Best Python code snippet using tappy_python
1from multiprocessing.spawn import prepare2import time3import multiprocessing4# from AutocadApi import read_plan,read_beam,write_beam,write_plan,error5from plan_to_beam import read_plan,read_beam,write_beam,write_plan,error, write_result_log6from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename7import os8import plan_to_col9from datetime import datetime10def main_functionV3(beam_filenames,plan_filenames,beam_new_filename,plan_new_filename,big_file ,sml_file,block_layer,task_name,explode):11 start = time.time()12 # task_name = 'task3'13 # æªæ¡è·¯å¾å14 # è·AutoCADæéçæªæ¡é½è¦åçµå°è·¯å¾15 # plan_filename = "K:/100_Users/EI 202208 Bamboo/BeamQC/task3/XS-PLAN.dwg" # XS-PLANçè·¯å¾16 # beam_filename = "K:/100_Users/EI 202208 Bamboo/BeamQC/task3/XS-BEAM.dwg" # XS-BEAMçè·¯å¾17 # plan_new_filename = f"K:/100_Users/EI 202208 Bamboo/BeamQC/task3/{task_name}-XS-PLAN_new.dwg" # XS-PLAN_newçè·¯å¾18 # beam_new_filename = f"K:/100_Users/EI 202208 Bamboo/BeamQC/task3/{task_name}-XS-BEAM_new.dwg" # XS-BEAM_newçè·¯å¾19 plan_file = './result/beam_plan.txt' # plan.txtçè·¯å¾20 beam_file = './result/beam.txt' # beam.txtçè·¯å¾21 excel_file = './result/result_log.xlsx' # result_log.xlsxçè·¯å¾22 size_layer = 'S-TEXT'23 # big_file = final_filename # 大æ¢çµæ24 # sml_file = sb_final_filename # å°æ¢çµæ25 date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())26 27 # å¨plan裡é¢èªè¨å層28 floor_layer = "S-TITLE" # æ¨å±¤å串çå層29 beam_layer = ["S-TEXTG", "S-TEXTB"] # beamçå層ï¼å çºæå
©å以ä¸ï¼æ以ç¨listä¾å30 # block_layer = "DEFPOINTS" # æ¡æ¡çå層31 # explode = 0 # éä¸éè¦æåç¸åå¡32 # å¨beam裡é¢èªè¨å層33 text_layer = "S-RC"34 multiprocessing.freeze_support() 35 pool = multiprocessing.Pool()36 print('Start Reading')37 res_plan =[]38 res_beam = []39 set_plan = set()40 dic_plan = {}41 set_beam = set()42 dic_beam = {}43 for plan_filename in plan_filenames:44 res_plan.append(pool.apply_async(read_plan, (plan_filename,floor_layer, beam_layer, block_layer, size_layer, plan_file, explode)))45 for beam_filename in beam_filenames:46 res_beam.append(pool.apply_async(read_beam, (beam_filename, text_layer, beam_file,0)))47 48 plan_drawing = 049 if len(plan_filenames) == 1:50 plan_drawing = 151 beam_drawing = 052 if len(beam_filenames) == 1:53 beam_drawing = 154 for plan in res_plan:55 plan = plan.get()56 set_plan = set_plan | plan[0]57 if plan_drawing:58 dic_plan = plan[1]59 for beam in res_beam:60 beam = beam.get()61 set_beam = set_beam | beam[0]62 if beam_drawing:63 dic_beam = beam[1]64 print('Start Writing')65 plan_result = write_plan(plan_filename, plan_new_filename, set_plan, set_beam, dic_plan, big_file, sml_file, date,plan_drawing)66 beam_result = write_beam(beam_filename, beam_new_filename, set_plan, set_beam, dic_beam, big_file, sml_file, date,beam_drawing)67 end = time.time()68 write_result_log(excel_file, task_name, plan_result[0], plan_result[1], beam_result[0], beam_result[1], f'{round(end - start, 2)}(s)', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime()), 