How to use skip method in tox

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be4# found in the LICENSE file.5"""6Tests for detecting function memory leaks (typically the ones7implemented in C). It does so by calling a function many times and8checking whether process memory usage keeps increasing between9calls or over time.10Note that this may produce false positives (especially on Windows11for some reason).12"""13from __future__ import print_function14import errno15import functools16import gc17import os18import sys19import threading20import time21import psutil22import psutil._common23from psutil import LINUX24from psutil import OPENBSD25from psutil import OSX26from psutil import POSIX27from psutil import SUNOS28from psutil import WINDOWS29from psutil._compat import xrange30from psutil.tests import create_sockets31from psutil.tests import get_test_subprocess32from psutil.tests import HAS_CPU_AFFINITY33from psutil.tests import HAS_CPU_FREQ34from psutil.tests import HAS_ENVIRON35from psutil.tests import HAS_IONICE36from psutil.tests import HAS_MEMORY_MAPS37from psutil.tests import HAS_PROC_CPU_NUM38from psutil.tests import HAS_PROC_IO_COUNTERS39from psutil.tests import HAS_RLIMIT40from psutil.tests import HAS_SENSORS_BATTERY41from psutil.tests import HAS_SENSORS_FANS42from psutil.tests import HAS_SENSORS_TEMPERATURES43from psutil.tests import reap_children44from psutil.tests import run_test_module_by_name45from psutil.tests import safe_rmpath46from psutil.tests import skip_on_access_denied47from psutil.tests import TESTFN48from psutil.tests import TRAVIS49from psutil.tests import unittest50LOOPS = 100051MEMORY_TOLERANCE = 409652RETRY_FOR = 353SKIP_PYTHON_IMPL = True if TRAVIS else False54cext = psutil._psplatform.cext55thisproc = psutil.Process()56SKIP_PYTHON_IMPL = True if TRAVIS else False57# ===================================================================58# utils59# ===================================================================60def skip_if_linux():61 return unittest.skipIf(LINUX and SKIP_PYTHON_IMPL,62 "worthless on LINUX (pure python)")63def bytes2human(n):64 """65 http:/​/​​recipes/​57801966 >>> bytes2human(10000)67 '9.8K'68 >>> bytes2human(100001221)69 '95.4M'70 """71 symbols = ('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y')72 prefix = {}73 for i, s in enumerate(symbols):74 prefix[s] = 1 << (i + 1) * 1075 for s in reversed(symbols):76 if n >= prefix[s]:77 value = float(n) /​ prefix[s]78 return '%.2f%s' % (value, s)79 return "%sB" % n80class TestMemLeak(unittest.TestCase):81 """Base framework class which calls a function many times and82 produces a failure if process memory usage keeps increasing83 between calls or over time.84 """85 tolerance = MEMORY_TOLERANCE86 loops = LOOPS87 retry_for = RETRY_FOR88 def setUp(self):89 gc.collect()90 def execute(self, fun, *args, **kwargs):91 """Test a callable."""92 def call_many_times():93 for x in xrange(loops):94 self._call(fun, *args, **kwargs)95 del x96 gc.collect()97 tolerance = kwargs.pop('tolerance_', None) or self.tolerance98 loops = kwargs.pop('loops_', None) or self.loops99 retry_for = kwargs.pop('retry_for_', None) or self.retry_for100 # warm up101 for x in range(10):102 self._call(fun, *args, **kwargs)103 self.assertEqual(gc.garbage, [])104 self.assertEqual(threading.active_count(), 1)105 self.assertEqual(thisproc.children(), [])106 # Get 2 distinct memory samples, before and after having107 # called fun repeadetly.108 # step 1109 call_many_times()110 mem1 = self._get_mem()111 # step 2112 call_many_times()113 mem2 = self._get_mem()114 diff1 = mem2 - mem1115 if diff1 > tolerance:116 # This doesn't necessarily mean we have a leak yet.117 # At this point we assume that after having called the118 # function so many times the memory usage is stabilized119 # and if there are no leaks it should not increase120 # anymore.121 # Let's keep calling fun for 3 more seconds and fail if122 # we notice any difference.123 ncalls = 0124 stop_at = time.time() + retry_for125 while time.time() <= stop_at:126 self._call(fun, *args, **kwargs)127 ncalls += 1128 del stop_at129 gc.collect()130 mem3 = self._get_mem()131 diff2 = mem3 - mem2132 if mem3 > mem2:133 # failure134 extra_proc_mem = bytes2human(diff1 + diff2)135 print("exta proc mem: %s" % extra_proc_mem, file=sys.stderr)136 msg = "+%s after %s calls, +%s after another %s calls, "137 msg += "+%s extra proc mem"138 msg = msg % (139 bytes2human(diff1), loops, bytes2human(diff2), ncalls,140 extra_proc_mem)141 def execute_w_exc(self, exc, fun, *args, **kwargs):143 """Convenience function which tests a callable raising144 an exception.145 """146 def call():147 self.assertRaises(exc, fun, *args, **kwargs)148 self.execute(call)149 @staticmethod150 def _get_mem():151 # By using USS memory it seems it's less likely to bump152 # into false positives.153 if LINUX or WINDOWS or OSX:154 return thisproc.memory_full_info().uss155 else:156 return thisproc.memory_info().rss157 @staticmethod158 def _call(fun, *args, **kwargs):159 fun(*args, **kwargs)160# ===================================================================161# Process class162# ===================================================================163class TestProcessObjectLeaks(TestMemLeak):164 """Test leaks of Process class methods."""165 proc = thisproc166 def test_coverage(self):167 skip = set((168 "pid", "as_dict", "children", "cpu_affinity", "cpu_percent",169 "ionice", "is_running", "kill", "memory_info_ex", "memory_percent",170 "nice", "oneshot", "parent", "rlimit", "send_signal", "suspend",171 "terminate", "wait"))172 for name in dir(psutil.Process):173 if name.startswith('_'):174 continue175 if name in skip:176 continue177 self.assertTrue(hasattr(self, "test_" + name), msg=name)178 @skip_if_linux()179 def test_name(self):180 self.execute( @skip_if_linux()182 def test_cmdline(self):183 self.execute(self.proc.cmdline)184 @skip_if_linux()185 def test_exe(self):186 self.execute(self.proc.exe)187 @skip_if_linux()188 def test_ppid(self):189 self.execute(self.proc.ppid)190 @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")191 @skip_if_linux()192 def test_uids(self):193 self.execute(self.proc.uids)194 @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")195 @skip_if_linux()196 def test_gids(self):197 self.execute(self.proc.gids)198 @skip_if_linux()199 def test_status(self):200 self.execute(self.proc.status)201 def test_nice_get(self):202 self.execute(self.proc.nice)203 def test_nice_set(self):204 niceness = thisproc.nice()205 self.execute(self.proc.nice, niceness)206 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_IONICE, "not supported")207 def test_ionice_get(self):208 self.execute(self.proc.ionice)209 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_IONICE, "not supported")210 def test_ionice_set(self):211 if WINDOWS:212 value = thisproc.ionice()213 self.execute(self.proc.ionice, value)214 else:215 self.execute(self.proc.ionice, psutil.IOPRIO_CLASS_NONE)216 fun = functools.partial(cext.proc_ioprio_set, os.getpid(), -1, 0)217 self.execute_w_exc(OSError, fun)218 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_PROC_IO_COUNTERS, "not supported")219 @skip_if_linux()220 def test_io_counters(self):221 self.execute(self.proc.io_counters)222 @unittest.skipIf(POSIX, "worthless on POSIX")223 def test_username(self):224 self.execute(self.proc.username)225 @skip_if_linux()226 def test_create_time(self):227 self.execute(self.proc.create_time)228 @skip_if_linux()229 @skip_on_access_denied(only_if=OPENBSD)230 def test_num_threads(self):231 self.execute(self.proc.num_threads)232 @unittest.skipIf(not WINDOWS, "WINDOWS only")233 def test_num_handles(self):234 self.execute(self.proc.num_handles)235 @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")236 @skip_if_linux()237 def test_num_fds(self):238 self.execute(self.proc.num_fds)239 @skip_if_linux()240 def test_num_ctx_switches(self):241 self.execute(self.proc.num_ctx_switches)242 @skip_if_linux()243 @skip_on_access_denied(only_if=OPENBSD)244 def test_threads(self):245 self.execute(self.proc.threads)246 @skip_if_linux()247 def test_cpu_times(self):248 self.execute(self.proc.cpu_times)249 @skip_if_linux()250 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_PROC_CPU_NUM, "not supported")251 def test_cpu_num(self):252 self.execute(self.proc.cpu_num)253 @skip_if_linux()254 def test_memory_info(self):255 self.execute(self.proc.memory_info)256 @skip_if_linux()257 def test_memory_full_info(self):258 self.execute(self.proc.memory_full_info)259 @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")260 @skip_if_linux()261 def test_terminal(self):262 self.execute(self.proc.terminal)263 @unittest.skipIf(POSIX and SKIP_PYTHON_IMPL,264 "worthless on POSIX (pure python)")265 def test_resume(self):266 self.execute(self.proc.resume)267 @skip_if_linux()268 def test_cwd(self):269 self.execute(self.proc.cwd)270 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_CPU_AFFINITY, "not supported")271 def test_cpu_affinity_get(self):272 self.execute(self.proc.cpu_affinity)273 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_CPU_AFFINITY, "not supported")274 def test_cpu_affinity_set(self):275 affinity = thisproc.cpu_affinity()276 self.execute(self.proc.cpu_affinity, affinity)277 if not TRAVIS:278 self.execute_w_exc(ValueError, self.proc.cpu_affinity, [-1])279 @skip_if_linux()280 def test_open_files(self):281 safe_rmpath(TESTFN) # needed after UNIX socket test has run282 with open(TESTFN, 'w'):283 self.execute(self.proc.open_files)284 # OSX implementation is unbelievably slow285 @unittest.skipIf(OSX, "too slow on OSX")286 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_MEMORY_MAPS, "not supported")287 @skip_if_linux()288 def test_memory_maps(self):289 self.execute(self.proc.memory_maps)290 @unittest.skipIf(not LINUX, "LINUX only")291 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_RLIMIT, "not supported")292 def test_rlimit_get(self):293 self.execute(self.proc.rlimit, psutil.RLIMIT_NOFILE)294 @unittest.skipIf(not LINUX, "LINUX only")295 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_RLIMIT, "not supported")296 def test_rlimit_set(self):297 limit = thisproc.rlimit(psutil.RLIMIT_NOFILE)298 self.execute(self.proc.rlimit, psutil.RLIMIT_NOFILE, limit)299 self.execute_w_exc(OSError, self.proc.rlimit, -1)300 @skip_if_linux()301 # Windows implementation is based on a single system-wide302 # function (tested later).303 @unittest.skipIf(WINDOWS, "worthless on WINDOWS")304 def test_connections(self):305 # TODO: UNIX sockets are temporarily implemented by parsing306 # 'pfiles' cmd output; we don't want that part of the code to307 # be executed.308 with create_sockets():309 kind = 'inet' if SUNOS else 'all'310 self.execute(self.proc.connections, kind)311 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_ENVIRON, "not supported")312 def test_environ(self):313 self.execute(self.proc.environ)314 @unittest.skipIf(not WINDOWS, "WINDOWS only")315 def test_proc_info(self):316 self.execute(cext.proc_info, os.getpid())317class TestTerminatedProcessLeaks(TestProcessObjectLeaks):318 """Repeat the tests above looking for leaks occurring when dealing319 with terminated processes raising NoSuchProcess exception.320 The C functions are still invoked but will follow different code321 paths. We'll check those code paths.322 """323 @classmethod324 def setUpClass(cls):325 super(TestTerminatedProcessLeaks, cls).setUpClass()326 p = get_test_subprocess()327 cls.proc = psutil.Process( cls.proc.kill()329 cls.proc.wait()330 @classmethod331 def tearDownClass(cls):332 super(TestTerminatedProcessLeaks, cls).tearDownClass()333 reap_children()334 def _call(self, fun, *args, **kwargs):335 try:336 fun(*args, **kwargs)337 except psutil.NoSuchProcess:338 pass339 if WINDOWS:340 def test_kill(self):341 self.execute(self.proc.kill)342 def test_terminate(self):343 self.execute(self.proc.terminate)344 def test_suspend(self):345 self.execute(self.proc.suspend)346 def test_resume(self):347 self.execute(self.proc.resume)348 def test_wait(self):349 self.execute(self.proc.wait)350 def test_proc_info(self):351 # test dual implementation352 def call():353 try:354 return cext.proc_info( except OSError as err:356 if err.errno != errno.ESRCH:357 raise358 self.execute(call)359# ===================================================================360# system APIs361# ===================================================================362class TestModuleFunctionsLeaks(TestMemLeak):363 """Test leaks of psutil module functions."""364 def test_coverage(self):365 skip = set((366 "version_info", "__version__", "process_iter", "wait_procs",367 "cpu_percent", "cpu_times_percent", "cpu_count"))368 for name in psutil.