How to use seed method in robotframework-faker

Best Python code snippet using robotframework-faker_python


Source:ImportSeed.js Github


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1import React, { Component } from 'react'2import styled from 'styled-components'3import { createObserver, collect } from 'dop'4import styles from '/​const/​styles'5import { minpassword, recovery_phrase_words } from '/​const/​'6import { bigNumber } from '/​api/​numbers'7import { Coins } from '/​api/​coins'8import { validateSeed } from '/​api/​bip39'9import { setHref, createAsset, setSeed, addNotification } from '/​store/​actions'10import state from '/​store/​state'11import {12 isAssetRegisteredBySeed,13 getAssetId,14 getParamsFromLocation,15} from '/​store/​getters'16import { routes, Show } from '/​store/​router'17import Input from '/​components/​styled/​Input'18import Div from '/​components/​styled/​Div'19import RadioButton from '/​components/​styled/​RadioButton'20import Textarea from '/​components/​styled/​Textarea'21import Password from '/​components/​styled/​Password'22import Button from '/​components/​styled/​Button'23import Help from '/​components/​styled/​Help'24import Alert from '/​components/​styled/​Alert'25import { Label, SubLabel } from '/​components/​styled/​Label'26import {27 FormField,28 FormFieldLeft,29 FormFieldRight,30 FormFieldButtons,31} from '/​components/​styled/​Form'32import {33 ItemsList,34 ItemList,35 ItemListInner,36 ItemListItemRadio,37 ItemListItemLeft,38 ItemListItemRight,39} from '/​components/​styled/​ItemList'40const STEP = {41 typing: 'typing',42 addresses: 'addresses',43}44export default class ImportPrivate extends Component {45 componentWillMount() {46 const collector = collect()47 state.view.step = STEP.typing48 state.view.is_valid_input = false49 state.view.is_valid_seed = true50 state.view.seed_input = ''51 state.view.seed_input_error = ''52 state.view.seed_password = ''53 state.view.seed_repassword = ''54 state.view.discovering = false55 state.view.addresses = []56 state.view.address_selected = 057 collector.destroy()58 = createObserver((m) => this.forceUpdate())59, 'length')61 const { symbol } = getParamsFromLocation()62 this.Coin = Coins.hasOwnProperty(symbol) ? Coins[symbol] : Coins.ETH63 this.already_blur = false64 this.onChangeInput = this.onChangeInput.bind(this)65 this.onBlurInput = this.onBlurInput.bind(this)66 this.onChangePassword = this.onChangePassword.bind(this)67 this.onChangeRepassword = this.onChangeRepassword.bind(this)68 this.onNext = this.onNext.bind(this)69 this.onBack = this.onBack.bind(this)70 this.onChangeSelected = this.onChangeSelected.bind(this)71 this.onLoadMore = this.onLoadMore.bind(this)72 this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this)73 }74 componentWillUnmount() {75 }77 shouldComponentUpdate() {78 return false79 }80 onUpdateSeed() {81 const seed = state.view.seed_input82 if (seed.length > 0) {83 const collector = collect()84 /​/​ const { address } = this.Coin.getWalletFromSeed({85 /​/​ seed: seed86 /​/​ })87 state.view.is_valid_seed = validateSeed(seed) /​/​&&88 /​/​ seed.trim().split(/​\s+/​g).length === recovery_phrase_words89 if (isAssetRegisteredBySeed(this.Coin.symbol, seed)) {90 state.view.seed_input_error = 'You already have this asset'91 state.view.is_valid_input = false92 } else {93 state.view.seed_input_error = ''94 state.view.is_valid_input = true95 }96 collector.emit()97 }98 }99 onChangeInput(e) {100 const collector = collect()101 const value =​\s+/​g, ' ')102 state.view.seed_input = value103 if (this.already_blur) this.onUpdateSeed()104 collector.emit()105 }106 onBlurInput(e) {107 if (!this.already_blur && state.view.seed_input.length > 0) {108 this.already_blur = true109 this.onUpdateSeed()110 }111 }112 onChangePassword(e) {113 state.view.seed_password = }115 onChangeRepassword(e) {116 state.view.seed_repassword = }118 onNext(e) {119 e.preventDefault()120 const seed = state.view.seed_input121 const collector = collect()122 state.view.step = STEP.addresses123 this.discoverWallet(seed)124 collector.emit()125 }126 discoverWallet(seed) {127 const collector = collect()128 const addresses = state.view.addresses129 state.view.discovering = true130 this.Coin.discoverWallet({ seed }, (wallet) => {131 /​/​ console.log(addresses === state.view.addresses)132 if (addresses === state.view.addresses) {133 state.view.addresses.push(wallet)134 }135 })136 .then((wallet) => {137 /​/​ console.log(wallet)138 if (addresses === state.view.addresses) {139 this.wallet = wallet140 this.wallet.seed = seed141 state.view.discovering = false142 }143 })144 .catch((error) => {145 console.log(error)146 })147 collector.emit()148 }149 onLoadMore() {150 state.view.discovering = true151 this.Coin.discoverAddress(this.wallet).then((wallet) => {152 /​/​ console.log(wallet)153 const collector = collect()154 this.wallet.index += 1155 state.view.discovering = false156 console.log(1, wallet)157 state.view.addresses.push(wallet)158 collector.emit()159 })160 }161 onBack(e) {162 e.preventDefault()163 const collector = collect()164 state.view.addresses = []165 state.view.step = STEP.typing166 collector.emit()167 }168 onChangeSelected(index) {169 state.view.address_selected = index170 }171 onSubmit(e) {172 e.preventDefault()173 const collector = collect()174 const seed = state.view.seed_input175 const symbol = this.Coin.symbol176 const address = this.Coin.multiaddress177 ? this.wallet.address178 : state.view.addresses[state.view.address_selected].address179 const addresses = => wallet.address)180 const asset = createAsset(this.Coin.type, symbol, address, addresses)181 const asset_id = getAssetId(asset)182 setSeed(asset_id, seed, state.view.seed_password)183 setHref(routes.asset({ asset_id: asset_id }))184 addNotification(`New "${symbol}" asset has been imported`)185 collector.emit()186 }187 get isInvalidRepassword() {188 return (189 state.view.seed_password.length > 0 &&190 state.view.seed_repassword.length > 0 &&191 state.view.seed_password.length ===192 state.view.seed_repassword.length &&193 state.view.seed_password !== state.view.seed_repassword194 )195 }196 get isValidForm() {197 return (198 state.view.is_valid_input &&199 state.view.seed_input.length > 0 &&200 state.view.seed_password.length >= minpassword &&201 state.view.seed_password === state.view.seed_repassword202 )203 }204 render() {205 const addresses = state.view.addresses206 const total = addresses.reduce(207 (t, addr) => t.add(addr.balance),208 bigNumber(0)209 )210 return React.createElement(ImportPrivateTemplate, {211 Coin: this.Coin,212 step: state.view.step,213 seed_input: state.view.seed_input,214 seed_input_error: state.view.seed_input_error,215 seed_password: state.view.seed_password,216 seed_repassword: state.view.seed_repassword,217 discovering: state.view.discovering,218 addresses: state.view.addresses,219 address_selected: state.view.address_selected,220 total: total,221 is_valid_seed: state.view.is_valid_seed,222 isValidForm: this.isValidForm,223 isInvalidRepassword: this.isInvalidRepassword,224 onChangeInput: this.onChangeInput,225 onBlurInput: this.onBlurInput,226 onChangePassword: this.onChangePassword,227 onChangeRepassword: this.onChangeRepassword,228 onNext: this.onNext,229 onBack: this.onBack,230 onChangeSelected: this.onChangeSelected,231 onLoadMore: this.onLoadMore,232 onSubmit: this.onSubmit,233 })234 }235}236function ImportPrivateTemplate({237 Coin,238 step,239 seed_input,240 seed_input_error,241 seed_password,242 seed_repassword,243 discovering,244 addresses,245 address_selected,246 total,247 is_valid_seed,248 isValidForm,249 isInvalidRepassword,250 onChangeInput,251 onBlurInput,252 onChangePassword,253 onChangeRepassword,254 onNext,255 onBack,256 onChangeSelected,257 onLoadMore,258 onSubmit,259}) {260 return (261 <div>262 <Show if={step === STEP.typing}>263 <div>264 <FormField>265 <FormFieldLeft>266 <Label>Recovery Phrase</​Label>267 <SubLabel>268 Type your 12 words in the exact order.269 </​SubLabel>270 </​FormFieldLeft>271 <FormFieldRight>272 <Textarea273 width="100%"274 value={seed_input}275 onChange={onChangeInput}276 onBlur={onBlurInput}277 error={seed_input_error}278 invalid={279 seed_input_error && seed_input.length > 0280 }281 /​>282 <Show if={!is_valid_seed && seed_input.length > 0}>283 {/​* <Div padding-top="10px"> */​}284 <Alert>285 You typed a non-standard or invalid Recovery286 Phrase. But coinfy allow you to import any287 other format that comes from other wallets.288 Including