'none')69 # write_result_log(excel_file,'','','','','','',time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime()),'')70def main_col_function(col_filenames,plan_filenames,col_new_filename,plan_new_filename,result_file,block_layer,task_name, explode):71 72 start = time.time()73 # task_name = 'task13'74 # æªæ¡è·¯å¾å75 # è·AutoCADæéçæªæ¡é½è¦åçµå°è·¯å¾76 # plan_filename = "C:/Users/Vince/Desktop/BeamQC/data/task13/XS-PLAN.dwg" # XS-PLANçè·¯å¾77 # col_filename = "C:/Users/Vince/Desktop/BeamQC/data/task13/XS-COL.dwg" # XS-COLçè·¯å¾78 # plan_new_filename = f"C:/Users/Vince/Desktop/BeamQC/data/task13/{task_name}-XS-PLAN_new.dwg" # XS-PLAN_newçè·¯å¾79 # col_new_filename = f"C:/Users/Vince/Desktop/BeamQC/data/task13/{task_name}-XS-COL_new.dwg" # XS-COL_newçè·¯å¾80 plan_file = './result/col_plan.txt' # plan.txtçè·¯å¾81 col_file = './result/col.txt' # col.txtçè·¯å¾82 excel_file = './result/result_log_col.xlsx' # result_log.xlsxçè·¯å¾83 # result_file = f"C:/Users/Vince/Desktop/BeamQC/data/task13/{task_name}-æ±é
ç.txt" # æ±é
ççµæ84 date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime())85 86 # å¨plan裡é¢èªè¨å層87 floor_layer = "S-TITLE" # æ¨å±¤å串çå層88 col_layer = "S-TEXTC" # colçå層89 # block_layer = "DwFm" # åæ¡çå層90 # explode = 0 # éä¸éè¦æåç¸åå¡91 # å¨col裡é¢èªè¨å層92 text_layer = "S-TEXT" # æåçå層93 line_layer = "S-STUD" # ç·çå層94 multiprocessing.freeze_support()95 pool = multiprocessing.Pool()96 print('Start Reading')97 res_plan =[]98 res_col = []99 set_plan = set()100 dic_plan = {}101 set_col = set()102 dic_col = {}103 for plan_filename in plan_filenames:104 res_plan.append(pool.apply_async(plan_to_col.read_plan, (plan_filename, floor_layer, col_layer, block_layer, plan_file, explode)))105 for col_filename in col_filenames:106 res_col.append(pool.apply_async(plan_to_col.read_col, (col_filename, text_layer, line_layer, col_file, explode)))107 plan_drawing = 0108 if len(plan_filenames) == 1:109 plan_drawing = 1110 col_drawing = 0111 if len(col_filenames) == 1:112 col_drawing = 1113 for plan in res_plan:114 plan = plan.get()115 set_plan = set_plan | plan[0]116 if plan_drawing:117 dic_plan = plan[1]118 for col in res_col:119 col = col.get()120 set_col = set_col | col[0]121 if col_drawing:122 dic_col = col[1]123 124 plan_result = plan_to_col.write_plan(plan_filename, plan_new_filename, set_plan, set_col, dic_plan, result_file, date, plan_drawing)125 col_result = plan_to_col.write_col(col_filename, col_new_filename, set_plan, set_col, dic_col, result_file, date,col_drawing)126 end = time.time()127 plan_to_col.write_result_log(excel_file,task_name,plan_result,col_result, f'{round(end - start, 2)}(s)', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime()), 'none')128 return 129def storefile(file,file_directory,file_new_directory,project_name):130 filename_beam = secure_filename(file.filename)131 save_file = os.path.join(file_directory, f'{project_name}-{filename_beam}')132 file_new_name = os.path.join(file_new_directory, f'{project_name}_MARKON-{filename_beam}')133 file_ok = True...
