How to use ping method in tempest

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Source:TelemetryStorage.jsm Github


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1/​* -*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */​2/​* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this4 * file, You can obtain one at http:/​/​​MPL/​2.0/​. */​5"use strict";6this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelemetryStorage"];7const Cc = Components.classes;8const Ci = Components.interfaces;9const Cr = Components.results;10const Cu = Components.utils;11Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​AppConstants.jsm", this);12Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Log.jsm");13Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Services.jsm", this);14Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);15Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​osfile.jsm", this);16Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Task.jsm", this);17Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryUtils.jsm", this);18Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Promise.jsm", this);19Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Preferences.jsm", this);20const LOGGER_NAME = "Toolkit.Telemetry";21const LOGGER_PREFIX = "TelemetryStorage::";22const Telemetry = Services.telemetry;23const Utils = TelemetryUtils;24/​/​ Compute the path of the pings archive on the first use.25const DATAREPORTING_DIR = "datareporting";26const PINGS_ARCHIVE_DIR = "archived";27const ABORTED_SESSION_FILE_NAME = "aborted-session-ping";28const DELETION_PING_FILE_NAME = "pending-deletion-ping";29const SESSION_STATE_FILE_NAME = "session-state.json";30XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gDataReportingDir", function() {31 return OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DATAREPORTING_DIR);32});33XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gPingsArchivePath", function() {34 return OS.Path.join(gDataReportingDir, PINGS_ARCHIVE_DIR);35});36XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gAbortedSessionFilePath", function() {37 return OS.Path.join(gDataReportingDir, ABORTED_SESSION_FILE_NAME);38});39XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gDeletionPingFilePath", function() {40 return OS.Path.join(gDataReportingDir, DELETION_PING_FILE_NAME);41});42XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "CommonUtils",43 "resource:/​/​services-common/​utils.js");44/​/​ Maxmimum time, in milliseconds, archive pings should be retained.45const MAX_ARCHIVED_PINGS_RETENTION_MS = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /​/​ 60 days46/​/​ Maximum space the archive can take on disk (in Bytes).47const ARCHIVE_QUOTA_BYTES = 120 * 1024 * 1024; /​/​ 120 MB48/​/​ Maximum space the outgoing pings can take on disk, for Desktop (in Bytes).49const PENDING_PINGS_QUOTA_BYTES_DESKTOP = 15 * 1024 * 1024; /​/​ 15 MB50/​/​ Maximum space the outgoing pings can take on disk, for Mobile (in Bytes).51const PENDING_PINGS_QUOTA_BYTES_MOBILE = 1024 * 1024; /​/​ 1 MB52/​/​ The maximum size a pending/​archived ping can take on disk.53const PING_FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE_BYTES = 1024 * 1024; /​/​ 1 MB54/​/​ This special value is submitted when the archive is outside of the quota.55const ARCHIVE_SIZE_PROBE_SPECIAL_VALUE = 300;56/​/​ This special value is submitted when the pending pings is outside of the quota, as57/​/​ we don't know the size of the pings above the quota.58const PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_PROBE_SPECIAL_VALUE = 17;59const UUID_REGEX = /​^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/​i;60/​**61 * This is thrown by |TelemetryStorage.loadPingFile| when reading the ping62 * from the disk fails.63 */​64function PingReadError(message="Error reading the ping file", becauseNoSuchFile = false) {65, message);66 let error = new Error();67 = "PingReadError";68 this.message = message;69 this.stack = error.stack;70 this.becauseNoSuchFile = becauseNoSuchFile;71}72PingReadError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);73PingReadError.prototype.constructor = PingReadError;74/​**75 * This is thrown by |TelemetryStorage.loadPingFile| when parsing the ping JSON76 * content fails.77 */​78function PingParseError(message="Error parsing ping content") {79, message);80 let error = new Error();81 = "PingParseError";82 this.message = message;83 this.stack = error.stack;84}85PingParseError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);86PingParseError.prototype.constructor = PingParseError;87/​**88 * This is a policy object used to override behavior for testing.89 */​90var Policy = {91 now: () => new Date(),92 getArchiveQuota: () => ARCHIVE_QUOTA_BYTES,93 getPendingPingsQuota: () => (AppConstants.platform in ["android", "gonk"])94 ? PENDING_PINGS_QUOTA_BYTES_MOBILE95 : PENDING_PINGS_QUOTA_BYTES_DESKTOP,96};97/​**98 * Wait for all promises in iterable to resolve or reject. This function99 * always resolves its promise with undefined, and never rejects.100 */​101function waitForAll(it) {102 let dummy = () => {};103 let promises = Array.from(it, p => p.catch(dummy));104 return Promise.all(promises);105}106/​**107 * Permanently intern the given string. This is mainly used for the ping.type108 * strings that can be excessively duplicated in the _archivedPings map. Do not109 * pass large or temporary strings to this function.110 */​111function internString(str) {112 return Symbol.keyFor(Symbol.for(str));113}114this.TelemetryStorage = {115 get pingDirectoryPath() {116 return OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "saved-telemetry-pings");117 },118 /​**119 * The maximum size a ping can have, in bytes.120 */​121 get MAXIMUM_PING_SIZE() {122 return PING_FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE_BYTES;123 },124 /​**125 * Shutdown & block on any outstanding async activity in this module.126 *127 * @return {Promise} Promise that is resolved when shutdown is complete.128 */​129 shutdown: function() {130 return TelemetryStorageImpl.shutdown();131 },132 /​**133 * Save an archived ping to disk.134 *135 * @param {object} ping The ping data to archive.136 * @return {promise} Promise that is resolved when the ping is successfully archived.137 */​138 saveArchivedPing: function(ping) {139 return TelemetryStorageImpl.saveArchivedPing(ping);140 },141 /​**142 * Load an archived ping from disk.143 *144 * @param {string} id The pings id.145 * @return {promise<object>} Promise that is resolved with the ping data.146 */​147 loadArchivedPing: function(id) {148 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadArchivedPing(id);149 },150 /​**151 * Get a list of info on the archived pings.152 * This will scan the archive directory and grab basic data about the existing153 * pings out of their filename.154 *155 * @return {promise<sequence<object>>}156 */​157 loadArchivedPingList: function() {158 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadArchivedPingList();159 },160 /​**161 * Clean the pings archive by removing old pings.162 * This will scan the archive directory.163 *164 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the cleanup task completes.165 */​166 runCleanPingArchiveTask: function() {167 return TelemetryStorageImpl.runCleanPingArchiveTask();168 },169 /​**170 * Run the task to enforce the pending pings quota.171 *172 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the cleanup task completes.173 */​174 runEnforcePendingPingsQuotaTask: function() {175 return TelemetryStorageImpl.runEnforcePendingPingsQuotaTask();176 },177 /​**178 * Run the task to remove all the pending pings (except the deletion ping).179 *180 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the pings are removed.181 */​182 runRemovePendingPingsTask: function() {183 return TelemetryStorageImpl.runRemovePendingPingsTask();184 },185 /​**186 * Reset the storage state in tests.187 */​188 reset: function() {189 return TelemetryStorageImpl.reset();190 },191 /​**192 * Test method that allows waiting on the archive clean task to finish.193 */​194 testCleanupTaskPromise: function() {195 return (TelemetryStorageImpl._cleanArchiveTask || Promise.resolve());196 },197 /​**198 * Test method that allows waiting on the pending pings quota task to finish.199 */​200 testPendingQuotaTaskPromise: function() {201 return (TelemetryStorageImpl._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask || Promise.resolve());202 },203 /​**204 * Save a pending - outgoing - ping to disk and track it.205 *206 * @param {Object} ping The ping data.207 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping was saved.208 */​209 savePendingPing: function(ping) {210 return TelemetryStorageImpl.savePendingPing(ping);211 },212 /​**213 * Saves session data to disk.214 * @param {Object} sessionData The session data.215 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the data was saved.216 */​217 saveSessionData: function(sessionData) {218 return TelemetryStorageImpl.saveSessionData(sessionData);219 },220 /​**221 * Loads session data from a session data file.222 * @return {Promise<object>} Resolved with the session data in object form.223 */​224 loadSessionData: function() {225 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadSessionData();226 },227 /​**228 * Load a pending ping from disk by id.229 *230 * @param {String} id The pings id.231 * @return {Promise} Resolved with the loaded ping data.232 */​233 loadPendingPing: function(id) {234 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadPendingPing(id);235 },236 /​**237 * Remove a pending ping from disk by id.238 *239 * @param {String} id The pings id.240 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping was removed.241 */​242 removePendingPing: function(id) {243 return TelemetryStorageImpl.removePendingPing(id);244 },245 /​**246 * Returns a list of the currently pending pings in the format:247 * {248 * id: <string>, /​/​ The pings UUID.249 * lastModificationDate: <number>, /​/​ Timestamp of the pings last modification.250 * }251 * This populates the list by scanning the disk.252 *253 * @return {Promise<sequence>} Resolved with the ping list.254 */​255 loadPendingPingList: function() {256 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadPendingPingList();257 },258 /​**259 * Returns a list of the currently pending pings in the format:260 * {261 * id: <string>, /​/​ The pings UUID.262 * lastModificationDate: <number>, /​/​ Timestamp of the pings last modification.263 * }264 * This does not scan pending pings on disk.265 *266 * @return {sequence} The current pending ping list.267 */​268 getPendingPingList: function() {269 return TelemetryStorageImpl.getPendingPingList();270 },271 /​**272 * Save an aborted-session ping to disk. This goes to a special location so273 * it is not picked up as a pending ping.274 *275 * @param {object} ping The ping data to save.276 * @return {promise} Promise that is resolved when the ping is successfully saved.277 */​278 saveAbortedSessionPing: function(ping) {279 return TelemetryStorageImpl.saveAbortedSessionPing(ping);280 },281 /​**282 * Load the aborted-session ping from disk if present.283 *284 * @return {promise<object>} Promise that is resolved with the ping data if found.285 * Otherwise returns null.286 */​287 loadAbortedSessionPing: function() {288 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadAbortedSessionPing();289 },290 /​**291 * Save the deletion ping.292 * @param ping The deletion ping.293 * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the ping is saved.294 */​295 saveDeletionPing: function(ping) {296 return TelemetryStorageImpl.saveDeletionPing(ping);297 },298 /​**299 * Remove the deletion ping.300 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping is deleted from the disk.301 */​302 removeDeletionPing: function() {303 return TelemetryStorageImpl.removeDeletionPing();304 },305 /​**306 * Check if the ping id identifies a deletion ping.307 */​308 isDeletionPing: function(aPingId) {309 return TelemetryStorageImpl.isDeletionPing(aPingId);310 },311 /​**312 * Remove the aborted-session ping if present.313 *314 * @return {promise} Promise that is resolved once the ping is removed.315 */​316 removeAbortedSessionPing: function() {317 return TelemetryStorageImpl.removeAbortedSessionPing();318 },319 /​**320 * Save a single ping to a file.321 *322 * @param {object} ping The content of the ping to save.323 * @param {string} file The destination file.324 * @param {bool} overwrite If |true|, the file will be overwritten if it exists,325 * if |false| the file will not be overwritten and no error will be reported if326 * the file exists.327 * @returns {promise}328 */​329 savePingToFile: function(ping, file, overwrite) {330 return TelemetryStorageImpl.savePingToFile(ping, file, overwrite);331 },332 /​**333 * Save a ping to its file.334 *335 * @param {object} ping The content of the ping to save.336 * @param {bool} overwrite If |true|, the file will be overwritten337 * if it