Best Python code snippet using unittest-xml-reporting_python
Source: dhtmlxmenu_ext.js
1/*2Product Name: dhtmlxSuite 3Version: 5.0 4Edition: Standard 5License: content of this file is covered by GPL. Usage outside GPL terms is prohibited. To obtain Commercial or Enterprise license contact sales@dhtmlx.com6Copyright UAB Dinamenta http://www.dhtmlx.com7*/8// enable/disable9dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemEnabled = function(id) {10 this._changeItemState(id, "enabled", this._getItemLevelType(id));11};12dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemDisabled = function(id) {13 this._changeItemState(id, "disabled", this._getItemLevelType(id));14};15dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.isItemEnabled = function(id) {16 return (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]!=null?(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["state"]=="enabled"):false);17};18// enable/disable sublevel item19dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._changeItemState = function(id, newState, levelType) {20 var t = false;21 var j = this.idPrefix + id;22 if ((this.itemPull[j] != null) && (this.idPull[j] != null)) {23 if (this.itemPull[j]["state"] != newState) {24 this.itemPull[j]["state"] = newState;25 if (this.itemPull[j]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.conf.context) {26 this.idPull[j].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_TopLevel_Item_"+(this.itemPull[j]["state"]=="enabled"?"Normal":"Disabled");27 } else {28 this.idPull[j].className = "sub_item"+(this.itemPull[j]["state"]=="enabled"?"":"_dis");29 }30 31 this._updateItemComplexState(this.idPrefix+id, this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["complex"], false);32 this._updateItemImage(id, levelType);33 // if changeItemState attached to onClick event and changing applies to selected item all selection should be reparsed34 if ((this.idPrefix + this.conf.last_click == j) && (levelType != "TopLevel")) {35 this._redistribSubLevelSelection(j, this.itemPull[j]["parent"]);36 }37 if (levelType == "TopLevel" && !this.conf.context) { // rebuild style.left and show nested polygons38 // this._redistribTopLevelSelection(id, "parent");39 }40 }41 }42 return t;43};44// set-get text45dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getItemText = function(id) {46 return (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]!=null?this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["title"]:"");47};48dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemText = function(id, text) {49 id = this.idPrefix + id;50 if ((this.itemPull[id] != null) && (this.idPull[id] != null)) {51 this._clearAndHide();52 this.itemPull[id]["title"] = text;53 if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.conf.context) {54 // top level55 var tObj = null;56 for (var q=0; q<this.idPull[id].childNodes.length; q++) {57 try { if (this.idPull[id].childNodes[q].className == "top_level_text") tObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[q]; } catch(e) {}58 }59 if (String(this.itemPull[id]["title"]).length == "" || this.itemPull[id]["title"] == null) {60 if (tObj != null) tObj.parentNode.removeChild(tObj);61 } else {62 if (!tObj) {63 tObj = document.createElement("DIV");64 tObj.className = "top_level_text";65 if (this.conf.rtl && this.idPull[id].childNodes.length > 0) this.idPull[id].insertBefore(tObj,this.idPull[id].childNodes[0]); else this.idPull[id].appendChild(tObj);66 }67 tObj.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];68 }69 } else {70 // sub level71 var tObj = null;72 for (var q=0; q<this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].childNodes.length; q++) {73 if (String(this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].childNodes[q].className||"") == "sub_item_text") tObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].childNodes[q];74 }75 if (String(this.itemPull[id]["title"]).length == "" || this.itemPull[id]["title"] == null) {76 if (tObj) {77 tObj.parentNode.removeChild(tObj);78 tObj = null;79 this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = " ";80 }81 } else {82 if (!tObj) {83 tObj = document.createElement("DIV");84 tObj.className = "sub_item_text";85 this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = "";86 this.idPull[id].childNodes[1].appendChild(tObj);87 }88 tObj.innerHTML = this.itemPull[id]["title"];89 }90 }91 }92};93// load from html94dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.loadFromHTML = function(objId, clearAfterAdd, onLoad) {95 96 var t = this.conf.tags.item;97 this.conf.tags.item = "div";98 99 var node = (typeof(objId)=="string"?document.getElementById(objId):objId);100 var items = this._xmlToJson(node, this.idPrefix+this.topId);101 this._initObj(items);102 103 this.conf.tags.item = t;104 105 if (clearAfterAdd) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);106 node = objOd = null;107 108 if (onload != null) {109 if (typeof(onLoad) == "function") {110 onLoad();111 } else if (typeof(window[onLoad]) == "function") {112 window[onLoad]();113 }114 }115};116// show/hide items117dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.hideItem = function(id) {118 this._changeItemVisible(id, false);119};120dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.showItem = function(id) {121 this._changeItemVisible(id, true);122};123dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.isItemHidden = function(id) {124 var isHidden = null;125 if (this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id] != null) { isHidden = (this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].style.display == "none"); }126 return isHidden;127};128dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._changeItemVisible = function(id, visible) {129 var itemId = this.idPrefix+id;130 if (this.itemPull[itemId] == null) return;131 if (this.itemPull[itemId]["type"] == "separator") { itemId = "separator_"+itemId; }132 if (this.idPull[itemId] == null) return;133 this.idPull[itemId].style.display = (visible?"":"none");134 this._redefineComplexState(this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["parent"]);135};136// userdata137dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setUserData = function(id, name, value) {138 this.userData[this.idPrefix+id+"_"+name] = value;139};140dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getUserData = function(id, name) {141 return (this.userData[this.idPrefix+id+"_"+name]!=null?this.userData[this.idPrefix+id+"_"+name]:null);142};143// open-mode (win/web)144dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setOpenMode = function(mode) {145 this.conf.mode = (mode=="win"?"win":"web");146};147// web-mode timeout148dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setWebModeTimeout = function(tm) {149 this.conf.tm_sec = (!isNaN(tm)?tm:400);150};151// icons152dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getItemImage = function(id) {153 var imgs = new Array(null, null);154 id = this.idPrefix+id;155 if (this.itemPull[id]["type"] == "item") {156 imgs[0] = this.itemPull[id]["imgen"];157 imgs[1] = this.itemPull[id]["imgdis"];158 }159 return imgs;160};161dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setItemImage = function(id, img, imgDis) {162 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["type"] != "item") return;163 this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"] = img;164 this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgdis"] = imgDis;165 this._updateItemImage(id, this._getItemLevelType(id));166};167dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.clearItemImage = function(id) {168 this.setItemImage(id, "", "");169};170// visible area171dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setVisibleArea = function(x1, x2, y1, y2) {172 this.conf.v_enabled = true;173 this.conf.v.x1 = x1;174 this.conf.v.x2 = x2;175 this.conf.v.y1 = y1;176 this.conf.v.y2 = y2;177};178// tooltips179dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setTooltip = function(id, tip) {180 id = this.idPrefix+id;181 if (!(this.itemPull[id] != null && this.idPull[id] != null)) return;182 this.idPull[id].title = (tip.length > 0 ? tip : null);183 this.itemPull[id]["tip"] = tip;184};185dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getTooltip = function(id) {186 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;187 return this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["tip"];188};189dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setTopText = function(text) {190 if (this.conf.context) return;191 if (this._topText == null) {192 this._topText = document.createElement("DIV");193 this._topText.