Best Python code snippet using testcontainers-python_python
...25 DOCKER_ZONE: 'defaultzone',26 DOCKER_LAUNCHED: []27}28client=None29def get_docker_client():30 global client31 if not client:32 try:33 client = docker.from_env()34 except Exception:35 if cli_exception.CliException.is_debug():36 logging.exception("Exception occurs during docker client creation.")37 raise cli_exception.CliException("Exception occurs during docker client creation.")38 return client39def get_setting(key):40 return config_global.get_attr(key, default_settings.get(key))41def add_set(key, list_to_add):42 old_list = get_setting(key)43 config_global.set_attr(key, old_list + list_to_add)44def install():45 hooks.register(HOOK_NAME_TEST_START, HOOK_TEST_START)46 hooks.register(HOOK_NAME_TEST_STOP, HOOK_TEST_STOP)47def uninstall():48 hooks.unregister(HOOK_NAME_TEST_START, HOOK_TEST_START)49 hooks.unregister(HOOK_NAME_TEST_STOP, HOOK_TEST_STOP)50def status():51 installed = "installed" if hooks.is_registered(HOOK_NAME_TEST_START, HOOK_TEST_START) else "not installed"52 print("configuration:")53 for k in default_settings:54 print(k + " = " + str(get_setting(k)))55 print()56 print("docker hooks is " + installed)57 print()58 check_images(DOCKER_LG_IMAGE)59 check_images(DOCKER_CONTROLLER_IMAGE)60 check_docker()61 launched_container = get_setting(DOCKER_LAUNCHED)62 if launched_container:63 print("\ncontainers :")64 for c_id in launched_container:65 print(container_status(c_id))66 else:67 try:68 check_zone(get_setting(DOCKER_ZONE))69 except cli_exception.CliException as ex:70 print(str(ex))71def container_status(container_id):72 try:73 container = get_docker_client().containers.get(container_id)74 return + ' [' + container.status + ']'75 except docker.errors.NotFound:76 return container_id + ' [NOT FOUND]'77def check_images(key):78 image_name = get_setting(key)79 image_status = " is not pulled" if len(get_docker_client().images.list(image_name)) == 0 else " is pulled"80 print("image " + image_name + image_status)81def up(no_wait):82 zone = get_setting(DOCKER_ZONE)83 check_zone(zone)84 start_infra(85 zone,86 int(get_setting(DOCKER_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT_COUNT)),87 int(get_setting(DOCKER_LG_DEFAULT_COUNT)),88 no_wait,89 'manual'90 )91def check_zone(zone_set):92 zone = get_zone(zone_set)93 if not zone:94 raise cli_exception.CliException("zone " + zone_set + " doesn't exist")95 if zone.get('type') != "STATIC":96 raise cli_exception.CliException("zone " + zone_set + " is not static !")97 if zone.get('controller'):98 raise cli_exception.CliException(99 "controller with " + zone_set + " zone is not empty. Try neoload docker clean")100 if zone.get('loadgenerators'):101 logging.warning("lg zone with " + zone_set + " is not empty. Try neoload docker clean")102def get_zone(zone_id):103 for zone in zones.get_zones():104 if zone.get('id') == zone_id:105 return zone106 return None107def down():108 stop_infra()109def compute_hosts(lg_containers):110 hosts = {}111 for lg_container in lg_containers:112 lg_container.reload() # refresh data after launch.113 hosts[] = lg_container.attrs['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress']114 return hosts115def generate_conf_ctrl(zone, lg_containers):116 env = {"MODE": "Managed"}117 env.update(common_env(zone))118 return {119 'env': env,120 'name_prefix': 'ctrl',121 'hosts': compute_hosts(lg_containers)122 }123def generate_conf_lg(zone):124 return {125 'env': common_env(zone),126 'name_prefix': 'lg'127 }128def stop_infra():129 for container_id in get_setting(DOCKER_LAUNCHED):130 try:131 container = get_docker_client().containers.get(container_id)132 container.stop()133 except docker.errors.NotFound:134 pass135 forget()136def common_env(zone):137 return {138 "NEOLOADWEB_URL": user_data.get_user_data().get_url(),139 "NEOLOADWEB_TOKEN": user_data.get_user_data().get_token(),140 "ZONE": zone141 }142def launch_ctrl(count, zone, lg_containers, reason):143 image = pull_if_needed(get_setting(DOCKER_CONTROLLER_IMAGE))144 return start_container(image, generate_conf_ctrl(zone, lg_containers), count, reason)145def launch_lg(count, zone, reason):146 image = pull_if_needed(get_setting(DOCKER_LG_IMAGE))147 return start_container(image, generate_conf_lg(zone), count, reason)148def extract_number(prefix, element):149 num, number_match = re.subn("^" + prefix + "-([0-9]+)-.