How to use slash_list method in Slash

Best Python code snippet using slash

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1# coding: utf-82''' Zhudi provides a Chinese - language dictionnary based on the3 C[E|F]DICT project Copyright - 2011 - Ma Jiehong4 Zhudi is free software: you can redistribute it and/​or modify it5 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by6 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or7 (at your option) any later version.8 Zhudi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT9 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY10 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public11 License for more details.12 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License13 If not, see <http:/​/​​licenses/​>.14'''15from gi import require_version16require_version('Gtk', '3.0')17from gi.repository import Gtk, Pango, Gdk18import zhudi19CANGJIE5_OBJ = zhudi.chinese_table.Cangjie5Table()20ARRAY30_OBJ = zhudi.chinese_table.Array30Table()21WUBI86_OBJ = zhudi.chinese_table.Wubi86Table()22class DictionaryWidgetMain(object):23 """ Dictionary tab gui. """24 def __init__(self, data_object):25 self.data_object = data_object26 self.language = ""27 self.results_list = []28 self.lock = False29 self.search_field = None30 self.translation_box = None31 def build(self):32 """ Mandatory build() function. """33 # Search label34 search_label = Gtk.Label()35 # Search field36 search_field = Gtk.Entry()37 search_field.set_visible(True)38 search_field.connect("activate",39 lambda x: self.search_asked(search_field))40 search_field.set_placeholder_text("Looking for something?")41 self.search_field = search_field42 # Go, search! button43 go_button = Gtk.Button("Search")44 go_button.connect("clicked",45 lambda x: self.search_asked(search_field))46 # Search + button box47 sb_box = Gtk.Grid()48 sb_box.attach(search_field, 0, 0, 5, 1)49 sb_box.attach_next_to(go_button,50 search_field,51 Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)52 sb_box.set_column_homogeneous(True)53 # Search label zone54 frame_search = Gtk.Frame()55 frame_search.set_label_widget(search_label)56 frame_search.add(sb_box)57 # Results part in a list58 self.results_list = Gtk.ListStore(str)59 results_tree = Gtk.TreeView(self.results_list)60 renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()61 results_tree.tvcolumn = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Results", renderer, text=0)62 results_tree.append_column(results_tree.tvcolumn)63 self.results_list.cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()64 results_tree.tvcolumn.pack_start(self.results_list.cell, True)65 results_tree.set_enable_search(False)66 results_tree.tvcolumn.set_sort_column_id(-1)67 results_tree.set_reorderable(False)68 select = results_tree.get_selection()69 select.connect("changed", self.display_another_result)70 results_scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()71 # No horizontal bar, automatic vertical bar72 results_scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)73 results_scroll.add_with_viewport(results_tree)74 frame_results = Gtk.Frame()75 frame_results.add(results_scroll)76 # Translation Label77 translation_label = Gtk.Label()78 translation_label.set_text("<big>Translation</​big>")79 translation_label.set_use_markup(True)80 # Translation view81 self.translation_box = Gtk.TextView(buffer=None)82 self.translation_box.set_editable(False)83 self.translation_box.set_cursor_visible(False)84 # No horizontal bar, vertical bar if needed85 self.translation_box.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD)86 translation_scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()87 translation_scroll.add_with_viewport(self.translation_box)88 frame_translation = Gtk.Frame()89 frame_translation.set_label_widget(translation_label)90 frame_translation.add(translation_scroll)91 # Mapping of the main window92 left_vertical_box = Gtk.Grid()93 left_vertical_box.add(frame_search)94 left_vertical_box.attach_next_to(frame_results,95 frame_search,96 Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 9)97 left_vertical_box.set_row_homogeneous(True)98 left_vertical_box.set_column_homogeneous(True)99 right_vertical_box = Gtk.Grid()100 right_vertical_box.add(frame_translation)101 right_vertical_box.set_column_homogeneous(True)102 right_vertical_box.set_row_homogeneous(True)103 horizontal_box = Gtk.Grid()104 horizontal_box.attach(left_vertical_box, 0, 0, 1, 1)105 horizontal_box.attach_next_to(right_vertical_box,106 left_vertical_box,107 Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)108 horizontal_box.set_column_homogeneous(True)109 horizontal_box.set_row_homogeneous(True)110 return horizontal_box111 def search_asked(self, searchfield):112 """ Start search when users hit ENTER or the search button. """113 text = searchfield.get_text()114 if text == "":115 self.lock = True116 DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.index = []117 self.results_list.clear()118 self.display_translation(0)119 else:120 self.lock = False121 self.language = self.determine_language(text)122 if self.language == "Latin":123 given_list = self.data_object.translation124 elif self.data_object.hanzi == "Traditional":125 given_list = self.data_object.traditional126 else:127 given_list = self.data_object.simplified128, text)129 self.update_results()130 self.display_translation(0)131 # end of search_asked132 @staticmethod133 def determine_language(input_text):134 """135 Determine the language of the input text, according to its content136 """137 if SEGMENTATION_TOOLS_OBJECT.is_not_chinese(input_text):138 