other languages.289 </​Alert>290 {/​* </​Div> */​}291 </​Show>292 </​FormFieldRight>293 </​FormField>294 <FormField>295 <FormFieldLeft>296 <Label>Password</​Label>297 <Help>298 Make sure that you remember this. This password299 can't be restored because we don't store it. For300 security reasons you will be asked often for301 this password.302 </​Help>303 <SubLabel>304 This password encrypts your seed key.305 </​SubLabel>306 </​FormFieldLeft>307 <FormFieldRight>308 <Password309 minlength={minpassword}310 value={seed_password}311 onChange={onChangePassword}312 width="100%"313 type="password"314 /​>315 </​FormFieldRight>316 </​FormField>317 <FormField>318 <FormFieldLeft>319 <Label>Repeat Password</​Label>320 </​FormFieldLeft>321 <FormFieldRight>322 <Input323 minlength={minpassword}324 error={'Passwords do not match'}325 invalid={isInvalidRepassword}326 value={seed_repassword}327 onChange={onChangeRepassword}328 width="100%"329 type="password"330 /​>331 </​FormFieldRight>332 </​FormField>333 <FormField>334 <FormFieldButtons>335 <Button336 width="100px"337 disabled={!isValidForm}338 onClick={onNext}339 >340 Next341 </​Button>342 </​FormFieldButtons>343 </​FormField>344 </​div>345 </​Show>346 <Show if={step === STEP.addresses}>347 <div>348 <ItemsList>349 {, index) => {350 const selected =351 Coin.multiaddress ||352 (!Coin.multiaddress &&353 index === address_selected)354 return (355 <ItemList selected={selected}>356 <ItemListInner>357 <Show if={!Coin.multiaddress}>358 <ItemListItemRadio>359 <RadioButton360 onClick={(e) =>361 onChangeSelected(index)362 }363 checked={selected}364 /​>365 </​ItemListItemRadio>366 </​Show>367 <ItemListItemLeft>368 {addr.address}369 </​ItemListItemLeft>370 <ItemListItemRight371 error={addr.fetched !== true}372 >373 {`${addr.balance} ${Coin.symbol}`}374 </​ItemListItemRight>375 </​ItemListInner>376 </​ItemList>377 )378 })}379 </​ItemsList>380 <ResultAddress>381 <Show if={!discovering}>382 <LoadMore onClick={onLoadMore}>383 Load more Addresses384 </​LoadMore>385 </​Show>386 <Total>387 {total} {Coin.symbol}388 </​Total>389 </​ResultAddress>390 <Div margin-top="35px">391 <FormField>392 <FormFieldButtons>393 <Button394 width="100px"395 loading={discovering}396 loadingIco="/​static/​image/​loading.gif"397 onClick={onSubmit}398 >399 Import400 </​Button>401 </​FormFieldButtons>402 <FormFieldButtons>403 <Button width="100px" onClick={onBack}>404 Back405 </​Button>406 </​FormFieldButtons>407 </​FormField>408 </​Div>409 </​div>410 </​Show>411 </​div>412 )413}414export const ResultAddress = styled.div`415 border-top: 2px solid ${styles.color.background1};416 padding: 12px;417 font-size: 16px;418`419export const LoadMore = styled.a`420 font-size: 13px;421 color: ${styles.color.background2};422 text-decoration: underline;423 cursor: pointer;424 display: block;425 float: left;426 &:hover {427 color: ${styles.color.background3};428 }429`430export const Total = styled.div`431 color: ${styles.color.background2};432 font-weight: 900;433 float: right;434 font-size: 16px;...

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Source:btc.js Github


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1import test from 'tape'2import fetch from 'node-fetch'3import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'4import {5 TYPE_COIN,6 MAINNET,7 TESTNET,8 ASSET_LOGO,9 LOCALSTORAGE_NETWORK10} from '/​const/​'11import {12 setupNetwork,13 networks,14 type,15 symbol,16 symbol_fee,17 name,18 color,19 ascii,20 coin_decimals,21 price_decimals,22 satoshis,23 multiaddress,24 changeaddress,25 labels,26 logo,27 derivation_path,28 format,29 cutDecimals,30 toSatoshis,31 getWalletFromSeed,32 getWalletsFromSeed,33 isAddress,34 isPrivateKey,35 formatAddress,36 getAddressFromPrivateKey,37 getSegwitAddressFromPrivateKey,38 urlInfo,39 urlInfoTx,40 urlDecodeTx,41 encryptSeed,42 decryptSeed,43 encryptPrivateKey,44 decryptPrivateKey,45 decryptPrivateKeyFromSeed,46 getNextWalletFromSeed,47 decryptWalletFromSeed,48 encryptBIP38,49 decryptBIP38,50 discoverAddress,51 discoverWallet,52 fetchBalance,53 fetchRecomendedFee,54 fetchTxs,55 createSimpleTx,56 getSendProviders57} from '/​api/​coins/​BTC'58global.fetch = fetch59const seed =60 'civil void tool perfect avocado sweet immense fluid arrow