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Text_"+(this.conf.rtl?"left":(this.conf.align=="left"?"right":"left"));194 this.base.appendChild(this._topText);195 }196 this._topText.innerHTML = text;197};198dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setAlign = function(align) {199 if (this.conf.align == align) return;200 if (align == "left" || align == "right") {201 // if (this.setRTL) this.setRTL(false);202 this.conf.align = align;203 if (this.cont) this.cont.className = (this.conf.align=="right"?"align_right":"align_left");204 if (this._topText != null) this._topText.className = "dhtmlxMenu_TopLevel_Text_"+(this.conf.align=="left"?"right":"left");205 }206};207dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setHref = function(itemId, href, target) {208 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId] == null) return;209 this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_link"] = href;210 if (target != null) this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_target"] = target;211};212dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.clearHref = function(itemId) {213 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId] == null) return;214 delete this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_link"];215 delete this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+itemId]["href_target"];216};217/*218File [id="file"] -> Open [id="open"] -> Last Save [id="lastsave"]219getCircuit("lastsave") will return Array("file", "open", "lastsave");220*/221dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getCircuit = function(id) {222 var parents = new Array(id);223 while (this.getParentId(id) != this.topId) {224 id = this.getParentId(id);225 parents[parents.length] = id;226 }227 return parents.reverse();228};229// checkboxes230dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getCheckboxState = function(id) {231 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;232 return this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["checked"];233};234dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._setCheckboxState = function(id, state) {235 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return;236 this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["checked"] = state;237};238dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._updateCheckboxImage = function(id) {239 if (this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return;240 this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"] = "chbx_"+(this._getCheckboxState(id)?"1":"0");241 this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgdis"] = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"];242 try { this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].childNodes[(this.conf.rtl?2:0)].childNodes[0].className = "sub_icon "+this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["imgen"]; } catch(e){}243};244dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._checkboxOnClickHandler = function(id, type, casState) {245 if (type.charAt(1)=="d") return;246 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return;247 var state = this._getCheckboxState(id);248 if (this.checkEvent("onCheckboxClick")) {249 if (this.callEvent("onCheckboxClick", [id, state, this.conf.ctx_zoneid, casState])) {250 this.setCheckboxState(id, !state);251 }252 } else {253 this.setCheckboxState(id, !state);254 }255 // call onClick if exists256 if (this.checkEvent("onClick")) this.callEvent("onClick", [id]);257};258dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setCheckboxState = function(id, state) {259 this._setCheckboxState(id, state);260 this._updateCheckboxImage(id);261};262dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getCheckboxState = function(id) {263 return this._getCheckboxState(id);264};265dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addCheckbox = function(mode, nextToId, pos, itemId, itemText, state, disabled) {266 // checks267 if (this.conf.context && nextToId == this.topId) {268 // adding checkbox as first element to context menu269 // do nothing270 } else {271 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId] == null) return;272 if (mode == "child" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["type"] != "item") return;273 }274 //275 var img = "chbx_"+(state?"1":"0");276 var imgDis = img;277 //278 279 if (mode == "sibling") {280 281 var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));282 var parentId = this.idPrefix+this.getParentId(nextToId);283 this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "checkbox", disabled, img, imgDis);284 this.itemPull[id]["checked"] = state;285 this._renderSublevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));286 } else {287 288 var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));289 var parentId = this.idPrefix+nextToId;290 this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "checkbox", disabled, img, imgDis);291 this.itemPull[id]["checked"] = state;292 if (this.idPull["polygon_"+parentId] == null) { this._renderSublevelPolygon(parentId, parentId); }293 this._renderSublevelItem(id, pos-1);294 this._redefineComplexState(parentId);295 }296};297// hot-keys298dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setHotKey = function(id, hkey) {299 300 id = this.idPrefix+id;301 302 if (!(this.itemPull[id] != null && this.idPull[id] != null)) return;303 if (this.itemPull[id]["parent"] == this.idPrefix+this.topId && !this.conf.context) return;304 if (this.itemPull[id]["complex"]) return;305 var t = this.itemPull[id]["type"];306 if (!(t == "item" || t == "checkbox" || t == "radio")) return;307 308 // retrieve obj309 var hkObj = null;310 try { if (this.idPull[id].childNodes[this.conf.rtl?0:2].childNodes[0].className == "sub_item_hk") hkObj = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this.conf.rtl?0:2].childNodes[0]; } catch(e){}311 312 if (hkey.length == 0) {313 // remove if exists314 this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"] = this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"];315 this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"] = "";316 if (hkObj != null) hkObj.parentNode.removeChild(hkObj);317 318 } else {319 320 // add if needed or change321 this.itemPull[id]["hotkey"] = hkey;322 this.itemPull[id]["hotkey_backup"] = null;323 //324 if (hkObj == null) {325 hkObj = document.createElement("DIV");326 hkObj.className = "sub_item_hk";327 var item = this.idPull[id].childNodes[this.conf.rtl?0:2];328 while (item.childNodes.length > 0) item.removeChild(item.childNodes[0]);329 item.appendChild(hkObj);330 }331 hkObj.innerHTML = hkey;332 }333};334dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getHotKey = function(id) {335 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id] == null) return null;336 return this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["hotkey"];337};338// overflow control339dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon = function(polygon) {340 var subIds = this._getSubItemToDeselectByPolygon(polygon);341 // hide opened polygons and selected items342 for (var q=0; q<this.conf.opened_poly.length; q++) {343 if (this.conf.opened_poly[q] != polygon) this._hidePolygon(this.conf.opened_poly[q]);344 }345 for (var q=0; q<subIds.length; q++) {346 if (this.idPull[subIds[q]] != null && this.itemPull[subIds[q]]["state"] == "enabled") {347 this.idPull[subIds[q]].className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_Item_Normal";348 }349 }350};351// define normal/disabled arrows in polygon352dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._checkArrowsState = function(id) {353 var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes[1];354 var arrowUp = this.idPull["arrowup_"+id];355 var arrowDown = this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id];356 if (polygon.scrollTop == 0) {357 arrowUp.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Disabled";358 } else {359 arrowUp.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp" + (arrowUp.over ? "_Over" : "");360 }361 if (polygon.scrollTop + polygon.offsetHeight < polygon.scrollHeight) {362 arrowDown.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown" + (arrowDown.over ? "_Over" : "");363 } else {364 arrowDown.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Disabled";365 }366 polygon = arrowUp = arrowDown = null;367};368// add up-limit-arrow369dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addUpArrow = function(id) {370 var that = this;371 var arrow = document.createElement("DIV");372 arrow.pId = this.idPrefix+id;373 = "arrowup_"+this.idPrefix+id;374 arrow.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp";375 376 arrow.over = false;377 arrow.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e||event; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; }378 arrow.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e||event; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; }379 // actions380 arrow.onmouseover = function() {381 if (that.conf.mode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(that.conf.tm_handler); }382 that._clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon(this.pId);383 if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Disabled") return;384 this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Over";385 this.over = true;386 that._canScrollUp = true;387 that._doScrollUp(this.pId, true);388 }389 arrow.onmouseout = function() {390 if (that.conf.mode == "web") {391 window.clearTimeout(that.conf.tm_handler);392 that.conf.tm_handler = window.setTimeout(function(){that._clearAndHide();}, that.conf.tm_sec, "JavaScript");393 }394 this.over = false;395 that._canScrollUp = false;396 if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp_Disabled") return;397 this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowUp";398 window.clearTimeout(that.conf.of_utm);399 }400 arrow.onclick = function(e) {401 e = e||event;402 if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;403 e.cancelBubble = true;404 return false;405 }406 407 var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+id];408 polygon.childNodes[0].appendChild(arrow);409 410 this.idPull[] = arrow;411 polygon = arrow = null;412};413dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._addDownArrow = function(id) {414 415 var that = this;416 var arrow = document.createElement("DIV");417 arrow.pId = this.idPrefix+id;418 = "arrowdown_"+this.idPrefix+id;419 arrow.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown";420 421 arrow.over = false;422 arrow.onselectstart = function(e) { e = e||event; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; }423 arrow.