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1# Implementation of RBM Layer2# It can be either fully connected or convolutional3import logging4from operator import mul5import numpy as np6from neon import NervanaObject7from neon.layers.layer import ParameterLayer, Convolution8from neon.transforms import Logistic9logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)10def _calc_optree(optree, be):11 """12 Calculate operation tree and return result as Tensor13 """14 result = be.empty(optree.shape)15 result._assign(optree)16 return result17class RBMLayer(ParameterLayer):18 """19 RBM layer implementation.20 Works with volumetric data.21 Note, that some functions have extra argument "labels" but it is never used.22 It allows more uniform API23 Arguments:24 n_hidden (int): number of hidden units25 init (Optional[Initializer]): Initializer object to use for26 initializing layer weights27 name (Optional[str]): layer name. Defaults to "RBMLayer"28 persistant (bool): whether to use persistant CD29 kPCD (int): number of samples generation during negative phase of CD (CD-k)30 use_fast_weights (bool): whether to use fast weights CD algorithm for learning. Not implemented yet!31 sparse_target (float): desired sparsity32 sparse_damping (float): damping of sparsity parameters33 sparse_cost (float): cost of not matching sparsity target34 collect_zero_signal (bool): whether to use units with 0 signal during learning. Not supported.35 Note: kwargs are used only for multiple inheritance. See ConvolutionalRBMLayer36 """37 def __init__(self, n_hidden, init=None, name="RBMLayer", parallelism="Unknown",38 persistant=False, kPCD=1, use_fast_weights=False,39 sparse_target=0, sparse_damping=0, sparse_cost=0,40 collect_zero_signal=True, **kwargs):41 super(RBMLayer, self).__init__(init, name, parallelism)42 self.persistant = persistant43 self.kPCD = kPCD44 self.use_fast_weights = use_fast_weights45 self.sparse_target = sparse_target46 self.sparse_damping = sparse_damping47 self.sparse_cost = sparse_cost48 self.collect_zero_signal = collect_zero_signal49 self.b_hidden = None50 self.b_visible = None51 self.sigmoid = Logistic()52 self.chain = None53 self.n_hidden = n_hidden54 self.n_visible = None55 def allocate(self, shared_outputs=None):56 super(RBMLayer, self).allocate(shared_outputs)57 # self.W must be already initialized58 self.init_params(None, self.b_vis_shape, self.b_hid_shape)59 def configure(self, in_obj):60 """61 sets shape based parameters of this layer given an input tuple or int62 or input layer63 Arguments:64 in_obj (int, tuple, Layer or Tensor or dataset): object that provides shape65 information for layer66 Returns:67 (tuple): shape of output data68 """69 super(RBMLayer, self).configure(in_obj)70 #TODO: self.in_shape must be an int. Check this71 self.n_visible = self.in_shape72 if isinstance(self.in_shape, tuple):73 self.n_visible = reduce(mul, self.in_shape)74 self.out_shape = (self.n_hidden,)75 self.weight_shape = (self.n_visible, self.n_hidden)76 # bias for visible units77 self.b_vis_shape = (self.n_visible, 1)78 # bias for hidden units79 self.b_hid_shape = (self.n_hidden, 1)80 return self81 def init_params(self, shape=None, b_vis_shape=None, b_hid_shape=None):82 """83 Allocate layer parameter buffers and initialize them with the84 supplied initializer.85 Arguments:86 shape (int, tuple): shape to allocate for layer paremeter87 buffers.88 """89 # initialize self.W90 if not shape is None:91 super(RBMLayer, self).init_params(shape)92 parallel, distributed = self.get_param_attrs()93 if not b_hid_shape is None:94 self.b_hidden =, parallel=parallel, distributed=distributed)95 self.db_hidden = if not b_vis_shape is None:97 self.b_visible =, parallel=parallel, distributed=distributed)98 self.db_visible = def get_params(self):100 """101 Get layer parameters, gradients, and states for optimization102 """103 return (((self.W, self.dW), (self.b_hidden, self.db_hidden),104 (self.b_visible, self.db_visible)), self.states)105 def get_params_serialize(self, keep_states=True):106 """107 Get layer parameters. All parameters are needed for optimization, but108 only Weights are serialized.109 Arguments:110 keep_states (bool): Control whether all parameters are returned111 or just weights for serialization. Defaults to True.112 """113 serial_dict = {'params': {'W': self.W.asnumpyarray(),114 'b_hidden': self.b_hidden.asnumpyarray(),115 'b_visible': self.b_visible.asnumpyarray(),116 'name':}}117 if keep_states:118 serial_dict['states'] = [s.asnumpyarray() for s in self.states]119 return serial_dict120 def set_params(self, pdict):121 """122 Set layer parameters (weights). Allocate space for other parameters but do not initialize123 them.124 Arguments:125 pdict (dict): dictionary or ndarray with layer parameters126 """127 # load pdict, convert self.W to Tensor128 super(RBMLayer, self).set_params(pdict)129 self.b_hidden = self.db_hidden = self.b_visible = self.db_visible = def fprop(self, inputs, inference=False, labels=None, weights=None):134 """135 forward propagation. Returns probability of hidden units136 """137 hidden_proba_optree = self.hidden_probability(inputs, weights=weights)138 hidden_proba = hidden_proba._assign(hidden_proba_optree)140 return hidden_proba141 def bprop(self, hidden_units, alpha=None, beta=None, weights=None):142 """143 CD1 backward pass (negative phase)144 Returns probability of visible units145 """146 visible_proba_optree = self.visible_probability(hidden_units, weights=weights)147 visible_proba = visible_proba._assign(visible_proba_optree)149 return visible_proba150 def _grad_W(self, visible_units, hidden_units):151 """152 Calculate positive or negative gradient of weights153 Inputs:154 visible_units (Tensor): visible units155 hidden_units (Tensor): hidden_units156 Returns:157 OPTree.node158 """159 return, hidden_units.T)160 def _grad_b_hidden(self, h_pos, h_neg):161 """162 Gradient of b_hidden163 """164 return - h_neg, axis=-1)165 def _grad_b_visible(self, v_pos, v_neg):166 """167 Gradient of b_visible168 """169 return - v_neg, axis=-1)170 def update(self, v_pos, labels=None):171 """172 Calculate