Best Python code snippet using robotframework
...81 '''seq_len` indicates the length of the input number.'''82 r = [random.randint(0, 10**seq_len - 1) for _ in xrange(batch_size)]83 t = [2 * a for a in r]84 return mapstr(r, seq_len), mapstr(t, seq_len+1)85def seq2str(seq, sep=','):86 return sep.join(map(str, seq))87def getprioritySort(batch_size, seq_len, low=0, high=10, tostr=False):88 out = np.random.randint(low, high, (batch_size, seq_len))89 inp = [np.random.permutation(list(enumerate(l))).reshape(-1) for l in out]90 if tostr:91 return map(seq2str, inp), map(seq2str, out)92 else:93 return inp, out94def getinput(batch_size, seq_len, low=0, high=10, tostr=False, prepend_seqlen=False):95 '''samples a tensor of integers from `low` to `high`,96 with size (`batch_size`, `seq_len`).97 Return this tensor if not `tostr` else return a list of strings,98 with str_i being the comma-separated version of each row of tensor.'''99 tensor = np.random.randint(low, high, (batch_size, seq_len))100 if prepend_seqlen:101 tensor = np.append([[seq_len]]*batch_size, tensor, axis=1)102 if not tostr:103 return tensor104 else:105 return map(seq2str, tensor)106def getcopy(batched_in):107 return batched_in108def getrepeatCopy(batched_in, n):109 return np.tile(batched_in, n)110def getreverse(batch_in):111 return [s[::-1] for s in batch_in]112def getoddFirst(batch_in):113 return [list(s[::2]) + list(s[1::2]) for s in batch_in]114def _ngramflip(seq, n):115 return sum([list(seq[i+n-1:(i-1 if i > 0 else None):-1])116 for i in range(0, len(seq), n)],117 [])118def getbigramFlip(batch_in):119 '''`batch_in` should be a tensor fo size (batch_size, seq_len)'''120 return [_ngramflip(row, n=2) for row in batch_in]121def getbatch(batch_size, seq_len, task, start=START, end=END, sep=SEP, alphabet=10,122 nrepeat=None):123 gettask = globals()['get' + task]124 def _format(batch_in, batch_out):125 return ','.join([126 ','.join([start] + [seq2str(in_)] + [sep] + [seq2str(out)] + [end])127 for in_, out in izip(batch_in, batch_out)])128 if task in PERM:129 batch_in = getinput(batch_size, seq_len, high=alphabet)130 batch_out = gettask(batch_in)131 return _format(batch_in, batch_out)132 elif task == 'prioritySort':133 batch_in, batch_out = gettask(batch_size, seq_len, high=alphabet)134 samples = []135 for b in range(batch_size):136 sample = []137 for i in range(seq_len):138 pri = batch_in[b][2*i]139 val = batch_in[b][2*i + 1]140 sample += [start] * pri + [str(val)]141 samples.append(','.join([start] + sample + [sep, seq2str(batch_out[b]), end]))142 return ','.join(samples)143 elif task == 'repeatCopy':144 batch_in = getinput(batch_size, seq_len, high=alphabet)145 assert nrepeat is not None, 'nrepeat should not be None'146 batch_out = getrepeatCopy(batch_in, nrepeat)147 return ','.join([148 ','.join([start] * (nrepeat+1) + [seq2str(in_)] + [sep] + [seq2str(out)] + [end])149 for in_, out in izip(batch_in, batch_out)])150 elif task in ARITH:151 batch_in, batch_out = gettask(batch_size, seq_len)152 return ''.join([start + sep.join([in_, out]) + end153 for in_, out in izip(batch_in, batch_out)])154 else:155 raise Exception('unknown task')156def generate_set(batch_size, nbatch, min_len, max_len, task, alphabet=10, tofile=None,157 nrepeat_low=None, nrepeat_high=None):158 '''`min_len` and `max_len` are inclusive bounds on the input size.159 `nrepeat_low` and `nrepeat_high` are inclusive bounds on repeatCopy repeat size.'''160 batches = []161 for _ in xrange(nbatch):162 seq_len = np.random.randint(min_len, max_len+1)...