exists.338 * @returns {promise}339 */​340 savePing: function(ping, overwrite) {341 return TelemetryStorageImpl.savePing(ping, overwrite);342 },343 /​**344 * Add a ping to the saved pings directory so that it gets saved345 * and sent along with other pings.346 *347 * @param {Object} pingData The ping object.348 * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the ping is saved to the pings directory.349 */​350 addPendingPing: function(pingData) {351 return TelemetryStorageImpl.addPendingPing(pingData);352 },353 /​**354 * Remove the file for a ping355 *356 * @param {object} ping The ping.357 * @returns {promise}358 */​359 cleanupPingFile: function(ping) {360 return TelemetryStorageImpl.cleanupPingFile(ping);361 },362 /​**363 * The number of pending pings on disk.364 */​365 get pendingPingCount() {366 return TelemetryStorageImpl.pendingPingCount;367 },368 /​**369 * Loads a ping file.370 * @param {String} aFilePath The path of the ping file.371 * @return {Promise<Object>} A promise resolved with the ping content or rejected if the372 * ping contains invalid data.373 */​374 loadPingFile: Task.async(function* (aFilePath) {375 return TelemetryStorageImpl.loadPingFile(aFilePath);376 }),377 /​**378 * Remove FHR database files. This is temporary and will be dropped in379 * the future.380 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the database files are deleted.381 */​382 removeFHRDatabase: function() {383 return TelemetryStorageImpl.removeFHRDatabase();384 },385 /​**386 * Only used in tests, builds an archived ping path from the ping metadata.387 * @param {String} aPingId The ping id.388 * @param {Object} aDate The ping creation date.389 * @param {String} aType The ping type.390 * @return {String} The full path to the archived ping.391 */​392 _testGetArchivedPingPath: function(aPingId, aDate, aType) {393 return getArchivedPingPath(aPingId, aDate, aType);394 },395 /​**396 * Only used in tests, this helper extracts ping metadata from a given filename.397 *398 * @param fileName {String} The filename.399 * @return {Object} Null if the filename didn't match the expected form.400 * Otherwise an object with the extracted data in the form:401 * { timestamp: <number>,402 * id: <string>,403 * type: <string> }404 */​405 _testGetArchivedPingDataFromFileName: function(aFileName) {406 return TelemetryStorageImpl._getArchivedPingDataFromFileName(aFileName);407 },408 /​**409 * Only used in tests, this helper allows cleaning up the pending ping storage.410 */​411 testClearPendingPings: function() {412 return TelemetryStorageImpl.runRemovePendingPingsTask();413 }414};415/​**416 * This object allows the serialisation of asynchronous tasks. This is particularly417 * useful to serialise write access to the disk in order to prevent race conditions418 * to corrupt the data being written.419 * We are using this to synchronize saving to the file that TelemetrySession persists420 * its state in.421 */​422function SaveSerializer() {423 this._queuedOperations = [];424 this._queuedInProgress = false;425 this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX);426}427SaveSerializer.prototype = {428 /​**429 * Enqueues an operation to a list to serialise their execution in order to prevent race430 * conditions. Useful to serialise access to disk.431 *432 * @param {Function} aFunction The task function to enqueue. It must return a promise.433 * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the enqueued task completes.434 */​435 enqueueTask: function (aFunction) {436 let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) =>437 this._queuedOperations.push([aFunction, resolve, reject]));438 if (this._queuedOperations.length == 1) {439 this._popAndPerformQueuedOperation();440 }441 return promise;442 },443 /​**444 * Make sure to flush all the pending operations.445 * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when all the pending operations have completed.446 */​447 flushTasks: function () {448 let dummyTask = () => new Promise(resolve => resolve());449 return this.enqueueTask(dummyTask);450 },451 /​**452 * Pop a task from the queue, executes it and continue to the next one.453 * This function recursively pops all the tasks.454 */​455 _popAndPerformQueuedOperation: function () {456 if (!this._queuedOperations.length || this._queuedInProgress) {457 return;458 }459 this._log.trace("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Performing queued operation.");460 let [func, resolve, reject] = this._queuedOperations.shift();461 let promise;462 try {463 this._queuedInProgress = true;464 promise = func();465 } catch (ex) {466 this._log.warn("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Queued operation threw during execution. ",467 ex);468 this._queuedInProgress = false;469 reject(ex);470 this._popAndPerformQueuedOperation();471 return;472 }473 if (!promise || typeof(promise.then) != "function") {474 let msg = "Queued operation did not return a promise: " + func;475 this._log.warn("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - " + msg);476 this._queuedInProgress = false;477 reject(new Error(msg));478 this._popAndPerformQueuedOperation();479 return;480 }481 promise.then(result => {482 this._queuedInProgress = false;483 resolve(result);484 this._popAndPerformQueuedOperation();485 },486 error => {487 this._log.warn("_popAndPerformQueuedOperation - Failure when performing queued operation.",488 error);489 this._queuedInProgress = false;490 reject(error);491 this._popAndPerformQueuedOperation();492 });493 },494};495var TelemetryStorageImpl = {496 _logger: null,497 /​/​ Used to serialize aborted session ping writes to disk.498 _abortedSessionSerializer: new SaveSerializer(),499 /​/​ Used to serialize deletion ping writes to disk.500 _deletionPingSerializer: new SaveSerializer(),501 /​/​ Used to serialize session state writes to disk.502 _stateSaveSerializer: new SaveSerializer(),503 /​/​ Tracks the archived pings in a Map of (id -> {timestampCreated, type}).504 /​/​ We use this to cache info on archived pings to avoid scanning the disk more than once.505 _archivedPings: new Map(),506 /​/​ A set of promises for pings currently being archived507 _activelyArchiving: new Set(),508 /​/​ Track the archive loading task to prevent multiple tasks from being executed.509 _scanArchiveTask: null,510 /​/​ Track the archive cleanup task.511 _cleanArchiveTask: null,512 /​/​ Whether we already scanned the archived pings on disk.513 _scannedArchiveDirectory: false,514 /​/​ Track the pending ping removal task.515 _removePendingPingsTask: null,516 /​/​ This tracks all the pending async ping save activity.517 _activePendingPingSaves: new Set(),518 /​/​ Tracks the pending pings in a Map of (id -> {timestampCreated, type}).519 /​/​ We use this to cache info on pending pings to avoid scanning the disk more than once.520 _pendingPings: new Map(),521 /​/​ Track the pending pings enforce quota task.522 _enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask: null,523 /​/​ Track the shutdown process to bail out of the clean up task quickly.524 _shutdown: false,525 get _log() {526 if (!this._logger) {527 this._logger = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX);528 }529 return this._logger;530 },531 /​**532 * Shutdown & block on any outstanding async activity in this module.533 *534 * @return {Promise} Promise that is resolved when shutdown is complete.535 */​536 shutdown: Task.async(function*() {537 this._shutdown = true;538 /​/​ If the following tasks are still running, block on them. They will bail out as soon539 /​/​ as possible.540 yield this._abortedSessionSerializer.flushTasks().catch(ex => {541 this._log.error("shutdown - failed to flush aborted-session writes", ex);542 });543 yield this._deletionPingSerializer.flushTasks().catch(ex => {544 this._log.error("shutdown - failed to flush deletion ping writes", ex);545 });546 if (this._cleanArchiveTask) {547 yield this._cleanArchiveTask.catch(ex => {548 this._log.error("shutdown - the archive cleaning task failed", ex);549 });550 }551 if (this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask) {552 yield this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask.catch(ex => {553 this._log.error("shutdown - the pending pings quota task failed", ex);554 });555 }556 if (this._removePendingPingsTask) {557 yield this._removePendingPingsTask.catch(ex => {558 this._log.error("shutdown - the pending pings removal task failed", ex);559 });560 }561 /​/​ Wait on pending pings still being saved. While OS.File should have shutdown562 /​/​ blockers in place, we a) have seen weird errors being reported that might563 /​/​ indicate a bad shutdown path and b) might have completion handlers hanging564 /​/​ off the save operations that don't expect to be late in shutdown.565 yield this.promisePendingPingSaves();566 }),567 /​**568 * Save an archived ping to disk.569 *570 * @param {object} ping The ping data to archive.571 * @return {promise} Promise that is resolved when the ping is successfully archived.572 */​573 saveArchivedPing: function(ping) {574 let promise = this._saveArchivedPingTask(ping);575 this._activelyArchiving.add(promise);576 promise.then((r) => { this._activelyArchiving.delete(promise); },577 (e) => { this._activelyArchiving.delete(promise); });578 return promise;579 },580 _saveArchivedPingTask: Task.async(function*(ping) {581 const creationDate = new Date(ping.creationDate);582 if (this._archivedPings.has( {583 const data = this._archivedPings.get(;584 if (data.timestampCreated > creationDate.getTime()) {585 this._log.error("saveArchivedPing - trying to overwrite newer ping with the same id");586 return Promise.reject(new Error("trying to overwrite newer ping with the same id"));587 }588 this._log.warn("saveArchivedPing - overwriting older ping with the same id");589 }590 /​/​ Get the archived ping path and append the lz4 suffix to it (so we have 'jsonlz4').591 const filePath = getArchivedPingPath(, creationDate, ping.type) + "lz4";592 yield OS.File.makeDir(OS.Path.dirname(filePath), { ignoreExisting: true,593 from: OS.Constants.Path.profileDir });594 yield this.savePingToFile(ping, filePath, /​* overwrite*/​ true, /​* compressed*/​ true);595 this._archivedPings.set(, {596 timestampCreated: creationDate.getTime(),597 type: internString(ping.type),598 });599 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_SESSION_PING_COUNT").add();600 return undefined;601 }),602 /​**603 * Load an archived ping from disk.604 *605 * @param {string} id The pings id.606 * @return {promise<object>} Promise that is resolved with the ping data.607 */​608 loadArchivedPing: Task.async(function*(id) {609 this._log.trace("loadArchivedPing - id: " + id);610 const data = this._archivedPings.get(id);611 if (!data) {612 this._log.trace("loadArchivedPing - no ping with id: " + id);613 return Promise.reject(new Error("TelemetryStorage.loadArchivedPing - no ping with id " + id));614 }615 const path = getArchivedPingPath(id, new Date(data.timestampCreated), data.type);616 const pathCompressed = path + "lz4";617 /​/​ Purge pings which are too big.618 let checkSize = function*(path) {619 const fileSize = (yield OS.File.stat(path)).size;620 if (fileSize > PING_FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE_BYTES) {621 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_ARCHIVED_PINGS_SIZE_MB")622 .add(Math.floor(fileSize /​ 1024 /​ 1024));623 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_ARCHIVED").add();624 yield OS.File.remove(path, {ignoreAbsent: true});625 throw new Error("loadArchivedPing - exceeded the maximum ping size: " + fileSize);626 }627 };628 try {629 /​/​ Try to load a compressed version of the archived ping first.630 this._log.trace("loadArchivedPing - loading ping from: " + pathCompressed);631 yield* checkSize(pathCompressed);632 return yield this.loadPingFile(pathCompressed, /​* compressed*/​ true);633 } catch (ex) {634 if (!ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {635 throw ex;636 }637 /​/​ If that fails, look for the uncompressed version.638 this._log.trace("loadArchivedPing - compressed ping not found, loading: " + path);639 yield* checkSize(path);640 return yield this.loadPingFile(path, /​* compressed*/​ false);641 }642 }),643 /​**644 * Saves session data to disk.645 */​646 saveSessionData: function(sessionData) {647 return this._stateSaveSerializer.enqueueTask(() => this._saveSessionData(sessionData));648 },649 _saveSessionData: Task.async(function* (sessionData) {650 let dataDir = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DATAREPORTING_DIR);651 yield OS.File.makeDir(dataDir);652 let filePath = OS.Path.join(gDataReportingDir, SESSION_STATE_FILE_NAME);653 try {654 yield CommonUtils.writeJSON(sessionData, filePath);655 } catch (e) {656 this._log.error("_saveSessionData - Failed to write session data to " + filePath, e);657 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_SAVE").add(1);658 }659 }),660 /​**661 * Loads session data from the session data file.662 * @return {Promise<Object>} A promise resolved with an object on success,663 * with null otherwise.664 */​665 loadSessionData: function() {666 return this._stateSaveSerializer.enqueueTask(() => this._loadSessionData());667 },668 _loadSessionData: Task.async(function* () {669 const dataFile = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DATAREPORTING_DIR,670 SESSION_STATE_FILE_NAME);671 let content;672 try {673 content = yield, { encoding: "utf-8" });674 } catch (ex) {675"_loadSessionData - can not load session data file", ex);676 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").add(1);677 return null;678 }679 let data;680 try {681 data = JSON.parse(content);682 } catch (ex) {683 this._log.error("_loadSessionData - failed to parse session data", ex);684 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").add(1);685 return null;686 }687 return data;688 }),689 /​**690 * Remove an archived ping from disk.691 *692 * @param {string} id The pings id.693 * @param {number} timestampCreated The pings creation timestamp.694 * @param {string} type The pings type.695 * @return {promise<object>} Promise that is resolved when the pings is removed.696 */​697 _removeArchivedPing: Task.async(function*(id, timestampCreated, type) {698 this._log.trace("_removeArchivedPing - id: " + id + ", timestampCreated: " + timestampCreated + ", type: " + type);699 const path = getArchivedPingPath(id, new Date(timestampCreated), type);700 const pathCompressed = path + "lz4";701 this._log.trace("_removeArchivedPing - removing ping from: " + path);702 yield OS.File.remove(path, {ignoreAbsent: true});703 yield OS.File.remove(pathCompressed, {ignoreAbsent: true});704 /​/​ Remove the ping from the cache.705 this._archivedPings.delete(id);706 }),707 /​**708 * Clean the pings archive by removing old pings.709 *710 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the cleanup task completes.711 */​712 runCleanPingArchiveTask: function() {713 /​/​ If there's an archive cleaning task already running, return it.714 if (this._cleanArchiveTask) {715 return this._cleanArchiveTask;716 }717 /​/​ Make sure to clear |_cleanArchiveTask| once done.718 let clear = () => this._cleanArchiveTask = null;719 /​/​ Since there's no archive cleaning task running, start it.720 this._cleanArchiveTask = this._cleanArchive().then(clear, clear);721 return this._cleanArchiveTask;722 },723 /​**724 * Removes pings which are too old from the pings archive.725 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping age check is complete.726 */​727 _purgeOldPings: Task.async(function*() {728 this._log.trace("_purgeOldPings");729 const nowDate =;730 const startTimeStamp = nowDate.getTime();731 let dirIterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(gPingsArchivePath);732 let subdirs = (yield dirIterator.nextBatch()).filter(e => e.isDir);733 dirIterator.close();734 /​/​ Keep track of the newest removed month to update the cache, if needed.735 let newestRemovedMonthTimestamp = null;736 let evictedDirsCount = 0;737 let maxDirAgeInMonths = 0;738 /​/​ Walk through the monthly subdirs of the form <YYYY-MM>/​739 for (let dir of subdirs) {740 if (this._shutdown) {741 this._log.trace("_purgeOldPings - Terminating the clean up task due to shutdown");742 return;743 }744 if (!isValidArchiveDir( {745 this._log.warn("_purgeOldPings - skipping invalidly named subdirectory " + dir.path);746 continue;747 }748 const archiveDate = getDateFromArchiveDir(;749 if (!archiveDate) {750 this._log.warn("_purgeOldPings - skipping invalid subdirectory date " + dir.path);751 continue;752 }753 /​/​ If this archive directory is older than 180 days, remove it.754 if ((startTimeStamp - archiveDate.getTime()) > MAX_ARCHIVED_PINGS_RETENTION_MS) {755 try {756 yield OS.File.removeDir(dir.path);757 evictedDirsCount++;758 /​/​ Update the newest removed month.759 newestRemovedMonthTimestamp = Math.max(archiveDate, newestRemovedMonthTimestamp);760 } catch (ex) {761 this._log.error("_purgeOldPings - Unable to remove " + dir.path, ex);762 }763 } else {764 /​/​ We're not removing this directory, so record the age for the oldest directory.765 const dirAgeInMonths = Utils.getElapsedTimeInMonths(archiveDate, nowDate);766 maxDirAgeInMonths = Math.max(dirAgeInMonths, maxDirAgeInMonths);767 }768 }769 /​/​ Trigger scanning of the archived pings.770 yield this.loadArchivedPingList();771 /​/​ Refresh the cache: we could still skip this, but it's cheap enough to keep it772 /​/​ to avoid introducing task dependencies.773 if (newestRemovedMonthTimestamp) {774 /​/​ Scan the archive cache for pings older than the newest directory pruned above.775 for (let [id, info] of this._archivedPings) {776 const timestampCreated = new Date(info.timestampCreated);777 if (timestampCreated.getTime() > newestRemovedMonthTimestamp) {778 continue;779 }780 /​/​ Remove outdated pings from the cache.781 this._archivedPings.delete(id);782 }783 }784 const endTimeStamp =;785 /​/​ Save the time it takes to evict old directories and the eviction count.786 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_EVICTED_OLD_DIRS")787 .add(evictedDirsCount);788 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_EVICTING_DIRS_MS")789 .add(Math.ceil(endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp));790 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_OLDEST_DIRECTORY_AGE")791 .add(maxDirAgeInMonths);792 }),793 /​**794 * Enforce a disk quota for the pings archive.795 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the quota check is complete.796 */​797 _enforceArchiveQuota: Task.async(function*() {798 this._log.trace("_enforceArchiveQuota");799 let startTimeStamp =;800 /​/​ Build an ordered list, from newer to older, of archived pings.801 let pingList = Array.from(this._archivedPings, p => ({802 id: p[0],803 timestampCreated: p[1].timestampCreated,804 type: p[1].type,805 }));806 pingList.sort((a, b) => b.timestampCreated - a.timestampCreated);807 /​/​ If our archive is too big, we should reduce it to reach 90% of the quota.808 const SAFE_QUOTA = Policy.getArchiveQuota() * 0.9;809 /​/​ The index of the last ping to keep. Pings older than this one will be deleted if810 /​/​ the archive exceeds the quota.811 let lastPingIndexToKeep = null;812 let archiveSizeInBytes = 0;813 /​/​ Find the disk size of the archive.814 for (let i = 0; i < pingList.length; i++) {815 if (this._shutdown) {816 this._log.trace("_enforceArchiveQuota - Terminating the clean up task due to shutdown");817 return;818 }819 let ping = pingList[i];820 /​/​ Get the size for this ping.821 const fileSize =822 yield getArchivedPingSize(, new Date(ping.timestampCreated), ping.type);823 if (!fileSize) {824 this._log.warn("_enforceArchiveQuota - Unable to find the size of ping " +;825 continue;826 }827 /​/​ Enforce a maximum file size limit on archived pings.828 if (fileSize > PING_FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE_BYTES) {829 this._log.error("_enforceArchiveQuota - removing file exceeding size limit, size: " + fileSize);830 /​/​ We just remove the ping from the disk, we don't bother removing it from pingList831 /​/​ since it won't contribute to the quota.832 yield this._removeArchivedPing(, ping.timestampCreated, ping.type)833 .catch(e => this._log.error("_enforceArchiveQuota - failed to remove archived ping" +;834 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_ARCHIVED_PINGS_SIZE_MB")835 .add(Math.floor(fileSize /​ 1024 /​ 1024));836 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_ARCHIVED").add();837 continue;838 }839 archiveSizeInBytes += fileSize;840 if (archiveSizeInBytes < SAFE_QUOTA) {841 /​/​ We save the index of the last ping which is ok to keep in order to speed up ping842 /​/​ pruning.843 lastPingIndexToKeep = i;844 } else if (archiveSizeInBytes > Policy.getArchiveQuota()) {845 /​/​ Ouch, our ping archive is too big. Bail out and start pruning!846 break;847 }848 }849 /​/​ Save the time it takes to check if the archive is over-quota.850 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_CHECKING_OVER_QUOTA_MS")851 .add(Math.round( - startTimeStamp));852 let submitProbes = (sizeInMB, evictedPings, elapsedMs) => {853 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_SIZE_MB").add(sizeInMB);854 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_EVICTED_OVER_QUOTA").add(evictedPings);855 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_EVICTING_OVER_QUOTA_MS").add(elapsedMs);856 };857 /​/​ Check if we're using too much space. If not, submit the archive size and bail out.858 if (archiveSizeInBytes < Policy.getArchiveQuota()) {859 submitProbes(Math.round(archiveSizeInBytes /​ 1024 /​ 1024), 0, 0);860 return;861 }862"_enforceArchiveQuota - archive size: " + archiveSizeInBytes + "bytes"863 + ", safety quota: " + SAFE_QUOTA + "bytes");864 startTimeStamp =;865 let pingsToPurge = pingList.slice(lastPingIndexToKeep + 1);866 /​/​ Remove all the pings older than the last one which we are safe to keep.867 for (let ping of pingsToPurge) {868 if (this._shutdown) {869 this._log.trace("_enforceArchiveQuota - Terminating the clean up task due to shutdown");870 return;871 }872 /​/​ This list is guaranteed to be in order, so remove the pings at its873 /​/​ beginning (oldest).874 yield this._removeArchivedPing(, ping.timestampCreated, ping.type);875 }876 const endTimeStamp =;877 submitProbes(ARCHIVE_SIZE_PROBE_SPECIAL_VALUE, pingsToPurge.length,878 Math.ceil(endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp));879 }),880 _cleanArchive: Task.async(function*() {881 this._log.trace("cleanArchiveTask");882 if (!(yield OS.File.exists(gPingsArchivePath))) {883 return;884 }885 /​/​ Remove pings older than 180 days.886 try {887 yield this._purgeOldPings();888 } catch (ex) {889 this._log.error("_cleanArchive - There was an error removing old directories", ex);890 }891 /​/​ Make sure we respect the archive disk quota.892 yield this._enforceArchiveQuota();893 }),894 /​**895 * Run the task to enforce the pending pings quota.896 *897 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the cleanup task completes.898 */​899 runEnforcePendingPingsQuotaTask: Task.async(function*() {900 /​/​ If there's a cleaning task already running, return it.901 if (this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask) {902 return this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask;903 }904 /​/​ Since there's no quota enforcing task running, start it.905 try {906 this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask = this._enforcePendingPingsQuota();907 yield this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask;908 } finally {909 this._enforcePendingPingsQuotaTask = null;910 }911 return undefined;912 }),913 /​**914 * Enforce a disk quota for the pending pings.915 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the quota check is complete.916 */​917 _enforcePendingPingsQuota: Task.async(function*() {918 this._log.trace("_enforcePendingPingsQuota");919 let startTimeStamp =;920 /​/​ Build an ordered list, from newer to older, of pending pings.921 let pingList = Array.from(this._pendingPings, p => ({922 id: p[0],923 lastModificationDate: p[1].lastModificationDate,924 }));925 pingList.sort((a, b) => b.lastModificationDate - a.lastModificationDate);926 /​/​ If our pending pings directory is too big, we should reduce it to reach 90% of the quota.927 const SAFE_QUOTA = Policy.getPendingPingsQuota() * 0.9;928 /​/​ The index of the last ping to keep. Pings older than this one will be deleted if929 /​/​ the pending pings directory size exceeds the quota.930 let lastPingIndexToKeep = null;931 let pendingPingsSizeInBytes = 0;932 /​/​ Find the disk size of the pending pings directory.933 for (let i = 0; i < pingList.length; i++) {934 if (this._shutdown) {935 this._log.trace("_enforcePendingPingsQuota - Terminating the clean up task due to shutdown");936 return;937 }938 let ping = pingList[i];939 /​/​ Get the size for this ping.940 const fileSize = yield getPendingPingSize(;941 if (!fileSize) {942 this._log.warn("_enforcePendingPingsQuota - Unable to find the size of ping " +;943 continue;944 }945 pendingPingsSizeInBytes += fileSize;946 if (pendingPingsSizeInBytes < SAFE_QUOTA) {947 /​/​ We save the index of the last ping which is ok to keep in order to speed up ping948 /​/​ pruning.949 lastPingIndexToKeep = i;950 } else if (pendingPingsSizeInBytes > Policy.getPendingPingsQuota()) {951 /​/​ Ouch, our pending pings directory size is too big. Bail out and start pruning!952 break;953 }954 }955 /​/​ Save the time it takes to check if the pending pings are over-quota.956 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_CHECKING_OVER_QUOTA_MS")957 .add(Math.round( - startTimeStamp));958 let recordHistograms = (sizeInMB, evictedPings, elapsedMs) => {959 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").add(sizeInMB);960 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_EVICTED_OVER_QUOTA").add(evictedPings);961 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_EVICTING_OVER_QUOTA_MS").add(elapsedMs);962 };963 /​/​ Check if we're using too much space. If not, bail