How to use readconfig method in tox

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1'use strict';2const _ = require('lodash');3const Config = require('lib/​config');4const defaults = require('lib/​config/​defaults');5describe('config browser-options', () => {6 const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();7 const mkBrowser_ = (opts) => {8 return _.defaults(opts || {}, {9 desiredCapabilities: {}10 });11 };12 const createConfig = () => Config.create(defaults.config);13 beforeEach(() => sandbox.stub(Config, 'read').returns({}));14 afterEach(() => sandbox.restore());15 describe('desiredCapabilities', () => {16 describe('should throw error if desiredCapabilities', () => {17 it('is missing', () => {18 const readConfig = {19 browsers: {20 b1: {}21 }22 };23;24 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, 'Each browser must have "desiredCapabilities" option');25 });26 it('is not an object or null', () => {27 const readConfig = {28 browsers: {29 b1: {30 desiredCapabilities: 'chrome'31 }32 }33 };34;35 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"desiredCapabilities" must be an object');36 });37 });38 it('should set desiredCapabilities', () => {39 const readConfig = {40 browsers: {41 b1: {42 desiredCapabilities: {43 browserName: 'yabro'44 }45 }46 }47 };48;49 const config = createConfig();50 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.desiredCapabilities, {browserName: 'yabro'});51 });52 });53 describe('baseUrl', () => {54 it('should throw error if baseUrl is not a string', () => {55 const readConfig = {56 browsers: {57 b1: mkBrowser_({baseUrl: ['Array']})58 }59 };60;61 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"baseUrl" must be a string');62 });63 it('should set baseUrl to all browsers', () => {64 const baseUrl = 'http:/​/​';65 const readConfig = {66 baseUrl,67 browsers: {68 b1: mkBrowser_(),69 b2: mkBrowser_()70 }71 };72;73 const config = createConfig();74 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.baseUrl, baseUrl);75 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.baseUrl, baseUrl);76 });77 it('should override baseUrl option if protocol is set', () => {78 const baseUrl = 'http:/​/​';79 const readConfig = {80 baseUrl,81 browsers: {82 b1: mkBrowser_(),83 b2: mkBrowser_({baseUrl: 'http:/​/​'})84 }85 };86;87 const config = createConfig();88 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.baseUrl, baseUrl);89 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.baseUrl, 'http:/​/​');90 });91 it('should resolve baseUrl option relative to top level baseUrl', () => {92 const baseUrl = 'http:/​/​';93 const readConfig = {94 baseUrl,95 browsers: {96 b1: mkBrowser_(),97 b2: mkBrowser_({baseUrl: '/​test'})98 }99 };100;101 const config = createConfig();102 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.baseUrl, baseUrl);103 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.baseUrl, 'http:/​/​​test');104 });105 it('should resolve baseUrl option relative to top level baseUrl with path', () => {106 const baseUrl = 'http:/​/​​search/​';107 const readConfig = {108 baseUrl,109 browsers: {110 b1: mkBrowser_(),111 b2: mkBrowser_({baseUrl: '/​test'})112 }113 };114;115 const config = createConfig();116 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.baseUrl, baseUrl);117 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.baseUrl, 'http:/​/​​search/​test');118 });119 });120 describe('gridUrl', () => {121 it('should throw error if gridUrl is not a string', () => {122 const readConfig = {123 browsers: {124 b1: mkBrowser_({gridUrl: /​regExp/​})125 }126 };127;128 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"gridUrl" must be a string');129 });130 it('should set gridUrl to all browsers', () => {131 const gridUrl = 'http:/​/​';132 const readConfig = {133 gridUrl,134 browsers: {135 b1: mkBrowser_(),136 b2: mkBrowser_()137 }138 };139;140 const config = createConfig();141 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.gridUrl, gridUrl);142 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.gridUrl, gridUrl);143 });144 it('should override gridUrl option', () => {145 const gridUrl = 'http:/​/​';146 const readConfig = {147 gridUrl,148 browsers: {149 b1: mkBrowser_(),150 b2: mkBrowser_({gridUrl: 'http:/​/​'})151 }152 };153;154 const config = createConfig();155 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.gridUrl, gridUrl);156 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.gridUrl, 'http:/​/​');157 });158 });159 describe('automationProtocol', () => {160 it('should throw an error if option value is not string', () => {161 const readConfig = {162 browsers: {163 b1: mkBrowser_({automationProtocol: {not: 'string'}})164 }165 };166;167 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"automationProtocol" must be a string/​);168 });169 it('should throw an error if option value is not "webdriver" or "devtools"', () => {170 const readConfig = {171 browsers: {172 b1: mkBrowser_({automationProtocol: 'foo bar'})173 }174 };175;176 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"automationProtocol" must be "webdriver" or "devtools"/​);177 });178 describe('should not throw an error if option value is', () => {179 ['webdriver', 'devtools'].forEach((value) => {180 it(`${value}`, () => {181 const readConfig = {182 browsers: {183 b1: mkBrowser_({automationProtocol: value})184 }185 };186;187 assert.doesNotThrow(() => createConfig());188 });189 });190 });191 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {192 const readConfig = {193 browsers: {194 b1: mkBrowser_()195 }196 };197;198 const config = createConfig();199 assert.equal(config.automationProtocol, defaults.automationProtocol);200 });201 it('should override option for browser', () => {202 const readConfig = {203 automationProtocol: 'webdriver',204 browsers: {205 b1: mkBrowser_(),206 b2: mkBrowser_({automationProtocol: 'devtools'})207 }208 };209;210 const config = createConfig();211 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.automationProtocol, 'webdriver');212 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.automationProtocol, 'devtools');213 });214 });215 describe('sessionEnvFlags', () => {216 it('should throw an error if option value is not an object', () => {217 const readConfig = {218 browsers: {219 b1: mkBrowser_({sessionEnvFlags: 'string'})220 }221 };222;223 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"sessionEnvFlags" must be an object/​);224 });225 it('should throw an error if option value is not available', () => {226 const readConfig = {227 browsers: {228 b1: mkBrowser_({sessionEnvFlags: {a: 'b'}})229 }230 };231;232 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​keys of "sessionEnvFlags" must be one of:/​);233 });234 it('should throw an error if value inside available option is not boolean', () => {235 const readConfig = {236 browsers: {237 b1: mkBrowser_({sessionEnvFlags: {isW3C: 'string'}})238 }239 };240;241 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​values of "sessionEnvFlags" must be boolean/​);242 });243 describe('should not throw an error if option key is', () => {244 ['isW3C', 'isChrome', 'isMobile', 'isIOS', 'isAndroid', 'isSauce', 'isSeleniumStandalone'].forEach((key) => {245 it(`"${key}" and value is boolean`, () => {246 const readConfig = {247 browsers: {248 b1: mkBrowser_({sessionEnvFlags: {[key]: true}})249 }250 };251;252 assert.doesNotThrow(() => createConfig());253 });254 });255 });256 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {257 const readConfig = {258 browsers: {259 b1: mkBrowser_()260 }261 };262;263 const config = createConfig();264 assert.deepEqual(config.sessionEnvFlags, defaults.sessionEnvFlags);265 });266 it('should override option for browser', () => {267 const readConfig = {268 sessionEnvFlags: {isW3C: true},269 browsers: {270 b1: mkBrowser_(),271 b2: mkBrowser_({sessionEnvFlags: {isW3C: false}})272 }273 };274;275 const config = createConfig();276 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.sessionEnvFlags, {isW3C: