Best Python code snippet using uiautomator
1import os2from poroto.common import load_template3from poroto.config import gen_path4class VhdlTestBench:5 def __init__(self, designer, functions, mmap, streams_map, debug):6 self.designer = designer7 self.functions = functions8 self.debug = debug9 self.registers_map = mmap10 self.streams_map = streams_map11 self.dma_channel = 012 def channelInSignals(self, stream_name, channel, test_point, data):13 print >> self.out, "\tsignal data_%s_%d : word_vector_t(0 to %d-1) := (" % (stream_name, test_point, len(data))14 for (i, value) in enumerate(data):15 print >> self.out, "\t std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(%d, C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH))%s" % (value, ',' if i < len(data) - 1 else '')16 print >> self.out, "\t);"17 def channelOutSignals(self, stream_name, channel, test_point, data):18 print >> self.out, "\tsignal data_%s_%d : word_vector_t(0 to %d-1);" % (stream_name, test_point, len(data))19 print >> self.out, "\tsignal data_%s_%d_offset : natural;" % (stream_name, test_point)20 print >> self.out, "\tsignal data_%s_%d_len : natural;" % (stream_name, test_point)21 print >> self.out, "\tsignal data_%s_%d_last : std_logic;" % (stream_name, test_point)22 print >> self.out, "\tsignal data_%s_%d_expected : word_vector_t(0 to %d-1) := (" % (stream_name, test_point, len(data))23 for (i, value) in enumerate(data):24 print >> self.out, "\t std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(%d, C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH))%s" % (value, ',' if i < len(data) - 1 else '')25 print >> self.out, "\t);"26 def channelWrite(self, stream_name, channel, test_point):27 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'28 print >> self.out, '\t-- Write %s' % (stream_name)29 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'30 print >> self.out, '\treport "Writing channel %s (%d)";' % (stream_name, channel)31 print >> self.out, "\triffa_channel_write(0, data_%s_%d, '1', clk, riffa_rx_m2s(%d), riffa_rx_s2m(%d));" % (stream_name, test_point, channel, channel)32 def channelRead(self, stream_name, channel, test_point):33 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'34 print >> self.out, '\t-- Read %s' % (stream_name)35 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'36 print >> self.out, '\treport "Reading channel %s (%d)";' % (stream_name, channel)37 print >> self.out, "\triffa_channel_read(data_%s_%d_offset, data_%s_%d_len, data_%s_%d, data_%s_%d_last, clk, riffa_tx_m2s(%d), riffa_tx_s2m(%d));" % (stream_name, test_point, stream_name, test_point, stream_name, test_point, stream_name, test_point, channel, channel)38 def channelVerify(self, stream_name, channel, test_point):39 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'40 print >> self.out, '\t-- Read %s' % (stream_name)41 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'42 print >> self.out, '\treport "Verify channel %s (%d)";' % (stream_name, channel)43 print >> self.out, "\tverify_memory(data_%s_%d, data_%s_%d_len, data_%s_%d_expected, test_ok);" % (stream_name, test_point, stream_name, test_point, stream_name, test_point)44 def registersInSignals(self, registers, test_point, test_vectors):45 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'46 print >> self.out, '\t-- Write Registers'47 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'48 count = 149 for (i, register) in enumerate(registers):50 if register.short_name is not "rst" and register.short_name is not "stall":51 count = count + 152 print >> self.out, "\tsignal registers_in_%d : word_vector_t(0 to %d-1) := (" % (test_point, count)53 offset = 054 print >> self.out, "\t std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(0, C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH))%s" % (',' if offset < count - 1 else '')55 offset += 156 for (i, register) in enumerate(registers):57 if register.short_name is not "rst" and register.short_name is not "stall":58 value = test_vectors[register.short_name][test_point]59 print >> self.out, "\t std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(%d, C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH))%s" % (value, ',' if offset < count - 1 else '')60 offset += 161 print >> self.out, "\t);"62 def registersOutSignals(self, registers, test_point, test_vectors):63 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'64 print >> self.out, '\t-- Read Registers'65 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'66 count = 167 for (i, register) in enumerate(registers):68 if