Best Python code snippet using yandex-tank
1from bcr_api.bwproject import BWProject, BWUser2from bcr_api.bwresources import BWQueries, BWGroups, BWAuthorLists, BWSiteLists, BWLocationLists, BWTags, BWCategories, BWRules, BWMentions, BWSignals3from datetime import datetime4from pytz import timezone5from time import sleep6import pandas as pd7import logging8logger = logging.getLogger("bcr_api")9logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)10class Brandwatch:11 12 version = "1.0"13 14 # Set default parameter15 def __init__(self, token = None, token_path = 'tokens.txt', username = None, password = None, terminate = False, logger = None):16 self.__token = token17 self.__token_path = token_path18 self.__username = username19 self.__password = password20 self.__user = None21 self.__projects = None22 self.__project = None23 self.__groups = None24 self.__queries = None25 self.__groups_queries = None26 self.__mentions = None27 self.__delay = 3028 self.__terminate = terminate29 self.__logger = logger30 31 # Allow pandas dataframe display all rows and columns, default to 60 rows and 20 columns32 def set_display_all(self, flag = True):33 if flag is True:34 pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)35 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)36 else:37 pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 60)38 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20)39 # Set delay time to retry if rate limit reach, default to 30 seconds40 def set_delay(self, delay = 30):41 self.__delay = delay42 43 # Set terminate signal when using GUI to interrupt44 def terminate(self, flag):45 self.__terminate = flag46 # Set logger to update log info to GUI47 def setLogger(self, logger):48 self.__logger = logger49 # Get user object with username/password or token50 def getUser(self):51 self.__user = None52 if self.__terminate:53 return self.__user54 try:55 self.__user = BWUser(username = self.__username, password = self.__password, token = self.__token, token_path = self.__token_path)56 self.__token = self.__user.token57 except Exception as e:58 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):59'Token is invalid or expired')60 if self.__logger is not None:61 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')62 self.__user = None63 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):64'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')65 print('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')66 if self.__logger is not None:67 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s...')68 self.__user = None69 sleep(self.__delay)70 self.getUser()71 else:72'Error: '+ str(e))73 if self.__logger is not None:74 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))75 return self.__user76 77 # Get BWProject object list, need to extract 'name' attr78 def getProjects(self):79 self.__projects = None80 if self.__terminate:81 return self.__projects82 if self.__user is None or self.__user.token != self.__token:83 self.getUser()84 if self.__user is not None:85 try:86 projects = self.__user.get_projects()87 if 'rate limit exceeded' in str(projects) or 'Invalid access token' in str(projects):88 raise Exception(projects)89 else:90 self.__projects = projects91 except Exception as e:92 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):93'Token is invalid or expired')94 if self.__logger is not None:95 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')96 self.__user = None97 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):98'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')99 if self.__logger is not None:100 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s...')101 self.__projects = None102 sleep(self.__delay)103 self.getProjects()104 else:105'Error: '+ str(e))106 if self.__logger is not None:107 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))108 return self.__projects109 110 # Get BWProject object111 def getProject(self, project):112 self.__project = None113 if self.__terminate:114 return self.__project115 try:116 self.__project = BWProject(project=project, username = self.__username, password = self.__password, token = self.__token, token_path = self.__token_path)117 except Exception as e:118 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):119'Token is invalid or expired')120 if self.__logger is not None:121 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')122 self.__user = None123 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):124'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')125 if self.__logger is not None:126 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s...')127 self.__project = None128 sleep(self.__delay)129 self.getProject(project)130 else:131'Error: '+ str(e))132 if self.__logger is not None:133 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))134 return self.__project135 # Get BWGroup object based on BWProject136 def getGroupInst(self, project):137 self.__groups = None138 if self.__terminate:139 return self.__groups140 try:141 self.__groups = BWGroups(project)142 except Exception as e:143 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):144'Token is invalid or expired')145 if self.__logger is not None:146 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')147 self.__user = None148 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):149'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')150 if self.__logger is not None:151 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')152 self.__groups = None153 sleep(self.__delay)154 self.getGroupInst(project)155 else:156'Error: '+ str(e))157 if self.__logger is not None:158 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))159 return self.__groups160 161 # Get BWGroup object list, need to extract 'name' attr162 def getGroups(self, project):163 self.__groups = None164 if self.__terminate:165 return self.__groups166 if self.__project is None or self.__project.project_name != project:167 self.getProject(project)168 if self.__project is not None:169 self.getGroupInst(self.