true});277 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b2.sessionEnvFlags, {isW3C: false});278 });279 });280 describe('prepareBrowser', () => {281 it('should throw error if prepareBrowser is not a null or function', () => {282 const readConfig = {283 browsers: {284 b1: mkBrowser_({prepareBrowser: 'String'})285 }286 };287;288 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"prepareBrowser" must be a function');289 });290 it('should set prepareBrowser to all browsers', () => {291 const prepareBrowser = () => {};292 const readConfig = {293 prepareBrowser,294 browsers: {295 b1: mkBrowser_(),296 b2: mkBrowser_()297 }298 };299;300 const config = createConfig();301 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.prepareBrowser, prepareBrowser);302 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.prepareBrowser, prepareBrowser);303 });304 it('should override prepareBrowser option', () => {305 const prepareBrowser = () => {};306 const newFunc = () => {};307 const readConfig = {308 prepareBrowser,309 browsers: {310 b1: mkBrowser_(),311 b2: mkBrowser_({prepareBrowser: newFunc})312 }313 };314;315 const config = createConfig();316 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.prepareBrowser, prepareBrowser);317 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.prepareBrowser, newFunc);318 });319 });320 describe('screenshotsDir', () => {321 it('should set a default screenshotsDir option if it is not set in config', () => {322 const config = createConfig();323 assert.equal(config.screenshotsDir, defaults.screenshotsDir);324 });325 it('should throw an error if a value is not a string or function', () => {326 const readConfig = {327 browsers: {328 b1: mkBrowser_({screenshotsDir: ['Array']})329 }330 };331;332 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"screenshotsDir" must be a string or function');333 });334 it('should does not throw if a value is a function', () => {335 const readConfig = {336 screenshotsDir: () => {},337 browsers: {338 b1: mkBrowser_()339 }340 };341;342 assert.doesNotThrow(createConfig);343 });344 it('should set screenshotsDir option to all browsers', () => {345 const screenshotsDir = '/​some/​dir';346 const readConfig = {347 screenshotsDir,348 browsers: {349 b1: mkBrowser_(),350 b2: mkBrowser_()351 }352 };353;354 const config = createConfig();355 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.screenshotsDir, '/​some/​dir');356 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.screenshotsDir, '/​some/​dir');357 });358 it('should override screenshotsDir option per browser', () => {359 const screenshotsDir = '/​some/​dir';360 const readConfig = {361 screenshotsDir,362 browsers: {363 b1: mkBrowser_(),364 b2: mkBrowser_({screenshotsDir: '/​screens'})365 }366 };367;368 const config = createConfig();369 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.screenshotsDir, '/​some/​dir');370 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.screenshotsDir, '/​screens');371 });372 });373 ['sessionsPerBrowser', 'waitTimeout'].forEach((option) => {374 describe(`${option}`, () => {375 describe(`should throw error if ${option}`, () => {376 it('is not a number', () => {377 const readConfig = {378 browsers: {379 b1: mkBrowser_({[option]: '10'})380 }381 };382;383 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a positive integer`);384 });385 it('is negative number', () => {386 const readConfig = {387 browsers: {388 b1: mkBrowser_({[option]: -5})389 }390 };391;392 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a positive integer`);393 });394 it('is float number', () => {395 const readConfig = {396 browsers: {397 b1: mkBrowser_({[option]: 15.5})398 }399 };400;401 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a positive integer`);402 });403 });404 it(`should set ${option} to all browsers`, () => {405 const readConfig = {406 [option]: 666,407 browsers: {408 b1: mkBrowser_(),409 b2: mkBrowser_()410 }411 };412;413 const config = createConfig();414 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1[option], 666);415 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2[option], 666);416 });417 it(`should override ${option} option`, () => {418 const readConfig = {419 [option]: 666,420 browsers: {421 b1: mkBrowser_(),422 b2: mkBrowser_(_.set({}, option, 13))423 }424 };425;426 const config = createConfig();427 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1[option], 666);428 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2[option], 13);429 });430 });431 });432 describe('testsPerSession', () => {433 describe('should throw error if "testsPerSession"', () => {434 it('is not a number', () => {435 const readConfig = {436 browsers: {437 b1: mkBrowser_({testsPerSession: '10'})438 }439 };440;441 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"testsPerSession" must be a positive integer or Infinity');442 });443 it('is a negative number', () => {444 const readConfig = {445 browsers: {446 b1: mkBrowser_({testsPerSession: -5})447 }448 };449;450 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"testsPerSession" must be a positive integer or Infinity');451 });452 it('is a float number', () => {453 const readConfig = {454 browsers: {455 b1: mkBrowser_({testsPerSession: 15.5})456 }457 };458;459 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"testsPerSession" must be a positive integer or Infinity');460 });461 });462 it('should set "testsPerSession" to all browsers', () => {463 const readConfig = {464 testsPerSession: 666,465 browsers: {466 b1: mkBrowser_(),467 b2: mkBrowser_()468 }469 };470;471 const config = createConfig();472 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.testsPerSession, 666);473 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.testsPerSession, 666);474 });475 it('should override "testsPerSession option"', () => {476 const readConfig = {477 testsPerSession: 666,478 browsers: {479 b1: mkBrowser_(),480 b2: mkBrowser_({testsPerSession: 13})481 }482 };483;484 const config = createConfig();485 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.testsPerSession, 666);486 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.testsPerSession, 13);487 });488 });489 [490 'retry', 'httpTimeout', 'sessionRequestTimeout', 'sessionQuitTimeout',491 'screenshotOnRejectTimeout', 'screenshotDelay', 'pageLoadTimeout', 'testTimeout', 'urlHttpTimeout'492 ].forEach((option) => {493 describe(`${option}`, () => {494 it(`should throw error if ${option} is not a number`, () => {495 const readConfig = {496 browsers: {497 b1: mkBrowser_(_.set({}, option, '100500'))498 }499 };500;501 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a non-negative integer`);502 });503 it(`should throw error if ${option} is negative`, () => {504 const readConfig = {505 browsers: {506 b1: mkBrowser_(_.set({}, option, -7))507 }508 };509;510 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a non-negative integer`);511 });512 it(`should set ${option} option to all browsers`, () => {513 const readConfig = {514 [option]: 100500,515 browsers: {516 b1: mkBrowser_(),517 b2: mkBrowser_()518 }519 };520;521 const config = createConfig();522 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1[option], 100500);523 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2[option], 100500);524 });525 it(`should override ${option} option`, () => {526 const readConfig = {527 [option]: 100500,528 browsers: {529 b1: mkBrowser_(),530 b2: mkBrowser_(_.set({}, option, 500100))531 }532 };533;534 const config = createConfig();535 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1[option], 100500);536 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2[option], 500100);537 });538 });539 });540 describe('meta', () => {541 it('should throw error if "meta" is not a object', () => {542 const readConfig = {543 browsers: {544 b1: mkBrowser_({meta: 'meta-string'})545 }546 };547;548 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"meta" must be an object');549 });550 it('should