How to use is_space method in yandex-tank

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2"""3@author: Yan Shao, yan.shao@lingfil.uu.se4"""5import reader6import toolbox7from model import Model8from transducer_model import Seq2seq9import sys10import argparse11import os12import codecs13import tensorflow as tf14import cPickle as pickle15from time import time16parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A Universal Tokeniser. Written by Y. Shao, Uppsala University')17parser.add_argument('action', default='tag', choices=['train', 'test', 'tag'], help='train, test or tag')18parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', default='conll', help='Data format of different tasks, conll, mlp1 or mlp2')19parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', default=None, help='Path of the workstation')20parser.add_argument('-t', '--train', default=None, help='File for training')21parser.add_argument('-d', '--dev', default=None, help='File for validation')22parser.add_argument('-e', '--test', default=None, help='File for evaluation')23parser.add_argument('-r', '--raw', default=None, help='Raw file for tagging')24parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', default='trained_model', help='Name of the trained model')25parser.add_argument('-crf', '--crf', default=1, type=int, help='Using CRF interface')26parser.add_argument('-bt', '--bucket_size', default=50, type=int, help='Bucket size')27parser.add_argument('-sl', '--sent_limit', default=300, type=int, help='Long sentences will be chopped')28parser.add_argument('-tg', '--tags', default='BIES', help='Boundary Tagging, default is BIES')29parser.add_argument('-ed', '--emb_dimension', default=50, type=int, help='Dimension of the embeddings')30parser.add_argument('-emb', '--embeddings', default=None, help='Path and name of pre-trained char embeddings')31parser.add_argument('-ng', '--ngram', default=1, type=int, help='Using ngrams')32parser.add_argument('-cell', '--cell', default='gru', help='Use GRU as the recurrent cell', choices=['gru', 'lstm'])33parser.add_argument('-rnn', '--rnn_cell_dimension', default=200, type=int, help='Dimension of the RNN cells')34parser.add_argument('-layer', '--rnn_layer_number', default=1, type=int, help='Numbers of the RNN layers')35parser.add_argument('-dr', '--dropout_rate', default=0.5, type=float, help='Dropout rate')36parser.add_argument('-iter', '--epochs', default=30, type=int, help='Numbers of epochs')37parser.add_argument('-iter_trans', '--epochs_trans', default=50, type=int, help='Epochs for training the transducer')38parser.add_argument('-op', '--optimizer', default='adagrad', help='Optimizer')39parser.add_argument('-lr', '--learning_rate', default=0.2, type=float, help='Initial learning rate')40parser.add_argument('-lr_trans', '--learning_rate_trans', default=0.3, type=float, help='Initial learning rate')41parser.add_argument('-ld', '--decay_rate', default=0.05, type=float, help='Learning rate decay')42parser.add_argument('-mt', '--momentum', default=None, type=float, help='Momentum')43parser.add_argument('-ncp', '--no_clipping', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not apply gradient clipping')44parser.add_argument("-tb","--train_batch", help="Training batch size", default=10, type=int)45parser.add_argument("-eb","--test_batch", help="Testing batch size", default=500, type=int)46parser.add_argument("-rb","--tag_batch", help="Tagging batch size", default=500, type=int)47parser.add_argument("-g","--gpu", help="the id of gpu, the default is 0", default=0, type=int)48parser.add_argument('-opth', '--output_path', default=None, help='Output path')49parser.add_argument('-sea', '--sea', help='Process languages like Vietamese', default=False, action='store_true')50parser.add_argument('-ss', '--sent_seg', help='Perform