How to use get_contexts method in robotframework-appiumlibrary

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...11def usingCustomLoader(test):12 """13 Skips test if not using a network.14 """15 if XDPCase.get_contexts().get_local_main().xdp_mode is None:16 return unittest.skip("Custom loader skipped when not using network.")17 return test18class SendResult:19 def __init__(self, captured_local: List[Packet],20 captured_remote: List[List[Packet]]):21 self.captured_local = captured_local22 self.captured_remote = captured_remote23def _prog_test_run(fd, pkt):24 lib = ctypes.CDLL("", use_errno=True)25 lib.bpf_prog_test_run.argtype = [26 ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int,27 ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32,28 ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32,29 ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_uint32,30 ]31 lib.bpf_prog_test_run.restype = ctypes.c_int32 """33 LIBBPF_API int bpf_prog_test_run(34 int prog_fd, int repeat,35 void *data, __u32 size,36 void *data_out, __u32 *size_out,37 __u32 *retval, __u32 *duration38 );39 """40 # Maximum size of ether frame size is 1522B.41 out_size = ctypes.c_int(2048)42 out = ctypes.create_string_buffer(out_size.value)43 ret = ctypes.c_int()44 dur = ctypes.c_int()45 pkt = bytes(pkt)46 res = lib.bpf_prog_test_run(47 fd, 1,48 pkt, len(pkt),49 ctypes.byref(out), ctypes.byref(out_size),50 ctypes.byref(ret), ctypes.byref(dur)51 )52 if res != 0:53 raise RuntimeError("bpf_prog_test_run failed, returned", res,54 "because", errno.errorcode[ctypes.get_errno()])55 out = bytes(out[:out_size.value])56 pkt_out = Ether(out)57 return (ret.value, pkt_out)58def _describe_packet(packet):59 if hasattr(packet, "summary"):60 return f"{packet.summary()} ({bytes(packet)})"61 return f"{bytes(packet)}"62def _describe_packet_container(container):63 if len(container) == 0:64 return "[]"65 if len(container) <= 5:66 descriptions = []67 for i in container:68 descriptions.append(_describe_packet(i))69 return "[\n\t" + ",\n\t".join(descriptions) + "\n]"70 return str(container)71class XDPCase(unittest.TestCase):72 @classmethod73 def set_context(cls, ctxs: context.ContextClientList):74 """Set ContextClientList to be used for testing."""75 cls.contexts = ctxs76 @classmethod77 def get_contexts(cls) -> context.ContextClientList:78 """79 Return ContextClientList,80 containing contexts of testing interfaces.81 """82 return cls.contexts83 @classmethod84 def load_bpf(cls, *args, **kwargs):85 """Set a BPF program to be used for testing."""86 pass87 def attach_xdp(self, section: bytes):88 """89 Set a function to be used for testing.90 Requires load_bpf to be called first.91 """92 raise NotImplementedError93 def send_packets(self, packets: Iterable[Packet]) -> SendResult:94 """Process packets by selected XDP function."""95 raise NotImplementedError96 @classmethod97 def prepare_class(cls):98 """Initialize the static members of XDPCase."""99 pass100 def assertPacketIn(self,101 packet: Packet,102 container: Iterable[Packet]):103 """Check that packet is in container."""104 for i in container:105 if bytes(packet) == bytes(i):106 return107"Packet {_describe_packet(packet)} "108 f"unexpectedly not found in "109 f"{_describe_packet_container(container)}.")110 def assertPacketsIn(self,111 packets: Iterable[Packet],112 container: Iterable[Packet]):113 """Check that every packet from packets is in container."""114 container = list(map(bytes, container))115 for i in packets:116 self.assertPacketIn(i, container)117 container.remove(bytes(i))118 def assertPacketNotIn(self,119 packet: Packet,120 container: Iterable[Packet]):121 """Check that packet is not in container."""122 for i in container:123 if bytes(packet) == bytes(i):124"Packet {_describe_packet(packet)} "125 f"unexpectedly found in "126 f"{_describe_packet_container(container)}.")127 def assertPacketsNotIn(self,128 packets: Iterable[Packet],129 container: Iterable[Packet]):130 """Check that no packet from packets is in container."""131 for i in packets:132 self.assertPacketNotIn(i, container)133 def assertPacketContainerEmpty(self, container: Iterable[Packet]):134 """Check that the container is empty."""135 if len(container) == 0:136 return137"Packet {_describe_packet(container[0])} "138 f"found