register.short_name is not "rst" and register.short_name is not "stall":69 count = count + 170 print >> self.out, "\tsignal registers_out_%d : word_vector_t(0 to %d-1);" % (test_point, count)71 print >> self.out, "\tsignal registers_out_%d_offset : natural;" % test_point72 print >> self.out, "\tsignal registers_out_%d_len : natural;" % test_point73 print >> self.out, "\tsignal registers_out_%d_last : std_logic;" % test_point74 def registersInWrite(self, test_point):75 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'76 print >> self.out, '\t-- Write Registers'77 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'78 print >> self.out, '\treport "Writing registers channel";'79 print >> self.out, "\triffa_channel_write(0, registers_in_%d, '1', clk, riffa_rx_m2s(0), riffa_rx_s2m(0));" % test_point80 def registersOutRead(self, test_point):81 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'82 print >> self.out, '\t-- Read Registers'83 print >> self.out, '\t------------------------------------------'84 print >> self.out, '\treport "Reading registers channel";'85 print >> self.out, "\triffa_channel_read(registers_out_%d_offset, registers_out_%d_len, registers_out_%d, registers_out_%d_last, clk, riffa_tx_m2s(0), riffa_tx_s2m(0));" % (test_point, test_point, test_point, test_point)86 def registersResetWrite(self):87 print >> self.out, '\treport "Trigger reset";'88 print >> self.out, "\triffa_channel_write(0, registers_reset, '1', clk, riffa_rx_m2s(0), riffa_rx_s2m(0));"89 print >> self.out, "\twait for clk_period * 10;"90 91 def verifyFunctionEntry(self, instance, test_points, test_vectors):92 for test_point in range(test_points):93 for stream in instance.streams:94 if stream.in_stream:95 self.channelWrite(stream.in_name, stream.memory.index + 1, test_point)96 self.registersInWrite(test_point)97 self.registersOutRead(test_point)98 for stream in instance.streams:99 if stream.out_stream:100 self.channelRead(stream.out_name, stream.memory.index + 1, test_point)101 for stream in instance.streams:102 if stream.out_stream:103 self.channelVerify(stream.out_name, stream.memory.index + 1, test_point)104 self.registersResetWrite()105 def printSignals(self, test_vectors):106 for instance in self.functions:107 for test_point in range(test_vectors[].test_points):108 if in test_vectors:109 for stream in instance.streams:110 if stream.in_stream:111 self.channelInSignals(stream.in_name, stream.memory.index, test_point, test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name][test_point])112 #Inject virtual register value113 if not stream.in_name+"_size" in test_vectors[].test_vectors:114 test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name+"_size"] = []115 test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name+"_size"].append(len(test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name][test_point]))116 if stream.out_stream:117 self.channelOutSignals(stream.out_name, stream.memory.index, test_point, test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name][test_point])118 #Inject virtual register value119 if not stream.out_name+"_size" in test_vectors[].test_vectors:120 test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.out_name+"_size"] = []121 test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name+"_size"].append(len(test_vectors[].test_vectors[stream.in_name][test_point]))122 self.registersInSignals(self.registers_map.block_in_registers[], test_point, test_vectors[].test_vectors)123 self.registersOutSignals(self.registers_map.block_out_registers[], test_point, test_vectors[].test_vectors)124 def printTb(self, test_vectors):125 for instance in self.functions:126 if in test_vectors:127 print >> self.out128 print >> self.out, '\t--*****************************************************************************'129 print >> self.out, '\t-- APPLICATION: SIMULATION PATTERN -- Function %s' % instance.name130 print >> self.out, '\t--*****************************************************************************'131 print >> self.out132 self.verifyFunctionEntry(instance, test_vectors[].test_points, test_vectors[].test_vectors)133 134 def write(self, test_vectors):135 #TODO: hardcoded name136 self.tb_template = load_template('tb.vhdl')137 self.designer.add_file(gen_path, "tb.vhdl", synth=False)138 self.out = open(os.path.join(gen_path, 'vhdl', 'tb.vhdl'), 'w' )139 for line in self.tb_template:140 if '%%%SIGNALS%%%' in line:141 self.printSignals(test_vectors)142 elif '%%%STIMULATE%%%' in line:143 self.printTb(test_vectors)144 else:145 print >> self.out, line,...