sentence seg', default=False, action='store_true')51parser.add_argument('-ens', '--ensemble', default=False, help='Ensemble several weights', action='store_true')52parser.add_argument('-sgl', '--segment_large', default=False, help='Segment (very) large file', action='store_true')53parser.add_argument('-lgs', '--large_size', default=10000, type=int, help='Segment (very) large file')54parser.add_argument('-ot', '--only_tokenised', default=False,55 help='Only output the tokenised file when segment (very) large file', action='store_true')56parser.add_argument('-ts', '--train_size', default=-1, type=int, help='No. of sentences used for training')57parser.add_argument('-rs', '--reset', default=False, help='Delete and re-initialise the intermediate files',58 action='store_true')59parser.add_argument('-rst', '--reset_trans', default=False, help='Retrain the transducers', action='store_true')60parser.add_argument('-isp', '--ignore_space', default=False, help='Ignore space delimiters', action='store_true')61parser.add_argument('-imt', '--ignore_mwt', default=False, help='Ignore multi-word tokens to be transcribed',62 action='store_true')63parser.add_argument('-sb', '--segmentation_bias', default=-1, type=float,64 help='Add segmentation bias to under(over)-splitting')65parser.add_argument('-tt', '--transduction_type', default='mix', choices=['mix', 'dict', 'trans', 'none'],66 help='Different ways of transducing the non-segmental MWTs')67args = parser.parse_args()68sys = reload(sys)69sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')70print 'Encoding: ', sys.getdefaultencoding()71if args.action == 'train':72 assert args.path is not None73 path = args.path74 train_file = args.train75 dev_file = args.dev76 model_file = args.model77 print 'Reading data......'78 f_names = os.listdir(path)79 if train_file is None or dev_file is None:80 for f_n in f_names:81 if 'ud-train.conllu' in f_n or 'training.segd' in f_n or 'ud-sample.conllu' in f_n:82 train_file = f_n83 elif 'ud-dev.conllu' in f_n or 'development.segd' in f_n:84 dev_file = f_n85 assert train_file is not None86 is_space = True87 if 'Chinese' in path or 'Japanese' in path or args.format == 'mlp2':88 is_space = False89 if args.sea:90 is_space = 'sea'91 if args.reset or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​raw_train.txt') or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​raw_dev.txt'):92 cat = 'other'93 if 'Chinese' in path or 'Japanese' in path:94 cat = 'zh'95 for line in + '/​' + train_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8'):96 if len(line) < 2:97 break98 if '# sentence' in line or '# text' in line:99 cat = 'gold'100 if dev_file is None:101 reader.get_raw(path, train_file, '/​raw_train.txt', cat, is_dev=False, form=args.format, is_space=is_space)102 else:103 reader.get_raw(path, train_file, '/​raw_train.txt', cat, form=args.format, is_space=is_space)104 reader.get_raw(path, dev_file, '/​raw_dev.txt', cat, form=args.format, is_space=is_space)105 if args.reset or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​tag_train.txt') or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​tag_dev.txt') or \106 not os.path.isfile(path + '/​tag_dev_gold.txt'):107 if dev_file is None:108 raws_train = reader.raw(path + '/​raw_train.txt')109 raws_dev = reader.raw(path + '/​raw_dev.txt')110 sents_train, sents_dev = + '/​' + train_file, False, form=args.format, is_space=is_space)111 else:112 raws_train = reader.raw(path + '/​raw_train.txt')113 sents_train = + '/​' + train_file, form=args.format, is_space=is_space)114 raws_dev = reader.raw(path + '/​raw_dev.txt')115 sents_dev = + '/​' + dev_file, form=args.format, is_space=is_space)116 if is_space != 'sea':117 toolbox.raw2tags(raws_train, sents_train, path, 