How to use run_tests method in stestr

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1from __future__ import print_function2from pylab import *3import functools4from matplotlib.pyplot import *5import _dict_it6import _dict_find7import _dict_update_slice8import _set_it9import _set_insert10import _set_find11import _set_find_local12import _set_create13import _set_insert_sort14import _dict_insert_sort15import _set_insert_erase16import _dict_insert_erase17import _set_insert_rank18import _set_insert_min_gap19import _set_erase_slice20import _set_insert_overlapping_intervals21 22_run_create = False23_run_insert_overlapping_intervals = False24_run_it = False25_run_insert_sort = False26_run_insert_rank = False27_run_insert_erase = True28_run_find = False29_run_erase_slice = False30_run_update_slice = False31_run_find_local = False32_run_insert_min_gap = False33class _Recorder(object):34 def __init__(self):35 self._x_vals = []36 self._results = dict([])37 def add_results(self, x_val, res):38 print(res)39 self._x_vals.append(x_val)40 for n in list(res.keys()):41 self._results.setdefault(n, []).append(res[n])42 def maxes_res(self):43 maxes = [(n, max(res)) for n, res in self._results.items()]44 maxes.sort(key = lambda nm: nm[1])45 46 return maxes, self._results47 48def _single_malt(fn, x_range, num_its, algs, title, f_name):49 fig = figure()50 ax = subplot(111)51 xlabel('# Items')52 ylabel('Time (sec.)')53 ticklabel_format(style = 'sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0,0)) 54 55 r = _Recorder()56 for x in x_range:57 print('running', f_name, x)58 r.add_results(x, fn(algs, x, num_its))59 maxes, res = r.maxes_res()60 for n in [nm[0] for nm in maxes]:61 ax.plot(x_range, res[n], label = n)62 63 box = ax.get_position() 64 ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.3, box.width, box.height * 0.72])65 ax.legend(66 [n for (n, m) in maxes], 67 loc = 'upper center', 68 bbox_to_anchor = (0.5, -0.1),69 ncol = 2 if len(maxes) > 5 else 1)70 text(0.5, 1.08, title,71 horizontalalignment='center',72 fontsize = 13,73 transform = ax.transAxes) 74 # subtitle(title) 75 savefig(f_name) 76 77_banyans = [78 'banyan_red_black_tree', 79 'banyan_splay_tree', 80 'banyan_sorted_list',81 'banyan_red_black_tree_gen', 82 'banyan_splay_tree_gen', 83 'banyan_sorted_list_gen'] 84if __name__ == '__main__':85 #num_its = 186 num_its = 3087 #base = 1 88 base = 5089 90 if _run_find_local:91 for type_, type_str in [(int, 'Int'), (str, 'Str')]:92 _single_malt(93 functools.partial(_set_find_local.run_tests, type_ = type_), 94 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 95 500 * num_its, 96 _banyans + ['blist', 'btrees', 'set'],97 'All Items Repeated Find Time As A Function Of # Items',98 type_str + 'SetFindLocalAll.png')99 _single_malt(100 functools.partial(_set_find_local.run_tests, type_ = type_), 101 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 102 500 * num_its, 103 _banyans + ['btrees', 'set'],104 'All Items Repeated Find Time As A Function Of # Items',105 type_str + 'SetFindLocalAllNoBList.png')106 107 _single_malt(108 functools.partial(_set_find_local.run_tests, type_ = type_), 109 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 110 500 * num_its, 111 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_splay_tree', 'set', 'btrees'],112 'All Items Repeated Find Time As A Function Of # Items',113 type_str + 'SetFindLocalCompetitive.png')114 if _run_insert_overlapping_intervals:115 _single_malt(116 _set_insert_overlapping_intervals.run_tests, 117 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 118 50 * num_its, 119 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'bx'],120 'All Items Insert + Last Interval Overlaps As A Function Of # Items',121 'IntSetInsertOverlappingCompetitive.png')122 _single_malt(123 _set_insert_overlapping_intervals.run_tests, 124 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 125 50 * num_its, 126 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_float', 'banyan_red_black_tree_gen', 'bx'],127 'All Items Insert + Last Interval Overlaps As A Function Of # Items',128 'IntSetInsertOverlappingAll.png')129 if _run_update_slice:130 _single_malt(131 _dict_update_slice.run_tests, 132 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 133 50 * num_its, 134 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'btrees', 'blist', 'dict'],135 'Update Fixed-Size Slice As A Function Of # Items',136 'IntDictUpdateSliceAll.png') 137 _single_malt(138 _dict_update_slice.run_tests, 139 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 140 50 * num_its, 141 _banyans + ['btrees', 'dict'],142 'Update Fixed-Size Slice As A Function Of # Items',143 'IntDictUpdateSliceAllNoBListBintrees.png') 144 _single_malt(145 _dict_update_slice.run_tests, 146 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 147 50 * num_its, 148 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'btrees', 'dict'],149 'Update Fixed-Size Slice As A Function Of # Items',150 'IntDictUpdateSliceCompetitive.png') 151 if _run_erase_slice:152 _single_malt(153 _set_erase_slice.run_tests, 154 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 155 50 * num_its, 156 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'set'],157 'Erase Fixed-Size Slice As A Function Of # Items',158 'IntSetEraseSliceAll.png') 159 160 _single_malt(161 _set_erase_slice.run_tests, 162 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 163 50 * num_its, 164 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'bintrees', 'set'],165 'Erase Fixed-Size Slice As A Function Of # Items',166 'IntSetEraseSliceCompetitive.png') 167 if _run_find:168 for type_, type_str in [(int, 'Int'), (str, 'Str')]:169 _single_malt(170 functools.partial(_set_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 171 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 172 200 * num_its, 173 [174 'banyan_red_black_tree', 175 'banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 176 'btrees', 177 'set'],178 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',179 type_str + 'SetFindCompetitiveWithRankUpdator.png') 180 _single_malt(181 functools.partial(_dict_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 182 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 183 50 * num_its, 184 _banyans + ['blist', 'btrees', 'dict'],185 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',186 type_str + 'DictFindAll.png') 187 188 _single_malt(189 functools.partial(_dict_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 190 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 191 200 * num_its, 192 _banyans + ['btrees', 'dict'],193 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',194 type_str + 'DictFindAllNoBList.png') 195 _single_malt(196 functools.partial(_dict_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 197 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 198 200 * num_its, 199 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'btrees', 'dict'],200 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',201 type_str + 'DictFindCompetitive.png') 202 _single_malt(203 functools.partial(_set_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 204 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 205 20 * num_its, 206 _banyans + ['blist', 'btrees', 'set'],207 