1import os2from .common import load_template3from .config import gen_path, c_path4from pycparser import c_ast5class CTestBench:6 def __init__(self, functions, mmap, streams_map, debug):7 self.functions = functions8 self.debug = debug9 self.registers_map = mmap10 self.streams_map = streams_map11 self.dma_channel = 012 def dmaWrite(self, stream_name, addr_block, test_point):13 #data_name = "%s_%d" % (stream_name, test_point)14 #print >> self.out, '\tfpga_write_vector(%d, sizeof(%s), %s);' % (addr_block, data_name, data_name)15 pass16 def dmaReadAndVerify(self, stream_name, addr_block, test_point, data_len):17 data_name = "%s_%d" % (stream_name, test_point)18 data_expected_name = "%s_expected_%d" % (stream_name, test_point)19 #print >> self.out, '\tfpga_read_vector(%d, sizeof(%s), %s);' % (addr_block, data_name, data_name)20 print >> self.out, '\tprintf("%s: ");' % data_name21 print >> self.out, '\tfor (i = 0; i < %d; ++i) {' % data_len22 print >> self.out, '\t\tprintf("%%d ", %s[i]);' % data_name23 print >> self.out, '\t}'24 print >> self.out, '\tprintf("\\n");'25 print >> self.out, '\tif ( memcmp(%s, %s, %d*4) != 0 ) {' % ( data_name, data_expected_name, data_len)26 print >> self.out, '\t\tprintf( "Retrieved data %s is not correct\\n" );' % data_name27 print >> self.out, '\t\ttest_successful = 0;'28 print >> self.out, '\t}'29 def declareStream(self, stream, stream_name, test_point, data):30 print >> self.out, '\t%s %s_%d[%d] = {' % (stream.data_type, stream_name, test_point, len(data))31 print >> self.out, '\t\t', ', '.join(str(item) for item in data)32 print >> self.out, '\t};'33 def declareEmptyStream(self, stream, stream_name, test_point, data):34 #print >> self.out, '\t%s %s_%d[%d];' % (stream.data_type, stream_name, test_point, len(data)) 35 print >> self.out, '\t%s %s_%d[%d] = {' % (stream.data_type, stream_name, test_point, len(data))36 print >> self.out, '\t\t', ', '.join(str(-1) for item in data)37 print >> self.out, '\t};'38 def declareVars(self, registers):39 for register in registers:40 print >> self.out, '\tuint32_t %s;' % register.short_name41 def writeData(self, registers, test_vectors, test_point): 42 for register in registers:43 if register.short_name in test_vectors:44 print >> self.out, '\t%s = %d;' % (register.short_name, test_vectors[register.short_name][test_point])45 else:46 print >> self.out, '\t//%s not set' % register.short_name47 48 def call(self, function, test_point):49 for stream in function.streams:50 for line in stream.get_set_data(stream.in_name+'_%d'%test_point):51 print >> self.out, '\t'+line52 params = []53 for arg in function.args.params:54 if isinstance(arg.type, c_ast.PtrDecl):55 params.append( '%s_%d' % (, test_point ) )56 else:57 params.append( )58 print >>self.out, '\t',, '(', ', '.join(params), ');' 59 for stream in function.streams:60 for line in stream.get_get_data(stream.out_name+'_%d'%test_point):61 print >> self.out, '\t'+line62 def verifyData(self, registers, test_vectors, test_point): 63 for register in registers:64 if register.short_name in test_vectors:65 print >> self.out, '\tif (%s != %d ) {' % (register.short_name, test_vectors[register.short_name][test_point])66 print >> self.out, '\t\tprintf( "%s: Got %%d iso %d\\n", %s);' % (register.short_name, test_vectors[register.short_name][test_point], register.short_name)67 print >> self.out, '\t\ttest_successful = 0;'68 print >> self.out, '\t}'69 else:70 print >> self.out, '\t//%s not verified' % register.short_name71 72 def verifyFunctionEntry(self, instance, test_points, test_vectors):73 for test_point in range(test_points):74 for stream in instance.streams:75 if stream.in_stream:76 self.declareStream(stream, stream.in_name, test_point, test_vectors[stream.in_name][test_point])77 if stream.out_stream:78 self.declareStream(stream, stream.out_name + '_expected', test_point, test_vectors[stream.out_name][test_point])79 self.declareEmptyStream(stream, stream.out_name, test_point, test_vectors[stream.out_name][test_point])80 self.declareVars(self.registers_map.block_in_registers[])81 self.declareVars(self.registers_map.block_out_registers[])82 for test_point in range(test_points):83 print >> self.out, "\n\t// Test point %d\n" % test_point84 for stream_name in instance.streams:85 if stream.in_stream:86 self.dmaWrite(stream_name, stream.memory.index, test_point)87 