*$", r"\g<1>", return int(num) if number_match > 0 else 0151def max_number(prefix):152 containers_list = get_docker_client().containers.list(all=True)153 return max(map(lambda c: extract_number(prefix, c), containers_list)) if containers_list else 0154def start_container(image, configuration, count, reason):155 prefix = configuration.get('name_prefix')156 number = max_number(prefix)157 containers = []158 for i in range(count):159 name = prefix + '-' + str(number + i + 1) + '-' + socket.gethostname().lower()160 container = get_docker_client(),162 name=name,163 hostname=name,164 labels={'launched-by-neoload-cli': reason},165 detach=True,166 extra_hosts=configuration.get('hosts', {}),167 auto_remove=True,168 environment=configuration.get('env', {})169 )170 containers.append(container)171 return containers172def make_waiting(containers_name, zone):173 waiting_list = []174 names = list(map(lambda c: c['name'], zone.get('controllers') + zone.get('loadgenerators')))175 for c_name in containers_name:176 if c_name not in names:177 waiting_list.append(c_name)178 return waiting_list179def wait_is_up(containers, zone_id):180 containers_name = map(lambda c:, containers)181 while True:182 time.sleep(5)183 waiting = make_waiting(containers_name, get_zone(zone_id))184 if waiting:185 print("Waiting: " + str(waiting))186 else:187 break188def start_infra(zone_id, ctrl_count: int, lg_count: int, no_wait, reason):189 containers = []190 try:191 containers = launch_lg(lg_count, zone_id, reason)192 containers += launch_ctrl(ctrl_count, zone_id, containers, reason)193 add_set(DOCKER_LAUNCHED, list(map(lambda c:, containers)))194 if not no_wait:195 wait_is_up(containers, zone_id)196 except docker.errors.DockerException as ex:197 for container in containers:198 container.stop()199 logging.error("Unexpected error in 'attach':" + str(ex))200def extract_lg_number(test_settings_json, zone):201 number_lg = test_settings_json.get('lgZoneIds').get(zone)202 return number_lg if number_lg else 0203def hook_test_start(test_settings_json):204 zone = get_setting(DOCKER_ZONE)205 if test_settings_json.get('controllerZoneId') == zone:206 number_lg = extract_lg_number(test_settings_json, zone)207 zone_obj = get_zone(zone)208 if number_lg <= len(zone_obj.get('loadgenerators')) and 1 <= len(zone_obj.get('controllers')):209 print("zone is already up", file=sys.stderr)210 return211 print("Launch docker containers", file=sys.stderr)212 check_zone(zone)213 start_infra(214 zone,215 1,216 number_lg,217 False,218 test_settings_json.get('id')219 )220def hook_test_stop():221 print("Stop docker containers", file=sys.stderr)222 stop_infra()223def pull_if_needed(image_name):224 try:225 return get_docker_client().images.get(image_name)226 except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:227 print("Pulling [" + image_name + "]", file=sys.stderr)228 return get_docker_client().images.pull(image_name)229def check_docker():230 preempt_msg = "Unexpected error in 'try_docker_system':"231 try:232 preempt_msg = "Could not ping the Docker host."233 get_docker_client().ping()234 preempt_msg = "Could not obtain version info from the Docker host."235 get_docker_client().version()236 preempt_msg = "Could not list containers on the Docker host."237 get_docker_client().containers.list()238 except Exception:239 exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()240 full_msg = preempt_msg + repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))241 lower = full_msg.lower()242 if 'connectionerror' in lower and 'permission denied' in lower:243 msg = preempt_msg + " Do you have rights (i.e. sudo first)?"244 elif 'connection refused' in lower:245 msg = "Docker installed, but connection to dockerd failed."246 else:247 msg = "Docker-specific error: " + full_msg248 tools.system_exit({'message': msg, 'code': 2})249def clean():250 list_to_clean = get_docker_client().containers.list(all=True, filters={'label': 'launched-by-neoload-cli'})251 for container in list_to_clean:252 container.stop()253 forget()254def kill():255 list_to_clean = get_docker_client().containers.list(all=True, filters={'label': 'launched-by-neoload-cli'})256 for container in list_to_clean:257 container.remove(force=True, v=True)258 forget()259def forget():260 config_global.set_attr(DOCKER_LAUNCHED, None)261def set_client(new_client):262 global client...