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',208 type_str + 'SetFindAll.png')209 _single_malt(210 functools.partial(_set_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 211 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 212 200 * num_its, 213 _banyans + ['btrees', 'set'],214 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',215 type_str + 'SetFindAllNoBList.png')216 217 _single_malt(218 functools.partial(_set_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 219 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 220 200 * num_its, 221 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'set', 'btrees'],222 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',223 type_str + 'SetFindCompetitive.png')224 _single_malt(225 functools.partial(_set_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 226 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 227 300 * num_its, 228 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'set', 'btrees'],229 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',230 type_str + 'SetFindCompetitiveWithSortedList.png')231 _single_malt(232 functools.partial(_set_find.run_tests, type_ = type_), 233 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 234 20 * num_its, 235 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_splay_tree', 'set', 'btrees'],236 'All Items Find Time As A Function Of # Items',237 type_str + 'SetFindCompetitiveWithSplayTree.png') 238 if _run_it:239 _single_malt(240 _dict_it.run_tests, 241 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 242 5000 * num_its, 243 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'set', 'btrees'],244 'Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',245 'IntSetItCompetitiveWithSortedList.png')246 _single_malt(247 _set_it.run_tests, 248 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 249 1000 * num_its, 250 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'set'],251 'Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',252 'IntSetItAll.png')253 _single_malt(254 _set_it.run_tests, 255 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 256 1000 * num_its, 257 _banyans + ['btrees', 'set'],258 'Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',259 'IntSetItAllNoBListBintrees.png')260 if _run_insert_sort: 261 for type_, type_str in [(int, 'Int'), (str, 'Str')]:262 _single_malt(263 functools.partial(_dict_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 264 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 265 100 * num_its, 266 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'dict', 'btrees'],267 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',268 type_str + 'DictInsertSortCompetitive.png')269 _single_malt(270 functools.partial(_dict_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 271 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 272 15 * num_its, 273 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'dict'],274 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',275 type_str + 'DictInsertSortAll.png')276 _single_malt(277 functools.partial(_dict_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 278 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 279 100 * num_its, 280 _banyans + ['btrees', 'dict'],281 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',282 type_str + 'DictInsertSortAllNoBlistBintrees.png')283 _single_malt(284 functools.partial(_dict_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 285 [30 * base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 286 3, 287 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'dict', 'btrees'],288 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',289 type_str + 'DictInsertSortCompetitiveLarger.png')290 _single_malt(291 functools.partial(_set_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 292 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 293 15 * num_its, 294 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'set'],295 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',296 type_str + 'SetInsertSortAll.png')297 _single_malt(298 functools.partial(_set_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 299 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 300 15 * num_its, 301 _banyans + ['btrees', 'set'],302 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',303 type_str + 'SetInsertSortAllNoBlistBintrees.png')304 _single_malt(305 functools.partial(_set_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 306 [30 * base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 307 3, 308 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'set', 'btrees'],309 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',310 type_str + 'SetInsertSortCompetitiveLarger.png')311 _single_malt(312 functools.partial(_set_insert_sort.run_tests, type_ = type_), 313 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 314 60 * num_its, 315 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'set', 'btrees'],316 'Insert + Sorted Iteration Time As A Function Of # Items',317 type_str + 'SetInsertSortCompetitive.png')318 if _run_insert_rank: 319 _single_malt(320 _set_insert_rank.run_tests, 321 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 322 30, 323 _banyans + ['banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'btrees', 'set'], 324 'Insert + Rank Time As A Function Of # Items',325 'IntSetInsertRankAllNoBListBintreesWithRankUpdator.png')326 _single_malt(327 _set_insert_rank.run_tests, 328 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 329 30, 330 _banyans + ['banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'set'], 331 'Insert + Rank Time As A Function Of # Items',332 'IntSetInsertRankAllWithRankUpdator.png')333 _single_malt(334 _set_insert_rank.run_tests, 335 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 336 30, 337 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'set', 'btrees'], 338 'Insert + Rank Time As A Function Of # Items',339 'IntSetInsertRankCompetitiveWithRankUpdator.png')340 if _run_insert_min_gap: 341 _single_malt(342 _set_insert_min_gap.run_tests, 343 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 344 20, 345 _banyans + ['banyan_red_black_tree_min_gap_updator', 'btrees', 'set'], 346 'Insert + Min-Gap Time As A Function Of # Items',347 'IntSetInsertMinGapAllNoBListBintreesWithMinGapUpdator.png')348 _single_malt(349 _set_insert_min_gap.run_tests, 350 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 351 20, 352 _banyans + ['banyan_red_black_tree_min_gap_updator', 'bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'set'], 353 'Insert + Min-Gap Time As A Function Of # Items',354 'IntSetInsertMinGapAllWithMinGapUpdator.png')355 _single_malt(356 _set_insert_min_gap.run_tests, 357 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 358 20, 359 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_min_gap_updator', 'set', 'btrees'], 360 'Insert + Min-Gap Time As A Function Of # Items',361 'IntSetInsertMinGapCompetitiveWithMinGapUpdator.png')362 if _run_insert_erase: 363 for type_, type_str in [(int, 'Int'), (str, 'Str')]:364 _single_malt(365 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 366 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 367 30 * num_its, 368 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'dict', 