out.964 if (pendingPingsSizeInBytes < Policy.getPendingPingsQuota()) {965 recordHistograms(Math.round(pendingPingsSizeInBytes /​ 1024 /​ 1024), 0, 0);966 return;967 }968"_enforcePendingPingsQuota - size: " + pendingPingsSizeInBytes + "bytes"969 + ", safety quota: " + SAFE_QUOTA + "bytes");970 startTimeStamp =;971 let pingsToPurge = pingList.slice(lastPingIndexToKeep + 1);972 /​/​ Remove all the pings older than the last one which we are safe to keep.973 for (let ping of pingsToPurge) {974 if (this._shutdown) {975 this._log.trace("_enforcePendingPingsQuota - Terminating the clean up task due to shutdown");976 return;977 }978 /​/​ This list is guaranteed to be in order, so remove the pings at its979 /​/​ beginning (oldest).980 yield this.removePendingPing(;981 }982 const endTimeStamp =;983 /​/​ We don't know the size of the pending pings directory if we are above the quota,984 /​/​ since we stop scanning once we reach the quota. We use a special value to show985 /​/​ this condition.986 recordHistograms(PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_PROBE_SPECIAL_VALUE, pingsToPurge.length,987 Math.ceil(endTimeStamp - startTimeStamp));988 }),989 /​**990 * Reset the storage state in tests.991 */​992 reset: function() {993 this._shutdown = false;994 this._scannedArchiveDirectory = false;995 this._archivedPings = new Map();996 this._scannedPendingDirectory = false;997 this._pendingPings = new Map();998 },999 /​**1000 * Get a list of info on the archived pings.1001 * This will scan the archive directory and grab basic data about the existing1002 * pings out of their filename.1003 *1004 * @return {promise<sequence<object>>}1005 */​1006 loadArchivedPingList: Task.async(function*() {1007 /​/​ If there's an archive loading task already running, return it.1008 if (this._scanArchiveTask) {1009 return this._scanArchiveTask;1010 }1011 yield waitForAll(this._activelyArchiving);1012 if (this._scannedArchiveDirectory) {1013 this._log.trace("loadArchivedPingList - Archive already scanned, hitting cache.");1014 return this._archivedPings;1015 }1016 /​/​ Since there's no archive loading task running, start it.1017 let result;1018 try {1019 this._scanArchiveTask = this._scanArchive();1020 result = yield this._scanArchiveTask;1021 } finally {1022 this._scanArchiveTask = null;1023 }1024 return result;1025 }),1026 _scanArchive: Task.async(function*() {1027 this._log.trace("_scanArchive");1028 let submitProbes = (pingCount, dirCount) => {1029 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_SCAN_PING_COUNT")1030 .add(pingCount);1031 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORIES_COUNT")1032 .add(dirCount);1033 };1034 if (!(yield OS.File.exists(gPingsArchivePath))) {1035 submitProbes(0, 0);1036 return new Map();1037 }1038 let dirIterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(gPingsArchivePath);1039 let subdirs =1040 (yield dirIterator.nextBatch()).filter(e => e.isDir).filter(e => isValidArchiveDir(;1041 dirIterator.close();1042 /​/​ Walk through the monthly subdirs of the form <YYYY-MM>/​1043 for (let dir of subdirs) {1044 this._log.trace("_scanArchive - checking in subdir: " + dir.path);1045 let pingIterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(dir.path);1046 let pings = (yield pingIterator.nextBatch()).filter(e => !e.isDir);1047 pingIterator.close();1048 /​/​ Now process any ping files of the form "<timestamp>.<uuid>.<type>.[json|jsonlz4]".1049 for (let p of pings) {1050 /​/​ data may be null if the filename doesn't match the above format.1051 let data = this._getArchivedPingDataFromFileName(;1052 if (!data) {1053 continue;1054 }1055 /​/​ In case of conflicts, overwrite only with newer pings.1056 if (this._archivedPings.has( {1057 const overwrite = data.timestamp > this._archivedPings.get(;1058 this._log.warn("_scanArchive - have seen this id before: " + +1059 ", overwrite: " + overwrite);1060 if (!overwrite) {1061 continue;1062 }1063 yield this._removeArchivedPing(, data.timestampCreated, data.type)1064 .catch((e) => this._log.warn("_scanArchive - failed to remove ping", e));1065 }1066 this._archivedPings.set(, {1067 timestampCreated: data.timestamp,1068 type: internString(data.type),1069 });1070 }1071 }1072 /​/​ Mark the archive as scanned, so we no longer hit the disk.1073 this._scannedArchiveDirectory = true;1074 /​/​ Update the ping and directories count histograms.1075 submitProbes(this._archivedPings.size, subdirs.length);1076 return this._archivedPings;1077 }),1078 /​**1079 * Save a single ping to a file.1080 *1081 * @param {object} ping The content of the ping to save.1082 * @param {string} file The destination file.1083 * @param {bool} overwrite If |true|, the file will be overwritten if it exists,1084 * if |false| the file will not be overwritten and no error will be reported if1085 * the file exists.1086 * @param {bool} [compress=false] If |true|, the file will use lz4 compression. Otherwise no1087 * compression will be used.1088 * @returns {promise}1089 */​1090 savePingToFile: Task.async(function*(ping, filePath, overwrite, compress = false) {1091 try {1092 this._log.trace("savePingToFile - path: " + filePath);1093 let pingString = JSON.stringify(ping);1094 let options = { tmpPath: filePath + ".tmp", noOverwrite: !overwrite };1095 if (compress) {1096 options.compression = "lz4";1097 }1098 yield OS.File.writeAtomic(filePath, pingString, options);1099 } catch (e) {1100 if (!e.becauseExists) {1101 throw e;1102 }1103 }1104 }),1105 /​**1106 * Save a ping to its file.1107 *1108 * @param {object} ping The content of the ping to save.1109 * @param {bool} overwrite If |true|, the file will be overwritten1110 * if it exists.1111 * @returns {promise}1112 */​1113 savePing: Task.async(function*(ping, overwrite) {1114 yield getPingDirectory();1115 let file = pingFilePath(ping);1116 yield this.savePingToFile(ping, file, overwrite);1117 return file;1118 }),1119 /​**1120 * Add a ping to the saved pings directory so that it gets saved1121 * and sent along with other pings.1122 * Note: that the original ping file will not be modified.1123 *1124 * @param {Object} ping The ping object.1125 * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the ping is saved to the pings directory.1126 */​1127 addPendingPing: function(ping) {1128 return this.savePendingPing(ping);1129 },1130 /​**1131 * Remove the file for a ping1132 *1133 * @param {object} ping The ping.1134 * @returns {promise}1135 */​1136 cleanupPingFile: function(ping) {1137 return OS.File.remove(pingFilePath(ping));1138 },1139 savePendingPing: function(ping) {1140 let p = this.savePing(ping, true).then((path) => {1141 this._pendingPings.set(, {1142 path: path,1143 lastModificationDate:,1144 });1145 this._log.trace("savePendingPing - saved ping with id " +;1146 });1147 this._trackPendingPingSaveTask(p);1148 return p;1149 },1150 loadPendingPing: Task.async(function*(id) {1151 this._log.trace("loadPendingPing - id: " + id);1152 let info = this._pendingPings.get(id);1153 if (!info) {1154 this._log.trace("loadPendingPing - unknown id " + id);1155 throw new Error("TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing - no ping with id " + id);1156 }1157 /​/​ Try to get the dimension of the ping. If that fails, update the histograms.1158 let fileSize = 0;1159 try {1160 fileSize = (yield OS.File.stat(info.path)).size;1161 } catch (e) {1162 if (!(e instanceof OS.File.Error) || !e.becauseNoSuchFile) {1163 throw e;1164 }1165 /​/​ Fall through and let |loadPingFile| report the error.1166 }1167 /​/​ Purge pings which are too big.1168 if (fileSize > PING_FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE_BYTES) {1169 yield this.removePendingPing(id);1170 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB")1171 .add(Math.floor(fileSize /​ 1024 /​ 1024));1172 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_PENDING").add();1173 throw new Error("loadPendingPing - exceeded the maximum ping size: " + fileSize);1174 }1175 /​/​ Try to load the ping file. Update the related histograms on failure.1176 let ping;1177 try {1178 ping = yield this.loadPingFile(info.path, false);1179 } catch (e) {1180 /​/​ If we failed to load the ping, check what happened and update the histogram.1181 if (e instanceof PingReadError) {1182 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_READ").add();1183 } else if (e instanceof PingParseError) {1184 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_PARSE").add();1185 }1186 /​/​ Remove the ping from the cache, so we don't try to load it again.1187 this._pendingPings.delete(id);1188 /​/​ Then propagate the rejection.1189 throw e;1190 }1191 return ping;1192 }),1193 removePendingPing: function(id) {1194 let info = this._pendingPings.get(id);1195 if (!info) {1196 this._log.trace("removePendingPing - unknown id " + id);1197 return Promise.resolve();1198 }1199 this._log.trace("removePendingPing - deleting ping with id: " + id +1200 ", path: " + info.path);1201 this._pendingPings.delete(id);1202 return OS.File.remove(info.path).catch((ex) =>1203 this._log.error("removePendingPing - failed to remove ping", ex));1204 },1205 /​**1206 * Track any pending ping save tasks through the promise passed here.1207 * This is needed to block on any outstanding ping save activity.1208 *1209 * @param {Object<Promise>} The save promise to track.1210 */​1211 _trackPendingPingSaveTask: function (promise) {1212 let clear = () => this._activePendingPingSaves.delete(promise);1213 promise.then(clear, clear);1214 this._activePendingPingSaves.add(promise);1215 },1216 /​**1217 * Return a promise that allows to wait on pending pings being saved.1218 * @return {Object<Promise>} A promise resolved when all the pending pings save promises1219 * are resolved.1220 */​1221 promisePendingPingSaves: function () {1222 /​/​ Make sure to wait for all the promises, even if they reject. We don't need to log1223 /​/​ the failures here, as they are already logged elsewhere.1224 return waitForAll(this._activePendingPingSaves);1225 },1226 /​**1227 * Run the task to remove all the pending pings (except the deletion ping).1228 *1229 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the pings are removed.1230 */​1231 runRemovePendingPingsTask: Task.async(function*() {1232 /​/​ If we already have a pending pings removal task active, return that.1233 if (this._removePendingPingsTask) {1234 return this._removePendingPingsTask;1235 }1236 /​/​ Start the task to remove all pending pings. Also make sure to clear the task once done.1237 try {1238 this._removePendingPingsTask = this.removePendingPings();1239 yield this._removePendingPingsTask;1240 } finally {1241 this._removePendingPingsTask = null;1242 }1243 return undefined;1244 }),1245 removePendingPings: Task.async(function*() {1246 this._log.trace("removePendingPings - removing all pending pings");1247 /​/​ Wait on pending pings still being saved, so so we don't miss removing them.1248 yield this.promisePendingPingSaves();1249 /​/​ Individually remove existing pings, so we don't interfere with operations expecting1250 /​/​ the pending pings directory to exist.1251 const directory = TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath;1252 let iter = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(directory);1253 try {1254 if (!