__all__:369 if not name.islower():370 continue371 if name in skip:372 continue373 self.assertTrue(hasattr(self, "test_" + name), msg=name)374 # --- cpu375 @skip_if_linux()376 def test_cpu_count_logical(self):377 self.execute(psutil.cpu_count, logical=True)378 @skip_if_linux()379 def test_cpu_count_physical(self):380 self.execute(psutil.cpu_count, logical=False)381 @skip_if_linux()382 def test_cpu_times(self):383 self.execute(psutil.cpu_times)384 @skip_if_linux()385 def test_per_cpu_times(self):386 self.execute(psutil.cpu_times, percpu=True)387 def test_cpu_stats(self):388 self.execute(psutil.cpu_stats)389 @skip_if_linux()390 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_CPU_FREQ, "not supported")391 def test_cpu_freq(self):392 self.execute(psutil.cpu_freq)393 # --- mem394 def test_virtual_memory(self):395 self.execute(psutil.virtual_memory)396 # TODO: remove this skip when this gets fixed397 @unittest.skipIf(SUNOS,398 "worthless on SUNOS (uses a subprocess)")399 def test_swap_memory(self):400 self.execute(psutil.swap_memory)401 @unittest.skipIf(POSIX and SKIP_PYTHON_IMPL,402 "worthless on POSIX (pure python)")403 def test_pid_exists(self):404 self.execute(psutil.pid_exists, os.getpid())405 # --- disk406 @unittest.skipIf(POSIX and SKIP_PYTHON_IMPL,407 "worthless on POSIX (pure python)")408 def test_disk_usage(self):409 self.execute(psutil.disk_usage, '.')410 def test_disk_partitions(self):411 self.execute(psutil.disk_partitions)412 @unittest.skipIf(LINUX and not os.path.exists('/​proc/​diskstats'),413 '/​proc/​diskstats not available on this Linux version')414 @skip_if_linux()415 def test_disk_io_counters(self):416 self.execute(psutil.disk_io_counters, nowrap=False)417 # --- proc418 @skip_if_linux()419 def test_pids(self):420 self.execute(psutil.pids)421 # --- net422 @skip_if_linux()423 def test_net_io_counters(self):424 self.execute(psutil.net_io_counters, nowrap=False)425 @unittest.skipIf(LINUX,426 "worthless on Linux (pure python)")427 @unittest.skipIf(OSX and os.getuid() != 0, "need root access")428 def test_net_connections(self):429 with create_sockets():430 self.execute(psutil.net_connections)431 def test_net_if_addrs(self):432 # Note: verified that on Windows this was a false positive.433 self.execute(psutil.net_if_addrs,434 tolerance_=80 * 1024 if WINDOWS else None)435 @unittest.skipIf(TRAVIS, "EPERM on travis")436 def test_net_if_stats(self):437 self.execute(psutil.net_if_stats)438 # --- sensors439 @skip_if_linux()440 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_SENSORS_BATTERY, "not supported")441 def test_sensors_battery(self):442 self.execute(psutil.sensors_battery)443 @skip_if_linux()444 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_SENSORS_TEMPERATURES, "not supported")445 def test_sensors_temperatures(self):446 self.execute(psutil.sensors_temperatures)447 @skip_if_linux()448 @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_SENSORS_FANS, "not supported")449 def test_sensors_fans(self):450 self.execute(psutil.sensors_fans)451 # --- others452 @skip_if_linux()453 def test_boot_time(self):454 self.execute(psutil.boot_time)455 # XXX - on Windows this produces a false positive456 @unittest.skipIf(WINDOWS, "XXX produces a false positive on Windows")457 def test_users(self):458 self.execute(psutil.users)459 if WINDOWS:460 # --- win services461 def test_win_service_iter(self):462 self.execute(cext.winservice_enumerate)463 def test_win_service_get(self):464 pass465 def test_win_service_get_config(self):466 name = next(psutil.win_service_iter()).name()467 self.execute(cext.winservice_query_config, name)468 def test_win_service_get_status(self):469 name = next(psutil.win_service_iter()).name()470 self.execute(cext.winservice_query_status, name)471 def test_win_service_get_description(self):472 name = next(psutil.win_service_iter()).name()473 self.execute(cext.winservice_query_descr, name)474if __name__ == '__main__':...

