Best Python code snippet using toolium_python
1from bs4 import BeautifulSoup2import os, requests, sys, random, time, zipfile, urllib3, io3class MTADownloader():4 url = ''5 folder_name = 'Malware_Pcaps'6 downloaded_zip = "pcaps_zip_mta_downloaded.txt"7 mta_pwd = ["infected"]8 def __init__(self, number_of_pcaps_download=10, randomly=True, save_links_to_pcap=True, decompress=True, file_name="pcaps_mta_link.txt", save_downloaded=True, delete_zip=True):9 self.random = randomly10 self.pcaps_to_download = number_of_pcaps_download11 self.save_links = save_links_to_pcap12 self.decompress = decompress13 self.links_to_pcaps = file_name14 self.save_downloaded = save_downloaded15 self.pcap_name = []16 self.delete_zip = delete_zip17 self.save_downloaded_file = None18 assert self.random is False or self.random is True, "Valore randomly non valido. Inserire un Booleano."19 assert self.pcaps_to_download >= 0, "Valore per number_of_pcaps_download non valido. Inserire un valore maggiore o uguale a zero."20 def createFolder(folder_name):21 if not os.path.exists(folder_name):22 os.makedirs(folder_name)23 else:24 pass25 def create_downloaded_file(downloaded_zip):26 if(os.path.isfile(downloaded_zip) is True):27 print("\nHistory file with pcaps downloaded already exists.\n")28 self.save_downloaded_file = open(downloaded_zip, "a")29 else:30 self.save_downloaded_file = open(downloaded_zip, "a+")31 createFolder(self.folder_name)32 if(self.save_downloaded):33 create_downloaded_file(self.downloaded_zip)34 def get_link_to_pcaps_file_name(self):35 return self.links_to_pcaps36 def get_folder_name(self):37 return self.folder_name38 def get_zips_downloaded_file(self):39 return self.downloaded_zip40 def get_links_in_main_page(self):41 def get_html(self):42 try:43 result = requests.get(self.url)44 bf = BeautifulSoup(result.content)45 return bf46 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:47 print(e)48 bf_html = get_html()49 generic_links = []50 for li in bf_html.findAll("li"):51 for a in li.findAll("a"):52 generic_links.append(a["href"])53 return generic_links54 def get_links_to_annual_archives(self):55 main_page_links_array = self.get_links_in_main_page()56 links_annual_archives = []57 for link in main_page_links_array:58 try:59 int(link[:4])60 links_annual_archives.append(self.url + link)61 except Exception as e:62 print (e)63 return links_annual_archives64 def get_links_to_pcap(self):65 links_to_annual_archives = self.get_links_to_annual_archives()66 def get_html(url):67 try:68 result = requests.get(url)69 bf = BeautifulSoup(result.content)70 return bf71 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:72 print(e)73 links_to_pcap = []74 for link in links_to_annual_archives:75 annual_pages = get_html(link)76 for ul in annual_pages.findAll("ul"):77 for li in ul.findAll("li"):78 for a in li.findAll("a", {"class": "list_header"}):79 head, step, tail = link.partition("/index")80 link_head = head + "/"81 links_to_pcap.append(link_head + a["href"])82 return links_to_pcap83 def get_links_for_download_pcaps(self):84 if(self.pcaps_to_download == 0):85 print("\n" + "Attenzione! Scaricherai tutto. L' operazione potrebbe richiedere molto tempo" + "\n")86 else:87 pass88 def get_html(url):89 try:90 result = requests.get(url)91 bf = BeautifulSoup(result.content)92 return bf93 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:94 print(e)95 links_to_pcap = self.get_links_to_pcap()96 number_of_pcap_in_site = len(links_to_pcap)97 array_of_link_for_download = []98 if (self.pcaps_to_download > 0 and self.pcaps_to_download <= number_of_pcap_in_site):99 if (self.random):100 pcap_trovato = False101 index = 0102 while (len(array_of_link_for_download) != self.pcaps_to_download):103 rnd = random.randint(0, number_of_pcap_in_site)104 html = get_html(links_to_pcap[rnd])105 for a in html.findAll("a", {"class": "menu_link"}, href=True):106 pcap_trovato = False107 href = a["href"]108 if (href.find("pcap") != -1 or href.find("pcaps") != -1):109 head, step, tail = links_to_pcap[rnd].partition("/index")110 link = head + "/" + href111 link.replace(" ", "")112 if link in array_of_link_for_download:113 pass114 else:115 pcap_trovato = True116 array_of_link_for_download.append(link)117 break118 else:119 pass120 if (not pcap_trovato):121 print("La pagina " + links_to_pcap[index] + " non contiene .pcap. Saltata." + "\n")122 else:123 pass124 index = index + 1125 else:126 pcap_trovato = False127 index = 0128 while (len(array_of_link_for_download) != self.pcaps_to_download):129 html = get_html(links_to_pcap[index])130 for a in html.findAll("a", {"class": "menu_link"}, href=True):131 pcap_trovato = False132 href = a["href"]133 if (href.find("pcap") != -1 or href.find("pcaps") != -1):134 head, step, tail = links_to_pcap[index].partition("/index")135 link = head + "/" + href136 link.replace(" ", "")137 array_of_link_for_download.append(link)138 pcap_trovato = True139 break140 else:141 pass142 if (not pcap_trovato):143 print("La pagina " + links_to_pcap[index] + " non contiene .pcap. Saltata." + "\n")144 else:145 pass146 index = index + 1147 elif (self.pcaps_to_download == 0 or self.pcaps_to_download > number_of_pcap_in_site):148 for i in range(0, number_of_pcap_in_site):149 pcap_trovato = False150 html = get_html(links_to_pcap[i])151 for a in html.findAll("a", {"class": "menu_link"}, href=True):152 pcap_trovato = False153 href = a["href"]154 if (href.find("pcap") != -1 or href.find("pcaps") != -1):155 head, step, tail = links_to_pcap[i].partition("/index")156 link = head + "/" + href157 link.replace(" ", "")158 array_of_link_for_download.append(link)159 pcap_trovato = True160 break161 else:162 pass163 if (not pcap_trovato):164 print("La pagina " + links_to_pcap[i] + " non contiene .pcap. Saltata." + "\n")165 else:166 pass167 else:168 print("Errore generico. Programma terminato" + "\n")169 sys.exit()170 if (self.save_links is True):171 if(self.check_if_file_with_links_exists() is True):172 print("Il file gia' esiste. Cancellarlo e rieseguire.")173 else:174 writer = open(self.links_to_pcaps, "a+")175 for link in array_of_link_for_download:176 writer.write(link + "\n")177 writer.close()178 return array_of_link_for_download179 def download_pcap(self, array_of_links_to_download):180 self.pcap_name.clear()181 def check_url(url_to_validate):182 i = 0183 urlValid = False184 while True:185 try:186 page = requests.get(url_to_validate)187 urlValid = True188 except Exception as e:189 print(e)190 urlValid = False191 i += 1192 if (i == 5):193 break194 else:195 print("\nConnection refused by the server...\n")196 print("\nLet me sleep for 5 seconds\n")197 time.sleep(5)198 print("\nRetrying...\n")199 continue200 break201 return urlValid202 def check_if_file_is_already_downloaded(name_of_file):203 os.chdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + self.folder_name + "/")204 name_of_file = name_of_file.replace("\n", "")205 if (os.path.isfile(name_of_file)):206 os.chdir("..")207 return True208 else:209 os.chdir("..")210 return False211 def add_link_to_dowloaded(link):212 self.save_downloaded_file.write(link + "\n")213 self.save_downloaded_file.flush()214 return215 for link in array_of_links_to_download:216 if(link.endswith("\n")):217 link = link.replace("\n", "")218 name_of_pcap_zip = os.path.basename(link)219 if(name_of_pcap_zip.endswith("\n")):220 name_of_pcap_zip = name_of_pcap_zip.replace("\n", "")221 #os.chdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + self.folder_name + "/")222 if (not check_if_file_is_already_downloaded(name_of_pcap_zip)):223 if (check_url(link)):224 try:225 pcap_file = requests.get(link, stream=True)226 print("\nSto scaricando " + name_of_pcap_zip)227 os.chdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + self.folder_name + "/")228 with open(name_of_pcap_zip, "wb") as local_file:229 local_file.write(pcap_file.content)230 print("\nDownload Completato" + "\n")231 os.chdir("..")232 if(self.check_if_link_is_in_downloaded_file(link) is False):233 if (self.save_downloaded is True):234 add_link_to_dowloaded(link)235 print("\nLink aggiunto alla lista degli scaricati.\n")236 else:237 print("\nLink gia' presente alla lista degli scaricati. Non aggiunto.\n")238 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:239 print(e)240 print("\nErrore durante il download" + "\n")241 else:242 print("\n" + link + ": URL non valido" + "\n")243 else:244 print("\n" + name_of_pcap_zip + " gia presente! Non sara' scaricato" + "\n")245 if(self.decompress is True):246 os.chdir(os.getcwd() + "/" + self.folder_name + "/")247 for pwd in self.mta_pwd:248 estratto = False249 try:250 zip = zipfile.ZipFile(name_of_pcap_zip)251 for name in zip.namelist():252 if(os.path.isfile(name) is False):253 print("\nEstraggo " + name + " da " + name_of_pcap_zip + "\n")254 zip.extract(name, pwd=bytes(pwd, "utf-8"))255 self.pcap_name.append(name)256 estratto = True257 print("\nEstrazione " + name + " Completa\n")258 else:259 self.pcap_name.append(None)260 print("\nFile gia' esistente. Non sara' estratto.