set null by default', () => {551 const readConfig = {552 browsers: {553 b1: mkBrowser_({})554 }555 };556;557 const config = createConfig();558 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.meta, null);559 });560 it('should set provided value', () => {561 const readConfig = {562 browsers: {563 b1: mkBrowser_({meta: {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'}})564 }565 };566;567 const config = createConfig();568 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.meta, {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'});569 });570 });571 describe('windowSize', () => {572 describe('should throw error if "windowSize" is', () => {573 it('not object, string or null', () => {574 const readConfig = {575 browsers: {576 b1: mkBrowser_({windowSize: 1})577 }578 };579;580 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"windowSize" must be string, object or null');581 });582 it('object without "width" or "height" keys', () => {583 const readConfig = {584 browsers: {585 b1: mkBrowser_({windowSize: {width: 1}})586 }587 };588;589 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"windowSize" must be an object with "width" and "height" keys');590 });591 it('object with "width" or "height" keys that are not numbers', () => {592 const readConfig = {593 browsers: {594 b1: mkBrowser_({windowSize: {width: 1, height: '2'}})595 }596 };597;598 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"windowSize" must be an object with "width" and "height" keys');599 });600 it('string with wrong pattern', () => {601 const readConfig = {602 browsers: {603 b1: mkBrowser_({windowSize: 'some_size'})604 }605 };606;607 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"windowSize" should have form of <width>x<height> (i.e. 1600x1200)');608 });609 });610 it('should be "null" by default', () => {611 const readConfig = {612 browsers: {613 b1: mkBrowser_()614 }615 };616;617 const config = createConfig();618 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.windowSize, null);619 });620 it('should accept string value', () => {621 const readConfig = {622 browsers: {623 b1: mkBrowser_({windowSize: '1x2'})624 }625 };626;627 const config = createConfig();628 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.windowSize, {width: 1, height: 2});629 });630 it('should pass object with "width" and "height" keys as is', () => {631 const size = {width: 1, height: 2, check: true};632 const readConfig = {633 browsers: {634 b1: mkBrowser_({windowSize: size})635 }636 };637;638 const config = createConfig();639 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.windowSize, size);640 });641 it('should set option to all browsers', () => {642 const readConfig = {643 windowSize: '1x2',644 browsers: {645 b1: mkBrowser_(),646 b2: mkBrowser_()647 }648 };649;650 const config = createConfig();651 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.windowSize, {width: 1, height: 2});652 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b2.windowSize, {width: 1, height: 2});653 });654 it('should override option for browser', () => {655 const readConfig = {656 windowSize: '1x2',657 browsers: {658 b1: mkBrowser_(),659 b2: mkBrowser_({windowSize: '5x5'})660 }661 };662;663 const config = createConfig();664 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.windowSize, {width: 1, height: 2});665 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b2.windowSize, {width: 5, height: 5});666 });667 });668 ['tolerance', 'antialiasingTolerance'].forEach((option) => {669 describe(`${option}`, () => {670 describe('should throw an error', () => {671 it('if value is not number', () => {672 const readConfig = {673 browsers: {674 b1: mkBrowser_({[option]: []})675 }676 };677;678 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a number`);679 });680 it('if value is negative', () => {681 const readConfig = {682 browsers: {683 b1: mkBrowser_({[option]: -1})684 }685 };686;687 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be non-negative`);688 });689 });690 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {691 const readConfig = {692 browsers: {693 b1: mkBrowser_()694 }695 };696;697 const config = createConfig();698 assert.equal(config[option], defaults[option]);699 });700 it('should does not throw if value is 0', () => {701 const readConfig = {702 browsers: {703 b1: mkBrowser_({[option]: 0})704 }705 };706;707 assert.doesNotThrow(createConfig);708 });709 it('should override option for browser', () => {710 const readConfig = {711 [option]: 100,712 browsers: {713 b1: mkBrowser_(),714 b2: mkBrowser_({[option]: 200})715 }716 };717;718 const config = createConfig();719 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1[option], 100);720 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b2[option], 200);721 });722 });723 });724 describe('buildDiffOpts', () => {725 it('should throw error if "buildDiffOpts" is not a object', () => {726 const readConfig = {727 browsers: {728 b1: mkBrowser_({buildDiffOpts: 'some-string'})729 }730 };731;732 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"buildDiffOpts" must be an object');733 });734 ['ignoreAntialiasing', 'ignoreCaret'].forEach((option) => {735 it(`should set "${option}" to "true" by default`, () => {736 const readConfig = {737 browsers: {738 b1: mkBrowser_({})739 }740 };741;742 const config = createConfig();743 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.buildDiffOpts[option], true);744 });745 });746 it('should set provided value', () => {747 const readConfig = {748 browsers: {749 b1: mkBrowser_({buildDiffOpts: {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'}})750 }751 };752;753 const config = createConfig();754 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.buildDiffOpts, {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'});755 });756 });757 describe('assertViewOpts', () => {758 it('should throw error if "assertViewOpts" is not an object', () => {759 const readConfig = {760 browsers: {761 b1: mkBrowser_({assertViewOpts: 'some-string'})762 }763 };764;765 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"assertViewOpts" must be an object');766 });767 ['ignoreElements', 'captureElementFromTop', 'allowViewportOverflow'].forEach((option) => {768 it(`should set "${option}" option to default value if it is not set in config`, () => {769 const readConfig = {770 browsers: {771 b1: mkBrowser_()772 }773 };774;775 const config = createConfig();776 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.assertViewOpts[option], defaults.assertViewOpts[option]);777 });778 it(`should overridde only "${option}" and use others from defaults`, () => {779 const readConfig = {780 browsers: {781 b1: mkBrowser_({assertViewOpts: {[option]: 100500}})782 }783 };784;785 const config = createConfig();786 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.assertViewOpts, {...defaults.assertViewOpts, [option]: 100500});787 });788 });789 it('should set provided values and use others from defaults', () => {790 const readConfig = {791 browsers: {792 b1: mkBrowser_({assertViewOpts: {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'}})793 }794 };795;796 const config = createConfig();797 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1.assertViewOpts, {...defaults.assertViewOpts, k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'});798 });799 });800 [801 'calibrate',802 'screenshotOnReject',803 'compositeImage',804 'resetCursor',805 'strictTestsOrder',806 'saveHistory',807 'waitOrientationChange'808 ].forEach((option) => {809 describe(option, () => {810 it('should throw an error if value is not a boolean', () => {811 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_({[option]: 'foo'}));812;813 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a boolean`);814 });815 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {816 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_());817;818 const config = createConfig();819 assert.equal(config[option], defaults[option]);820 });821 