How to use update_region method in tempest

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1# water.py2import math3import pickle4import gazebo_getpos5import hierarchical6import utils7from envs import hsr8# Think about what model for each skill.9DEBUG = False10PRETRAINED = True11V = 0.0712OMEGA = math.pi /​ 5.13STATION_POSITION = [0.75, -2]14FAKE_WATER_LEVEL = 215ARM_STAND_BY = [0, -0.6, -1.57, -1.57, 0.6]16""" Upper Level Skills"""17@hierarchical.Skill18def ServeTables(consta):19 """20 arg: [consta]21 ret_val:22 """23 MoveGripper(1.57)24 MoveArm(0, -0, -1.57, -1.57, 1.02)25 ServeTable()26@hierarchy.Skill27def ServeTable():28 """29 arg: None30 ret_val: region_list31 """32 region_list = [0] * 1633 region_list = InspectTable()34 region_list = GoStandBy(region_list)35 region_list = FillCups(region_list)36 FillCups(region_list)37@hierarchy.Skill38def GoStandBy(region_list)39 """40 arg: region_list41 ret_val: region_list42 """43 region_list[0:8] = [1] + [0] * 744 hsr.MoveBaseAbs(0, -1.2, 1.57, V, OMEGA)45 hsr.MoveBaseAbs(0.375, -1.2, 1.57, V, OMEGA)46 return region_list47#not really sure48@hierarchy.Skill49def InspectTable():50 """51 arg:52 ret_val: region_list from LookAtTable, Move_succeed from GoToTable53 """54 region_list = [0] * 1655 motion_cnt = 156 motion_cnt, region_list = GoToTable(motion_cnt, region_list)57 motion_cnt, region_list = LookAtTable(motion_cnt, region_list)58 motion_cnt += 159 motino_cnt, region_list = GoToTable(motion_cnt, region_list)60 return region_list61#not really sure62@hierarchy.Skill63def FillCups(region_list):64 """65 arg:region list66 ret_val:67 """68 region_list = ReturnRegionList(region_list)69 while(sum(region_listp[8:16])!=0):70 region_list = FillCupsWrapper(region_list)71 region_list = FillCup(region_list) ###not sure the return value72 region_list = ScanTable(region_list)73@hierarchy.Skill74def FillCupsWrapper(region_list):75 """76 arg: region_list77 ret_val:78 """79 #region_list = arg[0:16]80 water_level, is_refilled = EnsureWaterAmount(region_list[0:8])81 destin_region, water_level, is_refilled = SelectNextRegionWrapper(region_list, water_level, is_refilled)82 curr_region = region_list[0:8]83 #changes: in original file, return value has to arguments and comment shows only one of them84 water_level, destin_region = MoveNextRegion(curr_region, destin_region, water_level, is_refilled)85 region_list[0:8] = destin_region86 return region_list, water_level87@hierarchy.Skill88def SelectNextRegionWrapper(region_list, water_level, is_refilled)89 """90 arg: region_list = arg (current region: arg[0:8], region cup number: arg[8:16], [water_level, is_refilled])91 ret_val: destination region in one hot representation92 """93 curr_region = region_list[0:8]94 region_cup_num = region_list[8:16]95 #for here, the function passed in 4 arguments, water_level and is_refilled is missing96 destin_region = SelectNextRegion(curr_region, region_cup_num)97 return destin_region, water_level, is_refilled98@hierarchy.Skill99def SelectNextRegion(curr_region, region_cup_num):100 """101 arg: region_list = arg (current region: arg[0:8], region cup number: arg[8:16], [water_level, is_refilled])102 ret_val: destination region in one hot representation103 """104 update_region = CheckRegion(curr_region, region_cup_num)105 check, update_region = CheckRegion(update_region, region_cup_num)106 while(not check):107 update_region = ShiftRegion(update_region)108 check, update_region = CheckRegion(update_region, region_cup_num)109 return update_region110@hierarchy.Skill111def ShiftRegion(prev_region):112 """113 arg: previous region: arg[0:8]114 ret_val: selected region in one hot representation115 """116 index = sum([i*prev_region[i] for i in range(8)])117 prev_region[index] = 0118 prev_region[(index+1)%8] = 1119 return prev_region120@hierarchy.Skill121def CheckRegion(sele_region, region_cup_num)122 """123 arg: region_list = arg, current region: arg[0:8], region cup number: arg[8:16]124 ret_val: destination region in one hot representation125 """126 index = sum([i*sele_region[i] for i in range(8)])127 return region_cup_num[index], sele_region128@hierarchy.Skill129def MoveNextRegion(curr_region, destin_region, water_level, is_refilled):130 """131 arg: [curr_region, destin_region, water_level, is_refilled]132 ret_val: [water_level]133 """...