aerobic boil flash'61const private_key = 'L5YsAenc5eCuDFhEcC9DNe8sw47ttEevfMieRWKjGK5cP6ZpvxyE'62const addresses = ['34QtpB4V3ETz2p3QuNEdEqTCYjTHHP2XMY']63test('setupNetwork', t => {64 t.equal(setupNetwork(MAINNET, networks), true, 'setupNetwork')65 t.end()66})67test('Exists /​ Types', t => {68 t.equal(typeof networks, 'object', 'networks')69 t.equal(typeof networks[MAINNET], 'object', 'networks 2')70 t.equal(typeof networks[MAINNET].url, 'string', 'networks 3')71 /​/​ t.equal(typeof networks[MAINNET].network, 'object', 'networks 4')72 t.equal(typeof setupNetwork, 'function', 'setupNetwork')73 t.equal(type, TYPE_COIN, 'type')74 t.equal(typeof symbol, 'string', 'symbol')75 t.equal(typeof symbol_fee, 'string', 'symbol_fee')76 t.equal(typeof name, 'string', 'name')77 t.equal(typeof color, 'string', 'color')78 t.equal(typeof color, 'string', 'color')79 t.equal(typeof ascii, 'string', 'ascii')80 t.equal(typeof coin_decimals, 'number', 'coin_decimals')81 t.equal(typeof price_decimals, 'number', 'price_decimals')82 t.equal(typeof satoshis, 'number', 'satoshis')83 t.equal(typeof multiaddress, 'boolean', 'multiaddress')84 t.equal(typeof changeaddress, 'boolean', 'changeaddress')85 t.equal(typeof labels, 'string', 'labels')86 t.equal(typeof logo, 'string', 'logo')87 t.equal(typeof derivation_path, 'object', 'derivation_path')88 t.equal(typeof derivation_path.mainnet, 'function', 'derivation_path 2')89 t.end()90})91test('Numbers', t => {92 t.equal(format(12), `12 ${symbol}`, 'format')93 t.equal(format(12.12345, 4), `12.1234 ${symbol}`, 'format 2')94 t.equal(cutDecimals(12.123456789), `12.12345678`, 'cutDecimals')95 t.end()96})97test('Wallets /​ Address /​ Accounts /​ PrivateKeys', t => {98 const wallet = getWalletFromSeed({ seed })99 const wallet2 = getWalletFromSeed({ seed, segwit: false })100 t.equal(isAddress(wallet.address), true, 'isAddress')101 t.equal(isPrivateKey(wallet.private_key), true, 'isPrivateKey')102 t.deepEqual(103 wallet,104 {105 address: '39hFXsmKPPNuKmMspjLvi5BT1n5XjbA4CT',106 private_key: 'L16cg8Azn34WH8BKGqAQsJ1c59UJDhCuLR3JZafUi1ASJEVZ96FH'107 },108 'getWalletFromSeed'109 )110 t.deepEqual(111 getWalletFromSeed({ seed, segwit: false }),112 {113 address: '1KMyB2466uJzWuJgwxMEYud6xhAexJHwyM',114 private_key: 'L1FAYi6Hk6X9fa8NGDp5Whh7GBUfpuHeU6wcEdHQeZ6rfb4VG2y7'115 },116 'getWalletFromSeed'117 )118 t.deepEqual(119 getWalletsFromSeed({ seed, count: 2 }),120 [121 {122 address: '39hFXsmKPPNuKmMspjLvi5BT1n5XjbA4CT',123 private_key:124 'L16cg8Azn34WH8BKGqAQsJ1c59UJDhCuLR3JZafUi1ASJEVZ96FH'125 },126 {127 address: '3QTyfe1J3CETz99TGynuip4DTGWAwfEpu6',128 private_key: private_key129 }130 ],131 'getWalletsFromSeed'132 )133 t.equal(134 getSegwitAddressFromPrivateKey(wallet.private_key),135 wallet.address,136 'getSegwitAddressFromPrivateKey'137 )138 t.equal(139 getAddressFromPrivateKey(wallet2.private_key),140 wallet2.address,141 'getAddressFromPrivateKey'142 )143 t.equal(formatAddress(wallet.address), wallet.address, 'formatAddress')144 t.end()145})146test('Urls', t => {147 t.equal(typeof urlInfo('addres'), 'string', 'urlInfo')148 t.equal(typeof urlInfoTx('addres'), 'string', 'urlInfoTx')149 t.equal(typeof urlDecodeTx('addres'), 'string', 'urlDecodeTx')150 t.end()151})152test('encryptSeed decryptSeed', t => {153 const pass = '1234'154 const wallet = getWalletFromSeed({ seed })155 const encrypted = encryptSeed(seed, pass)156 const decrypted = decryptSeed([wallet.address], encrypted, pass)157 t.equal(typeof encrypted, 'object', 'encryptSeed')158 t.equal(typeof encrypted.ciphertext, 'string', 'encryptSeed 2')159 t.equal(encrypted.cipher, 'aes-128-ctr', 'encryptSeed 2')160 t.equal(encrypted.kdf, 'scrypt', 'encryptSeed 3')161 t.equal(typeof encrypted.kdfparams, 'object', 'encryptSeed 4')162 t.equal(decrypted, seed, 'decryptSeed')163 t.end()164})165test('encryptPrivateKey decryptPrivateKey', t => {166 const pass = '1234'167 const address = getAddressFromPrivateKey(private_key)168 const encrypted = encryptPrivateKey(private_key, pass)169 const decrypted = decryptPrivateKey(address, encrypted, pass)170 t.equal(typeof encrypted, 'object', 'encryptPrivateKey')171 t.equal(typeof encrypted.ciphertext, 'string', 'encryptPrivateKey 2')172 t.equal(encrypted.cipher, 'aes-128-ctr', 