Best Python code snippet using tempest_python
1from django.urls import reverse2from django.test.utils import setup_test_environment3from django.contrib.auth.models import User4from django.db.models import Q5from home.models import *6from import *7# from searchengine.forms import *8# import requests9import os10import sys11import random12import cv213# from tabulate import tabulate14setup_test_environment()15from django.test import Client16c = Client()17from django.core.files import File18def populate_user_database():19 os.chdir('./static/books')20 id_=int(input('Enter ID: '))21 b=Book.objects.get(id=id_)22 os.chdir(b.title)23 os.chdir('content')24 ids=[]25 for file in os.listdir('.'):26 print(file)27 with open(file,'r') as f:28 r=f.readlines()29 r=[i.strip() for i in r]30 content='\n'.join(r)31 p=Page(pagetitle=file.strip(), content=content, book=b)32 ids.append( os.chdir('../images')35 for i in ids:36 pt='.'.join(Page.objects.get(id=i).pagetitle.split('.')[:-1])37 # pt=pt.split('.')[:-1]+'jpg'38 p=Page.objects.get(id=i)39,File(open(pt,'rb')))40def flush_user_database():41 p = Page.objects.all()42 if len(p):43 for i in p:44 i.delete()45 b = Book.objects.all()46 if len(b):47 for i in b:48 i.delete()49def processing():50 import os51 import shutil52 import glob53 import xml.etree.ElementTree as et54 valid_image_ext = ['jpg','tif','jpeg','TIF','JPG','JPEG','PNG','png']55 cwd = os.getcwd()56 os.chdir("/home/ndlsearch19/rename_telugu/Telugu")57 book_path_folder = os.getcwd()58 book_name_lan = os.getcwd().split("/")[-1]59 60 #print(book_path_folder)61 book_list = Book.objects.all()62 test_list=[]63 for i in book_list:64 test_list.append(i.title)65 # print(test_list)66 count = 167 book_path_list = glob.glob('*')68 book_path_list = [i for i in book_path_list if os.path.isdir(i)]69 print(book_path_list)70 # cwd = os.getcwd()71 test=[]72 for book_path in book_path_list:73 print(book_path)74 print("/n/n")75 test_list_content = []76 test_list_images = []77 test_list_segment = []78 nameofthebook = book_path.split("/")[-1]79 #print(nameofthebook)80 os.chdir(book_path_folder+"/"+book_path)81 print(os.getcwd())82 images = []83 for i in valid_image_ext:84 images += glob.glob('Images/*.{}'.format(i))85 images = list(set(images))86 # print(images)87 content = glob.glob('Predictions_CRNN/*.txt')88 # print(content)89 #print(len(content))90 #print(len(images))91 segment = glob.glob('Segmentations/*.txt') 92 for i in images:93 i=i.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1]94 test_list_images.append(i)95 if len(content)!=0 and len(content) is not None: 96 for i in content:97 i = i.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1]98 test_list_content.append(i)99 else:100 print("No predictions")101 for i in segment:102 i = i.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1]103 test_list_segment.append(i)104 105 106 107 common_list = list(set(test_list_content) & (set(test_list_images)))108 # common_list_2 = list(set(test_list_content) & (set(test_list_segment)))109 110 print("common list")111 print(len(common_list))112 dir_name_img = os.getcwd() + "/" + "Images"113 dir_name_cont = os.getcwd() + "/" + "Predictions_CRNN"114 dir_name_seg = os.getcwd() + "/" + "Segmentations"115 116 for i in test_list_images:117 if i not in common_list:118 test_list_images.remove(i)119 for i in test_list_content:120 if i not in common_list:121 test_list_content.remove(i)122 for i in test_list_segment:123 if i not in common_list:124 test_list_segment.remove(i)125 126 test1=[]127 test2=[]128 test3=[]129 for i in test_list_images:130 i = i + "." + "png" 131 test1.append(i)132 for i in test_list_content:133 i = i + "." + "png.txt"134 test2.append(i)135 for i in test_list_segment:136 i = i + "." + "png.lines.txt"137 test3.append(i)138 for i in images : 139 if i.split("/")[-1] not in test1:140 images.remove(i)141 os.remove(os.path.join(dir_name_img,i.split("/")[-1]))142 for i in content : 143 if i.split("/")[-1] not in test2:144 content.remove(i)145 os.remove(os.path.join(dir_name_cont, i.split("/")[-1]))146 for i in segment: 147 if i.split("/")[-1] not in test3:148 segment.remove(i)149 os.remove(os.path.join(dir_name_seg, i.split("/")[-1]))150 print(len(images))151 print(len(content))152 print(len(segment))153 print(count)154 count+=1155 assert len(content) == len(images)156 #print(len(content[0].split('_')))157 if len(content[0].split('_')) > 