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...44 else:45 return f(self)46 return skipIf__47 return skipIf_48 def skip(msg):49 return skipIf(True, msg)50 def skipTest(self, msg):51 with warnings.catch_warnings():52 warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning)53 warnings.warn(msg)54 return55 unittest.TestCase.skipTest = skipTest56# Silence warnings caused by the stubbornness of the Python unittest57# maintainers58# http:/​/​​issue942459if (not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'assert_')60 or unittest.TestCase.assertTrue is not unittest.TestCase.assertTrue):61 # mavaff...62 unittest.TestCase.assertTrue = unittest.TestCase.assertTrue...

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1"""2Based on "Skip Lists: A Probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees" by William Pugh3https:/​/​​sortsearch/​download/​skiplist.pdf4"""5from __future__ import annotations6from random import random7from typing import Generic, Optional, TypeVar8KT = TypeVar("KT")9VT = TypeVar("VT")10class Node(Generic[KT, VT]):11 def __init__(self, key: KT, value: VT):12 self.key = key13 self.value = value14 self.forward: list[Node[KT, VT]] = []15 def __repr__(self) -> str:16 """17 :return: Visual representation of Node18 >>> node = Node("Key", 2)19 >>> repr(node)20 'Node(Key: 2)'21 """22 return f"Node({self.key}: {self.value})"23 @property24 def level(self) -> int:25 """26 :return: Number of forward references27 >>> node = Node("Key", 2)28 >>> node.level29 030 >>> node.forward.append(Node("Key2", 4))31 >>> node.level32 133 >>> node.forward.append(Node("Key3", 6))34 >>> node.level35 236 """37 return len(self.forward)38class SkipList(Generic[KT, VT]):39 def __init__(self, p: float = 0.5, max_level: int = 16):40 self.head = Node("root", None)41 self.level = 042 self.p = p43 self.max_level = max_level44 def __str__(self) -> str:45 """46 :return: Visual representation of SkipList47 >>> skip_list = SkipList()48 >>> print(skip_list)49 SkipList(level=0)50 >>> skip_list.insert("Key1", "Value")51 >>> print(skip_list) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS52 SkipList(level=...53 [root]--...54 [Key1]--Key1...55 None *...56 >>> skip_list.insert("Key2", "OtherValue")57 >>> print(skip_list) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS58 SkipList(level=...59 [root]--...60 [Key1]--Key1...61 [Key2]--Key2...62 None *...63 """64 items = list(self)65 if len(items) == 0:66 return f"SkipList(level={self.level})"67 label_size = max((len(str(item)) for item in items), default=4)68 label_size = max(label_size, 4) + 469 node = self.head70 lines = []71 forwards = node.forward.copy()72 lines.append(f"[{node.key}]".ljust(label_size, "-") + "* " * len(forwards))73 lines.append(" " * label_size + "| " * len(forwards))74 while len(node.forward) != 0:75 node = node.forward[0]76 lines.append(77 f"[{node.key}]".ljust(label_size, "-")78 + " ".join(str(n.key) if n.key == node.key else "|" for n in forwards)79 )80 lines.append(" " * label_size + "| " * len(forwards))81 forwards[: node.level] = node.forward82 lines.append("None".ljust(label_size) + "* " * len(forwards))83 return f"SkipList(level={self.level})\n" + "\n".join(lines)84 def __iter__(self):85 node = self.head86 while len(node.forward) != 0:87 yield node.forward[0].key88 node = node.forward[0]89 def random_level(self) -> int:90 """91 :return: Random level from [1, self.max_level] interval.92 Higher values are less likely.93 """94 level = 195 while random() < self.p and level < self.max_level:96 level += 197 return level98 def _locate_node(self, key) -> tuple[Optional[Node[KT, VT]], list[Node[KT, VT]]]:99 """100 :param key: Searched key,101 :return: Tuple with searched node (or None if given key is not present)102 and list of nodes that refer (if key is present) of should refer to103 given node.104 """105 # Nodes with refer or should refer to