Best Python code snippet using yandex-tank
1# This is source-code for Battle on Tower game2import json3import math4import os # Modules for develop5import random6import sys7import pygame as pg8class App: # Main class for game9 def __init__(self):10 pg.init()11 pg.mixer.init()12 self.keys = {"rotate_left": pg.K_a, # dictionaries with keys13 "rotate_right": pg.K_d,14 "shot": pg.K_SPACE,15 "reload": pg.K_r}16 self.file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # file load optimization17 self.img_dir = os.path.join(self.file_dir)18 self.json_config_dir = os.path.join(self.file_dir)19 self.fonts_dir = os.path.join(self.file_dir)20 self.sounds_dir = os.path.join(self.file_dir)21 with open(os.path.join(self.json_config_dir,22 'file_paths.json')) as file_paths: # load json config with file paths23 = json.load(file_paths)24 self.background_img = pg.image.load(25 os.path.join(self.img_dir,26 random.choice(["images"]["background"]))) # loading application files27 self.icon_img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["icon"]))28 self.font_file = os.path.join(self.fonts_dir,["fonts"][0])29 self.shot_sound_file = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.sounds_dir,["sounds"][0]))30 self.gameplay_sound_file = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.sounds_dir,["sounds"][1]))31 self.attack_sound_file = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(self.sounds_dir,["sounds"][2]))32 self.game_over_img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["menu_imgs"]["game_over"]))33 self.button1_img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["buttons"][0]))34 self.button2_img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["buttons"][1]))35 self.fps = 60 # main game params37 self.height, self.width = 1000, 60038 self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((self.height, self.width))39 pg.display.set_caption("Battle on Tower")40 pg.display.set_icon(self.icon_img)41 self.colors = [(0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), (139, 69, 19)]42 self.clock = pg.time.Clock()43 self.tower_xp = 100 # common game object params44 self.ammo_count = 1045 self.kill_count = 046 self.arm_angle = 047 self.ray_x = 12048 self.ray_y = 12049 self.length = 40050 self.ray_angle = 051 self.is_shoot = True52 self.reloading = False53 self.game_over = False54 self.all_sprites = pg.sprite.Group() # sprite groups55 self.bullets = pg.sprite.Group()56 self.enemies = pg.sprite.Group()57 self.sprites_init()58 self.game_cycle()59 def game_cycle(self): # game cycle60 while True:61 self.clock.tick(self.fps)62 for event in pg.event.get():63 if event.type == pg.QUIT:64 pg.quit()65 sys.exit()66 if self.game_over:67 self.button_connect(event)68 self.update_screen()69 self.key_pressed()70 def draw_simple_objects(self): # drawing simple objects71 ground_img = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["ground"]))72 image = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["player"][1]))73 new_img = pg.transform.rotate(image, self.arm_angle)74 rect = new_img.get_rect(center=image.get_rect(topleft=(95, 150)).center)75 self.screen.blit(ground_img, (0, 500))76 self.screen.blit(new_img, rect)77, self.colors[2],78 (self.ray_x + self.length * math.cos(self.ray_angle * math.pi / 180),79 self.ray_y + self.length * math.sin(self.ray_angle * math.pi / 180)), 8, 2)80 def key_pressed(self):81 keys = pg.key.get_pressed()82 if keys[self.keys["rotate_right"]]:83 self.arm_angle -= 284 self.ray_angle += 285 if keys[self.keys["rotate_left"]]:86 self.arm_angle += 287 self.ray_angle -= 288 def sprites_init(self): # initialisation sprites89 global tower, enemy_on_sky, enemy_on_ground90 player = Player(x=100, y=150, colors=self.colors, screen=self.screen, keys=self.keys,91 bullets=self.bullets, ammo_count=self.ammo_count, is_shoot=self.is_shoot,92 reloading=self.reloading,, img_dir=self.img_dir, ray_angle=self.ray_angle,93 enemies=self.enemies, shot_sound_file=self.shot_sound_file)94 tower = Tower(x=50, y=120, colors=self.colors, tower_xp=self.tower_xp, enemies=self.enemies,,95 img_dir=self.img_dir)96 for i in range(3):97 enemy_on_sky = EnemyOnSky(x=5000 + i * 