return "Latin"139 else:140 return "Chinese"141 def display_translation(self, which):142 """ Handles the display of the translation for the selected element. """143 translation_buffer = self.translation_box.get_buffer()144 if len(DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.index) == 0:145 translation_buffer.set_text("Nothing found.")146 if len(self.results_list) == 0:147 self.results_list.append(["Nothing found."])148 return149 else:150 index = DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.index[which]151 if self.data_object.hanzi == "traditional":152 hanzi_dic = self.data_object.traditional153 else:154 hanzi_dic = self.data_object.simplified155 if self.data_object.romanisation == "zhuyin":156 romanisation_dic = self.data_object.zhuyin157 else:158 romanisation_dic = self.data_object.pinyin159 slash_list = []160 trans_index = self.data_object.translation[index]161 for l in range(len(trans_index)):162 if trans_index[l] == "/​":163 slash_list.append(l)164 temp = 0165 trans = []166 for local_index in range(len(slash_list)):167 trans.append(str(local_index + 1) + ". " + trans_index[temp:slash_list[local_index]])168 temp = slash_list[local_index] + 1169 trans.append(str(len(slash_list) + 1) + ". " + trans_index[temp:len(trans_index)])170 string = ""171 for i in range(len(slash_list) + 1):172 string = string + trans[i] + "\n"173 # Add [] arround the pronounciation parts174 p_string = romanisation_dic[index].split()175 pronounciation_string = []176 for point in range(len(p_string)):177 if self.data_object.romanisation == "pinyin":178 pronounciation_string.append(DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.unicode_pinyin(p_string[point]))179 pronounciation_string.append(" ")180 else:181 pronounciation_string.append("[")182 pronounciation_string.append(p_string[point])183 pronounciation_string.append("]")184 # Display the cangjie of the entry185 cangjie5_displayed = ""186 for hanzi in hanzi_dic[index]:187 if hanzi != "\n":188 key_code, displayed_code = CANGJIE5_OBJ.proceed(hanzi, self.data_object.cangjie5)189 cangjie5_displayed += "["190 cangjie5_displayed += displayed_code191 cangjie5_displayed += "]"192 # Display the array30 of the entry193 array30_displayed = ""194 for hanzi in hanzi_dic[index]:195 if hanzi != "\n":196 key_code, displayed_code = ARRAY30_OBJ.proceed(hanzi, self.data_object.array30)197 array30_displayed += "["198 array30_displayed += displayed_code199 array30_displayed += "]"200 # Display the array30 of the entry (here code = displayed)201 wubi86_code = ""202 for hanzi in hanzi_dic[index]:203 if hanzi != "\n":204 key_code, displayed_code = WUBI86_OBJ.proceed(hanzi, self.data_object.wubi86)205 wubi86_code += "["206 wubi86_code += key_code207 wubi86_code += "]"208 # Display in the Translation box209 translation_buffer.set_text("Chinese\n" + hanzi_dic[index] + "\n\n" +210 "Pronunciation\n" + ''.join(pronounciation_string) + "\n\n" +211 "Meaning\n" + string +212 "Input methods codes:\n" +213 "Array30 (行列30): \n" + array30_displayed + "\n\n" +214 "Cangjie5 (倉頡5): \n" + cangjie5_displayed + "\n\n" +215 "Wubi86 (五筆86): \n" + wubi86_code)216 bold = translation_buffer.create_tag(weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD)217 big = translation_buffer.create_tag(size=30 * Pango.SCALE)218 medium = translation_buffer.create_tag(size=15 * Pango.SCALE)219 blue = translation_buffer.create_tag(foreground="#268bd2")220 # "Chinese" in bold221 start_1 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(0)222 end_1 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(0)223 end_1.forward_to_line_end()224 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_1, end_1)225 # Bigger Chinese226 start_c = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(1)227 end_c = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(1)228 end_c.forward_to_line_end()229 translation_buffer.apply_tag(big, start_c, end_c)230 # "Pronunciation" in bold231 start_2 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(4)232 end_2 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(4)233 end_2.forward_to_line_end()234 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_2, end_2)235 # "Pronunciation" in blue236 start_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(5)237 end_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(5)238 end_3.forward_to_line_end()239 translation_buffer.apply_tag(blue, start_3, end_3)240 translation_buffer.apply_tag(medium, start_3, end_3)241 # "Meaning" in bold242 start_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(7)243 end_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(7)244 end_3.forward_to_line_end()245 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_3, end_3)246 guess = string.count("\n")247 # "Input methods codes" in bold248 start_4 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(guess+7)249 end_4 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(guess+7)250 end_4.forward_to_line_end()251 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_4, end_4)252 def update_results(self):253 """ Clear, and refill the result list. """254 self.results_list.clear()255 displayed_index = 1256 threashold = 40 # threshold for line wrap257 for k in DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.index:258 if self.language == "latin":259 string = self.data_object.translation[k]260 elif self.data_object.hanzi == "traditional":261 string = self.data_object.traditional[k]262 else:263 string = self.data_object.simplified[k]264 if len(string) > threashold:265 string = str(displayed_index) + ". " + string[0:threashold] + "…"266 