(yield iter.exists())) {1255 this._log.trace("removePendingPings - the pending pings directory doesn't exist");1256 return;1257 }1258 let files = (yield iter.nextBatch()).filter(e => !e.isDir);1259 for (let file of files) {1260 try {1261 yield OS.File.remove(file.path);1262 } catch (ex) {1263 this._log.error("removePendingPings - failed to remove file " + file.path, ex);1264 continue;1265 }1266 }1267 } finally {1268 yield iter.close();1269 }1270 }),1271 loadPendingPingList: function() {1272 /​/​ If we already have a pending scanning task active, return that.1273 if (this._scanPendingPingsTask) {1274 return this._scanPendingPingsTask;1275 }1276 if (this._scannedPendingDirectory) {1277 this._log.trace("loadPendingPingList - Pending already scanned, hitting cache.");1278 return Promise.resolve(this._buildPingList());1279 }1280 /​/​ Since there's no pending pings scan task running, start it.1281 /​/​ Also make sure to clear the task once done.1282 this._scanPendingPingsTask = this._scanPendingPings().then(pings => {1283 this._scanPendingPingsTask = null;1284 return pings;1285 }, ex => {1286 this._scanPendingPingsTask = null;1287 throw ex;1288 });1289 return this._scanPendingPingsTask;1290 },1291 getPendingPingList: function() {1292 return this._buildPingList();1293 },1294 _scanPendingPings: Task.async(function*() {1295 this._log.trace("_scanPendingPings");1296 let directory = TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath;1297 let iter = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(directory);1298 let exists = yield iter.exists();1299 try {1300 if (!exists) {1301 return [];1302 }1303 let files = (yield iter.nextBatch()).filter(e => !e.isDir);1304 for (let file of files) {1305 if (this._shutdown) {1306 return [];1307 }1308 let info;1309 try {1310 info = yield OS.File.stat(file.path);1311 } catch (ex) {1312 this._log.error("_scanPendingPings - failed to stat file " + file.path, ex);1313 continue;1314 }1315 /​/​ Enforce a maximum file size limit on pending pings.1316 if (info.size > PING_FILE_MAXIMUM_SIZE_BYTES) {1317 this._log.error("_scanPendingPings - removing file exceeding size limit " + file.path);1318 try {1319 yield OS.File.remove(file.path);1320 } catch (ex) {1321 this._log.error("_scanPendingPings - failed to remove file " + file.path, ex);1322 } finally {1323 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB")1324 .add(Math.floor(info.size /​ 1024 /​ 1024));1325 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_PENDING").add();1326 continue;1327 }1328 }1329 let id = OS.Path.basename(file.path);1330 if (!UUID_REGEX.test(id)) {1331 this._log.trace("_scanPendingPings - filename is not a UUID: " + id);1332 id = Utils.generateUUID();1333 }1334 this._pendingPings.set(id, {1335 path: file.path,1336 lastModificationDate: info.lastModificationDate.getTime(),1337 });1338 }1339 } finally {1340 yield iter.close();1341 }1342 /​/​ Explicitly load the deletion ping from its known path, if it's there.1343 if (yield OS.File.exists(gDeletionPingFilePath)) {1344 this._log.trace("_scanPendingPings - Adding pending deletion ping.");1345 /​/​ We can't get the ping id or the last modification date without hitting the disk.1346 /​/​ Since deletion has a special handling, we don't really need those.1347 this._pendingPings.set(Utils.generateUUID(), {1348 path: gDeletionPingFilePath,1349 lastModificationDate:,1350 });1351 }1352 this._scannedPendingDirectory = true;1353 return this._buildPingList();1354 }),1355 _buildPingList: function() {1356 const list = Array.from(this._pendingPings, p => ({1357 id: p[0],1358 lastModificationDate: p[1].lastModificationDate,1359 }));1360 list.sort((a, b) => b.lastModificationDate - a.lastModificationDate);1361 return list;1362 },1363 get pendingPingCount() {1364 return this._pendingPings.size;1365 },1366 /​**1367 * Loads a ping file.1368 * @param {String} aFilePath The path of the ping file.1369 * @param {Boolean} [aCompressed=false] If |true|, expects the file to be compressed using lz4.1370 * @return {Promise<Object>} A promise resolved with the ping content or rejected if the1371 * ping contains invalid data.1372 * @throws {PingReadError} There was an error while reading the ping file from the disk.1373 * @throws {PingParseError} There was an error while parsing the JSON content of the ping file.1374 */​1375 loadPingFile: Task.async(function* (aFilePath, aCompressed = false) {1376 let options = {};1377 if (aCompressed) {1378 options.compression = "lz4";1379 }1380 let array;1381 try {1382 array = yield, options);1383 } catch (e) {1384 this._log.trace("loadPingfile - unreadable ping " + aFilePath, e);1385 throw new PingReadError(e.message, e.becauseNoSuchFile);1386 }1387 let decoder = new TextDecoder();1388 let string = decoder.decode(array);1389 let ping;1390 try {1391 ping = JSON.parse(string);1392 } catch (e) {1393 this._log.trace("loadPingfile - unparseable ping " + aFilePath, e);1394 yield OS.File.remove(aFilePath).catch((ex) => {1395 this._log.error("loadPingFile - failed removing unparseable ping file", ex);1396 });1397 throw new PingParseError(e.message);1398 }1399 return ping;1400 }),1401 /​**1402 * Archived pings are saved with file names of the form:1403 * "<timestamp>.<uuid>.<type>.[json|jsonlz4]"1404 * This helper extracts that data from a given filename.1405 *1406 * @param fileName {String} The filename.1407 * @return {Object} Null if the filename didn't match the expected form.1408 * Otherwise an object with the extracted data in the form:1409 * { timestamp: <number>,1410 * id: <string>,1411 * type: <string> }1412 */​1413 _getArchivedPingDataFromFileName: function(fileName) {1414 /​/​ Extract the parts.1415 let parts = fileName.split(".");1416 if (parts.length != 4) {1417 this._log.trace("_getArchivedPingDataFromFileName - should have 4 parts");1418 return null;1419 }1420 let [timestamp, uuid, type, extension] = parts;1421 if (extension != "json" && extension != "jsonlz4") {1422 this._log.trace("_getArchivedPingDataFromFileName - should have 'json' or 'jsonlz4' extension");1423 return null;1424 }1425 /​/​ Check for a valid timestamp.1426 timestamp = parseInt(timestamp);1427 if (Number.isNaN(timestamp)) {1428 this._log.trace("_getArchivedPingDataFromFileName - should have a valid timestamp");1429 return null;1430 }1431 /​/​ Check for a valid UUID.1432 if (!UUID_REGEX.test(uuid)) {1433 this._log.trace("_getArchivedPingDataFromFileName - should have a valid id");1434 return null;1435 }1436 /​/​ Check for a valid type string.1437 const typeRegex = /​^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]+[a-z0-9]$/​i;1438 if (!typeRegex.test(type)) {1439 this._log.trace("_getArchivedPingDataFromFileName - should have a valid type");1440 return null;1441 }1442 return {1443 timestamp: timestamp,1444 id: uuid,1445 type: type,1446 };1447 },1448 saveAbortedSessionPing: Task.async(function*(ping) {1449 this._log.trace("saveAbortedSessionPing - ping path: " + gAbortedSessionFilePath);1450 yield OS.File.makeDir(gDataReportingDir, { ignoreExisting: true });1451 return this._abortedSessionSerializer.enqueueTask(() =>1452 this.savePingToFile(ping, gAbortedSessionFilePath, true));1453 }),1454 loadAbortedSessionPing: Task.async(function*() {1455 let ping = null;1456 try {1457 ping = yield this.loadPingFile(gAbortedSessionFilePath);1458 } catch (ex) {1459 if (ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {1460 this._log.trace("loadAbortedSessionPing - no such file");1461 } else {1462 this._log.error("loadAbortedSessionPing - error loading ping", ex)1463 }1464 }1465 return ping;1466 }),1467 removeAbortedSessionPing: function() {1468 return this._abortedSessionSerializer.enqueueTask(Task.async(function*() {1469 try {1470 yield OS.File.remove(gAbortedSessionFilePath, { ignoreAbsent: false });1471 this._log.trace("removeAbortedSessionPing - success");1472 } catch (ex) {1473 if (ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {1474 this._log.trace("removeAbortedSessionPing - no such file");1475 } else {1476 this._log.error("removeAbortedSessionPing - error removing ping", ex)1477 }1478 }1479 }.bind(this)));1480 },1481 /​**1482 * Save the deletion ping.1483 * @param ping The deletion ping.1484 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping is saved.1485 */​1486 saveDeletionPing: Task.async(function*(ping) {1487 this._log.trace("saveDeletionPing - ping path: " + gDeletionPingFilePath);1488 yield OS.File.makeDir(gDataReportingDir, { ignoreExisting: true });1489 let p = this._deletionPingSerializer.enqueueTask(() =>1490 this.savePingToFile(ping, gDeletionPingFilePath, true));1491 this._trackPendingPingSaveTask(p);1492 return p;1493 }),1494 /​**1495 * Remove the deletion ping.1496 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping is deleted from the disk.1497 */​1498 removeDeletionPing: Task.async(function*() {1499 return this._deletionPingSerializer.enqueueTask(Task.async(function*() {1500 try {1501 yield OS.File.remove(gDeletionPingFilePath, { ignoreAbsent: false });1502 this._log.trace("removeDeletionPing - success");1503 } catch (ex) {1504 if (ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {1505 this._log.trace("removeDeletionPing - no such file");1506 } else {1507 this._log.error("removeDeletionPing - error removing ping", ex)1508 }1509 }1510 }.bind(this)));1511 }),1512 isDeletionPing: function(aPingId) {1513 this._log.trace("isDeletionPing - id: " + aPingId);1514 let pingInfo = this._pendingPings.get(aPingId);1515 if (!pingInfo) {1516 return false;1517 }1518 if (pingInfo.path != gDeletionPingFilePath) {1519 return false;1520 }1521 return true;1522 },1523 /​**1524 * Remove FHR database files. This is temporary and will be dropped in1525 * the future.1526 * @return {Promise} Resolved when the database files are deleted.1527 */​1528 removeFHRDatabase: Task.async(function*() {1529 this._log.trace("removeFHRDatabase");1530 /​/​ Let's try to remove the FHR DB with the default filename first.1531 const FHR_DB_DEFAULT_FILENAME = "healthreport.sqlite";1532 /​/​ Even if it's uncommon, there may be 2 additional files: - a "write ahead log"1533 /​/​ (-wal) file and a "shared memory file" (-shm). We need to remove them as well.1534 let FILES_TO_REMOVE = [1535 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, FHR_DB_DEFAULT_FILENAME),1536 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, FHR_DB_DEFAULT_FILENAME + "-wal"),1537 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, FHR_DB_DEFAULT_FILENAME + "-shm"),1538 ];1539 /​/​ FHR could have used either the default DB file name or a custom one1540 /​/​ through this preference.1541 const FHR_DB_CUSTOM_FILENAME =1542 Preferences.get("datareporting.healthreport.dbName", undefined);1543 if (FHR_DB_CUSTOM_FILENAME) {1544 FILES_TO_REMOVE.push(1545 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, FHR_DB_CUSTOM_FILENAME),1546 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, FHR_DB_CUSTOM_FILENAME + "-wal"),1547 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, FHR_DB_CUSTOM_FILENAME + "-shm"));1548 }1549 for (let f of FILES_TO_REMOVE) {1550 yield OS.File.remove(f, {ignoreAbsent: true})1551 .catch(e => this._log.error("removeFHRDatabase - failed to remove " + f, e));1552 }1553 }),1554};1555/​/​ Utility functions1556function pingFilePath(ping) {1557 /​/​ Support legacy ping formats, who don't have an "id" field, but a "slug" field.1558 let pingIdentifier = (ping.slug) ? ping.slug :;1559 return OS.Path.join(TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath, pingIdentifier);1560}1561function getPingDirectory() {1562 return Task.spawn(function*() {1563 let directory = TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath;1564 if (!(yield OS.File.exists(directory))) {1565 yield OS.File.makeDir(directory, { unixMode: OS.Constants.S_IRWXU });1566 }1567 return directory;1568 });1569}1570/​**1571 * Build the path to the archived ping.1572 * @param {String} aPingId The ping id.1573 * @param {Object} aDate The ping creation date.1574 * @param {String} aType The ping type.1575 * @return {String} The full path to the archived ping.1576 */​1577function getArchivedPingPath(aPingId, aDate, aType) {1578 /​/​ Helper to pad the month to 2 digits, if needed (e.g. "1" -> "01").1579 let addLeftPadding = value => (value < 10) ? ("0" + value) : value;1580 /​/​ Get the ping creation date and generate the archive directory to hold it. Note1581 /​/​ that getMonth returns a 0-based month, so we need to add an offset.1582 let archivedPingDir = OS.Path.join(gPingsArchivePath,1583 aDate.getFullYear() + '-' + addLeftPadding(aDate.getMonth() + 1));1584 /​/​ Generate the archived ping file path as YYYY-MM/​<TIMESTAMP>.UUID.type.json1585 let fileName = [aDate.getTime(), aPingId, aType, "json"].join(".");1586 return OS.Path.join(archivedPingDir, fileName);1587}1588/​**1589 * Get the size of the ping file on the disk.1590 * @return {Integer} The file size, in bytes, of the ping file or 0 on errors.1591 */​1592var getArchivedPingSize = Task.async(function*(aPingId, aDate, aType) {1593 const path = getArchivedPingPath(aPingId, aDate, aType);1594 let filePaths = [ path + "lz4", path ];1595 for (let path of filePaths) {1596 try {1597 return (yield OS.File.stat(path)).size;1598 } catch (e) {}1599 }1600 /​/​ That's odd, this ping doesn't seem to exist.1601 return 0;1602});1603/​**1604 * Get the size of the pending ping file on the disk.1605 * @return {Integer} The file size, in bytes, of the ping file or 0 on errors.1606 */​1607var getPendingPingSize = Task.async(function*(aPingId) {1608 const path = OS.Path.join(TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath, aPingId)1609 try {1610 return (yield OS.File.stat(path)).size;1611 } catch (e) {}1612 /​/​ That's odd, this ping doesn't seem to exist.1613 return 0;1614});1615/​**1616 * Check if a directory name is in the "YYYY-MM" format.1617 * @param {String} aDirName The name of the pings archive directory.1618 * @return {Boolean} True if the directory name is in the right format, false otherwise.1619 */​1620function isValidArchiveDir(aDirName) {1621 const dirRegEx = /​^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}$/​;1622 return dirRegEx.test(aDirName);1623}1624/​**1625 * Gets a date object from an archive directory name.1626 * @param {String} aDirName The name of the pings archive directory. Must be in the YYYY-MM1627 * format.1628 * @return {Object} A Date object or null if the dir name is not valid.1629 */​1630function getDateFromArchiveDir(aDirName) {1631 let [year, month] = aDirName.split("-");1632 year = parseInt(year);1633 month = parseInt(month);1634 /​/​ Make sure to have sane numbers.1635 if (!Number.isFinite(month) || !Number.isFinite(year) || month < 1 || month > 12) {1636 return null;1637 }1638 return new Date(year, month - 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);...

