Best Python code snippet using tempest_python
1from flask import Flask, redirect, render_template, request, session2from flask_session import Session3from tempfile import mkdtemp4import app_solar_calculation5import sqlite36from flask import g7# import init_db8from datetime import datetime9from import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash10app = Flask(__name__)11# Ensure templates are auto-reloaded12app.config["TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD"] = True13DATABASE = 'database.db'14def get_db():15 """Connect to the db"""16 conn = sqlite3.connect('database.db')17 conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row18 return conn19@app.teardown_appcontext20def close_connection(exception):21 db = getattr(g, '_database', None)22 if db is not None:23 db.close()24def query_db(query, args=(), one=False):25 cur = get_db().execute(query, args)26 rv = cur.fetchall()27 cur.close()28 return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv29def insert_db(query, args=()):30 con = sqlite3.connect('database.db')31 cur = con.cursor()32 cur.execute(query, args)33 con.commit()34 con.close()35 return36# Ensure responses aren't cached37@app.after_request38def after_request(response):39 response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"40 response.headers["Expires"] = 041 response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"42 return response43# Configure session to use filesystem (instead of signed cookies)44app.config["SESSION_FILE_DIR"] = mkdtemp()45app.config["SESSION_PERMANENT"] = False46app.config["SESSION_TYPE"] = "filesystem"47Session(app)48@app.route('/', methods=["GET", "POST"])49def homepage():50 if request.method == "GET":51 return render_template("index.html")52 # If "Calculate" button is clicked53 if request.method == "POST":54 # Get raw values (strings) from form55 lat_in = request.form.get('coord_y')56 long_in = request.form.get('coord_x')57 rotate_in = request.form.get('rotation')58 surface_type = request.form.get('surface')59 year = request.form.get('year')60 location_name, today, version, loc, surface_type, rotation, rounded_tilts, historical_year = \61, long_in, rotate_in, surface_type, year)62 lat = str(lat_in)63 long = str(long_in)64 return render_template("results.html", location_name=location_name, today=today, version=version, lat_in=lat,65 loc=loc, long_in=long, surface_type=surface_type, rotation=rotation, rounded_tilts=rounded_tilts,66 historical_year=historical_year)67@app.route("/signup", methods=["GET", "POST"])68def signup():69 """Register user"""70 # User reached route via POST (as by submitting a form via POST)71 if request.method == "POST":72 # Ensure username was submitted73 if not request.form.get("username"):74 show_username = "block"75 show_password = "none"76 show_pw_match = "none"77 show_exists = "none"78 # print("error_username")79 return render_template("signup.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,80 show_pw_match=show_pw_match, show_exists=show_exists)81 # Ensure password was submitted82 elif not request.form.get("password"):83 show_username = "none"84 show_password = "block"85 show_pw_match = "none"86 show_exists = "none"87 # print("error_password")88 return render_template("signup.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,89 show_pw_match=show_pw_match, show_exists=show_exists)90 # Ensure passwords match91 elif request.form.get("password") != request.form.get("confirmation"):92 show_username = "none"93 show_password = "none"94 show_pw_match = "block"95 show_exists = "none"96 # print("error_match")97 return render_template("signup.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,98 show_pw_match=show_pw_match, show_exists=show_exists)99 username = request.form.get("username")100 # Query database for username101 rows = query_db("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?", (username,))102 # print(len(rows))103 if len(rows) != 0:104 show_username = "none"105 show_password = "none"106 show_pw_match = "none"107 show_exists = "block"108 # print("error_exists")109 return render_template("signup.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,110 show_pw_match=show_pw_match, show_exists=show_exists)111 # hash password to store in db rather than actual password112 hash = generate_password_hash(request.form.get("password"))113 insert_db("INSERT INTO users (username, hash) VALUES(?, ?);", (username, hash))114 # Redirect user to home page115 return render_template("index.html")116 # User reached route via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect)117 else:118 show_username = "none"119 show_password = "none"120 show_pw_match = "none"121 show_exists = "none"122 return render_template("signup.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,123 show_pw_match=show_pw_match, show_exists=show_exists)124@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])125def login():126 """Log user in"""127 # Forget any user_id128 session.clear()129 # User reached route via POST (as by submitting a form via POST)130 if request.method == "POST":131 # Ensure username was submitted132 if not request.form.get("username"):133 show_username = "block"134 show_password = "none"135 show_match = "none"136 # print("error_username")137 return render_template("login.