How to use worker_stats method in stestr

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1import ast2import datetime3import hashlib4import random5import re6import string7from django.conf import settings8from django.http import HttpResponse9from django.template import Template10from django.template.base import VariableNode11from django.utils import timezone12from django.utils.http import urlencode13from oauth2_provider.oauth2_backends import OAuthLibCore, get_oauthlib_core14from rest_framework.pagination import PageNumberPagination, LimitOffsetPagination15from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer16from crowdsourcing.crypto import to_pk17from crowdsourcing.redis import RedisProvider18class SmallResultsSetPagination(LimitOffsetPagination):19 default_limit = 10020def is_discount_eligible(user):21 if[-4:] in settings.NON_PROFIT_EMAILS:22 return True23 return False24def get_pk(id_or_hash):25 try:26 project_id = int(id_or_hash)27 return project_id, False28 except Exception:29 return to_pk(id_or_hash), True30def get_delimiter(filename, *args, **kwargs):31 delimiter_map = {'csv': ',', 'tsv': '\t'}32 delimiter = None33 extension = filename.split('.')[-1]34 if extension in delimiter_map:35 delimiter = delimiter_map[extension]36 return delimiter37def get_model_or_none(model, *args, **kwargs):38 """39 Get model object or return None, this will catch the DoesNotExist error.40 Keyword Arguments:41 model -- this is the model you want to query from42 other parameters are of variable length: e.g id=1 or username='jon.snow'43 """44 try:45 return model.objects.get(*args, **kwargs)46 except model.DoesNotExist:47 return None48def get_next_unique_id(model, field, value):49 """50 Find next available incrementing value for a field in model.51 :param model: Model to be queried52 :param field: Model field to find value for53 :param value: Field value for which the next increment which is unique and available is to be found54 :return: the next unique increment value in model for the field considering index value from 155 """56 condition = {}57 condition['%s__iregex' % field] = r'^%s[0-9]+$' % value58 values = model.objects.filter(**condition).values_list(field, flat=True)59 integers = map(lambda x: int(x.replace(value, '')), values)60 # complete sequence plus 1 extra if no gap exists61 all_values = range(1, len(integers) + 2)62 gap = list(set(all_values) - set(integers))[0]63 new_field_value = '%s%d' % (value, gap)64 return new_field_value65def get_time_delta(time_stamp):66 if time_stamp is None:67 return ""68 difference = - time_stamp69 days = difference.days70 hours = difference.seconds /​/​ 360071 minutes = (difference.seconds /​/​ 60) % 6072 if minutes > 0 and hours == 0 and days == 0:73 minutes_calculated = str(minutes) + " minutes "74 elif minutes > 0 and (hours != 0 or days != 0):75 minutes_calculated = ""76 else:77 minutes_calculated = "1 minute "78 return "{days}{hours}{minutes}".format(days=str(days) + " day(s) " if days > 0 else "",79 hours=str(hours) + " hour(s) " if hours > 0 and days == 0 else "",80 minutes=minutes_calculated) + "ago"81class Oauth2Backend(OAuthLibCore):82 def _extract_params(self, request):83 """84 Extract parameters from the Django request object. Such parameters will then be passed to85 OAuthLib to build its own Request object. The body should be encoded using OAuthLib urlencoded86 """87 uri = self._get_escaped_full_path(request)88 http_method = request.method89 headers = {} # self.extract_headers(request)90 body = urlencode(self.extract_body(request)) # TODO91 return uri, http_method, body, headers92 def create_token_response(self, request):93 """94 A wrapper method that calls create_token_response on `server_class` instance.95 :param request: The current django.http.HttpRequest object96 """97 uri, http_method, body, headers = self._extract_params(request)98 headers, body, status = get_oauthlib_core().server.create_token_response(uri, http_method, body,99 headers)100 uri = headers.get("Location", None)101 return uri, headers, body, status102 def extract_body(self, request):103 """104 Extracts the POST body from the Django request object105 :param request: The current django.http.HttpRequest object106 :return: provided POST parameters107 """108 return Oauth2Utils:110 def create_client(self, request, user):111 from oauth2_provider.models import Application112 oauth2_client = Application.objects.create(user=user,113 client_type=Application.CLIENT_PUBLIC,114 authorization_grant_type=Application.GRANT_PASSWORD)115 return oauth2_client116 def get_token(self, request):117 oauth2_backend = Oauth2Backend()118 uri, headers, body, status = oauth2_backend.create_token_response(request)119 response_data = {}120 response_data["message"] = "OK"121 response_data.update(ast.literal_eval(body))122 return response_data, status123 def get_refresh_token(self, request):124 pass125class SmallResultSetPagination(PageNumberPagination):126 page_size = 25127 page_size_query_param = 'page_size'128 max_page_size = 100129class JSONResponse(HttpResponse):130 """131 An HttpResponse that renders its content into JSON.132 """133 def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):134 content = JSONRenderer().render(data)135 kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/​json'136 super(JSONResponse, self).