gradients173 Inputs:174 v_pos (Tensor): input units (typically given input sample X) of size (n_visibles, batch_size)175 labels (Tensor): either OHE labels of shape (n_classes, batch_size) or just labels of shape (1, batch_size).176 In this case it will be converted to OHE labels.177 Returns:178 (update_W, update_b_hidden, update_b_visible) (tuple): gradients of W, b_hidden, b_visible179 """180 # positive phase181 h_pos = self.hidden_probability(v_pos)182 # negative phase183 if self.persistant:184 if self.chain is None:185 self.chain = chain = self.chain187 else:188 chain = h_pos > for k in xrange(self.kPCD):190 if self.persistant:191 v_neg = self.sample_visibles(chain)192 else:193 v_neg = self.visible_probability(chain)194 h_neg = self.hidden_probability(v_neg)195 chain = h_neg > # calculate chain explicitly197 if self.persistant:198 self.chain._assign(chain)199 if not self.collect_zero_signal:200 zero_signal_mask = self.hidden_preacts.get() == 0201 h_pos[zero_signal_mask] = self.sparse_target202 sparsegrads_b_hidden = self.get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(h_pos)203 h_pos[zero_signal_mask] = 0204 h_neg[zero_signal_mask] = 0205 else:206 sparsegrads_b_hidden = self.get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(h_pos)207 self.dW[:] = -(self._grad_W(v_pos, h_pos) - self._grad_W(v_neg, h_neg))208 self.db_visible[:] = -self._grad_b_visible(v_pos, v_neg)209 self.db_hidden[:] = -(self._grad_b_hidden(h_pos, h_neg) - sparsegrads_b_hidden)210 def hidden_probability(self, inputs, labels=None, weights=None):211 """212 Calculate P(h | v)213 """214 if weights is None:215 weights = self.W216 hidden_preacts =, inputs) + self.b_hidden217 hidden_proba = self.sigmoid(hidden_preacts)218 return hidden_proba219 def visible_probability(self, hidden_units, weights=None):220 """221 Calculate P(v|h)222 """223 if weights is None:224 weights = self.W225 visible_preacts =, hidden_units) + self.b_visible226 visible_proba = self.sigmoid(visible_preacts)227 return visible_proba228 def sample_hiddens(self, visible_units, labels=None):229 """230 Sample hidden units.231 """232 h_probability = self.hidden_probability(visible_units)233 return h_probability > def sample_visibles(self, hidden_units):235 """236 Sample visible units237 """238 v_probability = self.visible_probability(hidden_units)239 return v_probability > def get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(self, h_proba):241 if self.sparse_cost == 0:242 return if not hasattr(self, 'hidmeans'):244 self.hidmeans =, 1))245 self.hidmeans[:] = self.sparse_target *, 1))246 hidden_probability_mean =, axis=-1)247 self.hidmeans[:] = self.sparse_damping * self.hidmeans + (1 - self.sparse_damping) * hidden_probability_mean248 sparsegrads_b_hidden = self.sparse_cost * (self.hidmeans - self.sparse_target)249 return sparsegrads_b_hidden250 def free_energy(self, inputs):251 """252 Calculate cost253 """254 Wv_b =, inputs) + self.b_hidden255 energy =, energy[:] =, inputs) - +, axis=0)257 return energy258 def get_pseudolikelihood(self, inputs):259 """Stochastic approximation to the pseudo-likelihood"""260 # index of bit i in expression p(x_i | x_{\i})261 if not hasattr(self, 'bit_i_idx'):262 self.bit_i_idx = 0263 else:264 self.bit_i_idx = (self.bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible265 # binarize the input image by rounding to nearest integer266 xi = >= 0.5)267 # calculate free energy for the given bit configuration268 fe_xi = self.free_energy(xi)269 # flip bit x_i of matrix xi and preserve all other bits x_{\i}270 # Equivalent to xi[:,bit_i_idx] = 1-xi[:, bit_i_idx]271 xi_flip = xi.copy(xi)272 xi_flip[self.bit_i_idx] = 1 - xi_flip[self.bit_i_idx]273 # calculate free energy with bit flipped274 fe_xi_flip = self.free_energy(xi_flip)275 # equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) /​ (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))276 cost =, 1))277 cost[:] = * - fe_xi)))278 return cost.get()[0, 0]279class RBMLayerWithLabels(RBMLayer):280 """281 Implementation of an RBM layer with combination of multinomial label variables282 and Bernouli feature variables.283 n_hidden (int): number of hidden Bernouli variables284 n_classes (int): number of classes285 n_duplicates (int): number of multinomial label variables.286 Each class is represented by n identical variables (Bernouli).287 """288 def __init__(self, n_hidden, n_classes, n_duplicates=1, init=None, name="RBMLayerWithLabels",289 persistant=False, kPCD=1, use_fast_weights=False,290 sparse_target=0, sparse_damping=0, sparse_cost=0,291 collect_zero_signal=True):292 super(RBMLayerWithLabels, self).__init__(n_hidden, init=init, name=name, persistant=persistant, kPCD=kPCD,293 use_fast_weights=use_fast_weights, sparse_target=sparse_target,294 sparse_cost=sparse_cost, sparse_damping=sparse_damping,295 collect_zero_signal=collect_zero_signal)296 self.n_classes = n_classes297 self.n_duplicates = n_duplicates298 self.fast_W = None299 self.fast_b_hidden = 0300 self.fast_b_visible = 0301 self.fast_states = []302 def allocate(self, shared_outputs=None):303 super(RBMLayerWithLabels, self).allocate(shared_outputs)304 parallel, distributed = self.get_param_attrs()305 if self.use_fast_weights:306 self.fast_W =, parallel=parallel, distributed=distributed)307 self.fast_dW = self.fast_b_hidden =, parallel=parallel, distributed=distributed)309 self.fast_db_hidden = self.fast_b_visible =, parallel=parallel, distributed=distributed)311 self.fast_db_visible = else:313 self.fast_W = 0314 self.fast_b_hidden = 0315 self.fast_b_visible = 0316 def configure(self, in_obj):317 super(RBMLayerWithLabels, self).configure(in_obj)318 self.weight_shape = (self.weight_shape[0] + self.n_classes, self.weight_shape[1])319 self.b_vis_shape = (self.b_vis_shape[0] + self.n_classes, self.b_vis_shape[1])320 return self321 def fprop(self, inputs, inference=False, labels=None, weights=None):322 """323 Calculate hidden units324 """325 if labels is None:326 ohe_labels = np.zeros((self.n_classes, else:328 ohe_labels = label2binary(labels, self.n_classes)329 v_units =, inputs.get())))330 return