300, y=random.randint(200, 500), colors=self.colors,98 bullets=self.bullets,99 enemies=self.enemies,100 all_sprites=self.all_sprites,, img_dir=self.img_dir, anim_count=0,101 screen=self.screen, length=200, ray_angle=self.ray_angle, rot_angle=3,102 width=self.width)103 self.enemies.add(enemy_on_sky)104 for i in range(3):105 enemy_on_ground = EnemyOnGround(x=2000, y=430, colors=self.colors, bullets=self.bullets,106 enemies=self.enemies, all_sprites=self.all_sprites,,107 img_dir=self.img_dir, anim_count=0)108 self.enemies.add(enemy_on_ground)109 self.all_sprites.add(tower, player)110 def update_screen(self): # update canvas for screen111 self.screen.blit(self.background_img, (-2, 0))112 if not self.game_over: # if game lost, objects will be deleted113 self.all_sprites.update()114 self.bullets.update()115 self.enemies.update()116 self.all_sprites.draw(self.screen)117 self.bullets.draw(self.screen)118 self.enemies.draw(self.screen)119 self.draw_simple_objects()120 self.collision_with_tower()121 self.ammo_counter()122 self.lose()123 pg.display.update()124 def text_render(self, text, font, size, color, x, y): # this method responding rendering text125 font = pg.font.Font(font, size)126 text = font.render(text, True, color)127 self.screen.blit(text, (x, y))128 def collision_with_tower(self): # collision with tower129 global tower130 self.text_render(f'XP: {str(round(self.tower_xp))}', self.font_file, 40, self.colors[2], 0, 0)131 collide = pg.sprite.spritecollide(tower, self.enemies, False)132 if collide and self.tower_xp > 0:133 self.tower_xp -= 0.05134 if self.tower_xp <= 0:135 self.game_over = True136 def ammo_counter(self): # quantity counter for ammo, if player shoots, ammo count reduced by one number.137 keys = pg.key.get_pressed()138 self.text_render(f'Ammo: {str(round(self.ammo_count))}', self.font_file, 40, self.colors[-3], 400, 0)139 if keys[self.keys["shot"]] and self.is_shoot and self.ammo_count > 0:140 self.ammo_count -= 1141 self.is_shoot = False142 if not keys[self.keys["shot"]]:143 self.is_shoot = True144 if keys[self.keys["reload"]]:145 self.reloading = True146 if self.reloading and self.ammo_count <= 10:147 self.ammo_count += 0.02148 self.text_render('Reloading...', self.font_file, 60, self.colors[-2], 400, 100)149 if not keys[self.keys["reload"]]:150 self.reloading = False151 def lose(self):152 global btn1_rect, btn2_rect # if player lost, text "Game Over" will be displayed.153 if self.game_over:154 self.gameplay_sound_file.stop()155 self.screen.blit(self.game_over_img, (0, 0))156 self.text_render("Game Over", self.font_file, 100, self.colors[3], 200, 200)157 btn1_rect = self.button1_img.get_rect(center=self.button1_img.get_rect(topleft=(200, 400)).center)158 btn2_rect = self.button2_img.get_rect(center=self.button2_img.get_rect(topleft=(600, 400)).center)159 self.screen.blit(self.button1_img, btn1_rect)160 self.screen.blit(self.button2_img, btn2_rect)161 def button_connect(self, event):162 global btn1_rect, btn2_rect163 if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP:164 mouse_pos = pg.mouse.get_pos()165 if btn1_rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):166 pg.quit()167 App()168 if btn2_rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos):169 pg.quit()170 sys.exit()171class Player(pg.sprite.Sprite): # class for player172 def __init__(self, x, y, colors, screen, keys, bullets, ammo_count, is_shoot, reloading, data,173 img_dir, ray_angle, enemies, shot_sound_file):174 super(Player, self).__init__()175 self.x = x176 self.y = y177 self.colors = colors178 self.screen = screen179 self.keys = keys180 self.bullets = bullets181 self.ammo_count = ammo_count182 self.is_shoot = is_shoot183 self.reloading = reloading184 = data185 self.img_dir = img_dir186 self.ray_angle = ray_angle187 self.enemies = enemies188 self.shot_sound_file = shot_sound_file189 self.image = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["player"][0]))190 self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.image.get_rect(topleft=(self.x, self.y)).center)191 self.attack = True # variable which responsible for limit spawn bullets192 def update(self): # this method responsible for update