__init__(content, **kwargs)137def generate_random_id(length=8, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits):138 return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(length))139def get_relative_time(date_time):140 delta = datetime.timedelta(days=7)141 current = difference = current - date_time143 if difference.total_seconds() - delta.total_seconds() > 0:144 return date_time.strftime("%b") + ' ' + str( else:146 one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)147 if difference.total_seconds() - one_day.total_seconds() > 0:148 return date_time.strftime("%a")149 else:150 return date_time.strftime('%I:%M %p').lstrip('0')151def get_worker_cache(worker_id):152 provider = RedisProvider()153 name = provider.build_key('worker', worker_id)154 worker_stats = provider.hgetall(name)155 worker_groups = provider.smembers(name + ':worker_groups')156 approved = int(worker_stats.get('approved', 0))157 rejected = int(worker_stats.get('rejected', 0))158 submitted = int(worker_stats.get('submitted', 0))159 gender = worker_stats.get('gender')160 birthday_year = worker_stats.get('birthday_year')161 ethnicity = worker_stats.get('ethnicity')162 is_worker = worker_stats.get('is_worker', 0)163 is_requester = worker_stats.get('is_requester', 0)164 approval_rate = None165 if approved + rejected > 0:166 approval_rate = float(approved) /​ float(approved + rejected)167 worker_data = {168 "country": worker_stats.get('country', None),169 "approval_rate": approval_rate,170 "total_tasks": approved + rejected + submitted,171 "approved_tasks": approved,172 "worker_groups": list(worker_groups),173 "gender": gender,174 "birthday_year": birthday_year,175 "ethnicity": ethnicity,176 "is_worker": is_worker,177 "is_requester": is_requester178 }179 return worker_data180def create_copy(instance):181 = None182 return instance184def get_review_redis_message(match_group_id, project_key):185 message = {186 "type": "REVIEW",187 "payload": {188 "match_group_id": match_group_id,189 'project_key': project_key,190 "is_done": True191 }192 }193 return message194def replace_braces(s):195 return re.sub(r'\s(?=[^\{\}]*}})', '', unicode(s))196def get_template_string(initial_data, data):197 initial_data = replace_braces(initial_data)198 html_template = Template(initial_data)199 return_value = ''200 has_variables = False201 for node in html_template.nodelist:202 if isinstance(node, VariableNode):203 return_value += unicode(data.get(node.token.contents, ''))204 has_variables = True205 else:206 return_value += unicode(node.token.contents)207 return return_value, has_variables208def get_template_tokens(initial_data):209 initial_data = replace_braces(initial_data)210 html_template = Template(initial_data)211 return [node.token.contents for node in html_template.nodelist if isinstance(node, VariableNode)]212def flatten_dict(d, separator='_', prefix=''):213 return {prefix + separator + k if prefix else k: v214 for kk, vv in d.items()215 for k, v in flatten_dict(vv, separator, kk).items()216 } if isinstance(d, dict) else {prefix: d}217def hash_task(data):218 return hashlib.sha256(repr(sorted(frozenset(flatten_dict(data))))).hexdigest()219def hash_as_set(data):220 return hashlib.sha256(repr(sorted(frozenset(data)))).hexdigest()221def get_trailing_number(s):222 m ='\d+$', s)...

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1import lib.settings as settings2import lib.logger3log = lib.logger.get_logger('BasicShareLimiter')4import DBInterface5dbi = DBInterface.DBInterface()6dbi.clear_worker_diff()7from twisted.internet import defer8from mining.interfaces import Interfaces9import time10''' This is just a customized ring buffer '''11class SpeedBuffer:12 def __init__(self, size_max):13 self.max = size_max14 = []15 self.cur = 016 17 def append(self, x):18 self.cur += 120 if len( == self.max:21 self.cur = 022 self.__class__ = SpeedBufferFull23 24 def avg(self):25 return sum( /​ self.cur26 27 def pos(self):28 return self.cur29 30 def clear(self):31 = []32 self.cur = 033 34 def size(self):35 return self.cur36class SpeedBufferFull:37 def __init__(self, n):38 raise "you should use SpeedBuffer"39 40 def append(self, x): 41[self.cur] = x42 self.cur = (self.cur + 1) % self.max43 44 def avg(self):45 return sum( /​ self.max46 47 def pos(self):48 return self.cur49 50 def clear(self):51 = []52 self.cur = 053 self.