'encryptPrivateKey 2')173 t.equal(encrypted.kdf, 'scrypt', 'encryptPrivateKey 3')174 t.equal(typeof encrypted.kdfparams, 'object', 'encryptPrivateKey 4')175 t.equal(decrypted, private_key, 'decryptPrivateKey')176 t.end()177})178test('decryptPrivateKeyFromSeed', t => {179 const pass = '1234'180 const wallets = getWalletsFromSeed({ seed, count: 2 })181 const encrypted = encryptSeed(seed, pass)182 const private_key = decryptPrivateKeyFromSeed(183 wallets[1].address,184 => wallet.address),185 encrypted,186 pass187 )188 t.equal(private_key, wallets[1].private_key)189 t.end()190})191test('getNextWalletFromSeed', t => {192 const pass = '1234'193 const wallets = getWalletsFromSeed({ seed, count: 3 })194 const encrypted = encryptSeed(seed, pass)195 const wallet = getNextWalletFromSeed(196 wallets[1].address,197 => wallet.address),198 encrypted,199 pass200 )201 t.deepEqual(wallet, wallets[2])202 t.end()203})204test('decryptWalletFromSeed', t => {205 const pass = '1234'206 const wallets = getWalletsFromSeed({ seed, count: 3 })207 const encrypted = encryptSeed(seed, pass)208 const wallet = decryptWalletFromSeed(209 wallets[1].address,210 => wallet.address),211 encrypted,212 pass213 )214 t.equal(wallet.address, wallets[1].address, 'decryptWalletFromSeed.address')215 t.equal(216 wallet.private_key,217 wallets[1].private_key,218 'decryptWalletFromSeed.private_key'219 )220 t.equal(wallet.seed, seed, 'decryptWalletFromSeed.seed')221 t.end()222})223test('encryptBIP38 decryptBIP38', t => {224 const pass = '1234'225 const encrypted = encryptBIP38(private_key, pass)226 const decrypted = decryptBIP38(encrypted, pass)227 t.equal(private_key, decrypted)228 t.end()229})230test('discoverAddress', t => {231 const wallet = getWalletFromSeed({ seed, segwit: false })232 return discoverAddress({ seed }).then(233 ({ address, balance, totalReceived }) => {234 t.equal(address, wallet.address)235 t.equal(typeof balance, 'string')236 t.equal(typeof totalReceived, 'string')237 t.end()238 }239 )240})241test('discoverAddress segwit', t => {242 const wallet = getWalletFromSeed({ seed, segwit: true })243 return discoverAddress({ seed, segwit: true }).then(244 ({ address, balance, totalReceived }) => {245 t.equal(address, wallet.address)246 t.end()247 }248 )249})250test('discoverWallet', t => {251 return discoverWallet({ seed }).then(252 data => {253 t.equal(Array.isArray(data.addresses), true)254 t.equal(typeof data.index, 'number')255 t.equal(typeof data.segwit, 'boolean')256 t.equal(data.address, data.addresses[data.addresses.length - 1])257 t.end()258 },259 wallet => {260 /​/​ to do261 }262 )263})264test('fetchRecomendedFee', t => {265 return fetchRecomendedFee({266 addresses: addresses267 }).then(fee => {268 t.equal(typeof fee, 'string')269 t.equal(typeof Number(fee), 'number')270 t.equal(isNaN(Number(fee)), false)271 t.end()272 })273})274test('fetchTxs', t => {275 return fetchTxs(addresses).then(txs => {276 t.equal(typeof txs, 'object')277 t.equal(typeof txs.totalTxs, 'number')278 t.equal(Array.isArray(txs.txs), true)279 if (txs.txs.length > 0) {280 t.equal(typeof txs.txs[0].value, 'string', 'value')281 t.equal(282 BigNumber(txs.txs[0].value).toFixed(),283 txs.txs[0].value,284 'value fixnumber'285 )286 t.equal(typeof txs.txs[0].fees, 'string', 'fees')287 t.equal(288 BigNumber(txs.txs[0].fees).toFixed(),289 txs.txs[0].fees,290 'fees fixnumber'291 )292 t.equal(typeof txs.txs[0].time, 'number')293 t.equal(typeof txs.txs[0].txid, 'string')294 }295 t.end()296 })297})298test('createSimpleTx', t => {299 setupNetwork(TESTNET, networks) /​/​ changing to testnet300 return createSimpleTx({301 from_addresses: ['mm42obtLkUesaHxj5i236B9hJ7m6yv4Ujg'],302 private_keys: ['cRkNqWAK64qSooKnadaFLa9uhSK1QtgkD5ezJQcsn1Fz5LQSnHT5'],303 to_address: '2N9Cki8ABz6oXuoF24rd5eAFPwwVpEWYctt',304 amount: 1,305 fee: 0.01306 }).then(txsigned => {307 t.equal(typeof txsigned, 'string')308 t.end()309 })310})311test('getSendProviders', t => {312 setupNetwork(MAINNET, networks) /​/​ changing to testnet313 const providers = getSendProviders()314 t.equal(Array.isArray(providers), true)315 t.equal(typeof providers[0].name, 'string')316 t.equal(typeof providers[0].url, 'string')317 t.equal(typeof providers[0].send, 'function')318 t.end()...

