How to use path_config method in tox

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2import rospy3import math4import autobot5import operator6from autobot.msg import drive_param7from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan8from autobot.msg import pid_input9from autobot.msg import wall_dist10from autobot.msg import pathFinderState11from autobot.srv import *12from autobot.msg import gps_direc13from autobot.msg import enable_lidar14"""15TODO:16- [x] Decide if you want to hug right/​left/​or closest wall17 - Right wall hugged for now to simulate right side of road18 - Update: wall decision to be made by image processing node19- [x] Send error left to hug left wall20- [ ] Use a command line argument to enable/​disable debug msgs21"""22class PathConfig(object):23 __slots__ = ('wallToWatch', 'desiredTrajectory', 'velocity', 'pubRate',24 'minFrontDist', 'enabled', 'rev', 'count', 'switch_to_gps', 'neutral', 'count_nf', 'neutral_forw', 'enlid')25 """26 wallToWatch: Set which wall to hug27 options: autobot.msg.wall_dist.WALL_LEFT28 autobot.msg.wall_dist.WALL_RIGHT29 autobot.msg.wall_dist.WALL_FRONT #< probably won't be used30 """31 def __init__(self):32 self.wallToWatch = autobot.msg.wall_dist.WALL_RIGHT33 self.desiredTrajectory = 0.5 # desired distance from the wall34 self.minFrontDist = 1.4 # minimum required distance in front of car35 self.velocity = 10070 # velocity of drive36 self.pubRate = 0 # publish rate of node37 self.enabled = True # enable/​disable state of wall hugging38 self.rev = False39 self.count = 040 self.switch_to_gps = False41 self.neutral = False42 self.count_nf = 043 self.neutral_forw = False44 self.enlid = 145 46PATH_CONFIG = PathConfig()47errorPub = rospy.Publisher('error', pid_input, queue_size=10)48motorPub = rospy.Publisher('drive_parameters', drive_param, queue_size=10)49statePub = rospy.Publisher('pathFinderStatus', pathFinderState, queue_size=10)50eLidarPub = rospy.Publisher('e_lidar', enable_lidar, queue_size=10)51def HandleTogglePathFinderService(req):52 """ Handler for enabling/​disabling path finder53 Responds with ack msg (bool)54 """55 global PATH_CONFIG56 PATH_CONFIG.enabled = True #req.state57 return TogglePathFinderResponse(True)58def HandleAdjustWallDist(req):59 """ Handler for adjusting wall hugging parameters60 Responds with wall_dist msg and a bool to verify that the61 service command has been accepted62 """63 global PATH_CONFIG64 # print " wall {}".format(req.cmd.wall)65 # print " dist {}\n".format(req.cmd.dist)66 resp = wall_dist()67 isValid = req.cmd.dist >= 068 if isValid is True and req.cmd.wall != autobot.msg.wall_dist.WALL_FRONT:69 """ only accept WALL_LEFT or WALL_RIGHT70 Service client can send an invalid wall or distance71 query current settings72 """73 if req.cmd.wall is not wall_dist.WALL_UNDEF:74 PATH_CONFIG.wallToWatch = req.cmd.wall75 PATH_CONFIG.desiredTrajectory = req.cmd.dist76 else:77 isValid = False78 resp.wall = PATH_CONFIG.wallToWatch79 resp.dist = PATH_CONFIG.desiredTrajectory80 return AdjustWallDistResponse(resp, isValid)81def publishCurrentState(event):82 global PATH_CONFIG83 msg = pathFinderState()84 msg.velocity = PATH_CONFIG.velocity85 msg.hug.wall = PATH_CONFIG.wallToWatch86 msg.hug.dist = PATH_CONFIG.desiredTrajectory87 msg.enabled = True #PATH_CONFIG.enabled88 statePub.publish(msg)89def getRange(data, theta):90 """ Find the index of the array that corresponds to angle theta.91 Return the lidar scan value at that index92 Do some error checking for NaN and absurd values93 data: the LidarScan data94 theta: the angle to return the distance for95 """96 car_theta = math.radians(theta) - math.pi /​ 297 if car_theta > 3 * math.pi /​ 4:98 car_theta = 3 * math.pi /​ 499 elif car_theta < -3 * math.pi /​ 4:100 car_theta = -3 * math.pi /​ 4101 float_index = (car_theta + 3 * math.pi /​ 4) /​ data.angle_increment102 index = int(float_index)103 return data.ranges[index]104def max_list(list):105 maxelem = []106 highest = 0107 for x in list:108 if highest < x[2]:109 highest = x[2]110 maxelem = x111 return maxelem112# Function will return the biggest free available segment113def far_see(data):114 i_rl = 0115 direc = 90116 # checking for broad angle, from starting from center, if front is completely blocked then the segment starts turning sideways117 while direc < 120 and direc > 60:118 near_vision = [getRange(data, direc-3+i) for i in range(6)]119 if any(value < 5 for value in near_vision):120 i_rl += 1121 if i_rl % 2:122 direc = direc+i_rl123 else:124 direc = direc-i_rl125 else:126 return direc127 return -1 128def short_see(direc, data):129 i_rl = 0130 while direc < 120 and direc > 60:131 near_vision = [getRange(data, direc-15+i) for i in range(30)]132 if any(value < 0.9 for value in near_vision):133 i_rl += 1134 if i_rl % 2:135 direc = direc+i_rl136 else:137 direc = direc-i_rl138 else:139 return