'tag_train.txt', ignore_space=args.ignore_space,118 reset=args.reset, tag_scheme=args.tags, ignore_mwt=args.ignore_mwt)119 toolbox.raw2tags(raws_dev, sents_dev, path, 'tag_dev.txt', creat_dict=False, gold_path='tag_dev_gold.txt',120 ignore_space=args.ignore_space, tag_scheme=args.tags, ignore_mwt=args.ignore_mwt)121 else:122 toolbox.raw2tags_sea(raws_train, sents_train, path, 'tag_train.txt', reset=args.reset, tag_scheme=args.tags)123 toolbox.raw2tags_sea(raws_dev, sents_dev, path, 'tag_dev.txt', gold_path='tag_dev_gold.txt',124 tag_scheme=args.tags)125 if args.reset or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​chars.txt'):126 toolbox.get_chars(path, ['raw_train.txt', 'raw_dev.txt'], sea=is_space)127 char2idx, unk_chars_idx, idx2char, tag2idx, idx2tag, trans_dict = toolbox.get_dicts(path, args.sent_seg, args.tags,128 args.crf)129 if args.embeddings is not None:130 print 'Reading embeddings...'131 short_emb = args.embeddings[args.embeddings.index('/​') + 1: args.embeddings.index('.')]132 if args.reset or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + short_emb + '_sub.txt'):133 toolbox.get_sample_embedding(path, args.embeddings, char2idx)134 emb_dim, emb, valid_chars = toolbox.read_sample_embedding(path, short_emb, char2idx)135 for vch in valid_chars:136 if char2idx[vch] in unk_chars_idx:137 unk_chars_idx.remove(char2idx[vch])138 else:139 emb_dim = args.emb_dimension140 emb = None141 train_x, train_y, max_len_train = toolbox.get_input_vec(path, 'tag_train.txt', char2idx, tag2idx,142 limit=args.sent_limit, sent_seg=args.sent_seg,143 is_space=is_space, train_size=args.train_size,144 ignore_space=args.ignore_space)145 dev_x, max_len_dev = toolbox.get_input_vec_raw(path, 'raw_dev.txt', char2idx, limit=args.sent_limit,146 sent_seg=args.sent_seg, is_space=is_space,147 ignore_space=args.ignore_space)148 if args.sent_seg:149 print 'Joint sentence segmentation...'150 else:151 print 'Training set: %d instances; Dev set: %d instances.' % (len(train_x[0]), len(dev_x[0]))152 nums_grams = None153 ng_embs = None154 if args.ngram > 1 and (args.reset or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + str(args.ngram) + 'gram.txt')):155 toolbox.get_ngrams(path, args.ngram, is_space)156 ngram = toolbox.read_ngrams(path, args.ngram)157 if args.ngram > 1:158 gram2idx = toolbox.get_ngram_dic(ngram)159 train_gram = toolbox.get_gram_vec(path, 'tag_train.txt', gram2idx, limit=args.sent_limit,sent_seg=args.sent_seg,160 is_space=is_space, ignore_space=args.ignore_space)161 dev_gram = toolbox.get_gram_vec(path, 'raw_dev.txt', gram2idx, is_raw=True, limit=args.sent_limit,162 sent_seg=args.sent_seg, is_space=is_space, ignore_space=args.ignore_space)163 train_x += train_gram164 dev_x += dev_gram165 nums_grams = []166 for dic in gram2idx:167 nums_grams.append(len(dic.keys()))168 max_len = max(max_len_train, max_len_dev)169 b_train_x, b_train_y = toolbox.buckets(train_x, train_y, size=args.bucket_size)170 b_train_x, b_train_y, b_lens, b_count = toolbox.pad_bucket(b_train_x, b_train_y, max_len)171 b_dev_x = [toolbox.pad_zeros(dev_x_i, max_len) for dev_x_i in dev_x]172 b_dev_y_gold = [line.strip() for line in + '/​tag_dev_gold.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')]173 nums_tag = len(tag2idx)174 config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)175 gpu_config = "/​gpu:" + str(args.gpu)176 transducer = None177 transducer_graph = None178 trans_model = None179 trans_init = None180 if len(trans_dict) > 200 and not args.ignore_mwt:181 transducer = toolbox.get_dict_vec(trans_dict, char2idx)182 t = time()183 initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()184 if transducer is not None:185 transducer_graph = tf.Graph()186 with transducer_graph.as_default():187 with tf.variable_scope("transducer") as scope:188 trans_model = Seq2seq(path + '/​' + model_file + '_transducer')189 print 'Defining transducer...'190 trans_model.define(char_num=len(char2idx), rnn_dim=args.rnn_cell_dimension, emb_dim=args.emb_dimension,191 max_x=len(transducer[0][0]), max_y=len(transducer[1][0]))192 trans_init = tf.global_variables_initializer()193 transducer_graph.finalize()194 print 'Initialization....'195 main_graph = tf.Graph()196 with main_graph.as_default():197 with tf.variable_scope("tagger") as scope:198 model = Model(nums_chars=len(char2idx) + 2, nums_tags=nums_tag, buckets_char=b_lens, counts=b_count,199 crf=args.crf, ngram=nums_grams, batch_size=args.train_batch, sent_seg=args.sent_seg,200 is_space=is_space, emb_path=args.embeddings, tag_scheme=args.tags)201 model.main_graph(trained_model=path + '/​' + model_file + '_model', scope=scope,202 emb_dim=emb_dim, cell=args.cell, rnn_dim=args.rnn_cell_dimension,203 rnn_num=args.rnn_layer_number, drop_out=args.dropout_rate, emb=emb)204 t = time()205 model.config(optimizer=args.optimizer, decay=args.decay_rate, lr_v=args.learning_rate,206 momentum=args.momentum, clipping=not args.no_clipping)207 init = tf.global_variables_initializer()208 print 'Done. Time consumed: %d seconds' % int(time() - t)209 main_graph.finalize()210 main_sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=main_graph)211 if args.crf > 0:212 decode_graph = tf.Graph()213 with decode_graph.as_default():214 model.decode_graph()215 decode_graph.finalize()216 decode_sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=decode_graph)217 sess = [main_sess, decode_sess]218 else:219 sess = [main_sess, None]220 with tf.device(gpu_config):221 if transducer is not None:222 print 'Building transducer...'223 t = time()224 trans_sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=transducer_graph)225 trans_model.train(transducer[0], transducer[1], transducer[2], transducer[3], args.learning_rate_trans,227 char2idx, trans_sess, args.epochs_trans, batch_size=10, reset=args.reset_trans)228 sess.append(trans_sess)229 print 'Done. Time consumed: %d seconds' % int(time() - t)230 print 'Training the main segmenter..'231 print 'Initialisation...'233 print 'Done. Time consumed: %d seconds' % int(time() - t)234 t = time()235 b_dev_raw = [line.strip() for line in + '/​raw_dev.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')]236 model.train(b_train_x, b_train_y, b_dev_x, b_dev_raw, b_dev_y_gold, idx2tag, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, trans_dict,237 sess, args.epochs, path + '/​' + model_file + '_weights', transducer=trans_model,238 lr=args.learning_rate, decay=args.decay_rate, sent_seg=args.sent_seg, outpath=args.output_path)239else:240 assert args.path is not None241 assert args.model is not None242 path = args.path243 assert os.path.isfile(path + '/​chars.txt')244 model_file = args.model245 if args.ensemble:246 if not os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + model_file + '_1_model') or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + model_file +247 '_1_weights.index'):248 raise Exception('Not any model file or weights file under the name of ' + model_file + '.')249 fin = open(path + '/​' + model_file + '_1_model', 'rb')250 else:251 if not os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + model_file + '_model') or not os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + model_file +252 '_weights.index'):253 raise Exception('No model file or weights file under the name of ' + model_file + '.')254 fin = open(path + '/​' + model_file + '_model', 'rb')255 weight_path = path + '/​' + model_file256 param_dic = pickle.load(fin)257 fin.close()258 nums_chars = param_dic['nums_chars']259 nums_tags = param_dic['nums_tags']260 crf = param_dic['crf']261 emb_dim = param_dic['emb_dim']262 cell = param_dic['cell']263 