1import argparse2import data_loader3import os4import subprocess5base_dir = "/projects/ml/TrRosetta/PDB30-20FEB17"6base_torch_dir = base_dir7if not os.path.exists(base_dir):8 # training on blue9 base_dir = "/gscratch/TrRosetta/"10 if os.path.exists("/scratch/torch/hhr"):11 base_torch_dir = "/scratch"12 else:13 base_torch_dir = base_dir14TRUNK_PARAMS = ['n_module', 'n_module_str', 'n_layer', 'd_msa', 'd_msa_full', 'd_pair', 'd_templ',\15 'n_head_msa', 'n_head_pair', 'n_head_templ', 'd_hidden',\16 'r_ff', 'n_resblock', 'p_drop']17SE3_PARAMS = ['num_layers', 'num_channels', 'num_degrees', 'n_heads', 'div', 18 'l0_in_features', 'l0_out_features', 'l1_in_features', 'l1_out_features',19 'num_edge_features']20# absolute path to folder containing this file21script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))22def get_args():23 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()24 # i/o parameters 25 io_group = parser.add_argument_group("i/o parameters")26 io_group.add_argument('-indir', default='models/',27 help='input directory for loading model checkpoint')28 io_group.add_argument('-outdir',default='models/',29 help='output directory for dumping model checkpoints')30 io_group.add_argument('-dont_load_ckpt', default=False, action='store_true',31 help='If True, DO NOT Load pretrained checkpoint params into model?')32 io_group.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False, action='store_true',33 help='If True, will print lots of stuff for debugging')34 # training parameters35 train_group = parser.add_argument_group("training parameters")36 train_group.add_argument("-model_name", default=None,37 help="model name for saving")38 train_group.add_argument('-batch_size', type=int, default=1,39 help="Batch size [1]")40 train_group.add_argument('-lr', type=float, default=2.0e-4, 41 help="Learning rate [5.0e-4]")42 train_group.add_argument('-num_epochs', type=int, default=300,43 help="Number of epochs [300]")44 train_group.add_argument("-step_lr", type=int, default=300,45 help="Parameter for Step LR scheduler [300]")46 train_group.add_argument("-port", type=int, default=12319,47 help="PORT for ddp training, should be randomized [12319]")48 train_group.add_argument("-accum", type=int, default=1,49 help="Gradient accumulation when it's > 1 [1]")50 train_group.add_argument("-f_seq2str", type=float, default=0.5, 51 help="Frequency of doing the seq-->str task vs the str-->seq task")52 train_group.add_argument("-fixbb_des_frac", type=float, default=1.01, 53 help="Of the training examples that are fixed BB examples, what fraction\54 will be purely sequence design, rather than 'hal' task.")55 train_group.add_argument("-hal_mask_low", type=int, default=3,56 help='Smallest number of residues to mask out for a hal example')57 train_group.add_argument("-hal_mask_high", type=int, default=20, 58 help='Largest number of residues to mask out for a hal example')59 train_group.add_argument("-mode", type=str, default='str2seq', choices=['str2seq', 'seq2str', 'mixed'],60 help="training mode for model")61 train_group.add_argument('-mask_low', type=float, default=0.,62 help='Lower bound for amino acid masking fraction')63 train_group.add_argument('-mask_high', type=float, default=1.,64 help='Upper bound for amino acid masking fraction')65 train_group.add_argument('-mask_structure', default=False, action='store_true',66 help='If True, mask out portions of structure during training/val')67 train_group.add_argument('-get_grad_norm', default=False, action='store_true', 68 help='If True, spit out report of norms of gradients with respect to different loss terms')69 # data-loading parameters70 data_group = parser.add_argument_group("data loading parameters")71 data_group.add_argument('-val', default="%s/val_lists/xaa"%base_dir,72 help="Validation list [%s/val_lists/xaa]"%base_dir)73 data_group.add_argument('-maxseq', type=int, default=1000,74 help="Maximum depth of subsampled MSA [1000]")75 data_group.add_argument('-maxtoken', type=int, default=2**16,76 help="Maximum depth of subsampled MSA [2**16]")77 data_group.add_argument('-maxlat', type=int, default=50,78 help="Maximum depth of subsampled MSA [50]")79 data_group.add_argument("-lmin", type=int, default=100,80 