it('should override option for browser', () => {822 const readConfig = {823 [option]: false,824 browsers: {825 b1: mkBrowser_(),826 b2: mkBrowser_({[option]: true})827 }828 };829;830 const config = createConfig();831 assert.isFalse(config.browsers.b1[option]);832 assert.isTrue(config.browsers.b2[option]);833 });834 });835 });836 describe('screenshotMode', () => {837 it('should throw an error if option is not a string', () => {838 const readConfig = {839 browsers: {840 b1: mkBrowser_({screenshotMode: {not: 'string'}})841 }842 };843;844 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"screenshotMode" must be a string/​);845 });846 it('should throw an error if option value is not "fullpage", "viewport" or "auto"', () => {847 const readConfig = {848 browsers: {849 b1: mkBrowser_({screenshotMode: 'foo bar'})850 }851 };852;853 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"screenshotMode" must be "fullpage", "viewport" or "auto"/​);854 });855 describe('should not throw an error if option value is', () => {856 ['fullpage', 'viewport', 'auto'].forEach((value) => {857 it(`${value}`, () => {858 const readConfig = {859 browsers: {860 b1: mkBrowser_({screenshotMode: value})861 }862 };863;864 assert.doesNotThrow(() => createConfig());865 });866 });867 });868 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {869 const readConfig = {870 browsers: {871 b1: mkBrowser_()872 }873 };874;875 const config = createConfig();876 assert.equal(config.screenshotMode, defaults.screenshotMode);877 });878 it('should override option for browser', () => {879 const readConfig = {880 screenshotMode: 'fullpage',881 browsers: {882 b1: mkBrowser_(),883 b2: mkBrowser_({screenshotMode: 'viewport'})884 }885 };886;887 const config = createConfig();888 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.screenshotMode, 'fullpage');889 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.screenshotMode, 'viewport');890 });891 describe('on android browser', () => {892 it('should set mode to \'viewport\' by default', () => {893 const readConfig = {894 browsers: {895 b1: mkBrowser_({896 desiredCapabilities: {897 platformName: 'android'898 }899 })900 }901 };902;903 const config = createConfig();904 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.screenshotMode, 'viewport');905 });906 it('should preserve manually set mode', () => {907 const readConfig = {908 browsers: {909 b1: mkBrowser_({910 desiredCapabilities: {911 platformName: 'android'912 },913 screenshotMode: 'fullpage'914 })915 }916 };917;918 const config = createConfig();919 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.screenshotMode, 'fullpage');920 });921 });922 });923 describe('orientation', () => {924 it('should throw an error if option value is not string', () => {925 const readConfig = {926 browsers: {927 b1: mkBrowser_({orientation: {not: 'string'}})928 }929 };930;931 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"orientation" must be a string/​);932 });933 it('should throw an error if option value is not "landscape" or "portrait"', () => {934 const readConfig = {935 browsers: {936 b1: mkBrowser_({orientation: 'foo bar'})937 }938 };939;940 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"orientation" must be "landscape" or "portrait"/​);941 });942 describe('should not throw an error if option value is', () => {943 ['landscape', 'portrait'].forEach((value) => {944 it(`${value}`, () => {945 const readConfig = {946 browsers: {947 b1: mkBrowser_({orientation: value})948 }949 };950;951 assert.doesNotThrow(() => createConfig());952 });953 });954 });955 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {956 const readConfig = {957 browsers: {958 b1: mkBrowser_()959 }960 };961;962 const config = createConfig();963 assert.equal(config.orientation, defaults.orientation);964 });965 it('should override option for browser', () => {966 const readConfig = {967 orientation: 'landscape',968 browsers: {969 b1: mkBrowser_(),970 b2: mkBrowser_({orientation: 'portrait'})971 }972 };973;974 const config = createConfig();975 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1.orientation, 'landscape');976 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2.orientation, 'portrait');977 });978 });979 ['outputDir', 'user', 'key', 'region'].forEach((option) => {980 describe(option, () => {981 it('should throw an error if value is not a null or string', () => {982 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_({[option]: {some: 'object'}}));983;984 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a string`);985 });986 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {987 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_());988;989 const config = createConfig();990 assert.equal(config[option], defaults[option]);991 });992 it('should override option for browser', () => {993 const readConfig = {994 [option]: 'init-string',995 browsers: {996 b1: mkBrowser_(),997 b2: mkBrowser_({[option]: 'new-string'})998 }999 };1000;1001 const config = createConfig();1002 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1[option], 'init-string');1003 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2[option], 'new-string');1004 });1005 });1006 });1007 ['agent', 'headers'].forEach((option) => {1008 describe(option, () => {1009 it(`should throw error if "${option}" is not an object`, () => {1010 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_({[option]: 'string'}));1011;1012 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be an object`);1013 });1014 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {1015 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_());1016;1017 const config = createConfig();1018 assert.equal(config[option], defaults[option]);1019 });1020 it('should set provided value', () => {1021 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_({[option]: {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'}}));1022;1023 const config = createConfig();1024 assert.deepEqual(config.browsers.b1[option], {k1: 'v1', k2: 'v2'});1025 });1026 });1027 });1028 ['transformRequest', 'transformResponse'].forEach((option) => {1029 describe(option, () => {1030 it(`should throw error if ${option} is not a null or function`, () => {1031 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_({[option]: 'string'}));1032;1033 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a function`);1034 });1035 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {1036 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_());1037;1038 const config = createConfig();1039 assert.equal(config[option], defaults[option]);1040 });1041 it(`should override ${option} option`, () => {1042 const optionFn = () => { };1043 const newOptionFn = () => { };1044 const readConfig = {1045 [option]: optionFn,1046 browsers: {1047 b1: mkBrowser_(),1048 b2: mkBrowser_({[option]: newOptionFn})1049 }1050 };1051;1052 const config = createConfig();1053 assert.equal(config.browsers.b1[option], optionFn);1054 assert.equal(config.browsers.b2[option], newOptionFn);1055 });1056 });1057 });1058 ['strictSSL', 'headless'].forEach((option) => {1059 describe(option, () => {1060 it(`should throw error if ${option} is not a null or boolean`, () => {1061 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_({[option]: 'string'}));1062;1063 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"${option}" must be a boolean`);1064 });1065 it('should set a default value if it is not set in config', () => {1066 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'browsers.b1', mkBrowser_());1067;1068 const config = createConfig();1069 assert.equal(config[option], defaults[option]);1070 });1071 it(`should override ${option} option`, () => {1072 const readConfig = {1073 [option]: false,1074 browsers: {1075 b1: mkBrowser_(),1076 b2: mkBrowser_({[option]: true})1077 }1078 };1079;1080 const config = createConfig();1081 assert.isFalse(config.browsers.b1[option]);1082 assert.isTrue(config.browsers.b2[option]);1083 });1084 });1085 });...

