How to use bridge_ip method in testcontainers-python

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1import ipaddress2import logging3import logging.config4import os5from time import sleep6import PySimpleGUI as sg7import phue8import hue_light9from edhue import EDHue, initialize, save_config10from log import configure_logger11ELITE_ORANGE = '#f07b05'12def GUI_main():13 def GUI_start(ip, light):14'In GUImain - start')15'Validating bridge connection.')16 connected = False17 try:18 sg.popup_quick_message('Trying to connect', text_color=ELITE_ORANGE,19 font=('euro caps', 32))20 ed_hue = EDHue(ip, light)21 connected = True22 except phue.PhueRequestTimeout:23 logger.error('Unable to talk to the bridge on ip: ' + str(ip))24 sg.PopupError('Unable to talk to the Philips Hue bridge at '25 + str(ip)26 + '. Please verify the IP address or use the scan '27 'for bridge option in Configure.',28 title='Connection error')29 return connected30'ED Hue is active. Awaiting events...')31 running = True32 ed_hue.light_on()33 return connected, running34 def GUI_cleanup(ip, light='', connected=False):35 logger.debug('In cleanup')36 if connected:37 if light != '':38 try:39 ed_hue = EDHue(ip, light)40 ed_hue.light_off()41 ed_hue.stop()42 except ConnectionRefusedError:43 logger.error('Unable to connect to bridge.')44 except phue.PhueRegistrationException:45 logger.error('Hue Bridge registration error.')46'This bridge has not yet been registered.')47 except phue.PhueRequestTimeout:48 logger.error('Unable to talk to bridge on ip: ' + str(ip))49'See you in the Black, Commander!')50'o7')51 def GUI_configure_ui(bridge_IP='', bridge_light=''):52 logger.debug('In Configure UI')53 logger.debug('Passed in values (if any):')54 logger.debug(' Hue IP: ' + bridge_IP)55 logger.debug(' Hue Light: ' + bridge_light)56 '''57 Philips Hue Bridge configuration58 '''59 # Define the window's contents60 layout = [[sg.Text('Philips Hue Bridge Configuration')],61 [sg.Text("Type in your Philips Hue Bridge IP address, or "62 "press 'Scan for Bridge'\nto discover via mDNS.")],63 [sg.Text()],64 [sg.Text('Hue Bridge IP:'),65 sg.Input(default_text=bridge_IP, key='-HUE_BRIDGE-',66 enable_events=True)],67 [sg.Text()],68 [sg.Button('Ok', bind_return_key=True),69 sg.Button('Scan for Bridge', key='scan'),70 sg.Button('Cancel')]]71 # Create the window72 window = sg.Window('Configure Hue Bridge', layout)73 # Display and interact with the Window using an Event Loop74 while True:75 event, values = # See if user wants to quit or window was closed77 if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel':78 logger.debug('Cancel selected, or window closed.')79 if event != sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:80 window.close()81 return bridge_IP, bridge_light82 if event == 'scan':83 logger.debug('Scan selected.')84 ip, host, name, mdns_type = hue_light.get_bridge()85 window['-HUE_BRIDGE-'].update(ip)86 if event == 'Ok':87 try:88 ip = values['-HUE_BRIDGE-']89 ipaddress.ip_address(ip)90 logger.debug('Valid IP address given: ' + ip)91 bridge_IP = ip92 except ValueError:93 logger.debug('Invalid IP address entered. '94 'Showing error window.')95 sg.PopupError('Please enter a valid IP address')96 try:97 sg.popup_quick_message('Trying to connect',98 text_color=ELITE_ORANGE,99 font=('euro caps', 32))100 ed_hue = EDHue(bridge_IP)101 window.close()102 break103 except phue.PhueRequestTimeout:104 logger.error('Unable to talk to the bridge on ip: '105 + str(bridge_IP))106 sg.PopupError('Unable to talk to the Philips Hue bridge at '107 + str(bridge_IP)108 + '. Please verify the IP address or use '109 'the scan for bridge option.',110 title='Connection error')111 except phue.PhueRegistrationException:112 sg.PopupError('This Philips Hue bridge is not yet '113 'registered. Please push the button on the '114 'bridge and press OK on the previous window '115 'within 30 seconds.')116 # if last character in input element is invalid, remove it117 if event == '-HUE_BRIDGE-' \118 and values['-HUE_BRIDGE-'] \119 and values['-HUE_BRIDGE-'][-1] not in '0123456789.:':120 window['-HUE_BRIDGE-'].update(values['-HUE_BRIDGE-'][:-1])121 '''122 Philips Hue Light(s) configuration123 '''124 lights = hue_light.get_lights(bridge_IP)125 light_list = []126 widest = 0127 logger.debug('Determining how wide to make the window.')128 for light in lights:129 light_list.append(light[1])130 width = len(light[1])131 if width > widest:132 widest = width133 logger.debug('Widest element is ' + str(widest) + ' chars long.')134 layout = [[sg.Text('Philips Hue Bridge Configuration')],135 [sg.Text("Please select a light, and press either OK to "136 "accept or 'Flash Light' to\nturn the light on "137 "and off.")],138 [sg.Text()],139 [sg.Text('Hue Bridge IP:'),140 sg.Input(default_text=bridge_IP, key='-HUE_BRIDGE-',141 disabled_readonly_background_color='#000000',142 disabled=True)],143 [sg.Text('Hue Light(s): '),144 sg.Listbox(values=light_list, default_values=bridge_light,145 size=((widest + 1), 10), key='-HUE_LIGHT-')],146 [sg.Text()],147 [sg.Button('Ok', bind_return_key=True),148 sg.Button('Flash Light', key='Flash'),149 sg.Button('Cancel')]]150 # Create the window151 window = sg.Window('Configure Hue Light', layout)152 # Display and interact with the Window using an Event Loop153 while True:154 event, values = # See if user wants to quit or window was closed156 if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel':157 logger.debug('Cancel selected, or window closed.')158 break159 if event == 'Ok':160 bridge_light = values['-HUE_LIGHT-'][0]161 logger.debug('Light selected: ' + bridge_light)162 break163 if event == 'Flash':164 bridge_light = values['-HUE_LIGHT-'][0]165 logger.debug('Flashing light')166 logger.debug(' IP: ' + str(bridge_IP))167 logger.debug(' Light: ' + str(bridge_light))168 ed_hue.set_light(bridge_light)169 if ed_hue.get_status():170 logger.debug('Light is on, sending off command.')171 ed_hue.light_off()172 sleep(1)173 ed_hue.light_on()174 else:175 logger.debug('Light is off, sending on command.')176 ed_hue.light_on()177 sleep(1)178 ed_hue.light_off()179 # Finish up by removing from the screen180 logger.debug('Closing Configure window and returning:')181 logger.debug(' Hue IP: ' + bridge_IP)182 logger.debug(' Hue Light: ' + bridge_light)183 logger.debug('Saving selected configuration for the future.')184 save_config(bridge=bridge_IP, light=bridge_light)185 window.close()186 logger.debug('Returning to main menu.')187 return bridge_IP, bridge_light188 '''189 GUI MAIN190 '''191 bridge_IP, bridge_light, debug = initialize()192 logging.config.dictConfig(configure_logger())193 # create logger with 'EDHue'194 logger = logging.getLogger('EDHue.GUI')195'Starting.')196 connected = False197 running_status = False198 ed_hue_status = 'Stopped'199 ed_hue_status_color = 'Red'200 # Define my theme201 sg.LOOK_AND_FEEL_TABLE['EliteTheme'] = {'BACKGROUND': '#000000', # Black202 'TEXT': '#ffffff', # White203 'INPUT': ELITE_ORANGE,204 'TEXT_INPUT': '#ffffff', # White205 'SCROLL': ELITE_ORANGE,206 'BUTTON': ('white', ELITE_ORANGE),207 'PROGRESS': ('white', 'black'),208 'BORDER': 1,209 'SLIDER_DEPTH': 0,210 'PROGRESS_DEPTH': 0,211 }212 # Switch to use your newly created theme213 sg.theme('EliteTheme')214 # Call a popup to show what the theme looks like215 # sg.popup_get_text('This how the MyNewTheme custom theme looks')216 # Define the window's contents217 layout = [[sg.Button(key='StartImage',218 image_filename=os.path.join('assets', 'edlogo2.gif'),219 pad=(0, 0)),220 sg.Button(button_text='Elite Dangerous Hue Light Sync',221 key='StartText', font=('euro caps', 38), pad=(0, 0))],222 [sg.Text('Configured Bridge:', justification='right',223 size=(18, 0)),224 sg.Text(bridge_IP, key='Bridge', justification='left',225 size=(18, 0))],226 [sg.Text('Configured Light:', justification='right',227 size=(18, 0)),228 sg.Text(bridge_light, key='Light', justification='left',229 size=(18, 0))],230 [sg.Text('Status:', justification='right',231 size=(18, 0)),232 sg.Text(ed_hue_status, key='Light', justification='left',233 text_color=ed_hue_status_color, size=(18, 0))],234 [sg.Text()],235 [sg.Button('Configure', font=('euro caps', 32),236 pad=((0, 6), (0, 0))),237 sg.Button('Exit', size=(4, 1), pad=((545, 0), (0, 0)),238 font=('euro caps', 32))]239 ]240 # Create the window241 window = sg.Window('E:D Hue Light Sync', layout, margins=(25, 25),242 background_color='#000000', element_justification='c')243 # Display and interact with the Window using an Event Loop244 while True:245 event, values = # See if user wants to quit or window was closed247 if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED or event == 'Exit':248 break249 if event == 'StartImage' or event == 'StartText':250 if bridge_IP == '' and bridge_light == '':251 sg.popup_error('Both the Philips Hue Bridge and Light source '252 'must be populated.\n'253 'Click on configure to set them up.')254 elif bridge_IP == '':255 sg.popup_error('The Philips Hue Bridge must be populated.