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...5from networkx.algorithms import approximation as approx6from networkx.algorithms import threshold7progress = 08# store the random numbers after setting a global seed9np.random.seed(42)10np_rv = np.random.rand()11random.seed(42)12py_rv = random.random()13def t(f, *args, **kwds):14 """call one function and check if global RNG changed"""15 global progress16 progress += 117 print(progress, ",", end="")18 f(*args, **kwds)19 after_np_rv = np.random.rand()20 # if np_rv != after_np_rv:21 # print(np_rv, after_np_rv, "don't match np!")22 assert np_rv == after_np_rv23 np.random.seed(42)24 after_py_rv = random.random()25 # if py_rv != after_py_rv:26 # print(py_rv, after_py_rv, "don't match py!")27 assert py_rv == after_py_rv28 random.seed(42)29def run_all_random_functions(seed):30 n = 2031 m = 1032 k = l = 233 s = v = 1034 p = q = p1 = p2 = p_in = p_out = 0.435 alpha = radius = theta = 0.7536 sizes = (20, 20, 10)37 colors = [1, 2, 3]38 G = nx.barbell_graph(12, 20)39 deg_sequence = [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]40 in_degree_sequence = w = sequence = aseq = bseq = deg_sequence41 # print("starting...")42 t(nx.maximal_independent_set, G, seed=seed)43 t(nx.rich_club_coefficient, G, seed=seed, normalized=False)44 t(nx.random_reference, G, seed=seed)45 t(nx.lattice_reference, G, seed=seed)46 t(nx.sigma, G, 1, 2, seed=seed)47 t(, G, 1, 2, seed=seed)48 # print("out of")49 t(nx.double_edge_swap, G, seed=seed)50 # print("starting connected_double_edge_swap")51 t(nx.connected_double_edge_swap, nx.complete_graph(9), seed=seed)52 # print("ending connected_double_edge_swap")53 t(nx.random_layout, G, seed=seed)54 t(nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout, G, seed=seed)55 t(nx.algebraic_connectivity, G, seed=seed)56 t(nx.fiedler_vector, G, seed=seed)57 t(nx.spectral_ordering, G, seed=seed)58 # print('starting average_clustering')59 t(approx.average_clustering, G, seed=seed)60 t(nx.betweenness_centrality, G, seed=seed)61 t(nx.edge_betweenness_centrality, G, seed=seed)62 t(nx.edge_betweenness, G, seed=seed)63 t(nx.approximate_current_flow_betweenness_centrality, G, seed=seed)64 # print("kernighan")65 t(, G, seed=seed)66 #, seed=seed)67 t(nx.algorithms.tree.greedy_branching, G, seed=seed)68 t(nx.algorithms.tree.Edmonds, G, seed=seed)69 # print('done with graph argument functions')70 t(nx.spectral_graph_forge, G, alpha, seed=seed)71 t(, G, k, max_iter=1, seed=seed)72 t(73 nx.algorithms.connectivity.edge_augmentation.greedy_k_edge_augmentation,74 G,75 k,76 seed=seed,77 )78 t(nx.algorithms.coloring.strategy_random_sequential, G, colors, seed=seed)79 cs = ["d", "i", "i", "d", "d", "i"]80 t(threshold.swap_d, cs, seed=seed)81 t(nx.configuration_model, deg_sequence, seed=seed)82 t(83 nx.directed_configuration_model,84 in_degree_sequence,85 in_degree_sequence,86 seed=seed,87 )88 t(nx.expected_degree_graph, w, seed=seed)89 t(nx.random_degree_sequence_graph, sequence, seed=seed)90 joint_degrees = {91 1: {4: 1},92 2: {2: 2, 3: 2, 4: 2},93 3: {2: 2, 4: 1},94 4: {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 1},95 }96 t(nx.joint_degree_graph, joint_degrees, seed=seed)97 joint_degree_sequence = [98 (1, 0),99 (1, 0),100 (1, 0),101 (2, 0),102 (1, 0),103 (2, 1),104 (0, 1),105 (0, 1),106 ]107 t(nx.random_clustered_graph, joint_degree_sequence, seed=seed)108 constructor = [(3, 3, 0.5), (10, 10, 0.7)]109 t(nx.random_shell_graph, constructor, seed=seed)110 mapping = {1: 0.4, 2: 0.3, 3: 0.3}111 t(nx.utils.random_weighted_sample, mapping, k, seed=seed)112 t(nx.utils.weighted_choice, mapping, seed=seed)113 t(nx.algorithms.bipartite.configuration_model, aseq, bseq, seed=seed)114 t(nx.algorithms.bipartite.preferential_attachment_graph, aseq, p, seed=seed)115 def kernel_integral(u, w, z):116 