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,138 show_match=show_match)139 # Ensure password was submitted140 elif not request.form.get("password"):141 show_username = "none"142 show_password = "block"143 show_match = "none"144 # print("error_password")145 return render_template("login.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,146 show_match=show_match)147 username = request.form.get("username")148 password = request.form.get("password")149 rows = query_db("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?", (username,))150 # print(len(rows))151 # Ensure username exists and password is correct152 if len(rows) != 1 or not check_password_hash(rows[0]["hash"], password):153 show_username = "none"154 show_password = "none"155 show_match = "block"156 # print("error_match")157 return render_template("login.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,158 show_match=show_match)159 # Remember which user has logged in160 session["user_id"] = rows[0]["id"]161 # print(session["user_id"])162 # Redirect user to home page163 return render_template("index.html")164 # User reached route via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect)165 # else:166 if request.method == "GET":167 show_username = "none"168 show_password = "none"169 show_match = "none"170 return render_template("login.html", show_username=show_username, show_password=show_password,171 show_match=show_match)172@app.route("/logout")173def logout():174 """Log user out"""175 # Forget any user_id176 session.clear()177 # Redirect user to login form178 return redirect("/")179@app.route("/userfeedback", methods=["GET", "POST"])180def feedback():181 """Get user feedback"""182 if request.method == "GET":183 show = "none"184 return render_template("user_feedback.html", show=show)185 if request.method == "POST":186 fb = []187 # get all values from form in string format188 for i in range(1,6):189 # print(i)190 val = "rating" + str(i)191 if request.form.get(val) is not None:192 fb.append(int(request.form.get(val)))193 # If not all 5 mandatory elements are filled in, re-render template with warning194 else:195 show = "block"196 return render_template("user_feedback.html", show=show)197 if request.form.get('further') is not None:198 comment = request.form.get('further')199 else:200 comment = "-"201 # print(fb)202 # print(comment)203 # Add feedback to database204 insert_db("INSERT INTO feedback (q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, comment) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);",205 (fb[0], fb[1], fb[2], fb[3], fb[4], comment))206 # Query overall satisfaction and count207 result = query_db("SELECT AVG(q1) FROM feedback;", one=True)208 overall_sat = int(result[0])209 result2 = query_db("SELECT count(*) FROM feedback;", one=True)210 count = int(result2[0])211 return render_template("thanks.html", overall_rating=overall_sat, count_submissions=count)212@app.route("/about", methods=["GET"])213def about():214 """load page with information about the project"""215 if request.method == "GET":216 return render_template("about.html")217@app.route("/savedsearches", methods=["GET", "POST"])218def saved():219 """load page with information about the project"""220 if request.method == "POST":221 search_id = request.form.get('redo')222 # print(search_id)223 search_params = query_db("SELECT * FROM savedSearches WHERE id = ?;", (search_id,), one=True)224 # Get individual values225 lat_in = search_params['lat_in']226 long_in = search_params['long_in']227 rotate_in = search_params['rotate_in']228 surface_type = search_params['surface_type']229 year = search_params['year']230 location_name, today, version, loc, surface_type, rotation, rounded_tilts, historical_year = \231, long_in, rotate_in, surface_type, year)232 lat = str(lat_in)233 long = str(long_in)234 return render_template("results.html", location_name=location_name, today=today, version=version, lat_in=lat,235 loc=loc, long_in=long, surface_type=surface_type, rotation=rotation,236 rounded_tilts=rounded_tilts,237 historical_year=historical_year)238 if request.method == "GET":239 user_id = int(session["user_id"])240 user_searches = query_db("SELECT * FROM savedSearches WHERE user_id = ?;", (user_id,))241 return render_template("savedsearches.html", user_searches=user_searches)242@app.route("/results", methods=["POST"])243def save():244 """ save current search to db"""245 if request.method == "POST":246 # get time and date as string247 now = now_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")249 # print(f"now = {str(now_string)}")250 # user ID from session251 user_id = int(session["user_id"])252 # print(f"session id = {str(user_id)}")253 loc_name = request.form.get('loc_name')254 lat_in = request.form.get('lat_in')255 long_in = request.form.get('long_in')256 rotate_in = request.form.get('rotate_in')257 surface_type = request.form.get('surface_type')258 year = request.form.get('year')259 # print(f"loc_name = {str(loc_name)}")260 insert_db("INSERT INTO savedSearches (user_id, date, loc_name, lat_in, long_in, rotate_in, surface_type, "261 "year) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", (user_id, now_string, loc_name, lat_in, long_in, rotate_in,262 surface_type, year))263 user_searches = query_db("SELECT * FROM savedSearches WHERE user_id = ?;", (user_id,))264 return render_template("savedsearches.html", user_searches=user_searches)265if __name__ == '__main__':266'')...