super(RBMLayerWithLabels, self).fprop(v_units, inference=inference, weights=weights)331 def bprop(self, hidden_units, alpha=None, beta=None, weights=None):332 """333 CD1 backward pass (negative phase)334 Returns probability of visible units335 """336 visible_proba = super(RBMLayerWithLabels, self).bprop(hidden_units, alpha, beta, weights)337 return visible_proba[self.n_classes:]338 def hidden_probability(self, inputs, labels=None, fast_weights=0, fast_b_hidden=0, weights=None):339 """340 Calculate P(h | v)341 """342 if weights is None:343 weights = self.W344 weights = _calc_optree(weights + fast_weights, v_units = inputs346 if inputs.shape[0] != self.W.shape[0]:347 if not labels is None:348 ohe_labels = label2binary(labels, self.n_classes)349 v_units =, inputs.get())))350 if v_units.shape[0] == self.W.shape[0]:351 weights[:self.n_classes] *= self.n_duplicates352 else:353 weights = weights[self.n_classes:]354 hidden_preacts =, v_units) + self.b_hidden + fast_b_hidden355 hidden_proba = self.sigmoid(hidden_preacts)356 return hidden_proba357 def visible_probability(self, hidden_units, fast_weights=0, fast_b_visible=0, weights=None):358 """359 Calculate P(v|h)360 """361 if weights is None:362 weights = self.W363 weights = weights + fast_weights364 visible_preacts = _calc_optree(, hidden_units) + self.b_visible + fast_b_visible,365 visible_probability = visible_probability[self.n_classes:] = self.sigmoid(visible_preacts[self.n_classes:])368 # TODO: chekc the axis369 temp_exponential =[:self.n_classes] -370[:self.n_classes], axis=0))371 visible_probability[:self.n_classes] = temp_exponential /​, axis=0)372 return visible_probability373 def sample_hiddens(self, visible_units, labels=None, fast_weights=0, fast_b_hidden=0):374 """375 Sample hidden units.376 """377 h_probability = self.hidden_probability(visible_units, labels, fast_weights, fast_b_hidden)378 return h_probability > def sample_visibles(self, hidden_units, fast_weights=0, fast_b_visible=0):380 """381 Sample visible units382 """383 v_units = self.visible_probability(hidden_units, fast_weights, fast_b_visible)384 v_units[self.n_classes:] = (v_units[self.n_classes:] >385[self.n_classes:].shape)))386 v_units_tensor = _calc_optree(v_units, # multinomial distribution with n = 1 (number of trials)388 random_numbers = probabilities = v_units_tensor[:self.n_classes].get().cumsum(axis=0)390 for i in xrange(self.n_classes):391 if i == 0:392 v_units_tensor.get()[i] = random_numbers < probabilities[i]393 else:394 v_units_tensor.get()[i] = (random_numbers >= probabilities[i - 1]) & (random_numbers < probabilities[i])395 return v_units_tensor396 def update(self, v_pos, labels=None):397 """398 Calculate gradients399 Inputs:400 v_pos (Tensor): input units (typically given input sample X) of size (n_visibles, batch_size)401 labels (Tensor): either OHE labels of shape (n_classes, batch_size) or just labels of shape (1, batch_size).402 In this case it will be converted to OHE labels.403 Returns:404 (update_W, update_b_hidden, update_b_visible) (tuple): gradients of W, b_hidden, b_visible405 """406 if labels is None:407 raise Exception('"labels" must be provided!')408 ohe_labels = label2binary(labels, self.n_classes)409 v_pos = _calc_optree(v_pos, v_pos_with_labels =, v_pos.get())))411 h_pos = self.hidden_probability(v_pos_with_labels)412 # sparsity413 sparsegrads_b_hidden = self.get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(h_pos)414 # negative phase415 if self.persistant:416 if self.chain is None:417 self.chain = chain = self.chain419 else:420 chain = h_pos > for k in xrange(self.kPCD):422 if self.persistant:423 v_neg = self.sample_visibles(chain, self.fast_W, self.fast_b_visible)424 else:425 v_neg = self.visible_probability(chain, self.fast_W, self.fast_b_visible)426 h_neg = self.hidden_probability(v_neg, fast_weights=self.fast_W, fast_b_hidden=self.fast_b_hidden)427 chain = h_neg > if self.persistant:429 self.chain = _calc_optree(chain, self.dW[:] = -(self._grad_W(v_pos_with_labels, h_pos) - self._grad_W(v_neg, h_neg))431 self.db_visible[:] = -(self._grad_b_visible(v_pos_with_labels, v_neg))432 self.db_hidden[:] = -(self._grad_b_hidden(h_pos, h_neg) - sparsegrads_b_hidden)433 def update_for_wake_sleep(self, v_pos, labels=None, persistant=False, kPCD=1):434 """435 Calculate gradients during wake-sleep.436 """437 # positive phase438 ohe_labels = label2binary(labels, self.n_classes)439 v_pos = _calc_optree(v_pos, v_pos_with_labels =, v_pos.get())))441 h_pos = self.hidden_probability(v_pos_with_labels)442 h_pos_sample = h_pos > # negative phase444 if persistant:445 if self.chain is None:446 self.chain = chain = self.chain448 else:449 chain = h_pos_sample450 for k in xrange(kPCD):451 v_neg = self.visible_probability(chain)452 v_neg_sample = v_neg.copy(v_neg)453 v_neg_sample[self.n_classes:] = (v_neg[self.n_classes:] >454[self.n_classes:].shape)))455 h_neg = self.hidden_probability(v_neg)456 chain = h_neg > if persistant:458 self.chain = _calc_optree(chain, update_W = self._grad_W(v_pos_with_labels, h_pos_sample) - self._grad_W(v_neg_sample, h_neg)460 update_b_visible = - v_neg_sample, axis=-1)461 update_b_hidden = - h_neg, axis=-1)462 return update_W /​ float(, update_b_hidden, update_b_visible, v_neg, v_neg_sample, h_neg463def label2binary(label, n_classes):464 """465 Convert label to binary vector.466 Labels should be from {0, 1, ..., n_classes} set.467 Input:468 label (Tensor): (1, batch_size) Tensor469 n_classes (int): number of classes470 Returns:471 binary (numpy array): (n_classes, batch_size)-shaped Tensor472 """473 if label.shape[0] == n_classes:474 return label.get()475 if label.shape[0] > 1:476 raise Exception('"label" must 1 x N array!')477 binary = np.zeros((n_classes, label.shape[1]), dtype=np.int32)478 binary[:, label.get()] = 1479 return binary480class ConvolutionalRBMLayer(RBMLayer):481 """482 Convolutional RBM layer implementation.483 Works with volumetric data484 Arguments:485 fshape (tuple(int)): four dimensional shape of convolution window (depth, width, height, n_output_maps)486 strides (Optional[Union[int, dict]]): strides to apply convolution487 window over. An int applies to both dimensions, or a dict with488 str_d, str_h and str_w applies to d, h and w dimensions distinctly. Defaults489 to str_d = str_w = str_h = None490 padding (Optional[Union[int, dict]]): padding to apply to edges of491 input. An int applies to both dimensions, or a dict with pad_d, pad_h492 and pad_w applies to h and w dimensions distinctly. Defaults493 to pad_d = pad_w = pad_h = None494 init (Optional[Initializer]): Initializer object to use for495 initializing layer weights496 name (Optional[str]): layer name. Defaults to "ConvolutionLayer"497 """498 def __init__(self, fshape, strides={}, padding={}, init=None, bsum=False, name="ConvolutionalRBMLayer", parallelism="Data",499 persistant=False, kPCD=1, use_fast_weights=False,500 sparse_target=0, sparse_damping=0, sparse_cost=0,501 collect_zero_signal=True):502 super(ConvolutionalRBMLayer, self).