How to use heat method in tempest

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1import pya2import math3import numpy4class MicroHotPlateSensor(pya.PCellDeclarationHelper):5 def __init__(self):6 # Important: initialize the super class7 super(MicroHotPlateSensor, self).__init__()8 # declare the parameters9 #LayerParameters10 self.param("l", self.TypeLayer, "Hotplate material representation", default = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0, "HotPlateMat"))11 self.param("la", self.TypeLayer, "Hotplate Active Area", default = pya.LayerInfo(99, 500, "HotPlateAct"))12 self.param("ool", self.TypeLayer, "Oxide openings - etch", default = pya.LayerInfo(2,0, "Oxide opening"))13 #self.param("ld", self.TypeLayer, "Describtors layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(99,250))14 self.param("heatl", self.TypeLayer, "Heater material layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(5,0, "Heater"))15 self.param("cntl", self.TypeLayer, "Interconenctions layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(6,0, "Interconnections"))16 self.param("perfl", self.TypeLayer, "Perforation Layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(7, 0, "Perforation"))17 self.param("idcl", self.TypeLayer, "Top electrodes Layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(8,0,"Top IDCs"))18 self.param("lvia", self.TypeLayer, "Vias layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(9,0, "Vias"))19 20 21 #Geometry parameters22 self.param("ovsize", self.TypeList, "Overal size [x, y]", default=[250.0,250.0])23 self.param("size", self.TypeList, "HotPlate Size [x, y]", default = [100.0, 100.0])24 self.param("armLenght", self.TypeDouble, "Arm Lenght", default = 30.0)25 self.param("armWidth", self.TypeDouble, "Arm Width", default = 10.0)26 self.param("actOffset", self.TypeDouble, "Active area offset from edge", default = 5.0)27 self.param("showAct", self.TypeBoolean, "Show active area", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)28 29 #Process parameters 30 self.param("etchDepth", self.TypeDouble, "Exp. etch depth", default=25.0)31 32 #Heater parameters33 self.param("genHeater", self.TypeBoolean, "Generate Heater", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)34 self.param("heatType", self.TypeInt, "Heater type", choices = [["Hilbert", 0],["Spiral", 1]], default= 0)35 self.param("heatW", self.TypeDouble, "Heater wire width", default = 1.0)36 self.param("heatOrder", self.TypeInt, "Heater wire Hillbert order", default = 5)37 self.param("heatThick", self.TypeDouble, "Heater wire thickness", default = 0.050)38 #self.param("heatRho", self.TypeDouble, "Active area offset from edge", default = 10.6E-8)39 #self.param("heatRho", self.TypeDouble, "Active area offset from edge", default = 5.0)40 self.param("roundPath", self.TypeBoolean, "Round the heater path", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)41 self.param("perfAct", self.TypeBoolean, "Perforation of the membrane in Hillbert sq", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default = True)42 self.param("perfSize", self.TypeDouble, "Perforation size", default = 2.5)43 #wireouts44 45 self.param("genWO", self.TypeBoolean, "Generate Wireouts to overal size", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 46 self.param("woW", self.TypeDouble, "Wireout width", default = 5.0)47 self.param("woOP", self.TypeDouble, "Wireout overpass", default = 0.0)48 #contacts49 self.param("genCnt", self.TypeBoolean, "Generate top contacts to overal size", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 50 self.param("cntWO", self.TypeDouble, "contact wireout width", default = 10.0)51 self.param("cntW", self.TypeDouble, "contact wire width", default = 1.5)52 self.param("cntB", self.TypeDouble, "contact Bar width", default = 10.0)53 self.param("cntSp", self.TypeDouble, "contact interdigital spacing", default = 1.25)54 #debuging55 self.param("debug", self.TypeBoolean, "Debug output", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 56 57 58 #def display_text_impl(self):59 # Provide a descriptive text for the cell60 #return "AMR_Disk(D={:.3f}, AsyV={}".format(self.dia, self.asy_vector)61 def coerce_parameters_impl(self):62 # TODO: use x to access parameter x and set_x to modify it's value63 rs = None64 def produce_impl(self):65 #Calculate layout database unit66 #dbu = self.layout.dbu67 dbu = 168 size = []69 if len(self.size) < 2:70 if self.debug:71 print("Size < 2 dimension")72 if len(self.size) == 0:73 if self.debug:74 print("paramter size has been adjusted to default - invalid data have provided")75 size = [100.0, 100.0]76 else:77 if self.debug:78 print("Size has been adjusted to {}:{}".format(self.size[0]/​dbu, self.size[0]/​dbu))79 size.append(float(self.size[0])/​dbu)80 size.append(float(self.size[0])/​dbu)81 else:82 size.append(float(self.size[0])/​dbu)83 size.append(float(self.size[1])/​dbu)84 ovSize = []85 if len(self.ovsize) < 2:86 if self.debug:87 print("overal size < 2 dimension")88 if len(self.ovsize) == 0:89 if self.debug:90 print("paramter size has been adjusted to default - invalid data have provided")91 ovSize = [100.0, 100.0]92 else:93 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[0])/​dbu)94 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[0])/​dbu)95 else:96 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[0])/​dbu)97 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[1])/​dbu)98 armLenght = self.armLenght/​dbu99 armWidth = self.armWidth/​dbu100 activeArea = [size[0] - self.actOffset, size[1] - self.actOffset]101 woW = self.woW/​dbu102 woOP = self.woOP/​dbu103 # Membrane Geometry:104 ## arm location on a rectangle = edgeArmOffset105 edgeArmOffset = armWidth /​ 2 * math.sqrt(2)106 if self.debug:107 print("Size 0:{:.3f}, {}, {}".format(size[0], armLenght, armWidth))108 ## arm starts at following points109 pointArmA = pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2 - edgeArmOffset, size[1]/​2)110 pointArmD = pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2, size[1]/​2 - edgeArmOffset)111 ## arm ends in the point P - might be usefull as a connector point112 pointP = pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2+armLenght/​math.sqrt(2), size[1]/​2+armLenght/​math.sqrt(2))113 ## arm edge points offsets from the center point P114 armEndPointoffset = armWidth/​2/​math.sqrt(2) 115 ## Arm edge points in relation to the P point116 117 pointArmB = pya.DPoint(pointP.x-armEndPointoffset, pointP.y+armEndPointoffset)118 pointArmC = pya.DPoint(pointP.x+armEndPointoffset, pointP.y-armEndPointoffset)119 120 ## Lets Try to assemble the membrane as 1/​4121 polyPoints = []122 polyPoints.append(pya.DPoint(0.0, 0.0))123 polyPoints.append(pya.DPoint(0.0, size[1]/​2))124 polyPoints.append(pointArmA)125 polyPoints.append(pointArmB)126 polyPoints.append(pointArmC)127 polyPoints.append(pointArmD)128 polyPoints.append(pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2, 0.0))129 #Lets put it there130 shapeSet = []131 132 Poly = pya.DPolygon(polyPoints)133 shapeSet.append(Poly)134 135 t=pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 180, False, 0.0, 0.0)136 Poly1 = pya.DPolygon(polyPoints)137 Poly1.transform(t)138 shapeSet.append(Poly1)139 140 t=pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 0, True, 0.0, 0.0)141 Poly2 = pya.DPolygon(polyPoints)142 Poly2.transform(t)143 shapeSet.append(Poly2)144 145 t=pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 180, True, 0.0, 0.0)146 Poly3 = pya.DPolygon(polyPoints)147 Poly3.transform(t)148 shapeSet.append(Poly3)149 150 tr=pya.DCplxTrans(1000.0)151 region = pya.Region(shapeSet)152 region.merge()153 region.transform(tr)154 155 self.cell.shapes(self.l_layer).insert(region)156 #Active Area 157 if self.showAct:158 actBox = pya.DBox(-activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2, activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2)159 self.cell.shapes(self.la_layer).insert(actBox)160 