How to use the_attribute method in Sure

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1from .. core.Edge import Edge2from .. core.Node import Node3from .. core.NodeType import NodeType4from .. core.Network import Network5from ..core.shared_functions import test_kwarg6from ..core.parameters import saved_node_attribute_list7from ..core.parameters import saved_edge_attribute_list8from ..core.parameters import saved_network_attribute_list9def is_float_try(the_string):10 """ Simple test to check if a string can be represented as a 11 floating point.12 """13 try:14 float(the_string)15 return True16 except ValueError:17 return False18 19def string_to_list(the_string, force_to_float = True, sep_char = ", "):20 """ Convert strings read from file to Python lists21 """22 the_string = the_string.lstrip("[")23 the_string = the_string.rstrip("]")24 the_list = the_string.split(sep_char)25 if the_list[0].startswith("'") & the_list[0].endswith("'"):26 the_list = [x.lstrip("'").rstrip("'") for x in the_list]27 elif the_list[0].startswith("\'") & the_list[0].endswith("\'"):28 the_list = [x.lstrip("\'").rstrip("\'") for x in the_list] 29 for index, the_value in enumerate(the_list):30 31 if is_float_try(the_value) & (force_to_float == True):32 the_list[index] = float(the_value)33 else:34 the_list[index] = the_value35 return the_list 36def pickle_network(the_network, the_filename, **kwargs):37 """ Break apart and save the network38 Arguments:39 the_network: object to save40 filename: effectively a prefix, don't include .pickle, .npy, etc..., these will be added41 kwargs:42 path: directory to save to43 44 """45 # collections does not appear to be well preserved46 # across platforms, so switched to a47 # list to improve pickle portability48 import cPickle49 # don't need to copy since the object50 # will be written to file.51 # from copy import deepcopy52 from numpy import save53 from numpy import load54 import os55 if 'path' in kwargs:56 path = kwargs['path']57 else:58 path = ""59 # We avoid dependence on60 # package classes. This will ensure models can be61 # fully ported even with base class updates.62 the_node_list_dict = [] 63 the_edge_list_dict = []64 if len(the_network.nodetypes) == 1:65 the_nodes = the_network.nodetypes[0].nodes66 for the_node in the_nodes:67 the_dict = {}68 the_dict[] = {}69 for the_attribute in saved_node_attribute_list:70 the_dict[][the_attribute] = getattr(the_node, the_attribute)71 the_node_list_dict.append(the_dict)72 for the_edge in the_network.edges:73 the_dict = {}74 the_dict[] = {}75 for the_attribute in saved_edge_attribute_list:76 the_dict[][the_attribute] = getattr(the_edge, the_attribute)77 the_dict[]['nodes'] = [the_edge._nodes[0].id, the_edge._nodes[1].id]78 the_edge_list_dict.append(the_dict) 79 the_network_dict = {}80 the_network_dict['nodes'] = the_node_list_dict81 the_network_dict['edges'] = the_edge_list_dict82 for the_attribute in saved_network_attribute_list:83 if the_attribute in dir(the_network):84 the_network_dict[the_attribute] = getattr(the_network, the_attribute)85 the_network_dict['id'] = the_network.id86 if not the_filename.endswith(".pickle"):87 the_filename += ".pickle"88 fp = open(path + the_filename, "wb")89 cPickle.dump(the_network_dict, fp)90 fp.close()91 else:92 print "Save error. Convert to monopartite network to save."93def load_pickled_network(the_filename, **kwargs):94 """ Load network object from file95 Arguments:96 the_filename: effectively a prefix, don't include .pickle, .npy, etc..., these will be added97 kwargs:98 path: directory to load from99 100 """101 import cPickle102 import os103 if 'path' in kwargs:104 path = kwargs['path']105 else:106 path = ""107 verbose = test_kwarg('verbose', kwargs, [False, True])108 if not the_filename.endswith(".pickle"):109 the_filename += ".pickle"110 111 if verbose:112 print 'Loading network file %s ...' %(path + the_filename)113 114 fp = open(path + the_filename, "rb")115 the_network_dict = cPickle.load(fp)116 fp.close()117 if verbose:118 print '... file loaded. Creating network nodes ...' 