\n")261 estratto = True262 zip.close()263 except Exception as e:264 print(e)265 estratto = False266 if(estratto is True):267 break268 if (self.delete_zip):269 os.remove(name_of_pcap_zip)270 os.chdir("..")271 return self.get_list_of_pcap_downloaded_and_extracted()272 def get_list_of_pcap_downloaded_and_extracted(self):273 return self.pcap_name274 def check_if_link_is_in_downloaded_file(self, link):275 link_presente = False276 if(link.endswith("\n")):277 link = link.replace("\n", "")278 if(os.path.isfile(self.downloaded_zip) is True):279 reader = open(self.downloaded_zip, "r")280 f = reader.readlines()281 for line in f:282 if(line.endswith("\n")):283 line = line.replace("\n", "")284 if(line == link):285 link_presente = True286 break287 else:288 pass289 return link_presente290 else:291 return False292 def get_pcap_names_by_url(self, array_of_url):293 array_of_names = []294 for url in array_of_url:295 arr_name = url.split("/")296 name = arr_name[len(arr_name)-1]297 if(name.endswith("\n")):298 name = name.replace("\n", "")299 array_of_names.append(name)300 return array_of_names301 def check_if_file_with_links_exists(self):...
...91 print("An exception occurred " + file_name)92 print(e)93 94# Download file from commons download link 95async def save_downloaded_file(session, dl, index, total_links_count):96 try:97 async with session.get(dl, allow_redirects=True) as audio_request:98 if audio_request.status == 200:99 d_filename = urllib.parse.unquote(dl).split("/")[-1]100 # print(str(index+1) + "/" + str(total_links_count) + " => " + d_filename)101 dest_folder = category.replace(" ", "_")102 file_path = os.path.join(dest_folder, d_filename)103 f = await, mode='wb')104 await f.write(await await f.close()106 except BaseException as e:107 print_line()108 print("An exception occurred while downloading " + dl)109 print(e)110# Task to Start getting download links then download files from download links111download_links = []112async def fetch_download_links_and_download_file():113 print_line()114 async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:115 tasks = []116 print("Fetching download links....")117 for index, f in enumerate(final_files_list):118 task = asyncio.ensure_future(get_file_download_link(session, f))119 tasks.append(task)120 121 temp_download_links = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)122 download_links = list(filter(None, temp_download_links)) # Filter valid links123 124 print("Total time for Scraping download links: %.2f secs" % (time.time() - s_time))125 total_links_count = len(download_links)126 print("Total download links: " + str(total_links_count))127 128 129 # Start Download Task130 # Download file from commons download link 131 132 # create folder if it does not exist133 dest_folder = category.replace(" ", "_")134 if not os.path.exists(dest_folder):135 os.makedirs(dest_folder)136 137 print_line()138 print("Please wait %s files are Downloading...." % (str(total_links_count))) 139 download_tasks = []140 for index, dl in enumerate(download_links):141 download_task = asyncio.ensure_future(save_downloaded_file(session, dl, index, total_links_count))142 download_tasks.append(download_task)143 download_files = await asyncio.gather(*download_tasks)144 print("Total time for Download files : %.2f secs" % (time.time() - s_time))145 print("Total downloaded files: " + str(len(download_files)))146 print_line()147 148 print("All files are downloaded under: " + dest_folder)149 print_line()...
...15 is_download_succesfull = download_zip_file(self.url)16 self.assertTrue(is_download_succesfull)17 def test_downloaded_exists(self):18 #check file exists19 download_file_exists = save_downloaded_file(self.dest_path, self.binary_str)20 self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.dest_path))21 22 def test_downloaded_content_equals_expected(self):23 save_downloaded_file(self.dest_path, self.binary_str)24 with open(self.dest_path, 'rb') as file:25 content =
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