else:267 string = str(displayed_index) + ". " + string268 string = string[:-1] # no \n269 self.results_list.append([string])270 displayed_index += 1271 def display_another_result(self, selection):272 """ Display the newly selected result. """273 if not self.lock:274 model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()275 if treeiter is not None:276 row = model[treeiter][0]277 counter = 0278 if row is not None:279 while row[counter] != ".":280 counter += 1281 figure = int(row[0:counter])282 if figure > len(DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.index):283 self.display_translation(0)284 else:285 self.display_translation(figure-1)286class SegmentationWidget(object):287 """ Class that defines the segmentation GUI layer.288 """289 def __init__(self, data_object):290 self.frame_label = None291 self.horizontal_separator = None292 self.go_button = None293 self.title_box = None294 self.text_field = None295 self.scrolledwindow = None296 self.results_list = []297 self.frame_results = None298 self.left_vertical_box = None299 self.right_vertical_box = None300 self.results_label = None301 self.results_field = None302 self.results_scroll = None303 self.results_frame = None304 self.horizontal_box = None305 self.data_object = data_object306 def build(self):307 """ Mandatory GUI build method. """308 # Frame label309 self.frame_label = Gtk.Label()310 self.frame_label.set_text("<big>Chinese text to process:</​big>")311 self.frame_label.set_use_markup(True)312 # Horzontal separator313 self.horizontal_separator = Gtk.Separator()314 # Go! button315 self.go_button = Gtk.Button("Go!")316 self.go_button.connect("clicked",317 lambda x: self.go_segment(self.text_field.get_buffer()))318 # Frame title + Go! button319 self.title_box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing=3)320 self.title_box.pack_start(self.frame_label, False, False, 0)321 self.title_box.pack_start(self.horizontal_separator, True, False, 0)322 self.title_box.pack_start(self.go_button, True, True, 0)323 # Text field (to process)324 self.text_field = Gtk.TextView()325 self.text_field.set_editable(True)326 self.text_field.set_cursor_visible(True)327 self.text_field.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR)328 self.scrolledwindow = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()329 self.scrolledwindow.set_hexpand(True)330 self.scrolledwindow.set_vexpand(True)331 self.scrolledwindow.add(self.text_field)332 # Results part in a list333 self.results_list = Gtk.ListStore(str)334 results_tree = Gtk.TreeView(self.results_list)335 renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()336 results_tree.tvcolumn = Gtk.TreeViewColumn("Results", renderer, text=0)337 results_tree.append_column(results_tree.tvcolumn)338 self.results_list.cell = Gtk.CellRendererText()339 results_tree.tvcolumn.pack_start(self.results_list.cell, True)340 results_tree.set_enable_search(False)341 results_tree.tvcolumn.set_sort_column_id(-1)342 results_tree.set_reorderable(False)343 select = results_tree.get_selection()344 select.connect("changed", self.word_selected)345 results_scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()346 # No horizontal bar, automatic vertical bar347 results_scroll.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)348 results_scroll.add_with_viewport(results_tree)349 self.frame_results = Gtk.Frame()350 self.frame_results.add(results_scroll)351 # Mapping of window352 self.left_vertical_box = Gtk.Grid()353 self.left_vertical_box.add(self.title_box)354 self.left_vertical_box.attach_next_to(self.scrolledwindow,355 self.title_box,356 Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 2)357 self.left_vertical_box.attach_next_to(self.frame_results,358 self.scrolledwindow,359 Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 8)360 self.left_vertical_box.set_column_homogeneous(True)361 self.left_vertical_box.set_row_homogeneous(True)362 # Results frame363 self.results_label = Gtk.Label()364 self.results_label.set_text("<big>Translation</​big>")365 self.results_label.set_use_markup(True)366 self.results_field = Gtk.TextView(buffer=None)367 self.results_field.set_editable(False)368 self.results_field.set_cursor_visible(False)369 # No horizontal bar, vertical bar if needed370 self.results_field.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD)371 self.results_scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()372 self.results_scroll.add_with_viewport(self.results_field)373 self.results_frame = Gtk.Frame()374 self.results_frame.set_label_widget(self.results_label)375 self.results_frame.add(self.results_scroll)376 self.right_vertical_box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing=2)377 self.right_vertical_box.pack_start(self.results_frame, True, True, 0)378 self.horizontal_box = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing=2)379 self.horizontal_box.pack_start(self.left_vertical_box, False, True, 0)380 self.horizontal_box.pack_start(self.right_vertical_box, False, True, 0)381 self.horizontal_box.set_homogeneous(True)382 return self.horizontal_box383 def go_segment(self, text_buffer):384 """ Get the input text to segment, and display the words. """385 beginning = text_buffer.get_start_iter()386 end = text_buffer.get_end_iter()387 # grab hidden characters388 text = text_buffer.get_text(beginning, end, True)389 text = text.replace(" ", "")390 segmented_text = SEGMENTATION_TOOLS_OBJECT.sentence_segmentation(text)391 self.display_results(segmented_text, text_buffer)392 self.display_selectable_words(segmented_text)393 def display_selectable_words(self, segmented_text):394 """ Add in the results the segmented words. """395 widget = self.results_list396 widget.clear()397 for word in segmented_text:398 widget.append([word])399 @staticmethod400 def display_results(text, results_buffer):401 """ Display the segmentation result directly in the input area.402 This has a nice side effect: allowing you to copy the result.403 """404 text_to_display = ""405 for item in text:406 text_to_display += item407 text_to_display += " "408 results_buffer.set_text(text_to_display)409 def display_translation(self, index, bypass=False):410 """ Display the given index [of a word] in a nicely formatted output.411 If bypass is True, then the index variable is a string that has to412 be displayed as it.413 """414 translation_buffer = self.results_field.get_buffer()415 if bypass:416 translation_buffer.set_text(index)417 return418 if self.data_object.hanzi == "traditional":419 hanzi_dic = self.data_object.traditional420 else:421 hanzi_dic = self.data_object.simplified422 if self.data_object.romanisation == "zhuyin":423 romanisation_dic = self.data_object.zhuyin424 else:425 romanisation_dic = self.data_object.pinyin426 slash_list = []427 trans_index = self.data_object.translation[index]428 for line in range(len(trans_index)):429 if trans_index[line] == "/​":430 slash_list.append(line)431 temp = 0432 trans = []433 for key in range(len(slash_list)):434 trans.append(str(key+1) + ". " + trans_index[temp:slash_list[key]])435 temp = slash_list[key]+1436 trans.append(str(len(slash_list) + 1) + ". " + trans_index[temp:len(trans_index)])437 string = ""438 for local_index in range(len(slash_list) + 1):439 string = string + trans[local_index] + "\n"440 # Add [] arround the pronounciation parts441 p_string = romanisation_dic[index].split()442 pronounciation_string = []443 for point in range(len(p_string)):444 if self.data_object.romanisation == "pinyin":445 pronounciation_string.append(DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT.unicode_pinyin(p_string[point]))446 pronounciation_string.append(" ")447 else:448 pronounciation_string.append("[")449 pronounciation_string.append(p_string[point])450 pronounciation_string.append("]")451 # Display the cangjie of the entry452 cangjie5_displayed = ""453 for hanzi in hanzi_dic[index]:454 if hanzi != "\n":455 key_code, displayed_code = CANGJIE5_OBJ.proceed(hanzi, self.data_object.cangjie5)456 cangjie5_displayed += "["457 cangjie5_displayed += displayed_code458 cangjie5_displayed += "]"459 # Display the array30 of the entry460 array30_displayed = ""461 for hanzi in hanzi_dic[index]:462 if hanzi != "\n":463 key_code, displayed_code = ARRAY30_OBJ.proceed(hanzi, self.data_object.array30)464 array30_displayed += "["465 array30_displayed += displayed_code466 array30_displayed += "]"467 # Display the array30 of the entry (here code = displayed)468 wubi86_code = ""469 for hanzi in hanzi_dic[index]:470 if hanzi != "\n":471 key_code, displayed_code = WUBI86_OBJ.proceed(hanzi, self.data_object.wubi86)472 wubi86_code += "["473 wubi86_code += key_code474 wubi86_code += "]"475 # Display in the Translation box476 translation_buffer.set_text("Chinese\n" + hanzi_dic[index] + "\n\n" +477 "Pronunciation\n" + ''.join(pronounciation_string) + "\n\n"478 "Meaning\n" + string +479 "Input methods codes:\n" +480 "Array30 (行列30): \n" + array30_displayed + "\n\n" +481 "Cangjie5 (倉頡5): \n" + cangjie5_displayed + "\n\n" +482 "Wubi86 (五筆86): \n" + wubi86_code)483 bold = translation_buffer.create_tag(weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD)484 big = translation_buffer.create_tag(size=30*Pango.SCALE)485 medium = translation_buffer.create_tag(size=15*Pango.SCALE)486 blue = translation_buffer.create_tag(foreground="#268bd2")487 # "Chinese" in bold488 start_1 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(0)489 end_1 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(0)490 end_1.forward_to_line_end()491 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_1, end_1)492 # Bigger Chinese493 start_c = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(1)494 end_c = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(1)495 end_c.forward_to_line_end()496 translation_buffer.apply_tag(big, start_c, end_c)497 # "Pronunciation" in bold498 start_2 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(4)499 end_2 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(4)500 end_2.forward_to_line_end()501 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_2, end_2)502 # "Pronunciation" in blue503 start_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(5)504 end_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(5)505 end_3.forward_to_line_end()506 translation_buffer.apply_tag(blue, start_3, end_3)507 translation_buffer.apply_tag(medium, start_3, end_3)508 # "Meaning" in bold509 start_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(7)510 end_3 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(7)511 end_3.forward_to_line_end()512 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_3, end_3)513 guess = string.count("\n")514 # "Input methods codes" in bold515 start_4 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(guess+7)516 end_4 = translation_buffer.get_iter_at_line(guess+7)517 end_4.forward_to_line_end()518 translation_buffer.apply_tag(bold, start_4, end_4)519 def word_selected(self, selection):520 """ Display the selected word in the translation area.521 """522 model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()523 if treeiter is not None:524 word = model[treeiter][0]525 if word is not None:526 index = SEGMENTATION_TOOLS_OBJECT.search_unique(word, self.data_object)527 if index is None:528 self.display_translation(word, True)529 else:530 self.display_translation(index)531class OptionsWidget(object):532 """ Class defining the Options/​About tab layout """533 def __init__(self, data_object):534 self.data_object = data_object535 def build(self):536 vertical_box = Gtk.Box()537 vertical_box.