output node106 update_vector = []107 node = self.head108 for i in reversed(range(self.level)):109 # i < node.level - When node level is lesser than `i` decrement `i`.110 # node.forward[i].key < key - Jumping to node with key value higher111 # or equal to searched key would result112 # in skipping searched key.113 while i < node.level and node.forward[i].key < key:114 node = node.forward[i]115 # Each leftmost node (relative to searched node) will potentially have to116 # be updated.117 update_vector.append(node)118 update_vector.reverse() # Note that we were inserting values in reverse order.119 # len(node.forward) != 0 - If current node doesn't contain any further120 # references then searched key is not present.121 # node.forward[0].key == key - Next node key should be equal to search key122 # if key is present.123 if len(node.forward) != 0 and node.forward[0].key == key:124 return node.forward[0], update_vector125 else:126 return None, update_vector127 def delete(self, key: KT):128 """129 :param key: Key to remove from list.130 >>> skip_list = SkipList()131 >>> skip_list.insert(2, "Two")132 >>> skip_list.insert(1, "One")133 >>> skip_list.insert(3, "Three")134 >>> list(skip_list)135 [1, 2, 3]136 >>> skip_list.delete(2)137 >>> list(skip_list)138 [1, 3]139 """140 node, update_vector = self._locate_node(key)141 if node is not None:142 for i, update_node in enumerate(update_vector):143 # Remove or replace all references to removed node.144 if update_node.level > i and update_node.forward[i].key == key:145 if node.level > i:146 update_node.forward[i] = node.forward[i]147 else:148 update_node.forward = update_node.forward[:i]149 def insert(self, key: KT, value: VT):150 """151 :param key: Key to insert.152 :param value: Value associated with given key.153 >>> skip_list = SkipList()154 >>> skip_list.insert(2, "Two")155 >>> skip_list.find(2)156 'Two'157 >>> list(skip_list)158 [2]159 """160 node, update_vector = self._locate_node(key)161 if node is not None:162 node.value = value163 else:164 level = self.random_level()165 if level > self.level:166 # After level increase we have to add additional nodes to head.167 for i in range(self.level - 1, level):168 update_vector.append(self.head)169 self.level = level170 new_node = Node(key, value)171 for i, update_node in enumerate(update_vector[:level]):172 # Change references to pass through new node.173 if update_node.level > i:174 new_node.forward.append(update_node.forward[i])175 if update_node.level < i + 1:176 update_node.forward.append(new_node)177 else:178 update_node.forward[i] = new_node179 def find(self, key: VT) -> Optional[VT]:180 """181 :param key: Search key.182 :return: Value associated with given key or None if given key is not present.183 >>> skip_list = SkipList()184 >>> skip_list.find(2)185 >>> skip_list.insert(2, "Two")186 >>> skip_list.find(2)187 'Two'188 >>> skip_list.insert(2, "Three")189 >>> skip_list.find(2)190 'Three'191 """192 node, _ = self._locate_node(key)193 if node is not None:194 return node.value195 return None196def test_insert():197 skip_list = SkipList()198 skip_list.insert("Key1", 3)199 skip_list.insert("Key2", 12)200 skip_list.insert("Key3", 41)201 skip_list.insert("Key4", -19)202 node = skip_list.head203 all_values = {}204 while node.level != 0:205 node = node.forward[0]206 all_values[node.key] = node.value207 assert len(all_values) == 4208 assert all_values["Key1"] == 3209 assert all_values["Key2"] == 12210 assert all_values["Key3"] == 41211 assert all_values["Key4"] == -19212def test_insert_overrides_existing_value():213 skip_list = SkipList()214 skip_list.insert("Key1", 10)215 skip_list.insert("Key1", 12)216 skip_list.insert("Key5", 7)217 skip_list.insert("Key7", 10)218 skip_list.insert("Key10", 5)219 skip_list.insert("Key7", 7)220 skip_list.insert("Key5", 5)221 skip_list.insert("Key10", 10)222 node = skip_list.head223 all_values = {}224 