How to use server_url method of Selenium.WebDriver.Remote.Http Package

Best Selenium code snippet using Selenium.WebDriver.Remote.Http.server_url


Source:http_default.rb Github


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...34 @open_timeout = open_timeout35 @read_timeout = read_timeout36 @additional_headers = {}37 end38 # Update <code>server_url</code> provided when ruby_lib _core created a default http client.39 # Set <code>@http</code> as nil to re-create http client for the <code>server_url</code>40 #41 # @param [string] scheme A scheme to update server_url to42 # @param [string] host A host to update server_url to43 # @param [string|integer] port A port number to update server_url to44 # @param [string] path A path to update server_url to45 #46 # @return [URI] An instance of URI updated to. Returns default +server_url+ if some of arguments are +nil+47 def update_sending_request_to(scheme:, host:, port:, path:)48 return @server_url unless validate_url_param(scheme, host, port, path)49 # Add / if 'path' does not have it50 path = path.start_with?('/') ? path : "/#{path}"51 path = path.end_with?('/') ? path : "#{path}/"52 @http = nil53 @server_url = URI.parse "#{scheme}://#{host}:#{port}#{path}"54 end55 private56 def validate_url_param(scheme, host, port, path)57 return true unless [scheme, host, port, path].include?(nil)58 message = "Given parameters are scheme: '#{scheme}', host: '#{host}', port: '#{port}', path: '#{path}'"59 ::Appium::Logger.debug(message)60 false61 end62 public63 # override to use default header64 # def call(verb, url, command_hash)66 url = server_url.merge(url) unless url.is_a?(URI)67 headers = DEFAULT_HEADERS.dup68 headers = headers.merge @additional_headers unless @additional_headers.empty?69 headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' if verb == :get70 if command_hash71 payload = JSON.generate(command_hash)72 headers['Content-Length'] = payload.bytesize.to_s if [:post, :put].include?(verb)73 elsif verb == :post74 payload = '{}'75 headers['Content-Length'] = '2'76 end77" >>> #{url} | #{payload}")78" > #{headers.inspect}")79 request verb, url, headers, payload80 end...

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Source:common.rb Github


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...26 'Content-Type' => "#{CONTENT_TYPE}; charset=UTF-8",27 'User-Agent' => "selenium/#{WebDriver::VERSION} (ruby #{Platform.os})"28 }.freeze29 attr_accessor :timeout30 attr_writer :server_url31 def initialize32 @timeout = nil33 end34 def quit_errors35 [IOError]36 end37 def close38 # hook for subclasses - will be called on Driver#quit39 end40 def call(verb, url, command_hash)41 url = server_url.merge(url) unless url.is_a?(URI)42 headers = DEFAULT_HEADERS.dup43 headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' if verb == :get44 if command_hash45 payload = JSON.generate(command_hash)46 headers['Content-Length'] = payload.bytesize.to_s if [:post, :put].include?(verb)47" >>> #{url} | #{payload}")48 WebDriver.logger.debug(" > #{headers.inspect}")49 elsif verb == :post50 payload = '{}'51 headers['Content-Length'] = '2'52 end53 request verb, url, headers, payload54 end55 private56 def server_url57 return @server_url if @server_url58 raise Error::WebDriverError, 'server_url not set'59 end60 def request(*)61 raise NotImplementedError, 'subclass responsibility'62 end63 def create_response(code, body, content_type)64 code = code.to_i65 body = body.to_s.strip66 content_type = content_type.to_s67"<- #{body}")68 if content_type.include? CONTENT_TYPE69 raise Error::WebDriverError, "empty body: #{content_type.inspect} (#{code})\n#{body}" if body.empty?70, JSON.parse(body))71 elsif code == 20472

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Source:env.rb Github


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1require "rubygems"2require "itms_automation"3require "httparty"4require "report_builder"5#require "webdrivers"6require "selenium-webdriver"7$browser_type = ENV["BROWSER"] || "firefox"8begin9 $driver = case $browser_type10 when "chrome"11 Selenium::WebDriver.for(:chrome)12 when "safari"13 Selenium::WebDriver.for(:safari)14 when "internet_explorer"15 Selenium::WebDriver.for(:internet_explorer)16 when "chrome_headless"17 Selenium::WebDriver.for(:chrome, :desired_capabilities => { args: %w(headless) }))18 when "remote"19 if ENV['SERVER_URL'].nil? || ENV['REMOTE_BROWSER'].nil?20 puts "\nMissing SERVER_URL : SERVER_URL=http//SERVER_URL:4444/wd/hub"21 puts "\nMissing REMOTE_BROWSER: REMOTE_BROWSER=browser_name"22 Process.exit(0)23 else24 caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.new25 caps["browserName"] = ENV["REMOTE_BROWSER"]26 caps["enableVNC"] = false27 caps["enableVideo"] = false28 caps["resolution"] = ENV["resolution"] unless ENV["resolution"]29 Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote, :url => ENV["SERVER_URL"], :desired_capabilities => caps)30 end31 else32 Selenium::WebDriver.for(:firefox)33 end34rescue Exception => e35 puts e.message36 Process.exit(0)37end...

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