How to use do_replace method in tox

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...31expname_template = 'CTL1860_v201904_tigercpu_intelmpi_18_576PE'32ifile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),33 'script_templates', 34 f'{model_template}.{expname_template}.lmh_TCtrack_ts_4x_gav_ro110_1C_330k_yr.csh')35def do_replace(content, istr, ostr):36 '''replace istr with ostr in content'''37 print('[replacing]:', istr, '->', ostr)38 return content.replace(istr, ostr)39# target script path40obasename = os.path.basename(ifile)41# modify the script name accordingly42if model != model_template:43 obasename = obasename.replace(model_template, model)44if model in ('AM2.5C360',):45 obasename = obasename.replace('_1C_', '_') # use the default value of dt_crit_warm = 2.46elif model in ('HIRAM',):47 obasename = obasename.replace('_1C_', '_2p5C_') # dt_crit_warm = 2.5degC48elif model in ('AM4', 'AM4_urban'):49 obasename = obasename.replace('_ro110_', '_ro250_') # r_offset_warm = 250.50 obasename = obasename.replace('_1C_', '_p75C_') # dt_crit_warm = 0.75degC51 obasename = obasename.replace('_330k_', '_550k_') # r_crit_warm = 550.52else:53 pass54if expname:55 obasename = obasename.replace(expname_template, expname)56ofile = os.path.join(cwd, obasename)57if os.path.exists(ofile):58 print('[exists]:', obasename)59 sys.exit()60# tracker script61with open(ifile) as fi:62 icontent = print('[ifile]:', ifile)64 with open(ofile, 'w') as fo:65 ocontent = icontent66 # modify the script content accordingly67 if model != model_template:68 istr, ostr = '= FLOR', f'= {model}'69 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)70 if model in ('FLOR',):71 istr, ostr = '${model}/​', ''72 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr) # FLOR outputs are directly under MODEL_OUT73 elif model in ('AM2.5C360',):74 istr, ostr = 'dt_crit_warm = 1.', 'dt_crit_warm = 2.! default is 2.'75 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)76 istr, ostr = '_1C_', '_'77 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)78 elif model in ('HIRAM',):79 istr, ostr = 'dt_crit_warm = 1.', 'dt_crit_warm = 2.5! default is 2.'80 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)81 istr, ostr = '_1C_', '_2p5C_'82 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)83 elif model in ('AM4', 'AM4_urban'):84 istr, ostr = 'r_offset_warm = 110.', 'r_offset_warm = 250.! default is 110.'85 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)86 istr, ostr = '_ro110_', '_ro250_'87 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)88 89 istr, ostr = 'dt_crit_warm = 1.', 'dt_crit_warm = 0.75! default is 2.'90 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)91 istr, ostr = '_1C_', '_p75C_'92 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)93 94 istr, ostr = 'r_crit_warm = 330.', 'r_crit_warm = 550.! default is 330.'95 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)96 istr, ostr = '_330k', '_550k'97 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)98 99 #sorter script100 #istr, ostr = 'python $rootTCanalysis/​ $outputname #WY', 'python $rootTCanalysis/​ $outputname #WY/​GV'101 istr, ostr = 'python $rootTCanalysis/​ $outputname #WY', 'python $rootTCanalysis/​ $outputname #WY/​GV/​WY'102 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)103 if expname:104 istr, ostr = f'= {expname_template}', f'= {expname}'105 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)106 if ens:107 istr = '#set ensemble'108 ostr = '''#set ensemble109set en = $2110set eno = 100111@ enoo = $eno + $en112set en = `echo $enoo | cut -c2-3`'''113 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)114 istr, ostr = '${expname}/​', '${expname}/​en${en}/​'115 ocontent = do_replace(ocontent, istr, ostr)116 fo.write(ocontent)117 print('[created]:', obasename)118# loop script119loop_basename = f'loop.{obasename}'.replace('.csh', '.sh')120loop_file = os.path.join(cwd, loop_basename)121t = open(loop_file, 'w') as fo:123 if ens:124 s = f'''#!/​usr/​bin/​env bash125# Wenchang Yang ( {t.year:04d}-{t.month:02d}-{}T{t.hour:02d}:{t.minute:02d}:{t.second:02d}@Princeton127set -ev128script=./​{obasename}129for en in {{{en_start}..{en_end}}}; do...

