How to use not_keyword method in robotframework-pageobjects

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1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst2"""3VO Queries4"""5from __future__ import print_function, division6#from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer7from astroquery.query import BaseQuery8from IPython.display import Markdown, display9from . import utils10__all__ = ['Registry', 'RegistryClass']11class RegistryClass(BaseQuery):12 """13 Registry query class.14 """15 def __init__(self):16 super(RegistryClass, self).__init__()17 self._TIMEOUT = 60 # seconds18 self._RETRIES = 2 # total number of times to try19 self._REGISTRY_TAP_SYNC_URL = "http:/​/​​RegTAP/​TapService.aspx/​sync"20 def query(self, **kwargs):21 adql = self._build_adql(**kwargs)22 if adql is None:23 raise ValueError('Unable to compute query based on input arguments.')24 if kwargs.get('verbose'):25 print('Registry: sending query ADQL = {}\n'.format(adql))26 url = self._REGISTRY_TAP_SYNC_URL27 tap_params = {28 "request": "doQuery",29 "lang": "ADQL",30 "query": adql31 }32 response = utils.try_query(url, post_data=tap_params, timeout=self._TIMEOUT, retries=self._RETRIES)33 if kwargs.get('verbose'):34 print('Queried: {}\n'.format(response.url))35 aptable = utils.astropy_table_from_votable_response(response)36 return aptable37 # TBD support list of wavebands38 # TBD maybe support raw ADQL clause (or maybe we should just make39 # sure they can call a basic TAP query)40 def _build_adql(self, **kwargs):41 # Default values42 service_type = ""43 keyword = ""44 not_keyword = ""45 waveband = ""46 source = ""47 publisher = ""48 order_by = ""49 logic_string = " and "50 # Find the keywords we recognize51 for key, val in kwargs.items():52 if key == 'service_type':53 service_type = val54 elif key == 'keyword':55 keyword = val56 elif key == 'not_keyword':57 not_keyword = val58 elif key == 'waveband':59 waveband = val60 elif key == 'source':61 source = val62 elif key == 'publisher':63 publisher = val64 elif key == 'order_by':65 order_by = val66 elif key == 'logic_string':67 logic_string = val68 ##69 if "image" in service_type.lower():70 service_type = "simpleimageaccess"71 elif "spectr" in service_type.lower():72 service_type = "simplespectralaccess"73 elif "cone" in service_type.lower():74 service_type = "conesearch"75 elif 'tap' in service_type or 'table' in service_type:76 service_type = "tableaccess"77 else:78 print("ERROR: please give a service_type that is one of image, spectral, cone, or table")79 return None80 query_retcols = """81 select res.waveband,res.short_name,cap.ivoid,res.res_description,82 intf.access_url,res.reference_url,res_role.role_name as publisher,cap.cap_type as service_type83 from rr.capability as cap84 natural join rr.resource as res85 natural join rr.interface as intf86 natural join rr.res_role as res_role87 """88 query_where = " where "89 wheres = []90 if service_type != "":91 wheres.append("cap.cap_type like '%{}%'".format(service_type))92 #currently not supporting SIAv2 in SIA library.93 if service_type == 'simpleimageaccess':94 wheres.append("standard_id != 'ivo:/​/​​std/​sia#query-2.0'")95 if source != "":96 wheres.append("cap.ivoid like '%{}%'".format(source))97 if waveband != "":98 if ',' in waveband:99 allwavebands = []100 for w in waveband.split(','):101 allwavebands.append("res.waveband like '%{}%' ".format(w).strip())102 wheres.append("(" + " or ".join(allwavebands) + ")")103 else:104 wheres.append("res.waveband like '%{}%'".format(waveband))105 wheres.append("res_role.base_role = 'publisher'")106 if publisher != "":107 