__init__(0, init=init, name=name, parallelism=parallelism, persistant=persistant, kPCD=kPCD,503 use_fast_weights=use_fast_weights, sparse_target=sparse_target,504 sparse_cost=sparse_cost, sparse_damping=sparse_damping,505 collect_zero_signal=collect_zero_signal)506 self.nglayer = None507 self.convparams = {'str_h': 1, 'str_w': 1, 'str_d': 1,508 'pad_h': 0, 'pad_w': 0, 'pad_d': 0,509 'T': 1, 'D': 1, 'bsum': bsum} # 3D paramaters510 # keep around args in __dict__ for get_description.511 self.fshape = fshape512 self.strides = strides513 self.padding = padding514 if isinstance(fshape, tuple):515 fkeys = ('R', 'S', 'K') if len(fshape) == 3 else ('T', 'R', 'S', 'K')516 fshape = {k: x for k, x in zip(fkeys, fshape)}517 if isinstance(strides, int):518 strides = {'str_d': strides, 'str_h': strides, 'str_w': strides}519 if isinstance(padding, int):520 padding = {'pad_d': padding, 'pad_h': padding, 'pad_w': padding}521 for d in [fshape, strides, padding]:522 self.convparams.update(d)523 self.b_vis_shape = None524 self.b_hid_shape = None525 def configure(self, in_obj):526 super(ConvolutionalRBMLayer, self).configure(in_obj)527 if self.nglayer is None:528 assert isinstance(self.in_shape, tuple)529 ikeys = ('C', 'H', 'W') if len(self.in_shape) == 3 else ('C', 'D', 'H', 'W')530 shapedict = {k: x for k, x in zip(ikeys, self.in_shape)}531 shapedict['N'] = self.convparams.update(shapedict)533 self.nglayer =, **self.convparams)534 (K, M, P, Q, N) = self.nglayer.dimO535 self.out_shape = (K, P, Q) if M == 1 else (K, M, P, Q)536 self.n_hidden = self.nglayer.dimO2[0]537 self.weight_shape = self.nglayer.dimF2 # (C * R * S, K)538 if self.convparams['bsum']:539 self.batch_sum_shape = (self.nglayer.K, 1)540 self.b_vis_shape = (reduce(mul, self.in_shape), 1)541 self.b_hid_shape = (self.convparams['K'], 1) # K x 1 x 1 x 1 - number of output feature maps542 return self543 def _grad_W(self, visible_units, hidden_units):544 """545 Calculate positive part of grad_W546 Inputs:547 visible_units (Tensor): visible units548 hidden_units (Tensor): hidden units (or their probabilities)549 """550 result = visible_units_tensor = _calc_optree(visible_units, hidden_units_tensor = _calc_optree(hidden_units,, visible_units_tensor, hidden_units_tensor, result)554 # TODO: check that division by the batch size is needed. It maybe not because of self.batch_sum555 return result556 def _grad_b_hidden(self, h_pos, h_neg):557 """558 Gradient of b_hidden559 """560 update_b_hidden = _calc_optree( - h_neg, axis=-1), update_b_hidden =['K'], -1), axis=-1)562 return update_b_hidden563 def _grad_b_visible(self, v_pos, v_neg):564 """565 Gradient of b_visible566 """567 return - v_neg, axis=-1)568 # def _complex_mean(self, input_array, mean_axes):569 # """570 # calculate mean(mean(mean(..., axis=-1), axis=2), axis=3), axis=4)571 # """572 # #TODO: this function maybe not needed. In new version it seems to work like in numpy573 # shape = [dim for dim in input_array.shape]574 # array_to_average = input_array575 # for axis in mean_axes:576 # shape[axis] = 1577 # intermediate_mean = # intermediate_mean[:] =, axis=axis)579 # array_to_average = intermediate_mean580 # return, 1) /​ def update(self, v_pos, labels=None):582 """583 Calculate gradients584 Inputs:585 v_pos (Tensor): input units (typically given input sample X) of shape (n_visibles, batch_size)586 Returns:587 (update_W, update_b_hidden, update_b_visible, zeros_ratio) (tuple): gradients of W, b_hidden, b_visible, zeros_ratio588 zeros_ratio (float) is n_hidden_units /​ (n_hidden_units - n_zero)589 """590 # positive phase591 h_pos = self.hidden_probability(v_pos)592 # negative phase593 if self.persistant:594 if self.chain is None:595 self.chain = chain = self.chain597 else:598 chain = h_pos > for k in xrange(self.kPCD):600 if self.persistant:601 v_neg = self.sample_visibles(chain)602 else:603 v_neg = self.visible_probability(chain)604 h_neg = self.hidden_probability(v_neg)605 chain = h_neg > if self.persistant:607 self.chain._assign(chain)608 if not self.collect_zero_signal:609 zero_signal_mask = self.hidden_preacts.get() == 0610 h_pos[zero_signal_mask] = sparse_target611 sparsegrads_b_hidden = self.get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(h_pos)612 h_pos[zero_signal_mask] = 0613 h_neg[zero_signal_mask] = 0614 zeros_ratio = zero_signal_mask.size /​ (zero_signal_mask.size - np.sum(zero_signal_mask))615 else:616 sparsegrads_b_hidden = self.get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(h_pos)617 zeros_ratio = 1618 self.dW[:] = -(self._grad_W(v_pos, h_pos) - self._grad_W(v_neg, h_neg))619 self.db_visible[:] = -self._grad_b_visible(v_pos, v_neg)620 #TODO: maybe this should be mean(mean(mean(...))) like in crbm.m?621 self.db_hidden[:] = -(self._grad_b_hidden(h_pos, h_neg) - sparsegrads_b_hidden)622 def hidden_probability(self, inputs, weights=None):623 """624 Calculate P(h | v)625 Inputs:626 inputs (Tensor): visible units of size (n_visible x batch_size)627 weights (Tensor): weights (optional) of size (n_filters * filter_depth * filter_width, filter_height)628 Returns:629 hidden_probability (Tensor): probability of hidden units (n_filters * n_hidden, batch_size)630 """631 #initialization632 if weights is None:633 