return z - w117 t(nx.random_kernel_graph, n, kernel_integral, seed=seed)118 sizes = [75, 75, 300]119 probs = [[0.25, 0.05, 0.02], [0.05, 0.35, 0.07], [0.02, 0.07, 0.40]]120 t(nx.stochastic_block_model, sizes, probs, seed=seed)121 t(nx.random_partition_graph, sizes, p_in, p_out, seed=seed)122 # print("starting generator functions")123 t(threshold.random_threshold_sequence, n, p, seed=seed)124 t(nx.tournament.random_tournament, n, seed=seed)125 t(nx.relaxed_caveman_graph, l, k, p, seed=seed)126 t(nx.planted_partition_graph, l, k, p_in, p_out, seed=seed)127 t(nx.gaussian_random_partition_graph, n, s, v, p_in, p_out, seed=seed)128 t(nx.gn_graph, n, seed=seed)129 t(nx.gnr_graph, n, p, seed=seed)130 t(nx.gnc_graph, n, seed=seed)131 t(nx.scale_free_graph, n, seed=seed)132 t(nx.directed.random_uniform_k_out_graph, n, k, seed=seed)133 t(nx.random_k_out_graph, n, k, alpha, seed=seed)134 N = 1000135 t(nx.partial_duplication_graph, N, n, p, q, seed=seed)136 t(nx.duplication_divergence_graph, n, p, seed=seed)137 t(nx.random_geometric_graph, n, radius, seed=seed)138 t(nx.soft_random_geometric_graph, n, radius, seed=seed)139 t(nx.geographical_threshold_graph, n, theta, seed=seed)140 t(nx.waxman_graph, n, seed=seed)141 t(nx.navigable_small_world_graph, n, seed=seed)142 t(nx.thresholded_random_geometric_graph, n, radius, theta, seed=seed)143 t(nx.uniform_random_intersection_graph, n, m, p, seed=seed)144 t(nx.k_random_intersection_graph, n, m, k, seed=seed)145 t(nx.general_random_intersection_graph, n, 2, [0.1, 0.5], seed=seed)146 t(nx.fast_gnp_random_graph, n, p, seed=seed)147 t(nx.gnp_random_graph, n, p, seed=seed)148 t(nx.dense_gnm_random_graph, n, m, seed=seed)149 t(nx.gnm_random_graph, n, m, seed=seed)150 t(nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph, n, k, p, seed=seed)151 t(nx.watts_strogatz_graph, n, k, p, seed=seed)152 t(nx.connected_watts_strogatz_graph, n, k, p, seed=seed)153 t(nx.random_regular_graph, 3, n, seed=seed)154 t(nx.barabasi_albert_graph, n, m, seed=seed)155 t(nx.extended_barabasi_albert_graph, n, m, p, q, seed=seed)156 t(nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph, n, m, p, seed=seed)157 t(nx.random_lobster, n, p1, p2, seed=seed)158 t(nx.random_powerlaw_tree, n, seed=seed, tries=5000)159 t(nx.random_powerlaw_tree_sequence, 10, seed=seed, tries=5000)160 t(nx.random_tree, n, seed=seed)161 t(nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence, n, seed=seed)162 t(nx.utils.zipf_rv, 2.3, seed=seed)163 cdist = [0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0]164 t(nx.utils.discrete_sequence, n, cdistribution=cdist, seed=seed)165 t(nx.algorithms.bipartite.random_graph, n, m, p, seed=seed)166 t(nx.algorithms.bipartite.gnmk_random_graph, n, m, k, seed=seed)167 LFR = nx.generators.LFR_benchmark_graph168 t(169 LFR,170 25,171 3,172 1.5,173 0.1,174 average_degree=3,175 min_community=10,176 seed=seed,177 max_community=20,178 )179 t(nx.random_internet_as_graph, n, seed=seed)180 # print("done")181# choose to test an integer seed, or whether a single RNG can be everywhere182# np_rng = np.random.RandomState(14)183# seed = np_rng184# seed = 14185@pytest.mark.slow186# print("NetworkX Version:", nx.__version__)187def test_rng_interface():188 global progress189 # try different kinds of seeds190 for seed in [14, np.random.RandomState(14)]:191 np.random.seed(42)192 random.seed(42)193 run_all_random_functions(seed)194 progress = 0195 # check that both global RNGs are unaffected196 after_np_rv = np.random.rand()197 # if np_rv != after_np_rv:198 # print(np_rv, after_np_rv, "don't match np!")199 assert np_rv == after_np_rv200 after_py_rv = random.random()201 # if py_rv != after_py_rv:202 # print(py_rv, after_py_rv, "don't match py!")203 assert py_rv == after_py_rv204# print("\nDone testing seed:", seed)...