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e = e||event; if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false; return false; }424 425 // actions426 arrow.onmouseover = function() {427 if (that.conf.mode == "web") { window.clearTimeout(that.conf.tm_handler); }428 that._clearAllSelectedSubItemsInPolygon(this.pId);429 if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Disabled") return;430 this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Over";431 this.over = true;432 that._canScrollDown = true;433 that._doScrollDown(this.pId, true);434 }435 arrow.onmouseout = function() {436 if (that.conf.mode == "web") {437 window.clearTimeout(that.conf.tm_handler);438 that.conf.tm_handler = window.setTimeout(function(){that._clearAndHide();}, that.conf.tm_sec, "JavaScript");439 }440 this.over = false;441 that._canScrollDown = false;442 if (this.className == "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown_Disabled") return;443 this.className = "dhtmlxMenu_""_SubLevelArea_ArrowDown";444 window.clearTimeout(that.conf.of_dtm);445 }446 arrow.onclick = function(e) {447 e = e||event;448 if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false;449 e.cancelBubble = true;450 return false;451 }452 453 var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+this.idPrefix+id];454 polygon.childNodes[2].appendChild(arrow);455 456 this.idPull[] = arrow;457 polygon = arrow = null;458};459dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._removeUpArrow = function(id) {460 var fullId = "arrowup_"+this.idPrefix+id;461 this._removeArrow(fullId);462};463dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._removeDownArrow = function(id) {464 var fullId = "arrowdown_"+this.idPrefix+id;465 this._removeArrow(fullId);466};467dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._removeArrow = function(fullId) {468 var arrow = this.idPull[fullId];469 arrow.onselectstart = null;470 arrow.oncontextmenu = null;471 arrow.onmouseover = null;472 arrow.onmouseout = null;473 arrow.onclick = null;474 if (arrow.parentNode) arrow.parentNode.removeChild(arrow);475 arrow = null;476 this.idPull[fullId] = null;477 try { delete this.idPull[fullId]; } catch(e) {}478};479dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._isArrowExists = function(id) {480 if (this.idPull["arrowup_"+id] != null && this.idPull["arrowdown_"+id] != null) return true;481 return false;482};483// scroll down484dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doScrollUp = function(id, checkArrows) {485 var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes[1];486 if (this._canScrollUp && polygon.scrollTop > 0) {487 var theEnd = false;488 var nextScrollTop = polygon.scrollTop - this.conf.of_ustep;489 if (nextScrollTop < 0) {490 theEnd = true;491 nextScrollTop = 0;492 }493 polygon.scrollTop = nextScrollTop;494 if (!theEnd) {495 var that = this;496 this.conf.of_utm = window.setTimeout(function() {497 that._doScrollUp(id, false);498 that = null;499 }, this.conf.of_utime);500 } else {501 checkArrows = true;502 }503 } else {504 this._canScrollUp = false;505 this._checkArrowsState(id);506 }507 if (checkArrows) {508 this._checkArrowsState(id);509 }510};511dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._doScrollDown = function(id, checkArrows) {512 var polygon = this.idPull["polygon_"+id].childNodes[1];513 if (this._canScrollDown && polygon.scrollTop + polygon.offsetHeight <= polygon.scrollHeight) {514 var theEnd = false;515 var nextScrollTop = polygon.scrollTop + this.conf.of_dstep;516 if (nextScrollTop + polygon.offsetHeight >= polygon.scrollHeight) {517 theEnd = true;518 nextScrollTop = polygon.scrollHeight - polygon.offsetHeight;519 }520 polygon.scrollTop = nextScrollTop;521 if (!theEnd) {522 var that = this;523 this.conf.of_dtm = window.setTimeout(function() {524 that._doScrollDown(id, false);525 that = null;526 }, this.conf.of_dtime);527 } else {528 checkArrows = true;529 }530 } else {531 this._canScrollDown = false;532 this._checkArrowsState(id);533 }534 if (checkArrows) {535 this._checkArrowsState(id);536 }537};538dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._countPolygonItems = function(id) {539 var count = 0;540 for (var a in this.itemPull) {541 var par = this.itemPull[a]["parent"];542 var tp = this.itemPull[a]["type"];543 if (par == this.idPrefix+id && (tp == "item" || tp == "radio" || tp == "checkbox")) { count++; }544 }545 return count;546};547dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setOverflowHeight = function(itemsNum) {548 549 // set auto overflow mode550 if (itemsNum === "auto") {551 this.conf.overflow_limit = 0;552 this.conf.auto_overflow = true;553 return;554 }555 556 // no existing limitation, now new limitation557 if (this.conf.overflow_limit == 0 && itemsNum <= 0) return;558 559 // hide menu to prevent visible changes560 this._clearAndHide();561 562 // redefine existing limitation, arrows will added automatically with showPlygon563 if (this.conf.overflow_limit >= 0 && itemsNum > 0) {564 this.conf.overflow_limit = itemsNum;565 return;566 }567 568 // remove existing limitation569 if (this.conf.overflow_limit > 0 && itemsNum <= 0) {570 for (var a in this.itemPull) {571 if (this._isArrowExists(a)) {572 var b = String(a).replace(this.idPrefix, "");573 this._removeUpArrow(b);574 this._removeDownArrow(b);575 // remove polygon's height576 this.idPull["polygon_"+a].childNodes[1].style.height = "";577 }578 }579 this.conf.overflow_limit = 0;580 return;581 }582};583// radiobuttons584dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._getRadioImgObj = function(id) {585 try { var imgObj = this.idPull[this.idPrefix+id].childNodes[(this.conf.rtl?2:0)].childNodes[0] } catch(e) { var imgObj = null; }586 return imgObj;587};588dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._setRadioState = function(id, state) {589 // if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["state"] != "enabled") return;590 var imgObj = this._getRadioImgObj(id);591 if (imgObj != null) {592 // fix, added in 0.4593 var rObj = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id];594 rObj["checked"] = state;595 rObj["imgen"] = "rdbt_"+(rObj["checked"]?"1":"0");596 rObj["imgdis"] = rObj["imgen"];597 imgObj.className = "sub_icon "+rObj["imgen"];598 }599};600dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._radioOnClickHandler = function(id, type, casState) {601 if (type.charAt(1)=="d" || this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["group"]==null) return;602 // deselect all from the same group603 var group = this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+id]["group"];604 if (this.checkEvent("onRadioClick")) {605 if (this.callEvent("onRadioClick", [group, this.getRadioChecked(group), id, this.conf.ctx_zoneid, casState])) {606 this.setRadioChecked(group, id);607 }608 } else {609 this.setRadioChecked(group, id);610 }611 // call onClick if exists612 if (this.checkEvent("onClick")) this.callEvent("onClick", [id]);613};614dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.getRadioChecked = function(group) {615 var id = null;616 for (var q=0; q<[group].length; q++) {617 var itemId =[group][q].replace(this.idPrefix, "");618 var imgObj = this._getRadioImgObj(itemId);619 if (imgObj != null) {620 var checked = (imgObj.className).match(/rdbt_1$/gi);621 if (checked != null) id = itemId;622 }623 }624 return id;625};626dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.setRadioChecked = function(group, id) {627 if ([group] == null) return;628 for (var q=0; q<[group].length; q++) {629 var itemId =[group][q].replace(this.idPrefix, "");630 this._setRadioState(itemId, (itemId==id));631 }632}633dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.addRadioButton = function(mode, nextToId, pos, itemId, itemText, group, state, disabled) {634 // radiobutton635 if (this.conf.context && nextToId == this.topId) {636 // adding radiobutton as first element to context menu637 // do nothing638 } else {639 if (this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId] == null) return;640 if (mode == "child" && this.itemPull[this.idPrefix+nextToId]["type"] != "item") return;641 }642 643 var id = this.idPrefix+(itemId!=null?itemId:this._genStr(24));644 var img = "rdbt_"+(state?"1":"0");645 var imgDis = img;646 //647 if (mode == "sibling") {648 var parentId = this.idPrefix+this.getParentId(nextToId);649 this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "radio", disabled, img, imgDis);650 this._renderSublevelItem(id, this.getItemPosition(nextToId));651 } else {652 var parentId = this.idPrefix+nextToId;653 this._addItemIntoGlobalStrorage(id, parentId, itemText, "radio", disabled, img, imgDis);654 if (this.idPull["polygon_"+parentId] == null) { this._renderSublevelPolygon(parentId, parentId); }655 this._renderSublevelItem(id, pos-1);656 this._redefineComplexState(parentId);657 }658 //659 var gr = (group!=null?group:this._genStr(24));660 this.itemPull[id]["group"] = gr;661 //662 if ([gr]==null) {[gr] = new Array(); }663[gr][[gr].length] = id;664 //665 if (state == true) this.setRadioChecked(gr, String(id).replace(this.idPrefix, ""));666};667// serialize668dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype.serialize = function() {669 var xml = "<menu>"+this._readLevel(this.idPrefix+this.topId)+"</menu>";670 return xml;671};672dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._readLevel = function(parentId) {673 var xml = "";674 for (var a in this.itemPull) {675 if (this.itemPull[a]["parent"] == parentId) {676 var imgEn = "";677 var imgDis = "";678 var hotKey = "";679 var itemId = String(this.itemPull[a]["id"]).replace(this.idPrefix,"");680 var itemType = "";681 var itemText = (this.itemPull[a]["title"]!=""?' text="'+this.itemPull[a]["title"]+'"':"");682 var itemState = "";683 if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "item") {684 if (this.itemPull[a]["imgen"] != "") imgEn = ' img="'+this.itemPull[a]["imgen"]+'"';685 if (this.itemPull[a]["imgdis"] != "") imgDis = ' imgdis="'+this.itemPull[a]["imgdis"]+'"';686 if (this.itemPull[a]["hotkey"] != "") hotKey = '<hotkey>'+this.itemPull[a]["hotkey"]+'</hotkey>';687 }688 if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "separator") {689 itemType = ' type="separator"';690 } else {691 if (this.itemPull[a]["state"] == "disabled") itemState = ' enabled="false"';692 }693 if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "checkbox") {694 itemType = ' type="checkbox"'+(this.itemPull[a]["checked"]?' checked="true"':"");695 }696 if (this.itemPull[a]["type"] == "radio") {697 itemType = ' type="radio" group="'+this.itemPull[a]["group"]+'" '+(this.itemPull[a]["checked"]?' checked="true"':"");698 }699 xml += "<item id='"+itemId+"'"+itemText+itemType+imgEn+imgDis+itemState+">";700 xml += hotKey;701 if (this.itemPull[a]["complex"]) xml += this._readLevel(a);702 xml += "</item>";703 }704 }705 return xml;...