weights = self.W634 # calculate operation tree for inputs635 inputs_tensor = _calc_optree(inputs, hidden_conv =,, inputs_tensor, weights, hidden_conv)638 b_hidden =['K'], self.nglayer.nOut /​ self.convparams['K']))639 b_hidden[:] = b_hidden * self.b_hidden640 hidden_preacts = hidden_conv + b_hidden.reshape(-1, 1)641 hidden_proba = self.sigmoid(hidden_preacts)642 return hidden_proba643 def visible_probability(self, hidden_units, weights=None):644 """645 Calculate P(v|h)646 """647 if weights is None:648 weights = self.W649 # calculate operation tree for hidden_units650 hidden_units_tensor = _calc_optree(hidden_units, visible_conv =, # TODO: maybe we can interchange loop by one convolution? check this.653, F=weights, E=hidden_units_tensor, grad_I=visible_conv, bsum=self.batch_sum)654 visible_preacts = visible_conv + self.b_visible655 visible_proba = self.sigmoid(visible_preacts)656 return visible_proba657 def get_sparse_grads_b_hidden(self, h_probability):658 if self.sparse_cost == 0:659 return if not hasattr(self, 'hidmeans'):661 self.hidmeans =[:-1]) * self.sparse_target662 h_probability = h_probability.reshape(self.nglayer.dimO)663 hidden_probability_mean = + (1,))664 hidden_probability_mean[:] =, axis=-1)665 self.hidmeans[:] = self.sparse_damping * self.hidmeans + (1 - self.sparse_damping) * hidden_probability_mean[:, :, :, 0]666 sparsegrads_b_hidden = sparse_cost * np.squeeze(np.mean(np.mean(np.mean(self.hidmeans.get() - self.sparse_target,667 axis=1), axis=1), axis=1))...

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1# RhsAnalyser tests23import sys4sys.path.append("../​src")5from common.architecture_support import whosdaddy, whosgranddaddy6from parsing.keywords import pythonbuiltinfunctions7from parsing.parse_rhs_analyser import RhsAnalyser8 9"""1011 TEST - BASE CLASS12 13"""14 15import unittest16import sys171819class MockQuickParse:20 def __init__(self):21 self.quick_found_classes = []22 self.quick_found_module_defs = []23 self.quick_found_module_attrs = []242526class MockOldParseModel:27 def __init__(self):28 self.classlist = {}29 self.modulemethods = []3031 32class MockVisitor:33 def __init__(self, quick_parse):34 self.model = MockOldParseModel()35 self.stack_classes = []36 self.stack_module_functions = [False]37 self.quick_parse = quick_parse38 self.init_lhs_rhs()39 self.imports_encountered = []4041 def init_lhs_rhs(self):42 self.lhs = []43 self.rhs = []44 self.lhs_recording = True45 self.made_rhs_call = False46 self.made_assignment = False47 self.made_append_call = False48 self.made_import = False49 self.pos_rhs_call_pre_first_bracket = None505152class TestCaseBase(unittest.TestCase):5354 def setUp(self):55 self.qp = MockQuickParse()56 self.v = MockVisitor(self.qp)57 self.v.imports_encountered = ['a']58 self.v.model.modulemethods = []59 60 self.modes = ['assign', 'append']6162 def get_visitor(self, rhs, assign_or_append):63 self.v.rhs = rhs64 if assign_or_append == 'assign':65 self.v.made_append_call = False66 self.v.made_assignment = True67 else:68 self.v.made_append_call = True69 self.v.made_assignment = False70 return self.v7172 def do(self, rhs, made_rhs_call, call_pos, quick_classes, quick_defs, result_should_be, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be, imports):73 for mode in self.modes:74 v = self.get_visitor(rhs, mode)75 v.made_rhs_call = made_rhs_call76 v.quick_parse.quick_found_classes = quick_classes77 v.quick_parse.quick_found_module_defs = quick_defs78 v.pos_rhs_call_pre_first_bracket = call_pos79 v.imports_encountered = imports80 81 ra = RhsAnalyser(v)82 self.assertEqual(ra.is_rhs_reference_to_a_class(), result_should_be)83 self.assertEqual(ra.rhs_ref_to_class, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be)848586"""8788 TESTS89 90"""9192class TestCase_A_Classic(TestCaseBase):93 #self.w = Blah()94 #self.w.append(Blah())9596 """97 if Blah class exists and its NOT in module methods98 Blah() where: class Blah - T Blah99 """100 def test_1(self):101['Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports = [],102 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='Blah')103104 """105 if Blah class does NOT exist and it IS in module methods106 Blah() where: def Blah() - F107 """108 def test_2(self):109['Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=['Blah'], imports = [],110 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)111 112 """113 if Blah class exists and it IS in module methods - CONTRADICATION, assume Blah is class114 Blah() where: class Blah, def Blah() - T Blah115 """116 def test_3(self):117['Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=['Blah'], imports = [],118 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='Blah')119 120 """121 if Blah class does NOT exist and its NOT in module methods - GUESS yes, if starts with uppercase letter122 Blah() where: - T Blah123 blah() where: - F124 """125 def test_4(self):126['Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports = [],127 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='Blah')128129 def test_5(self):130['blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports = [],131 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)132133134class TestCase_B_RhsIsInstance(TestCaseBase):135 # self.w = blah136 # self.w.append(blah)137 138 def test_1(self):139 """140 if Blah class exists and blah is NOT in module methods ==> (token transmografied)141 blah where: class Blah - T Blah142 """143['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports = [],144 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='Blah')145146 def test_2(self):147 """148 if Blah class exists and blah IS in module methods (clear intent that blah is a function ref)149 blah where: class Blah, def blah() - F150 """151['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=['blah'], imports = [],152 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)153 154 def test_3(self):155 """156 if Blah class exists and blah is NOT in module methods but Blah IS in module methods157 (if Blah is a function this is unrelated to blah instance) ==> (token transmografied)158 blah where: class