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Source:options.js Github


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1'use strict';2const _ = require('lodash');3const Config = require('lib/​config');4const defaults = require('lib/​config/​defaults');5const parser = require('lib/​config/​options');6describe('config options', () => {7 const sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();8 const createConfig = () => Config.create(defaults.config);9 const parse_ = (opts) => parser(_.defaults(opts, {env: {}, argv: []}));10 beforeEach(() => sandbox.stub(Config, 'read').returns({}));11 afterEach(() => sandbox.restore());12 describe('system', () => {13 describe('debug', () => {14 it('should throw error if debug is not a boolean', () => {15 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.debug', 'String');16;17 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"debug" must be a boolean');18 });19 it('should set default debug option if it does not set in config file', () => {20 const config = createConfig();21 assert.equal(config.system.debug, defaults.debug);22 });23 it('should override debug option', () => {24 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.debug', true);25;26 const config = createConfig();27 assert.equal(config.system.debug, true);28 });29 });30 describe('mochaOpts', () => {31 it('should throw error if mochaOpts is not a null or object', () => {32 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.mochaOpts', ['Array']);33;34 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"mochaOpts" must be an object');35 });36 it('should set default mochaOpts option if it does not set in config file', () => {37 const config = createConfig();38 assert.deepEqual(config.system.mochaOpts, defaults.mochaOpts);39 });40 it('should override mochaOpts option', () => {41 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.mochaOpts.grep', /​test/​);42;43 const config = createConfig();44 assert.deepEqual(config.system.mochaOpts.grep, /​test/​);45 });46 it('should parse mochaOpts option from environment', () => {47 const result = parse_({48 options: {system: {mochaOpts: {}}},49 env: {'hermione_system_mocha_opts': '{"some": "opts"}'}50 });51 assert.deepEqual(result.system.mochaOpts, {some: 'opts'});52 });53 it('should parse mochaOpts options from cli', () => {54 const result = parse_({55 options: {system: {mochaOpts: {}}},56 argv: ['--system-mocha-opts', '{"some": "opts"}']57 });58 assert.deepEqual(result.system.mochaOpts, {some: 'opts'});59 });60 });61 describe('ctx', () => {62 it('should be empty by default', () => {63 const config = createConfig();64 assert.deepEqual(config.system.ctx, {});65 });66 it('should override ctx option', () => {67 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.ctx', {some: 'ctx'});68;69 const config = createConfig();70 assert.deepEqual(config.system.ctx, {some: 'ctx'});71 });72 });73 describe('patternsOnReject', () => {74 it('should be empty by default', () => {75 const config = createConfig();76 assert.deepEqual(config.system.patternsOnReject, []);77 });78 it('should throw error if "patternsOnReject" is not an array', () => {79 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.patternsOnReject', {});80;81 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"patternsOnReject" must be an array');82 });83 it('should override "patternsOnReject" option', () => {84 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.patternsOnReject', ['some-pattern']);85;86 const config = createConfig();87 assert.deepEqual(config.system.patternsOnReject, ['some-pattern']);88 });89 it('should parse "patternsOnReject" option from environment', () => {90 const result = parse_({91 options: {system: {patternsOnReject: []}},92 env: {'hermione_system_patterns_on_reject': '["some-pattern"]'}93 });94 assert.deepEqual(result.system.patternsOnReject, ['some-pattern']);95 });96 it('should parse "patternsOnReject" options from cli', () => {97 const result = parse_({98 options: {system: {patternsOnReject: []}},99 argv: ['--system-patterns-on-reject', '["some-pattern"]']100 });101 assert.deepEqual(result.system.patternsOnReject, ['some-pattern']);102 });103 });104 describe('workers', () => {105 it('should throw in case of not positive integer', () => {106 [0, -1, 'string', {foo: 'bar'}].forEach((workers) => {107{system: {workers}});108 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), '"workers" must be a positive integer');109 });110 });111 it('should equal one by default', () => {112 const config = createConfig();113 assert.equal(config.system.workers, 1);114 });115 it('should be overridden from a config', () => {116{system: {workers: 100500}});117 const config = createConfig();118 assert.equal(config.system.workers, 100500);119 });120 });121 describe('diffColor', () => {122 it('should be #ff00ff by default', () => {123 const config = createConfig();124 assert.deepEqual(config.system.diffColor, '#ff00ff');125 });126 it('should override diffColor option', () => {127 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.diffColor', '#f5f5f5');128;129 const config = createConfig();130 assert.equal(config.system.diffColor, '#f5f5f5');131 });132 it('should throw an error if option is not a string', () => {133 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.diffColor', 1);134;135 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"diffColor" must be a string');136 });137 it('should throw an error if option is not a hexadecimal value', () => {138 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.diffColor', '#gggggg');139;140 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, /​"diffColor" must be a hexadecimal/​);141 });142 });143 describe('tempDir', () => {144 it('should set default option if it does not set in config file', () => {145 const config = createConfig();146 assert.deepEqual(config.system.tempDir, defaults.tempDir);147 });148 it('should override tempDir option', () => {149 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.tempDir', '/​def/​path');150;151 const config = createConfig();152 assert.equal(config.system.tempDir, '/​def/​path');153 });154 it('should throw an error if option is not a string', () => {155 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.tempDir', 1);156;157 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"tempDir" must be a string');158 });159 });160 describe('parallelLimit', () => {161 it('should throw error in case of not positive integer', () => {162 [0, -1, '10', 10.15, {foo: 'bar'}].forEach((parallelLimit) => {163{system: {parallelLimit}});164 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), '"parallelLimit" must be a positive integer');165 });166 });167 it('should be able to pass value is Infinity', () => {168{system: {parallelLimit: Infinity}});169 const config = createConfig();170 assert.equal(config.system.parallelLimit, Infinity);171 });172 it('should set default parallelLimit option if it does not set in config file', () => {173 const config = createConfig();174 assert.equal(config.system.parallelLimit, defaults.parallelLimit);175 });176 it('should be overridden from a config', () => {177{system: {parallelLimit: 5}});178 const config = createConfig();179 assert.equal(config.system.parallelLimit, 5);180 });181 it('should parse option from environment', () => {182 const result = parse_({183 options: {system: {mochaOpts: {}}},184 env: {'hermione_system_parallel_limit': 10}185 });186 assert.equal(result.system.parallelLimit, 10);187 });188 it('should parse option from cli', () => {189 const result = parse_({190 options: {system: {parallelLimit: 1}},191 argv: ['--system-parallel-limit', 15]192 });193 assert.equal(result.system.parallelLimit, 15);194 });195 });196 describe('fileExtensions', () => {197 it('should set default extension', () => {198 const config = createConfig();199 assert.deepEqual(config.system.fileExtensions, defaults.fileExtensions);200 });201 describe('should throw error