in list expected to be empty.")139 @classmethod140 def generate_default_packets(141 cls,142 src_port: int = 50000, dst_port: int = 50000,143 src_inet: Optional[str] = None, dst_inet: Optional[str] = None,144 src_ether: Optional[str] = None, dst_ether: Optional[str] = None,145 layer_4: str = "udp",146 amount: int = 5,147 use_inet6: bool = False,148 ) -> List[Packet]:149 """Generate a list of predefined UDP packets using context."""150 dst_ctx = cls.get_contexts().get_local_main()151 src_ctx = cls.get_contexts().get_remote_main()152 if use_inet6:153 assert(src_inet or src_ctx.inet6 is not None)154 assert(dst_inet or dst_ctx.inet6 is not None)155 ip_layer = IPv6(src=src_inet if src_inet else src_ctx.inet6,156 dst=dst_inet if dst_inet else dst_ctx.inet6)157 else:158 ip_layer = IP(src=src_inet if src_inet else src_ctx.inet,159 dst=dst_inet if dst_inet else dst_ctx.inet)160 if layer_4 == "udp":161 transport_layer = UDP(sport=src_port, dport=dst_port)162 elif layer_4 == "tcp":163 transport_layer = TCP(sport=src_port, dport=dst_port)164 else:165 assert(False)166 to_send = [167 Ether(src=src_ether if src_ether else src_ctx.ether,168 dst=dst_ether if dst_ether else dst_ctx.ether) /​169 ip_layer /​170 transport_layer /​171 Raw(f"This is message number {i}.") for i in range(amount)172 ]173 return [Ether( for p in to_send]174class XDPCaseBPTR(XDPCase):175 @classmethod176 def setUpClass(cls):177 cls.__fd = None178 cls.__prog = None179 @classmethod180 def prepare_class(cls):181 cls.probe_counter = BPF(182 src_file=os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/​bptr_probe_counter.c"183 )184 # Using kprobes since tracepoints do not get activated with bptr.185 cls.probe_counter.attach_kprobe(event=b"bpf_xdp_redirect_map",186 fn_name=b"bpf_xdp_redirect_map")187 cls.probe_counter.attach_kprobe(event=b"bpf_xdp_redirect",188 fn_name=b"bpf_xdp_redirect")189 @classmethod190 def load_bpf(cls, *args, **kwargs):191 cls.__prog = BPF(*args, **kwargs)192 return cls.__prog193 def attach_xdp(self, section):194 if self.__prog is None:195 "A BPF program needs to be loaded before attaching function."197 )198 self.__fd = self.__prog.load_func(section.encode(), BPF.XDP).fd199 def send_packets(self, packets):200 passed = []201 redirected = [[] for i in range(self.get_contexts().server_count())]202 if self.__fd is None:203 "Sending packets without attaching an XDP program."205 )206 for i in packets:207 (ret_val, pkt) = _prog_test_run(self.__fd, i)208 if ret_val == BPF.XDP_PASS:209 passed.append(pkt)210 elif ret_val == BPF.XDP_TX:211 redirected[0].append(pkt)212 elif ret_val == BPF.XDP_REDIRECT:213 self.__handle_redirect(pkt, passed, redirected)214 elif ret_val == BPF.XDP_ABORTED:215 pass216 elif ret_val == BPF.XDP_DROP:217 pass218 return SendResult(passed, redirected)219 def __handle_redirect(self, pkt, passed, redirected):220 redirect_activated = self.probe_counter[b"redirect_activated"][0]221 redirect_map_activated = self.probe_counter[b"redirect_map_activated"][0]222 if redirect_activated == redirect_map_activated:223"Unexpectedly, both or neither map "224 "or regular redirect got activated.")225 if redirect_activated:226 redirect_info = self.probe_counter[b"redirect_info"][0]227 ifindex = redirect_info.ifindex228 ifindex = self.get_contexts().iface_index_to_id(ifindex)229 redirected[ifindex].append(pkt)230 elif redirect_map_activated:231 redirect_map_info = self.probe_counter[b"redirect_map_info"][0]232 map_type = utils.BPFMapType(redirect_map_info.map_type)233 if map_type == utils.BPFMapType.BPF_MAP_TYPE_DEVMAP:234 ifindex = redirect_map_info.ifindex235 map_name = redirect_map_info.map_name236 ifindex = self.__prog[map_name][ifindex].value237 ifindex = self.get_contexts().iface_index_to_id(ifindex)238 redirected[ifindex].append(pkt)239 elif map_type == utils.BPFMapType.BPF_MAP_TYPE_CPUMAP:240 passed.append(pkt)241 elif map_type == utils.BPFMapType.BPF_MAP_TYPE_SOCKMAP:242 pass243 elif map_type == utils.BPFMapType.BPF_MAP_TYPE_XSKMAP:244 pass245 else:246"used something else than devmap/​cpumap redirect")247class XDPCaseNetwork(XDPCase):248 @classmethod249 def setUpClass(cls):250 cls.__prog = None251 cls.__pass_prog = BPF(text=b"""252 int pass_all(struct xdp_md *ctx) { return XDP_PASS; }253 """)254 cls.__pass_fn = cls.