__project)170 return self.__groups171 172 # Get BWQuery object173 def getQueryInst(self, project):174 self.__queries = None175 if self.__terminate:176 return self.__queries177 try:178 self.__queries = BWQueries(project)179 except Exception as e:180 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):181'Token is invalid or expired')182 if self.__logger is not None:183 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')184 self.__user = None185 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):186'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')187 if self.__logger is not None:188 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s...')189 self.__queries = None190 sleep(self.__delay)191 self.getQueryInst(project)192 else:193'Error: '+ str(e))194 if self.__logger is not None:195 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))196 return self.__queries197 198 # Get BWQueries object list, need to extract 'name' attr199 def getQueries(self, project):200 self.__queries = None201 if self.__terminate:202 return self.__queries203 if self.__project is None or self.__project.project_name != project:204 self.getProject(project)205 if self.__project is not None:206 self.getQueryInst(self.__project)207 return self.__queries208 # Get BWQueries object list by group name, need to extract 'name' attr209 def getQueriesByGroup(self, group):210 self.__groups_queries = None211 if self.__terminate:212 return self.__groups_queries213 if self.__groups is not None:214 try:215 groups_queries = self.__groups.get_group_queries(name=group)216 if 'rate limit exceeded' in str(groups_queries) or 'Invalid access token' in str(groups_queries):217 raise Exception(groups_queries)218 else:219 self.__groups_queries = groups_queries220 except Exception as e:221 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):222'Token is invalid or expired')223 if self.__logger is not None:224 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')225 self.__user = None226 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):227'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')228 if self.__logger is not None:229 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s...')230 self.__groups_queries = None231 sleep(self.__delay)232 self.getQueriesByGroup(group)233 else:234'Error: '+ str(e))235 if self.__logger is not None:236 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))237 else:238'Please retrieve groups by project first ...')239 return self.__groups_queries240 241 # Get mentions with project name, query name, start and end time242 def getMentions(self, project, name, start, end):243 self.__mentions = None244 if self.__terminate:245 return self.__mentions246 if self.__queries is None:247 self.getQueries(project)248 if self.__queries is not None:249 try:250 mentions = self.__queries.get_mentions(name = name, startDate = start, endDate = end, __logger = self.__logger, __delay = self.__delay)251 if 'rate limit exceeded' in str(mentions) or 'Invalid access token' in str(mentions):252 raise Exception(mentions)253 else:254 self.__mentions = mentions255 except Exception as e:256 if 'Invalid access token' in str(e):257'Token is invalid or expired')258 if self.__logger is not None:259 self.__logger.emit('Token is invalid or expired')260 self.__user = None261 elif 'rate limit exceeded' in str(e):262'Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s ...')263 if self.__logger is not None:264 self.__logger.emit('Rate limit exceeded, please wait '+str(self.__delay)+'s...')265 self.__mentions = None266 sleep(self.__delay)267 self.getMentions(project, name, start, end)268 else:269'Error: '+ str(e))270 if self.__logger is not None:271 self.__logger.emit('Error: '+str(e))272 return self.__mentions273 # Convert projects raw data from json to dataframe274 def ProjectsDF(self):275 df = pd.DataFrame(self.__projects)276 return df277 # Convert groups raw data from json to dataframe 278 def GroupsDF(self):279 if self.__groups is not None:280 df = pd.DataFrame([[k,v] for k, v in self.__groups.names.items()], columns = ["id", "name"])281 else:282 df = pd.DataFrame(self.__groups)283 return df284 # Convert queries raw data from json to dataframe 285 def QueriesDF(self):286 if self.__queries is not None:287 df = pd.DataFrame([[k, v] for k, v in self.__queries.names.items()], columns = ["id", "name"])288 else:289 df = pd.DataFrame(self.__queries)290 return df291 292 # Convert queries raw data from json to dataframe293 def GroupQueriesDF(self):294 if self.__groups_queries is not None:295 df = pd.DataFrame([[v, k] for k, v in self.__groups_queries.items()], columns = ["id", "name"])296 else:297 df = pd.DataFrame(self.__groups_queries)298 return df299 # Convert mentions raw data from json to dataframe 300 def MentionsDF(self):301 df = pd.DataFrame(self.__mentions)302 return df303 304 # Print groups 305 def displayGroups(self):306 print(self.GroupsDF())307 308 # Print projects309 def displayProjects(self):310 print(self.ProjectsDF())311 312 # Print queries313 def displayQueries(self):314 print(self.QueryDF())315 # Print queries316 def displayGroupQueries(self):317 print(self.QueryDF())318 # Print mentions 319 def displayMentions(self):320 print(self.ProjectsDF())321 322 # Convert time with timezone to UTC323 def timeconvertToUTC(self, timestr, tz):324 original = timezone(tz).localize(datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))325 utc = original.astimezone(timezone('UTC'))326 return utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')327 # Convert time with timezone from UTC328 def timeconvertFromUTC(self, timestr, tz):329 utc = timezone('UTC').localize(datetime.strptime(timestr, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))330 dest = utc.astimezone(timezone(tz))331 return dest.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')332 # Convert NZT to UTC333 def NZT2UTC(self, timestr):334 return self.timeconvertToUTC(timestr, 'Pacific/Auckland')335 # Convert UTC to NZT336 def UTC2NZT(self, timestr):...