Source: menu.js
1module.exports = [2 {3 name:'çé²é£å',4 id:'5',5 category:"sx",6 children:[7 {8 name:'ç²¾åèç±»',9 id:'6',10 children:[11 {12 name:'ç¾è',13 id:'7',14 },15 {16 name:'禽类',17 id:'8',18 },19 {20 name:'çªè',21 id:'9',22 },23 {24 name:'çè',25 id:'10',26 }27 ]28 },29 {30 name:'æµ·é²æ°´äº§',31 id:'6',32 children:[33 {34 name:'åé²',35 id:'7',36 },37 {38 name:'é±¼',39 id:'8',40 },41 {42 name:'è¾',43 id:'9',44 },45 {46 name:'è¹/è´',47 id:'10',48 }49 ]50 },51 {52 name:'èå¶å',53 id:'6',54 children:[55 {56 name:'æ¾è±è',57 id:'7',58 },59 {60 name:'å¸é¸è',61 id:'8',62 },63 {64 name:'鸡è',65 id:'9',66 }67 ]68 },69 {70 name:'å¶èç±»',71 id:'6',72 children:[73 {74 name:'çè',75 id:'7',76 },77 {78 name:'è è',79 id:'8',80 },81 {82 name:'åæ¤',83 id:'9',84 },85 {86 name:'西å
°è±',87 id:'9',88 }89 ]90 },91 {92 name:'æ ¹èç±»',93 id:'6',94 children:[95 ]96 },97 {98 name:'èæç±»',99 id:'6',100 children:[101 ]102 },103 {104 name:'èèç±»',105 id:'6',106 children:[107 ]108 },109 {110 name:'è¿å£çé²',111 id:'6',112 children:[113 ]114 }115 ]116 },117 {118 name:'粮油å¯é£',119 id:'5',120 category:"lyfs",121 children:[122 {123 name:'ç²¾åèç±»2',124 id:'6',125 children:[126 {127 name:'ç¾è2',128 id:'7',129 },130 {131 name:'禽类2',132 id:'8',133 },134 {135 name:'çªè2',136 id:'9',137 },138 {139 name:'çè2',140 id:'10',141 }142 ]143 },144 {145 name:'æµ·é²æ°´äº§2',146 id:'6',147 children:[148 {149 name:'åé²2',150 id:'7',151 },152 {153 name:'é±¼2',154 id:'8',155 },156 {157 name:'è¾2',158 id:'9',159 },160 {161 name:'è¹/è´2',162 id:'10',163 }164 ]165 },166 {167 name:'èå¶å2',168 id:'6',169 children:[170 {171 name:'æ¾è±è',172 id:'7',173 },174 {175 name:'å¸é¸è',176 id:'8',177 },178 {179 name:'鸡è',180 id:'9',181 }182 ]183 },184 {185 name:'å¶èç±»',186 id:'6',187 children:[188 {189 name:'çè',190 id:'7',191 },192 {193 name:'è è',194 id:'8',195 },196 {197 name:'åæ¤',198 id:'9',199 },200 {201 name:'西å
°è±',202 id:'9',203 }204 ]205 },206 {207 name:'æ ¹èç±»',208 id:'6',209 children:[210 ]211 },212 {213 name:'èæç±»',214 id:'6',215 children:[216 ]217 },218 {219 name:'èèç±»',220 id:'6',221 children:[222 ]223 },224 {225 name:'è¿å£çé²',226 id:'6',227 children:[228 ]229 }230 ]231 },232 {233 name:'è¬èæ°´æ',234 id:'5',235 category:"scsg",236 children:[237 {238 name:'ç²¾åèç±»3',239 id:'6',240 children:[241 {242 name:'ç¾è3',243 id:'7',244 },245 {246 name:'禽类3',247 id:'8',248 },249 {250 name:'çªè3',251 id:'9',252 },253 {254 name:'çè3',255 id:'10',256 }257 ]258 },259 {260 name:'æµ·é²æ°´äº§3',261 id:'6',262 children:[263 {264 name:'åé²3',265 id:'7',266 },267 {268 name:'é±¼3',269 id:'8',270 },271 {272 name:'è¾3',273 id:'9',274 },275 {276 name:'è¹/è´3',277 id:'10',278 }279 ]280 },281 {282 name:'èå¶å3',283 id:'6',284 children:[285 {286 name:'æ¾è±è3',287 id:'7',288 },289 {290 name:'å¸é¸è3',291 id:'8',292 },293 {294 name:'鸡è3',295 id:'9',296 }297 ]298 },299 {300 name:'å¶èç±»3',301 id:'6',302 children:[303 {304 name:'çè3',305 id:'7',306 },307 {308 name:'è è3',309 id:'8',310 },311 {312 name:'åæ¤3',313 id:'9',314 },315 {316 name:'西å
°è±3',317 id:'9',318 }319 ]320 },321 {322 name:'æ ¹èç±»',323 id:'6',324 children:[325 ]326 },327 {328 name:'èæç±»',329 id:'6',330 children:[331 ]332 },333 {334 name:'èèç±»',335 id:'6',336 children:[337 ]338 },339 {340 name:'è¿å£çé²',341 id:'6',342 children:[343 ]344 }345 ]346 },347 {348 name:'ä¼é²é£å',349 id:'5',350 category:"xxsp",351 children:[352 {353 name:'ç²¾åèç±»4',354 id:'6',355 children:[356 {357 name:'ç¾è4',358 id:'7',359 },360 {361 name:'禽类4',362 id:'8',363 },364 {365 name:'çªè4',366 id:'9',367 },368 {369 name:'çè4',370 id:'10',371 }372 ]373 },374 {375 name:'æµ·é²æ°´äº§4',376 id:'6',377 children:[378 {379 name:'åé²4',380 id:'7',381 },382 {383 name:'é±¼4',384 id:'8',385 },386 {387 name:'è¾4',388 id:'9',389 },390 {391 name:'è¹/è´4',392 id:'10',393 }394 ]395 },396 {397 name:'èå¶å4',398 id:'6',399 children:[400 {401 name:'æ¾è±è4',402 id:'7',403 },404 {405 name:'å¸é¸è4',406 id:'8',407 },408 {409 name:'鸡è4',410 id:'9',411 }412 ]413 },414 {415 name:'å¶èç±»',416 id:'6',417 children:[418 {419 name:'çè4',420 id:'7',421 },422 {423 name:'è è4',424 id:'8',425 },426 {427 name:'åæ¤4',428 id:'9',429 },430 {431 name:'西å
°è±4',432 id:'9',433 }434 ]435 },436 {437 name:'æ ¹èç±»',438 id:'6',439 children:[440 ]441 },442 {443 name:'èæç±»',444 id:'6',445 children:[446 ]447 },448 {449 name:'èèç±»',450 id:'6',451 children:[452 ]453 },454 {455 name:'è¿å£çé²',456 id:'6',457 children:[458 ]459 }460 ]461 },462 {463 name:'奶类å¶å',464 id:'5',465 category:"nlzp",466 children:[467 {468 name:'ç²¾åèç±»',469 id:'6',470 children:[471 {472 name:'ç¾è',473 id:'7',474 },475 {476 name:'禽类',477 id:'8',478 },479 {480 name:'çªè',481 id:'9',482 },483 {484 name:'çè',485 id:'10',486 }487 ]488 },489 {490 name:'æµ·é²æ°´äº§',491 id:'6',492 children:[493 {494 name:'åé²',495 id:'7',496 },497 {498 name:'é±¼',499 id:'8',500 },501 {502 name:'è¾',503 id:'9',504 },505 {506 name:'è¹/è´',507 id:'10',508 }509 ]510 },511 {512 name:'èå¶å',513 id:'6',514 children:[515 {516 name:'æ¾è±è',517 id:'7',518 },519 {520 name:'å¸é¸è',521 id:'8',522 },523 {524 name:'鸡è',525 id:'9',526 }527 ]528 },529 {530 name:'å¶èç±»',531 id:'6',532 children:[533 {534 name:'çè',535 id:'7',536 },537 {538 name:'è è',539 id:'8',540 },541 {542 name:'åæ¤',543 id:'9',544 },545 {546 name:'西å
°è±',547 id:'9',548 }549 ]550 },551 {552 name:'æ ¹èç±»',553 id:'6',554 children:[555 ]556 },557 {558 name:'èæç±»',559 id:'6',560 children:[561 ]562 },563 {564 name:'èèç±»',565 id:'6',566 children:[567 ]568 },569 {570 name:'è¿å£çé²',571 id:'6',572 children:[573 ]574 }575 ]576 },577 {578 name:'天ç¶å¹²è´§',579 id:'5',580 category:"trgh",581 children:[582 {583 name:'ç²¾åèç±»',584 id:'6',585 children:[586 {587 name:'ç¾è',588 id:'7',589 },590 {591 name:'禽类',592 id:'8',593 },594 {595 name:'çªè',596 id:'9',597 },598 {599 name:'çè',600 id:'10',601 }602 ]603 },604 {605 name:'æµ·é²æ°´äº§',606 id:'6',607 children:[608 {609 name:'åé²',610 id:'7',611 },612 {613 name:'é±¼',614 id:'8',615 },616 {617 name:'è¾',618 id:'9',619 },620 {621 name:'è¹/è´',622 id:'10',623 }624 ]625 },626 {627 name:'èå¶å',628 id:'6',629 children:[630 {631 name:'æ¾è±è',632 id:'7',633 },634 {635 name:'å¸é¸è',636 id:'8',637 },638 {639 name:'鸡è',640 id:'9',641 }642 ]643 },644 {645 name:'å¶èç±»',646 id:'6',647 children:[648 {649 name:'çè',650 id:'7',651 },652 {653 name:'è è',654 id:'8',655 },656 {657 name:'åæ¤',658 id:'9',659 },660 {661 name:'西å
°è±',662 id:'9',663 }664 ]665 },666 {667 name:'æ ¹èç±»',668 id:'6',669 children:[670 ]671 },672 {673 name:'èæç±»',674 id:'6',675 children:[676 ]677 },678 {679 name:'èèç±»',680 id:'6',681 children:[682 ]683 },684 {685 name:'è¿å£çé²',686 id:'6',687 children:[688 ]689 }690 ]691 }...
Source: skeletonCascade.js