119 the_network = Network(the_network_dict['id'])120 for the_attribute in saved_network_attribute_list:121 if the_attribute in dir(the_network):122 setattr(the_network, the_attribute, the_network_dict[the_attribute])123 the_node_list_dict = the_network_dict['nodes']124 the_edge_list_dict = the_network_dict['edges']125 the_node_ids = [x.keys()[0] for x in the_node_list_dict]126 the_nodetype = the_network.nodetypes[0]127 the_nodetype.add_nodes(the_node_ids)128 for the_index, the_node in enumerate(the_nodetype.nodes):129 for the_attribute in saved_node_attribute_list:130 if the_attribute in dir(the_node):131 setattr(the_node, the_attribute, the_node_list_dict[the_index][][the_attribute])132 if verbose:133 print '... nodes created. Linking nodes ...' 134 the_node_pair_list = []135 for the_index, the_edge_dict in enumerate(the_edge_list_dict):136 # We allow for updating the edge id here with the new default separation character137 the_edge_dict = the_edge_dict[the_edge_dict.keys()[0]]138 the_node_pair = [the_network.nodetypes[0].nodes.get_by_id(the_edge_dict['nodes'][0]), the_network.nodetypes[0].nodes.get_by_id(the_edge_dict['nodes'][1])]139 the_node_pair_list.append(the_node_pair)140 the_edge_list = the_network.connect_node_pair_list(the_node_pair_list)141 142 for the_index, the_edge in enumerate(the_edge_list):143 the_edge_dict = the_edge_list_dict[the_index]144 the_edge_dict = the_edge_dict[the_edge_dict.keys()[0]]145 for the_attribute in saved_edge_attribute_list:146 if the_attribute in dir(the_edge):147 setattr(the_edge, the_attribute, the_edge_dict[the_attribute])148 149 the_network.update()150 151 return the_network152def create_network_model_from_textfile(network_id, network_file, **kwargs):153 """ Script to build a basic network model154 from a network model. Will reserve annotation,155 initialization for helper functions to call later156 Arguments:157 network_id: string, name of the model158 file_name: name of the network file. 2 columns tab delimited, with node1 node2159 kwargs:160 none, just a pass-through161 Returns:162 network_model163 """164 verbose = test_kwarg('verbose', kwargs, [False, True])165 if verbose:166 print "Reading the network file..."167 168 fp = open(network_file, 'rU')169 the_list = fp.readlines()170 the_list = [x.rstrip("\n") for x in the_list]171 fp.close()172 if verbose:173 print " ... read the file." 174 print "Creating the nodes..."175 176 the_nodes_1 = []177 the_nodes_2 = []178 for the_entry in the_list:179 the_entry = the_entry.split("\t")180 the_nodes_1.append(the_entry[0])181 the_nodes_2.append(the_entry[1])182 the_nodes = list(set(the_nodes_1 + the_nodes_2))183 the_nodes.sort()184 the_network = Network(network_id)185 the_nodetype = the_network.nodetypes[0]186 the_nodetype.add_nodes(the_nodes)187 # we will define nodes as the default 'monopartite' nodetype188 for the_node in the_nodetype.nodes:189 the_node.set_nodetype( 191 if verbose:192 print " ... the nodes are created."193 print "Linking the nodes, this may take a while..."194 the_nodes_1 = [the_network.nodetypes[0].nodes.get_by_id(the_id) for the_id in the_nodes_1]195 the_nodes_2 = [the_network.nodetypes[0].nodes.get_by_id(the_id) for the_id in the_nodes_2]196 # Get rid of duplicate entries197 the_node_pairs = [[the_nodes_1[i], the_nodes_2[i]] for