2:158 content = ['_'.join(i.split('_')[1:]) for i in content]159 #print(content)160 root = et.parse('./META.XML').getroot()161 print(root)162 meta = {i.tag:i.text for i in root}163 164 if "title" not in meta.keys():165 meta["title"] = None166 167 if "totalpages" not in meta.keys():168 meta["totalpages"] = None169 if meta["title"] is None:170 meta["title"] = "NDLI_"+book_name_lan+str(count)171 count+=1172 #print(count)173 meta["title"] = meta["title"].lower()174 meta["title"] = meta["title"].title()175 if str(meta["title"]) in test_list :176 print("Already Present")177 else:178 if "creator" not in meta.keys():179 meta["creator"] = None180 181 if "digitalrepublisher" not in meta.keys():182 meta["digitalrepublisher"]= None183 if 'creator1' not in meta.keys() or meta["creator1"] is None:184 meta["creator1"] = "Anonymous"185 if meta["creator"] is None:186 meta["creator"]= meta["creator1"]187 188 if meta["digitalrepublisher"] is None:189 meta["digitalrepublisher"] = "Digital Library Of India"190 191 if "subject" not in meta.keys():192 meta["subject"] = "Unavailable"193 194 if meta["digitalrepublisher"] == "PAR Informatics, Hyderabad" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="UDL T.T.D, TIRUPATHI" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="UDL TTD TIRUPATHI" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="PAR INFORMATICS,HYDERBAD" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="UDL T.T.D.Tirupati" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="UDL , T.T.D. TIRUPATI" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="UDL TTD TIRUPATI" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="PAR INFORMATICS,HYD" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="<>" or meta['digitalrepublisher']=="Sarvesh Mishra" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="UDL TTD TIRUPATI" or meta["digitalrepublisher"]=="Udl Ttd Tirupathi":195 meta["digitalrepublisher"] = "Others"196 if meta["subject"] is None or meta["subject"]=="<>" or meta['subject'] == "<>" or meta["subject"]=="-" or meta["subject"]=="<enter subject of the book>" or meta["subject"]=="<enter subject of the book>":197 meta["subject"] = "Unavailable"198 if meta["subject"]=="RELIGION" or meta['subject']=="Religion" or meta['subject']=="HINDUISM " or meta["subject"]=="hinduism" or meta["subject"]=="HINDUISM" or meta["subject"]=="RELIGION. THEOLOGY" or meta["subject"]=="Religion. Theology":199 meta["subject"] = "Religion and Theology"200 if meta["subject"]=="Literature" or meta["subject"]=="Litrature" or meta["subject"]=="Nobel" or meta["subject"]=="Novel" or meta["subject"] == "Hindi literature" or meta["subject"]=="Hindi Literature" or meta["subject"]=="LITERATURE" or meta["subject"]=="Hindi Literature" or meta["subject"]=="Literature " or meta["subject"]=="Language" or meta["subject"]=="Drama" or meta["subject"]=='drama' or meta["subject"]=="Hindi drama" or meta["subject"]=="Hindi Drama" or meta["subject"]=="poetry" or meta["subject"]=="lictraturl" or meta["subject"]=="Story" or meta["subject"]=="literature" or meta['subject']=="poetry" or meta["subject"]=="Hindi poetry" or meta["subject"]=="Poetry":201 meta["subject"] = "Language. Linguistics. Literature"202 if meta["subject"]=="Others " or meta["subject"]=="OTHERS":203 meta["subject"]="Digital Library Of India"204 if meta["barcode"] is None:205 meta["barcode"] = "Unavailable"206 207 if meta["totalpages"] is None:208 meta["totalpages"] = "-"209 b = Book(210 isbn= meta['barcode'],211 title=meta['title'].lower().rstrip().title(),212 author=meta['creator'].lower().rstrip().title(),213 language=meta['language'].lower().rstrip().title(),214 genre=meta['subject'].lower().rstrip().title(),215 source=meta['digitalrepublisher'].lower().rstrip().title(),216 numpages = meta["totalpages"]217 )218 shutil.make_archive('Images','zip','.',base_dir='Images')219 shutil.make_archive('Predictions_CRNN','zip','.',base_dir='Predictions_CRNN')220 shutil.make_archive('Segmentations','zip','.',base_dir='Segmentations')221 image_zip = os.path.abspath('')222 content_zip= os.path.abspath('')223 segment_zip= os.path.abspath('')224 os.chdir(cwd)225'',File(open(image_zip,'rb')), save=False)226'', File(open(content_zip,'rb')),save=False)227'', File(open(segment_zip,'rb')),save=False)228 os.remove(image_zip)229 os.remove(content_zip)230 os.remove(segment_zip)231 print(meta)233 print(os.getcwd())...