161 # Etch area - a rectangele limited by the membrane shape and P point162 etchBox = pya.DBox(-pointP.x, -pointP.y, pointP.x, pointP.y)163 etchRegion = pya.Region(etchBox)164 etchRegion.transform(tr)165 tempRegion = region ^ etchRegion166 etchRegion = tempRegion & etchRegion167 self.cell.shapes(self.ool_layer).insert(etchRegion)168 # Heater wire169 if self.genHeater:170 if self.heatType == 0:171 #Hilbert is defined only for square areas. We would fit whatever is smaller172 173 if activeArea[0] != activeArea[1]:174 if (activeArea[0] > activeArea[1]):175 wireArea = activeArea[1]/​2176 else:177 wireArea = activeArea[0]/​2178 else:179 wireArea = activeArea[0]/​2180 181 #issue num2:182 # the diagonal contact placemnet is required183 # so we have to calculate space for the return path184 # segment separation 1sqg => seg = wireArea /​ 2^n + 1185 Hcnt = 2 ** self.heatOrder + 1186 Hseg = wireArea /​ (Hcnt)187 print("Hseq: {:.3f}".format(Hseg))188 wireAreaRed = wireArea - Hseg189 a=wireAreaRed+wireAreaRed*1j190 b=wireAreaRed-wireAreaRed*1j191 z = 0192 for i in range(1,self.heatOrder+1):193 w=1j*z.conjugate()194 z = numpy.array([w-a, z-b, z+a, b-w])/​2195 z= z.flatten()196 X = [x.real for x in z]197 Y = [x.imag for x in z]198 heatPoints = []199 for i in range (0, len(X)):200 heatPoints.append(pya.DPoint(X[i], Y[i]))201 #lets add the return path202 # start with calculation of intersection to the beam203 # linEqa = -1*(pointP.y /​ pointP.x) - valid only for Square204 # 205 #print("Linear equation is y = {:.3f}.x".format(linEqa))206 heatInitial = heatPoints[0]207 pointS1 = pya.DPoint(-size[0]/​2, size[1]/​2)208 #pointS2 = pya.DPoint(activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2)209 if self.debug:210 print("P:{:.3f},{:.3f} ; S:{:.3f},{:.3f}".format(-pointP.x, pointP.y, pointS1.x, pointS1.y))211 linEqa = (pointP.y-pointS1.y)/​(-pointP.x-pointS1.x)212 linEqb = pointP.y - linEqa*-pointP.x 213 if self.debug:214 print("Line equation is: y={:.3f}x+{:.3f}".format(linEqa,linEqb))215 heatPoints.insert(0, pya.DPoint(heatPoints[0].x - 2*Hseg, heatPoints[0].y))216 heatPoints.insert(0, pya.DPoint(heatPoints[0].x, linEqa*(heatPoints[0].x+Hseg)+linEqb))217 heatPoints.append(pya.DPoint(heatPoints[len(heatPoints)-1].x, \218 linEqa*(heatPoints[len(heatPoints)-1].x+Hseg)-linEqb))219 heatPoints.append(pya.DPoint(pointP.x - Hseg, -pointP.y)) #arm contacts220 heatPoints.insert(0, pya.DPoint(-pointP.x - Hseg, pointP.y))221 222 #probably somewhere here is a good time to calculate perforations 223 # teoretically first opening should be -Heg/​2 to the left of the very first 224 # point and should repeat in X and Y axis with interval of Hseg225 # 226 # center is HeatPoints[2] -Hseg/​2 ?227 if self.perfAct:228 perfW = self.perfSize/​2 /​ dbu229 #perfCenter = pya.DPoint(heatPoints[2].x - Hseg, heatPoints[2].y - Hseg)230 #perfBox = pya.DBox(perfCenter.x-perfW, perfCenter.y-perfW, perfCenter.x+perfW, perfCenter.y-perfW)231 elCell = self.layout.create_cell("Perforator")232 perfBox = pya.DPolygon(pya.DBox(-perfW, -perfW, perfW, perfW))233 if self.roundPath:234 perfBox = perfBox.round_corners(Hseg/​2, Hseg/​2, 32)235 elCell.shapes(self.perfl_layer).insert(perfBox)236 #lets make an array of them 237 x_vect = pya.DVector(2*Hseg, 0.0)238 y_vect = pya.DVector(0.0, 2*Hseg)239 t = pya.DCplxTrans(heatInitial.x, heatInitial.y+Hseg)240 perfArr = pya.DCellInstArray(elCell.cell_index(), t, x_vect, y_vect, Hcnt-1, Hcnt-2)241 self.cell.insert(perfArr)242 #move to the right coordinates243 pathT = pya.DCplxTrans(Hseg, 0)244 heatPath = pya.DPath(heatPoints, self.heatW)245 heatPathT = heatPath.transformed(pathT)246 if self.roundPath:247 heatPathT = heatPath.round_corners(Hseg/​2,32, 0.001)248 heatCenter = heatPathT.bbox().center()249 print(heatCenter)250 print("Rounded Path center: {}:{}".format(heatCenter.x, heatCenter.y))251 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(-heatCenter.x, -heatCenter.y)252 heatPathT = heatPathT.transformed(pathTr)253 self.cell.shapes(self.heatl_layer).insert(heatPathT) 254 else:255 print("Wire definition has not been found!")256 #TODO ... other types of heaters257 if self.genWO:258 #we would make a wire connection from the P point to the edge of the membrane 259 # overpass on both sides as an option260 # it has to be realized as a set of the 4 path261 print("Overal size: {}:{}".format(ovSize[0], ovSize[1]))262 woPathA = pya.DPath([pointP, pya.DPoint(ovSize[0]/​2, ovSize[1]/​2)],woW, woOP, woOP)263 woPathB = pya.DPath([pya.DPoint(-pointP.x, pointP.y), pya.DPoint(-ovSize[0]/​2, ovSize[1]/​2)],\264 woW, woOP, woOP)265 woPathC = pya.DPath([pya.DPoint(-pointP.x, -pointP.y), pya.DPoint(-ovSize[0]/​2, -ovSize[1]/​2)],\266 woW, woOP, woOP)267 woPathD = pya.DPath([pya.DPoint(pointP.x, -pointP.y), pya.DPoint(ovSize[0]/​2, -ovSize[1]/​2)],\268 woW, woOP, woOP)269 self.cell.shapes(self.cntl_layer).insert(woPathA)270 self.cell.shapes(self.cntl_layer).insert(woPathB) 271 self.cell.shapes(self.cntl_layer).insert(woPathC) 272 self.cell.shapes(self.cntl_layer).insert(woPathD) 273 274 if self.genCnt:275 # Ok that would be fun ... 276 # so at first we should be able to find how many of the IGC we would be able to fit277 # in between of the perforations (maybe we should count also for the minimal separation)278 # principally:279 # single IGS pair consists of 2 wires and 2 gaps = IGSpairW?280 # testing condition is therefore IGSCnt = floor((Hseg - perfW) /​ IGSpairW)281 cntW = self.cntW /​ dbu282 cntSp = self.cntSp /​ dbu283 cntB = self.cntB /​ dbu284 cntBunchW = 2*(cntW+cntSp)285 cntCnt = math.floor((2*Hseg-2*perfW)/​cntBunchW)286 if self.debug:287 print("IDC W={}".format(cntBunchW))288 print("IDCs per bunch: {}".format(cntCnt))289 if cntCnt == 0:290 print("Error: Interdigital contacts with given specs could not be realized because of geometric containts!")291 else:292 #lets make a subcell with interdigital pair293 # so first calculate the active area - contact bars to get the lenght294 # contacts singles295 cntCell = self.layout.create_cell("IDC_subcell")296 cntArrCell = self.layout.create_cell("IDC_cell")297 #cntLenght = activeArea - 2*cntB - cntSp298 cntPath_p1 = pya.DPoint((cntSp+cntW)/​2, activeArea[1]/​2-cntB)299 cntPath_p2 = pya.DPoint((cntSp+cntW)/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2+cntSp+cntB) #TODO tohle je asi blbe ... 300 cntPath_pA = [cntPath_p1, cntPath_p2]301 cntPath_pB = [cntPath_p1 * -1, cntPath_p2 * -1]302 303 cntPath_A = pya.DPath(cntPath_pA, cntW, 0.0, 0.0)304 cntPath_B = pya.DPath(cntPath_pB, cntW, 0.0, 0.0)305 cntCell.shapes(self.idcl_layer).insert(cntPath_A)306 cntCell.shapes(self.idcl_layer).insert(cntPath_B)307 #now lets make bunches of cntCnt and center them 308 # TODO: tady jsem skoncil ... potreba projit odstavec pod309 #BEGIN310 x_vect = pya.DVector(cntBunchW, 0.0)311 y_vect = pya.DVector(0.0, 0.0)312 if self.debug:313 print("IDC bunch Vectors: {}, {}, {}, {}".format(\314 x_vect.x, x_vect.y, y_vect.x, y_vect.y))315 t = pya.DCplxTrans(0, 0)316 cntArr = pya.DCellInstArray(cntCell.cell_index(), t, x_vect, y_vect, cntCnt, 1)317 318 #center the origins on top of each other319 # here we have a bunch of IDCs320 cntArr_center = cntArr.bbox(self.layout).center()321 if self.debug:322 print("Bunch center: {},{}".format(cntArr_center.x, cntArr_center.y))323 t=pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 0, False, -cntArr_center.x, -cntArr_center.y)324 cntArr.transform(t)325 cntArrCell.insert(cntArr)326 327 # move the array to the position of Hilb. initial and paste it into the overal array328 329 a_vect = pya.DVector(2*Hseg, 0.0)330 b_vect = pya.DVector(0.0, 0.0)331 cntLoct = pya.DCplxTrans(1.0,0,False, heatInitial.x-Hseg, 0.0)332 cntArrAll = pya.DCellInstArray(cntArrCell.cell_index(), cntLoct, a_vect, b_vect, 10, 1)333 self.cell.insert(cntArrAll)334 #Top and bottom contact 335 # by principle the bar-contact should be horizontally oriented