wheres.append("res_role.role_name like '%{}%'".format(publisher))108 if keyword != "":109 keyword_where = """110 (res.res_description like '%{}%' or111 res.res_title like '%{}%' or112 cap.ivoid like '%{}%')113 """.format(keyword, keyword, keyword)114 wheres.append(keyword_where)115 if not_keyword != "":116 notkey_where="""117 not (res.res_description like '%{}%' or118 res.res_title like '%{}%' or119 cap.ivoid like '%{}%')120 """.format(not_keyword, not_keyword, not_keyword)121 query_where = query_where+logic_string.join(wheres)122 if order_by != "":123 query_order = "order by {}".format(order_by)124 else:125 query_order = ""126 query = query_retcols+query_where+query_order127 return query128 def query_counts(self, field, minimum=1, **kwargs):129 adql = self._build_counts_adql(field, minimum)130 if kwargs.get('verbose'):131 print('Registry: sending query ADQL = {}\n'.format(adql))132 url = self._REGISTRY_TAP_SYNC_URL133 tap_params = {134 "request": "doQuery",135 "lang": "ADQL",136 "query": adql137 }138 response = self._request('POST', url, data=tap_params, cache=False)139 if kwargs.get('verbose'):140 print('Queried: {}\n'.format(response.url))141 aptable = utils.astropy_table_from_votable_response(response)142 return aptable143 def _build_counts_adql(self, field, minimum=1):144 field_table = None145 field_alias = field146 query_where_filter = ''147 if field.lower() == 'waveband':148 field_table = 'rr.resource'149 elif field.lower() == 'publisher':150 field_table = 'rr.res_role'151 field = 'role_name'152 query_where_filter = ' where base_role = \'publisher\' '153 elif field.lower() == 'service_type':154 field_table = 'rr.capability'155 field = 'cap_type'156 if field_table is None:157 return None158 else:159 query_select = 'select ' + field + ' as ' + field_alias + ', count(' + field + ') as count_' + field_alias160 query_from = ' from ' + field_table161 query_where_count_min = ' where count_' + field_alias + ' >= ' + str(minimum)162 query_group_by = ' group by ' + field163 query_order_by = ' order by count_' + field_alias + ' desc'164 query = 'select * from (' + query_select + query_from + query_where_filter + query_group_by + ') as count_table' + query_where_count_min + query_order_by165 return query166 167 def display_results(self, results):168 # Display results in a readable way including the169 # short_name, ivoid, res_description and reference_url.170 171 for row in results:172 md = f"### {row['short_name']} ({row['ivoid']})"173 display(Markdown(md))174 print(row['res_description'])175 print(f"More info: {row['reference_url']} ")176 print(f"(Access URL: {row['access_url']} )")177 ...

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2__author__ = 'sunary'3import subprocess4import json5import pandas as pd6from utils import my_helper7class RuleGenerate():8 '''9 Generator json by gnip format from keywords10 '''11 def __init__(self):12 self.rule = {'rules': []}13 def read_csv(self, file_input):14 self.pd_file = pd.read_csv(file_input)15 def generate(self, file_input, file_output):16 self.read_csv(file_input)17 execute_date = set()18 for i in range(len(self.pd_file['NAME'])):19 if self.pd_file['ADD'][i] == 'yes':20 execute_date.add(self.pd_file['NEW STATUS'][i])21 r = {'value': '', 'tag': 'tag-' + str(i)}22 keyword = self.split_semicolon(self.pd_file['KEYWORDS'][i])23 not_keyword = self.split_semicolon(self.pd_file['NOT'][i])24 contain = self.split_semicolon(self.pd_file['REQUEST'][i])25 if keyword or not_keyword:26 rule_keyword = ''27 rule_not_keyword = ''28 for con in contain:29 if con.lower() == 'message':30 print rule_keyword31 if rule_keyword and