rnn_dim = param_dic['rnn_dim']264 rnn_num = param_dic['rnn_num']265 drop_out = param_dic['drop_out']266 buckets_char = param_dic['buckets_char']267 nums_ngrams = param_dic['ngram']268 is_space = param_dic['is_space']269 sent_seg = param_dic['sent_seg']270 emb_path = param_dic['emb_path']271 tag_scheme = param_dic['tag_scheme']272 if args.embeddings is not None:273 emb_path = args.embeddings274 ngram = 1275 grams, gram2idx = None, None276 if nums_ngrams is not None:277 ngram = len(nums_ngrams) + 1278 char2idx, unk_chars_idx, idx2char, tag2idx, idx2tag, trans_dict = toolbox.get_dicts(path, sent_seg, tag_scheme, crf)279 trans_char_num = len(char2idx)280 if ngram > 1:281 grams = toolbox.read_ngrams(path, ngram)282 new_chars, new_grams = None, None283 test_x, test_y, raw_x, test_y_gold = None, None, None, None284 sub_dict = None285 max_step = None286 raw_file = None287 if args.action == 'test':288 test_file = args.test289 f_names = os.listdir(path)290 if test_file is None:291 for f_n in f_names:292 if 'ud-test.conllu' in f_n:293 test_file = f_n294 assert test_file is not None295 cat = 'other'296 if 'Chinese' in path or 'Japanese' in path:297 cat = 'zh'298 for line in + '/​' + test_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8'):299 if len(line) < 2:300 break301 if '# sentence' in line or '# text' in line:302 cat = 'gold'303 reader.get_raw(path, test_file, 'raw_test.txt', cat, form=args.format)304 raws_test = reader.raw(path + '/​raw_test.txt')305 test_y_gold = reader.test_gold(path + '/​' + test_file, form=args.format, is_space=is_space,306 ignore_mwt=args.ignore_mwt)307 new_chars = toolbox.get_new_chars(path + '/​raw_test.txt', char2idx, is_space)308 if emb_path is not None:309 valid_chars = toolbox.get_valid_chars(new_chars + char2idx.keys(), emb_path)310 else:311 valid_chars = None312 char2idx, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, sub_dict = toolbox.update_char_dict(char2idx, new_chars, unk_chars_idx, valid_chars)313 test_x, max_len_test = toolbox.get_input_vec_raw(path, 'raw_test.txt', char2idx, limit=args.sent_limit + 100,314 sent_seg=sent_seg, is_space=is_space,315 ignore_space=args.ignore_space)316 max_step = max_len_test317 if sent_seg:318 print 'Joint sentence segmentation...'319 else:320 print 'Test set: %d instances.' % len(test_x[0])321 if ngram > 1:322 gram2idx = toolbox.get_ngram_dic(grams)323 new_grams = toolbox.get_new_grams(path + '/​' + test_file, gram2idx, is_space=is_space)324 test_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec(path, 'raw_test.txt', gram2idx, is_raw=True, limit=args.sent_limit + 100,325 sent_seg=sent_seg, is_space=is_space, ignore_space=args.ignore_space)326 test_x += test_grams327 for k in range(len(test_x)):328 test_x[k] = toolbox.pad_zeros(test_x[k], max_step)329 elif args.action == 'tag':330 assert args.raw is not None331 raw_file = args.raw332 new_chars = toolbox.get_new_chars(raw_file, char2idx, is_space)333 if emb_path is not None:334 valid_chars = toolbox.get_valid_chars(new_chars, emb_path)335 else:336 valid_chars = None337 char2idx, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, sub_dict = toolbox.update_char_dict(char2idx, new_chars, unk_chars_idx,338 valid_chars)339 if not args.segment_large:340 if sent_seg:341 raw_x, raw_len = toolbox.get_input_vec_tag(None, raw_file, char2idx, limit=args.sent_limit + 100,342 is_space=is_space)343 else:344 raw_x, raw_len = toolbox.get_input_vec_raw(None, raw_file, char2idx, limit=args.sent_limit + 100,345 sent_seg=sent_seg, is_space=is_space)346 if sent_seg:347 print 'Joint sentence segmentation...'348 else:349 print 'Raw setences: %d instances.' % len(raw_x[0])350 max_step = raw_len351 else:352 max_step = args.sent_limit353 if ngram > 1:354 gram2idx = toolbox.get_ngram_dic(grams)355 new_grams = toolbox.get_new_grams(raw_file, gram2idx, is_raw=True, is_space=is_space)356 if not args.segment_large:357 if sent_seg:358 raw_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec_tag(None, raw_file, gram2idx, limit=args.sent_limit + 100,359 is_space=is_space)360 else:361 raw_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec(None, raw_file, gram2idx, is_raw=True, limit=args.sent_limit + 100,362 sent_seg=sent_seg, is_space=is_space)363 raw_x += raw_grams364 if not args.segment_large:365 for k in range(len(raw_x)):366 raw_x[k] = toolbox.pad_zeros(raw_x[k], max_step)367 config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)368 gpu_config = "/​gpu:" + str(args.gpu)369 transducer = None370 transducer_graph = None371 trans_model = None372 trans_init = None373 if len(trans_dict) > 200:374 transducer = toolbox.get_dict_vec(trans_dict, char2idx)375 t = time()376 initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()377 if transducer is not None:378 transducer_graph = tf.Graph()379 with transducer_graph.as_default():380 with tf.variable_scope("transducer") as scope:381 trans_model = Seq2seq(path + '/​' + model_file + '_transducer')382 trans_fin = open(path + '/​' + model_file + '_transducer_model', 'rb')383 trans_param_dic = pickle.load(trans_fin)384 trans_fin.close()385 tr_char_num = trans_param_dic['char_num']386 tr_rnn_dim = trans_param_dic['rnn_dim']387 tr_emb_dim = trans_param_dic['emb_dim']388 tr_max_x = trans_param_dic['max_x']389 tr_max_y = trans_param_dic['max_y']390 print 'Defining transducer...'391 trans_model.define(char_num=tr_char_num, rnn_dim=tr_rnn_dim, emb_dim=tr_emb_dim,392 max_x=tr_max_x, max_y=tr_max_y, write_trans_model=False)393 trans_init = tf.global_variables_initializer()394 transducer_graph.finalize()395 print 'Initialization....'396 main_graph = tf.Graph()397 with main_graph.as_default():398 with tf.variable_scope("tagger") as scope:399 model = Model(nums_chars=nums_chars, nums_tags=nums_tags, buckets_char=[max_step], counts=[200],400 crf=crf, ngram=nums_ngrams, batch_size=args.tag_batch, is_space=is_space)401 model.main_graph(trained_model=None, scope=scope, emb_dim=emb_dim, cell=cell,402 rnn_dim=rnn_dim, rnn_num=rnn_num, drop_out=drop_out)403 model.define_updates(new_chars=new_chars, emb_path=emb_path, char2idx=char2idx)404 init = tf.global_variables_initializer()405 print 'Done. Time consumed: %d seconds' % int(time() - t)406 main_graph.finalize()407 idx=None408 if args.ensemble:409 idx = 1410 main_sess = []411 while os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + model_file + '_' + str(idx) + '_weights.index'):412 main_sess.append(tf.Session(config=config, graph=main_graph))413 idx += 1414 else:415 main_sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=main_graph)416 if crf:417 decode_graph = tf.Graph()418 with decode_graph.as_default():419 model.decode_graph()420 decode_graph.finalize()421 decode_sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=decode_graph)422 sess = [main_sess, decode_sess]423 else:424 sess = [main_sess, None]425 with tf.device(gpu_config):426 ens_model = None427 print 'Loading weights....'428 if args.ensemble:429 for i in range(1, idx):430 print 'Ensemble: ' + str(i)431 main_sess[i - 1].run(init)432 model.run_updates(main_sess[i - 1], weight_path + '_' + str(i) + '_weights')433 else:434 model.run_updates(main_sess, weight_path + '_weights')436 if transducer is not None:437 print 'Loading transducer...'438 t = time()439 trans_sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=transducer_graph)440 if os.path.isfile(path + '/​' + model_file + '_transducer_weights'):442 trans_weight_path = path + '/​' + model_file + '_transducer_weights'443 trans_weight_path = trans_weight_path.replace('/​/​', '/​')444 trans_model.saver.restore(trans_sess, trans_weight_path)445 