1var skeleton = {};2skeleton.option={3 root:"",4 se : { id : "", def : "" , data:"", change: ""},//å¦æ®µ5 l : { id : "", def : "" , data:"", change: ""},//年级6 d : { id : "", def : "" , data:"", change: "", clear:""},//å¦ç§7 v : { id : "", def : "" , data:"", change: "", clear:""},//åå8 ch : { id : "", def : "" , data:"", change: "", clear:""},//ç« è9 kn : { parent:"" , id:"", def:"" , data:"", change:"", clear:""},//ç¥è¯ç¹10 tc : { parent:"" , id:"", def:"" , data:"", change:"", clear:"", type:""}//ç®å½11};12skeleton.load = function() {13 if ( == "" || == "") return;14 if ( != "") {15 $("#" +"change", skeleton.onSemesterChange); //å¦æ®µæ´æ°ç»å®16 }17 18 if ( != "") {19 $("#" +"change", skeleton.onClasslevelChange); //年级æ´æ°ç»å®20 }21 22 if ( != "") {23 $("#" +"change", skeleton.onDisciplineChange); //å¦ç§æ´æ°ç»å®24 }25 26 if ( != "") {27 $("#" +"change", skeleton.onVolumeChange); //ååæ´æ°ç»å®28 }29 30 if ( != "" && != "") {31 $("#" +"change",;32 }33 34 if ( != "") {35 $("#" +"change", skeleton.onKnowledgeChange);36 }37 38 if ( != "") {39 $("#" +"change", skeleton.onTeachCatalogChange);40 }41 42// if ( != "") {43// $("#" +"change", skeleton.onExamTypeChange);44// }45 46 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/",47 {'semesterId':,48 'classlevelId': skeleton.option.l.def,49 'disciplineId': skeleton.option.d.def,50 'volumeId': skeleton.option.v.def},51 function(data) {52 var semesters = data.semesters;53 if ( != "" && semesters != undefined && semesters.length > 0) {54 skeleton.appendOptions(, semesters, "semesterName",;55 }56 57 var classlevels = data.classlevels;58 if ( != "") {59 if (classlevels != undefined && classlevels.length > 0) {60 skeleton.appendOptions(, classlevels, "classLevelName", skeleton.option.l.def);61 } else {62 $("#" +"");63 }64 }65 66 var disciplines = data.disciplines;67 if ( !="") {68 if (disciplines != undefined && disciplines.length > 0) {69 skeleton.appendOptions(, disciplines, "disciplineName", skeleton.option.d.def);70 } else {71 $("#" +"");72 }73 }74 75 var volumes = data.volumes;76 if ( != "") {77 if (volumes != undefined && volumes.length > 0) {78 skeleton.appendOptions(, volumes, "volumeName", skeleton.option.v.def);79 } else {80 $("#" +"");81 }82 }83 84 var chapters = data.chapters;85 if ( != "") {86 if (chapters != undefined && chapters.length > 0) {87 skeleton.appendOptions(, chapters, "chapterName",;88 } else {89 $("#" +"");90 }91 }92 93 var knowledges = data.knowledges;94 if ( != "" && knowledges != undefined && knowledges.length > 0) {95 skeleton.appendOptions(, knowledges, "knowledgeName",;96 }97 98 var teachCatalogs = data.teachCatalogs;99 if ( != "" && teachCatalogs != undefined && teachCatalogs.length > 0) {100 skeleton.appendOptions(, teachCatalogs,, "");101 }102 }103 );104};105skeleton.onSemesterChange = function() {106 skeleton.clearClasslevels();107 skeleton.obtainClasslevels();108 if ( != "") {109;110 }111};112skeleton.onClasslevelChange = function() {113 skeleton.clearDisciplines();114 skeleton.obtainDisciplines();115 if (skeleton.option.l.change != "") {116 skeleton.option.l.change();117 }118};119skeleton.onDisciplineChange = function() {120 skeleton.clearVolumes();121 skeleton.clearKnowledges();122 skeleton.clearTeacherCatalogs();123 skeleton.obtainInfosByDiscipline();124 if (skeleton.option.d.change != "") {125 skeleton.option.d.change();126 }127};128skeleton.onVolumeChange = function() {129 skeleton.clearChapters();130 skeleton.obtainChapters();131 if (skeleton.option.v.change != "") {132 skeleton.option.v.change();133 }134};135skeleton.onKnowledgeChange = function() {136 var knowledgeId = $(this).val();137 138 var $currItem = {};139 if ( == {140 $currItem = $(this);141 } else {142 $currItem = $(this).parent();143 }144 145 //æ¸
é¤åç¥è¯ç¹select146 var knCount = $(".kns").length;147 if (knCount > 0) {148 var currIdStr =;149 if (currIdStr == {150 $(".kns:eq(0) select option").remove();151 $(".kns:eq(0) select").append("<option value=\"\">请éæ©</option>");152 $(".kns:gt(0)").remove();153 } else {154 $".kns").find("select option:gt(0)").remove();155 $currItem.nextAll(".kns").filter(":gt(0)").remove();156 }157 }158 159 if (knowledgeId == 0 || knowledgeId == "") {160 $".kns").remove();161 return;162 }163 164 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"parentId": knowledgeId}, function(data) {165 if (data.length == 0) {166 $".kns").remove();167 return;168 }169 if ($".kns").length == 0) {170 $("#" +"<span class='kns'><label>åç¥è¯ç¹ï¼ </label><select>"171 + "<option value=\"\">请éæ©</option></select></span>");172 }173 174 var nameProperty = "knowledgeName";175 var $select = $".kns").children("select");176 $select.children("option:gt(0)").remove();177 for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {178 var item = data[i];179 $select.append("<option value=\"" + + "\">" + item[ nameProperty] + "</option>");180 }181 $select.bind("change", skeleton.onKnowledgeChange);182 });183};184skeleton.onTeachCatalogChange = function() {185 var teachCatalogId = $(this).val();186 187 var $currItem = {};188 if ( == {189 $currItem = $(this);190 } else {191 $currItem = $(this).parent();192 }193 194 //æ¸
é¤åç¥è¯ç¹select195 var tcCount = $(".tcs").length;196 if (tcCount > 0) {197 var currIdStr =;198 if (currIdStr == {199 $(".tcs:eq(0) select option").remove();200 $(".tcs:eq(0) select").append("<option value=\"\">请éæ©</option>");201 $(".tcs:gt(0)").remove();202 } else {203 $".tcs").find("select option:gt(0)").remove();204 $currItem.nextAll(".tcs").filter(":gt(0)").remove();205 }206 }207 208 if (teachCatalogId == 0 || teachCatalogId == "") {209 $".tcs").remove();210 return;211 }212 213 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"parentId": teachCatalogId}, function(data) {214 if (data.length == 0) {215 $".tcs").remove();216 return;217 }218 if ($".tcs").length == 0) {219 $("#" +"<span class='tcs'><label>åç±»åï¼ </label><select>"220 + "<option value=\"\">请éæ©</option></select></span>");221 }222 223 var nameProperty = "catalogName";224 var $select = $".tcs").children("select");225 $select.children("option:gt(0)").remove();226 for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {227 var item = data[i];228 $select.append("<option value=\"" + + "\">" + item[ nameProperty] + "</option>");229 }230 $select.bind("change", skeleton.onTeachCatalogChange);231 });232};233skeleton.onExamTypeChange = function() {234 var examTypeId = $(this).val();235 236 var $currItem = {};237 if ( == {238 $currItem = $(this);239 } else {240 $currItem = $(this).parent();241 }242 243 //æ¸
é¤åè¯å·ç±»å244 var knCount = $(".ets").length;245 if (knCount > 0) {246 var currIdStr =;247 if (currIdStr == {248 $(".ets:eq(0) select option").remove();249 $(".ets:eq(0) select").append("<option value=\"\">请éæ©</option>");250 $(".ets:gt(0)").remove();251 } else {252 $".ets").find("select option:gt(0)").remove();253 $currItem.nextAll(".ets").filter(":gt(0)").remove();254 }255 }256 257 if (examTypeId == 0 || examTypeId == "") {258 $".ets").remove();259 return;260 }261 262 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"parentId": examTypeId}, function(data) {263 if (data.length == 0) {264 $".ets").remove();265 return;266 }267 if ($".ets").length == 0) {268 $("#" +"<span class='ets'><label>åèè¯ç±»åï¼ </label><select>"269 + "<option value=\"0\">请éæ©</option></select></span>");270 }271 272 var $select = $".ets").children("select");273 $select.children("option:gt(0)").remove();274 for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {275 var item = data[i];276 $select.append("<option value=\"" + + "\">" + + "</option>");277 }278 $select.bind("change", skeleton.onExamTypeChange);279 });280};281skeleton.clearClasslevels = function() {282 skeleton.clearDisciplines();283 skeleton.clearOption(;284};285skeleton.clearDisciplines = function() {286 skeleton.clearVolumes(); // æ¸