'btrees'], 369 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',370 type_str + 'DictInsertEraseCompetitiveWithRankUpdator.png')371 _single_malt(372 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 373 [10 * base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 374 3 * num_its, 375 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'dict', 'btrees'], 376 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',377 type_str + 'DitInsertEraseCompetitiveWithNodeUpdatorLonger.png')378 _single_malt(379 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 380 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 381 100 * num_its, 382 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'dict', 'btrees'], 383 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',384 type_str + 'DictInsertEraseCompetitive.png')385 _single_malt(386 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 387 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 388 100 * num_its, 389 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'dict', 'btrees'], 390 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',391 type_str + 'DictInsertEraseCompetitiveWithSortedList.png')392 _single_malt(393 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 394 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 395 100 * num_its, 396 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'dict'], 397 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',398 type_str + 'DictInsertEraseAll.png')399 _single_malt(400 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 401 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 402 100 * num_its, 403 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'btrees', 'dict'], 404 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',405 type_str + 'DictInsertEraseAllNoBList.png')406 _single_malt(407 functools.partial(_dict_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 408 [30 * base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 409 3, 410 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'dict', 'btrees'], 411 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',412 type_str + 'DictInsertEraseCompetitiveLonger.png')413 _single_malt(414 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 415 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 416 30 * num_its, 417 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'set', 'btrees'], 418 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',419 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseCompetitiveWithRankUpdator.png')420 _single_malt(421 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 422 [10 * base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 423 3 * num_its, 424 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_red_black_tree_rank_updator', 'set', 'btrees'], 425 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',426 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseCompetitiveWithNodeUpdatorLonger.png')427 _single_malt(428 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 429 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 430 100 * num_its, 431 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'set', 'btrees'], 432 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',433 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseCompetitive.png')434 _single_malt(435 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 436 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 437 100 * num_its, 438 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'set', 'btrees'], 439 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',440 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseCompetitiveWithSortedList.png')441 _single_malt(442 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 443 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 444 100 * num_its, 445 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'set'], 446 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',447 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseAll.png')448 _single_malt(449 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 450 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 451 100 * num_its, 452 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'btrees', 'set'], 453 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',454 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseAllNoBList.png')455 _single_malt(456 functools.partial(_set_insert_erase.run_tests, type_ = type_), 457 [30 * base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 458 3, 459 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'set', 'btrees'], 460 'Insert + Erase Time As A Function Of # Items',461 type_str + 'SetInsertEraseCompetitiveLonger.png')462 if _run_create: 463 for type_, type_str in [(int, 'Int'), (str, 'Str')]:464 _single_malt(465 functools.partial(_set_create.run_tests, type_ = type_), 466 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 467 30 * num_its, 468 ['banyan_red_black_tree', 'banyan_sorted_list', 'set', 'btrees'], 469 'Create Time As A Function Of # Items',470 type_str + 'SetCreateCompetitiveWithSortedList.png')471 472 _single_malt(473 functools.partial(_set_create.run_tests, type_ = type_),474 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 475 30 * num_its, 476 _banyans + ['bintrees', 'blist', 'btrees', 'set'],477 'Create Time As A Function Of # Items',478 type_str + 'SetCreateAll.png')479 _single_malt(480 functools.partial(_set_create.run_tests, type_ = type_),481 [base * i for i in range(1, 10)], 482 30 * num_its, 483 _banyans + ['btrees', 'set'],484 'Create Time As A Function Of # Items',...

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1import datetime2import collections3from mobaas.common import support4from mobaas.common import config5from mobaas.tests import run_tests6def test_calc_minute_of_day():7 time1 = datetime.time(hour=0, minute=1, second=1)8 time2 = datetime.time(hour=1, minute=0, second=1)9 time3 = datetime.time(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)10 time4 = datetime.time(hour=23, minute=59, second=59)11 value1 = support.calc_minute_of_day(time1)12 value2 = support.calc_minute_of_day(time2)13 value3 = support.calc_minute_of_day(time3)14 value4 = support.calc_minute_of_day(time4)15 run_tests.compare_answer(value1, 1, "minute of day = 1")16 run_tests.compare_answer(value2, 60, "minute of day = 2")17 run_tests.compare_answer(value3, 0, "minute of day = 3")18 run_tests.compare_answer(value4, 1439, "minute of day = 4")19def test_calc_day():20 monday = support.calc_day(, month=06, day=30))21 tuesday = support.calc_day(, month=07, day=01))22 wednesday = support.calc_day(, month=07, day=02))23 thursday = support.calc_day(, month=01, day=15))24 friday = support.calc_day(, month=01, day=16))25 saturday = support.calc_day(, month=01, day=17))26 sunday = support.calc_day(, month=01, day=18))27 run_tests.compare_answer(monday, config.MONDAY, "monday")28 run_tests.compare_answer(tuesday, config.TUESDAY, "tuesday")29 run_tests.compare_answer(wednesday, config.WEDNESDAY, "wednesday")30 run_tests.compare_answer(thursday, config.THURSDAY, "thursday")31 run_tests.compare_answer(friday, config.FRIDAY, "friday")32 run_tests.compare_answer(saturday, config.SATURDAY, "saturday")33 