keyword:32 rule_keyword += ' OR '33 rule_keyword += self.join_keyword(keyword= keyword, prefix= '')34 if rule_not_keyword and not_keyword:35 rule_not_keyword += ' OR '36 rule_not_keyword += self.join_keyword(keyword= not_keyword, prefix= '')37 elif con.lower() == 'description':38 if rule_keyword and keyword:39 rule_keyword += ' OR '40 rule_keyword += self.join_keyword(keyword= keyword, prefix='bio_contains')41 if rule_not_keyword and not_keyword:42 rule_not_keyword += ' OR '43 rule_not_keyword += self.join_keyword(keyword= not_keyword, prefix='bio_contains')44 rule_keyword = '(' + rule_keyword + ')' if rule_keyword and rule_not_keyword else rule_keyword45 rule_not_keyword = 'NOT (' + rule_not_keyword + ')' if rule_not_keyword else rule_not_keyword46 r['value'] = rule_keyword + (' ' if rule_keyword and rule_not_keyword else '') + rule_not_keyword47 if len(r['value']) > 2048:48 return 0, self.pd_file['NAME'][i]49 if len(r['value']) > 0:50 self.rule['rules'].append(r)51 fo = open(file_output, 'w+')52 fo.write(json.dumps(self.rule, ensure_ascii= False))53 fo.close()54 return list(execute_date), json.dumps(self.rule, ensure_ascii= False, indent=4, sort_keys=True)55 def split_semicolon(self, keyword):56 keyword = keyword.split('; ') if not my_helper.pandas_null(keyword) else []57 if keyword:58 for i in range(len(keyword)):59 if ';' in keyword[i]:60 keyword[i] = keyword[i].replace(';', '')61 if '"' in keyword[i]:62 keyword[i] = keyword[i].replace('"', '')63 i = 064 while i < len(keyword):65 if not keyword[i]:66 del keyword[i]67 else:68 i += 169 return keyword70 def join_keyword(self, keyword = [], prefix = ''):71 gen_keyword = ['']*len(keyword)72 for i in range(len(keyword)):73 gen_keyword[i] = self.add_double_quotes(keyword[i])74 if prefix:75 for i in range(len(gen_keyword)):76 gen_keyword[i] = prefix + ':' + gen_keyword[i]77 return ' OR '.join(gen_keyword)78 def add_double_quotes(self, keyword):79 list_special = [' ', '.', '!', '%', '&', '_', ':', '+', '-', '?', '#', '@', '<', '=', '>', '(', ')']80 for char in list_special:81 if char in keyword:82 return '"' + keyword + '"'83 return keyword84 def post(self, file_output):85 subprocess.Popen('curl -v -X POST -u! https:/​/​​accounts/​Sentifi/​publishers/​twitter/​streams/​track/​prod/​rules.json -d @gnip.json',86 cwd = file_output,87 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,88 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,89 shell=True)90 def delete(self, file_output):91 subprocess.Popen('curl -v -X DELETE -u! https:/​/​​accounts/​Sentifi/​publishers/​twitter/​streams/​track/​prod/​rules.json -d @gnip.json',92 cwd = file_output,93 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,94 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,95 shell=True)96# curl -v -X POST -u! "https:/​/​​accounts/​Sentifi/​publishers/​twitter/​streams/​track/​prod/​rules.json" -d @gnip.json97# curl -v -X DELETE -u! "https:/​/​​accounts/​Sentifi/​publishers/​twitter/​streams/​track/​prod/​rules.json" -d @gnip.json98# curl -v -X POST -u! "https:/​/​​accounts/​Sentifi/​publishers/​twitter/​streams/​track/​dev/​rules.json" -d @gnip.json99# curl -v -X DELETE -u! "https:/​/​​accounts/​Sentifi/​publishers/​twitter/​streams/​track/​dev/​rules.json" -d @gnip.json100# mongoexport -h -d sentifi -c tweet -f text -q '{"_id":{$gt:ObjectId("55762c800000000000000000")}, "_source": "gnip"}' --limit 500 --csv -o lastest_messages.csv101if __name__ == '__main__':102 generate = RuleGenerate()103 generate.generate('/​home/​nhat/​data/​Publisher Candidates Inventory - GNIP Rules.csv',104 '/​home/​nhat/​data/​result/​gnip.json')...