...11run = 'test_api'12host = ''13class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):14 @unittest.skipUnless(run == 'test_list_images', 'reason')15 def test_list_images(self):16 p = processor.AliyunImageServiceProcessor("")17 r = p.queryImages(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,)18 print('test_list_images', r, len(r))19 @unittest.skipUnless(run == 'test_create_image', 'reason')20 def test_create_image(self):21 p = processor.AliyunImageServiceProcessor("")22 r = p.createImage(None, None, 'NewImage', 's-62ev59pgw')23 print('test_create_image', r)24 @unittest.skipUnless(run == 'test_query_image_by_id', 'reason')25 def test_query_image_by_id(self):26 p = processor.AliyunImageServiceProcessor("")27 r = p.queryImageId('coreos681_64_20G_aliaegis_20150618.vhd')28 print('test_query_image_by_id', r)29 @unittest.skipUnless(run == 'test_delete_image_by_id', 'reason')...
1from model import Model2from layers.activation import Activation3from layers.max_pooling import MaxPooling4from layers.convolution_layer import ConvolutionLayer5from layers.dense_layer import DenseLayer6from layers.flatten_layer import FlattenLayer7from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split8import os9os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' 10import tensorflow as tf11import numpy as np12from tensorflow import keras13from tensorflow.keras import preprocessing14from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image_dataset_from_directory15from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array16import pickle17train_ds = image_dataset_from_directory(18 directory='train/',19 labels='inferred',20 label_mode='int',21 batch_size=40,22 shuffle=False,23 image_size=(100, 100))24test = image_dataset_from_directory(25 directory='test/',26 labels='inferred',27 label_mode='int',28 batch_size=40,29 shuffle=False,30 image_size=(100, 100))31train_list_images = []32train_list_labels=[]33for images, labels in train_ds.take(1):34 # print(labels[0].numpy()) 35 for i in range(len(images)):36 train_list_images.append(images[i].numpy()*(1/255))37 train_list_labels.append(labels[i].numpy())38test_list_images = []39test_list_labels=[]40for images, labels in test.take(1):41 # print(labels[0].numpy()) 42 for i in range(len(images)):43 test_list_images.append(images[i].numpy()*(1/255))44 test_list_labels.append(labels[i].numpy())45model = Model()46model.add(ConvolutionLayer(inputs_size=(100,100,3), padding=0, n_filter=2, filter_size=(3,3), n_stride=1))47model.add(Activation())48model.add(MaxPooling((2,2), 2))49model.add(FlattenLayer())50model.add(DenseLayer(units=8, activation='relu'))51model.add(DenseLayer(units=1, activation='sigmoid'))52# for image in list_images:53# prediction = model.forward(image)54# print("prediction : " + str(prediction))55# prediction = model.forward(list_images[0])56from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score57# split traing 90%58X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(train_list_images, train_list_labels, test_size=0.1),y_train,2,3,0.1,0.1)60y_predict = np.zeros(len(y_test))61for i, image in enumerate(X_test):62 predict = model.forward(image)63 if (predict[0] > 0.5):64 y_predict[i] = 165 else:66 y_predict[i] = 067accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test,y_predict)68print(accuracy)69# save the model to disk70filename = 'finalized_model.sav'71pickle.dump(model, open(filename, 'wb'))72 73# load the model from disk74loaded_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))75y_predict = np.zeros(len(y_test))76for i, image in enumerate(X_test):77 predict = loaded_model.forward(image)78 if (predict[0] > 0.5):79 y_predict[i] = 180 else:81 y_predict[i] = 082accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test,y_predict)83print(accuracy)84# using data test85y_predict = np.zeros(len(test_list_images))86for i, image in enumerate(test_list_images):87 predict = loaded_model.forward(image)88 if (predict[0] > 0.5):89 y_predict[i] = 190 else:91 y_predict[i] = 092accuracy = accuracy_score(test_list_labels,y_predict)...
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These days, development teams depend heavily on feedback from automated tests to evaluate the quality of the system they are working on.
I think that probably most development teams describe themselves as being “agile” and probably most development teams have standups, and meetings called retrospectives.There is also a lot of discussion about “agile”, much written about “agile”, and there are many presentations about “agile”. A question that is often asked is what comes after “agile”? Many testers work in “agile” teams so this question matters to us.
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To understand the agile testing mindset, we first need to determine what makes a team “agile.” To me, an agile team continually focuses on becoming self-organized and cross-functional to be able to complete any challenge they may face during a project.
When working on web automation with Selenium, I encountered scenarios where I needed to refresh pages from time to time. When does this happen? One scenario is that I needed to refresh the page to check that the data I expected to see was still available even after refreshing. Another possibility is to clear form data without going through each input individually.
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