run_tests.compare_answer(sunday, config.SUNDAY, "sunday")34def test_remove_none_from_list():35 l1 = [None, 1, 2, None, 3]36 support.remove_none_from_list(l1)37 run_tests.compare_answer(l1, [1,2,3], "")38def test_create_date_time():39 time_str = "14:30:31"40 date_str = "2014-10-17"41 dt = support.create_date_time(date_str, time_str)42 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.second, 31,"second")43 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.minute, 30,"minute")44 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.hour, 14,"hour")45 run_tests.compare_answer(, 17,"day")46 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.month, 10,"month")47 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.year, 2014,"year")48def test_create_date_str():49 d =, month=10, day=17)50 run_tests.compare_answer(support.create_date_str(d), "2014-10-17", "")51def test_create_time_str():52 t = datetime.time(hour=12, minute=30, second=31)53 run_tests.compare_answer(support.create_time_str(t), "12:30:31", "")54def test_time_total_seconds():55 t1 = datetime.time(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)56 t2 = datetime.time(hour=10, minute=10, second=10)57 run_tests.compare_answer(support.time_total_seconds(t1), 0, "total seconds 0")58 run_tests.compare_answer(support.time_total_seconds(t2), 36610, "total seconds 36610")59def test_from_unix_timestamp_to_datetime():60 unix_ts = 68770261001061 dt = support.from_unix_timestamp_ms_to_datetime(unix_ts)62 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.microsecond, 10000, "microsecond")63 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.second, 10,"second")64 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.minute, 30,"minute")65 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.hour, 12,"hour")66 run_tests.compare_answer(, 17,"day")67 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.month, 10,"month")68 run_tests.compare_answer(dt.year, 1991,"year")69def test_to_unix_timestamp_ms_from_date_and_time():70 t = datetime.time(hour=12, minute=30, second=10, microsecond=6000)71 d =, month=10, day=17)72 unix_ms = support.to_unix_timestamp_ms_from_date_and_time(d, t)73 run_tests.compare_answer(unix_ms, 687702610006, "")74def test_to_unix_timestamp_from_date_and_time():75 t = datetime.time(hour=12, minute=30, second=10, microsecond=6000)76 d =, month=10, day=17)77 unix_ms = support.to_unix_timestamp_from_date_and_time(d, t)78 run_tests.compare_answer(unix_ms, 687702610, "")79def test_to_grid():80 l1 = [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5]81 grid1 = support.to_grid(l1, 1, lambda x: x, 1, 5)82 run_tests.compare_answer(grid1, [1,2,3,4,5], "grid1")83 l2 = [100, 130, 100, 100, 150, 130, 100]84 grid2 = support.to_grid(l2, 10, lambda x: x, 100, 150)85 run_tests.compare_answer(grid2, [100, None, None, 130, None, 150], "grid2")86def test_find_all_in_list():87 l1 = [1, 5, 2, 3, None, 5]88 indices1 = support.find_all_in_list(l1, 5)89 run_tests.compare_answer(indices1, [1, 5], "indices1")90 l2 = [None, 123, "asd", None, datetime.datetime(year=1991, month=10, day=10)]91 indices2 = support.find_all_in_list(l2, None)92 run_tests.compare_answer(indices2, [0, 3], "indices2")93def test_group_by():94 l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * 295 answer1 = collections.OrderedDict({1: [1] * 2, 2: [2] * 2, 3: [3] * 2, 4: [4] * 2, 5: [5] * 2})96 run_tests.compare_answer(support.group_by(l1, lambda x:x), answer1, "group_by 1")97def test_reduce_to_missing_ranges():98 l1 = [1, 2, 10, 40, 41, 50]99 answer1 = [support.Range(3, 9, 1), support.Range(11, 39, 1), support.Range(42, 49, 1)]100 result1 = support.reduce_to_missing_ranges(l1, lambda x: x, 1, 1, 50)101 run_tests.compare_answer(result1, answer1, "missing_support.Ranges 1")102 #Difficult one because one value is outside of the (start value, end value) support.Range while the resolution allows it103 l2 = [9, 11]104 answer2 = [support.Range(1, 6, 3), support.Range(10, 10, 3)]105 result2 = support.reduce_to_missing_ranges(l2, lambda x: x, 3, 1, 10)106 run_tests.compare_answer(result2, answer2, "missing_ranges 2")107def test_ranges_add():108 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,2,1) + support.Range(2,3,1), [support.Range(1,3,1)], "Testing ranges add (1,2) and (2,3)")109 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,2,1) + support.Range(3,4,1), [support.Range(1,2,1), support.Range(3,4,1)], "Testing ranges add (1,2) and (3,4)")110 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,3,1) + support.Range(1,2,1), [support.Range(1,3,1)], "Testing ranges add (2,3) and (1,2)")111 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,2,1) + support.Range(1,2,1), [support.Range(1,2,1)], "Testing ranges add (1,2) and (1,2)")112def test_ranges_sub():113 #Same ranges114 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1) - support.Range(1,3,1), [], "Test ranges sub (1,3) - (1,3)")115 116 #Right border overlap117 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1) - support.Range(2,4,1), [support.Range(1,1,1)], "Test ranges sub (1,3) - (2,4)")118 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,2,1) - support.Range(2,4,1), [support.Range(1,1,1)], "Test ranges sub (1,2) - (2,4)")119 120 #Left border overlap121 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1) - support.Range(1,4,1), [support.Range(5,5,1)], "Test ranges sub (3,5) - (1,4)")122 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1) - support.Range(1,3,1), [support.Range(4,5,1)], "Test ranges sub (3,5) - (1,3)")123 124 #Complete overlap125 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1) - support.Range(2,6,1), [], "Test ranges sub (3,5) - (2,6)")126 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1) - support.Range(3,5,1), [], "Test ranges sub (3,5) - (3,5)")127 128 #Falls in129 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1) - support.Range(3,4,1), [support.Range(2,2,1), support.Range(5,6,1)], "Test ranges sub (2,6) - (3,4)")130 #Falls in but on a border so actually a border overlap131 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1) - support.Range(4,6,1), [support.Range(2,3,1)], "Test ranges sub (2,6) - (4,6)")132 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1) - support.Range(2,3,1), [support.Range(4,6,1)], "Test ranges sub (2,6) - (2,3)")133 134def test_ranges_has_overlap():135 #Same ranges136 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).has_overlap(support.Range(1,3,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (1,3) and (1,3)")137 138 #Right border overlap139 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).has_overlap(support.Range(2,4,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (1,3) and (2,4)")140 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,2,1).has_overlap(support.Range(2,4,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (1,2) and (2,4)")141 142 #Left border overlap143 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).has_overlap(support.Range(1,4,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (3,5) and (1,4)")144 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).has_overlap(support.Range(1,3,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (3,5) and (1,3)")145 146 #Complete overlap147 