\n'256 'Click on configure to set it up.')257 elif bridge_light == '':258 sg.popup_error('The Philips Hue Light source must be '259 'populated.\n'260 'Click on configure to set it up.')261 connected, running_status = GUI_start(bridge_IP, bridge_light)262 if event == 'Configure':263 window.hide()264 bridge_IP, bridge_light = GUI_configure_ui(bridge_IP, bridge_light)265 window.un_hide()266 window.force_focus()267 logger.debug('Returned bridge IP: ' + bridge_IP)268 logger.debug('Returned Light: ' + bridge_light)269 window['Bridge'].update(bridge_IP)270 window['Light'].update(bridge_light)271 if running_status:272 ed_hue_status = 'Running'273 ed_hue_status_color = 'Green'274 # Define the window's contents275 layout = [[sg.Button(key='StartImage',276 image_filename=os.path.join('assets', 'edlogo2.gif'),277 pad=(0, 0)),278 sg.Button(button_text='Elite Dangerous Hue Light Sync',279 key='StartText', font=('euro caps', 38), pad=(0, 0))],280 [sg.Text('Configured Bridge:', justification='right',281 size=(18, 0)),282 sg.Text(bridge_IP, key='Bridge', justification='left',283 size=(18, 0))],284 [sg.Text('Configured Light:', justification='right',285 size=(18, 0)),286 sg.Text(bridge_light, key='Light', justification='left',287 size=(18, 0))],288 [sg.Text('Status:', justification='right',289 size=(18, 0)),290 sg.Text(ed_hue_status, key='Light', justification='left',291 text_color=ed_hue_status_color, size=(18, 0))],292 [sg.Text()],293 [sg.Button('Configure', font=('euro caps', 32),294 pad=((0, 6), (0, 0))),295 sg.Button('Exit', size=(4, 1), pad=((545, 0), (0, 0)),296 font=('euro caps', 32))]297 ]298 # rereate the window299 window.close()300 window = sg.Window('E:D Hue Light Sync', layout, margins=(25, 25),301 background_color='#000000',302 element_justification='c')303 # Finish up by removing from the screen and doing some cleanup304 window.close()305 if connected:306 non_blocking = True307 else:308 non_blocking = False309 sg.popup_auto_close('See you in the Black, Commander.\n\no7',310 background_color='#000000', text_color=ELITE_ORANGE,311 no_titlebar=True, button_type=5, font=('euro caps', 32),312 non_blocking=non_blocking, auto_close_duration=5)313 GUI_cleanup(ip=bridge_IP, light=bridge_light, connected=connected)314if __name__ == '__main__':...

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...8class HueSetup:9 """ Get or create infos to connect to Philips Hue """10 bridge_url = None11 def __init__(self):12 bridge_ip = self._get_bridge_ip()13 username = self._get_cached_username(bridge_ip)14 print "Cached username: " + str(username)15 if username is None or not self._is_connected(bridge_ip, username):16 username = self._connect_user(bridge_ip)17 self.bridge_url = self._create_url(bridge_ip, username)18 self._set_cache(bridge_ip, username)19 def _get_bridge_ip(self):20 response = requests.get('http:/​/​​api/​nupnp').json()21 bridge_ip = response[0]["internalipaddress"] if type(response) is list else response["internalipaddress"]22 return bridge_ip23 def _is_connected(self, bridge_ip, username):24 is_connected = False25 resource = {'which':'system'}26 response = requests.get(self._create_url(bridge_ip, username)).json()27 if 'lights' in response:28 print 'Connected to the Hub'29 is_connected = True30 elif 'error' in response[0]:31 error = response[0]['error']32 if error['type'] == 1:33 is_connected = False...

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1# encoding: utf-82from __future__ import unicode_literals3import json4from os import system5from packages import requests6from packages.workflow import Workflow3 as Workflow7import request8import utils9def set_bridge(bridge_ip=None):10 try:11 if not bridge_ip:12 bridge_ip = utils.search_for_bridge()13 if not bridge_ip:14 print('No bridges found on your network. Try specifying the IP address.'.encode('utf-8'))15 return None16 workflow = Workflow()17 # Create API user for the workflow18 r = 'http:/​/​{bridge_ip}/​api'.format(bridge_ip=bridge_ip),20 data=json.dumps({'devicetype': 'Alfred 2'}),21 timeout=322 )23 resp = r.json()[0]24 if resp.get('error'):25 print('Setup Error: %s' % resp['error'].get('description').encode('utf-8'))26 else:27 workflow.settings['bridge_ip'] = bridge_ip28 workflow.settings['username'] = resp['success']['username']29 print('Success! You can now control your lights by using the "hue" keyword.'.encode('utf-8'))30 except requests.exceptions.RequestException:...

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