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1from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_allclose, assert_raises2import numpy as np3from import camera4from skimage.util import random_noise, img_as_float5def test_set_seed():6 seed = 427 cam = camera()8 test = random_noise(cam, seed=seed)9 assert_array_equal(test, random_noise(cam, seed=seed))10def test_salt():11 seed = 4212 cam = img_as_float(camera())13 cam_noisy = random_noise(cam, seed=seed, mode='salt', amount=0.15)14 saltmask = cam != cam_noisy15 # Ensure all changes are to 1.016 assert_allclose(cam_noisy[saltmask], np.ones(saltmask.sum()))17 # Ensure approximately correct amount of noise was added18 proportion = float(saltmask.sum()) /​ (cam.shape[0] * cam.shape[1])19 assert 0.11 < proportion <= 0.1520def test_pepper():21 seed = 4222 cam = img_as_float(camera())23 data_signed = cam * 2. - 1. # Same image, on range [-1, 1]24 cam_noisy = random_noise(cam, seed=seed, mode='pepper', amount=0.15)25 peppermask = cam != cam_noisy26 # Ensure all changes are to 1.027 assert_allclose(cam_noisy[peppermask], np.zeros(peppermask.sum()))28 # Ensure approximately correct amount of noise was added29 proportion = float(peppermask.sum()) /​ (cam.shape[0] * cam.shape[1])30 assert 0.11 < proportion <= 0.1531 # Check to make sure pepper gets added properly to signed images32 orig_zeros = (data_signed == -1).sum()33 cam_noisy_signed = random_noise(data_signed, seed=seed, mode='pepper',34 amount=.15)35 proportion = (float((cam_noisy_signed == -1).sum() - orig_zeros) /​36 (cam.shape[0] * cam.shape[1]))37 assert 0.11 < proportion <= 0.1538def test_salt_and_pepper():39 seed = 4240 cam = img_as_float(camera())41 cam_noisy = random_noise(cam, seed=seed, mode='s&p', amount=0.15,42 salt_vs_pepper=0.25)43 saltmask = np.logical_and(cam != cam_noisy, cam_noisy == 1.)44 peppermask = np.logical_and(cam != cam_noisy, cam_noisy == 0.)45 # Ensure all changes are to 0. or 1.46 assert_allclose(cam_noisy[saltmask], np.ones(saltmask.sum()))47 assert_allclose(cam_noisy[peppermask], np.zeros(peppermask.sum()))48 # Ensure approximately correct amount of noise was added49 proportion = float(50 saltmask.sum() + peppermask.sum()) /​ (cam.shape[0] * cam.shape[1])51 assert 0.11 < proportion <= 0.1852 # Verify the relative amount of salt vs. pepper is close to expected53 assert 0.18 < saltmask.sum() /​ float(peppermask.sum()) < 0.3254def test_gaussian():55 seed = 4256 data = np.zeros((128, 128)) + 0.557 data_gaussian = random_noise(data, seed=seed, var=0.01)58 assert 0.008 < data_gaussian.var() < 0.01259 data_gaussian = random_noise(data, seed=seed, mean=0.3, var=0.015)60 assert 0.28 < data_gaussian.mean() - 0.5 < 0.3261 assert 0.012 < data_gaussian.var() < 0.01862def test_localvar():63 seed = 4264 data = np.zeros((128, 128)) + 0.565 local_vars = np.zeros((128, 128)) + 0.00166 local_vars[:64, 64:] = 0.167 local_vars[64:, :64] = 0.2568 local_vars[64:, 64:] = 0.4569 data_gaussian = random_noise(data, mode='localvar', seed=seed,70 local_vars=local_vars, clip=False)71 assert 0. < data_gaussian[:64, :64].var() < 0.00272 assert 0.095 < data_gaussian[:64, 64:].var() < 0.10573 assert 0.245 < data_gaussian[64:, :64].var() < 0.25574 assert 0.445 < data_gaussian[64:, 64:].var() < 0.45575 # Ensure local variance bounds checking works properly76 bad_local_vars = np.zeros_like(data)77 assert_raises(ValueError, random_noise, data, mode='localvar', seed=seed,78 local_vars=bad_local_vars)79 bad_local_vars += 0.180 bad_local_vars[0, 0] = -181 assert_raises(ValueError, random_noise, data, mode='localvar', seed=seed,82 local_vars=bad_local_vars)83def test_speckle():84 seed = 4285 data = np.zeros((128, 128)) + 0.186 np.random.seed(seed=seed)87 noise = np.random.normal(0.1, 0.02 ** 0.5, (128, 128))88 expected = np.clip(data + data * noise, 0, 1)89 data_speckle = random_noise(data, mode='speckle', seed=seed, mean=0.1,90 var=0.02)91 assert_allclose(expected, data_speckle)92def test_poisson():93 seed = 4294 data = camera() # 512x512 grayscale uint895 cam_noisy = random_noise(data, mode='poisson', seed=seed)96 cam_noisy2 = random_noise(data, mode='poisson', seed=seed, clip=False)97 np.random.seed(seed=seed)98 expected = np.random.poisson(img_as_float(data) * 256) /​ 256.99 assert_allclose(cam_noisy, np.clip(expected, 0., 1.))100 assert_allclose(cam_noisy2, expected)101def test_clip_poisson():102 seed = 42103 data = camera() # 512x512 grayscale uint8104 data_signed = img_as_float(data) * 2. - 1. # Same image, on range [-1, 1]105 # Signed and unsigned, clipped106 cam_poisson = random_noise(data, mode='poisson', seed=seed, clip=True)107 cam_poisson2 = random_noise(data_signed, mode='poisson', seed=seed,108 clip=True)109 assert (cam_poisson.max() == 1.) and (cam_poisson.min() == 0.)110 assert (cam_poisson2.max() == 1.) and (cam_poisson2.min() == -1.)111 # Signed and unsigned, unclipped...

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