help="Lower limit of crop size [100]")81 data_group.add_argument("-lmax", type=int, default=260,82 help="Upper limit of crop size [260]")83 data_group.add_argument("-rescut", type=float, default=3.5,84 help="Resolution cutoff [3.5]")85 data_group.add_argument("-slice", type=str, default="CONT",86 help="How to make crops [CONT (default) / DISCONT]")87 data_group.add_argument("-subsmp", type=str, default="LOG",88 help="How to subsample MSAs [UNI / LOG (default) / CONST]")89 data_group.add_argument('-mintplt', type=int, default=0,90 help="Minimum number of templates to select [0]")91 data_group.add_argument('-maxtplt', type=int, default=10,92 help="maximum number of templates to select [10]")93 data_group.add_argument('-seqid', type=float, default=150.0,94 help="maximum sequence identity cutoff for template selection [150.0]")95 # Trunk module properties96 trunk_group = parser.add_argument_group("Trunk module parameters")97 trunk_group.add_argument('-n_module', type=int, default=4,98 help="Number of iteration blocks without structure [4]")99 trunk_group.add_argument('-n_module_str', type=int, default=4,100 help="Number of iteration blocks with structure [4]")101 trunk_group.add_argument('-n_layer', type=int, default=1,102 help="Number of attention layer for each transformer encoder [1]")103 trunk_group.add_argument('-d_msa', type=int, default=384,104 help="Number of MSA features [384]")105 trunk_group.add_argument('-d_msa_full', type=int, default=64,106 help="Number of MSA features [64]")107 trunk_group.add_argument('-d_pair', type=int, default=288,108 help="Number of pair features [288]")109 trunk_group.add_argument('-d_templ', type=int, default=64,110 help="Number of templ features [64]")111 trunk_group.add_argument('-n_head_msa', type=int, default=12,112 help="Number of attention heads for MSA2MSA [12]")113 trunk_group.add_argument('-n_head_pair', type=int, default=8,114 help="Number of attention heads for Pair2Pair [8]")115 trunk_group.add_argument('-n_head_templ', type=int, default=4,116 help="Number of attention heads for template [4]")117 trunk_group.add_argument("-d_hidden", type=int, default=64,118 help="Number of hidden features for initial structure builder [64]")119 trunk_group.add_argument("-r_ff", type=int, default=4,120 help="ratio for feed-forward network in transformer encoder [4]")121 trunk_group.add_argument("-n_resblock", type=int, default=1,122 help="Number of residual blocks for MSA2Pair [1]")123 trunk_group.add_argument("-p_drop", type=float, default=0.1,124 help="Dropout ratio [0.1]")125 trunk_group.add_argument("-not_use_perf", action="store_true", default=False,126 help="Use performer or not [False]")127 # Structure module properties128 str_group = parser.add_argument_group("structure module parameters")129 str_group.add_argument('-num_layers', type=int, default=3,130 help="Number of equivariant layers in structure module block [3]")131 str_group.add_argument('-num_channels', type=int, default=32,132 help="Number of channels [32]")133 str_group.add_argument('-num_degrees', type=int, default=2,134 help="Number of degrees for SE(3) network [2]")135 str_group.add_argument('-l0_in_features', type=int, default=32,136 help="Number of type 0 input features [32]")137 str_group.add_argument('-l0_out_features', type=int, default=8,138 help="Number of type 0 output features [8]")139 str_group.add_argument('-l1_in_features', type=int, default=3,140 help="Number of type 1 input features [3]")141 str_group.add_argument('-l1_out_features', type=int, default=2,142 help="Number of type 1 output features [2]")143 str_group.add_argument('-num_edge_features', type=int, default=32,144 help="Number of edge features [32]")145 str_group.add_argument('-n_heads', type=int, default=4,146 help="Number of attention heads for SE3-Transformer [4]")147 str_group.add_argument("-div", type=int, default=4,148 help="Div parameter for SE3-Transformer [4]")149 # Loss function parameters150 loss_group = parser.add_argument_group("loss parameters")151 loss_group.add_argument('-w_dist', type=float, default=1.0,152 help="Weight on distd in loss function [1.0]")153 loss_group.add_argument('-w_str', type=float, default=1.0,154 