self.writeData(self.registers_map.block_in_registers[], test_vectors, test_point)88, test_point)89 self.verifyData(self.registers_map.block_out_registers[], test_vectors, test_point)90 for stream in instance.streams:91 if stream.out_stream:92 self.dmaReadAndVerify(stream.out_name, stream.memory.index, test_point, len(test_vectors[stream.out_name][test_point]))93 def printTb(self, test_vectors):94 for instance in self.functions:95 if in test_vectors:96 print >> self.out97 print >> self.out, '\t//*****************************************************************************'98 print >> self.out, '\t// APPLICATION: SIMULATION PATTERN -- Function %s' % instance.name99 print >> self.out, '\t//*****************************************************************************'100 print >> self.out101 self.verifyFunctionEntry(instance, test_vectors[].test_points, test_vectors[].test_vectors)102 103 def printTbInit(self, test_vectors):104 for instance in self.functions:105 for stream in instance.streams:106 for line in stream.get_c_def():107 print >> self.out, line108 def write(self, test_vectors):109 self.tb_template = load_template('tb.c', top_dir=c_path)110 self.out = open(os.path.join(gen_path, 'c', 'tb.cpp'), 'w' )111 for line in self.tb_template:112 if '%%%TB%%%' in line:113 self.printTb(test_vectors)114 elif '%%%INIT%%%' in line:115 self.printTbInit(test_vectors)116 else:117 print >> self.out, line,...
1import random2class MazeGenerator:3 def __init__(self, width, height):4 self.width = width5 self.height = height6 self.path = []7 self.start_point = []8 self.dead_ends = []9 self.goal = 010 self.n = 111 def boundary_check(self, point):12 if point[0] > self.width - 40 or point[0] < 0 or point[1] > self.height - 40 or point[1] < 0:13 return True14 else:15 return False16 def __generate_starting_point(self):17 right_bound = int((self.width - 80)/40)18 x = random.randint(1, right_bound)19 while x % 2 == 0:20 x = random.randint(1, right_bound)21 top_bound = int((self.height - 80) / 40)22 y = random.randint(1, top_bound)23 while y % 2 == 0:24 y = random.randint(1, top_bound)25 self.start_point = [x*40, y*40]26 def __generate_path(self, current_point, pathway):27 while True:28 if pathway.count([current_point[0] + 80, current_point[1]]) == 1 or self.boundary_check([current_point[0] + 80, current_point[1]]):29 if pathway.count([current_point[0] - 80, current_point[1]]) == 1 or self.boundary_check([current_point[0] - 80, current_point[1]]):30 if pathway.count([current_point[0], current_point[1] + 80]) == 1 or self.boundary_check([current_point[0], current_point[1] + 80]):31 if pathway.count([current_point[0], current_point[1] - 80]) == 1 or self.boundary_check([current_point[0], current_point[1] - 80]):32 self.dead_ends.append(current_point)33 if self.n == 1:34 self.goal = current_point35 self.n = 036 return pathway37 x = random.randint(1, 4)38 test_point = [current_point[0], current_point[1]]39 if x == 1:40 test_point[0] += 8041 if pathway.count(test_point) == 1 or self.boundary_check(test_point):42 continue43 else:44 current_point = test_point45 pathway.append(test_point)46 pathway.append([test_point[0] - 40, test_point[1]])47 elif x == 2:48 test_point[0] -= 8049 if pathway.count(test_point) == 1 or self.boundary_check(test_point):50 continue51 else:52 current_point = test_point53 pathway.append(test_point)54 pathway.append([test_point[0] + 40, test_point[1]])55 elif x == 3:56 test_point[1] += 8057 if pathway.count(test_point) == 1 or self.boundary_check(test_point):58 continue59 else:60 current_point = test_point61 pathway.append(test_point)62 pathway.append([test_point[0], test_point[1] - 40])63 elif x == 4:64 test_point[1] -= 8065 if pathway.count(test_point) == 1 or self.boundary_check(test_point):66 continue67 else:68 current_point = test_point69 pathway.append(test_point)70 pathway.append([test_point[0], test_point[1] + 40])71 pathway = self.__generate_path(current_point, pathway)72 def redefine_goal(self):73 p = random.randint(1, len(self.dead_ends) - 1)74 return self.dead_ends[p]75 def generate_maze(self):76 """Returns the coordinates of points for the normal tiles, the starting point, and the goal"""77 self.__generate_starting_point()78 pathway = [self.start_point]79 self.path = self.__generate_path(self.start_point, pathway)...
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