Blah, def Blah() - T Blah159 """160['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=['Blah'], imports = [],161 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='Blah')162163 def test_4(self):164 """165 if Blah class doesn't exist166 blah where: - F167 """168['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports = [],169 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)170171 # the state of module methods doesn't matter:172 # blah where: def Blah() - F173 # blah where: def blah() - F174 175['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=['Blah'], imports = [],176 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)177 178['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=['blah'], imports = [],179 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)180181182 def test_5(self):183 """184 if blah class exists - syntax is just plain wrong for class creation.185 blah where: class blah - F186 """187['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['blah'], quick_defs=[], imports = [],188 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)189190 # the state of module methods doesn't matter:191 # blah where: class blah, def Blah() - F192193['blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['blah'], quick_defs=['Blah'], imports = [],194 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)195196197class TestCase_C_AttrBeforeClassic(TestCaseBase):198 # self.w = a.Blah()199 # self.w.append(a.Blah())200201 def test_1(self):202 """203 a.Blah() where: class Blah, import a - T a.Blah204 """205['a', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=1, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=['a'],206 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='a.Blah')207208 def test_2(self):209 """210 Most common case, e.g. self.popupmenu = wx.Menu() where all you know about is that you imported wx.211 a.Blah() where: import a - T a.Blah212 """213['a', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=1, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports=['a'],214 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='a.Blah')215216 def test_3(self):217 """218 a.Blah() where: class Blah - F219 """220['a', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=1, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],221 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)222223 def test_4(self):224 """225 a.Blah() where: - F226 """227['a', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=1, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports=[],228 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)229230231232class TestCase_D_MultipleAttrBeforeClassic(TestCaseBase):233 # self.w = a.b.Blah()234 # self.w.append(a.b.Blah())235236 def test_1(self):237 """238 a.b.Blah() where: class Blah, import a.b - T a.b.Blah239 """240['a', 'b', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=2, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=['a.b'],241 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='a.b.Blah')242243 def test_2(self):244 """245 a.b.Blah() where: import a.b - T a.b.Blah()246 """247['a', 'b', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=2, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports=['a.b'],248 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='a.b.Blah')249250 def test_3(self):251 """252 a.b.Blah() where: class Blah, import b - F253 """254['a', 'b', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=2, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=['b'],255 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)256257 def test_4(self):258 """259 a.b.Blah() where: class Blah, import a - F260 """261['a', 'b', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=2, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=['a'],262 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)263264265class TestCase_E_DoubleCall(TestCaseBase):266 # self.w = a().Blah()267 # self.w.append(a().Blah())268269 def test_1(self):270 """271 a().Blah() where: class Blah - F272 """273['a', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],274 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)275276 def test_2(self):277 """278 a().Blah() where: class a - F279 """280['a', 'Blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['a'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],281 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)282283class TestCase_F_CallThenTrailingInstance(TestCaseBase):284 # self.w = a().blah285 # self.w.append(a().blah)286287 def test_1(self):288 """289 a().blah where: class Blah - F290 """291['a', 'blah'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],292 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)293294295class TestCase_G_AttrBeforeRhsInstance(TestCaseBase):296 # self.w = a.blah297 # self.w.append(a.blah)298299 def test_1(self):300 """301 a.blah where: - F302 """303['a', 'blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports=[],304 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)305 306 def test_2(self):307 """308 a.blah where: class a - F309 """310['a', 'blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['a'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],311 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)312313 def test_3(self):314 """315 a.blah where: class blah - F316 """317['a', 'blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],318 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)319 320 def test_4(self):321 """322 a.blah where: class Blah - F323 """324['a', 'blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=[],325 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)326327 def test_5(self):328 """329 a.blah where: class Blah, imports a - F330 """331['a', 'blah'], made_rhs_call=False, call_pos=0, quick_classes=['Blah'], quick_defs=[], imports=['a'],332 result_should_be=False, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be=None)333334class TestCase_AddHoc(TestCaseBase):335336 def test_1(self):337 """338 self.flageditor = FlagEditor(gamestatusstate=self)339 a.blah where: class Blah, imports