direc140 return -1 141def check_2m_and_run(data):142 global PATH_CONFIG143 farFrontDist = [getRange(data, 80+i) for i in range(20)] # creates the list of all the FAR-FRONT values in range 80-to-100144 frontDistance = [getRange(data, 70+i) for i in range(40)] # creates the list of all the FRONT values in range 70-to-110145 #theta = 50 # PICK THIS ANGLE TO BE BETWEEN 0 AND 70 DEGREES146 #thetaDistRight = getRange(data, theta) # a147 rightDist = [getRange(data, 50+i) for i in range(30)] # b148 #thetaDistLeft = getRange(data, 180-theta) # aL149 leftDist = [getRange(data, 100+i) for i in range(30)] # bL150 left_b = False # INDICATES IF LEFT is blocked151 right_b = False # INDICATES IF RIGHT is blocked152 minLeftDist = 1 # threshold for LEFt distance153 minRightDist = 1 # threshold for RIGHT distance154 minFrontDist = 0.5 # threshold for FRONT distance155 minFarFrontDist = 2 # threshold for FarFront distance156 #driveParam = drive_param()157 158 #looking for closer objest, go to blocked state159 velocity = PATH_CONFIG.velocity160 angle = 11161 if any(front_fd < minFarFrontDist for front_fd in farFrontDist): # CHECKs IF FAR-front is blocked162 print "Far Front Blocked!"163 164# driveParam.velocity = PATH_CONFIG.velocity165# smallest = 100;166# for d in rightDist:167# if smallest > d:168# smallest = d169 fd = min(farFrontDist) #returns the MINIMUM distance from the list containing all the FAR-FRONT DISTANCE values170 if any(front_d < minFrontDist for front_d in frontDistance): # CHECKs IF Front is blocked171 print "Front Blocked!"172 if not PATH_CONFIG.rev and not PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw:173 velocity = 6600174 PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = False175 PATH_CONFIG.neutral = False176 PATH_CONFIG.count += 1177 if PATH_CONFIG.count > 10:178 PATH_CONFIG.rev = True179 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0180 else:181 velocity = 9830182 PATH_CONFIG.neutral = True183 184 if PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw:185 velocity = 10070186 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf += 1 #count neutral forward to check for any reverse right after neutral and followed forward187 PATH_CONFIG.neutral = False188 if PATH_CONFIG.count_nf > 25:189 PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = False190 velocity = 6600191 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False192 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0193 angle = 0194 195 elif all(left_d > min(rightDist) for left_d in leftDist):196 angle = -90 + (fd-1)*60197 print "Turning left"198 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False199 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0200 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0201 elif all(right_d > min(leftDist) for right_d in rightDist):202 angle = 90 - (fd-1)*60203 print "Turning right"204 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False205 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0206 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0207 else:208 velocity = 10070 209 angle = 0210 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False211 #PATH_CONFIG.neutral = True212 #PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = False213 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0214 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0215 else:216 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False217 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0218 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0219 220 221 if velocity is PATH_CONFIG.velocity:222 if PATH_CONFIG.neutral is True:223 PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = True224 PATH_CONFIG.neutral = False225 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False226 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0227 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0228 else:229 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0230 PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = False231 232 233 vel_ang = []234 vel_ang.append(velocity)235 vel_ang.append(angle)236 return vel_ang237def callback(data):238 global PATH_CONFIG239 # Do not attempt to hug wall if disabled240 241 print(PATH_CONFIG.enlid)242 243 if PATH_CONFIG.enabled is False or PATH_CONFIG.enlid == 0:244 return245 #frontDistance = getRange(data, 90)246 #checking for far front distance247 farFrontDist = [getRange(data, 85+i) for i in range(10)] 248 # if frontDist is less than 5m, then go in249 driveParam = drive_param()250 direc = 90251 fd = min(farFrontDist)252 #initially setting default velocity and angle, change in appropriate conditions253 driveParam.velocity = PATH_CONFIG.velocity254 driveParam.angle = 0255 #if fd < 5:256 minSegDist = 5257 obstSeg = [getRange(data, 75) for i in range(30)] 258 fdseg = min(obstSeg)259 260 if fd < 5:261 # if fdseg < 5:262 #PATH_CONFIG.switch_to_gps = False263 if fd < 2:264 vel_ang = check_2m_and_run(data)265 driveParam.velocity = vel_ang[0]266 driveParam.angle = vel_ang[1] 267 else:268 #check for available largest segment and get the direction269 direc = far_see(data)270 271 if direc is -1: #checking for return value from far_see272 #driveParam.velocity = 9830273 vel_ang = check_2m_and_run(data)274 driveParam.velocity = vel_ang[0]275 driveParam.angle = vel_ang[1] 276 else:277 #turn the car to the free space direction, then automatically farFrontDist goes higher than 5, will go out of this main if loop278 279 # LiDAR direc is from 0 to 180 in front semicircle, for angle pwm its from 90 to 0 to -90280 if direc < 90: #if far_see output direction is towards right side281 # turning car slowly from, 30' to 90' by checking the min front dist from 5m to 2m. so Instantly it turns to 30 and then turns to slowly to 90 where 90 is full right282 # direc is in LiDAR angle bandwidth, converting it to pwm angle bandwidth as well283 driveParam.angle = (90 - direc) - (fd-2)*11.25284 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False285 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0286 else:287 # turning car slowly from, -30' to -90' by checking the min front dist from 5m to 2m.288 driveParam.angle = (90 - direc) + (fd-2)*11.25289 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False290 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0291 292 motorPub.publish(driveParam)293 else:294 frontDistance = [getRange(data, 70+i) for i in range(40)] # creates the list of all the FRONT values in range 70-to-110295 if any(front_d < 2 for front_d in frontDistance):296 vel_ang = check_2m_and_run(data)297 PATH_CONFIG.switch_to_gps = False298 driveParam.velocity = vel_ang[0]299 driveParam.angle = vel_ang[1] 300 motorPub.publish(driveParam)301 else:302 PATH_CONFIG.switch_to_gps = True303 304 if driveParam.velocity is PATH_CONFIG.velocity:305 if PATH_CONFIG.neutral is True:306 PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = True307 PATH_CONFIG.neutral = False308 PATH_CONFIG.rev = False309 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0310 PATH_CONFIG.count = 0311 else:312 PATH_CONFIG.count_nf = 0313 PATH_CONFIG.neutral_forw = False314 315 print("velocity = ", driveParam.velocity)316 print("angle = ", driveParam.angle)317 print("far direc = ", direc)318 319 return320def gps_callback(gps_direc):321 global PATH_CONFIG322 if PATH_CONFIG.switch_to_gps:323 print("gps_controll_on") 324 driveParam = drive_param()325 driveParam.velocity = gps_direc.velocity326 driveParam.angle = gps_direc.angle 327 motorPub.publish(driveParam)328 329 return330 331def lidar_enable_callback(enb_lid):332 global PATH_CONFIG333 334 ''' 335 if enb_lid == 0:336 print(enb_lid)337 338 el_decrement_msg = enable_lidar()339 340 if 50 > enb_lid.enable_lidar >= 1:341 PATH_CONFIG.enlid = 0342 el_decrement_msg.enable_lidar = enb_lid.enable_lidar+1343 eLidarPub.publish(el_decrement_msg)344 345 elif enb_lid.enable_lidar >= 50:346 el_decrement_msg.enable_lidar = 0347 eLidarPub.publish(el_decrement_msg)348 349 350 '''351 if enb_lid.enable_lidar == 0:352 PATH_CONFIG.enlid = 1353 else:354 PATH_CONFIG.enlid = 0355 ''' 356 print("en: ", PATH_CONFIG.enlid)357 rospy.sleep(0.2)358 359 PATH_CONFIG.enlid = 1360 '''361 #print("en: ", PATH_CONFIG.enlid)362if __name__ == '__main__':363 print("Path finding node started", )364 rospy.Service('adjustWallDist', AdjustWallDist, HandleAdjustWallDist)365 rospy.Service('togglePathFinder', TogglePathFinder, HandleTogglePathFinderService)366 rospy.init_node('pathFinder', anonymous=True)367 rospy.Subscriber('e_lidar', enable_lidar, lidar_enable_callback)368 rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, callback)369 #rospy.Subscriber("GPS", gps_direc, gps_callback)370 rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.5), callback=publishCurrentState)...

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2import logging3from os import path4import yaml5logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)6def load_config(path_config):7 if not path.isfile(path_config):8 logger.error("No exists config file %s" % (path_config,))9 f = open(path_config, 'r')10 config = yaml.load(f)11 f.close()12 return config13def load_config_device(device_name, path_config='/​etc/​buoy/​buoy.yaml'):14 config = load_config(path_config=path_config)15 return config['device'][device_name]16def load_config_device_serial(device_name, path_config='/​etc/​buoy/​device.yaml'):17 config = load_config_device(device_name, path_config=path_config)18 return config['device'][device_name]['serial']19def load_config_logger(path_config='/​etc/​buoy/​logging.yaml'):20 config = load_config(path_config=path_config)...

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