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)538 vertical_box.set_homogeneous(False)539 title = Gtk.Label("")540 vertical_box.pack_start(title, False, True, 20)541 horizontal_box = Gtk.Box()542 label = Gtk.Label("Romanisation:")543 horizontal_box.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)544 # List of romanisation available545 name_store = Gtk.ListStore(str)546 rom = ["Pinyin", "Zhuyin"]547 for value in rom:548 name_store.append([value])549 combo = Gtk.ComboBox.new_with_model(name_store)550 renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()551 combo.pack_start(renderer_text, True)552 combo.add_attribute(renderer_text, "text", 0)553 # Set active the saved value554 if self.data_object.romanisation == 'zhuyin':555 combo.set_active(1)556 else:557 combo.set_active(0)558 combo.connect("changed", self.on_rom_combo)559 horizontal_box.pack_start(combo, True, True, 0)560 # Empty space561 space = Gtk.Label("")562 horizontal_box.pack_start(space, True, True, 20)563 horizontal_box.set_homogeneous(True)564 vertical_box.pack_start(horizontal_box, False, True, 5)565 horizontal_box = Gtk.Box()566 label = Gtk.Label("Character set:")567 horizontal_box.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)568 # List of romanisation available569 name_store = Gtk.ListStore(str)570 rom = ["Simplified", "Traditional"]571 for value in rom:572 name_store.append([value])573 combo = Gtk.ComboBox.new_with_model(name_store)574 renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText()575 combo.pack_start(renderer_text, True)576 combo.add_attribute(renderer_text, "text", 0)577 if self.data_object.hanzi == 'traditional':578 combo.set_active(1)579 else:580 combo.set_active(0)581 combo.connect("changed", self.on_char_combo)582 horizontal_box.pack_start(combo, True, True, 0)583 space = Gtk.Label("")584 horizontal_box.pack_start(space, True, True, 20)585 horizontal_box.set_homogeneous(True)586 vertical_box.pack_start(horizontal_box, False, True, 5)587 about_text = Gtk.Frame(label_yalign=1, label_xalign=1)588 about_text.set_label("\n\n\n\n"589 "Zhudi, 2011-2019")590 vertical_box.pack_start(about_text, True, True, 5)591 return vertical_box592 def on_rom_combo(self, combo):593 """ Action when the romanisation is changed. """594 tree_iter = combo.get_active_iter()595 if tree_iter != None:596 model = combo.get_model()597 value = model[tree_iter][0]598 self.data_object.romanisation = value.lower()599 self.data_object.save_config()600 def on_char_combo(self, combo):601 """ Action when the set is changed. """602 tree_iter = combo.get_active_iter()603 if tree_iter != None:604 model = combo.get_model()605 value = model[tree_iter][0]606 self.data_object.hanzi = value.lower()607 self.data_object.save_config()608class MainWindow(object):609 """ Class that defines the welcome screen, and gives access to other layers.610 """611 def __init__(self, data_object, language):612 self.window = Gtk.Window(type=Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)613 self.window.set_default_size(700, 500)614 self.window.set_title("Zhudi")615 self.window.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER)616 self.window.connect("key-release-event", self.on_key_release)617 self.data_object = data_object618 self.language = language619 self.dict_gui = None620 self.seg_gui = None621 self.tab_box = None622 self.vbox = None623 @staticmethod624 def loop():625 """ Starting things! """626 Gtk.main()627 def build(self):628 """ Mandatory build function. """629 self.data_object.create_set_chinese_characters()630 global DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT631 DICTIONARY_TOOLS_OBJECT = zhudi.processing.DictionaryTools()632 global SEGMENTATION_TOOLS_OBJECT633 SEGMENTATION_TOOLS_OBJECT = zhudi.processing.SegmentationTools()634 SEGMENTATION_TOOLS_OBJECT.load(self.data_object)635 # Welcome tab636 self.vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing=2)637 # Tabs638 self.dict_gui = self.dictionary_gui()639 self.seg_gui = self.segmentation_gui()640 self.options_gui = self.options_gui()641 # Build the tab frame642 self.tab_box = Gtk.Notebook()643 self.tab_box.set_tab_pos(Gtk.PositionType.TOP)644 self.tab_box.append_page(self.dict_gui, None)645 self.tab_box.set_tab_label_text(self.dict_gui, "Dictionary")646 self.tab_box.append_page(self.seg_gui, None)647 self.tab_box.set_tab_label_text(self.seg_gui, "Segmentation")648 self.tab_box.append_page(self.options_gui, None)649 self.tab_box.set_tab_label_text(self.options_gui, "Options")650 self.window.add(self.tab_box)651 self.window.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)652 self.window.show_all()653 def options_gui(self):654 """ Options tab. """655 return OptionsWidget(self.data_object).build()656 def dictionary_gui(self):657 """ Start the dictionary widget. """658 ui = DictionaryWidgetMain(self.data_object)659 ui.language = self.language660 return def segmentation_gui(self):662 """ Start the segmentation widget. """663 return SegmentationWidget(self.data_object).build()664 @staticmethod665 def on_key_release(widget, event, data=None):666 """667 Crtl-w to quit the application.668 """669 if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_w and event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK:...