...25LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)26BUILTIN_DISCOVERY_MODELS = "builtin-discovery-models"27CUSTOM_DISCOVERY_INTERPRETER = "custom-discovery-interpreter"28BUILTIN_NLPROCESSOR_MODELS = "builtin-nlprocessor-models"29def get_docker_client():30 """31 Returns docker client.32 Invoke this repeatedly instead of persisting an object in python33 """34 return docker.client.from_env()35class RetryRequest(Retry):36 """37 Custom retry class with max backoff set to TIMEOUT from client.env38 """39 BACKOFF_MAX = float(env["TIMEOUT"])40retries = RetryRequest(41 total=int(env["RETRIES"]), backoff_factor=1.0, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504]42)43request_session = requests.Session()44request_session.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))45class LaunchTarget(Enum):46 everything = "everything"47 discovery = "discovery"48 nlprocessor = "nlprocessor"49def pull_image(image):50 """51 Try to pull the most up to date version of this image.52 If internet connectivity is down, don't error.53 """54 try:55 if env.get("AUTOMATICALLY_PULL_IMAGES").title() == "True":56 get_docker_client().images.pull(image)57 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:58 LOGGER.warning(59 "Unable to pull latest %s. Using image as found in local registry", image60 )61def fix_volume_permissions(volume, folder):62 busybox_tag = env["BUSYBOX_TAG"]63 busybox_image = f"busybox:{busybox_tag}"64 pull_image(busybox_image)65 get_docker_client() busybox_image,67 command=f"chmod -R 777 {folder}",68 user="root",69 remove=True,70 detach=False,71 volumes={ {"bind": folder, "mode": "rw"}},72 )73def load_builtin_discovery_models():74 """75 Create a docker volume,76 attach it to a busybox container,77 and load the GK interpreter models into that container78 """79 # copy default models in80 remove_volume(BUILTIN_DISCOVERY_MODELS)81 builtin_models = get_docker_client().volumes.create(name=BUILTIN_DISCOVERY_MODELS)82 folder = "/models"83 fix_volume_permissions(builtin_models, folder)84 initdiscovery_tag = env["INIT_DISCOVERY_TAG"]85 initdiscovery_project = ""86 initdiscovery_image = f"{initdiscovery_project}:{initdiscovery_tag}"87 pull_image(initdiscovery_image)88 initcontainer = get_docker_client() initdiscovery_image,90 auto_remove=False,91 detach=True,92 volumes={ {"bind": folder, "mode": "rw"}},93 )94 initcontainer.start()95 initcontainer.wait()96 initcontainer.remove(force=True)97def load_builtin_nlprocessor_models():98 """99 Create a docker volume,100 attach it to a busybox container,101 and load the GK nlprocessor models into that container102 """103 # copy default models in104 remove_volume(BUILTIN_NLPROCESSOR_MODELS)105 builtin_models = get_docker_client().volumes.create(name=BUILTIN_NLPROCESSOR_MODELS)106 folder = "/models/transformers"107 fix_volume_permissions(builtin_models, folder)108 initnlprocessor_tag = env["INIT_NLPROCESSOR_TAG"]109 initnlprocessor_project = ""110 initnlprocessor_image = f"{initnlprocessor_project}:{initnlprocessor_tag}"111 pull_image(initnlprocessor_image)112 initcontainer = get_docker_client() initnlprocessor_image,114 auto_remove=False,115 detach=True,116 volumes={ {"bind": folder, "mode": "rw"}},117 )118 initcontainer.start()119 initcontainer.wait()120 initcontainer.remove(force=True)121def load_custom_model(interpreter_directory):122 """123 Create a docker volume, attach it to a busybox container, and load our interpreter into that container124 """125 if not os.path.isdir(interpreter_directory):126 raise Exception(f"Interpreter directory {interpreter_directory} not found")127 # copy custom model in128 remove_volume(CUSTOM_DISCOVERY_INTERPRETER)129 vol = get_docker_client().volumes.create(name=CUSTOM_DISCOVERY_INTERPRETER)130 source = interpreter_directory131 destination = "/data"132 busybox_image = f"busybox:{env['BUSYBOX_TAG']}"133 pull_image(busybox_image)134 busybox = get_docker_client() busybox_image,136 "sleep infinity",137 auto_remove=False,138 detach=True,139 volumes={ {"bind": destination, "mode": "rw"}},140 )141 file_like_object = io.BytesIO()142 with, mode="w") as tar:143 for fl in glob.glob(os.path.join(source, "*")):144 tar.add(fl, arcname=fl.replace(source, ""))145 data = busybox.put_archive(destination, data)148 busybox.remove(force=True)149def create_dummy_custom_model():150 """151 Create a docker volume that contains nothing so docker-compose still works152 """153 # copy custom model in154 remove_volume(CUSTOM_DISCOVERY_INTERPRETER)155 get_docker_client().volumes.create(name=CUSTOM_DISCOVERY_INTERPRETER)156def wait_on_service(address):157 return request_session.get(158 "/".join([address, "ping"]), timeout=float(env["TIMEOUT"])159 )160def wait_for_everything(target):161 """162 Wait for all