Best Python code snippet using stestr_python
1import time2import datetime3import csv4import copy5import threading6import firebase_admin7from firebase_admin import credentials8from firebase_admin import db9from firebase_admin import auth10import requests11from bs4 import BeautifulSoup12import re13class Firebase:14 def __init__(self):15 self.JST = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours =+ 9), 'JST')16 self.TERMINAL = { 3 : 'ç²¾ç®æ©',17 4 : 'æºå¸¯ç«¯æ«',18 5 : 'è»è¼ç«¯æ«',19 7 : 'å¸å£²æ©',20 8 : 'å¸å£²æ©',21 9 : 'å
¥éæ©',22 18 : 'å¸å£²æ©',23 20 : 'å¸å£²æ©ç',24 21 : 'å¸å£²æ©ç',25 22 : 'æ¹ææ©',26 23 : 'ç°¡ææ¹ææ©',27 24 : 'çªå£ç«¯æ«',28 25 : 'çªå£ç«¯æ«',29 26 : 'æ¹æ端æ«',30 27 : 'æºå¸¯é»è©±',31 28 : 'ä¹ç¶ç²¾ç®æ©',32 29 : 'é£çµ¡æ¹ææ©',33 31 : 'ç°¡æå
¥éæ©',34 70 : 'VIEW ALTTE',35 72 : 'VIEW ALTTE',36 199 : 'ç©è²©ç«¯æ«',37 200 : 'èªè²©æ©'}38 self.parseCSV()39 self.cred = credentials.Certificate('./nfc-history-firebase-adminsdk.json')40 firebase_admin.initialize_app(self.cred, {41 'databaseURL' : ''42 })43 44 self.usersRef = db.reference('users/')45 self.getUsersData()46 if not isinstance(self.usersData, dict):47 self.usersData = {}48 49 self.devicesRef = db.reference('devices')50 self.getDevicesData()51 if not isinstance(self.devicesData, dict):52 self.devicesData = {}53 54 def __del__(self):55 self.updateDB()56 57 def __threadInit(self):58 self.thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__run)59 self.thread.daemon = True60 self.thread.start()61 62 def __run(self):63 thread = threading.Timer(10, __run)64 thread.start()65 66 self.refreshDB()67 68 def parseCSV(self):69 file = open('./StationCode.csv', 'r')70 71 dataReader = csv.reader(file)72 self.stationInfo = {}73 array = []74 ar = []75 header = next(dataReader)76 77 for row in dataReader:78 if not row[0] in array:79 array.append(row[0])80 self.stationInfo[int(row[0])] = {}81 ar = []82 if not row[1] in ar:83 ar.append(row[1])84 self.stationInfo[int(row[0])][int(row[1])] = {}85 self.stationInfo[int(row[0])][int(row[1])][int(row[2])] = {86 'CompanyName' : row[3],87 'LineName' : row[4],88 'StationName' : row[5]89 }90 91 file.close()92 93 def updateDB(self):94 self.usersRef.update(self.usersData)95 self.devicesRef.update(self.devicesData)96 97 def refreshDB(self):98 #self.updateDB()99 self.getUsersData()100 self.getDevicesData()101 102 def getUsersData(self):103 self.usersData = copy.deepcopy(self.usersRef.get())104 105 def getDevicesData(self):106 self.devicesData = copy.deepcopy(self.devicesRef.get())107 108 def setChipID(self, chipID, email):109 self.refreshDB()110 if not chipID in self.devicesData:111 user = auth.get_user_by_email(email)112 print(user.uid)113 self.devicesData[chipID] = user.uid114 self.updateDB()115 116 def updateBalance(self, chipID, idm, balance):117 self.refreshDB()118 uid = self.devicesData[chipID]119 120 if not uid in self.usersData:121 self.usersData[uid] = {}122 if not 'card_info' in self.usersData[uid]:123 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'] = {}124 if not idm in self.usersData[uid]['card_info']:125 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm] = {}126 if not 'card_list' in self.usersData[uid]:127 self.usersData[uid]['cars_list'] = []128 self.usersData[uid]['card_list'].append(idm)129 if not 'info' in self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]:130 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['info'] = {131 'balance' : 0,132 'lastUpdate' : 0,133 'read' : 0,134 'rides' : 0,135 'usage' : 0136 }137 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['info']['balance'] = balance138 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['info']['lastUpdate'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time(), self.JST).strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")139 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['info']['read'] += 1140 self.updateDB()141 142 def updateHistory(self, chipID, idm, history):143 self.refreshDB()144 uid = self.devicesData[chipID]145 146 