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Source:test_TelemetrySendOldPings.js Github


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1/​* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.2 http:/​/​​publicdomain/​zero/​1.0/​3/​**4 * This test case populates the profile with some fake stored5 * pings, and checks that pending pings are immediatlely sent6 * after delayed init.7 */​8"use strict"9Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​osfile.jsm", this);10Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Services.jsm", this);11Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Promise.jsm", this);12Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryStorage.jsm", this);13Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryController.jsm", this);14Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetrySend.jsm", this);15Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Task.jsm", this);16Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​XPCOMUtils.jsm");17var {OS: {File, Path, Constants}} = Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​osfile.jsm", {});18/​/​ We increment TelemetryStorage's MAX_PING_FILE_AGE and19/​/​ OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE by 1 minute so that our test pings exceed20/​/​ those points in time, even taking into account file system imprecision.21const ONE_MINUTE_MS = 60 * 1000;22const OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE = TelemetrySend.OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE + ONE_MINUTE_MS;23const PING_SAVE_FOLDER = "saved-telemetry-pings";24const PING_TIMEOUT_LENGTH = 5000;25const OVERDUE_PINGS = 6;26const OLD_FORMAT_PINGS = 4;27const RECENT_PINGS = 4;28const TOTAL_EXPECTED_PINGS = OVERDUE_PINGS + RECENT_PINGS + OLD_FORMAT_PINGS;29const PREF_FHR_UPLOAD = "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled";30var gCreatedPings = 0;31var gSeenPings = 0;32/​**33 * Creates some Telemetry pings for the and saves them to disk. Each ping gets a34 * unique ID based on an incrementor.35 *36 * @param {Array} aPingInfos An array of ping type objects. Each entry must be an37 * object containing a "num" field for the number of pings to create and38 * an "age" field. The latter representing the age in milliseconds to offset39 * from now. A value of 10 would make the ping 10ms older than now, for40 * example.41 * @returns Promise42 * @resolve an Array with the created pings ids.43 */​44var createSavedPings = Task.async(function* (aPingInfos) {45 let pingIds = [];46 let now =;47 for (let type in aPingInfos) {48 let num = aPingInfos[type].num;49 let age = now - (aPingInfos[type].age || 0);50 for (let i = 0; i < num; ++i) {51 let pingId = yield TelemetryController.addPendingPing("test-ping", {}, { overwrite: true });52 if (aPingInfos[type].age) {53 /​/​ savePing writes to the file synchronously, so we're good to54 /​/​ modify the lastModifedTime now.55 let filePath = getSavePathForPingId(pingId);56 yield File.setDates(filePath, null, age);57 }58 gCreatedPings++;59 pingIds.push(pingId);60 }61 }62 return pingIds;63});64/​**65 * Deletes locally saved pings if they exist.66 *67 * @param aPingIds an Array of ping ids to delete.68 * @returns Promise69 */​70var clearPings = Task.async(function* (aPingIds) {71 for (let pingId of aPingIds) {72 yield TelemetryStorage.removePendingPing(pingId);73 }74});75/​**76 * Fakes the pending pings storage quota.77 * @param {Integer} aPendingQuota The new quota, in bytes.78 */​79function fakePendingPingsQuota(aPendingQuota) {80 let storage = Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryStorage.jsm");81 storage.Policy.getPendingPingsQuota = () => aPendingQuota;82}83/​**84 * Returns a handle for the file that a ping should be85 * stored in locally.86 *87 * @returns path88 */​89function getSavePathForPingId(aPingId) {90 return Path.join(Constants.Path.profileDir, PING_SAVE_FOLDER, aPingId);91}92/​**93 * Check if the number of Telemetry pings received by the HttpServer is not equal94 * to aExpectedNum.95 *96 * @param aExpectedNum the number of pings we expect to receive.97 */​98function assertReceivedPings(aExpectedNum) {99 do_check_eq(gSeenPings, aExpectedNum);100}101/​**102 * Throws if any pings with the id in aPingIds is saved locally.103 *104 * @param aPingIds an Array of pings ids to check.105 * @returns Promise106 */​107var assertNotSaved = Task.async(function* (aPingIds) {108 let saved = 0;109 for (let id of aPingIds) {110 let filePath = getSavePathForPingId(id);111 if (yield File.exists(filePath)) {112 saved++;113 }114 }115 if (saved > 0) {116 do_throw("Found " + saved + " unexpected saved pings.");117 }118});119/​**120 * Our handler function for the HttpServer that simply121 * increments the gSeenPings global when it successfully122 * receives and decodes a Telemetry payload.123 *124 * @param aRequest the HTTP request sent from HttpServer.125 */​126function pingHandler(aRequest) {127 gSeenPings++;128}129add_task(function* test_setup() {130 PingServer.start();131 PingServer.registerPingHandler(pingHandler);132 do_get_profile();133 loadAddonManager("", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2");134 /​/​ Make sure we don't generate unexpected pings due to pref changes.135 yield setEmptyPrefWatchlist();136 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_TELEMETRY_ENABLED, true);137 Services.prefs.setCharPref(TelemetryController.Constants.PREF_SERVER,138 "http:/​/​localhost:" + PingServer.port);139});140/​**141 * Setup the tests by making sure the ping storage directory is available, otherwise142 * |TelemetryController.testSaveDirectoryToFile| could fail.143 */​144add_task(function* setupEnvironment() {145 /​/​ The following tests assume this pref to be true by default.146 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD, true);147 yield TelemetryController.testSetup();148 let directory = TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath;149 yield File.makeDir(directory, { ignoreExisting: true, unixMode: OS.Constants.S_IRWXU });150 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();151});152/​**153 * Test that really recent pings are sent on Telemetry initialization.154 */​155add_task(function* test_recent_pings_sent() {156 let pingTypes = [{ num: RECENT_PINGS }];157 yield createSavedPings(pingTypes);158 yield TelemetryController.testReset();159 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();160 assertReceivedPings(RECENT_PINGS);161 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();162});163/​**164 * Create an overdue ping in the old format and try to send it.165 */​166add_task(function* test_overdue_old_format() {167 /​/​ A test ping in the old, standard format.168 const PING_OLD_FORMAT = {169 slug: "1234567abcd",170 reason: "test-ping",171 payload: {172 info: {173 reason: "test-ping",174 OS: "XPCShell",175 appID: "SomeId",176 appVersion: "1.0",177 appName: "XPCShell",178 appBuildID: "123456789",179 appUpdateChannel: "Test",180 platformBuildID: "987654321",181 },182 },183 };184 /​/​ A ping with no info section, but with a slug.185 const PING_NO_INFO = {186 slug: "1234-no-info-ping",187 reason: "test-ping",188 payload: {}189 };190 /​/​ A ping with no payload.191 const PING_NO_PAYLOAD = {192 slug: "5678-no-payload",193 reason: "test-ping",194 };195 /​/​ A ping with no info and no slug.196 const PING_NO_SLUG = {197 reason: "test-ping",198 payload: {}199 };200 const PING_FILES_PATHS = [201 getSavePathForPingId(PING_OLD_FORMAT.slug),202 getSavePathForPingId(PING_NO_INFO.slug),203 getSavePathForPingId(PING_NO_PAYLOAD.slug),204 getSavePathForPingId("no-slug-file"),205 ];206 /​/​ Write the ping to file and make it overdue.207 yield TelemetryStorage.savePing(PING_OLD_FORMAT, true);208 yield TelemetryStorage.savePing(PING_NO_INFO, true);209 yield TelemetryStorage.savePing(PING_NO_PAYLOAD, true);210 yield TelemetryStorage.savePingToFile(PING_NO_SLUG, PING_FILES_PATHS[3], true);211 for (let f in PING_FILES_PATHS) {212 yield File.setDates(PING_FILES_PATHS[f], null, - OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE);213 }214 gSeenPings = 0;215 yield TelemetryController.testReset();216 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();217 assertReceivedPings(OLD_FORMAT_PINGS);218 /​/​ |TelemetryStorage.cleanup| doesn't know how to remove a ping with no slug or id,219 /​/​ so remove it manually so that the next test doesn't fail.220 yield OS.File.remove(PING_FILES_PATHS[3]);221 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();222});223add_task(function* test_corrupted_pending_pings() {224 const TEST_TYPE = "test_corrupted";225 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_READ").clear();226 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_PARSE").clear();227 /​/​ Save a pending ping and get its id.228 let pendingPingId = yield TelemetryController.addPendingPing(TEST_TYPE, {}, {});229 /​/​ Try to load it: there should be no error.230 yield TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(pendingPingId);231 let h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_READ").snapshot();232 Assert.equal(h.sum, 0, "Telemetry must not report a pending ping load failure");233 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_PARSE").snapshot();234 Assert.equal(h.sum, 0, "Telemetry must not report a pending ping parse failure");235 /​/​ Delete it from the disk, so that its id will be kept in the cache but it will236 /​/​ fail loading the file.237 yield OS.File.remove(getSavePathForPingId(pendingPingId));238 /​/​ Try to load a pending ping which isn't there anymore.239 yield Assert.rejects(TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(pendingPingId),240 "Telemetry must fail loading a ping which isn't there");241 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_READ").snapshot();242 Assert.equal(h.sum, 1, "Telemetry must report a pending ping load failure");243 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_PARSE").snapshot();244 Assert.equal(h.sum, 0, "Telemetry must not report a pending ping parse failure");245 /​/​ Save a new ping, so that it gets in the pending pings cache.246 pendingPingId = yield TelemetryController.addPendingPing(TEST_TYPE, {}, {});247 /​/​ Overwrite it with a corrupted JSON file and then try to load it.248 const INVALID_JSON = "{ invalid,JSON { {1}";249 yield OS.File.writeAtomic(getSavePathForPingId(pendingPingId), INVALID_JSON, { encoding: "utf-8" });250 /​/​ Try to load the ping with the corrupted JSON content.251 yield Assert.rejects(TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(pendingPingId),252 "Telemetry must fail loading a corrupted ping");253 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_READ").snapshot();254 Assert.equal(h.sum, 1, "Telemetry must report a pending ping load failure");255 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_LOAD_FAILURE_PARSE").snapshot();256 Assert.equal(h.sum, 1, "Telemetry must report a pending ping parse failure");257 let exists = yield OS.File.exists(getSavePathForPingId(pendingPingId));258 Assert.ok(!exists, "The unparseable ping should have been removed");259 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();260});261/​**262 * Create some recent and overdue pings and verify that they get sent.263 */​264add_task(function* test_overdue_pings_trigger_send() {265 let pingTypes = [266 { num: RECENT_PINGS },267 { num: OVERDUE_PINGS, age: OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE },268 ];269 let pings = yield createSavedPings(pingTypes);270 let recentPings = pings.slice(0, RECENT_PINGS);271 let overduePings = pings.slice(-OVERDUE_PINGS);272 yield TelemetryController.testReset();273 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();274 assertReceivedPings(TOTAL_EXPECTED_PINGS);275 yield assertNotSaved(recentPings);276 yield assertNotSaved(overduePings);277 Assert.equal(TelemetrySend.overduePingsCount, overduePings.length,278 "Should have tracked the correct amount of overdue pings");279 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();280});281/​**282 * Create a ping in the old format, send it, and make sure the request URL contains283 * the correct version query parameter.284 */​285add_task(function* test_overdue_old_format() {286 /​/​ A test ping in the old, standard format.287 const PING_OLD_FORMAT = {288 slug: "1234567abcd",289 reason: "test-ping",290 payload: {291 info: {292 reason: "test-ping",293 OS: "XPCShell",294 appID: "SomeId",295 appVersion: "1.0",296 appName: "XPCShell",297 appBuildID: "123456789",298 appUpdateChannel: "Test",299 platformBuildID: "987654321",300 },301 },302 };303 const filePath =304 Path.join(Constants.Path.profileDir, PING_SAVE_FOLDER, PING_OLD_FORMAT.slug);305 /​/​ Write the ping to file and make it overdue.306 yield TelemetryStorage.savePing(PING_OLD_FORMAT, true);307 yield File.setDates(filePath, null, - OVERDUE_PING_FILE_AGE);308 let receivedPings = 0;309 /​/​ Register a new prefix handler to validate the URL.310 PingServer.registerPingHandler(request => {311 /​/​ Check that we have a version query parameter in the URL.312 Assert.notEqual(request.queryString, "");313 /​/​ Make sure the version in the query string matches the old ping format version.314 let params = request.queryString.split("&");315 Assert.ok(params.find(p => p == "v=1"));316 receivedPings++;317 });318 yield TelemetryController.testReset();319 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();320 Assert.equal(receivedPings, 1, "We must receive a ping in the old format.");321 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();322 PingServer.resetPingHandler();323});324add_task(function* test_pendingPingsQuota() {325 const PING_TYPE = "foo";326 /​/​ Disable upload so pings don't get sent and removed from the pending pings directory.327 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD, false);328 /​/​ Remove all the pending pings then startup and wait for the cleanup task to complete.329 /​/​ There should be nothing to remove.330 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();331 yield TelemetryController.testReset();332 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();333 yield TelemetryStorage.testPendingQuotaTaskPromise();334 /​/​ Remove the pending deletion ping generated when flipping FHR upload off.335 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();336 let expectedPrunedPings = [];337 let expectedNotPrunedPings = [];338 let checkPendingPings = Task.async(function*() {339 /​/​ Check that the pruned pings are not on disk anymore.340 for (let prunedPingId of expectedPrunedPings) {341 yield Assert.rejects(TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(prunedPingId),342 "Ping " + prunedPingId + " should have been pruned.");343 const pingPath = getSavePathForPingId(prunedPingId);344 Assert.ok(!