services as necessary163 """164 if target in [LaunchTarget.discovery, LaunchTarget.everything]:165 wait_on_service(":".join([env["DISCOVERY_HOST"], env["DISCOVERY_PORT"]]))166 if target in [LaunchTarget.nlprocessor, LaunchTarget.everything]:167 wait_on_service(":".join([env["NLPROCESSOR_HOST"], env["NLPROCESSOR_PORT"]]))168def check_for_license():169 """170 Codify license check171 """172 assert (173 env["LICENSE_KEY"] != ""174 ), "LICENSE_KEY needed. Please set in your environment or client.env"175def create_volumes(target, interpreter_directory):176 """177 Create volumes as needed178 """179 if interpreter_directory:180 load_custom_model(interpreter_directory)181 else:182 create_dummy_custom_model()183 if target in [LaunchTarget.discovery, LaunchTarget.everything]:184 load_builtin_discovery_models()185 if target in [LaunchTarget.nlprocessor, LaunchTarget.everything]:186 load_builtin_nlprocessor_models()187def stand_up_compose(target):188 """189 Stand up compose based on target190 """191 args = ["docker-compose", "--env-file", "client.env"]192 if target in [LaunchTarget.discovery, LaunchTarget.everything]:193 discovery_image = f"{env['DISCOVERY_TAG']}"194 pull_image(discovery_image)195 args += ["-f", "discovery.yaml"]196 if target in [LaunchTarget.nlprocessor, LaunchTarget.everything]:197 nlprocessor_image = (198 f"{env['NLPROCESSOR_TAG']}"199 )200 pull_image(nlprocessor_image)201 args += ["-f", "nlprocessor.yaml"]202 args += ["up", "-d", "--force-recreate"]203 with patch.object(sys, "argv", args):204 docker_compose()205def prune_volumes():206 """207 Prune any volumes not in use208 """209 get_docker_client().volumes.prune()210def prune_containers():211 """212 Prune any containers which have exited213 """214 get_docker_client().containers.prune()215def launch_docker_compose(target="everything", interpreter_directory=None):216 """217 Launch docker compose with either both discovery and nlprocessor or just one218 """219 check_for_license()220 target = LaunchTarget(target)221 prune_containers()222 prune_volumes()223 create_volumes(target, interpreter_directory)224 stand_up_compose(target)225 # block until ready226 wait_for_everything(target)227def remove_volume(volume_name):228 """229 Try to remove a docker volume230 """231 try:232 vol = get_docker_client().volumes.get(volume_name)233 for container in get_docker_client().containers.list():234 if any(235 == mount.get("Name") for mount in container.attrs["Mounts"]236 ):237 container.remove(force=True)238 vol.remove()239 except docker.errors.NotFound:240 pass241def teardown_docker_compose():242 """243 Teardown docker compose244 """245 args = [246 "docker-compose",247 "--env-file",...
1import docker 2import sqlite33def get_docker_client():4 return docker.from_env()5def get_app_ddl(app_image: str) -> str:6 """7 Return the ddl of the app8 """9 # create a docker client10 client = get_docker_client()11 # create a container from the app_image12 logs =, 'schema', auto_remove=True)13 # read the output of the container14 ddl = logs.decode('utf-8')15 # remove the container16 return ddl17def get_app_config_spec(app_image: str) -> str:18 """19 Return the configuration spec of the app20 """21 # create a docker client22 client = get_docker_client()23 # create a container from the app_image24 logs =, 'spec', auto_remove=True)25 # read the output of the container26 spec = logs.decode('utf-8')27 # remove the container28 return spec29def run_app_image(app_image, input_db_path, config_path, log_path):30 """31 Run the app image32 """33 # create a docker client34 client = get_docker_client()35 # mount the input_db_path and config_path to the container36 volumes = {37 input_db_path: {38 'bind': '/input.db',39 'mode': 'ro'40 },41 # mount as a file42 config_path: {43 'bind': '/config.json',44 'mode': 'ro'45 }46 }47 command = "run --input-db-path /input.db --config /config.json"48 # create a container from the app_image and mount the volumes49 container =, command, volumes=volumes, auto_remove=True, detach=True, )50 # redirect the output of the container to log_path51 with open(log_path, 'w') as f:52 for line in container.logs(stream=True):53 f.write(line.decode('utf-8'))54def verify_if_docker_image_exists(image_name: str) -> bool:55 """56 Return True if the docker image exists57 """58 client = get_docker_client()59 try:60 client.images.get(image_name)61 return True62 except docker.errors.ImageNotFound:63 return False64def setup_temp_db(db_path, app_image):65 """66 Create tables in db_path according to the DDL as specified by app_image67 """68 ddl = get_app_ddl(app_image)69 conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)70 conn.executescript(ddl)71 conn.commit()72 conn.close()
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