if not 'history_arry' in self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]:147 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['history_arry'] = []148 149 if not str(history) in self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['history_arry']:150 cp_history = history151 history_list = []152 153 for i in range(16):154 history_list.append(cp_history % 0x100)155 cp_history = cp_history >> 8156 print('{:X}'.format(history_list[i]))157 158 if history_list[14] == 1:159 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['history_arry'].append(str(history))160 terminal = self.TERMINAL[history_list[15]]161 process = 'éè³æ¯æ'162 163 year = (history_list[11] >> 1) + 2000164 month = ((history_list[11] & 1) << 3) | (history_list[10] >> 5)165 day = history_list[10] & 0b11111166 167 date = str(year) + '/' + str(month) + '/' + str(day)168 enterRegion = history_list[0] >> 6169 print(history_list[0])170 enter = self.stationInfo[enterRegion][history_list[9]][history_list[8]]['StationName']171 exitRegion = (history_list[0] >> 4) & 0b11172 exit_ = self.stationInfo[exitRegion][history_list[7]][history_list[6]]['StationName']173 usage = self.scripeUsage(enter, exit_)174 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['info']['usage'] += usage175 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['info']['rides'] += 1176 print(enter, exit_, usage)177 #print(date, enterRegion, exitRegion, history_list[9], history_list[8], history_list[7], history_list[6])178 if usage != -1:179 historyInfo = {180 'terminal' : terminal,181 'process' : process,182 'date' : date,183 'enter' : enter,184 'exit' : exit_,185 'usage' : usage186 }187 if not 'history_info' in self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]:188 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['history_info'] = []189 self.usersData[uid]['card_info'][idm]['history_info'].insert(0, historyInfo)190 self.updateDB()191 192 def scripeUsage(self, from_, to):193 targetUrl = "" + from_ + "&to=" + to + "&type=5&ticket=ic&s=1"194 r = requests.get(targetUrl)195 if not r.ok:196 return -1197 soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')198 raw = soup.find(class_='fare').find(class_='mark').get_text()199 return int(re.findall('[0-9 | ,]+', raw)[0].replace(',', ''))200 201 def test(self, chipID, idm, history):202 self.testData[history] = {203 'chipID' : chipID,204 'idm' : idm205 }206 self.testRef.update(self.testData)207if __name__ == '__main__':208 firebase = Firebase()209 #firebase.updateBalance('111111', 999, str(1145141919810000))210 firebase.updateHistory('111111', str(1145141919810000), 0x160100022754A556A5AC8E0000010450)...
1import pandas as pd2import numpy as np3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt4import seaborn as sns5import math6plt.rc('font', family='Times New Roman')7font_size = 168def plot_metric_df(history_list, task_name, val_flag='test_'):9 if 'relapse_risk' in task_name:10 metric_list = ['loss', 'f1']11 else:12 metric_list = ['r2', 'mae', 'mse']13 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4))14 L = len(metric_list)15 row = math.floor(math.sqrt(L))16 col = L / row17 for i, metric in enumerate(metric_list):18 plt.subplot(row, col, i+1)19 show_metric(history_list, metric, val_flag)20 fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8)21 legend_labels = ['ours',22 # 'enh_nonrelapse',23 'ATT+MLP',24 # 'vanilla_nonrelapse',25 'LGB',26 # 'lightgbm_nonrelapse',27 'Lasso',28 # 'lasso_nonrelapse'29 ]30 plt.legend(labels= legend_labels,31 ncol = len(legend_labels),32 # loc='best', 33 loc='upper center', 34 fontsize=14,35 bbox_to_anchor=(-1.2, 1, 1, 0.2),36 borderaxespad = 0.,37 )38 # plt.title('{} {}'.format(task_name, metric), fontsize=font_size)39def show_metric(history_list, metrics_name, val_flag=''):40 marker_list = ['*', 'd', 's', 'x', 'o']41 metrics_name_dict = {'r2':'R-square', 'mae':'mean absolute error', 'mse':'mean squared error'}42 for m, history in enumerate(history_list):43 history_metric = history.filter(regex=r'\b{}{}\b'.format(val_flag, metrics_name))[:3000]44 plt.plot(history_metric, linestyle=':', marker=marker_list[m], linewidth=2)45 plt.xticks(range(0, 11), fontsize=font_size)46 plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size)47 plt.ylabel(metrics_name_dict[metrics_name], fontsize=font_size)48 plt.xlabel('Round', fontsize=font_size)49def plot_history_df(history_list, task_name, val_flag=''):50 if 'relapse_risk' in task_name:51 metric_list = ['loss', 'f1']52 else:53 metric_list = ['loss', 'r2']54 plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))55 L = len(metric_list)56 row = math.floor(math.sqrt(L))57 col = L / row58 for i, metric in enumerate(metric_list):59 plt.subplot(row, col, i+1)60 show_history(history_list, metric, val_flag)61 plt.legend(labels=['attention', 'attention+mlp', 'attention+label corrected',62 'attention+mlp+label corrected(ours)', 'mlp', 'mlp+label corrected'],63 fontsize=14)64 # plt.title('{} {}'.format(metric, task_name), fontsize=font_size)65def show_history(history_list, metrics_name, val_flag=''):66 marker_list = ['^', 'd', 's', '*', 'x', 'o']67 for m, history in enumerate(history_list):68 history_metric = history.filter(regex=r'\b{}{}'.format(val_flag, metrics_name))[:3000]69 history_ = np.mean(history_metric, axis=1)70 len_ = history_.shape[0]71 plt.plot(history_, linewidth=2, marker=marker_list[m], markevery=200)72 plt.fill_between(range(len_), np.min(history_metric, axis=1), np.max(history_metric, axis=1), alpha=0.3)73 plt.xticks(fontsize=font_size)74 plt.yticks(fontsize=font_size)75 plt.ylabel(val_flag + metrics_name, fontsize=font_size)76 plt.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize=font_size)77def plot_history(history_list, task_name, val_flag=False):78 if task_name == 'relapse_risk':79 metric_list = ['loss', 'f1']80 else:81 metric_list = ['loss', 'r2']82 plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))83 L = len(metric_list)84 for i, metric in enumerate(metric_list):85 plt.subplot(squrt(), L, i+1)86 show_train_history(history_list, metric)87 if val_flag:88 show_train_history(history_list, 'val_{}'.format(metric))89 plt.legend(labels=[metric, 'val_{}'.format(metric)], loc='upper left')90 plt.title('{} {}'.format(task_name, metric))91def history_save(history_list, history_name):92 history_all = pd.DataFrame([])93 for history in history_list:94 history_ = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(history.history, orient='index')95 history_all = pd.concat([history_all, history_], axis=0)96 history_all.to_csv('./hitory_{}.csv'.format(history_name))97def show_train_history(history_list, metrics_name):98 metrics_list = None99 for history in history_list:100 history_metric = pd.DataFrame(np.array(history.history[metrics_name]).reshape(1, -1))101 if metrics_list is None:102 metrics_list = history_metric103 else:104 metrics_list = pd.concat([metrics_list, history_metric], axis=0)105 # metrics = np.median(metrics_list, axis=0)106 metrics = np.mean(metrics_list, axis=0)107 plt.plot(metrics)108 plt.ylabel(metrics_name)...
1"""Get data from user and store it in a list,2then display the most recent 3 entries3Final version based on trial #34Adds break loop and checks for empty list"""5# Set up empty list6history_list = []7# Get items of data and add to list8get_item = ''9while get_item != 'zz':10 get_item = input('Enter and item: ')11 if get_item == 'zz':12 break13 history_list.append(get_item)14print()15if len(history_list) == 0:16 print('History list is empty!')17else:18 # Show that everything made it to the list19 print()20 print('*** Full list ***')21 print(history_list)22 # Print items starting at the END of the list23 if len(history_list) >= 3:24 print('*** Most recent 3 ***')25 for item in range(3):26 print(history_list[len(history_list) - item - 1])27 else:28 print('*** Items from Newest to Oldest ***')29 for item in history_list:30 print(history_list[len(history_list) - history_list.index(item) -...
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