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1import inspect2import hmac3import hashlib4import json5import boto36import requests7import sys8import time9import inspect10from urllib.parse import parse_qs11route_list = []12SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET = ""13SLACK_AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST = True14def get_route(full_command, routes):15 command = full_command.split()[0].lower()[16 1:17 ] # just the slash command, remove the slash18 # lets only look through routes that are correct command or default19 filtered_routes = [r for r in routes if r["slash"] in [command, "*"]]20 def word_count(route_entry):21 if route_entry["verb"] == "*": # force wildcards to be considered last22 return 023 return len(route_entry["verb"].split())24 clean_command = " ".join([word.lower() for word in full_command.split()[1:]])25 # brute force method, look through routes in order of # of words desc.26 sortedroutes = sorted(filtered_routes, key=word_count, reverse=True)27 for r in sortedroutes:28 route_verb = r["verb"]29 # add a space to both sides to black partial matches30 if (clean_command + " ").startswith(route_verb + " ") or route_verb == "*":31 return r32 # if there is no match return none33 return None34class SlashCommand:35 def __init__(self, event) -> None:36 self._payload = event.get("payload")37 self._params = parse_qs(event["body"])38 if not self._params.get("text"):39 self._text = self._params.get("command")[0]40 self.provided_verb = None41 else:42 self._text = (43 self._params.get("command")[0] + " " + self._params.get("text")[0]44 )45 self.provided_verb = self._text.split()[1]46 self.channel_id = self._params.get("channel_id")[0]47 self.channel_name = self._params.get("channel_name")[0]48 self.user_id = self._params.get("user_id")[0]49 self.user_name = self._params.get("user_name")[0]50 self.slash_text = self._params.get("command")[0][51 1:52 ] # we remove the \ from the left53 self.response_url = self._params.get("response_url")[0]54 self.team_domain = self._params.get("team_domain")[0]55 self.is_callback = event.get("is_callback")56 self.route = get_route(self._text, route_list)57 if self.route:58 print(self.route)59 self.verb = self.route.get("verb")60 verb_word_count = len(self.verb.split())61 if self.verb == "*":62 verb_word_count = 063 else:64 verb_word_count = len(self.verb.split())65 self.command_args = self._text.split()[verb_word_count + 1 :]66 else:67 self.verb = self._text.split()[1]68 def __str__(self):69 retval = f"""("slash_text":"{self.slash_text}")"""70 return retval71def invoke_lambda(lambda_name: str, payload: dict):72 payload_str = str.encode(json.dumps(payload))73 if "pytest" not in sys.modules: #74 boto3.client("lambda").invoke(75 FunctionName=lambda_name, Payload=payload_str, InvocationType="Event"76 )77def send_delayed_reply(url, msg, private=False, attachments=None):78 if "pytest" in sys.modules:79 return80 data = {"text": msg, "response_type": "ephemeral" if private else "in_channel"}81 if attachments:82 data["attachments"] = attachments83 RESPONSE = url, data=json.dumps(data), headers={"Content-Type": "application/​json"}85 )86 if RESPONSE.status_code != 200:87 raise ValueError(88 "Request to slack returned an error %s, the response is:\n%s"89 % (RESPONSE.status_code, RESPONSE.text)90 )91def route(verb, acl=None, slash="*"):92 if acl and type(acl) == str:93 user_list = [acl]94 elif type(acl) == list:95 user_list = acl96 else:97 user_list = []98 if slash and type(slash) == str:99 slash_list = [slash]100 elif type(slash) == list:101 slash_list = slash102 else:103 slash_list = ["*"]104 def inner_decorator(f):105 for slash in slash_list:106 entry = {107 "verb": verb.lower(),108 "handler": f,109 "acl": user_list,110 "slash": slash,111 }112 route_list.append(entry)113 return f114 return inner_decorator115def authenticate(event):116 if not SLACK_AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST:117 return True118 # The request timestamp is more than five minutes from local time.119 # It could be a replay attack, so let's ignore it.120 timestamp = event["headers"]["X-Slack-Request-Timestamp"]121 if abs(time.time() - float(timestamp)) > 60 * 5:122 # check for replay attach123 if "pytest" not in sys.modules:124 # suppress this check when under test125 raise (Exception("Invalid request due to timestamp"))126 sig_basestring = "v0:" + timestamp + ":" + event["body"]127 my_signature = (128 "v0="129 + bytes(SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET, "utf-8"),131 msg=bytes(sig_basestring, "utf-8"),132 digestmod=hashlib.sha256,133 ).hexdigest()134 )135 slack_signature = event["headers"]["X-Slack-Signature"]136 if slack_signature != my_signature:137 raise (Exception("Invalid request due to signature"))138 # The request timestamp is more than five minutes from local time.139 # It could be a replay attack, so let's ignore it.140 return True141def handle(cmd: SlashCommand):142 # route_entry = SlashCommand.143 if not cmd.route:144 reply = f"{cmd.verb} is not a valid command."145 return reply146 if cmd.is_callback:147 handler = cmd.route["handler"]148 else: # is a callback149 return ""150 acl = cmd.route.get("acl")151 if acl and cmd.user_name not in acl:152 reply = f"User {cmd.user_name} not authorized to execute {cmd.verb}"153 return reply154 fn_response = handler(cmd)155 if type(fn_response) == tuple:156 reply = fn_response[0]157 suppress_callback = fn_response[1]158 else:159 reply = fn_response160 suppress_callback = False # Dont suppress callback is default behavior161 return reply162def build_response(msg: str) -> dict:163 body = {"response_type": "in_channel", "text": msg}164 json_response = {"statusCode": 200, "body": json.dumps(body)}165 return json_response166def main(event, context):167 authenticate(event)168 cmd = SlashCommand(event)169 acl = cmd.route.get("acl")170 if not cmd.route:171 reply = f"{cmd.verb} is not a valid command."172 return build_response(reply)173 if acl and cmd.user_name not in acl:174 reply = f"User {cmd.user_name} not authorized to execute {cmd.verb}"175 return build_response(reply)176 if not event.get("is_callback"):177 event_clone = event.copy()178 event_clone["is_callback"] = True179 invoke_lambda(context.function_name, event_clone)180 return build_response("")181 reply = handle(cmd)182 send_delayed_reply(cmd.response_url, reply)...