across the active zone336 # then they should continue to the respective P-points (upright, lowerleft)337 338 # Contact bar would be a box from the edge to the edge of active area with a width of 339 # cntB 340 # pointCNT1A = pya.DPoint(activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2)341 # if self.debug:342 # print("P:{:.3f},{:.3f} ; CNT:{:.3f},{:.3f}".format(-pointP.x, pointP.y, pointCNT1A.x, pointCNT1A.y))343 # linCntEqa = (pointP.y-pointCNT1A.y)/​(-pointP.x-pointCNT1A.x)344 # linCntEqb = pointP.y - linCntEqa*-pointP.x 345 # if self.debug:346 # print("CNT line equation is: y={:.3f}x+{:.3f}".format(linEqa,linEqb))347 348 # pointCNT1B =349 # Contact Bars350 cntBarW = self.cntB/​dbu351 cntWoW = self.cntWO/​dbu352 shapeSetCNT = []353 #cntBarA 354 shapeSetCNT.append(pya.DBox(-activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2-cntBarW,\355 activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2))356 #cntBarB357 shapeSetCNT.append(pya.DBox(-activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2,\358 activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2+cntBarW))359 pointS2 = pya.DPoint(activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2)360 #cntWOPathA361 shapeSetCNT.append(pya.DPath([pointS2,pointP], cntWoW, cntWoW/​2, cntWoW).polygon())362 #cntWOPathB363 shapeSetCNT.append(pya.DPath([-pointS2,-pointP], cntWoW, cntWoW/​2, cntWoW).polygon())364 for shape in shapeSetCNT:365 self.cell.shapes(self.idcl_layer).insert(shape)366 #Vias 367 #TODO: repair position of the vias368 cntViaW = cntWoW * 0.9/​2 # 10% smaller then the wire369 tr = pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 45.0, False, pya.DVector(pointP))370 cntViaA = pya.DPolygon(pya.DBox(-cntViaW, -cntViaW,\371 cntViaW, cntViaW)).transform(tr)372 tr = pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 45.0, False, pya.DVector(-pointP))373 cntViaB = pya.DPolygon(pya.DBox(-cntViaW, -cntViaW,\374 cntViaW, cntViaW)).transformed(tr)375 self.cell.shapes(self.lvia_layer).insert(cntViaA)376 self.cell.shapes(self.lvia_layer).insert(cntViaB)377 378 379 380 #tr=pya.DCplxTrans(1000.0)381 #regionCNT = pya.Region(shapeSetCNT)382 #regionCNT.merge()383 #regionCNT.transform(tr)384 # not working -- some expansion happening there. 385 386 387 388 389 #END390 391 392 #elCell.shapes(self.perfl_layer).insert(perfBox)393 #lets make an array of them 394 #x_vect = pya.DVector(Hseg, 0.0)395 #y_vect = pya.DVector(0.0, Hseg)396 #t = pya.DCplxTrans(0, 0)397 #perfArr = pya.DCellInstArray(elCell.cell_index(), t, x_vect, y_vect, Hcnt, Hcnt)398 #self.cell.insert(perfArr)399class MicroHotPlateSensorHK(pya.PCellDeclarationHelper):400 def __init__(self):401 # Important: initialize the super class402 super(MicroHotPlateSensorHK, self).__init__()403 # declare the parameters404 #LayerParameters405 self.param("l", self.TypeLayer, "Hotplate material representation", default = pya.LayerInfo(1, 0, "HotPlateMat"))406 self.param("la", self.TypeLayer, "Hotplate Active Area", default = pya.LayerInfo(99, 0, "HotPlateAct"))407 self.param("loa", self.TypeLayer, "Hotplate Overal Area", default = pya.LayerInfo(99, 500, "uHotPlate_Overal"))408 self.param("ool", self.TypeLayer, "Oxide openings - etch", default = pya.LayerInfo(2,0, "Oxide opening"))409 self.param("ld", self.TypeLayer, "Describtors layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(99,250))410 self.param("heatl", self.TypeLayer, "Heater material layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(5,0, "Heater wires"))411 self.param("wol", self.TypeLayer, "WireOut layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(6,0, "wireout"))412 self.param("perfl", self.TypeLayer, "Perforation Layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(7, 0, "Perforation"))413 self.param("idcl", self.TypeLayer, "Top electrodes Layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(8,0,"Top IDCs"))414 #self.param("lvia", self.TypeLayer, "Vias layer", default = pya.LayerInfo(9,0, "Vias"))415 416 417 #Geometry parameters418 self.param("ovsize", self.TypeList, "Overal size [x, y]", default=[250.0,250.0])419 self.param("size", self.TypeList, "HotPlate Size [x, y]", default = [100.0, 100.0])420 self.param("armWidth", self.TypeDouble, "Arm Width", default = 10.0)421 self.param("armBMS", self.TypeDouble, "Beam to Side separation", default = 10.0)422 self.param("actOffset", self.TypeDouble, "Active area offset from edge", default = 5.0)423 self.param("showAct", self.TypeBoolean, "Show active area", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)424 self.param("showOvA", self.TypeBoolean, "Show overal area", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 425 #Process parameters 426 self.param("etchDepth", self.TypeDouble, "Exp. etch depth", default=25.0)427 428 #Heater parameters429 self.param("genHeater", self.TypeBoolean, "Generate Heater", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)430 self.param("heatType", self.TypeInt, "Heater type", choices = [["Hilbert", 0],["Meander", 1],["Spiral", 2]], default= 0)431 self.param("heatW", self.TypeDouble, "Heater wire width", default = 1.0)432 self.param("heatOrder", self.TypeInt, "Heater wire Hillbert order", default = 3)433 self.param("heatSp", self.TypeDouble, "Heater wire spacing (other then Hilbert)", default = 10.0)434 self.param("heatThick", self.TypeDouble, "Heater wire thickness (nm)", default = 0.050)435 self.param("heatRho", self.TypeDouble, "Resistivity", default = 10.6E-8)436 self.param("roundPath", self.TypeBoolean, "Round the heater path", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)437 self.param("perfAct", self.TypeBoolean, "Perforation of the membrane in Hillbert sq", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default = True)438 self.param("perfSize", self.TypeDouble, "Perforation size", default = 2.5)439 self.param("perfMult", self.TypeInt, "Perforation multiplier", default = 2)440 #wireouts441 self.param("genWO", self.TypeBoolean, "Generate Wireouts to overal size", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 442 self.param("woW", self.TypeDouble, "Wireout width", default = 5.0)443 self.param("woOP", self.TypeDouble, "Wireout overpass", default = 0.0)444 #contacts445 self.param("genCnt", self.TypeBoolean, "Generate top contacts to overal size", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 446 self.param("cntWO", self.TypeDouble, "contact wireout width", default = 10.0)447 self.param("cntW", self.TypeDouble, "contact wire width", default = 1.5)448 self.param("cntB", self.TypeDouble, "contact Bar width", default = 10.0)449 self.param("cntSp", self.TypeDouble, "contact interdigital spacing", default = 1.25)450 #debuging451 self.param("printInfo", self.TypeBoolean, "Info output", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True)452 self.param("debug", self.TypeBoolean, "Debug output", choices = [["No", False],["Yes", True]], default= True) 453 454 455 #def display_text_impl(self):456 # Provide a descriptive text for the cell457 #return "AMR_Disk(D={:.3f}, AsyV={}".format(self.dia, self.asy_vector)458 def coerce_parameters_impl(self):459 # TODO: use x to access parameter x and set_x to modify it's value460 rs = None461 def produce_impl(self):462 size = []463 if len(self.size) < 2:464 if self.debug:465 print("Size < 2 dimension")466 if len(self.size) == 0:467 if self.debug:468 print("paramter size has been adjusted to default - invalid data have provided")469 size = [100.0, 100.0]470 else:471 if self.debug:472 print("Size has been adjusted to {}:{}".format(self.size[0]/​dbu, self.size[0]/​dbu))473 size.append(float(self.size[0]))474 size.append(float(self.size[0]))475 else:476 size.append(float(self.size[0]))477 size.append(float(self.size[1]))478 ovSize = []479 if len(self.ovsize) < 2:480 if self.debug:481 print("overal size < 2 dimension")482 if len(self.ovsize) == 0:483 if self.debug:484 print("paramter size has been adjusted to default - invalid data have provided")485 ovSize = [100.0, 100.0]486 else:487 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[0]))488 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[0]))489 else:490 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[0]))491 ovSize.append(float(self.ovsize[1]))492 Text = "Info:\n"493 Text += "OvArea {:.3f}, {:.3f} um\n". format(ovSize[0], ovSize[1])494 495 #armLenght = self.armLenght496 armWidth = self.armWidth497 armBSS = self.armBMS498 activeArea = [size[0] - self.actOffset, size[1] - self.actOffset]499 #Active Area500 if self.debug:501 print("---------- Helpers section ----------")502 actBox = pya.DBox(-activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2,\503 activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2)504 if self.showAct:505 self.cell.shapes(self.la_layer).insert(actBox)506 507 #Overal Area508 ovBox = pya.DBox(-ovSize[0]/​2, -ovSize[1]/​2,\509 ovSize[0]/​2, ovSize[1]/​2)510 if self.showOvA:511 self.cell.shapes(self.loa_layer).insert(ovBox)512 if self.debug:513 print("Active Area: {:.3f}, {:.3f} um". format(activeArea[0], activeArea[1]))514 print("Overal Area: {:.3f}, {:.3f} um". format(ovSize[0], ovSize[1]))515 Text += "ActArea {:.3f}, {:.3f} um\n". format(activeArea[0], activeArea[1]) 516 #woW = self.woW/​dbu517 #woOP = self.woOP/​dbu518 Text += "Beam {:.3f} um\n". format(armWidth)519 # Membrane Geometry:520 if self.debug:521 print("---------- Membrane geometry section ----------")522 memParts=[]523 # Firstly generate the centerpart524 memCenter = pya.Polygon(pya.DPolygon(pya.DBox(-size[0]/​2, -size[1]/​2, size[0]/​2, size[1]/​2)))525 526 memParts.append(memCenter)527 # Time for beams528 # Calculate the BeamArmcenter to the membrane edge, alias beam to memrane spacing529 memBMS = [(ovSize[0]-size[0])/​2 -armBSS -armWidth/​2,\530 (ovSize[1]-size[1])/​2 -armBSS -armWidth/​2]531 if self.debug:532 print("Spacing in between membrane and beam X:{:.3f}um, Y:{:.3f}um".format(memBMS[0]-armWidth/​2, memBMS[1]-armWidth/​2))533 Text += "memBMS: {:.3f}, {:.3f} um\n". format(memBMS[0]-armWidth/​2, memBMS[1]-armWidth/​2)534 pointUR = pya.DPoint((size[0]-armWidth)/​2, size[1]/​2)535 memBeam1 = pya.Polygon(pya.DPath([\536 pointUR,\537 pya.DPoint((size[0]-armWidth)/​2, size[1]/​2+memBMS[1]),\538 pya.DPoint(-ovSize[0]/​2, size[1]/​2+memBMS[1])], armWidth).polygon())539 memParts.append(memBeam1)540 pointUL = pya.DPoint(-size[0]/​2, (size[1]/​2)-armWidth/​2)541 memBeam2 = pya.Polygon(pya.DPath([\542 pointUL,\543 pya.DPoint(-size[0]/​2-memBMS[0], size[1]/​2-armWidth/​2),\544 pya.DPoint(-size[0]/​2-memBMS[0], -ovSize[1]/​2)], armWidth).polygon())545 memParts.append(memBeam2)546 pointLL = pya.DPoint((-size[0]+armWidth)/​2, -size[1]/​2)547 memBeam3 = pya.Polygon(pya.DPath([\548 pointLL,\549 pya.DPoint((-size[0]+armWidth)/​2, -size[1]/​2-memBMS[1]),\550 pya.DPoint(ovSize[0]/​2, -size[1]/​2-memBMS[1])], armWidth).polygon())551 memParts.append(memBeam3)552 pointLR = pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2, -(size[1]-armWidth)/​2)553 memBeam4 = pya.Polygon(pya.DPath([\554 pointLR,\555 pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2+memBMS[0], -size[1]/​2+armWidth/​2),\556 pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2+memBMS[0], ovSize[1]/​2)], armWidth).polygon())557 memParts.append(memBeam4)558 #here it would be probably useful to put them all into one polygon object (hopefully it\559 # would work ;))560 if self.debug:561 print("Members of the device layer:")562 for member in memParts:563 print(member)564 # self.cell.shapes(self.l_layer).insert(member)565 tr=pya.DCplxTrans(1000.0) #workaround for difference in DBU566 region = pya.Region(memParts)567 region.merge()568 region.transform(tr) 569 self.cell.shapes(self.l_layer).insert(region)570 571 572 # Etch area - in this variant the overal size of membrane573 if self.debug:574 print("---------- Oxide Etch section ----------")575 etchRegion = pya.Region(ovBox)576 etchRegion.transform(tr)577 578 tempRegion = region ^ etchRegion579 etchRegion = tempRegion & etchRegion580 self.cell.shapes(self.ool_layer).insert(etchRegion)581 #Heater wire582 if self.debug:583 print("---------- Heater section ----------")584 if self.genHeater:585 586 if self.heatType == 0:587 Text += "Heater Hilbert: {} order\n". format(self.heatOrder)588 #Hilbert is defined only for square areas. We would fit whatever is smaller589 if self.debug:590 print("Heater type >> Hilbert")591 if activeArea[0] != activeArea[1]:592 if (activeArea[0] > activeArea[1]):593 wireArea = activeArea[1]/​2 + self.actOffset/​2 -armWidth/​2 594 else:595 wireArea = activeArea[0]/​2 + self.actOffset/​2 -armWidth/​2596 else:597 wireArea = activeArea[0]/​2 + self.actOffset/​2 -armWidth/​2598 599 if self.debug:600 print("Wire Area: {}, {}um".format(wireArea, wireArea))601 #issue num2:602 # the diagonal contact placemnet is required603 # so we have to calculate space for the return path604 # segment separation 1sqg => seg = wireArea /​ 2^n + 1605 Hcnt = 2 ** self.heatOrder + 1606 Hseg = wireArea /​ (Hcnt)607 if self.debug:608 print("Hseq: {:.3f}".format(Hseg))609 wireAreaRed = wireArea - Hseg610 a=wireAreaRed+wireAreaRed*1j611 b=wireAreaRed-wireAreaRed*1j612 z = 0613 for i in range(1,self.heatOrder+1):614 w=1j*z.conjugate()615 z = numpy.array([w-a, z-b, z+a, b-w])/​2616 z= z.flatten()617 X = [x.real for x in z]618 Y = [x.imag for x in z]619 heatPoints = []620 for i in range (0, len(X)):621 heatPoints.append(pya.DPoint(X[i], Y[i]))622 heatInitial = heatPoints[0]623 heatPoints.insert(0, pya.DPoint(heatPoints[0].x - 2*Hseg,\624 heatPoints[0].y))625 heatPoints.insert(0, pointLL)626 heatPoints.append(pya.DPoint(heatPoints[len(heatPoints)-1].x + 2*Hseg,\627 heatPoints[len(heatPoints)-1].y))628 heatPoints.append(pointUR)629 heatPath = pya.DPath(heatPoints, self.heatW)630 print("Electrical parameters:")631 heatThick = self.heatThick * 1E-9632 heatPerim = heatPath.perimeter()633 heatRes = self.heatRho * heatPerim /​ (heatThick*self.heatW)634 print("Overal lenght of the heater wire: {:.3e} um".format(heatPerim))635 print("Overal resistance of the heater wire: {:.3e} ohm".format(heatRes))636 Text += "heatLen: {:.3e} um \n". format(heatPerim)637 Text += "heatRes: {:.3e} ohm\n". format(heatRes)638 if self.roundPath:639 heatPathT = heatPath.round_corners(Hseg/​2,32, 0.001)640 heatCenter = heatPathT.bbox().center()641 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 270, False, 0.0, 0.0)642 if self.debug:643 print("Rounded Path center: {}:{}".format(heatCenter.x, heatCenter.y))644 #pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(-2*Hseg, 0)645 heatPathT = heatPathT.transformed(pathTr)646 647 else:648 heatCenter = heatPath.bbox().center()649 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 270, False, 0.0, 0.0)650 #pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(-heatCenter.x-2*Hseg, -heatCenter.y)651 #heatPathT = heatPath652 heatPathT = heatPath.transformed(pathTr) 653 654 self.cell.shapes(self.heatl_layer).insert(heatPathT) 655 656 if self.heatType == 1: #Meander 657 #Hilbert is defined only for square areas. We would fit whatever is smaller658 659 if self.debug:660 print("Heater type >> Meander")661 662 #Idea is that we would reuse the wirearea 663 wireArea = [activeArea[0]/​2 + self.actOffset/​2 -armWidth/​2,\664 activeArea[1]/​2 ]665 666 wireBox = pya.DBox(-wireArea[0], -wireArea[1],\667 wireArea[0], wireArea[1])668 if self.showAct:669 self.cell.shapes(self.la_layer).insert(wireBox)670 671 672 #lets try to get something like spacing 673 heatSp = self.heatSp674 segCnt = (wireArea[0]*2) /​ heatSp675 if self.debug:676 print("Segment count prior to decision point: {:.3f}".format(segCnt))677 #Hmmm and problems begins - we need strictly to be odd number of horizontal segments\678 # which is kinda a problem to solve>>679 k = round((segCnt-1)/​2)680 #k = round((segCnt)/​2)681 segCnt = k*2 + 1682 segStp = (wireArea[0]*2) /​ (segCnt-1) 683 684 if self.debug:685 print("Adjusted segment count : {}".format(segCnt))686 print("###Warning###: \n Spacing has been adjusted to {:.3f} from the {:.3f} to match the structure dimensions".format(segStp, heatSp))687 Text += "Type Meander: \nW {:3e}\nSP {:3e}um\n". format(self.heatW, segStp )688 heatPoints = []689 for step in range(0, int((segCnt+1)/​2)):690 print("Step: {}".format(step)) 691 692 xpos = step * segStp693 if step != int((segCnt+1)/​2)-1:694 ypos = activeArea[1]/​2 - self.heatW/​2695 else:696 ypos = size[1]/​2697 if self.debug:698 print("Calculating heater position: {}, {}".format(xpos, ypos))699 # so right hand rotation >>> firt poit is going up700 if step % 2 == 0:701 if self.debug:702 print("Even step")703 pointA = pya.DPoint(xpos, ypos)704 pointB = pya.DPoint(-xpos, -ypos)705 lastEven = True706 else:707 if self.debug:708 print("Odd step")709 pointA = pya.DPoint(xpos, -ypos)710 pointB = pya.DPoint(-xpos, ypos)711 lastEven = False712 print("Pass points {}, {}".format(pointA, pointB))713 heatPoints.insert(0, pointB)714 heatPoints.append(pointA)715 print("Pass heatpoints {}".format(heatPoints))716 # if roundcorners:717 # da = math.pi /​ pts718 # if step % 2 == 0:719 # for a in range(pts, 0, -1):720 # points.append([pointA[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(a * da)+spacing/​2, pointA[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(a * da)])721 # for a in range(0, pts):722 # points.insert(0, [pointB[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(-a * da)-spacing/​2, pointB[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(-a * da)])723 # else:724 # for a in range(pts, 0, -1):725 # points.append([pointA[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(-a * da)+spacing/​2, pointA[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(-a * da)])726 # for a in range(0, pts):727 # points.insert(0, [pointB[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(a * da)-spacing/​2, pointB[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(a * da)])728 if step != int((segCnt+1)/​2)-1:729 pointAsep = pya.DPoint(pointA.x+segStp, pointA.y)730 pointBsep = pya.DPoint(pointB.x-segStp, pointB.y)731 heatPoints.insert(0, pointBsep)732 heatPoints.append(pointAsep)733 else:734 print("Last segment")735 #heatPoints.insert(0, pointB)736 #heatPoints.append(pointA)737 738 739 heatPath = pya.DPath(heatPoints, self.heatW)740 if heatPoints[0].y > 0.0:741 if self.debug:742 print("Meander has to be mirrored!")743 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 90, True, 0.0, 0.0)744 heatPath = heatPath.transformed(pathTr)745 else:746 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 90, False, 0.0, 0.0)747 heatPath = heatPath.transformed(pathTr)748 if self.roundPath:749 heatPath = heatPath.round_corners(segStp/​2,32, 0.001)750 # TODO: rounding causes last points to be for unknown reason ommited751 # some kind of workaround needed ... 752 if self.debug:753 print("overal lenght of the heater wire: {:.3f}".format(heatPath.perimeter()))754 self.cell.shapes(self.heatl_layer).insert(heatPath)755 # in certain cases the meander is formed in incompatible rotation756 # it would be more then usefull to rotate it insted of complete recalculation757 # of coordinates. 758 heatThick = self.heatThick * 1E-9759 heatPerim = heatPath.perimeter()760 heatRes = self.heatRho * heatPerim /​ (heatThick*self.heatW)761 print("Overal lenght of the heater wire: {:.3e} um".format(heatPerim))762 print("Overal resistance of the heater wire: {:.3e} ohm".format(heatRes))763 Text += "heatLen: {:.3e} um \n". format(heatPerim)764 Text += "heatRes: {:.3e} ohm\n". format(heatRes)765 if self.heatType == 2: #Meander Circle766 #Hilbert is defined only for square areas. We would fit whatever is smaller767 if self.debug:768 print("Heater type >> Meander Circular")769 770 #Idea is that we would reuse the wirearea 771 wireArea = [activeArea[0]/​2 + self.actOffset/​2 -armWidth/​2,\772 activeArea[1]/​2 ]773 774 wireBox = pya.DBox(-wireArea[0], -wireArea[1],\775 wireArea[0], wireArea[1])776 wireTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 90, False, 0.0, 0.0)777 wireBox = wireBox.transformed(wireTr)778 if self.showAct:779 self.cell.shapes(self.la_layer).insert(wireBox)780 781 782 #lets try to get something like spacing 783 heatSp = self.heatSp784 segCnt = (wireArea[0]*2) /​ heatSp785 if self.debug:786 print("Segment count prior to decision point: {:.3f}".format(segCnt))787 #Hmmm and problems begins - we need strictly to be odd number of horizontal segments\788 # which is kinda a problem to solve>>789 k = round((segCnt-1)/​2)790 #k = round((segCnt)/​2)791 segCnt = k*2 + 1792 segStp = (wireArea[0]*2) /​ (segCnt-1) 793 794 if self.debug:795 print("Adjusted segment count : {}".format(segCnt))796 print("###Warning###: \n Spacing has been adjusted to {:.3f} from the {:.3f} to match the structure dimensions".format(segStp, heatSp))797 heatPoints = []798 for step in range(0, int((segCnt+1)/​2)):799 print("Step: {}".format(step)) 800 801 xpos = step * segStp802 if step != int((segCnt+1)/​2)-1:803 #ypos = activeArea[1]/​2 - self.heatW/​2804 ypos = math.sqrt(abs((wireArea[0])**2 - xpos**2))805 else:806 ypos = size[1]/​2807 if self.debug:808 print("Calculating heater position: {}, {}".format(xpos, ypos))809 # so right hand rotation >>> firt poit is going up810 if step % 2 == 0:811 if self.debug:812 print("Even step")813 pointA = pya.DPoint(xpos, ypos)814 pointB = pya.DPoint(-xpos, -ypos)815 lastEven = True816 else:817 if self.debug:818 print("Odd step")819 pointA = pya.DPoint(xpos, -ypos)820 pointB = pya.DPoint(-xpos, ypos)821 lastEven = False822 print("Pass points {}, {}".format(pointA, pointB))823 heatPoints.insert(0, pointB)824 heatPoints.append(pointA)825 print("Pass heatpoints {}".format(heatPoints))826 # if roundcorners:827 # da = math.pi /​ pts828 # if step % 2 == 0:829 # for a in range(pts, 0, -1):830 # points.append([pointA[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(a * da)+spacing/​2, pointA[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(a * da)])831 # for a in range(0, pts):832 # points.insert(0, [pointB[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(-a * da)-spacing/​2, pointB[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(-a * da)])833 # else:834 # for a in range(pts, 0, -1):835 # points.append([pointA[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(-a * da)+spacing/​2, pointA[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(-a * da)])836 # for a in range(0, pts):837 # points.insert(0, [pointB[0]+spacing/​2 * math.cos(a * da)-spacing/​2, pointB[1]+spacing/​2 * math.sin(a * da)])838 if step != int((segCnt+1)/​2)-1:839 pointAsep = pya.DPoint(pointA.x+segStp, pointA.y)840 pointBsep = pya.DPoint(pointB.x-segStp, pointB.y)841 heatPoints.insert(0, pointBsep)842 heatPoints.append(pointAsep)843 else:844 print("Last segment")845 #heatPoints.insert(0, pointB)846 #heatPoints.append(pointA)847 848 849 heatPath = pya.DPath(heatPoints, self.heatW)850 if heatPoints[0].y > 0.0:851 if self.debug:852 print("Meander has to be mirrored!")853 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 90, True, 0.0, 0.0)854 heatPath = heatPath.transformed(pathTr)855 else:856 pathTr = pya.DCplxTrans(1, 90, False, 0.0, 0.0)857 heatPath = heatPath.transformed(pathTr)858 859 if self.roundPath:860 heatPath = heatPath.round_corners(segStp/​2,32, 0.001)861 # TODO: rounding causes last points to be for unknown reason ommited862 # some kind of workaround needed ... 863 if self.debug:864 print("overal lenght of the heater wire: {:.3f}".format(heatPath.perimeter()))865 self.cell.shapes(self.heatl_layer).insert(heatPath)866 # in certain cases the meander is formed in incompatible rotation867 # it would be more then usefull to rotate it insted of complete recalculation868 # of coordinates. 