while node.level != 0:225 node = node.forward[0]226 all_values[node.key] = node.value227 if len(all_values) != 4:228 print()229 assert len(all_values) == 4230 assert all_values["Key1"] == 12231 assert all_values["Key7"] == 7232 assert all_values["Key5"] == 5233 assert all_values["Key10"] == 10234def test_searching_empty_list_returns_none():235 skip_list = SkipList()236 assert skip_list.find("Some key") is None237def test_search():238 skip_list = SkipList()239 skip_list.insert("Key2", 20)240 assert skip_list.find("Key2") == 20241 skip_list.insert("Some Key", 10)242 skip_list.insert("Key2", 8)243 skip_list.insert("V", 13)244 assert skip_list.find("Y") is None245 assert skip_list.find("Key2") == 8246 assert skip_list.find("Some Key") == 10247 assert skip_list.find("V") == 13248def test_deleting_item_from_empty_list_do_nothing():249 skip_list = SkipList()250 skip_list.delete("Some key")251 assert len(skip_list.head.forward) == 0252def test_deleted_items_are_not_founded_by_find_method():253 skip_list = SkipList()254 skip_list.insert("Key1", 12)255 skip_list.insert("V", 13)256 skip_list.insert("X", 14)257 skip_list.insert("Key2", 15)258 skip_list.delete("V")259 skip_list.delete("Key2")260 assert skip_list.find("V") is None261 assert skip_list.find("Key2") is None262def test_delete_removes_only_given_key():263 skip_list = SkipList()264 skip_list.insert("Key1", 12)265 skip_list.insert("V", 13)266 skip_list.insert("X", 14)267 skip_list.insert("Key2", 15)268 skip_list.delete("V")269 assert skip_list.find("V") is None270 assert skip_list.find("X") == 14271 assert skip_list.find("Key1") == 12272 assert skip_list.find("Key2") == 15273 skip_list.delete("X")274 assert skip_list.find("V") is None275 assert skip_list.find("X") is None276 assert skip_list.find("Key1") == 12277 assert skip_list.find("Key2") == 15278 skip_list.delete("Key1")279 assert skip_list.find("V") is None280 assert skip_list.find("X") is None281 assert skip_list.find("Key1") is None282 assert skip_list.find("Key2") == 15283 skip_list.delete("Key2")284 assert skip_list.find("V") is None285 assert skip_list.find("X") is None286 assert skip_list.find("Key1") is None287 assert skip_list.find("Key2") is None288def test_delete_doesnt_leave_dead_nodes():289 skip_list = SkipList()290 skip_list.insert("Key1", 12)291 skip_list.insert("V", 13)292 skip_list.insert("X", 142)293 skip_list.insert("Key2", 15)294 skip_list.delete("X")295 def traverse_keys(node):296 yield node.key297 for forward_node in node.forward:298 yield from traverse_keys(forward_node)299 assert len(set(traverse_keys(skip_list.head))) == 4300def test_iter_always_yields_sorted_values():301 def is_sorted(lst):302 for item, next_item in zip(lst, lst[1:]):303 if next_item < item:304 return False305 return True306 skip_list = SkipList()307 for i in range(10):308 skip_list.insert(i, i)309 assert is_sorted(list(skip_list))310 skip_list.delete(5)311 skip_list.delete(8)312 skip_list.delete(2)313 assert is_sorted(list(skip_list))314 skip_list.insert(-12, -12)315 skip_list.insert(77, 77)316 assert is_sorted(list(skip_list))317def pytests():318 for i in range(100):319 # Repeat test 100 times due to the probabilistic nature of skip list320 # random values == random bugs321 test_insert()322 test_insert_overrides_existing_value()323 test_searching_empty_list_returns_none()324 test_search()325 test_deleting_item_from_empty_list_do_nothing()326 test_deleted_items_are_not_founded_by_find_method()327 test_delete_removes_only_given_key()328 test_delete_doesnt_leave_dead_nodes()329 test_iter_always_yields_sorted_values()330def main():331 """332 >>> pytests()333 """334 skip_list = SkipList()335 skip_list.insert(2, "2")336 skip_list.insert(4, "4")337 skip_list.insert(6, "4")338 skip_list.insert(4, "5")339 skip_list.insert(8, "4")340 skip_list.insert(9, "4")341 skip_list.delete(4)342 print(skip_list)343if __name__ == "__main__":...