help="Weight on strd in loss function [1.0]")155 loss_group.add_argument('-w_rms', type=float, default=1.0,156 help="Weight on rmsd in loss function [1.0]")157 loss_group.add_argument('-w_lddt', type=float, default=1.0,158 help="Weight on predicted lddt loss [1.0]")159 loss_group.add_argument('-w_blen', type=float, default=0.1,160 help="Weight on predicted blen loss [0.1]")161 loss_group.add_argument('-w_bang', type=float, default=0.1,162 help="Weight on predicted bang loss [0.1]")163 loss_group.add_argument('-w_aa', type=float, default=1.0,164 help="Weight on masked language task")165 # parse arguments166 args = parser.parse_args()167 # Setup dataloader parameters:168 loader_param = data_loader.set_data_loader_params(args)169 # make dictionary for each parameters170 trunk_param = {}171 for param in TRUNK_PARAMS:172 trunk_param[param] = getattr(args, param)173 if not args.not_use_perf:174 trunk_param["performer_N_opts"] = {"nb_features": 64, "feature_redraw_interval": 10000}175 trunk_param["performer_L_opts"] = {"nb_features": 64, "feature_redraw_interval": 10000}176 SE3_param = {}177 for param in SE3_PARAMS:178 if hasattr(args, param):179 SE3_param[param] = getattr(args, param)180 trunk_param['SE3_param'] = SE3_param 181 182 # loss function parameters 183 loss_param = {}184 seq2str_param = {}185 str2seq_param = {}186 187 # take in seq2str loss params from cmd line 188 for param in ['w_dist', 'w_str', 'w_rms', 'w_lddt', 'w_blen', 'w_bang', 'w_aa']:189 seq2str_param[param] = getattr(args, param)190 191 # take care of str2seq params here192 #str2seq_param = {193 # 'w_aa' : 1.0,194 # 'w_str' : 0.5,195 # 'w_bang': 0.05, 196 # 'w_blen': 0.05, 197 # 'w_dist': 0.05,198 # 'w_lddt': 0.05,199 # 'w_rms' : 0.05,200 # }201 202 # TODO: Make single set of params203 mixed_param = {204 'w_aa' : args.w_aa,205 'w_str' : args.w_str,206 'w_bang': args.w_bang,207 'w_blen': args.w_blen,208 'w_dist': args.w_dist,209 'w_lddt': args.w_lddt,210 'w_rms' : 0.05, # IGNORE211 }212 # put both into loss param 213 #loss_param['str2seq'] = str2seq_param214 #loss_param['seq2str'] = seq2str_param215 loss_param['str2seq'] = mixed_param216 loss_param['seq2str'] = mixed_param217 # add git hash of current commit218 args.commit = subprocess.check_output(f'git --git-dir {script_dir}/../../.git rev-parse HEAD',219 shell=True).decode().strip()220 with open(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'args.txt'), 'w') as fp:221 fp.write('Arguments from training session\n')222 for key,val in args.__dict__.items():223 fp.write(': '.join([str(key), str(val)])+'\n')...
...70 contentType = "text/plain;charset=utf-8"7172 self.sendResponseWithOutput(response, contentType, out)7374 def _seq2str(self, seq):75 """76 converts sequence of strings or tuples to string to be returned77 to AJAX call78 """79 out = u''80 for toplevel in seq:81 if toplevel is not None:82 if type(toplevel) in types.StringTypes:83 toplevel = (toplevel, )84 out += u', '.join(85 ["'%s'" % x.replace("'", "\\'") for x in toplevel])86 out += '\n'87 return out8889 def _dict2str(self, d):90 """91 converts dict to string to be returned to AJAX call92 """93 return u''.join([u"%s: '%s'\n" % (k, v) for k, v in d.items()])9495 def do_re(self, *args, **params):96 """97 return self._dict2str(params) + '\n' + self._seq2str(params.items())98 """99 txt = unicode(params['txt'], 'utf-8')100 regex = unicode(params['regex'], 'utf-8')101 method = params['method']102 options = re.UNICODE103104 optionList = (105 ('dotall', re.DOTALL),106 ('ignorecase', re.IGNORECASE),107 ('multiline', re.MULTILINE),108 ('verbose', re.VERBOSE))109110 for s, bitflag in optionList:111 if params.get(s, '') == 'true':112 options |= bitflag113114 try:115 cre = re.compile(regex, options)116 except Exception, e:117 out = u'ERROR: %s' % e118 else:119 results = getattr(cre, method)(txt)120 121 if results:122 # list result123 if type(results) == types.ListType:124 out = self._seq2str(results)125 # match object126 else:127 out = u'[TEXT MATCHES]\n'128 ng = self._dict2str(results.groupdict())129 if ng:130 out += u'### NAMED GROUPS ###\n%s' % ng131 g = self._seq2str(results.groups())132 if g:133 out += u'### GROUPS ###\n%s' % g134 else:135 out = u'[NO MATCH OR NOTHING FOUND]'136 return out137138 def do_POST(self):139 """140 test a re141 """142 length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')) 143 qs = params = dict(cgi.parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values=1))145 out = self.do_re(**params)