...12 path_input = os.path.join(13 os.path.dirname(__file__),14 "data/test_ai_simulator_adapter.json")15 plan = json.load(open(path_input, 'r'))16 assert adapter.set_plan(plan) is True17 # Test plan_adapter function18 adapted_plan = adapter.get_plan()19 # Need to make sure the input/dependency and successor_ids are coherent20 for node in adapted_plan:21 for check_node in adapted_plan:22 if check_node["index"] in node['input_ids'] \23 or check_node['index'] in node['dependency_ids']:24 assert node['index'] in check_node['successor_ids']25 elif check_node["index"] in node['successor_ids']:26 assert node['index'] in check_node['input_ids'] \27 or node['index'] in check_node['dependency_ids']28 # Check adapted_plan, excluding the output_tensors29 adapted_plan_without_output_tensors = copy.deepcopy(adapted_plan)30 for node in adapted_plan_without_output_tensors:31 node['output_tensors'] = []32 path_output = os.path.join(33 os.path.dirname(__file__),34 "data/test_ai_simulator_adapter_output.json")35 adapted_plan_without_output_tensors_ref = json.load(open(path_output, 'r'))36 assert(adapted_plan_without_output_tensors ==37 adapted_plan_without_output_tensors_ref)38 # Test wrong input39 assert adapter.set_plan(None) is False40 assert adapter.get_plan() is None41 # No 'device' in node42 wrong_input_node = {43 "name": "test_Send_0",44 "op": "Send",45 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],46 "tensor_name": "test",47 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",48 "offset": 0,49 "size": 50,50 "reduction": "",51 "target": "/server/hostname1/GPU/1/",52 "related_op": "test_Recv_1",53 "parent": "test",54 "input": [],55 "route_index": 0,56 "route_type": "PCIE"57 }58 assert adapter.set_plan([wrong_input_node]) is False59 assert adapter.get_plan() is None60 # Wrong 'device' type (should be str)61 wrong_input_node = {62 "device": 1024,63 "name": "test_Send_0",64 "op": "Send",65 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],66 "tensor_name": "test",67 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",68 "offset": 0,69 "size": 50,70 "reduction": "",71 "target": "/server/hostname1/GPU/1/",72 "related_op": "test_Recv_1",73 "parent": "test",74 "input": [],75 "route_index": 0,76 "route_type": "PCIE"77 }78 assert adapter.set_plan([wrong_input_node]) is False79 assert adapter.get_plan() is None80 # No (test_Send_0, /server/hostname1/GPU/1/) in node list81 wrong_input_node = {82 "device": "/server/hostname1/GPU/0/",83 "name": "test_Recv_1",84 "op": "Recv",85 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],86 "tensor_name": "test",87 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",88 "offset": 50,89 "size": 50,90 "reduction": "sum",91 "target": "/server/hostname1/GPU/1/",92 "related_op": "test_Send_0",93 "parent": "test",94 "input": ["test_Send_0"],95 "route_index": 0,96 "route_type": "PCIE"97 }98 assert adapter.set_plan([wrong_input_node]) is False99 assert adapter.get_plan() is None100 # 'parent' attr is not the same101 wrong_input_nodes = [102 {103 "device": "/server/hostname1/GPU/0/",104 "name": "test_Send_0",105 "op": "Send",106 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],107 "tensor_name": "test",108 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",109 "offset": 0,110 "size": 50,111 "reduction": "",112 "target": "/server/hostname1/GPU/1/",113 "related_op": "test_Recv_1",114 "parent": "NOT_SAME_PARENT",115 "input": [],116 "route_index": 0,117 "route_type": "PCIE"118 },119 {120 "device": "/server/hostname1/GPU/1/",121 "name": "test_Recv_1",122 "op": "Recv",123 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],124 "tensor_name": "test",125 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",126 "offset": 0,127 "size": 50,128 "reduction": "sum",129 "target": "/server/hostname1/GPU/0/",130 "related_op": "test_Send_0",131 "parent": "test",132 "input": ["test_Send_0"],133 "route_index": 0,134 "route_type": "PCIE"135 }136 ]137 assert adapter.set_plan(wrong_input_nodes) is False138 assert adapter.get_plan() is None139 # (related_op, target) not in node list140 wrong_input_nodes = [141 {142 "device": "/server/hostname1/GPU/0/",143 "name": "test_Send_0",144 "op": "Send",145 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],146 "tensor_name": "test",147 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",148 "offset": 0,149 "size": 50,150 "reduction": "",151 "target": "NO_THIS_TARGET",152 "related_op": "test_Recv_1",153 "parent": "test",154 "input": [],155 "route_index": 0,156 "route_type": "PCIE"157 },158 {159 "device": "/server/hostname1/GPU/1/",160 "name": "test_Recv_1",161 "op": "Recv",162 "output_shapes": [[1, 100]],163 "tensor_name": "test",164 "tensor_type": "DT_FLOAT",165 "offset": 0,166 "size": 50,167 "reduction": "sum",168 "target": "/server/hostname1/GPU/0/",169 "related_op": "test_Send_0",170 "parent": "test",171 "input": ["test_Send_0"],172 "route_index": 0,173 "route_type": "PCIE"174 }175 ]176 assert adapter.set_plan(wrong_input_nodes) is False...