sess.append(trans_sess)446 if args.action == 'test':447 test_y_raw = [line.strip() for line in + '/​raw_test.txt', 'rb', encoding='utf-8')]448 model.test(test_x, test_y_raw, test_y_gold, idx2tag, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, sub_dict, trans_dict, sess,449 transducer=trans_model, ensemble=args.ensemble, batch_size=args.test_batch, sent_seg=sent_seg,450 bias=args.segmentation_bias, outpath=args.output_path, trans_type=args.transduction_type)451 if args.action == 'tag':452 if not args.segment_large:453 raw_sents = []454 for line in, 'rb', encoding='utf-8'):455 line = line.strip()456 if len(line) > 0:457 raw_sents.append(line)458 model.tag(raw_x, raw_sents, idx2tag, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, sub_dict, trans_dict, sess,459 transducer=trans_model, outpath=args.output_path, ensemble=args.ensemble,460 batch_size=args.tag_batch, sent_seg=sent_seg, seg_large=args.segment_large, form=args.format)461 else:462 count = 0463 c_line = 0464 l_writer =, 'w', encoding='utf-8')465 out = []466 with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as l_file:467 lines = []468 for line in l_file:469 line = line.strip()470 if len(line) > 0:471 lines.append(line)472 else:473 c_line += 1474 if c_line >= args.large_size:475 count += len(lines)476 c_line = 0477 print count478 if args.sent_seg:479 raw_x, _ = toolbox.get_input_vec_tag(None, None, char2idx, lines=lines,480 limit=args.sent_limit, is_space=is_space)481 else:482 raw_x, _ = toolbox.get_input_vec_raw(None, None, char2idx, lines=lines,483 limit=args.sent_limit, sent_seg=sent_seg,484 is_space=is_space)485 if ngram > 1:486 if sent_seg:487 raw_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec_tag(None, None, gram2idx, lines=lines,488 limit=args.sent_limit, is_space=is_space)489 else:490 raw_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec(None, None, gram2idx, lines=lines, is_raw=True,491 limit=args.sent_limit, sent_seg=sent_seg,492 is_space=is_space)493 raw_x += raw_grams494 for k in range(len(raw_x)):495 raw_x[k] = toolbox.pad_zeros(raw_x[k], max_step)496 predition, multi = model.tag(raw_x, lines, idx2tag, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, sub_dict,497 trans_dict, sess, transducer=trans_model,498 outpath=args.output_path, ensemble=args.ensemble,499 batch_size=args.tag_batch, sent_seg=sent_seg,500 seg_large=args.segment_large, form=args.format)501 if args.only_tokenised:502 for l_out in predition:503 if len(l_out.strip()) > 0:504 l_writer.write(l_out + '\n')505 else:506 for tagged_t, multi_t in zip(predition, multi):507 if len(tagged_t.strip()) > 0:508 l_writer.write('#sent_tok: ' + tagged_t + '\n')509 idx = 1510 tgs = multi_t.split(' ')511 pl = ''512 for _ in range(8):513 pl += '\t' + '_'514 for tg in tgs:515 if '!#!' in tg:516 segs = tg.split('!#!')517 l_writer.write(str(idx) + '-' + str(int(segs[1]) + idx - 1) + '\t' +518 segs[0] + pl + '\n')519 else:520 l_writer.write(str(idx) + '\t' + tg + pl + '\n')521 idx += 1522 l_writer.write('\n')523 lines = []524 if len(lines) > 0:525 if args.sent_seg:526 raw_x, _ = toolbox.get_input_vec_tag(None, None, char2idx, lines=lines,527 limit=args.sent_limit, is_space=is_space)528 else:529 raw_x, _ = toolbox.get_input_vec_raw(None, None, char2idx, lines=lines,530 limit=args.sent_limit, sent_seg=sent_seg,531 is_space=is_space)532 if ngram > 1:533 if sent_seg:534 raw_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec_tag(None, None, gram2idx, lines=lines,535 limit=args.sent_limit, is_space=is_space)536 else:537 raw_grams = toolbox.get_gram_vec(None, None, gram2idx, lines=lines, is_raw=True,538 limit=args.sent_limit, sent_seg=sent_seg,539 is_space=is_space)540 raw_x += raw_grams541 for k in range(len(raw_x)):542 raw_x[k] = toolbox.pad_zeros(raw_x[k], max_step)543 