How to use test_transformations method in Slash

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1import pickle 2import os3import math4import collections5import random6class TopicSeries(list):7 """8 Derived "list" class, with ability to return9 all subsets of a particular length10 """11 def get_subseries(self,length):12 """ Generator that returns all sub-lists of self 13 that are length "length"14 """15 index = 016 while index + length <= len(self):17 yield self[index:index+length]18 index += 119class Library(object):20 def __init__(self, **kwargs):21 """22 set up internal lists, get parameter values, 23 and set up transformation functions24 """25 self.trends = []26 self.non_trends = []27 28 self.config = {}29 # default values30 self.config["reference_length"] = 21031 self.config["n_smooth"] = 8032 self.config["alpha"] = 1.233 # add values passed into ctor34 self.config.update(kwargs["config"])35 # Transformation functions are defined globally and added here to list.36 37 # transformations to be run on reference series38 self.transformations = []39 self.transformations.append(add_one)40 self.transformations.append(unit_normalization)41 self.transformations.append(logarithmic_scaling)42 self.transformations.append(smoothing)43 self.transformations.append(sizing)44 45 # transformations to be run on test series 46 self.test_transformations = []47 self.test_transformations.append(add_one)48 self.test_transformations.append(unit_normalization)49 self.test_transformations.append(logarithmic_scaling)50 self.test_transformations.append(smoothing)51 52 def add_reference_series(self,series,is_trend=True):53 """54 add a reference time series to the internal lists,55 after transforming it 56 """57 self.config["is_trend"] = is_trend58 series = self.transform_input(series,is_test_series=False) 59 if is_trend:60 self.trends.append( TopicSeries(series) )61 else:62 self.non_trends.append( TopicSeries(series) )63 def transform_input(self,series,is_test_series,config=None):64 """65 Run series sequentially through the functions 66 in the transformations list67 """68 transformations = self.transformations69 if is_test_series:70 transformations = self.test_transformations71 72 for transformation in transformations:73 if config is not None:74 series = transformation(series,config) 75 else:76 series = transformation(series,self.config)77 return series78 def combine(self, lib):79 """80 Manage all attributes of class that are important for combinations. 81 Take care not to allow duplicates.82 """83 if lib.trends != []:84 assert self.trends == []85 self.trends = lib.trends86 if lib.non_trends != []: 87 assert self.non_trends == []88 self.non_trends = lib.non_trends89def add_one(series, config):90 """ Add a count of 1 to every count in the series """91 return [ ct+1 for ct in series ]92def unit_normalization(series, config):93 """ Do unit normalization based on "reference_length" number of bins94 at the end of the series"""95 reference_length = int(config["reference_length"])96 SMALL_NUMBER = 0.0000197 offset = int(config["baseline_offset"])98 lower_idx = -(int(config["reference_length"]) + offset)99 upper_idx = -offset100 total = sum(series[lower_idx:upper_idx])/float(reference_length)101 if total == 0:102 total = SMALL_NUMBER103 return [float(pt)/total for pt in series]104def spike_normalization(series, config):105 alpha = float(config["alpha"])106 new_series = []107 prev_pt = 0108 for pt in series: 109 if pt == 0:110 new_pt = 0111 else:112 new_pt = math.pow(abs(pt - prev_pt), alpha)113 new_series.append(new_pt)114 prev_pt = pt115 return new_series116def smoothing(series,config): 117 n_smooth = int(config["n_smooth"])118 queue = collections.deque()119 new_series = []120 for pt in series:121 queue.append(pt)122 new_series.append( float(sum(queue))/len(queue) )123 if len(queue) >= n_smooth:124 queue.popleft()125 return new_series126def slow_smoothing(series,config): 127 n_smooth = int(config["n_smooth"])128 queue = []129 new_series = []130 for pt in series:131 queue.append(pt)132 new_series.append( float(sum(queue))/len(queue) )133 if len(queue) >= n_smooth:134 del queue[0]135 return new_series136def index_smoothing(series,config): 137 n_smooth = int(config["n_smooth"])138 new_series = []139 idx = 1140 while idx < len(series):141 lower_idx = max(0,idx-n_smooth)142 sub_series = series[lower_idx:idx]143 new_series.append( float(sum(sub_series))/len(sub_series) )144 idx+=1145 return new_series146def logarithmic_scaling(series, config): 147 new_series = []148 149 for pt in series:150 if pt <= 0:151 pt = 0.00001152 new_series.append(math.log10(pt))153 return new_series154def sizing(series, config): 155 new_series = series[-int(config["reference_length"]):]156 return new_series157def save_library(library, file_name):158 pickle.dump(library,open(file_name,"w"))159def load_library(file_name):160 try:161 return pickle.load(open(file_name)) 162 except EOFError:163 return Library()164def merge_library(library, file_name): 165 """166 if file exists, get Library object from it,167 and combine with library passed to function168 """169 if os.path.exists( os.path.join(os.getcwd(),file_name) ):170 lib_from_file = load_library(file_name)171 library.combine(lib_from_file)172 return library173if __name__ == "__main__":174 import sys175 import argparse176 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() 177 parser.add_argument("-t",dest="is_trend",default=False,action="store_true")178 parser.add_argument("-f",dest="lib_file_name",default="library.pkl")179 args = parser.parse_args()180 series = []181 for ct in sys.stdin: 182 series.append(ct)183 lib = Library()184 lib.add_reference_series(series,trend = args.is_trend)185 merge_library(lib,args.lib_file_name)...