869 heatThick = self.heatThick * 1E-9870 heatPerim = heatPath.perimeter()871 heatRes = self.heatRho * heatPerim /​ (heatThick*self.heatW)872 print("Overal lenght of the heater wire: {:.3e} um".format(heatPerim))873 print("Overal resistance of the heater wire: {:.3e} ohm".format(heatRes))874 Text += "heatLen: {:.3e} um \n". format(heatPerim)875 Text += "heatRes: {:.3e} ohm\n". format(heatRes)876 else:877 print("Wire definition has not been found!")878 #TODO ... other types of heaters879 if self.genWO:880 #we would make a wire connection from the P point to the edge of the membrane 881 # overpass on both sides as an option882 # it has to be realized as a set of the 4 path883 if self.debug:884 print("Wirouts for heater activated")885 woW = self.woW886 woParts = []887 888 woPath2 = pya.DPath([\889 pointUL,\890 pya.DPoint(-size[0]/​2-memBMS[0], size[1]/​2-armWidth/​2),\891 pya.DPoint(-size[0]/​2-memBMS[0], -ovSize[1]/​2)], woW).round_corners(woW, 32, 0.001) 892 woParts.append(woPath2)893 894 woPath4 = pya.DPath([\895 pointLR,\896 pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2+memBMS[0], -size[1]/​2+armWidth/​2),\897 pya.DPoint(size[0]/​2+memBMS[0], ovSize[1]/​2)], woW).round_corners(woW, 32, 0.001) 898 woParts.append(woPath4) 899 # 1 and 3 are measuremnt paths900 # woPath1 = pya.DPath([\901 # pointUR,\902 # pya.DPoint((size[0]-armWidth)/​2, size[1]/​2+memBMS[1]),\903 # pya.DPoint(-ovSize[0]/​2, size[1]/​2+memBMS[1])], woW)904 # woParts.append(woPath1)905 # woPath3 = pya.DPath([\906 # pointLL,\907 # pya.DPoint((-size[0]+armWidth)/​2, -size[1]/​2-memBMS[1]),\908 # pya.DPoint(ovSize[0]/​2, -size[1]/​2-memBMS[1])], woW)909 # woParts.append(woPath3)910 for member in woParts:911 self.cell.shapes(self.wol_layer).insert(member) 912 913 if self.genCnt:914 # Ok that would be fun ... 915 # so at first we should be able to find how many of the IGC we would be able to fit916 # in between of the perforations (maybe we should count also for the minimal separation)917 # principally:918 # single IGS pair consists of 2 wires and 2 gaps = IGSpairW?919 # testing condition is therefore IGSCnt = floor((Hseg - perfW) /​ IGSpairW)920 cntW = self.cntW921 cntSp = self.cntSp922 cntB = self.cntB923 cntBunchW = 2*(cntW+cntSp)924 #Hseg = heatSp925 # if self.heatType == 0:926 # cntCnt = math.floor((2*Hseg)/​cntBunchW)927 # elif self.heatType == 1 or self.heatType == 2:928 # cntCnt = math.floor(1)929 # else:930 # cntCnt = 1931 # if self.debug:932 # print("IDC W={}".format(cntBunchW))933 # print("IDCs per bunch: {}".format(cntCnt))934 # if cntCnt == 0:935 # print("Error: Interdigital contacts with given specs could not be realized because of geometric containts!")936 # else:937 # #lets make a subcell with interdigital pair938 # # so first calculate the active area - contact bars to get the lenght939 # # contacts singles940 # cntCell = self.layout.create_cell("IDC_subcell")941 # cntArrCell = self.layout.create_cell("IDC_cell")942 # #cntLenght = activeArea - 2*cntB - cntSp943 # cntPath_p1 = pya.DPoint((cntSp+cntW)/​2, activeArea[1]/​2-cntB)944 # cntPath_p2 = pya.DPoint((cntSp+cntW)/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2+cntSp+cntB) #TODO tohle je asi blbe ... 945 # cntPath_pA = [cntPath_p1, cntPath_p2]946 # cntPath_pB = [cntPath_p1 * -1, cntPath_p2 * -1]947 948 # cntPath_A = pya.DPath(cntPath_pA, cntW, 0.0, 0.0)949 # cntPath_B = pya.DPath(cntPath_pB, cntW, 0.0, 0.0)950 # cntCell.shapes(self.idcl_layer).insert(cntPath_A)951 # cntCell.shapes(self.idcl_layer).insert(cntPath_B)952 # #now lets make bunches of cntCnt and center them 953 # # TODO: tady jsem skoncil ... potreba projit odstavec pod954 # #BEGIN955 # x_vect = pya.DVector(cntBunchW, 0.0)956 # y_vect = pya.DVector(0.0, 0.0)957 # if self.debug:958 # print("IDC bunch Vectors: {}, {}, {}, {}".format(\959 # x_vect.x, x_vect.y, y_vect.x, y_vect.y))960 # t = pya.DCplxTrans(0, 0)961 # cntArr = pya.DCellInstArray(cntCell.cell_index(), t, x_vect, y_vect, cntCnt, 1)962 963 # #center the origins on top of each other964 # # here we have a bunch of IDCs965 # cntArr_center = cntArr.bbox(self.layout).center()966 # if self.debug:967 # print("Bunch center: {},{}".format(cntArr_center.x, cntArr_center.y))968 # t=pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 0, False, -cntArr_center.x, -cntArr_center.y)969 # cntArr.transform(t)970 # cntArrCell.insert(cntArr)971 972 # #move the array to the position of Hilb. initial and paste it into the overal array973 974 # a_vect = pya.DVector(self.heatSp, 0.0)975 # b_vect = pya.DVector(0.0, 0.0)976 # cntLoct = pya.DCplxTrans(1.0,0,False, 0.0, 0.0)977 # cntArrAll = pya.DCellInstArray(cntArrCell.cell_index(), cntLoct, a_vect, b_vect, 5, 1)978 # self.cell.insert(cntArrAll)979 # #Top and bottom contact 980 # # by principle the bar-contact should be horizontally oriented across the active zone981 # 982 983 # Contact Bars984 cntBarW = self.cntB985 cntWoW = self.cntWO986 shapeSetCNT = []987 #cntBarA 988 shapeSetCNT.append(pya.DBox(-activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2-cntBarW,\989 activeArea[0]/​2, activeArea[1]/​2))990 #cntBarB991 shapeSetCNT.append(pya.DBox(-activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2,\992 activeArea[0]/​2, -activeArea[1]/​2+cntBarW))993 # 1 and 3 are measuremnt paths994 woPath1 = pya.DPath([\995 pya.DPoint(pointUR.x, activeArea[1]/​2),\996 pointUR,\997 pya.DPoint((size[0]-armWidth)/​2, size[1]/​2+memBMS[1]),\998 pya.DPoint(-ovSize[0]/​2, size[1]/​2+memBMS[1])], cntWoW).round_corners(cntWoW, 32, 0.001) 999 shapeSetCNT.append(woPath1)1000 woPath3 = pya.DPath([\1001 pya.DPoint(pointLL.x, -activeArea[1]/​2),\1002 pointLL,\1003 pya.DPoint((-size[0]+armWidth)/​2, -size[1]/​2-memBMS[1]),\1004 pya.DPoint(ovSize[0]/​2, -size[1]/​2-memBMS[1])], cntWoW).round_corners(cntWoW, 32, 0.001) 1005 shapeSetCNT.append(woPath3)1006 for shape in shapeSetCNT:1007 self.cell.shapes(self.idcl_layer).insert(shape)1008 # # #Vias 1009 # # #TODO: repair position of the vias1010 # # cntViaW = cntWoW * 0.9/​2 # 10% smaller then the wire1011 # # tr = pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 45.0, False, pya.DVector(pointP))1012 # # cntViaA = pya.DPolygon(pya.DBox(-cntViaW, -cntViaW,\1013 # # cntViaW, cntViaW)).transform(tr)1014 # # tr = pya.DCplxTrans(1.0, 45.0, False, pya.DVector(-pointP))1015 # # cntViaB = pya.DPolygon(pya.DBox(-cntViaW, -cntViaW,\1016 # # cntViaW, cntViaW)).transformed(tr)1017 # # self.cell.shapes(self.lvia_layer).insert(cntViaA)1018 # # self.cell.shapes(self.lvia_layer).insert(cntViaB) 1019 if self.printInfo:1020 # Text = "Info:\n"1021 # Text += "OvArea {:.3f}, {:.3f} um". format(ovSize[0], ovSize[1])1022 # Text += "ActiveArea {:.3f}, {:.3f} um". format(activeArea[0], activeArea[1])1023 # Text += "ActiveArea {:.3f}, {:.3f} um". format(activeArea[0], activeArea[1])1024 print("TextMarker")1025 print(Text)1026 textMark = pya.DText(Text, ovSize[0]/​2, -ovSize[1]/​2)1027 self.cell.shapes(self.ld_layer).insert(textMark)1028 1029class CEITEC_TESTS(pya.Library):1030 def __init__(self):1031 # TODO: change the description1032 self.description = "CEITEC_Tests"1033 # register the PCell declarations1034 # TODO: change the names1035 #self.layout().register_pcell("MicroHotPlate", MicroHotPlateSensor())1036 self.layout().register_pcell("MicroHotPlateHK", MicroHotPlateSensorHK())1037 # TODO: register more PCell declarations1038 # register our library with the name "PCellLib"1039 # TODO: change the library name1040 self.register("CEITEC_TESTS")1041# class CEITEC_Basic(pya.Library):1042# def __init__(self):1043# # TODO: change the description1044# self.description = "CEITEC_Basic"1045# # register the PCell declarations1046# # TODO: change the names1047# self.layout().register_pcell("ShapeAreaFill", ShapeAreaFill())1048# # TODO: register more PCell declarations1049# # register our library with the name "PCellLib"1050# # TODO: change the library name1051# self.register("CEITEC_Basic")1052# CEITEC_Electrical()1053# CEITEC_Basic()...