(yield OS.File.exists(pingPath)), "The ping should not be on the disk anymore.");345 }346 /​/​ Check that the expected pings are there.347 for (let expectedPingId of expectedNotPrunedPings) {348 Assert.ok((yield TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(expectedPingId)),349 "Ping" + expectedPingId + " should be among the pending pings.");350 }351 });352 let pendingPingsInfo = [];353 let pingsSizeInBytes = 0;354 /​/​ Create 10 pings to test the pending pings quota.355 for (let days = 1; days < 11; days++) {356 const date = fakeNow(2010, 1, days, 1, 1, 0);357 const pingId = yield TelemetryController.addPendingPing(PING_TYPE, {}, {});358 /​/​ Find the size of the ping.359 const pingFilePath = getSavePathForPingId(pingId);360 const pingSize = (yield OS.File.stat(pingFilePath)).size;361 /​/​ Add the info at the beginning of the array, so that most recent pings come first.362 pendingPingsInfo.unshift({id: pingId, size: pingSize, timestamp: date.getTime() });363 /​/​ Set the last modification date.364 yield OS.File.setDates(pingFilePath, null, date.getTime());365 /​/​ Add it to the pending ping directory size.366 pingsSizeInBytes += pingSize;367 }368 /​/​ We need to test the pending pings size before we hit the quota, otherwise a special369 /​/​ value is recorded.370 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").clear();371 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_EVICTED_OVER_QUOTA").clear();372 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_EVICTING_OVER_QUOTA_MS").clear();373 yield TelemetryController.testReset();374 yield TelemetryStorage.testPendingQuotaTaskPromise();375 /​/​ Check that the correct values for quota probes are reported when no quota is hit.376 let h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").snapshot();377 Assert.equal(h.sum, Math.round(pingsSizeInBytes /​ 1024 /​ 1024),378 "Telemetry must report the correct pending pings directory size.");379 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_EVICTED_OVER_QUOTA").snapshot();380 Assert.equal(h.sum, 0, "Telemetry must report 0 evictions if quota is not hit.");381 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_EVICTING_OVER_QUOTA_MS").snapshot();382 Assert.equal(h.sum, 0, "Telemetry must report a null elapsed time if quota is not hit.");383 /​/​ Set the quota to 80% of the space.384 const testQuotaInBytes = pingsSizeInBytes * 0.8;385 fakePendingPingsQuota(testQuotaInBytes);386 /​/​ The storage prunes pending pings until we reach 90% of the requested storage quota.387 /​/​ Based on that, find how many pings should be kept.388 const safeQuotaSize = Math.round(testQuotaInBytes * 0.9);389 let sizeInBytes = 0;390 let pingsWithinQuota = [];391 let pingsOutsideQuota = [];392 for (let pingInfo of pendingPingsInfo) {393 sizeInBytes += pingInfo.size;394 if (sizeInBytes >= safeQuotaSize) {395 pingsOutsideQuota.push(;396 continue;397 }398 pingsWithinQuota.push(;399 }400 expectedNotPrunedPings = pingsWithinQuota;401 expectedPrunedPings = pingsOutsideQuota;402 /​/​ Reset TelemetryController to start the pending pings cleanup.403 yield TelemetryController.testReset();404 yield TelemetryStorage.testPendingQuotaTaskPromise();405 yield checkPendingPings();406 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_EVICTED_OVER_QUOTA").snapshot();407 Assert.equal(h.sum, pingsOutsideQuota.length,408 "Telemetry must correctly report the over quota pings evicted from the pending pings directory.");409 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").snapshot();410 Assert.equal(h.sum, 17, "Pending pings quota was hit, a special size must be reported.");411 /​/​ Trigger a cleanup again and make sure we're not removing anything.412 yield TelemetryController.testReset();413 yield TelemetryStorage.testPendingQuotaTaskPromise();414 yield checkPendingPings();415 const OVERSIZED_PING_ID = "9b21ec8f-f762-4d28-a2c1-44e1c4694f24";416 /​/​ Create a pending oversized ping.417 const OVERSIZED_PING = {418 id: OVERSIZED_PING_ID,419 type: PING_TYPE,420 creationDate: (new Date()).toISOString(),421 /​/​ Generate a 2MB string to use as the ping payload.422 payload: generateRandomString(2 * 1024 * 1024),423 };424 yield TelemetryStorage.savePendingPing(OVERSIZED_PING);425 /​/​ Reset the histograms.426 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_PENDING").clear();427 Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").clear();428 /​/​ Try to manually load the oversized ping.429 yield Assert.rejects(TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(OVERSIZED_PING_ID),430 "The oversized ping should have been pruned.");431 Assert.ok(!(yield OS.File.exists(getSavePathForPingId(OVERSIZED_PING_ID))),432 "The ping should not be on the disk anymore.");433 /​/​ Make sure we're correctly updating the related histograms.434 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_PENDING").snapshot();435 Assert.equal(h.sum, 1, "Telemetry must report 1 oversized ping in the pending pings directory.");436 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").snapshot();437 Assert.equal(h.counts[2], 1, "Telemetry must report a 2MB, oversized, ping.");438 /​/​ Save the ping again to check if it gets pruned when scanning the pings directory.439 yield TelemetryStorage.savePendingPing(OVERSIZED_PING);440 expectedPrunedPings.push(OVERSIZED_PING_ID);441 /​/​ Scan the pending pings directory.442 yield TelemetryController.testReset();443 yield TelemetryStorage.testPendingQuotaTaskPromise();444 yield checkPendingPings();445 /​/​ Make sure we're correctly updating the related histograms.446 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SIZE_EXCEEDED_PENDING").snapshot();447 Assert.equal(h.sum, 2, "Telemetry must report 1 oversized ping in the pending pings directory.");448 h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_PENDING_PINGS_SIZE_MB").snapshot();449 Assert.equal(h.counts[2], 2, "Telemetry must report two 2MB, oversized, pings.");450 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD, true);451});452add_task(function* teardown() {453 yield PingServer.stop();...

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1/​* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.2 http:/​/​​publicdomain/​zero/​1.0/​3*/​4/​* This testcase triggers two telemetry pings.5 *6 * Telemetry code keeps histograms of past telemetry pings. The first7 * ping populates these histograms. One of those histograms is then8 * checked in the second request.9 */​10Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​ClientID.jsm");11Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Services.jsm");12Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);13Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryController.jsm", this);14Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryStorage.jsm", this);15Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetrySend.jsm", this);16Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​TelemetryArchive.jsm", this);17Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Task.jsm", this);18Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Promise.jsm", this);19Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Preferences.jsm");20const PING_FORMAT_VERSION = 4;21const DELETION_PING_TYPE = "deletion";22const TEST_PING_TYPE = "test-ping-type";23const PLATFORM_VERSION = "1.9.2";24const APP_VERSION = "1";25const APP_NAME = "XPCShell";26const PREF_BRANCH = "toolkit.telemetry.";27const PREF_ENABLED = PREF_BRANCH + "enabled";28const PREF_ARCHIVE_ENABLED = PREF_BRANCH + "archive.enabled";29const PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED = "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled";30const PREF_UNIFIED = PREF_BRANCH + "unified";31var gClientID = null;32function sendPing(aSendClientId, aSendEnvironment) {33 if (PingServer.started) {34 TelemetrySend.setServer("http:/​/​localhost:" + PingServer.port);35 } else {36 TelemetrySend.setServer("http:/​/​doesnotexist");37 }38 let options = {39 addClientId: aSendClientId,40 addEnvironment: aSendEnvironment,41 };42 return TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(TEST_PING_TYPE, {}, options);43}44function checkPingFormat(aPing, aType, aHasClientId, aHasEnvironment) {45 const MANDATORY_PING_FIELDS = [46 "type", "id", "creationDate", "version", "application", "payload"47 ];48 const APPLICATION_TEST_DATA = {49 buildId: gAppInfo.appBuildID,50 name: APP_NAME,51 version: APP_VERSION,52 displayVersion: AppConstants.MOZ_APP_VERSION_DISPLAY,53 vendor: "Mozilla",54 platformVersion: PLATFORM_VERSION,55 xpcomAbi: "noarch-spidermonkey",56 };57 /​/​ Check that the ping contains all the mandatory fields.58 for (let f of MANDATORY_PING_FIELDS) {59 Assert.ok(f in aPing, f + " must be available.");60 }61 Assert.equal(aPing.type, aType, "The ping must have the correct type.");62 Assert.equal(aPing.version, PING_FORMAT_VERSION, "The ping must have the correct version.");63 /​/​ Test the application section.64 for (let f in APPLICATION_TEST_DATA) {65 Assert.equal(aPing.application[f], APPLICATION_TEST_DATA[f],66 f + " must have the correct value.");67 }68 /​/​ We can't check the values for channel and architecture. Just make69 /​/​ sure they are in.70 Assert.ok("architecture" in aPing.application,71 "The application section must have an architecture field.");72 Assert.ok("channel" in aPing.application,73 "The application section must have a channel field.");74 /​/​ Check the clientId and environment fields, as needed.75 Assert.equal("clientId" in aPing, aHasClientId);76 Assert.equal("environment" in aPing, aHasEnvironment);77}78add_task(function* test_setup() {79 /​/​ Addon manager needs a profile directory80 do_get_profile();81 loadAddonManager("", "XPCShell", "1", "1.9.2");82 /​/​ Make sure we don't generate unexpected pings due to pref changes.83 yield setEmptyPrefWatchlist();84 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_ENABLED, true);85 Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED, true);86 yield new Promise(resolve =>87 Telemetry.asyncFetchTelemetryData(wrapWithExceptionHandler(resolve)));88});89add_task(function* asyncSetup() {90 yield TelemetryController.testSetup();91});92/​/​ Ensure that not overwriting an existing file fails silently93add_task(function* test_overwritePing() {94 let ping = {id: "foo"};95 yield TelemetryStorage.savePing(ping, true);96 yield TelemetryStorage.savePing(ping, false);97 yield TelemetryStorage.cleanupPingFile(ping);98});99/​/​ Checks that a sent ping is correctly received by a dummy http server.100add_task(function* test_simplePing() {101 PingServer.start();102 /​/​ Update the Telemetry Server preference with the address of the local server.103 /​/​ Otherwise we might end up sending stuff to a non-existing server after104 /​/​ |TelemetryController.testReset| is called.105 Preferences.set(TelemetryController.Constants.PREF_SERVER, "http:/​/​localhost:" + PingServer.port);106 yield sendPing(false, false);107 let request = yield PingServer.promiseNextRequest();108 /​/​ Check that we have a version query parameter in the URL.109 Assert.notEqual(request.queryString, "");110 /​/​ Make sure the version in the query string matches the new ping format version.111 let params = request.queryString.split("&");112 Assert.ok(params.find(p => p == ("v=" + PING_FORMAT_VERSION)));113 let ping = decodeRequestPayload(request);114 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, false, false);115});116add_task(function* test_disableDataUpload() {117 const isUnified = Preferences.get(PREF_UNIFIED, false);118 if (!isUnified) {119 /​/​ Skipping the test if unified telemetry is off, as no deletion ping will120 /​/​ be generated.121 return;122 }123 /​/​ Disable FHR upload: this should trigger a deletion ping.124 Preferences.set(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED, false);125 let ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();126 checkPingFormat(ping, DELETION_PING_TYPE, true, false);127 /​/​ Wait on ping activity to settle.128 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();129 /​/​ Restore FHR Upload.130 Preferences.set(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED, true);131 /​/​ Simulate a failure in sending the deletion ping by disabling the HTTP server.132 yield PingServer.stop();133 /​/​ Try to send a ping. It will be saved as pending and get deleted when disabling upload.134 TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(TEST_PING_TYPE, {});135 /​/​ Disable FHR upload to send a deletion ping again.136 Preferences.set(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED, false);137 /​/​ Wait on sending activity to settle, as |TelemetryController.testReset()| doesn't do that.138 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();139 /​/​ Wait for the pending pings to be deleted. Resetting TelemetryController doesn't140 /​/​ trigger the shutdown, so we need to call it ourselves.141 yield TelemetryStorage.shutdown();142 /​/​ Simulate a restart, and spin the send task.143 yield TelemetryController.testReset();144 /​/​ Disabling Telemetry upload must clear out all the pending pings.145 let pendingPings = yield TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPingList();146 Assert.equal(pendingPings.length, 1,147 "All the pending pings but the deletion ping should have been deleted");148 /​/​ Enable the ping server again.149 PingServer.start();150 /​/​ We set the new server using the pref, otherwise it would get reset with151 /​/​ |TelemetryController.testReset|.152 Preferences.set(TelemetryController.Constants.PREF_SERVER, "http:/​/​localhost:" + PingServer.port);153 /​/​ Stop the sending task and then start it again.154 yield TelemetrySend.shutdown();155 /​/​ Reset the controller to spin the ping sending task.156 yield TelemetryController.testReset();157 ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();158 checkPingFormat(ping, DELETION_PING_TYPE, true, false);159 /​/​ Wait on ping activity to settle before moving on to the next test. If we were160 /​/​ to shut down telemetry, even though the PingServer caught the expected pings,161 /​/​ TelemetrySend could still be processing them (clearing pings would happen in162 /​/​ a couple of ticks). Shutting down would cancel the request and save them as163 /​/​ pending pings.164 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();165 /​/​ Restore FHR Upload.166 Preferences.set(PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED, true);167});168add_task(function* test_pingHasClientId() {169 const PREF_CACHED_CLIENTID = "toolkit.telemetry.cachedClientID";170 /​/​ Make sure we have no cached client ID for this test: we'll try to send171 /​/​ a ping with it while Telemetry is being initialized.172 Preferences.reset(PREF_CACHED_CLIENTID);173 yield TelemetryController.testShutdown();174 yield ClientID._reset();175 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();176 /​/​ And also clear the counter histogram since we're here.177 let h = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_PING_SUBMISSION_WAITING_CLIENTID");178 h.clear();179 /​/​ Init telemetry and try to send a ping with a client ID.180 let promisePingSetup = TelemetryController.testReset();181 yield sendPing(true, false);182 Assert.equal(h.snapshot().sum, 1,183 "We must have a ping waiting for the clientId early during startup.");184 /​/​ Wait until we are fully initialized. Pings will be assembled but won't get185 /​/​ sent before then.186 yield promisePingSetup;187 let ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();188 /​/​ Fetch the client ID after initializing and fetching the the ping, so we189 /​/​ don't unintentionally trigger its loading. We'll still need the client ID190 /​/​ to see if the ping looks sane.191 gClientID = yield ClientID.getClientID();192 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, false);193 Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID, "The correct clientId must be reported.");194 /​/​ Shutdown Telemetry so we can safely restart it.195 yield TelemetryController.testShutdown();196 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();197 /​/​ We should have cached the client ID now. Lets confirm that by checking it before198 /​/​ the async ping setup is finished.199 h.clear();200 promisePingSetup = TelemetryController.testReset();201 yield sendPing(true, false);202 yield promisePingSetup;203 /​/​ Check that we received the cached client id.204 Assert.equal(h.snapshot().sum, 0, "We must have used the cached clientId.");205 ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();206 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, false);207 Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID,208 "Telemetry should report the correct cached clientId.");209 /​/​ Check that sending a ping without relying on the cache, after the210 /​/​ initialization, still works.211 Preferences.reset(PREF_CACHED_CLIENTID);212 yield TelemetryController.testShutdown();213 yield TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings();214 yield TelemetryController.testReset();215 yield sendPing(true, false);216 ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();217 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, false);218 Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID, "The correct clientId must be reported.");219 Assert.equal(h.snapshot().sum, 0, "No ping should have been waiting for a clientId.");220});221add_task(function* test_pingHasEnvironment() {222 /​/​ Send a ping with the environment data.223 yield sendPing(false, true);224 let ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();225 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, false, true);226 /​/​ Test a field in the environment build section.227 Assert.equal(ping.application.buildId,;228});229add_task(function* test_pingHasEnvironmentAndClientId() {230 /​/​ Send a ping with the environment data and client id.231 yield sendPing(true, true);232 let ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();233 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, true);234 /​/​ Test a field in the environment build section.235 Assert.equal(ping.application.buildId,;236 /​/​ Test that we have the correct clientId.237 Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID, "The correct clientId must be reported.");238});239add_task(function* test_archivePings() {240 let now = new Date(2009, 10, 18, 12, 0, 0);241 fakeNow(now);242 /​/​ Disable ping upload so that pings don't get sent.243 /​/​ With unified telemetry the FHR upload pref controls this,244 /​/​ with non-unified telemetry the Telemetry enabled pref.245 const isUnified = Preferences.get(PREF_UNIFIED, false);246 const uploadPref = isUnified ? PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED : PREF_ENABLED;247 Preferences.set(uploadPref, false);248 /​/​ If we're using unified telemetry, disabling ping upload will generate a "deletion"249 /​/​ ping. Catch it.250 if (isUnified) {251 let ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();252 checkPingFormat(ping, DELETION_PING_TYPE, true, false);253 }254 /​/​ Register a new Ping Handler that asserts if a ping is received, then send a ping.255 PingServer.registerPingHandler(() => Assert.ok(false, "Telemetry must not send pings if not allowed to."));256 let pingId = yield sendPing(true, true);257 /​/​ Check that the ping was archived, even with upload disabled.258 let ping = yield TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingById(pingId);259 Assert.equal(, pingId, "TelemetryController should still archive pings.");260 /​/​ Check that pings don't get archived if not allowed to.261 now = new Date(2010, 10, 18, 12, 0, 0);262 fakeNow(now);263 Preferences.set(PREF_ARCHIVE_ENABLED, false);264 pingId = yield sendPing(true, true);265 let promise = TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingById(pingId);266 Assert.ok((yield promiseRejects(promise)),267 "TelemetryController should not archive pings if the archive pref is disabled.");268 /​/​ Enable archiving and the upload so that pings get sent and archived again.269 Preferences.set(uploadPref, true);270 Preferences.set(PREF_ARCHIVE_ENABLED, true);271 now = new Date(2014, 6, 18, 22, 0, 0);272 fakeNow(now);273 /​/​ Restore the non asserting ping handler.274 PingServer.resetPingHandler();275 pingId = yield sendPing(true, true);276 /​/​ Check that we archive pings when successfully sending them.277 yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();278 ping = yield TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingById(pingId);279 Assert.equal(, pingId,280 "TelemetryController should still archive pings if ping upload is enabled.");281});282/​/​ Test that we fuzz the submission time around midnight properly283/​/​ to avoid overloading the telemetry servers.284add_task(function* test_midnightPingSendFuzzing() {285 const fuzzingDelay = 60 * 60 * 1000;286 fakeMidnightPingFuzzingDelay(fuzzingDelay);287 let now = new Date(2030, 5, 1, 11, 0, 0);288 fakeNow(now);289 let waitForTimer = () => new Promise(resolve => {290 fakePingSendTimer((callback, timeout) => {291 resolve([callback, timeout]);292 }, () => {});293 });294 PingServer.clearRequests();295 yield TelemetryController.testReset();296 /​/​ A ping after midnight within the fuzzing delay should not get sent.297 now = new Date(2030, 5, 2, 0, 40, 0);298 fakeNow(now);299 PingServer.registerPingHandler((req, res) => {300 Assert.ok(false, "No ping should be received yet.");301 });302 let timerPromise = waitForTimer();303 yield sendPing(true, true);304 let [timerCallback, timerTimeout] = yield timerPromise;305 Assert.ok(!!timerCallback);306 Assert.deepEqual(futureDate(now, timerTimeout), new Date(2030, 5, 2, 1, 0, 0));307 /​/​ A ping just before the end of the fuzzing delay should not get sent.308 now = new Date(2030, 5, 2, 0, 59, 59);309 fakeNow(now);310 timerPromise = waitForTimer();311 yield sendPing(true, true);312 [timerCallback, timerTimeout] = yield timerPromise;313 Assert.deepEqual(timerTimeout, 1 * 1000);314 /​/​ Restore the previous ping handler.315 PingServer.resetPingHandler();316 /​/​ Setting the clock to after the fuzzing delay, we should trigger the two ping sends317 /​/​ with the timer callback.318 now = futureDate(now, timerTimeout);319 fakeNow(now);320 yield timerCallback();321 const pings = yield PingServer.promiseNextPings(2);322 for (let ping of pings) {323 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, true);324 }325 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();326 /​/​ Moving the clock further we should still send pings immediately.327 now = futureDate(now, 5 * 60 * 1000);328 yield sendPing(true, true);329 let ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();330 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, true);331 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();332 /​/​ Check that pings shortly before midnight are immediately sent.333 now = fakeNow(2030, 5, 3, 23, 59, 0);334 yield sendPing(true, true);335 ping = yield PingServer.promiseNextPing();336 checkPingFormat(ping, TEST_PING_TYPE, true, true);337 yield TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings();338 /​/​ Clean-up.339 fakeMidnightPingFuzzingDelay(0);340 fakePingSendTimer(() => {}, () => {});341});342add_task(function* test_changePingAfterSubmission() {343 /​/​ Submit a ping with a custom payload.344 let payload = { canary: "test" };345 let pingPromise = TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(TEST_PING_TYPE, payload, options);346 /​/​ Change the payload with a predefined value.347 payload.canary = "changed";348 /​/​ Wait for the ping to be archived.349 const pingId = yield pingPromise;350 /​/​ Make sure our changes didn't affect the submitted payload.351 let archivedCopy = yield TelemetryArchive.promiseArchivedPingById(pingId);352 Assert.equal(archivedCopy.payload.canary, "test",353 "The payload must not be changed after being submitted.");354});355add_task(function* test_telemetryEnabledUnexpectedValue() {356 /​/​ Remove the default value for toolkit.telemetry.enabled from the default prefs.357 /​/​ Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to set the pref to a string.358 let defaultPrefBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(null);359 defaultPrefBranch.deleteBranch(PREF_ENABLED);360 /​/​ Set the preferences controlling the Telemetry status to a string.361 Preferences.set(PREF_ENABLED, "false");362 /​/​ Check that Telemetry is not enabled.363 yield TelemetryController.testReset();364 Assert.equal(Telemetry.canRecordExtended, false,365 "Invalid values must not enable Telemetry recording.");366 /​/​ Delete the pref again.367 defaultPrefBranch.deleteBranch(PREF_ENABLED);368 /​/​ Make sure that flipping it to true works.369 Preferences.set(PREF_ENABLED, true);370 yield TelemetryController.testReset();371 Assert.equal(Telemetry.canRecordExtended, true,372 "True must enable Telemetry recording.");373 /​/​ Also check that the false works as well.374 Preferences.set(PREF_ENABLED, false);375 yield TelemetryController.testReset();376 Assert.equal(Telemetry.canRecordExtended, false,377 "False must disable Telemetry recording.");378});379add_task(function* test_telemetryCleanFHRDatabase() {380 const FHR_DBNAME_PREF = "datareporting.healthreport.dbName";381 const CUSTOM_DB_NAME = "";382 const DEFAULT_DB_NAME = "healthreport.sqlite";383 /​/​ Check that we're able to remove a FHR DB with a custom name.384 const CUSTOM_DB_PATHS = [385 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, CUSTOM_DB_NAME),386 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, CUSTOM_DB_NAME + "-wal"),387 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, CUSTOM_DB_NAME + "-shm"),388 ];389 Preferences.set(FHR_DBNAME_PREF, CUSTOM_DB_NAME);390 /​/​ Write fake DB files to the profile directory.391 for (let dbFilePath of CUSTOM_DB_PATHS) {392 yield OS.File.writeAtomic(dbFilePath, "some data");393 }394 /​/​ Trigger the cleanup and check that the files were removed.395 yield TelemetryStorage.removeFHRDatabase();396 for (let dbFilePath of CUSTOM_DB_PATHS) {397 Assert.ok(!(yield OS.File.exists(dbFilePath)), "The DB must not be on the disk anymore: " + dbFilePath);398 }399 /​/​ We should not break anything if there's no DB file.400 yield TelemetryStorage.removeFHRDatabase();401 /​/​ Check that we're able to remove a FHR DB with the default name.402 Preferences.reset(FHR_DBNAME_PREF);403 const DEFAULT_DB_PATHS = [404 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DEFAULT_DB_NAME),405 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DEFAULT_DB_NAME + "-wal"),406 OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, DEFAULT_DB_NAME + "-shm"),407 ];408 /​/​ Write fake DB files to the profile directory.409 for (let dbFilePath of DEFAULT_DB_PATHS) {410 yield OS.File.writeAtomic(dbFilePath, "some data");411 }412 /​/​ Trigger the cleanup and check that the files were removed.413 yield TelemetryStorage.removeFHRDatabase();414 for (let dbFilePath of DEFAULT_DB_PATHS) {415 Assert.ok(!(yield OS.File.exists(dbFilePath)), "The DB must not be on the disk anymore: " + dbFilePath);416 }417});418add_task(function* stopServer() {419 yield PingServer.stop();...

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...15 tcp_ping = ping.TCPing(destination=args.destination,16 port=args.port,17 timeout=args.timeout,18 use_ipv6=args.use_ipv6)19 tcp_ping.do_ping()20 self.assertEqual(len(tcp_ping.measures), 1)21 def test_ping_domain_incorrect(self):22 with mock.patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket:23 mock_socket.return_value.recv.return_value = b""24 cmd_parser = tcping.create_cmd_parser()25 args = cmd_parser.parse_args(['google.csom'])26 tcp_ping = ping.TCPing(destination=args.destination,27 port=args.port,28 timeout=args.timeout,29 use_ipv6=args.use_ipv6)30 with self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidIpOrDomain):31 tcp_ping.do_ping()32 def test_ping_ip_standart(self):33 with mock.patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket:34 mock_socket.return_value.recv.return_value = b""35 cmd_parser = tcping.create_cmd_parser()36 args = cmd_parser.parse_args(['', '-c', '10'])37 tcp_ping = ping.TCPing(destination=args.destination,38 port=args.port,39 timeout=args.timeout,40 use_ipv6=args.use_ipv6)41 tcp_ping.do_ping()42 self.assertEqual(len(tcp_ping.measures), 1)43 def test_ping_ip_incorrect(self):44 with mock.patch('socket.socket') as mock_socket:45 mock_socket.return_value.recv.return_value = b""46 cmd_parser = tcping.create_cmd_parser()47 args = cmd_parser.parse_args([''])48 tcp_ping = ping.TCPing(destination=args.destination,49 port=args.port,50 timeout=args.timeout,51 use_ipv6=args.use_ipv6)52 with self.assertRaises(errors.InvalidIpOrDomain):53 tcp_ping.do_ping()54class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):55 def test_parsing_with_args(self):56 cmd_parser = tcping.create_cmd_parser()57 args = cmd_parser.parse_args(['',58 '-t', '10',59 '-p', '443',60 '-6'])61 tcp_ping = ping.TCPing(destination=args.destination, port=args.port,62 timeout=args.timeout, use_ipv6=args.use_ipv6)63 self.assertEqual(tcp_ping.use_ipv6, True)64 self.assertEqual(tcp_ping.timeout, 10)65 self.assertEqual(tcp_ping.port, 443)66 def test_parsing_without_args_from_cmd(self):67 cmd_parser = tcping.create_cmd_parser()...

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