Best Python code snippet using unittest-xml-reporting_python
1#!/usr/bin/env python2"""3Animals with Attributes Dataset, http://attributes.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de4Perform Multiclass Predicition from binary attributes and evaluates it.5(C) 2009 Christoph Lampert <>6"""7import os,sys8import numpy as np9import matplotlib.pyplot as plt10from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc11from utils import bzPickle, bzUnpickle, get_class_attributes, get_attributes, create_data, autolabel12import warnings13warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')14def nameonly(x):15 return x.split('\t')[1]16def loadstr(filename,converter=str):17 return [converter(c.strip()) for c in open(filename).readlines()]18def loaddict(filename,converter=str):19 D={}20 for line in open(filename).readlines():21 line = line.split()22 D[line[0]] = converter(line[1].strip())23 return D24# adapt these paths and filenames to match local installation25classnames = loadstr('classes.txt',nameonly)26numexamples = loaddict('numexamples.txt',int)27def evaluate(split,C, attributepattern):28 global test_classnames29 if split == 0:30 test_classnames=loadstr('testclasses.txt')31 train_classnames=loadstr('trainclasses.txt')32 else:33 startid= (split-1)*1034 stopid = split*1035 test_classnames = classnames[startid:stopid]36 train_classnames = classnames[0:startid]+classnames[stopid:]37 test_classes = [ classnames.index(c) for c in test_classnames]38 train_classes = [ classnames.index(c) for c in train_classnames]39 M = np.loadtxt('predicate-matrix-binary.txt',dtype=float)40 L=[]41 for c in test_classes:42 L.extend( [c]*numexamples[classnames[c]] )43 L=np.array(L) # (n,)44 P_prime = np.loadtxt(attributepattern)45 P =, M[train_classes]) # (85,n)46 prior = np.mean(M[train_classes],axis=0)47 prior[prior==0.]=0.548 prior[prior==1.]=0.5 # disallow degenerated priors49 M = M[test_classes] # (10,85)50 prob=[]51 for p in P:52 prob.append(*p + (1-M)*(1-p),axis=1)/*prior+(1-M)*(1-prior), axis=1) )53 MCpred = np.argmax( prob, axis=1 )54 d = len(test_classes)55 confusion=np.zeros([d,d])56 for pl,nl in zip(MCpred,L):57 try:58 gt = test_classes.index(nl)59 confusion[gt,pl] += 1.60 except:61 pass62 for row in confusion:63 row /= sum(row)64 return confusion,np.asarray(prob),P65def plot_confusion(confusion, clf):66 fig=plt.figure(figsize=(10,9))67 plt.imshow(confusion,interpolation='nearest',origin='upper')68 plt.clim(0,1)69 plt.xticks(np.arange(0,10),[c.replace('+',' ') for c in test_classnames],rotation='vertical',fontsize=24)70 plt.yticks(np.arange(0,10),[c.replace('+',' ') for c in test_classnames],fontsize=24)71 plt.axis([-.5,9.5,9.5,-.5])72 plt.setp(plt.gca().xaxis.get_major_ticks(), pad=18)73 plt.setp(plt.gca().yaxis.get_major_ticks(), pad=12)74 fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.30)75 fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.98)76 fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.98)77 fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.22)78 plt.gray()79 plt.colorbar(shrink=0.79)80 plt.savefig('results/AwA-ROC-confusion-IAP-%s.pdf' %clf)81 return82def plot_roc(P,GT, clf):83 AUC=[]84 CURVE=[]85 for i,c in enumerate(test_classnames):86 class_id = classnames.index(c)87 fp, tp, _ = roc_curve(GT==class_id, P[:,i])88 roc_auc = auc(fp, tp)89 print ("AUC: %s %5.3f" % (c,roc_auc))90 AUC.append(roc_auc)91 CURVE.append(np.array([fp,tp]))92 print ("----------------------------------")93 print ("Mean