frame by frame193 self.key_pressed()194 self.ammo_counter_proc()195 def key_pressed(self): # key pressing processing196 keys = pg.key.get_pressed()197 if keys[self.keys["shot"]]:198 self.shot()199 self.attack = False200 if not keys[self.keys["shot"]]:201 self.attack = True202 if keys[self.keys["rotate_right"]]:203 self.ray_angle += 2204 if keys[self.keys["rotate_left"]]:205 self.ray_angle -= 2206 def shot(self): # this method responsible for spawn bullets207 if self.attack and self.ammo_count > 0:208 self.shot_sound_file.set_volume(0.5)210 bullet = Bullet(x=self.x, y=self.y, radius=5, colors=self.colors, speed=20, ray_angle=self.ray_angle,211 keys=self.keys, enemies=self.enemies)212 self.bullets.add(bullet)213 def ammo_counter_proc(self): # Reducing and reloading ammo214 keys = pg.key.get_pressed()215 if keys[self.keys["shot"]] and self.is_shoot and self.ammo_count > 0:216 self.ammo_count -= 1217 self.is_shoot = False218 if not keys[self.keys["shot"]]:219 self.is_shoot = True220 if keys[self.keys["reload"]]:221 self.reloading = True222 if self.reloading and self.ammo_count <= 10:223 self.ammo_count += 0.05224 if not keys[self.keys["reload"]]:225 self.reloading = False226class Bullet(pg.sprite.Sprite): # class for bullets227 def __init__(self, x, y, speed, radius, colors, ray_angle, keys, enemies):228 super(Bullet, self).__init__()229 self.x = x230 self.y = y231 self.speed = speed232 self.colors = colors233 self.radius = radius234 self.ray_angle = ray_angle235 self.keys = keys236 self.enemies = enemies237 self.image = pg.Surface((self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2))238 self.image.set_colorkey(self.colors[0], False)239, self.colors[-1], (self.radius, self.radius), self.radius)240 self.rect = pg.Rect(self.x, self.y, self.radius, self.radius)241 self.attack = True242 def update(self):243 self.force()244 self.key_pressed()245 def key_pressed(self):246 keys = pg.key.get_pressed()247 if keys[self.keys["rotate_right"]] and self.attack:248 self.ray_angle += 2249 if keys[self.keys["rotate_left"]] and self.attack:250 self.ray_angle -= 2251 def force(self): # movement for ray direction252 self.rect.x += self.speed * math.cos(self.ray_angle * math.pi / 180)253 self.rect.y += self.speed * math.sin(self.ray_angle * math.pi / 180)254 self.attack = False255class EnemyOnGround(pg.sprite.Sprite): # class for enemies(on ground)256 def __init__(self, x, y, colors, bullets, enemies, all_sprites, data, img_dir, anim_count):257 super(EnemyOnGround, self).__init__()258 self.x = x259 self.y = y260 self.colors = colors261 self.bullets = bullets262 self.enemies = enemies263 self.all_sprites = all_sprites264 = data265 self.img_dir = img_dir266 self.anim_count = anim_count267 self.rand_keys = ["enemy", "enemy3"]268 self.rand = random.choice(self.rand_keys)269 self.image = pg.image.load(270 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"][self.rand][0][0])).convert_alpha()271 self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.image.get_rect(topleft=(self.x, self.y)).center)272 self.isRunning = True273 self.isPunched = False274 self.isDead = False275 self.enemy1 = False276 self.enemy2 = False277 self.speed = random.randint(2, 5)278 def update(self):279 self.collision()281 self.animation()282 self.enemy_select()283 def enemy_select(self):284 match self.rand:285 case "enemy":286 self.enemy1 = True287 case "enemy3":288 self.enemy2 = True289 def run(self):290 if self.rect.x <= 150: # movement291 self.isRunning = False292 if self.isRunning and not self.isDead:293 self.rect.x -= self.speed294 def collision(self): # collision with bullets and spawn for initial position295 collide1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.bullets, False)296 collide2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.all_sprites, False)297 if collide1 or self.rect.x < 0:298 self.isDead = True299 list(map(lambda x: x.kill(), self.bullets))300 if self.isDead and self.anim_count < 3:301 self.kill()302 enemy_on_ground = EnemyOnGround(x=2000, y=430, colors=self.colors, bullets=self.bullets,303 enemies=self.enemies, all_sprites=self.all_sprites, img_dir=self.img_dir,304, anim_count=0)305 