i in range(0, len(the_nodes_1))]198 # Get rid of pairs where node pairs with itself199 the_node_pairs = [x for x in the_node_pairs if (x[0] != x[1])]200 201 the_edge_list = the_network.connect_node_pair_list(the_node_pairs, **kwargs)202 203 the_network.update()204 return the_network205def create_source_dict_from_textfile(source_file, **kwargs):206 """ Script to create a dict of source values. This207 will attempt to pull more ids with bioservices if more ids are208 specified.209 Arguments:210 source_file: name of the file that contains the sources.211 1 or 2 columns tab delimited, with node /​t value_1212 node: id will be used for pairing to netowrk model nodes213 value_1: optional, assumed to be 1.214 kwargs: 215 none, just a pass through216 Returns:217 source_dict218 219 """220 continue_flag = True221 222 try:223 fp = open(source_file, 'rU')224 the_list = fp.readlines()225 the_list = [x.rstrip("\n") for x in the_list]226 limit_dict = {}227 except:228 print('Cannot load the source file. Exiting...')229 continue_flag = False230 source_dict = {}231 if continue_flag:232 source_dict = {}233 for the_entry in the_list:234 the_entry = the_entry.split("\t")235 file_node_id = the_entry[0]236 source_dict[file_node_id] = {}237 if len(the_entry) == 1:238 the_value = 1.239 else:240 the_value = float(the_entry[1])241 source_dict[file_node_id]['value'] = the_value242 return source_dict243def read_table_file_to_dict(filename, **kwargs):244 """simple function to extract a dict of dicts as245 {top_key:{key: value}} from an 246 Unix /​ tab-delineated file. This is useful for getting 247 node /​ edge attributes stored in text format. The first row248 is assumed to be header information.249 Arguments:250 filename251 kwargs:252 top_key: if left blank, the first entry in the first line is taken to253 be the highest level key for the 254 subfield_key_list: a list of fields to include. Leave blank if all255 fields are to be included.256 comment_char: Lines starting with this character/​string257 will be ignored258 sep_char: Separation character259 interpret_lists: [True (default), False]260 columns_on_top: [False (default), True]261 if True, the columns will be used262 as the top level keys.263 Returns:264 organized_return_dict265 266 267 """268 if 'top_key' in kwargs:269 top_key = kwargs['top_key']270 else:271 top_key = ''272 if 'subfield_key_list' in kwargs:273 subfield_key_list = kwargs['subfield_key_list']274 else:275 subfield_key_list = []276 if 'comment_char' in kwargs:277 comment_char = kwargs['comment_char']278 else:279 comment_char = ""280 if 'sep_char' in kwargs:281 sep_char = kwargs['sep_char']282 else:283 sep_char = "\t"284 columns_on_top = test_kwarg('columns_on_top',kwargs,[False, True])285 286 force_to_float = test_kwarg('force_to_float', kwargs, [True, False])287 interpret_lists = test_kwarg('interpret_lists', kwargs, [True, False])288 289 fp = open(filename, 'rU')290 the_list = fp.readlines()291 292 the_list = [x.rstrip("\n") for x in the_list]293 294 if (len(comment_char) > 0):295 found_first = False296 while not(found_first):297 if the_list[0].startswith(comment_char):298 the_list.pop(0)299 else:300 found_first = True301 302 if top_key == '':303 firstline = the_list[0].split(sep_char)304 key_index = 0305 top_key = firstline[0]306 else:307 firstline = the_list[0].split(sep_char)308 key_index = firstline.index(top_key) 309 if (len(subfield_key_list) > 0):310 valueindices = [firstline.index(subfield_key) for subfield_key in subfield_key_list]311 else:312 valueindices = [x for x in range(0, len(firstline)) if (x != key_index)]313 subfield_key_list = [firstline[x] for x in valueindices]314 the_list.pop(0)315 