How to use delete_namespace method in tempest

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...32 assert pod.get_phase() == PodPhase.RUNNING33 finally:34 pod.delete()35 assert pod.get_phase() == PodPhase.TERMINATING36 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)37 def test_pod_from_template(self):38 template = {39 "apiVersion": "v1",40 "kind": "Pod",41 "metadata": {42 "name": "myapp-pod",43 "labels": {44 "app": "myapp"45 }46 },47 "spec": {48 "containers": [49 {50 "name": "myapp-container",51 "image": "busybox",52 "command": [53 "sh",54 "-c",55 "echo Hello Kubernetes! && sleep 3600"56 ]57 }58 ]59 }60 }61 api_key = get_oc_api_token()62 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:63 namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()64 pod = Pod(namespace=namespace, from_template=template)65 try:66 pod.wait(200)67 assert pod.is_ready()68 assert pod.get_phase() == PodPhase.RUNNING69 finally:70 pod.delete()71 assert pod.get_phase() == PodPhase.TERMINATING72 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)73 def test_database_deployment(self):74 api_key = get_oc_api_token()75 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:76 namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()77 with DockerBackend() as backend:78 postgres_image = backend.ImageClass("centos/​postgresql-10-centos7")79 postgres_image_metadata = postgres_image.get_metadata()80 # set up env variables81 db_env_variables = {"POSTGRESQL_USER": "user",82 "POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD": "pass",83 "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE": "db"}84 postgres_image_metadata.env_variables.update(db_env_variables)85 db_labels = {"app": "postgres"}86 db_service = Service(name="database", ports=["5432"], selector=db_labels,87 namespace=namespace,88 create_in_cluster=True)89 db_deployment = Deployment(name="database", selector=db_labels, labels=db_labels,90 image_metadata=postgres_image_metadata,91 namespace=namespace,92 create_in_cluster=True)93 try:94 db_deployment.wait(200)95 assert db_deployment.all_pods_ready()96 finally:97 db_deployment.delete()98 db_service.delete()99 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)100 def test_list_pods(self):101 api_key = get_oc_api_token()102 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:103 namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()104 with DockerBackend() as backend:105 image = backend.ImageClass("openshift/​hello-openshift")106 pod = image.run_in_pod(namespace=namespace)107 try:108 pod.wait(200)109 assert any( == for p in k8s_backend.list_pods())110 finally:111 pod.delete()112 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)113 def test_list_services(self):114 api_key = get_oc_api_token()115 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:116 namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()117 labels = {"app": "postgres"}118 service = Service(name="database", ports=["5432"], selector=labels, namespace=namespace,119 create_in_cluster=True)120 try:121 assert any( == for s in k8s_backend.list_services())122 finally:123 service.delete()124 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)125 def test_list_deployments(self):126 api_key = get_oc_api_token()127 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:128 namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()129 with DockerBackend() as backend:130 postgres_image = backend.ImageClass("centos/​postgresql-10-centos7")131 postgres_image_metadata = postgres_image.get_metadata()132 # set up env variables133 db_env_variables = {"POSTGRESQL_USER": "user",134 "POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD": "pass",135 "POSTGRESQL_DATABASE": "db"}136 postgres_image_metadata.env_variables.update(db_env_variables)137 db_labels = {"app": "postgres"}138 db_deployment = Deployment(name="database", selector=db_labels, labels=db_labels,139 image_metadata=postgres_image_metadata,140 namespace=namespace,141 create_in_cluster=True)142 try:143 db_deployment.wait(200)144 assert db_deployment.all_pods_ready()145 assert any( == for d in k8s_backend.list_deployments())146 finally:147 db_deployment.delete()148 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)149 def test_list_pod_for_namespace(self):150 api_key = get_oc_api_token()151 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:152 namespace1 = k8s_backend.create_namespace()153 namespace2 = k8s_backend.create_namespace()154 with DockerBackend() as backend:155 image = backend.ImageClass("openshift/​hello-openshift")156 pod1 = image.run_in_pod(namespace=namespace1)157 try:158 pod1.wait(200)159 assert any( == for p in k8s_backend.list_pods(namespace1))160 assert not any( == for p in k8s_backend.list_pods(namespace2))161 finally:162 pod1.delete()163 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace1)164 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace2)165 def test_deployment_from_template(self):166 api_key = get_oc_api_token()167 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key) as k8s_backend:168 namespace = k8s_backend.create_namespace()169 template = """170 apiVersion: apps/​v1171 kind: Deployment172 metadata:173 name: hello-world174 labels:175 app: hello-world176 spec:177 replicas: 3178 selector:179 matchLabels:180 app: hello-world181 template:182 metadata:183 labels:184 app: hello-world185 spec:186 containers:187 - name: hello-openshift188 image: openshift/​hello-openshift189 """190 test_deployment = Deployment(namespace=namespace, from_template=template,191 create_in_cluster=True)192 try:193 test_deployment.wait(200)194 assert test_deployment.all_pods_ready()195 finally:196 test_deployment.delete()197 k8s_backend.delete_namespace(namespace)198 def test_cleanup(self):199 api = get_core_api()200 # take just namespaces that are not in terminating state201 number_of_namespaces = len(202 [item for item in api.list_namespace().items if item.status.phase != "Terminating"])203 api_key = get_oc_api_token()204 with K8sBackend(api_key=api_key, cleanup=[K8sCleanupPolicy.NAMESPACES]) as k8s_backend:205 # create two namespaces206 k8s_backend.create_namespace()207 k8s_backend.create_namespace()208 # cleanup should delete two namespaces created with k8s backend209 assert len(210 [item for item in api.list_namespace().items211 if item.status.phase != "Terminating"]) == number_of_namespaces...