é¤åå287 skeleton.clearKnowledges(); // æ¸
é¤ç¥è¯ç¹288 skeleton.clearTeacherCatalogs();289 skeleton.clearOption(;290 if (skeleton.option.d.clear != "") {291 skeleton.option.d.clear();292 }293};294skeleton.clearVolumes = function() {295 skeleton.clearChapters();296 skeleton.clearOption(;297};298skeleton.clearChapters = function() {299 skeleton.clearOption(;300};301skeleton.clearKnowledges = function() {302 skeleton.clearChildKnSelects();//æ¸
é¤åç¥è¯ç¹select303 skeleton.clearOption(;304};305skeleton.clearTeacherCatalogs = function() {306 skeleton.clearChildTcSelects();307 skeleton.clearOption(;308};309skeleton.obtainClasslevels = function() {310 var semesterId = $("#" +;311 if (semesterId == 0) return;312 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"semesterId": semesterId}, function(data) {313 skeleton.appendOptions(, data, "classLevelName");314 });315};316skeleton.obtainDisciplines = function() {317 var classlevelId = $("#" +;318 if (classlevelId == 0) return;319 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"classlevelId": classlevelId}, function(data) {320 skeleton.appendOptions(, data, "disciplineName");321 });322};323//è·ååå324skeleton.obtainVolumes = function() {325 var classlevelId = $("#" +;326 var disciplineId = $("#" +;327 if (classlevelId == 0 || disciplineId == 0) return;328 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"classlevelId": classlevelId, "disciplineId": disciplineId}, function(data) {329 skeleton.appendOptions(, data, "volumeName");330 });331};332//è·åç« è333skeleton.obtainChapters = function() {334 var volumeId = $("#" +;335 if (volumeId == 0 || volumeId == "") return;336 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"volumeId": volumeId}, function(data) {337 skeleton.appendOptions(, data, "chapterName");338 });339};340skeleton.obtainKnowledges = function() {341 var semesterId = $("#" +;342 var disciplineId = $("#" +;343 if (semesterId == 0 || disciplineId == 0 || semesterId == "" || disciplineId == "") return;344 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", 345 {"semesterId": semesterId, "disciplineId": disciplineId},346 function(data) {347 skeleton.appendOptions(, data, "knowledgeName");348 }349 );350};351skeleton.obtainTeachCatalogs = function() {352 var semesterId = $("#" +;353 var disciplineId = $("#" +;354 if (semesterId == 0 || disciplineId == 0 || semesterId == "" || disciplineId == "") return;355 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", 356 {"semesterId": semesterId, "disciplineId": disciplineId},357 function(data) {358 skeleton.appendOptions(, data, "catalogName");359 }360 );361};362skeleton.obtainInfosByDiscipline = function() {363 var semesterId = $("#" +;364 var classlevelId = $("#" +;365 var disciplineId = $("#" +;366 if (semesterId == 0 || semesterId == "" 367 || classlevelId == 0 || classlevelId == ""368 || disciplineId == 0 || disciplineId == "") return;369 var needVolume = false;370 var needKnowledge = false;371 var needTeachCatalog = false;372 if ( != "") needVolume = true;373 if ( != "") needKnowledge = true;374 if ( != "") needTeachCatalog = true;375 var teachCatalogType =;376 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", 377 {"semesterId": semesterId, "classlevelId": classlevelId, "disciplineId": disciplineId, 378 "needVolume" : needVolume, "needKnowledge" : needKnowledge,379 "needTeachCatalog": needTeachCatalog, "type": teachCatalogType},380 function(data) {381 var volumes = data.volumes;382 if ( != "" && volumes != undefined && volumes.length > 0) {383 skeleton.appendOptions(, volumes, "volumeName");384 }385 386 var knowledges = data.knowledges;387 if ( != "" && knowledges != undefined && knowledges.length > 0) {388 skeleton.appendOptions(, knowledges, "knowledgeName");389 }390 391 var teachCatalogs = data.teachCatalogs;392 if ( != "" && teachCatalogs != undefined && teachCatalogs.length > 0) {393 skeleton.appendOptions(, teachCatalogs, "catalogName");394 }395 }396 );397};398skeleton.obtainChildKnowledges = function(knowledgeId) {399 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"parentId": knowledgeId}, function(data) {400 if (data.length == 0) return;401 var appendId = "knowledge" + $(".kns").length;402 $("#" +"<label>åç¥è¯ç¹ï¼ </label><select id=\""403 + appendId404 + "\" class='kns'><option value=\"\">请éæ©</option></select>");405 skeleton.appendOptions( appendId, data);406 $("#" + appendId).bind("change", skeleton.onKnowledgeChange);407 });408};409skeleton.obtainChildTeachCatalogs = function(teachCatalogId) {410 $.post(skeleton.option.root + "/skeleton/", {"parentId": teachCatalogId}, function(data) {411 if (data.length == 0) return;412 var appendId = "teachCatalog" + $(".tcs").length;413 $("#" +"<label>åç±»åï¼ </label><select id=\""414 + appendId415 + "\" class='tcs'><option value=\"\">请éæ©</option></select>");416 skeleton.appendOptions( appendId, data);417 $("#" + appendId).bind("change", skeleton.onTeachCatalogChange);418 });419};420skeleton.clearChildKnSelects = function() {421 $(".kns").remove();422};423skeleton.clearChildTcSelects = function() {424 $(".tcs").remove();425};426skeleton.appendOptions = function(_selectId, _items, proname, _def) {427 if (proname == undefined) proname = "name";428 for (var i=0; i < _items.length; i++) {429 var item = _items[i];430 $("#" + _selectId).append("<option value=\"" + + "\" " + ( ? "selected":"") + ">" + item[proname] + "</option>");431 }432};433skeleton.clearOption = function(_id) {434 if (_id == undefined || _id == "") return;435 436 $("#" + _id + " option:gt(0)").remove();//å é¤é¤äºâ请éæ©âçå
Source: images.js