316 return_dict={}317 for the_line in the_list:318 if ((len(comment_char) == 0) | (not(the_line.startswith(comment_char)))):319 the_line = the_line.split(sep_char)320 return_dict[the_line[key_index]] = {}321 for index, subfield_key in enumerate(subfield_key_list):322 cur_value = the_line[valueindices[index]]323 if is_float_try(cur_value) & (force_to_float == True):324 cur_value = float(cur_value)325 else:326 if ((cur_value.startswith('"')) & (cur_value.endswith(('"')))):327 # The double-quotes are sometimes inserted before328 # and after long string/​lists329 # and aren't needed330 cur_value = cur_value.lstrip('"').rstrip('"')331 if interpret_lists:332 if type(cur_value) != list:333 if ((cur_value.startswith('[')) & (cur_value.endswith((']')))):334 cur_value = string_to_list(cur_value, force_to_float = force_to_float)335 return_dict[the_line[key_index]][subfield_key] = cur_value336 if columns_on_top:337 organized_return_dict = {}338 for the_column_header in subfield_key_list:339 organized_return_dict[the_column_header] = {}340 for the_row_name in return_dict.keys():341 organized_return_dict[the_column_header][the_row_name] = return_dict[the_row_name][the_column_header]342 343 else:344 organized_return_dict = return_dict345 346 return organized_return_dict347def write_dict_to_textfile(the_filename, the_output_dict, **kwargs):348 """ Write a dict of dicts to a tab-delimited textfile table.349 Arguments:350 the_filename: file to write to351 the_output_dict: the dict to write352 kwargs:353 top_key: string to describe the top key /​ id in the table.354 subfields_on_top: [False (default), True]355 whether to write to flip the order356 so the subfields become the column headers in357 the table and the top levels keys become the358 row names.359 Returns:360 nothing, just writes to file361 362 """363 from copy import deepcopy364 subfields_on_top = test_kwarg('subfields_on_top',kwargs,[False, True])365 if 'top_key' in kwargs:366 top_key = kwargs['top_key']367 else:368 top_key = 'name'369 if not subfields_on_top:370 all_top_ids = the_output_dict.keys()371 all_subfield_ids = set([])372 for the_key in all_top_ids:373 all_subfield_ids.update(set(the_output_dict[the_key].keys()))374 all_subfield_ids = list(all_subfield_ids)375 all_subfield_ids.sort()376 all_top_ids.sort()377 the_original_dict = deepcopy(the_output_dict)378 the_output_dict = {}379 for the_new_top_key in all_subfield_ids:380 the_output_dict[the_new_top_key] = {}381 for the_new_subfield_key in all_top_ids:382 the_output_dict[the_new_top_key][the_new_subfield_key] = the_original_dict[the_new_subfield_key][the_new_top_key]383 # First we convert to a table to align384 # the columns385 # First scan through and get all the keys 386 all_entries = the_output_dict.keys()387 all_entries.sort() 388 col_names = set([])389 for cur_entry in the_output_dict.keys():390 col_names.update(set(the_output_dict[cur_entry].keys()))391 col_names = [x for x in col_names]392 col_names.sort()393 the_table = []394 the_table.append([])395 the_table[0].append(top_key)396 the_table[0].extend(col_names)397 for row_index, entry in enumerate(all_entries):398 the_table.append([])399 target_row=[]400 target_row.append(entry)401 for target_col_index, cur_col in enumerate(col_names):402 try:403 cur_value = the_output_dict[entry][cur_col]404 except:405 cur_value=''406 target_row.append(cur_value)407 the_table[row_index + 1] = target_row408 409 # Now write the table410 fp = file(the_filename, 'w')411 for row in the_table:412 for colindex, entry in enumerate(row):413 fp.writelines("%s" % entry)414 if colindex == (len(row)-1):415 fp.writelines("\n")416 else:417 fp.writelines("\t") ...