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1"""2before_step(context, step), after_step(context, step)3 These run before and after every step.4 The step passed in is an instance of Step.5before_scenario(context, scenario), after_scenario(context, scenario)6 These run before and after each scenario is run.7 The scenario passed in is an instance of Scenario.8before_feature(context, feature), after_feature(context, feature)9 These run before and after each feature file is exercised.10 The feature passed in is an instance of Feature.11before_all(context), after_all(context)12 These run before and after the whole shooting match.13"""14from steps.command import Command15from steps.environment import ctx16from behave.model_core import Status17import os18import semver19cmd = Command()20if os.getenv("DELETE_NAMESPACE") in ["always", "never", "keepwhenfailed"]:21 delete_namespace = os.getenv("DELETE_NAMESPACE")22else:23 delete_namespace = "keepwhenfailed"24def before_all(_context):25 if ctx.cli == "oc":26 output, code ="oc version --client | grep Client")27 assert code == 0, f"Checking oc version failed: {output}"28 oc_ver = output.split()[2]29 assert, "4.5.0") > 0, f"oc version is required 4.5+, but is {oc_ver}."30 namespace = os.getenv("TEST_NAMESPACE")31 output, code ="oc project {namespace}")32 assert code == 0, f"Cannot set default namespace to {namespace}, reason: {output}"33 start_sbo = os.getenv("TEST_ACCEPTANCE_START_SBO")34 assert start_sbo is not None, "TEST_ACCEPTANCE_START_SBO is not set. It should be one of local, remote or operator-hub"35 assert start_sbo in {"local", "remote", "operator-hub"}, "TEST_ACCEPTANCE_START_SBO should be one of local, remote or operator-hub"36 if start_sbo == "local":37 assert not str(os.getenv("TEST_ACCEPTANCE_SBO_STARTED")).startswith("FAILED"), "TEST_ACCEPTANCE_SBO_STARTED shoud not be FAILED."38 elif start_sbo == "remote":39 output, code = f"{ctx.cli} get deployment --all-namespaces -o json"41 + " | jq -rc '.items[] | select( == \"service-binding-operator\").metadata.namespace'")42 assert code == 0, f"Non-zero return code while trying to detect namespace for SBO: {output}"43 output = str(output).strip()44 assert output != "", "Unable to find SBO's deployment in any namespace."45 _context.sbo_namespace = output46 else:47 assert False, f"TEST_ACCEPTANCE_START_SBO={start_sbo} is currently unsupported."48 ctx.no_scenarios_failed = True49def before_scenario(_context, _scenario):50 _context.bindings = dict()51 output, code ='{ctx.cli} get ns default -o jsonpath="{{}}"')52 assert code == 0, f"Checking connection to OS cluster by getting the 'default' project failed: {output}"53def after_scenario(_context, scenario):54 if "namespace" in _context:55 namespace = _context.namespace.name56 elif os.getenv("TEST_NAMESPACE"):57 namespace = os.getenv("TEST_NAMESPACE")58 else:59 print("No namespace set in context nor TEST_NAMESPACE env variable is set, skipping deletion")60 return61 if delete_namespace == "always":62 delete_current_namespace(namespace)63 elif (delete_namespace == "keepwhenfailed"):64 if scenario.status == Status.passed and (ctx.no_scenarios_failed):65 delete_current_namespace(namespace)66 else:67 ctx.no_scenarios_failed = False68 print(f"Deleting namespace {namespace} skipped, since one of the scenarios failed.")69 elif delete_namespace == "never":70 print(f"Namespace {namespace} deletion skipped.")71def delete_current_namespace(name):72 output, code ="{ctx.cli} delete namespace {name} --ignore-not-found --timeout=1800s")73 assert code == 0, f"Deletion of namespace failed: {output}"...

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...16@pytest.fixture(scope='function')17async def kubernetes(k8s_config):18 async with K8SContextManager(k8s_config) as context:19 cm = ClusterManager(context)20 await cm.delete_namespace('aiocluster-test')21 await cm.create_namespace('aiocluster-test')22 yield cm23 await cm.delete_namespace('aiocluster-test')24@pytest.fixture(scope='function')25async def nomad(nomad_config):26 async with NomadContextManager(nomad_config) as context:27 cm = ClusterManager(context)28 await cm.delete_namespace('aiocluster-test')29 await cm.create_namespace('aiocluster-test')30 yield cm...

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2import sys3import re4import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET5ns_regex = re.compile( '^(\{[^}]*\})(.*)$' )6def delete_namespace( name ):7 m = ns_regex.match( name )8 return 2 )9def resolve_URL( URL ):10 URL = URL.replace( 'http:/​/​​authorities/​subjects/​', '' )11 URL = URL.replace( 'http:/​/​​authorities/​names/​', '' )12 return URL13parser = ET.iterparse( sys.argv[ 1 ], events = ( 'start', 'end' ) );14parser = iter( parser );15ev, root =;16for ev, elt in parser:17 tag = delete_namespace( elt.tag )18 19 if ev == 'start':20 if tag == 'Description':21 for k in elt.attrib:22 val = elt.attrib[ k ]23 if delete_namespace( k ) == 'about':24 this = resolve_URL( val )25 if ev == 'end':26 if tag == 'Description':27 this = ''28 if tag == 'authoritativeLabel':29 print elt.text.encode( 'utf-8', 'ignore' )30 31 root.clear();32 ...

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