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).has_overlap(support.Range(2,6,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (3,5) and (2,6)")148 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).has_overlap(support.Range(3,5,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (3,5) and (3,5)")149 150 #Falls in151 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1).has_overlap(support.Range(3,4,1)), True, "Test ranges has overlap (2,6) and (3,4)")152 153 #No overlap154 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).has_overlap(support.Range(4,6,1)), False, "Test ranges has overlap (1,3) and (4,6)")155 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(4,6,1).has_overlap(support.Range(1,3,1)), False, "Test ranges has overlap (4,6) and (1,3)")156 157def test_ranges_other_same_range():158 #Same range159 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_same_range(support.Range(1,3,1)), True, "Test ranges other same range (1,3) and (1,3)")160 161 #Right border overlap162 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_same_range(support.Range(2,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other same range (1,3) and (2,4)")163 164 #Left border overlap165 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).other_same_range(support.Range(1,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other same range (3,5) and (1,4)")166 167 #No overlap168 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_same_range(support.Range(4,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other same range (1,3) and (4,6)")169 170 #Falls in171 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1).other_same_range(support.Range(3,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other same range (2,6) and (3,4)")172 173 #Complete overlap174 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,4,1).other_same_range(support.Range(2,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other same range (2,6) and (3,4)")175def test_ranges_other_completely_overlaps():176 #Same range177 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_completely_overlaps(support.Range(1,3,1)), True, "Test ranges other completely overlaps (1,3) and (1,3)")178 179 #Right border overlap180 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_completely_overlaps(support.Range(2,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other completely overlaps (1,3) and (2,4)")181 182 #Left border overlap183 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).other_completely_overlaps(support.Range(1,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other completely overlaps (3,5) and (1,4)")184 185 #No overlap186 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_completely_overlaps(support.Range(4,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other completely overlaps (1,3) and (4,6)")187 188 #completely overlaps189 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1).other_completely_overlaps(support.Range(3,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other completely overlaps (2,6) and (3,4)")190 191 #Complete overlap192 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,4,1).other_completely_overlaps(support.Range(2,6,1)), True, "Test ranges other completely overlaps (2,6) and (3,4)")193def test_ranges_other_falls_in():194 #Same range195 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_falls_in(support.Range(1,3,1)), False, "Test ranges other falls in (1,3) and (1,3)")196 197 #Right border overlap198 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_falls_in(support.Range(2,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other falls in (1,3) and (2,4)")199 200 #Left border overlap201 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).other_falls_in(support.Range(1,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other falls in (3,5) and (1,4)")202 203 #No overlap204 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_falls_in(support.Range(4,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other falls in (1,3) and (4,6)")205 206 #Falls in207 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1).other_falls_in(support.Range(3,4,1)), True, "Test ranges other falls in (2,6) and (3,4)")208 209 #Complete overlap210 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,4,1).other_falls_in(support.Range(2,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other falls in (2,6) and (3,4)")211 212def test_ranges_other_overlaps_left_border():213 #Same range214 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_overlaps_left_border(support.Range(1,3,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps left border (1,3) and (1,3)")215 216 #Right border overlap217 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_overlaps_left_border(support.Range(2,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps left border (1,3) and (2,4)")218 219 #Left border overlap220 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).other_overlaps_left_border(support.Range(1,4,1)), True, "Test ranges other overlaps left border (3,5) and (1,4)")221 222 #No overlap223 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_overlaps_left_border(support.Range(4,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps left border (1,3) and (4,6)")224 225 #Falls in226 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1).other_overlaps_left_border(support.Range(3,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps left border (2,6) and (3,4)")227 228 #Complete overlap229 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,4,1).other_overlaps_left_border(support.Range(2,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps left border (2,6) and (3,4)")230def test_ranges_other_overlaps_right_border():231 #Same range232 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_overlaps_right_border(support.Range(1,3,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps right border (1,3) and (1,3)")233 234 #Right border overlap235 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_overlaps_right_border(support.Range(2,4,1)), True, "Test ranges other overlaps right border (1,3) and (2,4)")236 237 #Left border overlap238 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(3,5,1).other_overlaps_right_border(support.Range(1,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps right border (3,5) and (1,4)")239 240 #No overlap241 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(1,3,1).other_overlaps_right_border(support.Range(4,6,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps right border (1,3) and (4,6)")242 243 #Falls in244 run_tests.compare_answer(support.Range(2,6,1).other_overlaps_right_border(support.Range(3,4,1)), False, "Test ranges other overlaps right border (2,6) and (3,4)")245 246 #Complete overlap...