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...9 "modal_effects"]10preventAll = lambda self, amt, source, combat=False: 011def prevent_all_damage():12 msg = "~ - prevent all damage"13 return combine(do_replace(CreatureType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg),14 do_replace(Player, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg),15 do_replace(PlaneswalkerType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg))16def prevent_all_combat_damage():17 def condition(self, amt, source, combat=False): return combat18 msg = "~ - prevent all combat damage"19 return combine(do_replace(CreatureType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),20 do_replace(Player, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),21 do_replace(PlaneswalkerType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition))22def prevent_all_noncombat_damage():23 def condition(self, amt, source, combat=False): return not combat24 msg = "~ - prevent all noncombat damage"25 return combine(do_replace(CreatureType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),26 do_replace(Player, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),27 do_replace(PlaneswalkerType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition))28def prevent_all_damage_by(dmgsource):29 def condition(self, amt, source, combat=False): return source == dmgsource30 msg = "~ - prevent all damage by %s"%dmgsource.name31 return combine(do_replace(CreatureType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),32 do_replace(Player, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),33 do_replace(PlaneswalkerType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition))34def prevent_all_combat_damage_by(dmgsource):35 def condition(self, amt, source, combat=False): return source == dmgsource and combat36 msg = "~ - prevent all combat damage by %s"%dmgsource.name37 return combine(do_replace(CreatureType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),38 do_replace(Player, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),39 do_replace(PlaneswalkerType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition))40def prevent_all_noncombat_damage_by(dmgsource):41 def condition(self, amt, source, combat=False): return source == dmgsource and not combat42 msg = "~ - prevent all noncombat damage by %s"%dmgsource.name43 return combine(do_replace(CreatureType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),44 do_replace(Player, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition),45 do_replace(PlaneswalkerType, "assignDamage", preventAll, msg=msg, condition=condition))46def modal_effects(*modes, **kw):47 choose = kw['choose']48 def make_modal(effects):49 def modal_effects(controller, source):50 selected = controller.make_selection([(mode.__doc__,mode) for mode in modes], choose, prompt='Select %d mode(s):'%choose)51 if choose > 1: chosen = tuple((mode(controller, source) for mode in selected))52 else: chosen = (selected(controller, source), )53 # get the costs54 # We need to have a "payment = yield NoCost" in the mode to pass55 # back the cost in case the mode needs to reference is (see Profane Command)56 empty_costs = tuple(( for mode in chosen))57 payment = yield effects(controller, source).next()58 # get the targets - demultiplex them59 targets, unflatten = flatten(mode.send(payment) for mode in chosen)...

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...26def check_duplicate(new):27 for m in conversions:28 if m[1] == new:29 return True30def do_replace(eVal):31 if eVal in opendj_attributes:32 return eVal33 for m in mapping['mappings']:34 if m in eVal:35 eVal = eVal.replace(m, mapping['mappings'][m])36 if eVal in mapping['postconversions']:37 eVal = mapping['postconversions'][eVal]38 return eVal39new_attributeTypes = []40for attribute in schema['attributeTypes']:41 skip = False42 for name in attribute['names']:43 if name in mapping['exclude']['attributeType']:44 skip = True45 if skip:46 continue47 for e in ('desc', 'equality', 'oid', 'x_origin'):48 if e in attribute:49 attribute[e] = do_replace(attribute[e])50 new_name_list = []51 for name in (attribute['names']):52 new = do_replace(name)53 54 if not new in new_name_list and not check_duplicate(new): 55 new_name_list.append(new)56 conversions.append((name, new))57 if new_name_list:58 attribute['names'] = new_name_list59 new_attributeTypes.append(attribute)60schema['attributeTypes'] = new_attributeTypes61new_objectClasses = []62def check_objduplicate(new, lt):63 for obc in new_objectClasses:64 if new in obc[lt]:65 return True66def get_obj_by_name(name):67 for obj in new_objectClasses:68 if name in obj['names']:69 return obj70for obj in schema['objectClasses']:71 skip = False72 for name in obj['names']:73 if name in mapping['exclude']['objectClass']:74 skip = True75 if skip:76 continue77 for e in ('oid', 'x_origin'):78 if e in obj:79 obj[e] = do_replace(obj[e])80 for lt in ('may', 'names'):81 new_list = []82 for name in obj[lt]:83 if name in mapping['exclude']['attributeType']:84 continue85 new = do_replace(name)86 obj_conversions.append((name, new))87 if lt == 'names' and check_objduplicate(new, lt):88 continue89 if not new in new_list:90 new_list.append(new)91 obj[lt] = new_list92 if obj['names'] and obj['may']:93 new_objectClasses.append(obj)94 elif not obj['names'] and obj['may']:95 prev_obj = get_obj_by_name(new)96 if prev_obj:97 prev_obj['may'] += obj['may']98schema['objectClasses'] = new_objectClasses99macrkeys = list(schema['oidMacros'].keys())100for macr in macrkeys:101 newname = do_replace(macr)102 schema['oidMacros'][newname] = schema['oidMacros'].pop(macr)103 schema['oidMacros'][newname] = do_replace(schema['oidMacros'][newname])104if argsp.outfile:105 with open(argsp.outfile, 'w') as w:106 json.dump(schema, w, indent=2)107if argsp.dump:108 conversions.sort()109 obj_conversions.sort()110 attr_dict = OrderedDict(conversions)111 obj_dict = OrderedDict(obj_conversions)112 ...

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