classAUC %g" % (np.mean(AUC)*100))94 order = np.argsort(AUC)[::-1]95 styles=['-','-','-','-','-','-','-','--','--','--']96 plt.figure(figsize=(9,5))97 for i in order:98 c = test_classnames[i]99 plt.plot(CURVE[i][0],CURVE[i][1],label='%s (AUC: %3.2f)' % (c,AUC[i]),linewidth=3,linestyle=styles[i])100 plt.legend(loc='lower right')101 plt.xticks([0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0], [r'$0$', r'$0.2$',r'$0.4$',r'$0.6$',r'$0.8$',r'$1.0$'],fontsize=18)102 plt.yticks([0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0], [r'$0$', r'$0.2$',r'$0.4$',r'$0.6$',r'$0.8$',r'$1.0$'],fontsize=18)103 plt.xlabel('false negative rate',fontsize=18)104 plt.ylabel('true positive rate',fontsize=18)105 plt.savefig('results/AwA-ROC-IAP-%s.pdf' %clf)106def plot_attAUC(P, attributepattern, clf):107 AUC=[]108 #P = np.loadtxt(attributepattern)109 attributes = get_attributes()110 # Loading ground truth111 test_index = bzUnpickle('./CreatedData/test_features_index.txt')112 test_attributes = get_class_attributes('./', name='test')113 _, y_true = create_data('./CreatedData/test_featuresVGG19.pic.bz2',test_index, test_attributes)114 print(y_true.shape, P.shape)115 for i in range(y_true.shape[1]):116 fp, tp, _ = roc_curve(y_true[:,i], P[:,i])117 roc_auc = auc(fp, tp)118 AUC.append(roc_auc)119 print ("Mean attrAUC %g" % (np.nanmean(AUC)) )120 xs = np.arange(y_true.shape[1])121 width = 0.5122 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))123 ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)124 rects =, AUC, width, align='center')125 ax.set_xticks(xs)126 ax.set_xticklabels(attributes, rotation=90)127 ax.set_ylabel("area under ROC curve")128 autolabel(rects, ax)129 plt.savefig('results/AwA-AttAUC-IAP-%s.pdf' %clf)130def main():131 list_clf = ['SVM', 'NN']132 try:133 clf = str(sys.argv[1])134 except IndexError:135 clf = 'SVM'136 if clf not in list_clf:137 print ("Non valid choice of classifier (SVM, NN)")138 raise SystemExit139 try:140 split = int(sys.argv[2])141 except IndexError:142 split = 0143 try:144 C = float(sys.argv[3])145 except IndexError:146 C = 10.147 attributepattern = 'IAP/probabilities_' + clf148 confusion,prob,L = evaluate(split,C, attributepattern)149 #plot_confusion(confusion, clf)150 #plot_roc(prob,L, clf)151 plot_attAUC(L, attributepattern, clf)152 print ("Mean class accuracy %g" % np.mean(np.diag(confusion)*100))153if __name__ == '__main__':...
1#!/usr/bin/env python2"""3Animals with Attributes Dataset, http://attributes.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de4Perform Multiclass Predicition from binary attributes and evaluates it.5(C) 2009 Christoph Lampert <>6"""7import os,sys8sys.path.append('/agbs/cluster/chl/libs/python2.5/site-packages/')9from numpy import *10def nameonly(x):11 return x.split('\t')[1]12def loadstr(filename,converter=str):13 return [converter(c.strip()) for c in file(filename).readlines()]14def loaddict(filename,converter=str):15 D={}16 for line in file(filename).readlines():17 line = line.split()18 D[line[0]] = converter(line[1].strip())19 20 return D21# adapt these paths and filenames to match local installation22classnames = loadstr('../classes.txt',nameonly)23numexamples = loaddict('numexamples.txt',int)24def evaluate(split,C):25 global test_classnames26 attributepattern = './DAP/cvfold%d_C%g_%%02d.prob' % (split,C)27 28 if split == 0:29 test_classnames=loadstr('/agbs/share/datasets/Animals_with_Attributes/testclasses.txt')30 