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...19 liveTraceROI = self.addPlot(title="ROI", row=0, col=1, colspan=2)20 liveTraceROI.plot(x2,data2)21 def update_plot():22 liveTraceROI.setXRange(*lr.getRegion(), padding=0)23 def update_region():24 lr.setRegion(liveTraceROI.getViewBox().viewRange()[0])25 lr.sigRegionChanged.connect(update_plot)26 liveTraceROI.sigXRangeChanged.connect(update_region)27 update_plot()28 self.nextRow()29 # HISTORY30 historyTrace = self.addPlot(title="History (ROI)")31 for i in range(1,5,1):32 historyTrace.plot(x2,data2+0.1*i)33 def update_plot():34 historyTrace.setXRange(*lr.getRegion(), padding=0)35 def update_region():36 lr.setRegion(liveTraceROI.getViewBox().viewRange()[0])37 lr.sigRegionChanged.connect(update_plot)38 historyTrace.sigXRangeChanged.connect(update_region)39 update_plot()40 # HISTOGRAMS of peak positions and intensities in ROI41 vals = np.hstack([np.random.normal(size=500), np.random.normal(size=260, loc=600)])42 y, x = np.histogram(vals, bins=np.linspace(-3, 8, 40))43 # HISTOGRAM PEAK POSITION44 histogramPosTrace = self.addPlot(title="Peak position")45 histogramPosTrace.plot(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0,0,255,100))46 def update_plot():47 y, x = np.histogram(vals, bins=np.linspace(lr.getRegion()[0], lr.getRegion()[1], 40))48 histogramPosTrace.plot(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0,0,255,100))49 def update_region():50 lr.setRegion(liveTraceROI.getViewBox().viewRange()[0])51 lr.sigRegionChanged.connect(update_plot)52 histogramPosTrace.sigXRangeChanged.connect(update_region)53 update_plot()54 # HISTOGRAM PEAK INTENSITY55 histogramIntTrace = self.addPlot(title="Peak intensity")56 histogramIntTrace.plot(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0,0,255,100))57 def update_plot():58 y, x = np.histogram(vals, bins=np.linspace(lr.getRegion()[0], lr.getRegion()[1], 40))59 histogramIntTrace.plot(x, y, stepMode=True, fillLevel=0, brush=(0,0,255,100))60 def update_region():61 lr.setRegion(liveTraceROI.getViewBox().viewRange()[0])62 lr.sigRegionChanged.connect(update_plot)63 histogramIntTrace.sigXRangeChanged.connect(update_region)...

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1import pytest2import pandas as pd3def update_region(row):4 5 if row['State_Code'] == 2:6 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 607 row['Region_Name'] = 'USDA - West'8 if row['State_Code'] == 33:9 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 5710 row['Region_Name'] = 'USDA - Northeast'11 if row['State_Code'] == 35:12 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 6013 row['Region_Name'] = 'USDA - West'14 if row['State_Code'] == 44:15 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 5716 row['Region_Name'] = 'USDA - Northeast'17 if row['State_Code'] == 50:18 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 5719 row['Region_Name'] = 'USDA - Northeast'20 if row['State_Code'] == 60:21 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 9922 row['Region_Name'] = 'Other'23 if row['State_Code'] == 66:24 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 9925 row['Region_Name'] = 'Other'26 if row['State_Code'] == 69:27 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 9928 row['Region_Name'] = 'Other'29 if row['State_Code'] == 72:30 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 9931 row['Region_Name'] = 'Other'32 if row['State_Code'] == 78:33 row['EZT_Region_Key'] = 9934 row['Region_Name'] = 'Other' 35 36 return row37def test_method1(update_region):38 x = 1739 assert update_region(0) == x40def test_method2(update_region):41 y = 'test_string'42 assert update_region('test') == y43test_method2(update_region)44d = {'State_Code': [44, 12], 'EZT_Region_Key': [66, 67], 'Region_Name': ['testa', 'testb']}45df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)46df.apply(update_region, axis=1)47def test_method3(update_region):48 y = 'test_string'49 assert update_region(df) == 12...

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