if "fileExtensions" option', () => {202 it('is not an array', () => {203 const value = {};204 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.fileExtensions', value);205;206 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `"fileExtensions" must be an array of strings but got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);207 });208 it('is not an array of strings', () => {209 const value = ['string', 100500];210 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.fileExtensions', value);211;212 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `fileExtensions" must be an array of strings but got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);213 });214 it('has strings that do not start with dot symbol', () => {215 const value = ['.foo', 'bar'];216 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.fileExtensions', value);217;218 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, `Each extension from "fileExtensions" must start with dot symbol but got ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);219 });220 });221 it('should set "fileExtensions" option', () => {222 const fileExtensions = ['.foo', '.bar'];223 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'system.fileExtensions', fileExtensions);224;225 const config = createConfig();226 assert.deepEqual(config.system.fileExtensions, fileExtensions);227 });228 });229 });230 describe('prepareEnvironment', () => {231 it('should throw error if prepareEnvironment is not a null or function', () => {232 const readConfig = {prepareEnvironment: 'String'};233;234 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"prepareEnvironment" must be a function');235 });236 it('should set default prepareEnvironment option if it does not set in config file', () => {237 const config = createConfig();238 assert.equal(config.prepareEnvironment, defaults.prepareEnvironment);239 });240 it('should override prepareEnvironment option', () => {241 const newFunc = () => {};242 const readConfig = {prepareEnvironment: newFunc};243;244 const config = createConfig();245 assert.deepEqual(config.prepareEnvironment, newFunc);246 });247 });248 describe('plugins', () => {249 it('should parse boolean value from environment', () => {250 const result = parse_({251 options: {plugins: {foo: {}}},252 env: {'hermione_plugins_foo': 'true'}253 });254 assert.strictEqual(, true);255 });256 it('should parse object value from environment', () => {257 const result = parse_({258 options: {plugins: {foo: {}}},259 env: {'hermione_plugins_foo': '{"opt": 1}'}260 });261 assert.deepEqual(, {opt: 1});262 });263 it('should throw error on invalid values from environment', () => {264 assert.throws(265 () => parse_({266 options: {plugins: {foo: {}}},267 env: {'hermione_plugins_foo': '{key: 1}'}268 }),269 'a value must be a primitive type'270 );271 });272 it('should parse boolean value from cli', () => {273 const result = parse_({274 options: {plugins: {foo: {}}},275 argv: ['--plugins-foo', 'true']276 });277 assert.strictEqual(, true);278 });279 it('should parse object value from cli', () => {280 const result = parse_({281 options: {plugins: {foo: {}}},282 argv: ['--plugins-foo', '{"opt": 1}']283 });284 assert.deepEqual(, {opt: 1});285 });286 it('should throw error on invalid values from cli', () => {287 assert.throws(288 () => parse_({289 options: {plugins: {foo: {}}},290 argv: ['--plugins-foo', '{key: 1}']291 }),292 'a value must be a primitive type'293 );294 });295 });296 describe('shouldRetry', () => {297 it('should throw error if shouldRetry is not a function', () => {298 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'shouldRetry', 'shouldRetry');299;300 assert.throws(() => createConfig(), Error, '"shouldRetry" must be a function');301 });302 it('should set default shouldRetry option if it does not set in config file', () => {303 const config = createConfig();304 assert.equal(config.shouldRetry, null);305 });306 it('should override shouldRetry option', () => {307 const shouldRetry = () => {};308 const readConfig = _.set({}, 'shouldRetry', shouldRetry);309;310 const config = createConfig();311 assert.equal(config.shouldRetry, shouldRetry);312 });313 });...

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Source:executeService.js Github


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1const { exec } = require('child_process');2const { offDeviceFromSmartThings } = require('./​smartthings');3const { logger } = require('./​logger');4const { saveConfig } = require('./​env');5const lastMessage = {6};7const lockRequest = {8 locked: false,9 data: 0,10 weight: -1,11};12setTimeout(() => {13 if (lockRequest.locked) {14 if (( - > 1000 * 60 * 5) {15 console.log('force unlocked');16 lockRequest.locked = false;17 = 0;18 lockRequest.weight = -1;19 }20 }21}, 3000);22const messageResponse = {23 batteryWarning: (messageId) => (messageId ? Number(messageId) : null),24 battery: (messageId) => (messageId && messageId > 0 ? messageId : null),25 theftStatus: (messageId) => (messageId ? Number(messageId) : null),26 preaccont: (messageId) => (messageId ? Number(messageId) : null),27 errACinfo: (messageId) => messageId,28 errCHGinfo: (messageId) => messageId,29 errTimerinfo: (messageId) => messageId,30};31async function smartthingsOffDevice(deviceId, readConfig) {32 const { smartthings } = readConfig;33 if (smartthings.useSmartthings) {34 const status = await offDeviceFromSmartThings(35 smartthings.shard,36 smartthings.appId,37 smartthings.appSecret,38 deviceId,39 );40 return status;41 }42 return null;43}44const actionToCommands = {45 forceUpdate: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} update`,46 hvac: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} hvac| grep operating`,47 doors: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} lockstatus| grep Doors`,48 battery: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} battery | grep "Battery level"`,49 charging: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} chargestatus | grep "Charge status"`,50 airconOn: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} aircon on`,51 airconOff: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} aircon off`,52 headlightsOn: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} headlights on`,53 headlightsOff: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} headlights off`,54 parkinglightsOn: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} parkinglights on`,55 parkinglightsOff: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} parkinglights off`,56 cooling10Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode cool 10`,57 cooling20Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode cool 20`,58 cooling30Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode cool 30`,59 windscreen10Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode windscreen 10`,60 windscreen20Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode windscreen 20`,61 windscreen30Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode windscreen 30`,62 heating10Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode heat 10`,63 heating20Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode heat 20`,64 heating30Mins: (readConfig, device) => `phevctl ${device.modelYear && device.modelYear !