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1#Calculate monthly and annual building performance metrics2import random3import sys4import os5import numpy6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt7import matplotlib.dates as mdates89#Define file names1011fileName1 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Jan.txt"12fileName2 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Feb.txt"13fileName3 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Mar.txt"14fileName4 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Apr.txt"15fileName5 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-May.txt"16fileName6 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Jun.txt"17fileName7 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Jul.txt"18fileName8 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Aug.txt"19fileName9 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Sep.txt"20fileName10 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Oct.txt"21fileName11 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Nov.txt"22fileName12 = "Output/​Perf-Metrics-Case-8-Dec.txt"2324#Load all data in a matrix25data1 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName1)2627TotalSensHeatDemand1 = data1[0]28TotalGasConsumpHeat1 = data1[1]29TotalElecHeatDemand1 = data1[2]30TotalSensCoolDemand1 = data1[3]31TotalElecCoolDemand1 = data1[4]32TotalSensWaterHeatDemand1 = data1[5]33TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat1 = data1[6]34TotalElecDomesticDemand1 = data1[7]35TotalElecProducedPV1 = data1[8]36TotalElecProducedWT1 = data1[9]3738data2 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName2)3940TotalSensHeatDemand2 = data2[0]41TotalGasConsumpHeat2 = data2[1]42TotalElecHeatDemand2 = data2[2]43TotalSensCoolDemand2 = data2[3]44TotalElecCoolDemand2 = data2[4]45TotalSensWaterHeatDemand2 = data2[5]46TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat2 = data2[6]47TotalElecDomesticDemand2 = data2[7]48TotalElecProducedPV2 = data2[8]49TotalElecProducedWT2 = data2[9]5051data3 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName3)5253TotalSensHeatDemand3 = data3[0]54TotalGasConsumpHeat3 = data3[1]55TotalElecHeatDemand3 = data3[2]56TotalSensCoolDemand3 = data3[3]57TotalElecCoolDemand3 = data3[4]58TotalSensWaterHeatDemand3 = data3[5]59TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat3 = data3[6]60TotalElecDomesticDemand3 = data3[7]61TotalElecProducedPV3 = data3[8]62TotalElecProducedWT3 = data3[9]6364data4 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName4)6566TotalSensHeatDemand4 = data4[0]67TotalGasConsumpHeat4 = data4[1]68TotalElecHeatDemand4 = data4[2]69TotalSensCoolDemand4 = data4[3]70TotalElecCoolDemand4 = data4[4]71TotalSensWaterHeatDemand4 = data4[5]72TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat4 = data4[6]73TotalElecDomesticDemand4 = data4[7]74TotalElecProducedPV4 = data4[8]75TotalElecProducedWT4 = data4[9]7677data5 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName5)7879TotalSensHeatDemand5 = data5[0]80TotalGasConsumpHeat5 = data5[1]81TotalElecHeatDemand5 = data5[2]82TotalSensCoolDemand5 = data5[3]83TotalElecCoolDemand5 = data5[4]84TotalSensWaterHeatDemand5 = data5[5]85TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat5 = data5[6]86TotalElecDomesticDemand5 = data5[7]87TotalElecProducedPV5 = data5[8]88TotalElecProducedWT5 = data5[9]8990data6 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName6)9192TotalSensHeatDemand6 = data6[0]93TotalGasConsumpHeat6 = data6[1]94TotalElecHeatDemand6 = data6[2]95TotalSensCoolDemand6 = data6[3]96TotalElecCoolDemand6 = data6[4]97TotalSensWaterHeatDemand6 = data6[5]98TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat6 = data6[6]99TotalElecDomesticDemand6 = data6[7]100TotalElecProducedPV6 = data6[8]101TotalElecProducedWT6 = data6[9]102103data7 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName7)104105TotalSensHeatDemand7 = data7[0]106TotalGasConsumpHeat7 = data7[1]107TotalElecHeatDemand7 = data7[2]108TotalSensCoolDemand7 = data7[3]109TotalElecCoolDemand7 = data7[4]110TotalSensWaterHeatDemand7 = data7[5]111TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat7 = data7[6]112TotalElecDomesticDemand7 = data7[7]113TotalElecProducedPV7 = data7[8]114TotalElecProducedWT7 = data7[9]115116data8 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName8)117118TotalSensHeatDemand8 = data8[0]119TotalGasConsumpHeat8 = data8[1]120TotalElecHeatDemand8 = data8[2]121TotalSensCoolDemand8 = data8[3]122TotalElecCoolDemand8 = data8[4]123TotalSensWaterHeatDemand8 = data8[5]124TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat8 = data8[6]125TotalElecDomesticDemand8 = data8[7]126TotalElecProducedPV8 = data8[8]127TotalElecProducedWT8 = data8[9]128129data9 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName9)130131TotalSensHeatDemand9 = data9[0]132TotalGasConsumpHeat9 = data9[1]133TotalElecHeatDemand9 = data9[2]134TotalSensCoolDemand9 = data9[3]135TotalElecCoolDemand9 = data9[4]136TotalSensWaterHeatDemand9 = data9[5]137TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat9 = data9[6]138TotalElecDomesticDemand9 = data9[7]139TotalElecProducedPV9 = data9[8]140TotalElecProducedWT9 = data9[9]141142data10 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName10)143144TotalSensHeatDemand10 = data10[0]145TotalGasConsumpHeat10 = data10[1]146TotalElecHeatDemand10 = data10[2]147TotalSensCoolDemand10 = data10[3]148TotalElecCoolDemand10 = data10[4]149TotalSensWaterHeatDemand10 = data10[5]150TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat10 = data10[6]151TotalElecDomesticDemand10 = data10[7]152TotalElecProducedPV10 = data10[8]153TotalElecProducedWT10 = data10[9]154155data11 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName11)156157TotalSensHeatDemand11 = data11[0]158TotalGasConsumpHeat11 = data11[1]159TotalElecHeatDemand11 = data11[2]160TotalSensCoolDemand11 = data11[3]161TotalElecCoolDemand11 = data11[4]162TotalSensWaterHeatDemand11 = data11[5]163TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat11 = data11[6]164TotalElecDomesticDemand11 = data11[7]165TotalElecProducedPV11 = data11[8]166TotalElecProducedWT11 = data11[9]167168data12 = numpy.loadtxt(fileName12)169170TotalSensHeatDemand12 = data12[0]171TotalGasConsumpHeat12 = data12[1]172TotalElecHeatDemand12 = data12[2]173TotalSensCoolDemand12 = data12[3]174TotalElecCoolDemand12 = data12[4]175TotalSensWaterHeatDemand12 = data12[5]176TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat12 = data12[6]177TotalElecDomesticDemand12 = data12[7]178TotalElecProducedPV12 = data12[8]179TotalElecProducedWT12 = data12[9]180181AnnualTotalSensHeatDemand = TotalSensHeatDemand1+TotalSensHeatDemand2+TotalSensHeatDemand3+TotalSensHeatDemand4+TotalSensHeatDemand5+ \182 TotalSensHeatDemand6+TotalSensHeatDemand7+TotalSensHeatDemand8+TotalSensHeatDemand9+TotalSensHeatDemand10+ \183 TotalSensHeatDemand11+TotalSensHeatDemand12184185AnnualTotalGasConsumpHeat = TotalGasConsumpHeat1+TotalGasConsumpHeat2+TotalGasConsumpHeat3+TotalGasConsumpHeat4+TotalGasConsumpHeat5+ \186 TotalGasConsumpHeat6+TotalGasConsumpHeat7+TotalGasConsumpHeat8+TotalGasConsumpHeat9+TotalGasConsumpHeat10+ \187 TotalGasConsumpHeat11+TotalGasConsumpHeat12188189AnnualTotalElecHeatDemand = TotalElecHeatDemand1+TotalElecHeatDemand2+TotalElecHeatDemand3+TotalElecHeatDemand4+TotalElecHeatDemand5+ \190 TotalElecHeatDemand6+TotalElecHeatDemand7+TotalElecHeatDemand8+TotalElecHeatDemand9+TotalElecHeatDemand10+ \191 TotalElecHeatDemand11+TotalElecHeatDemand12192193AnnualTotalSensCoolDemand = TotalSensCoolDemand1+TotalSensCoolDemand2+TotalSensCoolDemand3+TotalSensCoolDemand4+TotalSensCoolDemand5+ \194 TotalSensCoolDemand6+TotalSensCoolDemand7+TotalSensCoolDemand8+TotalSensCoolDemand9+TotalSensCoolDemand10+ \195 TotalSensCoolDemand11+TotalSensCoolDemand12196197AnnualTotalElecCoolDemand = TotalElecCoolDemand1+TotalElecCoolDemand2+TotalElecCoolDemand3+TotalElecCoolDemand4+TotalElecCoolDemand5+ \198 TotalElecCoolDemand6+TotalElecCoolDemand7+TotalElecCoolDemand8+TotalElecCoolDemand9+TotalElecCoolDemand10+ \199 TotalElecCoolDemand11+TotalElecCoolDemand12200201AnnualTotalSensWaterHeatDemand = TotalSensWaterHeatDemand1+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand2+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand3+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand4+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand5+ \202 TotalSensWaterHeatDemand6+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand7+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand8+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand9+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand10+ \203 TotalSensWaterHeatDemand11+TotalSensWaterHeatDemand12204205AnnualTotalGasConsumpWaterHeat = TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat1+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat2+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat3+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat4+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat5+ \206 TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat6+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat7+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat8+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat9+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat10+ \207 TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat11+TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat12208209AnnualTotalElecDomesticDemand = TotalElecDomesticDemand1+TotalElecDomesticDemand2+TotalElecDomesticDemand3+TotalElecDomesticDemand4+TotalElecDomesticDemand5+ \210 TotalElecDomesticDemand6+TotalElecDomesticDemand7+TotalElecDomesticDemand8+TotalElecDomesticDemand9+TotalElecDomesticDemand10+ \211 TotalElecDomesticDemand11+TotalElecDomesticDemand12212213AnnualTotalElecProducedPV = TotalElecProducedPV1+TotalElecProducedPV2+TotalElecProducedPV3+TotalElecProducedPV4+TotalElecProducedPV5+ \214 TotalElecProducedPV6+TotalElecProducedPV7+TotalElecProducedPV8+TotalElecProducedPV9+TotalElecProducedPV10+ \215 TotalElecProducedPV11+TotalElecProducedPV12216217AnnualTotalElecProducedWT = TotalElecProducedWT1+TotalElecProducedWT2+TotalElecProducedWT3+TotalElecProducedWT4+TotalElecProducedWT5+ \218 TotalElecProducedWT6+TotalElecProducedWT7+TotalElecProducedWT8+TotalElecProducedWT9+TotalElecProducedWT10+ \219 TotalElecProducedWT11+TotalElecProducedWT12220221AnnualTotalGasConsump = AnnualTotalGasConsumpHeat + AnnualTotalGasConsumpWaterHeat222AnnualTotalNetElec = AnnualTotalElecHeatDemand + AnnualTotalElecCoolDemand + AnnualTotalElecDomesticDemand - \223 AnnualTotalElecProducedPV - AnnualTotalElecProducedWT224225#Print results to screen "LaTeX Ready"226print("TotalSensHeatDemand: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \227 % (TotalSensHeatDemand1, TotalSensHeatDemand2, TotalSensHeatDemand3, TotalSensHeatDemand4, TotalSensHeatDemand5,228 TotalSensHeatDemand6, TotalSensHeatDemand7, TotalSensHeatDemand8, TotalSensHeatDemand9, TotalSensHeatDemand10,229 TotalSensHeatDemand11, TotalSensHeatDemand12, AnnualTotalSensHeatDemand))230231print("TotalGasConsumpHeat: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \232 % (TotalGasConsumpHeat1, TotalGasConsumpHeat2, TotalGasConsumpHeat3, TotalGasConsumpHeat4, TotalGasConsumpHeat5,233 TotalGasConsumpHeat6, TotalGasConsumpHeat7, TotalGasConsumpHeat8, TotalGasConsumpHeat9, TotalGasConsumpHeat10,234 TotalGasConsumpHeat11, TotalGasConsumpHeat12, AnnualTotalGasConsumpHeat))235236print("TotalElecHeatDemand: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \237 % (TotalElecHeatDemand1, TotalElecHeatDemand2, TotalElecHeatDemand3, TotalElecHeatDemand4, TotalElecHeatDemand5,238 TotalElecHeatDemand6, TotalElecHeatDemand7, TotalElecHeatDemand8, TotalElecHeatDemand9, TotalElecHeatDemand10,239 TotalElecHeatDemand11, TotalElecHeatDemand12, AnnualTotalElecHeatDemand))240241print("TotalSensCoolDemand: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \242 % (TotalSensCoolDemand1, TotalSensCoolDemand2, TotalSensCoolDemand3, TotalSensCoolDemand4, TotalSensCoolDemand5,243 TotalSensCoolDemand6, TotalSensCoolDemand7, TotalSensCoolDemand8, TotalSensCoolDemand9, TotalSensCoolDemand10,244 TotalSensCoolDemand11, TotalSensCoolDemand12, AnnualTotalSensCoolDemand))245246print("TotalElecCoolDemand: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \247 % (TotalElecCoolDemand1, TotalElecCoolDemand2, TotalElecCoolDemand3, TotalElecCoolDemand4, TotalElecCoolDemand5,248 TotalElecCoolDemand6, TotalElecCoolDemand7, TotalElecCoolDemand8, TotalElecCoolDemand9, TotalElecCoolDemand10,249 TotalElecCoolDemand11, TotalElecCoolDemand12, AnnualTotalElecCoolDemand))250251print("TotalSensWaterHeatDemand: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \252 % (TotalSensWaterHeatDemand1, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand2, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand3, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand4, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand5,253 TotalSensWaterHeatDemand6, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand7, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand8, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand9, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand10,254 TotalSensWaterHeatDemand11, TotalSensWaterHeatDemand12, AnnualTotalSensWaterHeatDemand))255256print("TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \257 % (TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat1, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat2, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat3, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat4, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat5,258 TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat6, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat7, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat8, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat9, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat10,259 TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat11, TotalGasConsumpWaterHeat12, AnnualTotalGasConsumpWaterHeat))260261print("TotalElecDomesticDemand: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \262 % (TotalElecDomesticDemand1, TotalElecDomesticDemand2, TotalElecDomesticDemand3, TotalElecDomesticDemand4, TotalElecDomesticDemand5,263 TotalElecDomesticDemand6, TotalElecDomesticDemand7, TotalElecDomesticDemand8, TotalElecDomesticDemand9, TotalElecDomesticDemand10,264 TotalElecDomesticDemand11, TotalElecDomesticDemand12, AnnualTotalElecDomesticDemand))265266print("TotalElecProducedPV: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \267 % (TotalElecProducedPV1, TotalElecProducedPV2, TotalElecProducedPV3, TotalElecProducedPV4, TotalElecProducedPV5,268 TotalElecProducedPV6, TotalElecProducedPV7, TotalElecProducedPV8, TotalElecProducedPV9, TotalElecProducedPV10,269 TotalElecProducedPV11, TotalElecProducedPV12, AnnualTotalElecProducedPV))270271print("TotalElecProducedWT: %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f & %5.2f" \272 % (TotalElecProducedWT1, TotalElecProducedWT2, TotalElecProducedWT3, TotalElecProducedWT4, TotalElecProducedWT5,273 TotalElecProducedWT6, TotalElecProducedWT7, TotalElecProducedWT8, TotalElecProducedWT9, TotalElecProducedWT10,274 TotalElecProducedWT11, TotalElecProducedWT12, AnnualTotalElecProducedWT))275276print("AnnualTotalGasConsump and AnnualTotalNetElec: %5.2f & %5.2f " \ ...

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1import os2import numpy as np3import cv24import torch5PTH_DATA_PATH = "../​models/​"6SAVE_PATH = "../​models/​model_images/​"7def plot_weight(pth_data_path, save_path, shape_name, diff):8 if not diff:9 name = shape_name[0]10 data = torch.load(f'{pth_data_path}{name}.pth')11 i = 012 for k, v in data.items():13 if i % 3 == 2:14 v = v.cpu().numpy()15 max_norm = np.max(np.abs(v))16 heat_map = v /​ max_norm * 127.5 + 127.517 heat_map = np.uint8(heat_map)18 heat_map = cv2.applyColorMap(heat_map, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)19 # Scale20 # heat_map = cv2.resize(heat_map, (map_size[0]*4, map_size[1]*4), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)21 cv2.imwrite(f'{save_path}{name}_{i /​/​ 3 + 1}.png', heat_map)22 print(f'Heatmap path = {save_path}{name}_{i /​/​ 3 + 1}.png')23 i = i + 124 else:25 name_1 = shape_name[0]26 name_2 = shape_name[1]27 data1 = torch.load(f'{pth_data_path}{name_1}.pth')28 data2 = torch.load(f'{pth_data_path}{name_2}.pth')29 items1 = list(data1.items())30 items2 = list(data2.items())31 for i in range(len(data1)):32 if i % 3 == 2:33 k1, v1 = items1[i]34 k2, v2 = items2[i]35 v1 = v1.cpu().numpy()36 # print(v1, flush=True)37 v2 = v2.cpu().numpy()38 # print(v2, flush=True)39 result = v1 - v240 # print(result, flush=True)41 max_norm = np.max(np.abs(result))42 heat_map = result /​ max_norm * 127.5 + 127.543 heat_map = np.uint8(heat_map)44 heat_map = cv2.applyColorMap(heat_map, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)45 # Scale46 # heat_map = cv2.resize(heat_map, (map_size[0]*4, map_size[1]*4), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)47 cv2.imwrite(f'{save_path}{name_1}_{name_2}_{i /​/​ 3 + 1}.png', heat_map)48 print(f'Heatmap path = {save_path}{name_1}_{name_2}_{i /​/​ 3 + 1}.png')49if __name__ == '__main__':50 difference = True51 name = []52 print('Enter shape name:')53 name.append(input())54 if difference:55 print('Enter another shape name:')56 name.append(input())57 print('Plotting results...')58 plot_weight(PTH_DATA_PATH, SAVE_PATH, name, difference)...

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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