1"""2Distance module3Find distance between sequences4Written by Marshall Beddoe <>5Copyright (c) 2004 Baseline Research6Licensed under the LGPL7"""8#9# Note: Gaps are denoted by the integer value 256 as to avoid '_' problems10#11import align, zlib12from Numeric import *13__all__ = [ "Distance", "Entropic", "PairwiseIdentity", "LocalAlignment" ]14class Distance:15 """Implementation of classify base class"""16 def __init__(self, sequences):17 self.sequences = sequences18 self.N = len(sequences)19 # NxN Distance matrix20 self.dmx = zeros((self.N, self.N), Float)21 for i in range(len(sequences)):22 for j in range(len(sequences)):23 self.dmx[i][j] = -124 self._go()25 def __repr__(self):26 return "%s" % self.dmx27 def __getitem__(self, i):28 return self.dmx[i]29 def __len__(self):30 return len(self.dmx)31 def _go(self):32 """Perform distance calculations"""33 pass34class Entropic(Distance):35 """Distance calculation based off compression ratios"""36 def _go(self):37 # Similarity matrix38 similar = zeros((self.N, self.N), Float)39 for i in range(self.N):40 for j in range(self.N):41 similar[i][j] = -142 #43 # Do compression ratio calculations44 #45 for i in range(self.N):46 for j in range(self.N):47 if similar[i][j] >= 0:48 continue49 seq1 = self.sequences[i][1]50 seq2 = self.sequences[j][1]51 # Convert sequences to strings, gaps denoted by '_'52 seq1str = ""53 for x in seq1:54 if x == 256:55 seq1str += '_'56 else:57 seq1str += chr(x)58 seq2str = ""59 for x in seq2:60 if x == 256:61 seq2str += '_'62 else:63 seq2str += chr(x)64 comp1 = zlib.compress(seq1str)65 comp2 = zlib.compress(seq2str)66 if len(comp1) > len(comp2):67 score = len(comp2) * 1.0 / len(comp1) * 1.068 else:69 score = len(comp1) * 1.0 / len(comp2) * 1.070 similar[i][j] = similar[j][i] = score71 #72 # Distance matrix73 #74 for i in range(self.N):75 for j in range(self.N):76 self.dmx[i][j] = similar[i][i] - similar[i][j]77class PairwiseIdentity(Distance):78 """Distance through basic pairwise similarity"""79 def _go(self):80 # Similarity matrix81 similar = zeros((self.N, self.N), Float)82 for i in range(self.N):83 for j in range(self.N):84 similar[i][j] = -185 #86 # Find pairs87 #88 for i in range(self.N):89 for j in range(self.N):90 if similar[i][j] >= 0:91 continue92 seq1 = self.sequences[i][1]93 seq2 = self.sequences[j][1]94 minlen = min(len(seq1), len(seq2))95 len1 = len2 = idents = 096 for x in range(minlen):97 if seq1[x] != 256:98 len1 += 1.099 if seq1[x] == seq2[x]:100 idents += 1.0101 if seq2[x] != 256:102 len2 += 1.0103 m = max(len1, len2)104 similar[i][j] = idents / m105 #106 # Distance matrix107 #108 for i in range(self.N):109 for j in range(self.N):110 self.dmx[i][j] = similar[i][i] - similar[i][j]111class LocalAlignment(Distance):112 """Distance through local alignment similarity"""113 def __init__(self, sequences, smx=None):114 self.smx = smx115 # If similarity matrix is None, make a quick identity matrix116 if self.smx == None:117 self.smx = zeros((257, 257), Float)118 for i in range(257):119 for j in range(257):120 if i == j:121 self.smx[i][j] = 1.0122 else:123 self.smx[i][j] = 0.0124 Distance.__init__(self, sequences)125 def _go(self):126 # Similarity matrix127 similar = zeros((self.N, self.N), Float)128 for i in range(self.N):129 for j in range(self.N):130 similar[i][j] = -1131 #132 # Compute similarity matrix of SW scores133 #134 for i in range(self.N):135 for j in range(self.N):136 if similar[i][j] >= 0:137 continue138 seq1 = self.sequences[i][1]139 seq2 = self.sequences[j][1]140 (nseq1, nseq2, edits1, edits2, score, gaps) = \141 align.SmithWaterman(seq1, seq2, self.smx, 0, 0)142 similar[i][j] = similar[j][i] = score143 #144 # Compute distance matrix of SW scores145 #146 for i in range(self.N):147 for j in range(self.N):148 if self.dmx[i][j] >= 0:149 continue150 self.dmx[i][j] = 1 - (similar[i][j] / similar[i][i])...
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