, modal_options(text_or_options, options), &blk)811 end812 def modal_options(text_or_options, options)813 text_or_options, options = nil, text_or_options if text_or_options.is_a?(Hash)814 options[:text] ||= text_or_options unless text_or_options.nil?815 options[:wait] ||= config.default_max_wait_time816 options817 end818 def open_file(path)819 begin820 require "launchy"821 rescue LoadError823 warn "File saved to #{path}."824 warn "Please install the launchy gem to open the file automatically."825 end826 end827 def prepare_path(path, extension)828 if config.save_path || config.save_and_open_page_path.nil?829 path = File.expand_path(path || default_fn(extension), config.save_path)830 else831 path = File.expand_path(default_fn(extension), config.save_and_open_page_path) if path.nil?832 end833 FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path))834 path835 end836 def default_fn(extension)837 timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")838 "capybara-#{timestamp}#{rand(10**10)}.#{extension}"839 end840 def scopes841 @scopes ||= [nil]842 end843 def element_script_result(arg)844 case arg845 when Array846 { |e| element_script_result(e) }847 when Hash848 arg.each { |k, v| arg[k] = element_script_result(v) }849 when Capybara::Driver::Node850, arg, nil, nil)851 else852 arg853 end854 end855 def _find_frame(*args)856 within(document) do # Previous 2.x versions ignored current scope when finding frames - consider changing in 3.0857 case args[0]858 when Capybara::Node::Element859 args[0]860 when String, Hash861 find(:frame, *args)862 when Symbol863 find(*args)864 when Integer865 idx = args[0]866 all(:frame, minimum: idx+1)[idx]867 else868 raise TypeError869 end870 end871 end872 def _switch_to_window(window = nil, options= {})873 options, window = window, nil if window.is_a? Hash874 raise Capybara::ScopeError, "Window cannot be switched inside a `within_frame` block" if scopes.include?(:frame)875 raise Capybara::ScopeError, "Window cannot be switch inside a `within` block" unless scopes.last.nil?876 if window877 driver.switch_to_window(window.handle)878 window879 else880 wait_time = Capybara::Queries::BaseQuery.wait(options, config.default_max_wait_time)881 document.synchronize(wait_time, errors: [Capybara::WindowError]) do882 original_window_handle = driver.current_window_handle883 begin884 driver.window_handles.each do |handle|885 driver.switch_to_window handle886 if yield...

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1, js_errors: false, timeout: 60, phantomjs_options: ['--load-images=no', '--disk-cache=false'], debug: false)"/")"")"")"")"")"")"")"")

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1click_link 'Ruby (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free ...'2Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.switch_to_window(Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.window_handles.last)3Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.switch_to_window(Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.window_handles.first)4click_link 'Ruby (programming language) - Wikipedia, the free ...'5page.driver.browser.switch_to_window(page.driver.browser.window_handles.last)6page.driver.browser.switch_to_window(page.driver.browser.window_handles.first)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1page.find(:css, "a[href='']").click2_switch_to_window("Google Images")3_switch_to_window("Google")

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1 config.allow_url("")2 def _switch_to_window(window_name)3 driver.switch_to_window(window_name)4Capybara.visit("/")5Capybara.click_link("Gmail")6Capybara._switch_to_window("Gmail")7Capybara.click_link("Sign in")8Capybara.fill_in("Email", :with => "

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Using AI Code Generation


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