self.enemies.add(enemy_on_ground)306 if collide2:307 self.isPunched = True308 def anim_count_increment(self, n=1):309 self.anim_count += n310 self.anim_count %= 60311 def animation(self):312 if self.enemy1:313 if self.isRunning:314 self.image = pg.image.load(315 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy"][0][self.anim_count // 10])).convert_alpha()316 self.anim_count_increment(1)317 if self.isPunched:318 self.image = pg.image.load(319 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy"][1][self.anim_count // 12])).convert_alpha()320 self.anim_count_increment(2)321 if self.isDead:322 self.image = pg.image.load(323 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy"][2][self.anim_count // 20])).convert_alpha()324 self.anim_count_increment(1)325 self.rect.y = 450326 if self.enemy2:327 if self.isRunning:328 self.image = pg.image.load(329 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy3"][1][self.anim_count // 15])).convert_alpha()330 self.anim_count_increment(1)331 if self.isPunched:332 self.image = pg.image.load(333 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy3"][0][self.anim_count // 6])).convert_alpha()334 self.anim_count_increment(1)335 if self.isDead:336 self.image = pg.image.load(337 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy3"][2][self.anim_count // 20])).convert_alpha()338 self.anim_count_increment(1)339 self.rect.y = 450340class EnemyOnSky(pg.sprite.Sprite):341 def __init__(self, x, y, colors, bullets, enemies, all_sprites, data, img_dir, anim_count, screen, length,342 ray_angle, rot_angle, width):343 super(EnemyOnSky, self).__init__()344 self.x = x345 self.y = y346 self.y = y347 self.colors = colors348 self.bullets = bullets349 self.enemies = enemies350 self.all_sprites = all_sprites351 = data352 self.img_dir = img_dir353 self.anim_count = anim_count354 self.screen = screen355 self.length = length356 self.ray_angle = ray_angle357 self.rot_angle = rot_angle358 self.width = width359 self.image = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy2"][1][0])).convert_alpha()360 self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.image.get_rect(topleft=(self.x, self.y)).center)361 self.speed = random.randint(2, 5)362 self.isFly = True363 self.isDead = False364 self.isAttack = False365 def update(self):366 self.animation()368 self.collision()369 def fly(self):370 if self.isFly and not self.isAttack:371 self.ray_angle -= self.rot_angle372 if self.ray_angle < -60 or self.ray_angle > 60:373 self.rot_angle = -self.rot_angle374 self.rect.x -= self.speed * math.cos(self.ray_angle * math.pi / 180)375 self.rect.y -= self.speed * math.sin(self.ray_angle * math.pi / 180)376 if self.isDead:377 self.rect.y += 10378 def anim_count_increment(self, n=1):379 self.anim_count += n380 self.anim_count %= 60381 def animation(self):382 if self.isFly:383 self.image = pg.image.load(384 os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy2"][1][self.anim_count // 15]))385 self.anim_count_increment(2)386 if self.isDead:387 self.image = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["enemy2"][0]))388 def collision(self):389 collide1 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.bullets, False)390 collide2 = pg.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.all_sprites, False)391 if collide1:392 self.isDead = True393 list(map(lambda x: x.kill(), self.bullets))394 if self.rect.y > 500 or self.rect.x < 0:395 self.kill()396 enemy_on_sky = EnemyOnSky(x=5000, y=random.randint(200, 500), colors=self.colors, bullets=self.bullets,397 enemies=self.enemies,398 all_sprites=self.all_sprites,, img_dir=self.img_dir, anim_count=0,399 screen=self.screen, length=200, ray_angle=self.ray_angle, rot_angle=3,400 width=self.width)401 self.enemies.add(enemy_on_sky)402 if collide2:403 self.isAttack = True404class Tower(pg.sprite.Sprite): # class for tower405 def __init__(self, x, y, colors, tower_xp, enemies, data, img_dir):406 super(Tower, self).__init__()407 self.x = x408 self.y = y409 self.colors = colors410 self.tower_xp = tower_xp411 self.enemies = enemies412 = data413 self.img_dir = img_dir414 self.image = pg.image.load(os.path.join(self.img_dir,["images"]["tower"]))...