a - F340 """341['FlagEditor'], made_rhs_call=True, call_pos=0, quick_classes=[], quick_defs=[], imports=[],342 result_should_be=True, rhs_ref_to_class_should_be='FlagEditor')343 344def suite():345 suite1 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_A_Classic, 'test')346 suite2 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_B_RhsIsInstance, 'test')347 suite3 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_C_AttrBeforeClassic, 'test')348 suite4 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_D_MultipleAttrBeforeClassic, 'test')349 suite5 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_E_DoubleCall, 'test')350 suite6 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_F_CallThenTrailingInstance, 'test')351 suite7 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_G_AttrBeforeRhsInstance, 'test')352 suite8 = unittest.makeSuite(TestCase_AddHoc, 'test')353 alltests = unittest.TestSuite((suite1, suite2, suite3, suite4, suite5, suite6, suite7))354 #alltests = unittest.TestSuite((suite8, ))355 #alltests = unittest.TestSuite((suite3, suite4))356 return alltests357358def main():359 runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(descriptions = 0, verbosity = 2) # default is descriptions=1, verbosity=1360 __name__ == '__main__':363 main() ...

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1"""2Tools to specify functions through trees and forests.3Whaaa?!?4Well, you see, often -- especially when writing transformers -- you have a series of5if/​then conditions nested into eachother, in code, where it gets ugly and un-reusable.6This module explores ways to objectivy this: That is, to give us the means to create7such nested conditions in a way that we can define the parts as reusable operable8components.9Think of the relationship between the for loop (code) and the iterator (object), along10with iterator tools (itertools).11This is what we're trying to explore, but for if/​then conditions.12I said explore. Some more work is needed here to make it easily usable.13Let's look at an example involving the three main actors of our play.14Each of these are ``Iterable`` and ``Callable`` (``Generator`` to be precise).15- ``CondNode``: implements the if/​then (no else) logic16- ``FinalNode``: Final -- yields (both with call and iter) it's single `.val` attribute.17- ``RoutingForest``: An Iterable of ``CondNode``18>>> import inspect19>>>20>>> def could_be_int(obj):21... if isinstance(obj, int):22... b = True23... else:24... try:25... int(obj)26... b = True27... except ValueError:28... b = False29... if b:30... print(f'{inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name}')31... return b32...33>>> def could_be_float(obj):34... if isinstance(obj, float):35... b = True36... else:37... try:38... float(obj)39... b = True40... except ValueError:41... b = False42... if b:43... print(f'{inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name}')44... return b45...46>>> print(47... could_be_int(30),48... could_be_int(30.3),49... could_be_int('30.2'),50... could_be_int('nope'),51... )52could_be_int53could_be_int54True True False False55>>> print(56... could_be_float(30),57... could_be_float(30.3),58... could_be_float('30.2'),59... could_be_float('nope'),60... )61could_be_float62could_be_float63could_be_float64True True True False65>>> assert could_be_int('30.2') is False66>>> assert could_be_float('30.2') is True67could_be_float68>>>69>>> st = RoutingForest(70... [71... CondNode(72... cond=could_be_int,73... then=RoutingForest(74... [75... CondNode(76... cond=lambda x: int(x) >= 10,77... then=FinalNode('More than a digit'),78... ),79... CondNode(80... cond=lambda x: (int(x) % 2) == 1,81... then=FinalNode("That's odd!"),82... ),83... ]84... ),85... ),86... CondNode(cond=could_be_float, then=FinalNode('could be seen as a float')),87... ]88... )89>>> assert list(st('nothing I can do with that')) == []90>>> assert list(st(8)) == ['could be seen as a float']91could_be_int92could_be_float93>>> assert list(st(9)) == ["That's odd!", 'could be seen as a float']94could_be_int95could_be_float96>>> assert list(st(10)) == ['More than a digit', 'could be seen as a float']97could_be_int98could_be_float99>>> assert list(st(11)) == [100... 'More than a digit',101... "That's odd!",102... 'could be seen as a float',103... ]104could_be_int105could_be_float106>>>107>>> print(108... '### RoutingForest ########################################################################################'109... )110### RoutingForest ########################################################################################111>>> rf = RoutingForest(112... [113... SwitchCaseNode(114... switch=lambda x: x % 5,115... cases={0: FinalNode('zero_mod_5'), 1: FinalNode('one_mod_5')},116... default=FinalNode('default_mod_5'),117... ),118... SwitchCaseNode(119... switch=lambda x: x % 2,120... cases={0: FinalNode('even'), 1: FinalNode('odd')},121... default=FinalNode('that is not an int'),122... ),123... ]124... )125>>>126>>> assert list(rf(5)) == ['zero_mod_5', 'odd']127>>> assert list(rf(6)) == ['one_mod_5', 'even']128>>> assert list(rf(7)) == ['default_mod_5', 'odd']129>>> assert list(rf(8)) == ['default_mod_5', 'even']130>>> assert list(rf(10)) == ['zero_mod_5', 'even']131>>>132"""133from itertools import chain134from dataclasses import dataclass135from typing import Any, Iterable, Callable, Mapping, Tuple136class RoutingNode:137 """A RoutingNode instance needs to be callable on a single object, yielding an iterable or a final value"""138 def __call__(self, obj):139 raise NotImplementedError('You should implement this.')140@dataclass141class FinalNode(RoutingNode):142 """A RoutingNode that is final.143 It yields (both with call and iter) it's single `.val` attribute."""144 val: Any145 def __call__(self, obj=None):146 yield self.val147 def __iter__(self):148 yield self.val149 # def __getstate__(self):150 # return {'val': self.val}151@dataclass152class CondNode(RoutingNode):153 """A RoutingNode that implements the if/​then (no else) logic"""154 cond: Callable[[Any], bool]155 then: Any156 def __call__(self, obj):157 