1#!/usr/bin/env python32#3# satif.py4# 5# Copyright (C) 2017 by G3UKB Bob Cowdery6# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify7# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by8# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or9# (at your option) any later version.10# 11# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,12# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of13# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the14# GNU General Public License for more details.15# 16# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License17# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software18# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA19# 20# The author can be reached by email at: 21# Application imports25from imports import *26from defs import *27import defs2829"""30 Interface to the Satellite control program antenna interface.3132"""3334"""35 Main class of the satellite interface36"""37class SatIf(threading.Thread):38 39 def __init__(self, statusCallback, positionCallback, cmdq, msgq):40 """41 Constructor42 43 Arguments:44 statusCallback -- sat control status callback45 positionCallback -- send position updates46 cmdq -- Q to rotator interface thread47 msgq -- add messages for output here48 49 """50 51 super(SatIf, self).__init__()52 53 self.__statusCallback = statusCallback54 self.__positionCallback = positionCallback55 self.__cmdq = cmdq56 self.__msgq = msgq57 58 # Class variables59 self.__antListenerThread = None60 self.__terminate = False61 self.__restart = False62 self.__azimuth = 063 self.__elevation = 064 65 # Create the send q66 self.__sendq = deque()67 68 # A socket to listen on69 self.__sock = None70 71 def run(self):72 """ Thread entry point """73 74 75 # We require one socket to listen for connects from the satellite program antenna interface 76 if self.__openSocket():77 # Create the listener thread for Hamlib antctld commands78 self.__antListenerThread = AntListenerThread(self.__sock, self.__sendq, self.__msgq, self.__statusCallback, self.__listenCallback)79 self.__antListenerThread.start()80 81 # Loop until terminated by the user82 self.__msgq.append( 'Antenna Interface running')83 while not self.__terminate:84 if self.__restart:85 break86 sleep(1.0)87 88 # Exit thread89 if self.__sock != None:90 self.__sock.close()91 self.__msgq.append('Antenna interface thread exiting')92 self.__statusCallback(OFFLINE)93 94 def __openSocket(self):95 96 # We require one socket to listen for connects from the satellite program rig interface 97 retry = 598 r = False99 self.__sock = None100 while True:101 try:102 self.__sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)103 self.__sock.bind((defs.SAT_IP, defs.SAT_PORT))104 self.__sock.settimeout(1)105 r = True106 break107 except Exception as e:108 if '10048' in str(e):109 # Socket not available110 self.__sock.close()111 retry -= 1112 if retry == 0:113 self.__msgq.append('Failed to bind sat control antenna interface socket!')114 self.__statusCallback(FAILED)115 break116 sleep(1)117 sleep(0.1)118 return r119 120 def terminate(self):121 """ Terminating """122 123 self.__terminate = True124 if self.__antListenerThread != None:125 self.__antListenerThread.terminate()126 self.__antListenerThread.join()127128 def __listenCallback(self, msg):129 """130 Callback from Satellite control program131 132 Arguments:133 msg -- callback message134 """135 136 # There is a basic set of commands that form the comms protocol137 # We are only interested in the 'p', 'P' and 'q' commands.138 # If we encounter others we will add them139 # p\n - get position as b'azimuth\nelevation\n'140 # where azimuth = 0.0 to 360.0 (nominal but can be changed in Gpredict)141 # P azimuth elevation\n -142 # set position143 # S stop rotator144 # q\n quit connection145 #146 # x request to quit from thread147 148 try:149 if len(msg) == 0: return150 toks = msg.split()151 if toks[0] == 'p':152 # Get command153 # Ask rotator interface to send position to sat program154 self.__cmdq.append(("getPos", [self.__azimuth, self.__elevation, self.__sendq]))155 elif toks[0] == 'P':156 # Set command157 if len(toks) == 3:158 try:159 self.__azimuth = int(float(toks[1]))160 self.__elevation = int(float(toks[2]))161 self.__cmdq.append(("setPosAz", [self.__azimuth]))162 self.__cmdq.append(("setPosEl", [self.__elevation]))163 self.__positionCallback(self.__azimuth, self.__elevation)164 # Send an ack165 self.__sendq.append('RPRT 0\n')166 except ValueError:167 self.