== 'any' ? `--car-model=${device.modelYear}` : ''} ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} acmode heat 30`,65 batteryWarning: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} warning| grep "Warning message"`,66 errACinfo: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} airconerror| grep "air conditioning"`,67 errCHGinfo: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} chargeerror| grep charge`,68 errTimerinfo: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} aircontimererror| grep "air conditioning timer"`,69 theftStatus: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} theftstatus| grep "theft alarm"`,70 preaccont: (readConfig) => `phevctl ${readConfig.macAddress ? `-m "${readConfig.macAddress}"` : ''} preaccont| grep "Pre air conditioning control"`,71 evseSlow: () => '',72 evseFastCharge: () => '',73 evseDisableCharge: () => '',74 reboot: () => 'reboot',75 halt: () => 'halt',76 upgrade: () => 'nohup npm i smartthings-phevctl -g >/​dev/​null 2>1 &',77 shutdown2H: (readConfig) => {78 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign79 readConfig.upsMaxTimeHours = '2';80 saveConfig(readConfig);81 return null;82 },83 shutdown5H: (readConfig) => {84 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign85 readConfig.upsMaxTimeHours = '5';86 saveConfig(readConfig);87 return null;88 },89 shutdown8H: (readConfig) => {90 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign91 readConfig.upsMaxTimeHours = '8';92 saveConfig(readConfig);93 return null;94 },95 shutdown1D: (readConfig) => {96 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign97 readConfig.upsMaxTimeHours = '24';98 saveConfig(readConfig);99 return null;100 },101 shutdown2D: (readConfig) => {102 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign103 readConfig.upsMaxTimeHours = '48';104 saveConfig(readConfig);105 return null;106 },107};108const transformResponse = {109 battery: (response, config) => {110`battery response = ${response}`);111 let resp = {};112 if (response) {113 try {114 resp = JSON.parse(response);115 } catch (e) {116 logger.warn(e);117 }118 return { value: (resp['Battery level'] * (config.batteryFactory || 1.0)).toFixed(0), value2: resp.heater };119 }120 return null;121 },122 charging: (response) => response.replace(/​[^0-9]/​g, ''),123 batteryWarning: (response) => response.replace(/​[^0-9]/​g, ''),124 theftStatus: (response) => response.replace(/​[^0-9]/​g, ''),125 errACinfo: (response) => response.includes('air conditioning error'),126 preaccont: (response) => response.replace(/​[^0-9]/​g, ''),127 errCHGinfo: (response) => response.includes('charge error'),128 errTimerinfo: (response) => response.includes('air conditioning timer error'),129 doors: (response) => {130`response "${response}"`);131 if (response.includes('Doors are Locked')) {132 return 1;133 } if (response === 'Doors are UnLocked \n') {134 return 0;135 }136 return -1;137 },138 hvac: (response) => {139`hvac response = ${response}`);140 let resp = {};141 if (response) {142 try {143 resp = JSON.parse(response);144 } catch (e) {145 logger.warn(e);146 }147 }148 return { value: resp.operating, value2: resp.mode };149 },150};151function sleep(ms) {152 return new Promise((resolve) => {153 setTimeout(resolve, ms);154 });155}156function execute0(device, readConfig) {157 return new Promise((resolve) => {158 const command = actionToCommands[device.actionId](readConfig, device);159 if (!command) {160 resolve({ code: 0, output: null });161 return;162 }163`run command ${command}`);164 let scriptOutput = '';165 const child = exec(command);166 let answered = false;167 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {168`stdout: ${data}`);169 scriptOutput += data.toString();170 });171 child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {172 logger.error(`stderr: ${data}`);173 });174 child.on('close', (code) => {175`closing code: ${code}`);176 const output = transformResponse[device.actionId];177 answered = true;178 resolve({ code, output: (output ? output(scriptOutput, readConfig) : null) });179 });180 /​/​ Kill after "x" milliseconds181 setTimeout(() => {182 child.kill();183 if (!answered) {184`${} force killed`);185 const output = transformResponse[device.actionId];186 resolve({ code: -1, output: (output ? output(scriptOutput, readConfig) : null) });187 }188 }, readConfig.smartthings.timeout);189 });190}191function killAll() {192 return new Promise((resolve) => {193'run command killall phevctl');194 const child = exec('killall phevctl');195 child.on('close', (code) => {196 resolve(code);197 });198 });199}200function restartApplication() {201 return new Promise((resolve) => {202'run command pm2 restart smartthings-phevctl');203 const child = exec('pm2 restart smartthings-phevctl');204 child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {205`stdout: ${data}`);206 });207 child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {208 logger.error(`stderr: ${data}`);209 });210 child.on('close', (code) => {211`closing code: ${code}`);212 resolve(code);213 });214 /​/​ Kill after "x" milliseconds215 setTimeout(() => {216 child.kill();217'restart force killed');218 resolve(-1);219 }, 10000);220 });221}222async function execute(device, readConfig) {223 if (lockRequest.weight < 3) {224 lockRequest.weight = 3;225 }226 while (lockRequest.weight <= 3 && lockRequest.locked) {227 await sleep(2000);228 }229 lockRequest.weight = 3;230 lockRequest.locked = true;231 =;232 try {233 try {234 if (! {235 await smartthingsOffDevice(, readConfig);236 }237 } catch (e) {238 logger.error('Smartthing off device error', e);239 }240 await killAll();241 let res = await execute0(device, readConfig);242 if (res.code !== 0) {243 await sleep(6000);244 await killAll();245 res = await execute0(device, readConfig);246 }247 if (res.code === 0) {248 return res.output;249 }250 } catch (e) {251 logger.error(e.message, e);252 } finally {253 lockRequest.locked = false;254 lockRequest.weight = -1;255 }256 return null;257}258async function forceUpdate(readConfig) {259 if (lockRequest.weight < 2) {260 lockRequest.weight = 2;261 }262 while (lockRequest.weight <= 2 && lockRequest.locked) {263 await sleep(2000);264 }265 lockRequest.weight = 2;266 lockRequest.locked = true;267 =;268 try {269 const device = {270 id: 'forceUpdate',271 actionId: 'forceUpdate',272 };273 await killAll();274 let res = await execute0(device, readConfig);275 if (res.code !== 0) {276 await sleep(6000);277 await killAll();278 res = await execute0(device, readConfig);279 }280 if (res.code === 0) {281 return res.output;282 }283 } catch (e) {284 logger.error(e.message, e);285 } finally {286 lockRequest.locked = false;287 lockRequest.weight = -1;288 }289 return null;290}291async function getNotificationByActionId(actionId, readConfig) {292 if (lockRequest.weight < 1) {293 lockRequest.weight = 1;294 }295 while (lockRequest.weight <= 1 && lockRequest.locked) {296 await sleep(2000);297 }298 lockRequest.weight = 1;299 lockRequest.locked = true;300 =;301 try {302 const device = {303 id: actionId,304 actionId,305 };306 await killAll();307 let res = await execute0(device, readConfig);308 if (res.code !== 0) {309 await sleep(3000);310 await killAll();311 res = await execute0(device, readConfig);312 }313 if (res.code === 0) {314 const messageId = res.output;315 if (messageId === lastMessage[actionId]) {316 return null;317 }318 const value = messageId.value2 === 0 || messageId.value2319 ? messageId.value2320 : messageId;321 lastMessage[actionId] = value;322 return messageResponse[actionId](value);323 }324 } catch (e) {325 logger.error(e.message, e);326 } finally {327 lockRequest.locked = false;328 lockRequest.weight = -1;329 }330 return null;331}332async function execute1(deviceId, readConfig) {333 const device = readConfig.smartthings.devices.find((d) => === deviceId);334 if (device) {335 return execute(device, readConfig);336 }337 return null;338}339async function execute2(deviceId, action2, readConfig) {340 const device = readConfig.smartthings.devices.find((d) => === deviceId);341 if (device) {342 const value = await execute(device, readConfig);343 const device2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(device));344 device2.actionId = action2;345 const value2 = await execute(device2, readConfig);346 return { value, value2 };347 }348 return null;349}350module.exports.restartApplication = restartApplication;351module.exports.executeAction = execute1;352module.exports.executeAction2 = execute2;353module.exports.executeActionDirect = execute;354module.exports.forceUpdate = forceUpdate;355module.exports.killAll = killAll;356module.exports.sleep = sleep;...