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1"""Extra utils for ldap.2Главная проблема - то, что приходит от AuthenticationDirectory в качестве GUID - совсем не бьется со стандартным3форматом UUID.4"""5import re6from typing import List, Optional7def split_into_chunks(string, chunk_length=2):8 """Split string to chunks fixed length."""9 chunks = []10 while len(string) > 0:11 chunks.append(string[:chunk_length])12 string = string[chunk_length:]13 return chunks14def to_oracle_raw16(string, strip_dashes=True, dashify_result=False):15 """Convert to raw16."""16 oracle_format_indices = [3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]17 if strip_dashes:18 string = string.replace("-", "")19 parts = split_into_chunks(string)20 result = ""21 for index in oracle_format_indices:22 result = result + parts[index]23 if dashify_result:24 result = (25 result[:8]26 + "-" # noqa: W50327 + result[8:12] # noqa: W50328 + "-" # noqa: W50329 + result[12:16] # noqa: W50330 + "-" # noqa: W50331 + result[16:20] # noqa: W50332 + "-" # noqa: W50333 + result[20:] # noqa: W50334 )35 return result36def escape_bytes(bytes_value):37 """Convert a byte sequence to a properly escaped for LDAP (format BACKSLASH HEX HEX) string."""38 if bytes_value:39 if isinstance(bytes_value, str):40 bytes_value = bytearray(bytes_value, encoding="utf-8")41 escaped = "\\".join([("%02x" % int(b)) for b in bytes_value])42 else:43 escaped = ""44 result = ("\\" + escaped) if escaped else ""45 return result46def pack_guid(string):47 return escape_bytes(bytearray.fromhex(to_oracle_raw16(string)))48def unpack_guid(ba):49 """Convert bytes-string returned by AuthenticationDirectory."""50 hex_s = "".join("%02x" % b for b in ba)51 return to_oracle_raw16(hex_s, True, True)52def unpack_ad_info(ad_info: dict, param_name: str) -> bytes:53 """Проверяет наличие ожидаемой структуры и возвращает значение."""54 # Красиво не сработает, потому что применение условий должно быть последовательным55 if (56 isinstance(ad_info, dict)57 and ad_info.get(param_name) # noqa: W50358 and isinstance(ad_info[param_name], list) # noqa: W50359 and isinstance(ad_info[param_name][0], bytes) # noqa: W50360 ):61 return ad_info[param_name][0]62 return None63def extract_domain_from_username(username: str) -> List[str]:64 """Метод для разделения имени пользователя.65 Разделение по символу @ на имя пользовательской учетной записи и доменное имя контроллера доменов.66 :param username: имя пользователя67 :return: список, содержащий имя пользователской учетной записи (sAMAccountName)68 и доменное имя контроллера доменов69 """70 dog_list = username.split("@")71 if len(dog_list) > 1:72 return dog_list[0], dog_list[1]73 slash_list = username.split("\\")74 if len(slash_list) > 1:75 return slash_list[1], slash_list[0]76 backslash_list = username.split("/​")77 if len(backslash_list) > 1:78 return backslash_list[1], None79 return username, None80def get_ad_user_ou(user_info: str) -> Optional[str]:81 """Получения информации о структурном подразделении.82 :param user_info: строка, содержащая имя структурного подразделения (OU).83 :return: имя структурного подразделения84 """85 if user_info:86 for chunk in re.split(r"(?<!\\),", user_info):87 if chunk.startswith("OU="):88 return chunk[3:]89def get_free_ipa_user_ou(user_info: str) -> Optional[str]:90 if not user_info:91 return92 if isinstance(user_info, bytes):93 user_info = user_info.decode()94 user_info = user_info.split(",")95 for attr in user_info:96 if attr.startswith("OU=") or attr.startswith("ou="):97 return attr[3:]98def get_ms_ad_user_groups(user_groups: List[bytes]) -> List[str]:99 """Метод получения имен групп пользователя службы каталогов.100 :param user_groups: список строк, содержащих имена (CN) групп пользователя службы каталогов.101 :return: список имен групп102 """103 groups_names = []104 for group in user_groups:105 group_attrs = re.split(r"(?<!\\),", group.decode())106 for attr in group_attrs:107 if attr.startswith("CN="):108 groups_names.append(attr[3:])109 return groups_names110def get_free_ipa_user_groups(user_groups: List[bytes]) -> List[str]:111 groups_names = []112 for group in user_groups:113 group_attr = group.decode().split(",")114 for attr in group_attr:115 if attr.startswith("CN=") or attr.startswith("cn="):116 groups_names.append(attr[3:])117 break...