prediction, multi = model.tag(raw_x, lines, idx2tag, idx2char, unk_chars_idx, sub_dict,544 trans_dict, sess, transducer=trans_model,545 outpath=args.output_path, ensemble=args.ensemble,546 batch_size=args.tag_batch, sent_seg=sent_seg,547 seg_large=args.segment_large, form=args.format)548 if args.only_tokenised:549 for l_out in prediction:550 if len(l_out.strip()) > 0:551 l_writer.write(l_out + '\n')552 else:553 for tagged_t, multi_t in zip(prediction, multi):554 if len(tagged_t.strip()) > 0:555 l_writer.write('#sent_tok: ' + tagged_t + '\n')556 idx = 1557 tgs = multi_t.split(' ')558 pl = ''559 for _ in range(8):560 pl += '\t' + '_'561 for tg in tgs:562 if '!#!' in tg:563 segs = tg.split('!#!')564 l_writer.write(str(idx) + '-' + str(int(segs[1]) + idx - 1) + '\t' +565 segs[0] + pl + '\n')566 else:567 l_writer.write(str(idx) + '\t' + tg + pl + '\n')568 idx += 1569 l_writer.write('\n')570 l_writer.close()...

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1# coding: utf-82from __future__ import unicode_literals3import pytest4from spacy.tokens.doc import Doc5from ..util import get_doc, apply_transition_sequence6def test_parser_space_attachment(en_tokenizer):7 text = "This is a test.\nTo ensure spaces are attached well."8 heads = [1, 0, 1, -2, -3, -1, 1, 4, -1, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2]9 tokens = en_tokenizer(text)10 doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads)11 for sent in doc.sents:12 if len(sent) == 1:13 assert not sent[-1].is_space14def test_parser_sentence_space(en_tokenizer):15 # fmt: off16 text = "I look forward to using Thingamajig. I've been told it will make my life easier..."17 heads = [1, 0, -1, -2, -1, -1, -5, -1, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, -3, 1, 1, -3, -7]18 deps = ["nsubj", "ROOT", "advmod", "prep", "pcomp", "dobj", "punct", "",19 "nsubjpass", "aux", "auxpass", "ROOT", "nsubj", "aux", "ccomp",20 "poss", "nsubj", "ccomp", "punct"]21 # fmt: on22 tokens = en_tokenizer(text)23 doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=[t.text for t in tokens], heads=heads, deps=deps)24 assert len(list(doc.sents)) == 225@pytest.mark.xfail26def test_parser_space_attachment_leading(en_tokenizer, en_parser):27 text = "\t \n This is a sentence ."28 heads = [1, 1, 0, 1, -2, -3]29 tokens = en_tokenizer(text)30 doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=text.split(" "), heads=heads)31 assert doc[0].is_space32 assert doc[1].is_space33 assert doc[2].text == "This"34 with en_parser.step_through(doc) as stepwise:35 pass36 assert doc[0].head.i == 237 assert doc[1].head.i == 238 assert stepwise.stack == set([2])39@pytest.mark.xfail40def test_parser_space_attachment_intermediate_trailing(en_tokenizer, en_parser):41 text = "This is \t a \t\n \n sentence . \n\n \n"42 heads = [1, 0, -1, 2, -1, -4, -5, -1]43 transition = ["L-nsubj", "S", "L-det", "R-attr", "D", "R-punct"]44 tokens = en_tokenizer(text)45 doc = get_doc(tokens.vocab, words=text.split(" "), heads=heads)46 assert doc[2].is_space47 assert doc[4].is_space48 assert doc[5].is_space49 assert doc[8].is_space50 assert doc[9].is_space51 apply_transition_sequence(en_parser, doc, transition)52 for token in doc:53 assert token.dep != 0 or token.is_space54 assert [token.head.i for token in doc] == [1, 1, 1, 6, 3, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7]55@pytest.mark.parametrize("text,length", [(["\n"], 1), (["\n", "\t", "\n\n", "\t"], 4)])56@pytest.mark.xfail57def test_parser_space_attachment_space(en_tokenizer, en_parser, text, length):58 doc = Doc(en_parser.vocab, words=text)59 assert len(doc) == length60 with en_parser.step_through(doc) as _: # noqa: F84161 pass62 assert doc[0].is_space63 for token in doc:...

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