__pass_prog.load_func(b"pass_all", BPF.XDP)255 main_ctx = cls.get_contexts().get_local_main()256 for i in range(cls.get_contexts().server_count()):257 ctx = cls.get_contexts().get_local(i)258 if ctx == main_ctx or ctx.xdp_mode is None:259 continue260 cls.__pass_prog.attach_xdp(ctx.iface.encode(),261 cls.__pass_fn,262 ctx.xdp_mode)263 return super().setUpClass()264 @classmethod265 def tearDownClass(cls):266 if cls.__prog is None:267 return268 for i in range(cls.get_contexts().server_count()):269 ctx = cls.get_contexts().get_local(i)270 cls.__prog.remove_xdp(ctx.iface.encode())271 @classmethod272 def prepare_class(cls):273 ctx = cls.get_contexts()274 for i in range(ctx.server_count()):275 try:276 conn = cls.__connect(ctx.comms[i], 1000)277 conn.send((utils.ServerCommand.INTRODUCE, ))278 remote = conn.recv()279 # Custom context is prefered.280 # if ctx.remotes[i] is None:281 ctx.remotes[i] = remote282 conn.close()283 except Exception as exception:284 raise RuntimeError("Could not contact server.",285 ctx.comms[i]) from exception286 ctx.get_local(i).fill_missing()287 @classmethod288 def load_bpf(cls, *args, **kwargs):289 cls.__prog = BPF(*args, **kwargs)290 return cls.__prog291 def attach_xdp(self, section):292 if self.__prog is None:293 "A BPF program needs to be loaded before attaching function."295 )296 self.__prog.attach_xdp(297 self.get_contexts().get_local_main().iface.encode(),298 self.__prog.load_func(section.encode(), BPF.XDP),299 self.get_contexts().get_local_main().xdp_mode300 )301 def send_packets(self, packets):302 sniffer = utils.wait_for_async_sniffing(303 iface=self.get_contexts().get_local_main().iface304 )305 conn_list = []306 for comm in self.get_contexts().comms:307 conn_list.append(self.__connect(comm))308 main_conn = conn_list[0]309 for conn in conn_list[1:]:310 conn.send((utils.ServerCommand.WATCH, ))311 main_conn.send((utils.ServerCommand.SEND, packets))312 # Packets are being send here.313 response = main_conn.recv()314 if response != utils.ServerResponse.FINISHED:315 "Unexpected situation while sending packets: " + str(response))317 time.sleep(0.1)318 server_results = []319 for conn in conn_list:320 conn.send(utils.ServerCommand.STOP)...

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...22 self.head_setup = parse_heads_from_composition(self.adapter_setup)23 self._empty = ignore_empty and self.adapter_setup is None and self.head_setup is None24 def __enter__(self):25 if not self._empty:26 AdapterSetup.get_contexts().append(self)27 return self28 def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):29 if not self._empty:30 AdapterSetup.get_contexts().pop()31 @classmethod32 def get_contexts(cls):33 if not hasattr(, "contexts"):34 = []35 return @classmethod37 def get_context(cls):38 try:39 return cls.get_contexts()[-1]40 except IndexError:41 return None42 @classmethod43 def get_context_head_setup(cls):44 context = cls.get_context()45 if context:46 return context.head_setup47 return None48class ForwardContext:49 """50 Holds context information during a forward pass through a model. This class should be used via the51 ``ForwardContext.wrap()`` method.52 Note that the context is thread-local.53 """54 # thread-local storage that holds a stack of active contexts55 storage = threading.local()56 def __init__(self, model, *args, **kwargs):57 # If the model has a method ``forward_context()``, use it to create the context.58 if hasattr(model, "forward_context"):59 model.forward_context(self, *args, **kwargs)60 def __enter__(self):61 ForwardContext.get_contexts().append(self)62 return self63 def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):64 ForwardContext.get_contexts().pop()65 @classmethod66 def wrap(cls, f):67 """68 Decorator method that wraps a ``forward()`` function of a model class.69 """70 @functools.wraps(f)71 def wrapper_func(self, *args, **kwargs):72 if self.config.adapters is not None:73 with cls(self, *args, **kwargs):74 results = f(self, *args, **kwargs)75 return results76 else:77 return f(self, *args, **kwargs)78 return wrapper_func79 @classmethod80 def get_contexts(cls):81 if not hasattr(, "contexts"):82 = []83 return @classmethod85 def get_context(cls):86 try:87 return cls.get_contexts()[-1]88 except IndexError:...

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