1// display all users collections2import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';3//export const Usrs = Accounts.users;//Accounts.users;4//export const Tasks = new Mongo.Collection('tasks');//Accounts.users;5 Images = new Mongo.Collection('images');6 Rating = new Mongo.Collection('rating');7 Docs = new Mongo.Collection('docs');8 songs = new Mongo.Collection('songs');9 blogs = new Mongo.Collection('blogs');10 venues = new Mongo.Collection('venues');11 Calendars = new Mongo.Collection('calendars');12 chat = new Mongo.Collection('chat');13/*Calendars.insert({14 "_id": "myCalendarId2",15 events: [ {"bandname" : "britneySpears",16 "start":"2016-09-26",17 "end": "2016-09-26",18 "title": "all day events",19 "venueId":"venue 1",20 "owner": "agent1" } ]21 });*/22 Notifications = new Mongo.Collection('notifications');23 Users = Meteor.users;24/*Meteor.publish('images', function(){ 25 return Images.find({}, 26 { fields: {_id:1, imageurl:1, time: 1, uploadedBy: 1,imageName: 1, imageFolder: 1 } } ); });*/27Meteor.publish('images', function(){ return Images.find({}); });28Meteor.publish('docs', function(){ return Docs.find({}); });29Meteor.publish('rating', function(){ return Rating.find({}); });30Meteor.publish('songs', function(){ return songs.find({}); });31Meteor.publish('blogs', function(){ return blogs.find({}); });32Meteor.publish('venues', function(){ return venues.find({}); });33Meteor.publish('Calendars', function(){ return Calendars.find({}); });34Meteor.publish('chat', function(){ return chat.find({}); });35Meteor.publish('notifications', function(){ return Notifications.find({},{_id: 1, owner: 1, reciever: 1 , type: 1, status :1 ,time :1}); });36Meteor.publish('USERS', function(){ 37 return Users.find({}, { fields: {_id:1, profile: 1 , emails: 1, username: 1 , agent: 1, whishlist: 1} });38 //return Users.find({});39 });40Meteor.methods({41addAgent: function(obj)42{43//Images.insert({imageName: "imageName", imageurl: "imageurl", imageFolder: "imageFolder"});44//Photos.insert({imageName: "imageName", imageurl: "imageurl", imageFolder: "imageFolder"});45//var agent = { "agentId": recieverId,"agentName": recieverName,"time": timeStamp };46//Users.upsert({"_id": obj.artistId}, {$set : { "": obj.agentId, "":obj.agentName, "agent.time":obj.time} });47Users.upsert({"_id": obj.artistId}, {$set : { agent: { "id" : obj.agentId, "name" : obj.agentName , "time" : obj.time} } });48return ;49},50updateFirstname: function(obj)51{52 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : {"profile.firstname" : obj.firstname} });53 Users.update({"username": "jazzBand008"}, {$set : {"profile.salary" : 100} });54 Users.update({"username": "GeomyBand"}, {$set : {"profile.salary" : 100} });55 Users.update({"username": "weddingBand006"}, {$set : {"profile.salary" : 100} });56 return ;57},58updatelastname: function(obj)59{60 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.lastname" : obj.lastname } });61 return;62},63uploadavatar: function(obj)64{65 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.avatar" : obj.url } });66 return;67},68uploadcover: function(obj)69{70 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.cover" : obj.url } });71 return;72},73updatestatus: function(obj)74{75 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.Status" : obj.status } });76 return;77},78updateallowchat: function(obj)79{80 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.chatFunctionnality" : } });81 return;82},83updateoprational:function(obj) {84 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.oprational" : obj.operational } });85 return;86},87updatesalary: function(obj)88{89 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.salary" :parseInt( obj.salary) } });90 return;91},92incremetRating: function(obj)93{94 if( Rating.find({"bandId": obj.bandId , "userId": obj.userId}).count()> 0)95 {96Rating.update({"bandId": obj.bandId, "userId": obj.userId },{$set: {"ratingvalue": obj.ratingvalue}});97 console.log('justupdate the old rating value');98 }99 else100 {101 //Rating.insert({"bandId":, "userId": userId, "username": username , "ratingvalue": ratingvalue});102Rating.insert({"bandId": obj.bandId, "userId": obj.userId, "username" : obj.userId, "ratingvalue": obj.ratingvalue});103 }104 return;105},106updatesocialpage: function(obj)107{108 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.socialpage" : obj.socialpage } });109 console.log('socialpage :' + obj.socialpage);110 return;111},112updatebandname:function(obj)113{114 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.bandName" : obj.bandname } });115 return;116}117,118updatebirthdate: function(obj)119{120 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.birthdate" : obj.birthdate } });121 return;122},123updateyoutubevideo: function(obj)124{125 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.youtubevideourl" : obj.youtubevideourl } });126 return true;127},128updatephonenumber:function(obj)129{130 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.phoneNumber" : obj.phoneNumber } });131 return;132},133updategender:function(obj)134{135 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.gender" : obj.gender } });136 return;137},138updatetype:function(id)139{140 Users.update({"_id": id}, {$set : { "profile.type" : "costumer" } });141 return;142},143updatebandtype:function(obj)144{145 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.bandtype" : obj.bandtype } });146 return true;147}, 148updatebandsets: function(obj)149{150 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.sets" : obj.bandsets } });151 return true;152}, 153savebandmember: function(obj)154{155 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });156 Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"id" : obj.itemid, "role": obj.itemname} } });157 158 return true;159},160addfriend: function(obj)161{162 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });163 Users.update({"_id": obj.recieverId}, {$push : { "profile.friends" : {"id" : obj.senderId, "name": obj.senderName} } });164 Users.update({"_id": obj.senderId}, {$push : { "profile.friends" : {"id" : obj.recieverId, "name": obj.recieverName} } });165 166 return true;167},168savewhishlistitem: function(obj)169{170 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });171 Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "whishlist" : {"id" : obj.itemid, "username": obj.itemname} } });172 173 return true;174},175addDocument: function(obj)176{ 177var docId = Docs.insert({'uploadedBy' : obj.uploadedBy, "title": obj.docname, "timeStamp": obj.timeStamp, "url": obj.url });178},179removeDocument: function(id)180{ 181 Docs.remove({'_id' : id });182},183addEvent: function(obj)184{ 185//var eventId = Calendars.insert({"events" : [ {"title" : obj.title, "type": obj.type, "start" : obj.start, "end" : obj.end , "ownerId" : obj.ownerId, "bandId" : obj.bandId } ]});186var eventId = Calendars.insert({"title" : obj.title, "type": obj.type, "start" : obj.start, "end" : obj.end , "ownerId" : obj.ownerId, "bandId" : obj.bandId });187if(eventId)188{189var venueid = venues.insert({ eventId : eventId, postcode : obj.postcode, regionname : obj.regionname, cityname: obj.cityname , address: obj.address, buildingname: obj.buildingname });190console.log('venue id : ' + venueid);191return eventId;192}193},194sendMessage: function(obj)195{ 196console.log('save chat into database ...'); 197var messageId = chat.insert({"senderId" : obj.senderId, "recieverId": obj.recieverId, "timeStamp" : obj.timeStamp, "content" : obj.content , "status" : obj.status });198return messageId;199},200updatemessageStatus: function(id)201{202 chat.update({"_id" : id},{$set : {"status" : "viewed"}});203},204updateevent : function(obj)205{206console.log(obj);207var eventId = Calendars.update({"_id" : }, { $set : { "title" : obj.title , "start" : obj.start, "end" : obj.end } }); 208//var eventId = Calendars.update({"_id" : }, { $set : { "title" : obj.title, "start" : obj.start, "end" : obj.end } });209if(eventId)210{211var venueid = venues.update({ "eventId" : } , { $set :{ "postcode" : obj.postcode, "regionname" : obj.regionname, "cityname": obj.cityname , "address": obj.address, "buildingname": obj.buildingname } });212console.log('updated venue id : ' + venueid);213return venueid;214}215},216/*updateevent: function(id)217{ 218//var eventId = Calendars.update({"_id" : }, { $set : { "title" : obj.title , "start" : obj.start, "end" : obj.end } }); 219//var eventId = Calendars.update({"_id" : }, { $set : { "title" : obj.title, "start" : obj.start, "end" : obj.end } });220//if(eventId)221//{222 //console.log("obj from updateevent " + id);223 //console.log(obj);224//var venueid = venues.update({ "eventId" :, postcode : obj.postcode, regionname : obj.regionname, cityname: obj.cityname , address: obj.address, buildingname: obj.buildingname });225//console.log('updated venue id : ' + venueid);226//return ;227//}228},*/229removeimage : function(id)230{231console.log('image removed' + id);232var imageid = Images.remove({"_id": id});233console.log('venue removed' + imageid);234return imageid;235},236removeAlbum : function(albumname)237{238console.log('image removed' + albumname);239var imageid = Images.remove({"imageFolder": albumname});240console.log('venue removed' + albumname);241return albumname;242},243removeevent : function(id)244{245 eventId = Calendars.remove({"_id" : id});246console.log('event removed' + eventId);247var venueid = venues.remove({"eventId": id});248console.log('venue removed' + venueid);249return venueid;250},251addComment: function(obj)252{253 var blog = blogs.findOne({"_id":});254 var id = 0;255 if( blog.comments.length > 0)256 id = blog.comments[blog.comments.length - 1].id + 1 ;257blogs.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "comments" : {"id": id, "author" :, "content": obj.content, "time" :obj.timeStamp} } });258}, 259saverepertoire: function(obj)260{261 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });262 Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.repertoire" : {"songname" : obj.songname, "singername": obj.singername} } });263 264 return true;265}, 266savehighlight:function(obj){267 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });268 Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.highlights" : {"id" : obj.highlightId, "content": obj.highlightcontent} } });269 270 return true;271},272savepostecode: function(obj){273 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });274 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.address.postecode" : obj.postecode } });275 276 return true;277},278savecity: function(obj){279 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });280 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "" : } });281 282 return true;283},284saveaddress:function(obj){285 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });286 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.address.address" : obj.address } });287 return true;288},289saveregion: function(obj){290 //Users.update({"_id":}, {$push : { "profile.members" : {"memeber name" : obj.membername , "role": obj.memberrole} } });291 Users.update({"_id":}, {$set : { "profile.address.region" : obj.region } });292 293 return true;294},295removememeber: function(obj)296{297 Users.update({"_id":} , { $pull : { "profile.members" : {"name": obj.membername, "role" :obj.memberrole } } });298},299removewishlistitem: function(obj)300{301 Users.update({"_id":} , { $pull : { "whishlist" : {"id": obj.itemid} } });302}, 303removecomment: function(obj)304{305 console.log(obj.blogid + " comment id " + obj.commentid);306 blogs.update({"_id": obj.blogid} , { $pull : { "comments" : {"id": parseInt(obj.commentid) } } });307}, 308removesonglist: function(obj)309{310 Users.update({"_id":} , { $pull : { "profile.repertoire" : {"songname": obj.songname, "singername" :obj.singername } } });311},312removeHighlight: function(obj)313{314 Users.update({"_id":} , { $pull : { "profile.highlights" : {"id": obj.highlightId } } });315},316addBlog: function( obj){317return blogs.insert({318 title: obj.title,319 content: obj.content,320 imageurl: obj.imageurl,321 time: obj.timeStamp,322 author: /*, 323 file : obj.file,*/324 });325return "inserted";326//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });327},328addImage: function( obj){329return Images.insert({330 imageurl: obj.imageurl,331 uploadedBy: obj.uploadedBy,332 timeStamp: obj.timeStamp,333 imageName: obj.imageName , 334 imageFolder : obj.imageFolder,335 });336return "inserted";337//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });338},339addSong: function( obj){340return songs.insert({341 songurl: obj.songurl,342 uploadedBy: obj.uploadedBy,343 timeStamp: obj.timeStamp,344 songname: obj.songname , 345 duration : obj.duration346 });347return "inserted";348//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });349},350addNotification: function(obj){351 Notifications.insert({ "ownerId" : obj.ownerId,352 "ownerName" : obj.ownerName,353 "recieverId": obj.recieverId ,354 "recieverName": obj.recieverName ,355 "time": obj.time,356 "type": obj.typ , 357 "status" : obj.status,358 "viewed" : obj.viewed359 });360 if(obj.status === "accepted")361 Notifications.update({ "recieverId" : obj.ownerId,362 "ownerId": obj.recieverId }, { $set : {"status" : "accept"} });363return "inserted";364//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });365},366rejectNotification: function(obj){367 Notifications.insert({ "ownerId" : obj.ownerId,368 "ownerName" : obj.ownerName,369 "recieverId": obj.recieverId ,370 "recieverName": obj.recieverName ,371 "time": obj.time,372 "type": obj.typ , 373 "status" : obj.status,374 "viewed" : obj.viewed375 });376 if(obj.status === "rejected")377 Notifications.update({ "recieverId" : obj.ownerId,378 "ownerId": obj.recieverId }, { $set : {"status" : "reject"} });379return "rejected";380//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });381},382removeNotification: function(id){383 Notifications.remove({ "_id" : id });384return "removed";385//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });386},387 viewedNotification: function(id){388 console.log('id : '+ id);389 Notifications.update({"_id" : id }, {$set : { "viewed" : true} });390return "viewed"; 391//Users.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });392},393display: function(){394 //return "hello";395return Users.find({396 /*$or:[397 {"profile.type" : "band"},398 {"profile.type" : "artist"},399 ]*/400 });401},402modify: function(name){403Images.upsert({"_id": "hnCoTgyqB84894uCz"}, {$set : { "":name} });404},405});406 407/*Meteor.setInterval(function(){408Usrs.forEach( function(USR){409console.log(USR._id);410okokokif ( === false ) {411Meteor.users.update( {"_id": USR._id}, { $set : {"services.resume.loginTokens": [] } } , { multi: true });412 console.log("deconnected " + USR._id);413 };414});415}, 1000*3600*12);*/416//console.log('tasks are the next ...');...
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