1import subprocess2import re3try:4 output = []5 clean_profiles = []6 passwd = ''7 separator = '='*208 class colors:9 MAGENTA = '\033[95m'10 CYAN = '\033[96m'11 RED = '\033[91m'12 ENDC = '\033[0m'13 profiles = subprocess.check_output(['powershell', 'netsh wlan show profiles| Select-String "ÐÑе пÑоÑили полÑзоваÑелей"'])14 profiles = str(profiles)15 profiles = profiles.replace('\\r','')16 profiles = profiles.replace('\\n','')17 profiles = profiles.replace("'",'')18 profiles = profiles.replace("ÐÑе пÑоÑили полÑзоваÑелей",'')19 profiles = profiles.split(" : ")20 profiles.pop(0)21 for i in profiles:22 i = i.strip()23 clean_profiles.append(i)24 for ssid in clean_profiles:25 try:26 get_password = 'netsh wlan show profiles name="' + ssid + '" key=clear | Select-String "СодеÑжимое клÑÑа"'27 show_password = subprocess.check_output(['powershell', get_password])28 show_password = str(show_password)29 show_password = show_password.replace('\\r','')30 show_password = show_password.replace('\\n','')31 show_password = re.findall("[^']",show_password)32 show_password = "".join(show_password)33 show_password = show_password.split(':')34 show_password.pop(0)35 for i in show_password:36 passwd += i37 passwd = passwd.strip()38 output.append(colors.CYAN + "ÐÐ¼Ñ ÑеÑи: " + ssid + "\nÐаÑолÑ: " + passwd + "\n" + colors.MAGENTA + colors.ENDC + separator)39 except:40 #BUG: Ðозможен пÑÑÑой паÑолÑ. СделаÑÑ Ð¿ÑовеÑÐºÑ Ð½Ð° пÑÑÑой паÑÐ¾Ð»Ñ 41 output.append(colors.CYAN + "ÐÐ¼Ñ ÑеÑи: " + ssid + colors.RED + "\nÐаÑолÑ: не найден/ без паÑолÑ\n" + colors.ENDC + separator)42 passwd = ''43 for i in output:44 print(i)45 input("ÐажмиÑе ENTER Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²ÑÑ
1# REVIEW: (netsh wlan show profiles) | Select-String "\:(.+)$" 2# FIXME: TRy using the command above to avoid manual cleaning on ssid names3# NOTE: read 4import subprocess5import re6try:7 output = []8 clean_profiles = []9 passwd = ''10 separator = '='*2011 class colors:12 MAGENTA = '\033[95m'13 CYAN = '\033[96m'14 RED = '\033[91m'15 ENDC = '\033[0m'16 profiles = subprocess.check_output(['powershell', 'netsh wlan show profiles| find "All User Profile"'])17 profiles = str(profiles)18 profiles = profiles.replace('\\r','')19 profiles = profiles.replace('\\n','')20 profiles = profiles.replace("'",'')21 profiles = profiles.replace("All User Profile",'')22 profiles = profiles.split(" : ")23 profiles.pop(0)24 for i in profiles:25 i = i.strip()26 clean_profiles.append(i)27 for ssid in clean_profiles:28 try:29 get_password = 'netsh wlan show profiles name="' + ssid + '" key=clear | find "Key Content"'30 show_password = subprocess.check_output(['powershell', get_password])31 show_password = str(show_password)32 show_password = show_password.replace('\\r','')33 show_password = show_password.replace('\\n','')34 show_password = re.findall("[^']",show_password)35 show_password = "".join(show_password)36 show_password = show_password.split(':')37 show_password.pop(0)38 for i in show_password:39 passwd += i40 passwd = passwd.strip()41 output.append(colors.CYAN + "SSID: " + ssid + "\nPASSWORD: " + passwd + "\n" + colors.MAGENTA + colors.ENDC + separator)42 except:43 output.append(colors.CYAN + "SSID: " + ssid + colors.RED + "\nPASSWORD: No Password/ Empty\n" + colors.ENDC + separator)44 passwd = ''45 for i in output:46 print(i)47 input("Press ENTER to exit")48except:...
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These days, development teams depend heavily on feedback from automated tests to evaluate the quality of the system they are working on.
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