__msgq.append('Invalid position parameters, not floats! ', paramList)168 else:169 self.__msgq.append('Invalid number of parameters for position command! [%s]' % msg)170 elif toks[0] == 'S':171 # Stop rotator, null effect as we move as directed172 self.__sendq.append('RPRT 0\n')173 elif toks[0] == 'q':174 self.__msgq.append('Request to quit listening')175 # Connection quit176 self.__sendq.append('RPRT 0\n')177 self.__restart = True178 elif toks[0] == 'x':179 self.__msgq.append('Antenna listner requested exit!')180 # Connection quit181 self.__restart = True182 else:183 # Oops184 self.__msgq.append('Unknown command from satellite program! [%s]' % msg)185 self.__sendq.append('RPRT 0\n')186 except Exception as e:187 self.__msgq.append('Problem with sat control, error in callback [%s,%s]' % (str(e),traceback.format_exc()))188 self.__restart = True189 190"""191 Listener thread for rotator commands192"""193class AntListenerThread(threading.Thread):194 195 def __init__(self, sock, sendq, msgq, statusCallback, evntCallback):196 """197 Constructor198 199 Arguments:200 sock -- open bound socket201 sendq -- queue to receive data to send202 msgq -- queue to send messages on203 statusCallback -- callback with connect status204 evntCallback -- callback here with event data205 206 """207 super(AntListenerThread, self).__init__()208 self.__sock = sock209 self.__sendq = sendq210 self.__msgq = msgq211 self.__statusCallback = statusCallback212 self.__evntCallback = evntCallback213 214 # Class vars215 self.__terminate = False216 self.__conn = None217 self.__addr = None218 219 def terminate(self):220 """ Thread terminating """221 222 self.__terminate = True223 224 def run(self):225 """ Thread entry point """226 227 self.__sock.listen(1)228 229 tries = 5230 self.__statusCallback(WAITING)231 while not self.__terminate:232 try:233 self.__conn, self.__addr = self.__sock.accept()234 break235 except socket.timeout:236 # No connection237 if self.__terminate: return238 continue239 except Exception as e:240 if self.__terminate: return241 tries -= 1242 self.__msgq.append('Exception while attempting a connect at try %d' % (5-tries))243 if tries < 0:244 self.__msgq.append('Connect exception [%s]' % (str(e)))245 self.__statusCallback(FAILED)246 return247 248 self.__msgq.append('Satellite antenna control connected at %s' % str(self.__addr))249 self.__statusCallback(ONLINE)250 251 self.__conn.settimeout(defs.SAT_TIMEOUT)252 while not self.__terminate:253 # Any data to send254 success = True255 while len(self.__sendq) > 0:256 data = self.__sendq.pop()257 # Wait a bit as Gpredict seems to miss the response otherwise and waits for ever258 try:259 self.__conn.send(bytes(data, 'UTF-8'))260 except Exception as e:261 if '10053' in str(e) or '10054' in str(e) or '32' in str(e):262 # Host disconnected, we will try and restart263 self.__msgq.append('Satelite control disconnected!')264 else:265 # Something else went wrong266 self.__msgq.append('Failure in antenna listener thread: [%s][%s]' % (format(e), traceback.format_exc()))267 # Request to restart thread268 self.__evntCallback ('x\n')269 self.__terminate = True270 self.__statusCallback(FAILED)271 success = False272 break273 274 if not self.__terminate and success: 275 try:276 data = self.__conn.recv(SAT_BUFFER)277 self.__evntCallback (data.decode(encoding='UTF-8'))278 except socket.timeout:279 # No data280 if self.__terminate: break281 continue282 except Exception as e:283 if '10053' in str(e) or '10054' in str(e) or '32' in str(e):284 # Host disconnected285 self.__msgq.append('Satelite control disconnected!')286 else:287 # Something else went wrong288 self.__msgq.append('Failure in listener thread: [%s][%s]' %(format(e), traceback.format_exc()))289 # Request to restart290 self.__evntCallback ('x\n')291 break292 293 self.__conn.close() 294 self.__msgq.append('Satellite Antenna Control Listener thread exiting...')
...29 logger.addHandler(log_handler)30 if "log_level" in config:31 level = getattr(logging, config["log_level"].upper(), logging.NOTSET)32 logger.setLevel(level)33def __terminate(signum, frame):34 global daemon35 logger.debug("Got signal %i. Stopping...", signum)36 daemon.terminate()37 release_database()38def main():39 global daemon40 config = IniConfig.from_common_locations()41 setup_logging(config.DAEMON)42 signal(SIGTERM, __terminate)43 signal(SIGINT, __terminate)44 init_database(config.BASE["database_uri"])45 daemon = Daemon(config)46 release_database()
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