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...28 (unittest.skipIf, True, False))29 for deco, do_skip, dont_skip in op_table:30 class Foo(unittest.TestCase):31 @deco(do_skip, "testing")32 def test_skip(self): pass33 @deco(dont_skip, "testing")34 def test_dont_skip(self): pass35 test_do_skip = Foo("test_skip")36 test_dont_skip = Foo("test_dont_skip")37 suite = unittest.TestSuite([test_do_skip, test_dont_skip])38 events = []39 result = LoggingResult(events)40 self.assertEqual(len(result.skipped), 1)42 expected = ['startTest', 'addSkip', 'stopTest',43 'startTest', 'addSuccess', 'stopTest']44 self.assertEqual(events, expected)45 self.assertEqual(result.testsRun, 2)46 self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test_do_skip, "testing")])47 self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful())48 def test_skip_class(self):49 @unittest.skip("testing")50 class Foo(unittest.TestCase):51 def test_1(self):52 record.append(1)53 record = []54 result = unittest.TestResult()55 test = Foo("test_1")56 suite = unittest.TestSuite([test])57 self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")])59 self.assertEqual(record, [])60 def test_skip_non_unittest_class(self):61 @unittest.skip("testing")62 class Mixin:63 def test_1(self):64 record.append(1)65 class Foo(Mixin, unittest.TestCase):66 pass67 record = []68 result = unittest.TestResult()69 test = Foo("test_1")70 suite = unittest.TestSuite([test])71 self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")])73 self.assertEqual(record, [])74 def test_expected_failure(self):75 class Foo(unittest.TestCase):76 @unittest.expectedFailure77 def test_die(self):78"help me!")79 events = []80 result = LoggingResult(events)81 test = Foo("test_die")82 self.assertEqual(events,84 ['startTest', 'addExpectedFailure', 'stopTest'])85 self.assertEqual(result.expectedFailures[0][0], test)86 self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful())87 def test_unexpected_success(self):88 class Foo(unittest.TestCase):89 @unittest.expectedFailure90 def test_die(self):91 pass92 events = []93 result = LoggingResult(events)94 test = Foo("test_die")95 self.assertEqual(events,97 ['startTest', 'addUnexpectedSuccess', 'stopTest'])98 self.assertFalse(result.failures)99 self.assertEqual(result.unexpectedSuccesses, [test])100 self.assertTrue(result.wasSuccessful())101 def test_skip_doesnt_run_setup(self):102 class Foo(unittest.TestCase):103 wasSetUp = False104 wasTornDown = False105 def setUp(self):106 Foo.wasSetUp = True107 def tornDown(self):108 Foo.wasTornDown = True109 @unittest.skip('testing')110 def test_1(self):111 pass112 result = unittest.TestResult()113 test = Foo("test_1")114 suite = unittest.TestSuite([test])115 self.assertEqual(result.skipped, [(test, "testing")])117 self.assertFalse(Foo.wasSetUp)118 self.assertFalse(Foo.wasTornDown)119 def test_decorated_skip(self):120 def decorator(func):121 def inner(*a):122 return func(*a)123 return inner124 class Foo(unittest.TestCase):125 @decorator126 @unittest.skip('testing')127 def test_1(self):128 pass129 result = unittest.TestResult()130 test = Foo("test_1")131 suite = unittest.TestSuite([test])132

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