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1import numpy as np2import re3import os4def read_turian(cfg):5 Turianword = []6 pwordlookup = []7 if os.path.isfile(cfg.PRE_EMB_FILE):8 with open(cfg.PRE_EMB_FILE, 'r') as fp:9 for w in fp:10 # w_list = re.split(r" +", w.strip())11 w_list = w.strip().split(' ')12 Turianword.append(w_list[0])13 pwordlookup.append([float(f) for f in w_list[1:] if f])14 return (Turianword, pwordlookup)15def top_k_2D_col_indexes(arr: np.array, k: int):16 assert (len(arr.shape) == 2 and k >= 0 and k <= arr.size)17 tot_size = arr.size18 num_row = arr.shape[0]19 t = np.argpartition(arr.T.reshape((tot_size,)), -k)[-k:]20 res = t /​/​ num_row21 index = t % num_row22 return res, index23class judge():24 def __init__(self, slash, slash_id, symbol, symbol_id, lparent_index, rparent_index, EOS_index, ccg_tag, ccg_tag_id):25 self.slash = slash26 self.slash_id = slash_id27 self.symbol = symbol28 self.symbol_id = symbol_id29 self.lparent_index = lparent_index30 self.rparent_index = rparent_index31 self.EOS_index = EOS_index32 self.parent = {'(', ')'}33 self.parent_id = {self.lparent_index, self.rparent_index}34 self.ccg_tag = ccg_tag35 self.ccg_tag_id = ccg_tag_id36 def __call__(self, lparent_cnt, rparent_cnt, last, ccg_id, check):37 if last == '#' and ccg_id in self.slash_id:38 return False39 if last in self.slash:40 if (ccg_id in self.slash_id) or (ccg_id in self.symbol_id):41 return False42 if ccg_id == self.rparent_index:43 return False44 if ccg_id == self.EOS_index:45 return False46 if last == '(' and ccg_id in self.slash_id:47 return False48 if last == ')':49 if ccg_id in self.ccg_tag_id or ccg_id == self.lparent_index:50 return False51 if last in self.ccg_tag:52 if ccg_id in self.ccg_tag_id or ccg_id == self.lparent_index:53 return False54 if last != '#' and ccg_id in self.symbol_id:55 return False56 if ccg_id == self.rparent_index:57 if lparent_cnt == rparent_cnt:58 return False59 if last == '(':60 return False61 if ccg_id == self.EOS_index:62 if lparent_cnt != rparent_cnt:63 return False64 if ccg_id in self.slash_id:65 temp = check + '1'66 if temp.find("0101") != -1:67 return False68 if ccg_id == self.rparent_index:69 lindex = check.rfind('(')70 temp = check[lindex+1:]71 if len(temp) == 1:72 return False73 return True74class FindCCG():75 def __init__(self, vocab):76 # slash indexes77 self.slash = {'/​', '\\'}78 self.slash_list = set()79 for example in self.slash:80 self.slash_list.add(vocab.get_token_index(example, 'atom_ccg'))81 self.symbol = {',', '.', ':', ';'}82 self.symbol_list = set()83 # punctuation symbols84 for example in self.symbol:85 self.symbol_list.add(vocab.get_token_index(example, 'atom_ccg'))86 self.ccg_tag = set(vocab.vocab['atom_ccg'].keys()) - self.slash - self.symbol - {'EOS', '(', ')'}87 self.ccg_tag_id = set()88 for example in self.ccg_tag:89 self.ccg_tag_id.add(vocab.get_token_index(example, 'atom_ccg'))90 self.lparent_index = vocab.get_token_index('(', 'atom_ccg')91 self.rparent_index = vocab.get_token_index(')', 'atom_ccg')92 self.EOS_index = vocab.get_token_index('EOS', 'atom_ccg')93 self.judge_legal = judge(self.slash, self.slash_list, self.symbol, self.symbol_list, self.lparent_index, self.rparent_index, self.EOS_index, self.ccg_tag,94 self.ccg_tag_id)95 self.tag_cnt = vocab.vocab_cnt['atom_ccg']96 self.vocab = vocab97 def initialize(self):98 # cnt used to add constraints on decoder99 self.last = '#'100 self.lparent_cnt = 0101 self.rparent_cnt = 0102 # string used for checking legal or not103 self.check = ''104 def __call__(self, y, ccg):105 while True:106 if not any(y):107 atom_ccg_id = 0108 while not self.judge_legal(self.lparent_cnt, self.rparent_cnt, self.last, atom_ccg_id, self.check):109 atom_ccg_id += 1110 break111 atom_ccg_id = np.argmax(y)112 if atom_ccg_id == self.EOS_index and (not ccg):113 y[atom_ccg_id] = 0114 continue115 if self.last in self.symbol:116 atom_ccg_id = self.EOS_index117 break118 if not self.judge_legal(self.lparent_cnt, self.rparent_cnt, self.last, atom_ccg_id, self.check):119 y[atom_ccg_id] = 0120 continue121 break122 output = self.vocab.get_token_from_index(atom_ccg_id, 'atom_ccg')123 if atom_ccg_id == self.lparent_index:124 self.lparent_cnt += 1125 elif atom_ccg_id == self.rparent_index:126 self.rparent_cnt += 1127 self.last = output128 if atom_ccg_id in self.ccg_tag_id:129 self.check += '0'130 elif atom_ccg_id in self.slash_list:131 self.check += '1'132 elif output == '(':133 self.check += output134 elif output == ')':135 lindex = self.check.rfind('(')136 check = self.check[:lindex]137 self.check = check + '0'138 elif atom_ccg_id in self.symbol_list:139 self.check += output140 return atom_ccg_id141def get_ccg_matrix(vocab):142 res_list = []143 for i in range(vocab.vocab_cnt['ccg']):144 ccg = vocab.get_token_from_index(i, 'ccg')145 split_str = r'([()/​\\])'146 atom_ccg_list = re.split(split_str, ccg)147 atom_ccg_list = [x for x in atom_ccg_list if x != '']148 atom_ccg_list.append('EOS')149 res = []150 for example in atom_ccg_list:151 res.append(vocab.get_token_index(example, 'atom_ccg'))152 res_list.append(res)...

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