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division3import os4import sys5import unittest6import pickle7sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))8from .TaskSpecTest import TaskSpecTest9from eufrates.specs import Celery, WorkflowSpec10from eufrates.operators import Attrib11from eufrates.serializer.dict import DictionarySerializer12from base64 import b64encode13class CeleryTest(TaskSpecTest):14 CORRELATE = Celery15 def create_instance(self):16 if 'testtask' in self.wf_spec.task_specs:17 del self.wf_spec.task_specs['testtask']18 return Celery(self.wf_spec,19 'testtask', '',20 call_args=[Attrib('the_attribute'), 1],21 description='foo',22 named_kw=[],23 dict_kw={}24 )25 def testTryFire(self):26 pass27 def testRetryFire(self):28 pass29 def testSerializationWithoutKwargs(self):30 new_wf_spec = WorkflowSpec()31 serializer = DictionarySerializer()32 nokw = Celery(self.wf_spec, 'testnokw', '',33 call_args=[Attrib('the_attribute'), 1])34 data = nokw.serialize(serializer)35 nokw2 = Celery.deserialize(serializer, new_wf_spec, data)36 self.assertDictEqual(nokw.kwargs, nokw2.kwargs)37 kw = Celery(self.wf_spec, 'testkw', '',38 call_args=[Attrib('the_attribute'), 1],39 some_arg={"key": "value"})40 data = kw.serialize(serializer)41 kw2 = Celery.deserialize(serializer, new_wf_spec, data)42 self.assertDictEqual(kw.kwargs, kw2.kwargs)43 # Has kwargs, but they belong to TaskSpec44 kw_defined = Celery(self.wf_spec, 'testkwdef', '',45 call_args=[Attrib('the_attribute'), 1],46 some_ref=Attrib('value'),47 defines={"key": "value"})48 data = kw_defined.serialize(serializer)49 kw_defined2 = Celery.deserialize(serializer, new_wf_spec, data)50 self.assertIsInstance(kw_defined2.kwargs['some_ref'], Attrib)51 args = [b64encode(pickle.dumps(v))52 for v in [Attrib('the_attribute'), 'ip', 'dc455016e2e04a469c01a866f11c0854']]53 data = {'R': b64encode(pickle.dumps('1'))}54 # Comes from live data. Bug not identified, but there we are...55 data = {'inputs': ['Wait:1'], 'lookahead': 2, 'description': '',56 'outputs': [], 'args': args,57 'manual': False,58 'data': data, 'locks': [], 'pre_assign': [],59 'call': 'call.x',60 'internal': False, 'post_assign': [], 'id': 8,61 'result_key': None, 'defines': data,62 'class': 'eufrates.specs.Celery.Celery',63 'name': 'RS1:1'}64 Celery.deserialize(serializer, new_wf_spec, data)65def suite():66 try:67 import celery68 except ImportError:69 print("WARNING: Celery not found, not all tests are running!")70 return lambda x: None71 else:72 return unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(CeleryTest)73if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1import time2from datetime import datetime, date3from decimal import Decimal4from sqlalchemy import create_engine5from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base6from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker7from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute8from sqlalchemy.types import String9from config import config10_db_url = 'postgresql+psycopg2:/​/​{user}:{password}@{host}/​{db}'.format(**config.db_info)11engine = create_engine(_db_url, echo=config.db_echo)12Base = declarative_base(bind=engine)13Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)14class AlchemyMixin(object):15 def __setattr__(self, key, value):16 # 当给 String 类型字段赋值时限制字符串的长度, 如 Column(String(20)) 中最长只能有 20 个字符.17 if isinstance(value, str):18 the_attribute = getattr(self.__class__, key, None)19 if isinstance(the_attribute, InstrumentedAttribute):20 # is a column21 if isinstance([0].type, String):22 max_length =[0].type.length23 value = value[:max_length]24 super().__setattr__(key, value)25 @classmethod26 def get(cls, object_id, session):27 """28 Get object by object id, if not find, return None.29 """30 the_object = session.query(cls).filter(31 == object_id32 ).first()33 return the_object34 def to_dict(self, **kwargs):35 """36 将一个 SQLAlchemy 的对象 (row, declarative_base) 转为 dict.37 如果 kwargs 有 columns, 则 columns 是所有需要的项; 若有 excluded, 则 excluded 是要排除的项. 二者不可并存.38 """39 d = {}40 columns = kwargs.get('columns')41 if columns:42 columns = [x.key for x in columns]43 else:44 # 不需要的项45 excluded = kwargs.get('excluded')46 columns = set( for x in self.__table__.columns)47 if excluded:48 excluded = set(x.key for x in excluded)49 columns -= excluded50 for column in columns:51 value = getattr(self, column)52 if isinstance(value, datetime):53 value = int(time.mktime(value.timetuple()))54 elif isinstance(value, date):55 value = value.isoformat()56 elif isinstance(value, Decimal):57 value = str(value)58 d[column] = value59 return d60def print_create_table_sql(model):61 """62 打印下数据表的创建语句, 以便手动创建等...63 """64 # from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable65 # print('#### Create table SQL for model {}: ####'.format(model))66 # print(CreateTable(model.__table__).compile(engine))67 # print('#' * 20)68def create_table_if_not_exist(the_object):69 """70 如果需要的表不存在, 创建它71 """...

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