if self.cond(obj):158 yield from self.then(obj)159 def __iter__(self):160 yield from self.then161@dataclass162class RoutingForest(RoutingNode):163 """164 >>> rf = RoutingForest([165 ... CondNode(cond=lambda x: isinstance(x, int),166 ... then=RoutingForest([167 ... CondNode(cond=lambda x: int(x) >= 10, then=FinalNode('More than a digit')),168 ... CondNode(cond=lambda x: (int(x) % 2) == 1, then=FinalNode("That's odd!"))])169 ... ),170 ... CondNode(cond=lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, float)),171 ... then=FinalNode('could be seen as a float')),172 ... ])173 >>> assert list(rf('nothing I can do with that')) == []174 >>> assert list(rf(8)) == ['could be seen as a float']175 >>> assert list(rf(9)) == ["That's odd!", 'could be seen as a float']176 >>> assert list(rf(10)) == ['More than a digit', 'could be seen as a float']177 >>> assert list(rf(11)) == ['More than a digit', "That's odd!", 'could be seen as a float']178 """179 cond_nodes: Iterable180 def __call__(self, obj):181 yield from chain(*(cond_node(obj) for cond_node in self.cond_nodes))182 # for cond_node in self.cond_nodes:183 # yield from cond_node(obj)184 def __iter__(self):185 yield from chain(*self.cond_nodes)186FeatCondThens = Iterable[Tuple[Callable, Callable]]187@dataclass188class FeatCondNode(RoutingNode):189 """A RoutingNode that yields multiple routes, one for each of several conditions met,190 where the condition is computed implements computes a feature of the obj and according to a"""191 feat: Callable192 feat_cond_thens: FeatCondThens193 def __call__(self, obj):194 feature = self.feat(obj)195 for cond, then in self.feat_cond_thens:196 if cond(feature):197 yield from then(obj)198 def __iter__(self):199 yield from chain(*self.feat_cond_thens.values())200NoDefault = type('NoDefault', (object,), {})201NO_DFLT = NoDefault()202@dataclass203class SwitchCaseNode(RoutingNode):204 """A RoutingNode that implements the switch/​case/​else logic.205 It's just a specialization (enhanced with a "default" option) of the FeatCondNode class to a situation206 where the cond function of feat_cond_thens is equality, therefore the routing can be207 implemented with a {value_to_compare_to_feature: then_node} map.208 :param switch: A function returning the feature of an object we want to switch on209 :param cases: The mapping from feature to RoutingNode that should be yield for that feature.210 Often is a dict, but only requirement is that it implements the cases.get(val, default) method.211 :param default: Default RoutingNode to yield if no212 >>> rf = RoutingForest([213 ... SwitchCaseNode(switch=lambda x: x % 5,214 ... cases={0: FinalNode('zero_mod_5'), 1: FinalNode('one_mod_5')},215 ... default=FinalNode('default_mod_5')),216 ... SwitchCaseNode(switch=lambda x: x % 2,217 ... cases={0: FinalNode('even'), 1: FinalNode('odd')},218 ... default=FinalNode('that is not an int')),219 ... ])220 >>>221 >>> assert(list(rf(5)) == ['zero_mod_5', 'odd'])222 >>> assert(list(rf(6)) == ['one_mod_5', 'even'])223 >>> assert(list(rf(7)) == ['default_mod_5', 'odd'])224 >>> assert(list(rf(8)) == ['default_mod_5', 'even'])225 >>> assert(list(rf(10)) == ['zero_mod_5', 'even'])226 """227 switch: Callable228 cases: Mapping229 default: Any = NO_DFLT230 def __call__(self, obj):231 feature = self.switch(obj)232 if self.default is NO_DFLT:233 yield from self.cases.get(feature)(obj)234 else:235 yield from self.cases.get(feature, self.default)(obj)236 def __iter__(self):237 yield from chain(*self.cases.values())238 if self.default:239 yield self.default240def wrap_leafs_with_final_node(x):241 for xx in x:242 if isinstance(xx, RoutingNode):243 yield xx244 else:245 yield FinalNode(xx)246if __name__ == '__main__':247 print(248 '##########################################################################################################'249 )250 import inspect251 def could_be_int(obj):252 if isinstance(obj, int):253 b = True254 else:255 try:256 int(obj)257 b = True258 except ValueError:259 b = False260 if b:261 print(f'{inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name}')262 return b263 def could_be_float(obj):264 if isinstance(obj, float):265 b = True266 else:267 try:268 float(obj)269 b = True270 except ValueError:271 b = False272 if b:273 print(f'{inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name}')274 return b275 print(276 could_be_int(30),277 could_be_int(30.3),278 could_be_int('30.2'),279 could_be_int('nope'),280 )281 print(282 could_be_float(30),283 could_be_float(30.3),284 could_be_float('30.2'),285 could_be_float('nope'),286 )287 assert could_be_int('30.2') is False288 assert could_be_float('30.2') is True289 st = RoutingForest(290 [291 CondNode(292 cond=could_be_int,293 then=RoutingForest(294 [295 CondNode(296 cond=lambda x: int(x) >= 10,297 then=FinalNode('More than a digit'),298 ),299 CondNode(300 cond=lambda x: (int(x) % 2) == 1,301 then=FinalNode("That's odd!"),302 ),303 ]304 ),305 ),306 CondNode(cond=could_be_float, then=FinalNode('could be seen as a float')),307 ]308 )309 assert list(st('nothing I can do with that')) == []310 assert list(st(8)) == ['could be seen as a float']311 assert list(st(9)) == ["That's odd!", 'could be seen as a float']312 assert list(st(10)) == ['More than a digit', 'could be seen as a float']313 assert list(st(11)) == [314 'More than a digit',315 "That's odd!",316 'could be seen as a float',317 ]318 print(319 '### RoutingForest ########################################################################################'320 )321 rf = RoutingForest(322 [323 SwitchCaseNode(324 switch=lambda x: x % 5,325 cases={0: FinalNode('zero_mod_5'), 1: FinalNode('one_mod_5')},326 default=FinalNode('default_mod_5'),327 ),328 SwitchCaseNode(329 switch=lambda x: x % 2,330 cases={0: FinalNode('even'), 1: FinalNode('odd')},331 default=FinalNode('that is not an int'),332 ),333 ]334 )335 assert list(rf(5)) == ['zero_mod_5', 'odd']336 assert list(rf(6)) == ['one_mod_5', 'even']337 assert list(rf(7)) == ['default_mod_5', 'odd']338 assert list(rf(8)) == ['default_mod_5', 'even']...

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