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Source:fontMeasurements.js Github


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1/​*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.3 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.4 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/​5import * as browser from '../​../​../​base/​browser/​browser.js';6import { Emitter } from '../​../​../​base/​common/​event.js';7import { Disposable } from '../​../​../​base/​common/​lifecycle.js';8import { CharWidthRequest, readCharWidths } from './​charWidthReader.js';9import { EditorFontLigatures } from '../​../​common/​config/​editorOptions.js';10import { FontInfo } from '../​../​common/​config/​fontInfo.js';11class FontMeasurementsImpl extends Disposable {12 constructor() {13 super();14 this._onDidChange = this._register(new Emitter());15 this.onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event;16 this._cache = new FontMeasurementsCache();17 this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = -1;18 }19 dispose() {20 if (this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout !== -1) {21 window.clearTimeout(this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout);22 this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = -1;23 }24 super.dispose();25 }26 /​**27 * Clear all cached font information and trigger a change event.28 */​29 clearAllFontInfos() {30 this._cache = new FontMeasurementsCache();31;32 }33 _writeToCache(item, value) {34 this._cache.put(item, value);35 if (!value.isTrusted && this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout === -1) {36 /​/​ Try reading again after some time37 this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {38 this._evictUntrustedReadingsTimeout = -1;39 this._evictUntrustedReadings();40 }, 5000);41 }42 }43 _evictUntrustedReadings() {44 const values = this._cache.getValues();45 let somethingRemoved = false;46 for (const item of values) {47 if (!item.isTrusted) {48 somethingRemoved = true;49 this._cache.remove(item);50 }51 }52 if (somethingRemoved) {53;54 }55 }56 /​**57 * Read font information.58 */​59 readFontInfo(bareFontInfo) {60 if (!this._cache.has(bareFontInfo)) {61 let readConfig = this._actualReadFontInfo(bareFontInfo);62 if (readConfig.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth <= 2 || readConfig.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth <= 2 || readConfig.spaceWidth <= 2 || readConfig.maxDigitWidth <= 2) {63 /​/​ Hey, it's Bug 14341 ... we couldn't read64 readConfig = new FontInfo({65 pixelRatio: browser.PixelRatio.value,66 fontFamily: readConfig.fontFamily,67 fontWeight: readConfig.fontWeight,68 fontSize: readConfig.fontSize,69 fontFeatureSettings: readConfig.fontFeatureSettings,70 lineHeight: readConfig.lineHeight,71 letterSpacing: readConfig.letterSpacing,72 isMonospace: readConfig.isMonospace,73 typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth: Math.max(readConfig.typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth, 5),74 typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth: Math.max(readConfig.typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth, 5),75 canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow: readConfig.canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow,76 spaceWidth: Math.max(readConfig.spaceWidth, 5),77 middotWidth: Math.max(readConfig.middotWidth, 5),78 wsmiddotWidth: Math.max(readConfig.wsmiddotWidth, 5),79 maxDigitWidth: Math.max(readConfig.maxDigitWidth, 5),80 }, false);81 }82 this._writeToCache(bareFontInfo, readConfig);83 }84 return this._cache.get(bareFontInfo);85 }86 _createRequest(chr, type, all, monospace) {87 const result = new CharWidthRequest(chr, type);88 all.push(result);89 if (monospace) {90 monospace.push(result);91 }92 return result;93 }94 _actualReadFontInfo(bareFontInfo) {95 const all = [];96 const monospace = [];97 const typicalHalfwidthCharacter = this._createRequest('n', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);98 const typicalFullwidthCharacter = this._createRequest('\uff4d', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, null);99 const space = this._createRequest(' ', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);100 const digit0 = this._createRequest('0', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);101 const digit1 = this._createRequest('1', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);102 const digit2 = this._createRequest('2', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);103 const digit3 = this._createRequest('3', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);104 const digit4 = this._createRequest('4', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);105 const digit5 = this._createRequest('5', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);106 const digit6 = this._createRequest('6', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);107 const digit7 = this._createRequest('7', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);108 const digit8 = this._createRequest('8', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);109 const digit9 = this._createRequest('9', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);110 /​/​ monospace test: used for whitespace rendering111 const rightwardsArrow = this._createRequest('→', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);112 const halfwidthRightwardsArrow = this._createRequest('ï¿«', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, null);113 /​/​ U+00B7 - MIDDLE DOT114 const middot = this._createRequest('·', 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);115 /​/​ U+2E31 - WORD SEPARATOR MIDDLE DOT116 const wsmiddotWidth = this._createRequest(String.fromCharCode(0x2E31), 0 /​* Regular */​, all, null);117 /​/​ monospace test: some characters118 const monospaceTestChars = '|/​-_ilm%';119 for (let i = 0, len = monospaceTestChars.length; i < len; i++) {120 this._createRequest(monospaceTestChars.charAt(i), 0 /​* Regular */​, all, monospace);121 this._createRequest(monospaceTestChars.charAt(i), 1 /​* Italic */​, all, monospace);122 this._createRequest(monospaceTestChars.charAt(i), 2 /​* Bold */​, all, monospace);123 }124 readCharWidths(bareFontInfo, all);125 const maxDigitWidth = Math.max(digit0.width, digit1.width, digit2.width, digit3.width, digit4.width, digit5.width, digit6.width, digit7.width, digit8.width, digit9.width);126 let isMonospace = (bareFontInfo.fontFeatureSettings === EditorFontLigatures.OFF);127 const referenceWidth = monospace[0].width;128 for (let i = 1, len = monospace.length; isMonospace && i < len; i++) {129 const diff = referenceWidth - monospace[i].width;130 if (diff < -0.001 || diff > 0.001) {131 isMonospace = false;132 break;133 }134 }135 let canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = true;136 if (isMonospace && halfwidthRightwardsArrow.width !== referenceWidth) {137 /​/​ using a halfwidth rightwards arrow would break monospace...138 canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = false;139 }140 if (halfwidthRightwardsArrow.width > rightwardsArrow.width) {141 /​/​ using a halfwidth rightwards arrow would paint a larger arrow than a regular rightwards arrow142 canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow = false;143 }144 return new FontInfo({145 pixelRatio: browser.PixelRatio.value,146 fontFamily: bareFontInfo.fontFamily,147 fontWeight: bareFontInfo.fontWeight,148 fontSize: bareFontInfo.fontSize,149 fontFeatureSettings: bareFontInfo.fontFeatureSettings,150 lineHeight: bareFontInfo.lineHeight,151 letterSpacing: bareFontInfo.letterSpacing,152 isMonospace: isMonospace,153 typicalHalfwidthCharacterWidth: typicalHalfwidthCharacter.width,154 typicalFullwidthCharacterWidth: typicalFullwidthCharacter.width,155 canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow: canUseHalfwidthRightwardsArrow,156 spaceWidth: space.width,157 middotWidth: middot.width,158 wsmiddotWidth: wsmiddotWidth.width,159 maxDigitWidth: maxDigitWidth160 }, true);161 }162}163class FontMeasurementsCache {164 constructor() {165 this._keys = Object.create(null);166 this._values = Object.create(null);167 }168 has(item) {169 const itemId = item.getId();170 return !!this._values[itemId];171 }172 get(item) {173 const itemId = item.getId();174 return this._values[itemId];175 }176 put(item, value) {177 const itemId = item.getId();178 this._keys[itemId] = item;179 this._values[itemId] = value;180 }181 remove(item) {182 const itemId = item.getId();183 delete this._keys[itemId];184 delete this._values[itemId];185 }186 getValues() {187 return Object.keys(this._keys).map(id => this._values[id]);188 }189}...

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