train_classnames=loadstr('/agbs/share/datasets/Animals_with_Attributes/trainclasses.txt')31 else:32 startid= (split-1)*1033 stopid = split*1034 test_classnames = classnames[startid:stopid]35 train_classnames = classnames[0:startid]+classnames[stopid:]36 37 test_classes = [ classnames.index(c) for c in test_classnames]38 train_classes = [ classnames.index(c) for c in train_classnames]39 M = loadtxt('/agbs/share/datasets/Animals_with_Attributes/predicate-matrix-binary.txt',dtype=float)40 L=[]41 for c in test_classes:42 L.extend( [c]*numexamples[classnames[c]] )43 L=array(L) # (n,)44 P = []45 for i in range(85):46 P.append(loadtxt(attributepattern % i,float))47 P = array(P).T # (85,n)48 prior = mean(M[train_classes],axis=0)49 prior[prior==0.]=0.550 prior[prior==1.]=0.5 # disallow degenerated priors51 M = M[test_classes] # (10,85)52 prob=[]53 for p in P:54 prob.append( prod(M*p + (1-M)*(1-p),axis=1)/prod(M*prior+(1-M)*(1-prior), axis=1) )55 MCpred = argmax( prob, axis=1 )56 57 d = len(test_classes)58 confusion=zeros([d,d])59 for pl,nl in zip(MCpred,L):60 try:61 gt = test_classes.index(nl)62 confusion[gt,pl] += 1.63 except:64 pass65 for row in confusion:66 row /= sum(row)67 68 return confusion,asarray(prob),L69def plot_confusion(confusion):70 from pylab import figure,imshow,clim,xticks,yticks,axis,setp,gray,colorbar,savefig,gca71 fig=figure(figsize=(10,9))72 imshow(confusion,interpolation='nearest',origin='upper')73 clim(0,1)74 xticks(arange(0,10),[c.replace('+',' ') for c in test_classnames],rotation='vertical',fontsize=24)75 yticks(arange(0,10),[c.replace('+',' ') for c in test_classnames],fontsize=24)76 axis([-.5,9.5,9.5,-.5])77 setp(gca().xaxis.get_major_ticks(), pad=18)78 setp(gca().yaxis.get_major_ticks(), pad=12)79 fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.30)80 fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.98)81 fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.98)82 fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.22)83 gray()84 colorbar(shrink=0.79)85 savefig('AwA-ROC-confusion-DAP.pdf')86 return 87def plot_roc(P,GT):88 from pylab import figure,xticks,yticks,axis,setp,gray,colorbar,savefig,gca,clf,plot,legend,xlabel,ylabel89 from roc import roc90 AUC=[]91 CURVE=[]92 for i,c in enumerate(test_classnames):93 class_id = classnames.index(c)94 tp,fp,auc=roc(None,GT==class_id, P[:,i] ) # larger is better95 print "AUC: %s %5.3f" % (c,auc)96 AUC.append(auc)97 CURVE.append(array([fp,tp]))98 order = argsort(AUC)[::-1]99 styles=['-','-','-','-','-','-','-','--','--','--']100 figure(figsize=(9,5))101 for i in order:102 c = test_classnames[i]103 plot(CURVE[i][0],CURVE[i][1],label='%s (AUC: %3.2f)' % (c,AUC[i]),linewidth=3,linestyle=styles[i])104 105 legend(loc='lower right')106 xticks([0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0], [r'$0$', r'$0.2$',r'$0.4$',r'$0.6$',r'$0.8$',r'$1.0$'],fontsize=18)107 yticks([0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0], [r'$0$', r'$0.2$',r'$0.4$',r'$0.6$',r'$0.8$',r'$1.0$'],fontsize=18)108 xlabel('false negative rate',fontsize=18)109 ylabel('true positive rate',fontsize=18)110 savefig('AwA-ROC-DAP.pdf')111def main():112 try:113 split = int(sys.argv[1])114 except IndexError:115 split = 0116 try:117 C = float(sys.argv[2])118 except IndexError:119 C = 10.120 confusion,prob,L = evaluate(split,C)121 print "Mean class accuracy %g" % mean(diag(confusion)*100)122 plot_confusion(confusion) 123 plot_roc(prob,L)124 125if __name__ == '__main__':...
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