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...12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14# limitations under the License.15import inspect16def not_keyword(func):17 """Decorator to disable exposing functions or methods as keywords.18 Examples::19 @not_keyword20 def not_exposed_as_keyword():21 # ...22 def exposed_as_keyword():23 # ...24 Alternatively the automatic keyword discovery can be disabled with25 the :func:`library` decorator or by setting the ``ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS``26 attribute to a false value.27 New in Robot Framework 3.2.28 """29 func.robot_not_keyword = True30 return func31not_keyword.robot_not_keyword = True32@not_keyword33def keyword(name=None, tags=(), types=()):34 """Decorator to set custom name, tags and argument types to keywords.35 This decorator creates ``robot_name``, ``robot_tags`` and ``robot_types``36 attributes on the decorated keyword function or method based on the37 provided arguments. Robot Framework checks them to determine the keyword's38 name, tags, and argument types, respectively.39 Name must be given as a string, tags as a list of strings, and types40 either as a dictionary mapping argument names to types or as a list41 of types mapped to arguments based on position. It is OK to specify types42 only to some arguments, and setting ``types`` to ``None`` disables type43 conversion altogether.44 If the automatic keyword discovery has been disabled with the45 :func:`library` decorator or by setting the ``ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS``46 attribute to a false value, this decorator is needed to mark functions47 or methods keywords.48 Examples::49 @keyword50 def example():51 # ...52 @keyword('Login as user "${user}" with password "${password}"',53 tags=['custom name', 'embedded arguments', 'tags'])54 def login(user, password):55 # ...56 @keyword(types={'length': int, 'case_insensitive': bool})57 def types_as_dict(length, case_insensitive):58 # ...59 @keyword(types=[int, bool])60 def types_as_list(length, case_insensitive):61 # ...62 @keyword(types=None])63 def no_conversion(length, case_insensitive=False):64 # ...65 """66 if inspect.isroutine(name):67 return keyword()(name)68 def decorator(func):69 func.robot_name = name70 func.robot_tags = tags71 func.robot_types = types72 return func73 return decorator74@not_keyword75def library(scope=None, version=None, doc_format=None, listener=None,76 auto_keywords=False):77 """Class decorator to control keyword discovery and other library settings.78 By default disables automatic keyword detection by setting class attribute79 ``ROBOT_AUTO_KEYWORDS = False`` to the decorated library. In that mode80 only methods decorated explicitly with the :func:`keyword` decorator become81 keywords. If that is not desired, automatic keyword discovery can be82 enabled by using ``auto_keywords=True``.83 Arguments ``scope``, ``version``, ``doc_format`` and ``listener`` set the84 library scope, version, documentation format and listener by using class85 attributes ``ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE``, ``ROBOT_LIBRARY_VERSION``,86 ``ROBOT_LIBRARY_DOC_FORMAT`` and ``ROBOT_LIBRARY_LISTENER``, respectively.87 These attributes are only set if the related arguments are given and they88 override possible existing attributes in the decorated class.89 Examples::90 @library91 class KeywordDiscovery:92 @keyword93 def do_something(self):94 # ...95 def not_keyword(self):96 # ...97 @library(scope='GLOBAL', version='3.2')98 class LibraryConfiguration:99 # ...100 The ``@library`` decorator is new in Robot Framework 3.2.101 """102 if inspect.isclass(scope):103 return library()(scope)104 def decorator(cls):105 if scope is not None:106 cls.ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = scope107 if version is not None:108 cls.ROBOT_LIBRARY_VERSION = version109 if doc_format is not None:...