...48 y = data.angular.z49 50 robot_ready = True51 52def set_plan(linX,linY,linZ,roll,pitch,yaw,plan,mode):53 point = Twist()54 point_mode = UInt8()55 56 point.linear.x = linX57 point.linear.y = linY58 point.linear.z = linZ59 point.angular.x = roll60 point.angular.y = pitch61 point.angular.z = yaw62 = mode63 64 plan.points.append(point)65 plan.modes.append(point_mode)66 67if __name__ == '__main__':68 # initialize the node69 rospy.init_node('planner', anonymous = True)70 # add a publisher for sending joint position commands71 plan_pub = rospy.Publisher('/plan', Plan, queue_size = 10)72 tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()73 listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer)74 img_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/sphere_params", SphereParams, get_sphere) 75 motion_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/motion", Bool, initiate_motion)76 pos_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/ur5e/toolpose",Twist,get_pos)77 # set a 10Hz frequency for this loop78 loop_rate = rospy.Rate(10)79 q_rot = Quaternion() 80 # define a plan variable81 plan = Plan()82 plan_generated = False83 84 while not rospy.is_shutdown():85 if robot_ready and ball_ready and not plan_generated: 86 87 # define coorinates in camera frame88 pt_in_camera = tf2_geometry_msgs.PointStamped()89 pt_in_camera.header.frame_id = 'camera_color_optical_frame'90 pt_in_camera.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()91 92 pt_in_camera.point.x= xc93 pt_in_camera.point.y= yc94 pt_in_camera.point.z= zc95 96 97 98 # convert the 3D point to the base frame coordinates99 pt_in_base = tfBuffer.transform(pt_in_camera,'base', rospy.Duration(1.0))100 print('Points in the camera frame: x= ', format(pt_in_camera.point.x, '.3f'), '(m), y= ', format(pt_in_camera.point.y, '.3f'), '(m), z= ', format(pt_in_camera.point.z, '.3f'),'(m)')101 print('Transformed points in the BASE frame: x= ', format(pt_in_base.point.x, '.3f'), '(m), y= ', format(pt_in_base.point.y, '.3f'), '(m), z= ', format(pt_in_base.point.z, '.3f'),'(m)')102 print('-------------------------------------------------')103 104 #roll, pitch, yaw = 3.12614, 0.0166, 1.5308105 # 0=leave 1=open 2=close106 y_offset = -0.01107 z_offset = 0.015108 set_plan(posX,posY,posZ,r,p,y,plan,0)109 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x,pt_in_base.point.y+y_offset,pt_in_base.point.z + 0.1,r,p,y,plan,0)110 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x,pt_in_base.point.y+y_offset,pt_in_base.point.z + z_offset,r,p,y,plan,0)111 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x,pt_in_base.point.y+y_offset,pt_in_base.point.z + z_offset,r,p,y,plan,2)112 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x,pt_in_base.point.y,pt_in_base.point.z + 0.1,r,p,y,plan,0)113 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x + 0.3,pt_in_base.point.y + 0.1,pt_in_base.point.z + 0.2,r,p,y,plan,0)114 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x + 0.3,pt_in_base.point.y + 0.1,pt_in_base.point.z + z_offset,r,p,y,plan,0)115 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x + 0.3,pt_in_base.point.y + 0.1,pt_in_base.point.z + z_offset,r,p,y,plan,1)116 set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x + 0.3,pt_in_base.point.y + 0.1,pt_in_base.point.z + 0.2,r,p,y,plan,0)117 #set_plan(pt_in_base.point.x,pt_in_base.point.y,pt_in_base.point.z + 0.1,r,p,y,plan,0)118 #set_plan(posX,posY,posZ,r,p,y,plan,0)119 120 plan_generated = True121 122 123 # publish the plan if movemnt true124 if motion == True:125 plan_pub.publish(plan)126 # wait for 0.1 seconds until the next loop and repeat...
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