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials3# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.04# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at5# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.06import logging7import unittest8import mock9from import run_tests10from functest.utils.constants import CONST11from functest.core.testcase import TestCase12class FakeModule(TestCase):13 def run(self):14 return TestCase.EX_OK15 def push_to_db(self):16 return TestCase.EX_OK17 def is_successful(self):18 return TestCase.EX_OK19class RunTestsTesting(unittest.TestCase):20 def setUp(self):21 self.runner = run_tests.Runner()22 mock_test_case = mock.Mock()23 mock_test_case.is_successful.return_value = TestCase.EX_OK24 self.runner.executed_test_cases['test1'] = mock_test_case25 self.runner.executed_test_cases['test2'] = mock_test_case26 self.sep = 'test_sep'27 self.creds = {'OS_AUTH_URL': 'http:/​/​test_ip:test_port/​v2.0',28 'OS_USERNAME': 'test_os_username',29 'OS_TENANT_NAME': 'test_tenant',30 'OS_PASSWORD': 'test_password'}31 self.test = {'test_name': 'test_name'}32 self.tier = mock.Mock()33 test1 = mock.Mock()34 test1.get_name.return_value = 'test1'35 test2 = mock.Mock()36 test2.get_name.return_value = 'test2'37 attrs = {'get_name.return_value': 'test_tier',38 'get_tests.return_value': [test1, test2],39 'get_ci_loop.return_value': 'test_ci_loop',40 'get_test_names.return_value': ['test1', 'test2']}41 self.tier.configure_mock(**attrs)42 self.tiers = mock.Mock()43 attrs = {'get_tiers.return_value': [self.tier]}44 self.tiers.configure_mock(**attrs)45 self.run_tests_parser = run_tests.RunTestsParser()46 @mock.patch('')47 def test_source_rc_file_missing_file(self, mock_logger_error):48 with mock.patch('',49 return_value=False), \50 self.assertRaises(Exception):51 self.runner.source_rc_file()52 @mock.patch('')53 @mock.patch('',54 return_value=True)55 def test_source_rc_file_default(self, *args):56 with mock.patch('',57 return_value=self.creds):58 self.runner.source_rc_file()59 def test_get_run_dict_if_defined_default(self):60 mock_obj = mock.Mock()61 with mock.patch(''62 'ft_utils.get_dict_by_test',63 return_value={'run': mock_obj}):64 self.assertEqual(self.runner.get_run_dict('test_name'),65 mock_obj)66 @mock.patch('')67 def test_get_run_dict_if_defined_missing_config_option(self,68 mock_logger_error):69 with mock.patch(''70 'ft_utils.get_dict_by_test',71 return_value=None):72 testname = 'test_name'73 self.assertEqual(self.runner.get_run_dict(testname),74 None)75 mock_logger_error.assert_called_once_with("Cannot get {}'s config "76 "options"77 .format(testname))78 with mock.patch(''79 'ft_utils.get_dict_by_test',80 return_value={}):81 testname = 'test_name'82 self.assertEqual(self.runner.get_run_dict(testname),83 None)84 @mock.patch('')85 def test_get_run_dict_if_defined_exception(self,86 mock_logger_except):87 with mock.patch(''88 'ft_utils.get_dict_by_test',89 side_effect=Exception):90 testname = 'test_name'91 self.assertEqual(self.runner.get_run_dict(testname),92 None)93 mock_logger_except.assert_called_once_with("Cannot get {}'s config"94 " options"95 .format(testname))96 def test_run_tests_import_test_class_exception(self):97 mock_test = mock.Mock()98 args = {'get_name.return_value': 'test_name',99 'needs_clean.return_value': False}100 mock_test.configure_mock(**args)101 with mock.patch(''), \102 mock.patch('',103 return_value=None), \104 self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:105 self.runner(mock_test, 'tier_name')106 msg = "Cannot import the class for the test case."107 self.assertTrue(msg in context)108 @mock.patch('')109 @mock.patch('importlib.import_module', name="module",110 return_value=mock.Mock(test_class=mock.Mock(111 side_effect=FakeModule)))112 @mock.patch('functest.utils.functest_utils.get_dict_by_test')113 def test_run_tests_default(self, *args):114 mock_test = mock.Mock()115 kwargs = {'get_name.return_value': 'test_name',116 'needs_clean.return_value': True}117 mock_test.configure_mock(**kwargs)118 test_run_dict = {'module': 'test_module',119 'class': 'test_class'}120 with mock.patch('',121 return_value=test_run_dict):122 self.runner.clean_flag = True123 self.runner.run_test(mock_test)124 self.assertEqual(self.runner.overall_result,125 run_tests.Result.EX_OK)126 @mock.patch('',127 return_value=TestCase.EX_OK)128 def test_run_tier_default(self, *mock_methods):129 self.assertEqual(self.runner.run_tier(self.tier),130 run_tests.Result.EX_OK)131 mock_methods[0].assert_called_with(mock.ANY)132 @mock.patch('')133 def test_run_tier_missing_test(self, mock_logger_info):134 self.tier.get_tests.return_value = None135 self.assertEqual(self.runner.run_tier(self.tier),136 run_tests.Result.EX_ERROR)137 self.assertTrue(mock_logger_info.called)138 @mock.patch('')139 @mock.patch('')140 @mock.patch('')141 def test_run_all_default(self, *mock_methods):142 CONST.__setattr__('CI_LOOP', 'test_ci_loop')143 self.runner.run_all()144 mock_methods[1].assert_not_called()145 self.assertTrue(mock_methods[2].called)146 @mock.patch('')147 @mock.patch('')148 def test_run_all_missing_tier(self, *mock_methods):149 CONST.__setattr__('CI_LOOP', 'loop_re_not_available')150 self.runner.run_all()151 self.assertTrue(mock_methods[1].called)152 @mock.patch('',153 side_effect=Exception)154 @mock.patch('')155 def test_main_failed(self, *mock_methods):156 kwargs = {'test': 'test_name', 'noclean': True, 'report': True}157 args = {'get_tier.return_value': False,158 'get_test.return_value': False}159 self.runner._tiers = mock.Mock()160 self.runner._tiers.configure_mock(**args)161 self.assertEqual(self.runner.main(**kwargs),162 run_tests.Result.EX_ERROR)163 mock_methods[1].assert_called_once_with()164 @mock.patch('')165 @mock.patch('',166 return_value=TestCase.EX_OK)167 @mock.patch('')168 def test_main_tier(self, *mock_methods):169 mock_tier = mock.Mock()170 test_mock = mock.Mock()171 test_mock.get_name.return_value = 'test1'172 args = {'get_name.return_value': 'tier_name',173 'get_tests.return_value': [test_mock]}174 mock_tier.configure_mock(**args)175 kwargs = {'test': 'tier_name', 'noclean': True, 'report': True}176 args = {'get_tier.return_value': mock_tier,177 'get_test.return_value': None}178 self.runner._tiers = mock.Mock()179 self.runner._tiers.configure_mock(**args)180 self.assertEqual(self.runner.main(**kwargs),181 run_tests.Result.EX_OK)182 mock_methods[1].assert_called()183 @mock.patch('')184 @mock.patch('',185 return_value=TestCase.EX_OK)186 def test_main_test(self, *mock_methods):187 kwargs = {'test': 'test_name', 'noclean': True, 'report': True}188 args = {'get_tier.return_value': None,189 'get_test.return_value': 'test_name'}190 self.runner._tiers = mock.Mock()191 self.runner._tiers.configure_mock(**args)192 self.assertEqual(self.runner.main(**kwargs),193 run_tests.Result.EX_OK)194 mock_methods[0].assert_called_once_with('test_name')195 @mock.patch('')196 @mock.patch('')197 @mock.patch('')198 def test_main_all_tier(self, *mock_methods):199 kwargs = {'test': 'all', 'noclean': True, 'report': True}200 args = {'get_tier.return_value': None,201 'get_test.return_value': None}202 self.runner._tiers = mock.Mock()203 self.runner._tiers.configure_mock(**args)204 self.assertEqual(self.runner.main(**kwargs),205 run_tests.Result.EX_OK)206 mock_methods[1].assert_called_once_with()207 @mock.patch('')208 @mock.patch('')209 def test_main_any_tier_test_ko(self, *mock_methods):210 kwargs = {'test': 'any', 'noclean': True, 'report': True}211 args = {'get_tier.return_value': None,212 'get_test.return_value': None}213 self.runner._tiers = mock.Mock()214 self.runner._tiers.configure_mock(**args)215 self.assertEqual(self.runner.main(**kwargs),216 run_tests.Result.EX_ERROR)217if __name__ == "__main__":218 logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)...