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1import os2import base643import robot4from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn5from robot.api import logger6from robot.api.deco import keyword, library, not_keyword7from appium.webdriver import Remote8from appium_flutter_finder.flutter_finder import FlutterElement, FlutterFinder9@library(scope='GLOBAL', auto_keywords=True)10class AppiumFlutterLibrary:11 def __init__(self):12 self.finder = FlutterFinder()13 self._screenshot_index = 014 # PUBLIC15 @keyword('Open Application')16 def open_application(self, remote_url, **kwargs):17 desired_caps = kwargs18 self.driver = Remote(str(remote_url), desired_caps)19 @keyword('Click Element')20 def click_element(self, locator: str, strategy: str='value_key'):21 element: FlutterElement = self._get_element(locator, strategy)22 self._html(f'Clicking the element [{locator}]')24 @keyword('Input Text')25 def input_text(self, locator: str, text: str, strategy: str='value_key'):26 element: FlutterElement = self._get_element(locator, strategy)27 element.send_keys(text)28 self._html(f'typing [{text}] in the [{locator}] element')29 @keyword('Get Text')30 def get_text(self, locator: str, strategy: str='value_key'):31 element: FlutterElement = self._get_element(locator, strategy)32 return element.text33 @keyword('Page Back')34 def page_back(self):35 self.finder.page_back()36 @keyword('Clear Text')37 def clear_text(self, locator: str, strategy: str='value_key'):38 element: FlutterElement = self._get_element(locator, strategy)39 self._html(f'clearing text from the [{locator}] element')40 element.clear()41 @keyword('Clear Time Line')42 def clear_time_line(self):43 self.driver.execute('flutter:clearTimeline')44 @keyword('Check Health')45 def check_health(self):46 self.driver.execute('flutter:checkHealth')47 @keyword('Close Application')48 def close_application(self):49 self.driver.quit()50 @keyword('Capture Page Screenshot')51 def capture_page_screenshot(self, filename: str=None):52 path, link = self._get_screenshot_paths(filename)53 base = self.driver.get_screenshot_as_base64()54 with open(path, 'wb') as fh:55 fh.write(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(base))56 self._html('</​td></​tr><tr><td colspan="3"><a href="%s">''<img src="%s" width="800px"></​a>' % (link, link))57 58 @keyword('Wait For Element')59 def wait_for_element(self, locator: str, timeout: int=100, strategy: str='value_key'):60 self.driver.execute_script('flutter:waitFor', self._get_locator(locator, strategy), timeout)61 # @keyword('Get Element Attribute')62 # def get_element_attribute(self, locator: str, attribute: str, strategy: str='value_key'):63 # element: FlutterElement = self._get_element(locator, strategy)64 # return element.get_attribute(attribute)65 # @keyword('Wait For Element Absent')66 # def wait_for_element_absent(self, locator: str, strategy: str='value_key'):67 # self.driver.execute('flutter:waitForAbsent', self._get_locator(locator, strategy))68 # @keyword('Scroll To')69 # def scroll_to(self, locator: str, x: int, y: int, duration: int=200, strategy: str='value_key'):70 # element: FlutterElement = self._get_element(locator, strategy)71 # self.driver.execute('flutter:scroll', {72 # 'element': element,73 # 'dx': x,74 # 'dy': y,75 # 'durationMilliseconds': duration,76 # 'frequency': 3077 # })78 # PRIVATE79 @not_keyword80 def _get_element(self, locator, strategy='value_key') -> FlutterElement:81 element = self._get_locator(locator, strategy)82 return FlutterElement(self.driver, element)83 @not_keyword84 def _get_locator(self, locator, strategy='value_key') -> FlutterFinder:85 if strategy == 'value_key':86 return self.finder.by_value_key(locator)87 if strategy == 'text':88 return self.finder.by_text(locator)89 if strategy == 'tooltip':90 return self.finder.by_tooltip(locator)91 if strategy == 'ancestor':92 return self.finder.by_ancestor(locator)93 if strategy == 'descendant':94 return self.finder.by_descendant(locator)95 if strategy == 'semantics':96 return self.finder.by_semantics_label(locator)97 if strategy == 'type':98 return self.finder.by_type(locator)99 # Utilities100 @not_keyword101 def _html(self, message):102, True, False)103 @not_keyword104 def _get_log_dir(self):105 variables = BuiltIn().get_variables()106 logfile = variables['${LOG FILE}']107 if logfile != 'NONE':108 return os.path.dirname(logfile)109 return variables['${OUTPUTDIR}']110 @not_keyword111 def _get_screenshot_paths(self, filename):112 if not filename:113 self._screenshot_index += 1114 filename = 'appium-screenshot-%d.png' % self._screenshot_index115 else:116 filename = filename.replace('/​', os.sep)117 logdir = self._get_log_dir()118 path = os.path.join(logdir, filename)119 link = robot.utils.get_link_path(path, logdir)...

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