__class__ = SpeedBuffer54 55 def size(self):56 return self.max57class BasicShareLimiter(object):58 def __init__(self):59 self.worker_stats = {}60 = settings.VDIFF_TARGET_TIME61 self.retarget = settings.VDIFF_RETARGET_TIME62 self.variance = * (float(settings.VDIFF_VARIANCE_PERCENT) /​ float(100))63 self.tmin = - self.variance64 self.tmax = + self.variance65 self.buffersize = self.retarget /​ * 466 self.litecoin = {}67 self.litecoin_diff = 100000000 # TODO: Set this to VARDIFF_MAX68 # TODO: trim the hash of inactive workers69 @defer.inlineCallbacks70 def update_litecoin_difficulty(self):71 # Cache the litecoin difficulty so we do not have to query it on every submit72 # Update the difficulty if it is out of date or not set73 if 'timestamp' not in self.litecoin or self.litecoin['timestamp'] < int(time.time()) - settings.DIFF_UPDATE_FREQUENCY:74 self.litecoin['timestamp'] = time.time()75 self.litecoin['difficulty'] = (yield Interfaces.template_registry.bitcoin_rpc.getdifficulty())76 log.debug("Updated litecoin difficulty to %s" % (self.litecoin['difficulty']))77 self.litecoin_diff = self.litecoin['difficulty']78 def submit(self, connection_ref, job_id, current_difficulty, timestamp, worker_name):79 ts = int(timestamp)80 # Init the stats for this worker if it isn't set. 81 if worker_name not in self.worker_stats or self.worker_stats[worker_name]['last_ts'] < ts - settings.DB_USERCACHE_TIME :82 self.worker_stats[worker_name] = {'last_rtc': (ts - self.retarget /​ 2), 'last_ts': ts, 'buffer': SpeedBuffer(self.buffersize) }83 dbi.update_worker_diff(worker_name, settings.POOL_TARGET)84 return85 86 # Standard share update of data87 self.worker_stats[worker_name]['buffer'].append(ts - self.worker_stats[worker_name]['last_ts'])88 self.worker_stats[worker_name]['last_ts'] = ts89 # Do We retarget? If not, we're done.90 if ts - self.worker_stats[worker_name]['last_rtc'] < self.retarget and self.worker_stats[worker_name]['buffer'].size() > 0:91 return92 # Set up and log our check93 self.worker_stats[worker_name]['last_rtc'] = ts94 avg = self.worker_stats[worker_name]['buffer'].avg()95 log.debug("Checking Retarget for %s (%i) avg. %i target %i+-%i" % (worker_name, current_difficulty, avg,96, self.variance))97 98 if avg < 1:99 log.warning("Reseting avg = 1 since it's SOOO low")100 avg = 1101 # Figure out our Delta-Diff102 if settings.VDIFF_FLOAT:103 ddiff = float((float(current_difficulty) * (float( /​ float(avg))) - current_difficulty)104 else:105 ddiff = int((float(current_difficulty) * (float( /​ float(avg))) - current_difficulty)106 if (avg > self.tmax and current_difficulty > settings.VDIFF_MIN_TARGET):107 # For fractional -0.1 ddiff's just drop by 1108 if settings.VDIFF_X2_TYPE:109 ddiff = 0.5110 # Don't drop below POOL_TARGET111 if (ddiff * current_difficulty) < settings.VDIFF_MIN_TARGET:112 ddiff = settings.VDIFF_MIN_TARGET /​ current_difficulty113 else:114 if ddiff > -1:115 ddiff = -1116 # Don't drop below POOL_TARGET117 if (ddiff + current_difficulty) < settings.POOL_TARGET:118 ddiff = settings.VDIFF_MIN_TARGET - current_difficulty119 elif avg < self.tmin:120 # For fractional 0.1 ddiff's just up by 1121 if settings.VDIFF_X2_TYPE:122 ddiff = 2123 # Don't go above LITECOIN or VDIFF_MAX_TARGET 124 if settings.USE_COINDAEMON_DIFF:125 self.update_litecoin_difficulty()126 diff_max = min([settings.VDIFF_MAX_TARGET, self.litecoin_diff])127 else:128 diff_max = settings.VDIFF_MAX_TARGET129 if (ddiff * current_difficulty) > diff_max:130 ddiff = diff_max /​ current_difficulty131 else:132 if ddiff < 1:133 ddiff = 1134 # Don't go above LITECOIN or VDIFF_MAX_TARGET135 if settings.USE_COINDAEMON_DIFF:136 self.update_litecoin_difficulty()137 diff_max = min([settings.VDIFF_MAX_TARGET, self.litecoin_diff])138 else:139 diff_max = settings.VDIFF_MAX_TARGET140 if (ddiff + current_difficulty) > diff_max:141 ddiff = diff_max - current_difficulty142 143 else: # If we are here, then we should not be retargeting.144 return145 # At this point we are retargeting this worker146 if settings.VDIFF_X2_TYPE:147 new_diff = current_difficulty * ddiff148 else:149 new_diff = current_difficulty + ddiff150 log.debug("Retarget for %s %i old: %i new: %i" % (worker_name, ddiff, current_difficulty, new_diff))151 self.worker_stats[worker_name]['buffer'].clear()152 session = connection_ref().get_session()153 (job_id, prevhash, coinb1, coinb2, merkle_branch, version, nbits, ntime, _) = \154 Interfaces.template_registry.get_last_broadcast_args()155 work_id = Interfaces.worker_manager.register_work(worker_name, job_id, new_diff)156 157 session['difficulty'] = new_diff158 connection_ref().rpc('mining.set_difficulty', [new_diff, ], is_notification=True)159 log.debug("Notified of New Difficulty")160 connection_ref().rpc('mining.notify', [work_id, prevhash, coinb1, coinb2, merkle_branch, version, nbits, ntime, False, ], is_notification=True)161 log.debug("Sent new work")...

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