How to use stop_testserver method in robotframework-androidlibrary

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...289 for node in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("action"):290 if node.getAttribute("android:name") == "android.intent.action.MAIN":291 return package, node.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("android:name")292 return package, None293 def stop_testserver(self):294 '''295 Halts a previously started Android Emulator.296 '''297 assert self._testserver_proc is not None, 'Tried to stop a previously started test server, but it was not started.'298 response = self._request("get", urljoin(self._url, 'kill'))299 assert response.status_code == 200, "InstrumentationBackend sent status %d, expected 200" % response.status_code300 assert response.text == 'Affirmative!', "InstrumentationBackend replied '%s', expected 'Affirmative'" % response.text301 def connect_to_testserver(self):302 '''303 Connect to the previously started test server inside the Android304 Application. Performs a handshake.305 '''306 response = self._request("get", urljoin(self._url, 'ping'))307 assert response.status_code == 200, "InstrumentationBackend sent status %d, expected 200" % response.status_code...

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...43 self.sturdyness_test()44 self.selftest()45 finally:46 print ansi_green('> STOPPING TESTSERVER')47 self.stop_testserver()48 def selftest(self):49 with browser:50 self.testserverctl('zodb_setup')51 with browser.expect_unauthorized():52 browser.fill({'Benutzername': SITE_OWNER_NAME,54 'Passwort': SITE_OWNER_PASSWORD}).submit()55 browser.replace_request_header('Accept', 'application/​json')56 browser.replace_request_header('Content-Type', 'application/​json')57 search_url = (58 self.plone_url59 + '@solrsearch?fq=path_parent:\\/​ordnungssystem\\/​rechnungspruefungskommission&fl=path,UID'60 )61 self.assertEqual(63 {u'/​plone/​ordnungssystem/​rechnungspruefungskommission': u'createrepositorytree000000000004'},64 {item['path']: item['UID'] for item in browser.json['items']})65 data = {'@type': 'opengever.dossier.businesscasedossier',66 'title': u'Gesch\xe4ftsdossier',67 'responsible': 'kathi.barfuss'}68 + 'ordnungssystem/​rechnungspruefungskommission',69 method='POST',70 data=json.dumps(data))71 dossier_url = browser.json['@id']72 self.assertDictContainsSubset(74 {u'title': u'Gesch\xe4ftsdossier',75 u'modified': u'2018-11-22T14:29:33+00:00',76 u'UID': u'testserversession000000000000001',77 u'email': u''},78 browser.json)79 # Make sure the dossier is not yet in the ist of favorites80 favorites_url = self.plone_url + '/​@favorites/​' + SITE_OWNER_NAME81 dossier_oguid = browser.json['oguid']82 self.assertNotIn(dossier_oguid, [favorite['oguid'] for favorite in browser.json],84 'The fixture has changed and the dossier is now a favorite by default. '85 'The test needs to be changed.')86 # Add the dossier to the list of favorites and verify that it is there.87, method='POST', data=json.dumps({'oguid': dossier_oguid}))88 self.assertIn(dossier_oguid, [favorite['oguid'] for favorite in browser.json],90 'Marking the dossier seems to not have worked - the test case does not work.')91 self.assertEqual(93 {u'/​plone/​ordnungssystem/​rechnungspruefungskommission': u'createrepositorytree000000000004',94 u'/​plone/​ordnungssystem/​rechnungspruefungskommission/​dossier-21': u'testserversession000000000000001'},95 {item['path']: item['UID'] for item in browser.json['items']})96 self.testserverctl('zodb_teardown')97 self.testserverctl('zodb_setup')98 with browser.expect_http_error(404):99 self.assertEqual(102 {u'/​plone/​ordnungssystem/​rechnungspruefungskommission': u'createrepositorytree000000000004'},103 {item['path']: item['UID'] for item in browser.json['items']})104 # Make sure the bumblebee checksum is available:105 + '@solrsearch?fq=id:document-1&fl=id,bumblebee_checksum')106 self.assertEqual(107 [{'bumblebee_checksum': '9fb7bce1d9bc0eb51d26ea7018ad41f542851ed75cb21e33e04b65a7f9757028',108 'id': 'document-1',109 'UID': u'createtemplates00000000000000002'}],110 browser.json['items'])111 # Make sure that the SQL isolation works by checking whether the favorite we added112 # before teardown/​setup is properly removed.113 self.assertNotIn(dossier_oguid, [favorite['oguid'] for favorite in browser.json],115 'SQL isolation does not work properly.')116 self.testserverctl('zodb_teardown')117 def sturdyness_test(self):118 """This test makes sure that the testserver is sturdy enough, meaning that we can119 make requests while doing isolation without breaking it.120 """121 controller_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.xmlrpc_url)122 def isolate():123 controller_proxy.isolate()124 isolation_thread = threading.Thread(target=isolate)125 # What we are doing here is basically trigger isolaten and then make126 # an @config request before isolation has finished. This usually127 # causes a "KeyError: 'test-stack-4'" and then breaks the DB connection.128 # It usually breaks on each attempt, altough this depends on the machine load.129 with browser:130 browser.replace_request_header('Accept', 'application/​json')131 browser.replace_request_header('Content-Type', 'application/​json')132 isolation_thread.start()133 + '@config')134 isolation_thread.join()135 controller_proxy.zodb_teardown()136 def testserverctl(self, *args):137 args = ['bin/​testserverctl'] + list(args)138 print ansi_blue('>', *args)139 subprocess.check_call(args)140 def start_testserver(self):141 """Start the testserver in a subprocess controlled by a separate thread.142 """143 args = ['bin/​testserver', '-v']144 print ansi_blue('>', *args)145 self.testserver_process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)146 def run_and_observe_process():147 while True:148 rc = self.testserver_process.poll()149 if rc is not None:150 return rc151 line = self.testserver_process.stdout.readline()152 sys.stdout.write(line)153 if not self.plone_url and line.startswith('ZSERVER: '):154 self.plone_url = '{}/​plone/​'.format(line[len('ZSERVER: '):].strip())155 if not self.xmlrpc_url and line.startswith('XMLRPC: '):156 self.xmlrpc_url = line[len('XMLRPC: '):].strip()157 os.environ['TESTSERVER_CTL_PORT'] = str(urlparse(self.xmlrpc_url).port)158 self.testserver_thread = Thread(target=run_and_observe_process)159 self.testserver_thread.start()160 def wait_for_testserver(self):161 """Block until the testserver is ready.162 """163 timeout_seconds = 60 * 5164 interval = 0.1165 steps = timeout_seconds /​ interval166 # Wait for urls to be appear. The urls are set from the thread watching167 # the bin/​testserver subprocess.168 for num in range(int(steps)):169 if self.xmlrpc_url and self.plone_url:170 break171 if num > 300 and num % 300 == 0:172 print ansi_gray('... waiting for testserver to be ready ')173 sleep(interval)174 # A soon as the URLs appear we can setup the XMLRPC proxy.175 self.controller_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(self.xmlrpc_url)176 # Now wait until the server is actually ready.177 for num in range(int(steps)):178 if self.is_controller_server_ready():179 return180 if num > 300 and num % 300 == 0:181 print ansi_gray('... waiting for testserver to be ready ')182 sleep(interval)183 self.stop_testserver()184 raise Exception('Timeout: testserver did not start in {} seconds'.format(timeout_seconds))185 def stop_testserver(self):186 """Kill the testserver process group.187 It should be killed as group since bin/​testserver is a wrapper script,188 creating a subprocess.189 """190 try:191 os.kill(, signal.SIGINT)192 except KeyboardInterrupt:193 pass194 except OSError as exc:195 if exc.strerror != 'No such process':196 raise197 self.testserver_thread.join()198 def is_controller_server_ready(self):199 """Test whether the controller server is available....

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