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1import torch2from torchvision import datasets, transforms, models3from import Iterable4# this shit seems to be required to download5from six.moves import urllib6opener = urllib.request.build_opener()7opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]8urllib.request.install_opener(opener)9def get_datasets(name, batch_size_train=256, batch_size_test=1024,10 num_workers=2, pin_memory=True, transformation_kwargs=None):11 # TODO: validation12 dataset = getattr(datasets, name)13 if transformation_kwargs is None:14 transformation_kwargs = {}15 train_transform, test_transform = get_transformations(**transformation_kwargs)16 train_dataset = dataset(f'{name.lower()}_data', train=True, download=True,17 transform=train_transform)18 test_dataset = dataset(f'{name.lower()}_data', train=False, download=False,19 transform=test_transform)20 return train_dataset, test_dataset21def get_transformations(flip=False, crop=False, crop_size=32, crop_padding=4, normalize=None):22 train_transformations = []23 test_transformations = []24 if flip:25 train_transformations.append(transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip())26 if crop:27 train_transformations.append(transforms.RandomCrop(crop_size, padding=crop_padding))28 # to tensor29 train_transformations.append(transforms.ToTensor())30 test_transformations.append(transforms.ToTensor())31 if normalize == 'cifar':32 train_transformations.append(transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)))33 test_transformations.append(transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)))34 elif isinstance(normalize, Iterable):35 train_transformations.append(transforms.Normalize(normalize[0], normalize[1]))36 test_transformations.append(transforms.Normalize(normalize[0], normalize[1]))37 train_transform = transforms.Compose(train_transformations)38 test_transform = transforms.Compose(test_transformations)...

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1from pytest_cases import case2@case(id="squash_columns called")3def case_squash():4 test_transformations = {5 "squash_columns": [6 {7 "original_columns": ["Dep Adrs1", "Dep Adrs2", "Dep Adrs3"],8 "aggregate_col": "address_lines",9 }10 ],11 }12 log_message = "mock squash_columns"13 return (test_transformations, log_message)14@case(id="convert_to_bool called")15def case_bool():16 test_transformations = {17 "convert_to_bool": [18 {19 "original_columns": ["Dep Adrs1", "Dep Adrs2", "Dep Adrs3"],20 "aggregate_col": "address_lines",21 }22 ],23 }24 log_message = "mock convert_to_bool"25 return (test_transformations, log_message)26@case(id="unique_number called")27def case_unique():28 test_transformations = {29 "unique_number": [30 {31 "original_columns": ["Dep Adrs1", "Dep Adrs2", "Dep Adrs3"],32 "aggregate_col": "address_lines",33 }34 ],35 }36 log_message = "mock unique_number"...

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