1import arcade2import math3import os45# Constants6SCREEN_WIDTH = 11527SCREEN_HEIGHT = 7008SCREEN_TITLE = "FILLERNAME"910CHARACTER_SCALING = 1.2511TILE_SCALING = 0.51213PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 4.51415TOP_VIEWPORT_MARGIN = 25016BOTTOM_VIEWPORT_MARGIN = 501718GRID_PIXEL_SIZE = 641920BULLET_SPEED = 0.82122player_start_x = 57623player_start_y = 1282425AMMO_COUNT = 32627class MyGame(arcade.Window):2829 def __init__(self):30 super().__init__(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_TITLE)3132 self.wall_list = None33 self.player_list = None34 self.bullet_list = None35 self.player_bullet_list = None36 self.player_sprite = None37 self.thunder_list = None38 self.ammo_list = None39 self.finishing_line_list = None4041 self.physics_engine = None42 self.view_bottom = 043 self.frame_count = 044 self.shoot_delay = 045 self.ammo_count = AMMO_COUNT46 self.score = 047 self.level = 148 self.current_level = "Map_1.tmx"4950 arcade.set_background_color(arcade.csscolor.CORNFLOWER_BLUE)5152 def setup(self):53 self.player_list = arcade.SpriteList()54 self.wall_list = arcade.SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=True)55 self.plane_list = arcade.SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=True)56 self.bullet_list = arcade.SpriteList()57 self.player_bullet_list = arcade.SpriteList()58 self.thunder_list = arcade.SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=True)59 self.ammo_list = arcade.SpriteList()60 self.finishing_line_list = arcade.SpriteList(use_spatial_hash=True)6162 self.player_sprite = arcade.Sprite("Sprites\Player\player_0.png", CHARACTER_SCALING)6364 self.player_sprite.center_x = player_start_x65 self.player_sprite.center_y = player_start_y66 self.player_list.append(self.player_sprite)67 self.reset_map(self.current_level)6869 def on_draw(self):70 arcade.start_render()71 # Code to draw the screen goes here72 self.ammo_list.draw()73 self.wall_list.draw()74 self.player_list.draw()75 self.plane_list.draw()76 self.bullet_list.draw()77 self.player_bullet_list.draw()78 self.thunder_list.draw()79 self.finishing_line_list.draw()80 self.draw_bottom_hud()818283 def reset_map(self, new_map):84 map_name = "Maps\\" + new_map85 wall_layer_name = "CloudWall"86 enemy_layer_name = "EnemyPlane"87 thunder_layer_name = "ThunderCloud"88 ammo_layer_name = "Ammo"89 finishing_layer_name = "Finishing Line"90 my_map = arcade.tilemap.read_tmx(map_name)91 self.wall_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(map_object=my_map, layer_name=wall_layer_name,92 scaling=TILE_SCALING * 2.25, use_spatial_hash=True)93 self.plane_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(my_map, enemy_layer_name, TILE_SCALING * 2.25)94 self.physics_engine = arcade.PhysicsEngineSimple(self.player_sprite, self.wall_list)95 self.thunder_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(my_map, thunder_layer_name, TILE_SCALING * 2.25,96 use_spatial_hash=True)97 self.ammo_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(my_map, ammo_layer_name, TILE_SCALING * 2.25)98 self.finishing_line_list = arcade.tilemap.process_layer(map_object=my_map, layer_name=finishing_layer_name,99 scaling=TILE_SCALING * 2.25, use_spatial_hash=True)100101 def on_key_press(self, key, modifiers):102 if key == arcade.key.UP or key == arcade.key.W or key == arcade.key.SPACE:103 self.player_sprite.change_y = PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED104 elif key == arcade.key.DOWN or key == arcade.key.S:105 self.player_sprite.change_y = -PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED106 elif key == arcade.key.LEFT or key == arcade.key.A:107 self.player_sprite.change_x = -PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED108 elif key == arcade.key.RIGHT or key == arcade.key.D:109 self.player_sprite.change_x = PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED110111 def on_key_release(self, key, modifiers):112 if key == arcade.key.UP or key == arcade.key.W:113 self.player_sprite.change_y = 0114 elif key == arcade.key.DOWN or key == arcade.key.S:115 self.player_sprite.change_y = 0116 elif key == arcade.key.LEFT or key == arcade.key.A:117 self.player_sprite.change_x = 0118 elif key == arcade.key.RIGHT or key == arcade.key.D:119 self.player_sprite.change_x = 0120121 def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers):122 if self.shoot_delay <= 0 and self.ammo_count > 0:123 player_bullet = arcade.Sprite("Sprites\Player Bullet\Player_Bullet.png")124 player_bullet.change_y = BULLET_SPEED * 5125 player_bullet.center_x = self.player_sprite.center_x126 player_bullet.bottom = self.player_sprite.top127 self.player_bullet_list.append(player_bullet)128 self.shoot_delay = 60129 self.ammo_count -= 1130131 def draw_bottom_hud(self):132 ammoText = f"ammo: {self.ammo_count}"133 arcade.draw_text(ammoText, 10, 10 + self.view_bottom, arcade.color.BLACK, 18)134135 scoreText = f"score: {self.score}"136 arcade.draw_text(scoreText, 1020, 10 + self.view_bottom, arcade.color.BLACK, 18)137138 def on_update(self, delta_time):139 self.frame_count += 1140 self.physics_engine.update()141 self.shoot_delay -= 1142 changed = False143144 if arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(self.player_sprite,145 self.thunder_list) or arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(146 self.player_sprite, self.bullet_list):147 self.player_sprite.change_x = 0148 self.player_sprite.change_y = 0149 self.player_sprite.center_x = player_start_x150 self.player_sprite.center_y = player_start_y151 self.view_bottom = 0152 self.score = 0153 self.ammo_count = AMMO_COUNT154 self.reset_map(self.current_level)155 changed = True156157 if arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(self.player_sprite, self.finishing_line_list):158 self.player_sprite.change_x = 0159 self.player_sprite.change_y = 0160 self.player_sprite.center_x = player_start_x161 self.player_sprite.center_y = player_start_y162 self.view_bottom = 0163 self.score += self.ammo_count * 5164 self.ammo_count = AMMO_COUNT165 self.level +=1166 self.current_level = f"Map_{self.level}.tmx"167 self.reset_map(self.current_level)168 changed = True169170 clip_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(self.player_sprite, self.ammo_list)171 for clip in clip_list:172 clip.remove_from_sprite_lists()173 self.ammo_count += 1174175 top_boundary = self.view_bottom + SCREEN_HEIGHT - TOP_VIEWPORT_MARGIN176 if > top_boundary:177 self.view_bottom += - top_boundary178 changed = True179180 bottom_boundary = self.view_bottom + BOTTOM_VIEWPORT_MARGIN181 if self.player_sprite.bottom < bottom_boundary:182 self.view_bottom -= bottom_boundary - self.player_sprite.bottom183 changed = True184185 if changed:186 self.view_bottom = int(self.view_bottom)187 arcade.set_viewport(0, SCREEN_WIDTH, self.view_bottom, SCREEN_HEIGHT + self.view_bottom)188189 for enemy in self.plane_list:190 start_x = enemy.center_x191 start_y = enemy.center_y192193 dest_x = self.player_sprite.center_x194 dest_y = self.player_sprite.center_y195196 x_diff = dest_x - start_x197 y_diff = dest_y - start_y198199 if math.sqrt((x_diff * x_diff) + (y_diff * y_diff)) < 700:200 angle = math.atan2(y_diff, x_diff)201202 enemy.angle = math.degrees(angle) + 90203204 if self.frame_count % 120 == 0:205 bullet = arcade.Sprite("Sprites\Bullet\Bullet.png")206 bullet.center_x = start_x207 bullet.center_y = start_y208 bullet.angle = math.degrees(angle) - 90209210 bullet.change_x = math.cos(angle) * BULLET_SPEED * 5211 bullet.change_y = math.sin(angle) * BULLET_SPEED * 5212213 self.bullet_list.append(bullet)214215 for bullet in self.bullet_list:216 if math.sqrt(((self.player_sprite.center_x - bullet.center_x) * (217 self.player_sprite.center_x - bullet.center_x)) + (218 (self.player_sprite.center_y - bullet.center_y) * (219 self.player_sprite.center_y - bullet.center_y))) > 800:220 bullet.remove_from_sprite_lists()221222 hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(bullet, self.thunder_list)223 if len (hit_list) > 0:224 bullet.remove_from_sprite_lists()225 for thunder in hit_list:226 thunder.remove_from_sprite_lists()227228 self.bullet_list.update()229230 self.player_bullet_list.update()231 for player_bullet in self.player_bullet_list:232 hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(player_bullet, self.plane_list)233 if len(hit_list) > 0:234 player_bullet.remove_from_sprite_lists()235236 for plane in hit_list:237 plane.remove_from_sprite_lists()238 self.score += 10239240241def main():242 window = MyGame()243 window.setup()244 __name__ == "__main__":
1# ammo image generator2from mss import mss3import numpy as np4from PIL import Image5import os6from keyboard_input import PressKey, ReleaseKey7from mouse_input import click_mouse8import time9import cv210game_frame_x = 44811game_frame_y = 16712ammo_frame = {'left': game_frame_x+945, 'top': game_frame_y+746, 'width': 20, 'height': 17}13starting_ammo_count = 3014img_save_path = "./ammo_images_hud_scaling_0_5"15PressKey(0x38)16time.sleep(0.2)17PressKey(0x0F)18time.sleep(0.2)19ReleaseKey(0x0F)20time.sleep(0.2)21ReleaseKey(0x38)22for i in range(starting_ammo_count+1):23 ammo_count = starting_ammo_count - i24 # input("press enter to take image of ammo="+ str(ammo_count))25 with mss() as sct:26 ammo_img = np.array(sct.grab(ammo_frame))27 ammo_img = np.where(ammo_img == 255, np.uint8(255), np.uint8(0))28 im = Image.fromarray(ammo_img)29, "ammo_"+ str(ammo_count)+ ".png"))30 #, "ammo_", str(ammo_count)), "png")31 #"./ammo_images/test.png")32 click_mouse()33 time.sleep(0.2)34# with mss() as sct:35# ammo_img = np.array(sct.grab(ammo_frame))36# cv2.imshow("test", ammo_img)...
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The key to successful test automation is to focus on tasks that maximize the return on investment (ROI), ensuring that you are automating the right tests and automating them in the right way. This is where test automation strategies come into play.
Greetings folks! With the new year finally upon us, we’re excited to announce a collection of brand-new product updates. At LambdaTest, we strive to provide you with a comprehensive test orchestration and execution platform to ensure the ultimate web and mobile experience.
Entering the world of testers, one question started to formulate in my mind: “what is the reason that bugs happen?”.
“Test frequently and early.” If you’ve been following my testing agenda, you’re probably sick of hearing me repeat that. However, it is making sense that if your tests detect an issue soon after it occurs, it will be easier to resolve. This is one of the guiding concepts that makes continuous integration such an effective method. I’ve encountered several teams who have a lot of automated tests but don’t use them as part of a continuous integration approach. There are frequently various reasons why the team believes these tests cannot be used with continuous integration. Perhaps the tests take too long to run, or they are not dependable enough to provide correct results on their own, necessitating human interpretation.
The fact is not alien to us anymore that cross browser testing is imperative to enhance your application’s user experience. Enhanced knowledge of popular and highly acclaimed testing frameworks goes a long way in developing a new app. It holds more significance if you are a full-stack developer or expert programmer.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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