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...43 view.insert(edit, view.size(),44 "FAILED! Input: \"" + init_with_carets +45 "\", Expected: \"" + result_with_carets +46 "\", Result: \"" + actual_result + "\"\n")47def run_tests(view, edit, command, tests):48 write(view, edit, "========================================")49 write(view, edit, "Testing " + command + "\n")50 for test in tests:51 run_test(view, edit, command, test)52 write(view, edit, "")53def paredit_test_insertion(view, edit):54 run_tests(view, edit,55 "paredit_open_round",56 [57 ["|", "(|)"]58 , ["(|)", "((|))"]59 , ["|hel|lo", "(|hel)lo"]60 , ["(def s \"hel|lo\")", "(def s \"hel(|lo\")"]61 , ["; |", "; (|"]62 ])63 run_tests(view, edit,64 "paredit_close_round",65 [66 ["|", "|"]67 , ["(|)", "()|"]68 , ["(| )", "()|"]69 , ["(def s \"hel|lo\")", "(def s \"hel)|lo\")"]70 , ["; |", "; )|"]71 , ["(def |a 3)", "(def a 3)|"]72 , ["(def |a 3 )", "(def a 3)|"]73 ])74 run_tests(view, edit,75 "paredit_close_round_and_newline",76 [77 ["(defn f (x| ))", "(defn f (x)\n |)"]78 ])79 run_tests(view, edit,80 "paredit_open_square",81 [82 ["|", "[|]"]83 , ["[|]", "[[|]]"]84 , ["hell|o w|orld", "hell[|o w]orld"]85 ])86 run_tests(view, edit,87 "paredit_doublequote",88 [89 ["|", "\"|\""]90 , ["(def a \"|\")", "(def a \"\"|)"]91 , ["(def a \"| \")", "(def a \"\\\"| \")"]92 , ["|hello world|", "\"|hello world|\""]93 ])94 run_tests(view, edit,95 "paredit_comment_dwim",96 [97 ["(foo |bar) ; baz", "(foo bar) ; |baz"]98 , ["(foo |bar)", "(foo bar) ;|"]99 ])100 run_tests(view, edit,101 "paredit_newline",102 [103 ["|", "\n|"]104 , ["(defn add1 [x] | (+ x 1))", "(defn add1 [x]\n |(+ x 1))"]105 ])106def paredit_test_deleting_killing(view, edit):107 run_tests(view, edit,108 "paredit_forward_delete",109 [110 ["(quu|x \"zot\")", "(quu| \"zot\")"]111 , ["(quux |\"zot\")", "(quux \"|zot\")"]112 , ["(quux \"|zot\")", "(quux \"|ot\")"]113 , ["(quux \"z|(ot\")", "(quux \"z|ot\")"]114 , ["(quux \"|\")", "(quux |)"]115 , ["(quux \"|\\\"\")", "(quux \"|\")"]116 , ["(foo (|) bar)", "(foo | bar)"]117 , ["(foo [|] bar)", "(foo | bar)"]118 , ["|(foo bar)", "(|foo bar)"]119 , ["|[hello world]", "[|hello world]"]120 , ["|{:a 3 :b 4}", "{|:a 3 :b 4}"]121 , ["(hello|)", "(hello)|"]122 , ["; |(", "; |"]123 , ["|()|", "|"]124 , ["|[][]|", "|"]125 , ["(fo|o (bar)| baz)", "(fo| baz)"]126 , ["(fo|o (bar|) baz)", "(fo| (bar) baz)"]127 , ["(defn f1 [coll f |x]| (conj (map f coll) x))",128 "(defn f1 [coll f |] (conj (map f coll) x))"]129 , ["|(def a 3) ; (|", "|"]130 ])131 run_tests(view, edit,132 "paredit_backward_delete",133 [134 ["(\"zot\" q|uux)", "(\"zot\" |uux)"]135 , ["(\"zot\"| quux)", "(\"zot|\" quux)"]136 , ["(\"zot|\" quux)", "(\"zo|\" quux)"]137 , ["(quux \"z(|ot\")", "(quux \"z|ot\")"]138 , ["(quux \"|\")", "(quux |)"]139 , ["(quux \"\\\"|\")", "(quux \"|\")"]140 , ["(foo (|) bar)", "(foo | bar)"]141 , ["(foo [|] bar)", "(foo | bar)"]142 , ["(foo {|} bar)", "(foo | bar)"]143 , ["(foo bar)|", "(foo bar|)"]144 , ["[foo bar]|", "[foo bar|]"]145 , ["{:a 3 :b 4}|", "{:a 3 :b 4|}"]146 , ["(|foo bar)", "|(foo bar)"]147 , ["[|foo bar]", "|[foo bar]"]148 , ["{|:a 3 :b 4}", "|{:a 3 :b 4}"]149 , ["; (|", "; |"]150 ])151 run_tests(view, edit,152 "paredit_kill",153 [154 ["(|foo bar)", "(|)"]155 , ["(|)", "|"]156 , ["( | )", "|"]157 , ["(foo |bar)", "(foo |)"]158 , ["(foo \"|bar baz\" quux)", "(foo \"|\" quux)"]159 , ["(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)", "(foo \"bar |\" quux)"]160 , ["[1 2| 3]", "[1 2|]"]161 , ["{:a |3 :b 4}", "{:a |}"]162 , ["(foo)| ; Bar", "(foo)|"]163 ])164 run_tests(view, edit,165 "paredit_kill_expression",166 [167 ["(foo| bar)", "(|)"]168 , ["(foo \"|bar baz\" quux)", "(foo \"|\" quux)"]169 , ["(foo \"bar |baz\" quux)", "(foo \"|\" quux)"]170 , ["[1 2| 3]", "[|]"]171 , ["{:a |3 :b 4}", "{|}"]172 , ["(foo)| ; Bar", "|"]173 ])174 run_tests(view, edit,175 "paredit_forward_kill_word",176 [177 ["|(foo bar)", "(| bar)"]178 , ["(| bar)", "(|)"]179 ])180 run_tests(view, edit,181 "paredit_backward_kill_word",182 [183 ["(quux)|", "(|)"]184 , ["(foo |)", "(|)"]185 ])186def paredit_test_movement_navigation(view, edit):187 run_tests(view, edit,188 "paredit_forward",189 [190 ["(foo |(bar baz) quux)", "(foo (bar baz)| quux)"]191 , ["(foo (bar baz)|)", "(foo (bar baz))|"]192 , ["(f|oo (bar baz))", "(foo| (bar baz))"]193 , ["(foo)| (bar)", "(foo) (bar)|"]194 , ["(foo)|\n(bar)", "(foo)\n(bar)|"]195 ])196 run_tests(view, edit,197 "paredit_backward",198 [199 ["(foo (bar baz)| quux)", "(foo |(bar baz) quux)"]200 , ["(|(foo) bar)", "|((foo) bar)"]201 , ["(foo) (bar)|", "(foo) |(bar)"]202 , ["(foo) |(bar)", "|(foo) (bar)"]203 , ["(foo)\n|(bar)", "|(foo)\n(bar)"]204 ])205 run_tests(view, edit,206 "paredit_forward_up",207 [208 ["(foo (bar baz|))", "(foo (bar baz)|)"]209 , ["(foo (bar| baz))", "(foo (bar baz)|)"]210 ])211 run_tests(view, edit,212 "paredit_forward_down",213 [214 ["(foo |(bar baz))", "(foo (|bar baz))"]215 , ["(|foo (bar baz))", "(foo (|bar baz))"]216 ])217 run_tests(view, edit,218 "paredit_backward_up",219 [220 ["(foo (|bar baz))", "(foo |(bar baz))"]221 , ["(foo (bar baz|))", "(foo |(bar baz))"]222 ])223 run_tests(view, edit,224 "paredit_backward_down",225 [226 ["(foo (bar baz)|)", "(foo (bar baz|))"]227 , ["(foo (bar baz) baz|)", "(foo (bar baz|) baz)"]228 ])229def paredit_test_depth_changing(view, edit):230 run_tests(view, edit,231 "paredit_wrap_round",232 [233 ["(foo |bar baz)", "(foo (|bar) baz)"]234 , ["(foo| (bar) (baz))", "(foo (|(bar)) (baz))"]235 , ["(foo| \"bar\")", "(foo (|\"bar\"))"]236 , ["(foo |bar| baz)", "(foo (|bar) baz)"]237 ])238 run_tests(view, edit,239 "paredit_wrap_square",240 [241 ["(foo |bar baz)", "(foo [|bar] baz)"]242 ])243 run_tests(view, edit,244 "paredit_wrap_curly",245 [246 ["(foo |bar baz)", "(foo {|bar} baz)"]247 ])248 run_tests(view, edit,249 "paredit_splice_sexp",250 [251 ["(foo (bar| baz) quux)", "(foo bar| baz quux)"]252 , ["(def a \"hello| world\")", "(def a hello| world)"]253 , ["(def a \"hello world\"|)", "def a \"hello world\"|"]254 , ["(def a {|:a 3 :b 4})", "(def a |:a 3 :b 4)"]255 , ["(def a {:a 3 :b 4|})", "(def a :a 3 :b 4|)"]256 ])257 run_tests(view, edit,258 "paredit_splice_sexp_killing_backward",259 [260 ["[1 2 |3 4]", "|3 4"]261 , ["(def a |[1 2 3 4])", "|[1 2 3 4]"]262 , ["(def a \"hell|o world!\")", "(def a |o world!)"]263 ])264 run_tests(view, edit,265 "paredit_splice_sexp_killing_forward",266 [267 ["[1 2 |3 4]", "1 2 |"]268 , ["(def a |[1 2 3 4])", "def a |"]269 , ["(def a \"hell|o world!\")", "(def a hell|)"]270 ])271 run_tests(view, edit,272 "paredit_raise_sexp",273 [274 ["[1 2 |3 4]", "|3"]275 , ["(def a |[1 2 3 4])", "|[1 2 3 4]"]276 , ["(def a |:bla)", "|:bla"]277 , ["(def a [1 2 |:hello :world])", "(def a |:hello)"]278 , ["(def a [1 2 3|])", "(def a |)"]279 ])280def paredit_test_barfage_slurpage(view, edit):281 run_tests(view, edit,282 "paredit_forward_slurp_sexp",283 [284 ["(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)", "(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)"]285 , ["(a b ((c| d)) e f)", "(a b ((c| d) e) f)"]286 , ["(a b ((c| d) e) f)", "(a b ((c| d e)) f)"]287 ])288 run_tests(view, edit,289 "paredit_forward_barf_sexp",290 [291 ["(foo (bar |baz quux) zot)", "(foo (bar |baz) quux zot)"]292 , ["(f (b |z q) t)", "(f (b |z) q t)"]293 , ["(defn f1 [coll f x] (conj (m|ap f coll x)))",294 "(defn f1 [coll f x] (conj (m|ap f coll) x))"]295 , ["(defn f1 [coll f x] (conj (m|ap f coll) x))",296 "(defn f1 [coll f x] (conj (m|ap f) coll x))"]297 , ["(defn f1 [coll f x] (conj (m|ap f) coll x))",298 "(defn f1 [coll f x] (conj (m|ap) f coll x))"]299 ])300 run_tests(view, edit,301 "paredit_backward_slurp_sexp",302 [303 ["(foo bar (baz| quux) zot)", "(foo (bar baz| quux) zot)"]304 ])305 run_tests(view, edit,306 "paredit_backward_barf_sexp",307 [308 ["(foo (bar baz| quux) zot)", "(foo bar (baz| quux) zot)"]309 , ["(f (b |z q) t)", "(f b (|z q) t)"]310 ])311def paredit_test_miscellaneous(view, edit):312 run_tests(view, edit,313 "paredit_split_sexp",314 [315 ["(hello| world)", "(hello)| (world)"]316 , ["(hello |world)", "(hello)| (world)"]317 , ["(foo \"hello, |world!\")", "(foo \"hello, \"| \"world!\")"]318 ])319 run_tests(view, edit,320 "paredit_join_sexp",321 [322 ["(hello)| (world)", "(hello| world)"]323 , ["(foo \"Hello, \"| \"world!\")", "(foo \"Hello, |world!\")"]324 , ["hello-\n| world", "hello-|world"]325 ])326####327#### Commands328class Paredit_test_insertionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):329 def run(self, edit):330 paredit_test_insertion(self.view, edit)331class Paredit_test_deleting_killingCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):332 def run(self, edit):333 paredit_test_deleting_killing(self.view, edit)...

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